.Virginia City, Nevada, is my favorite place whole the world, and it's only a 30-minute drive up the mountain from where I live. You remember Peabody, his boy Sherman, and their Waybac Machine? Well, going up to Virginia City is like taking a Waybac Machine trip to the Wild West of the 1870s and 1880s. Back in the day, V.C. was the richest mining town in America.
Today, there are about 14 saloons in V.C. All but two are mostly too touristy for my tastes. The two I really like are local hangouts, The Corner Bar & the Silver Dollar Saloon. Because of the music they play, my favorite is the latter. Although the Silver Dollar Saloon is right on the main street in town (C Street), few tourists are adventurous and courageous enough to descend the foreboding, steep stairs to see what lies below. This keeps the tourists from mingling with the local and semi-local riff-raff, like me. ;^)
Cat & Cole's Virginia City Saloon Grades, Feb. 1992:
.According to those grades from 30 years ago this month, the Silver Dollar Saloon (Grade: Fair) was nothing like it is today. Cat & I were in the right place, but it must have been the wrong time. I wish I could recall what the '92 version looked like, because I LOVE the saloon as it appears today. The Silver Dollar promotes itself this way:
.Before we get down to bidnizz here, lemme take you on a quick photographic tour of the Silver Dollar Saloon. And ask yourself if YOU were a tourist in Virginia City, Nevada, would YOU go down those stairs to find out what was at the bottom? (My "Yes, Soitently!" guesses are: Judge Al Bondigas, G-DogG, Julio Seis-Abeja, Debbie D'Doglady, Birgit, MMQE.)
Going Down?
Female Undergarments Lost & Found.
.Dogs Lost And Found.
Old Codgers Gettin' Liquored-Up At The Silver Dollar.
..Photos Of My Two Favorite Actors On The Wall. What Were The Odds?
."We Do Not Serve Women. You Must Bring Your Own."
"Dogs Welcome. People Tolerated"
.Alright, let's get on it. Let's get on DOWN with our bad selves!...
I've met some cool people in the Silver Dollar Saloon, and as mentioned, they play some really great music in there (sorry -- no modern Pop stars need apply). One day a couple years ago, when I was at the Silver Dollar knockin' back a couple Wild Turkeys, the owner / bartender turned me onto a young Blues Rocker whom I'd never heard of. I was planning to use one or two of his songs in this Battle, but have decided to save him for later. (Methinks this mightn't be the only time we're gonna take a trip to the Silver Dollar Saloon and mayhaps we'll be back in the future.)
So, below are two different oldies but goodies that I have heard cranked "up to eleven" at the Silver Dollar. See which one you think goes best with that imaginary beer or glass of wine you're drinking right now:
RIGHT PLACE, WRONG TIME -- Dr. John (1973)
..PICK UP THE PIECES -- Average White Band (1974)
So, who said those ol' cowboys at the Silver Dollar Saloon ain't got no Funk in 'em?!
After you vote here, please visit the other BOTB Participants and see what stuffs they may be offering up for your funky pleasure. I 'spect to be back here with the Battle Results post on February 8th. Be here, and be wearing "some clothing".
~ Stephen T. McCarthy