Vs. Democrat, Male Vs. Female, War Vs. Peace, Light Vs. Dark, Good
Vs. Evil, Man Vs. Machine, Love Vs. Hate, Dog Vs. Cat, Sun Vs. Moon,
Brain Vs. Brawn, Oscar Vs. Grammy, Angel Vs. Demon, Laurel Vs. Hardy,
Beer Vs. Wine, TV Vs. Radio, Pitcher Vs. Batter, Paper Vs. Plastic,
Reality Vs. Fantasy, Yeshua Vs. Beelzebub, Conservative Vs. Liberal,
You Vs. Me, House Vs. Senate, Offense Vs. Defense, Kramer Vs. Kramer,
Spy Vs. Spy, Fischer Vs. Spassky, W.C. Fields Vs. Sobriety, Harold
Gimpy, Jr. Vs. Sheldon J. Pismire, Rock Vs. Paper Vs. Scissors, Islam
Vs. Everything, Singer Vs. Singer, Band Vs. Band...
it’s time once again for ‘Battle Of The Bands’
let’s get on it...
![]() |
Since I am only about 10 days away from escaping Phoenix, Airheadzona, and moving to Reno, Nevada - where I have wanted to live for decades - I decided to use this song today in celebration of my new life starting over, away from the hell of my home life and hellish job here in Airheadzona. So this famous Gospel song I dedicate to... ME!
[NOTE: In the second week of March I am moving out-of-state. There is a strong possibility I won't have Internet service in time for the March 15th 'Battle Of The Bands'. Even if I don't, please don't give up on me and forget me. My friends, I WILL be back to 'BOTBing' (and visiting your blogs) just as soon as I possibly can.]
'OH, HAPPY DAY' by The Edwin Hawkins Singers went to #4 on the Billboard Top 40 music chart in 1969 and won the Grammy Award for 'Best Soul Gospel Performance'. Back then it seemed like there was far greater diversity found on Top 40 radio. You could find a Gospel song like this played back-to-back with some psychedelic Rock song or even a Country-tinged Pop song or a Blues song by, say, B.B. King.
Ahh, the Good Old Days when you could turn your transistor radio on to KHJ (or any Top 40 station in your area) and find such a great mix of different sounds. But don't forget that Vin Scully will be doing the Dodgers play-by-play beginning at 5:30!
OK, let's hear the 1970 version by "The Rhinestone Cowboy". (Ha!-Ha! You think this Battle is already over, don't you? Not so fast, not so fast! You may be in for a little surprise.) Unbeknownst to most people, and his problems with alcohol notwithstanding, Glen Campbell is a true believer in The Lord Jesus Christ and he recorded a good number of Gospel songs over the course of his long career. And, yes, he also recorded a version of 'Oh, Happy Day'. Let's hear it Doggs & Doggettes...
now, “you know the gig”... I welcome EVERYONE
to vote for their favorite of these songs in the comment section
below. And feel free to tell us WHY
you chose one song over the other.'OH, HAPPY DAY' - GLEN CAMPBELL
After voting here, I suggest - actually I insist - you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there also. (If their ‘BOTB’ blog bits aren’t posted yet, pour yourself two shots of ‘Grand Marnier’ over ice – do it twice – and then return to their blogs to
Voice Your Vote @ ‘FAR AWAY SERIES’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘YOUR DAILY DOSE’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'BOOK LOVER' by clicking HERE.
@ 'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'THIS BELLE ROCKS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'ALEX CAVANAUGH' (when BOTB falls on a Mon., Wed., or Fri.) by clicking HERE.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
I've liked this song ever since I first heard the Edwin Hawkins Singers first start getting radio play with it. I've even got a "Best of" CD by the group.
ReplyDeleteI don't recall having ever heard the Campbell version. It's very nice. I've been a long time fan of Campbell. I used to faithfully watch his TV show on Sunday nights after Ed Sullivan during the summer when he filled in for The Smothers Brothers. Count me as a fan of Glen. I like his version of "Oh Happy Day".
But I still prefer the version by Edwin Hawkins Singers. Everything about their version is more solid with more depth and more feeling. There is something of a quiet steady power of the piano and drums in the background and the soulful quality of the choir in the call and response. It's really a great recording.
So, my vote is for the Edwin Hawkins Singers with a lot of respect going to Glen Campbell as well.
I wish you well with your move up north. Hope you get internet pretty quickly and make it for the next Battle.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
DeleteYeah, it's a great song. Both versions here are really wonderful. The Statler Bros did a version too, but not so wonderfully, in my opinion.
Those of us who openly admit that we remember The Glen Campbell Goodtime Hour are certainly telling the world that our hair (if we still have some) contains 50 shades of grey.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Good luck with the move, McDogg!
ReplyDeleteThis was an interesting pair-while neither would be something I'd spin on my own, I think I would have preferred GC's version if it were sparser-the background vocals kind of distracted me. Not a bad recording, but that made the difference for me.
On the Hawkins' version, since the additional voices were not really background, they were part of the show, it kind of felt like an event-more fun to listen to. I even found my foot tapping in time.
So put me down for the Edwin Hawkins Singers.
DeleteYeah, I know what you mean about the background singers being background singers in the GC version, but being more of a significant aspect of the song in the original recording. That doesn't necessarily make the first recording better, but it is a difference between the two.
The instrumentation between the two also separates them, even though they are both done in a similar time.
Funny, my toe doesn't tap in time (although I can easily see why it might), but one listen to either of these recordings and the song is stuck in my head for hours or days. (I've been humming and singing it for a few days already.)
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Oh, I loved this song when it came out, and I still do. My vote is definitely for the Edwin Hawkins Singers!! Much more "ummph" to it, if that makes sense....much more "happiness" in the voices and timing. (I'm with Arlee about Glen Campbell, too, but he comes in 2nd on this one...by a lot!) P.S. I'm SO happy you are moving and I hope you will be much happier in Reno. I know you've been miserable in Airheadzona!! :D
ReplyDeleteBECKY-O! ~
DeleteWhat a surprise to find you at my li'l, ol' blog!
Oh, c'mon now, I know you're not old enough to remember this song from "when it came out". I mean, if you did, that would make you... old... like me.
Yep, I have hated Phoenix for the last 19 or so years, but these last 3 have been particularly miserable. I can hardly wait for my release from phriggin' Phoenix - the big prison that it is.
Thanks so much for your vote, my friend.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I'm glad my visit was a surprise! And I can understand why, since I haven't been blogging much at all for quite some time....And YES, I loved that song when it came out.....and yes, you know exactly how old I am, dear Stephen T.... :)
DeleteI actually pick Glen Campbell because he seemed to place meaning behind the words rather than typical spiritual hymn one always hears. He was so good looking but the alcohol addiction just did him in..in all ways
ReplyDeleteBIRGIT ~
DeleteAhhh... a vote for the underdog! No shutout for me again. I can now breathe easier.
And you're right, there is no lack of sincerity in Glen's voice as he sings this. He does indeed sound like he's HAPPY.
Thanks for your continued support of BOTB. (Pssst... When are you going to become a BOTBer and not just a voter? Just askin'.)
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I don't know if my comment went to moderation or Google ate it when it demanded I identify myself, but...
ReplyDeleteGlen does a great job, but for this song, it requires a treatment like Edwin Hawkins gives it. He gets my vote this round.
My battle is here: http://goo.gl/DfLqIv
DeleteSome weeks back I discontinued the use of 'Moderation' on this blog. Meaning... I'm now drinking like a fish.
Oh, NO, WAIT! That's not the sort of "Moderation" I had in mind.
Now, all the comments post automatically. But I'm not sure what you meant by "when it demanded I identify myself". I have it set up so that even anonymous people can post comments. So I hope the system wasn't literally forcing you to have a Google account and use a name in conjunction with your comment (even if only a pseudonym).
Thanks for the vote. I'm working my way around and will definitely submit a vote on your Battle sooner than later.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I have to "prove you are not a robot" each time I comment (on all your blogs) by entering a captcha word. I assume it is because I use a VPN and Google thinks I'm trying to post "earn $6700 in one week doing nothing! It worked for me!" And I've lost comments dealing with it, too.
DeleteSBB-6 ~
DeleteI don't know how I missed this comment earlier, but I found it while in the process of counting up the votes. (I'm supposed to receive an Email whenever a new comment posts on THIS blog, but I'm pretty sure I didn't receive one for this comment. That figures, Just another glitch in the cluster f##k. Blogspot is terribly buggy. That's probably why they don't charge for it.)
Sorry about that "Prove You Are Not A Robot" Captcha thing. I have Captcha turned OFF on all of my 3 blogs, and I recently double checked this one because Nappy is getting the same thing when he tries to comment from his Nook. He showed it to me, I saw it, so I know you're telling the truth.
I went and re-declined the Captcha option but it doesn't make any difference. I guess it's a "hand-held electronic device" thang that I can't override from my Blogspot Dashboard. I know it's annoying.
Are you able to "Copy" your comments on your device before clicking "Publish"? If so, you ought to get in the habit of doing that everytime.
I got so sick of my comments being eaten and having to rewrite them that I started copying them (as if I were going to paste them somewhere else) before clicking Publish. Then, if it got eaten, it was a simple matter of pasting it into a new comment window and trying again. That habit has saved me a great deal of aggravation over the last few years.
So, guess what! Blogspot stopped eating my comments and I've not had to re-paste a comment in a comment window for a couple years.
Now, just yesterday, I wrote a comment on someone's blog, and for the first time in a couple years, I didn't bother to copy it before clicking Publish. And guess what happened!
Yep. First time in probably two years that I didn't copy the comment first and Blogspot ate it. Fortunately it was a fairly short comment and not one of my tomes, so I was able to recreate it in just a few minutes. But, boy, was that ever a wake-up call!
Don't tell me the devil isn't watching and looking for EVERY opportunity to mess with us.
~ D-FensDogg
I haven't listened to the Rhine Stone Cowboy in years. I loved him. He did good on this song, has a beautiful gospel voice.
ReplyDeleteBut I really loved loved the Hawkins version. Like listening to a church choir (don't ask the last time I stepped inside a church though).
How exciting to get to move, and to somewhere you want to go. I hope all goes well for you. No one can forget the sexiest, rockin'ist man alive, so I am sure you will not fade into obscurity over one missed post :)
I should have remembered today was Sunday and posted a gospel song. My mind is fuddled with a head cold though.
Enjoy your weekend Mr T.
Psychedelic Urchin, Oh, Donna, Oh-Oh, Donna ~
DeleteYou are so right! As Mahalia would say: The Edwin Hawkins singers got CHURCH!
Thanks for the good wishes regarding my move. Even the sexiest, rockin'est man alive can use some good wishes and good luck. Ha!
According to your wording, it sounds like you've posted a Battle this go-'round. I sincerely hope so and will definitely check to see.
Sorry to hear you caught a cold. Just think of my sexy body and THAT oughta warm you up. (So long as you haven't ever REALLY seen my "sexy" 55-year-old body.)
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Fantasy, Dude. Says it all :)
DeleteThis is a great battle, McBuddy!
ReplyDeleteI had never heard Glen Campbell's version before. Both are inspiring versions of a song that just calms me and fills me with joy whenever I hear it. I like Glen Campbell. I always liked him, although he was never an artist at the top of my list. He is one of those guys that had more pluses than minuses for me... with a few exceptional songs.
But something about his version here really works for me. I think his voice - always excellent - is just right on. So, as you predicted in your setup ("Not so fast, not so fast! You may be in for a little surprise") I was surprised that the EHSingers lose this battle. To MY ears, at least! Fun BOTB this week.
I am pleased at your move, hope it is all YOU hope it to be, and wish I could help you lift and tote heavy items. My concurrent trip the wrong direction makes that impossible, rather than just "a bit unlikely."
DeleteDamn you, man! Lee voted for The Edwin Hawkins Singers, so I knew that was my cue to vote for Glen Campbell. But now that YOU have separated from Lee and voted for Campbell, I don't know WHO to vote for. I'm in a quandary.
Maybe I'll just sit this one out.
Also, you really fooled me. Usually when someone in a BOTB comment section starts out talking about one of the artists, it means there's a "but" or "however" coming, and they're ultimately going to vote for the OTHER artist. You started out yakking about Campbell and then even voted for him.
Also, not in a million years would I have thought you would like Glen Campbell. I would have thought you would think he was too Wonder Bread, too "commercial", or sumpin'.
What's a poor boy to do?
Sit it out?
Yeah, I could use some help toting that barge and lifting that bale. I guess I'll just have to get a little drunk an' hope I don't land in jail.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
~ D-FensDogg,
ReplyDeleteGood choice for a good reason. There's nothing like being in a 'place' where our access to God is enhanced by the sheer peacefulness of silence alone. Where His thoughts become our's, and we are able to recognize them. God speed.
For two years I taught school (3rd-4th grade math skills lab), and on weekends worked at a disco lounge, checking identifications. Yeah, some had problems telling 21 from 17 years of age. The Edwin Hawkins' song was played on Friday and Saturday nights to close down the lounge. The owner claimed it was better to send them out the door singing that song. One thing about it... we never had parking lot fights on those nights. So the song holds a special place in the silence for me.
I suppose Glen Campbell was the first country artist I collected music on. He and Floyd Cramer... but Floyd didn't sing. Glen's voice had often exhibited a quality of, what I felt to be, raw emotion. I sensed something in his tone, even as a young person. This song does have a lot of background that competes, but when I listen closely, I realize he has included a layer of rawness in the instruments. (Gosh - that may make little sense to you or others.) The combo of the bass and sax - double duty on the low end. The piano and lively guitar (maybe acoustic) tops at the high end. It's just pleasing and I guess that's all that matters.
Lovely battle. My vote is for Glen Campbell.
DeleteGreat comment! I loved the personal story you included. (Teaching math at ANY level would be out of the question for me. Since Last Night/This Morning was my last shift at my job and I am now jobless, a co-worker sent me home with a six-pack of beer. I had to ask how many total ounces of beer that was. If THAT alone doesn't tell you how lousy my math skills are, nothing will!)
Great idea to send the drinking dancers home humming, whistling, or singing 'Oh, Happy Day'. That was a really smart bar-owner!
My Pa liked plenty of Country-Western music, and it was via him that I first heard Floyd Cramer, Willie Nelson, and Roger Miller (who often woke me up for school by singing 'You Can't Roller-Skate In a Buffalo Herd' much too loudly for 7:00 AM). Yeah, my Pa was a unique character! Love him. Miss him.
Yes, that honking baritone saxophone in the Glen Campbell version is impossible to ignore, isn't it? It ain't exactly "Church!" but it sure sounds good. I'm pleased you mentioned it.
After your story about where and how often you heard The Edwin Hawkins Singers' version, I felt sure you'd vote for it. But, nope, you kept Glen (and his emotion-filled voice) in this Battle.
I remember when being young and saying you liked The Carpenters and Glen Campbell supposedly made you an uncool cracker. I didn't care. The twooth is the twooth... and I was still pretty cool regardless.
This is looking like a pretty close Battle so far. I twooly LOVE both versions, so I don't really care who wins it. (Maybe even a tie? Wouldn't be the first time I had a BOTB tie.)
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I don't know that you'll get this before the big "rescue" move. It's a song gift to you.
All HIS best to you ~
DeleteHey, thanks! I got it and I liked it.
Supposedly (if everything goes according to plan... this time) I start on the 2-day move next Wednesday.
Frankly, I'm skeptical about everything... will the U-Haul dude have the truck and auto transport when he's supposed to? Will the right place be ready for me when I arrive? Gotta do it all alone because of the "false start" and now my Brother can't help me. Lots of questions and "like clockwork" isn't an expression that applies.
At least the first phase of the operation has been done: I quit the HORRIBLE job I've had for the last year and a half. Now if I can just get out of this horrible house.
>>... Lyric line: "Cause I'm in a storm but I'm willing to fight"
Actually, I am NOT willing to fight anymore. That's the only part of the song I couldn't go along with.
I've been fighting for a hell of a long time and all the fight and all the will to fight is gone out of me now. Now it's up to "my God and my King" to make this thing work because... I'm not willing to put up with much more.
If I'm called upon to do much more fighting, I'll just take a dive.
Thanks again for the inspirasong.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Okay, I know I'm the newbie BOTBer, and not a friend capacity, but I want to interject something here. It's best you stop fighting. Put on the faith t-shirt. Where's your faith ball cap? I know you got your belt of wisdom. It's the only thing holding up the breastplate of truth.
Deleteif I shared what I went through to keep my house in the last four years... well, like I told the bankers and the lawyers: if God says I can have this house, there's nothing you can do to come against him. You know what? I got the all clear paperwork Dec. 5th, 2014! This house is a gift. Acre and a half of land. I know you ask Him, so believe Him. Go read your own blog bits while you're waiting - they're quite the inspiration!
Don't make me go find a Dylan link!! You know I only have one, right? Saint Mac? (stmc)
>>... Don't make me go find a Dylan link!! You know I only have one, right?
Delete"You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows"(?)
I'm low on faith. I just passed a sign that said:
Faitholine - $666. per gallon - Just 40 Days & 40 Nights ahead
I think I'm going take a chance and pass that one, hoping there's another Faith Station just a little beyond that next one. I don't like the price I'd have to pay.
Oh, I can't read my own blog bits for inspiration. I don't really believe none of that. I just wrote those because they impress the chicks. (Ha!) They think I'm wise.
>>... I know you got your belt of wisdom. It's the only thing holding up the breastplate of truth.
Truth be told, my belt of polyester is the only thing holding up my boxer shorts of wishful thinking.
Congratulations on the house. Even bankers' and lawyers' arms are too short to box with God.
I had a strange night, dreaming weird dreams off and on. In the last one, a female angel visited me. (I've been visited by angels three times in the flesh. They're always females. Maybe FAE's right, maybe womens really do find me charming. Even the angel womens?)
So, anyway, she tells me all this stuffs, and I recognize she's an angel at the time (or else the devil in disguise). The last thing she says is, "No sex". Uh... yeah, but I already don't have none... of any kind.
So, I'm thinking the "sex" means something else - something that substitutes for sex in my life. The only thing I can think of is BOTB. So I guess this is my final BOTB installment.
Then again, the "sex" could be the quart and a half of Acme Gin I drink nightly. If so, fuhgeddaboudit! I ain't givin' up liquid sex for nuttin'!
OK, seriously, yeah, female angel in my dream. I wake up and my right leg is hurting, I can barely walk on it, as it started to give out on me a few times.
So, I'm thinking: Gee, if she (the female angel) and I were wrestling last night, I sure wish I could remember it!
I KNOW you get that joke, but the many illiterate people in our country would not...
"No one in the English-speaking world can be considered literate without a basic knowledge of the Bible."
~ 'The Dictionary Of Cultural Literacy' - page 1
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
You know, there was a time I questioned whether or not the house would be mine. So many days of battle. Arrows flung and bouncing off. But I sunk low at one point... so hard. I asked again, "God, I need faith to continue. I need to know I'm working in your will... is the house part of your will for my life? If not, I don't want it.
DeleteI entered my prayer closet (literally a closet in the house) and asked for a hug. I told Him... your word says, nothing can pluck me from your hand. Then don't give me this house if it can pluck me from your hand. I will keep faith and believing, no matter what happens. I know You love me. I will love you, even if the house goes. Only you know my heart. This my parents' home. But if I have to give it up, let it be for You. if I should continue...Give me the faith to continue.
I've never read of female angels in the Bible. I'm not saying, it's not possible. I had time with my Mom after her death. "In heaven they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but become as the angels." (Samaritan woman at the well story.) No sex = no BOTB? That's interesting because that would be the easiet thing for me to give up. (Both.) But not for you. BOTB doesn't represent sex. It represents connections to people. The right leg represents having doubts about moving forward; resistance to what may be the better path. You have doubts. Understandably so. Plus, you're leaving "the home" that belongs to you too. You're angry.
["...could be the quart and a half of Acme Gin I drink nightly. If so, fuhgeddaboudit!"] Acme Gin? Do you think you're being run over by a slick little animal? Ha!
I'm still praying for you. I'll hit the prayer closet too. This too shall pass - but you know that. It's just difficult when there seems to be no control over life's events. Thank you for responding.
Thanks for the prayer support, DIXIE POLKA.
Sure, isn't everyone?
Think I'm being run over by a slick little animal?
Sure, doesn't everyone?
That "right foot" analysis was pretty good. Except that I have NO DOUBTS that I'm doing the right thing. I just have doubts whether or not this thing is really going to come together. Death doesn't scare me even... one... little... bit. But being stuck with a 20' U-Haul trailer with everything I own, and no place to put it, and a loaded .38 with hollow-point bullets that would perfectly plug the hole in my head... now THAT scares me. Oh, the temptation - worse than the temptation of the (hard) apple (cider).
Yeah, there are angels that appear as females. In Heaven there is no gender. In The Bible angels appear as male because they're usually (Always? Off the top of my head I can't think of an exception) portrayed in a Spiritual warfare situation. But in "this world" they take an appearance of gender (male or female) for our benefit (comfort zone).
Wait! Am I saying women shouldn't be soldiers in warfare? What about police officers? What about ministers? What's The Bible say?
Of course, satan is "the prince of this world", and he COMPLETELY owns and operates the USA, so it shouldn't surprise us to find female soldiers, cops, and ministers. (Oh, where's 'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends' when I needs it?!)
...Did I mention that I'm angry?
~ D-FensDogg
~ D-FensDogg
Delete["Thanks for the prayer support, DIXIE POLKA."]
You are welcome.
Forgive my presumptuousness.
I return to my business, and stop minding yours. (I'm not usually so mouthy.)
I'm sorry you're angry.
Hey, I'm NOT angry at YOU!
DeleteI'm angry at a lot of people and angry about a lot of things. It's a long list, but YOU are NOT on it.
~ D-FensDogg
No sweat - I didn't think you were. I try not to do anger, so I don't know anything else to say. That's all.
DeleteBtw. Your playlist at Kim's wuz...amazing.(Ha!)
let me get outta here, before I say something profound. :0
Thanks, D.P.
DeleteWell, there are only 3 things I know in great detail: A) Anger; 2) Music; C) The Evidence (aka Booze).
When I can combine 2 of the 3, I should do purdy good.
~ D-FensDogg
I read and listened to your BOTB shortly after you posted it early this morning, then went back to sleep (with a bGi ole smile on my face). It’s taken me quite some time to get back here and comment because your BOTB is one of two that I’ve had a very hard time making a decision on. The other BATTLE is the one at Donna’s. Go figure the two I would be most undecided over are a hard rock and gospel tune.
ReplyDeleteAnyway…I had never heard Glen Campbell’s version. I like it. He puts a lot of his ‘white breaded soul’ into it and really pulls it off well. I do think ole Glen gets a bad rap a lot of the time because he came across so, so, so…plain white bread and kind of goody two shoes. Course he kinda of fooled everybody with his addictions there, didn’t he? Anyway, he does a great job on ‘Oh Happy Day’. I really likes it.
The Edwin Hawkins singers are the more familiar version (duh? Yeah I already said I never heard GC do thing one before) and it has a ‘true gospel’ feEl to it. The back and forth thing with the lead singer and the entire choir. I don’t need no music video to see all them shining black faces in their flowing choir robes a swingin’ and swayin’ to this one. (Does that sound like a racist remark? Well, if anyone thinks so, please ‘get over yourself’). Anyway…they do a fantastic job and I expect they might run away with this BATTLE.
I’m gonna step outside my norm here and give my vote to ole Glen. It was new and different. Not to discredit the EHS their version is great, but for today anyway I ‘Celebrate You Home’ with Mr. Glen Campbell’s version of ‘OH, HAPPY DAY!”.
Postscript - I know you don't watch no Academy Awards, but there was a song up for an award written by Mr. Campbell from a documentary about his life and ensuing Alzehiemers (sp?) Disease. It was sung at the Awards by Tim McGraw. I thought is was a beautiful tune and very touching considering all the background. I believe the title was 'I'm Not gonna Miss You'. Give it a Youtube and see what you think.
I swear blogger hates me! I went back and fixed that 'big ole smile' and they reverted it to the original typo.
DeleteBah on you Blogger!!!
DeleteI genuinely love BOTH of these recordings. Of course, the original by the great Edwin Hawkins Singers I have been hearing since it was a bona fide AM radio hit in 1969.
Although I have never heard Glen Campbell's cover on the radio, I have been familiar with it for over a decade because it was included on a 2-disc compilation of Glen's songs I purchased long ago.
I have always been a GC fan, and in fact, my Pa once used a GC song ('Wichita Lineman') to contact me from "the other side" not too long after he had passed away.
Nope, to my great surprise, the EHS are NOT running away with this Battle. In fact, at this moment and I think they are behind in the voting. How crazy is THAT? GC's cover is so good that I had no fear of there being a shutout here, but I did think the EHS would win this BOTB installment by a comfortable (2 to 1?) margin. That definitely ain't gonna happen, although they still might manage a victory.
You "CELEBRATE ME HOME". Ha! Great line; great way to use it!
You know, I've really wanted to see that movie about GC, and when I got a free movie pass from where I work(ed), I checked the theatres because I was gonna go, but it was no longer playing in any local theatres here.
I will definitely go to YouTube and try to find the song you mentioned. Also, after my move and reestablishment of my NetFlix account, I intend to rent that GC movie when it's available on DVD.
Yeah, Blogger does hate you. They told me so.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I really love both versions of this song you showcased - really. But I think the soul of the Edwin Hawkins singers takes it for me :)
ReplyDeleteGood luck on your out of state move and getting settled in - I will be in the same boat soon enough. But change is good, no?
Welp, my battle is finally up. I almost didn't make it in time!
>>... I really love both versions of this song you showcased - really.
DeleteYeah, you and me both, KIM.
Usually, I'm inclined to say that contrary to the popular maxim, change is BAD! But in this case, things are already so bad that it's bound to be VERY GOOD.
Thanks for your vote and for showing the Edwin Hawkins Singers a little love.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I also think Glen Campbell sings with a lot of emotion in this song, so he gets my vote. Good luck with your move to Reno, Stephen. You deserve all good things in your new home!
DeleteThanks for your vote. Yeah, to my ears there seems to be a great deal of emotional sincerity in Glen's singing of this song.
>>... You deserve all good things in your new home!
Thanks! And that's what I keep reminding God. Hopefully He will get so tired of me pestering Him that He will make things go good just to shut me up. Ha!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Oh, Happy Days is a favorite of mine and it holds special place in my heart since my rebirth in Christ. i can't deny it, this is one of those songs I automatically think of as an old negro spiritual (no, I'm not a racist lol) and I do really, really enjoy listening to black artists sing this beautiful song. Edwin Hawkins' version fits the bill to a tee, too. Great rendition!
ReplyDeleteBUT....and you know there is always a but, don't ya?
Glen Campbell....he's not just a Rhinestone Cowboy is he? His vocals are smoothlicious and I love how soft the choir sang behind him. I felt the stir of conviction and was deeply moved by his tone.
Do you know who's getting my vote? If you said, Campbell, then you're right. Fabulously done by Glen Campbell!!
I love your newest edition of BoTB, Stephen. The best of luck in your move to Nevada. I hope it's every bit of what you dreamed it to be! :)
DeleteThanks! If the move is even half of what I've dreamed it will be I will be very happy and content.
I gotta admit that this BOTB match-up I put together is a toughie, because both renditions are superb, in my op.
It seems so natural and perfect as a Black Gospel number. But then along comes Glen and keeping it at the same tempo, and also using background singers, he adds some new elements in the form of instrumentation - a honking baritone sax and little electric guitar flourishes - and makes it his own.
I do think this is one of the most competitive BOTB match-ups I've conceived of, and there is certainly no bad vote here.
If this contest could windup as a tie, it would be the first time I'd be pleased to have a BOTB tie. (I've had a couple ties in the past and didn't feel satisfied with them.)
Your rebirth in Christ? Oh, happy day, eh?
Yeah, me too. I'll never forget that day I was touched by The Holy Spirit and accepted my Salvation with tears streaming down my face and a lump in my throat. I hardly even knew what was happening to me in that moment, but I knew it was authentic and a Spiritual milestone in my life.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
So often, though not necessarily with YOUR battles, I walk in prejudiced by familiarity. Once again, not in this case. I guess this song was just before my time (I hope that doesn't offend). I know I post things ALL OF THE TIME that are after your time (and you really dislike;) with occasional cases of "that's not too awful terrible."
ReplyDeleteAnyway, on to the song. I really liked the first one with The Edwin Hawkins Singers. It is an uptempo arrangement that feels like a happy day to me. I toe tapped all the way through it. I thought, "This will be tough to beat."
Glen Campbell approached the song with a heartfelt sincerity. I liked it. But it didn't make me smile inside. Sorry, Glen.
So, it's The Edwin Hawkins Singers for me. I liked it so much that if I have time I'll come back later and listen again.
As for you, StMc, I'll be thinking of you and praying for you as you make your move to Reno. I'm so glad that you're finally getting to a place you've wanted to be for so long. Oh Happy Day!
DeleteI'm kinda glad you voted for the wonderful Edwin Hawkins Singers because this BOTB started feeling to me like it was slipping away from them.
At least you're helping keep them in the contest. I really, Really, REALLY dig their version of this Happy song.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Did you call me a grizzled, old codger? I think that's what I heard you say.
Grizzled, old codger? No, I don't believe I said that. What I do find amazing (consistently) is what a huge difference a 5-10 year age difference can make in terms of musical likes/dislikes (or even just musical familiarity/knowledge). It doesn't seem like a great big ole span of time, but it sure enough seems to be...
DeleteROBIN ~
DeleteYeah, you called me that. And if it weren't true I'd be really ticked off at you.
I know what you mean, because Beer Boy Bryan and I were just recently yakking about this...
A few weeks back we watched the movie 'AMERICAN GRAFFITI' together. The movie portrays California life for young people in 1962. And when the movie came out in 1973 - just eleven years after the movie events were supposed to be occurring - American music and Pop culture had already changed so drastically that what was happening on the screen - the cars and the songs - seemed like ancient history. (And even though "cruising" was still alive and well in the Westwood Village section of Los Angeles all the way through the 1970s.)
So, when it comes to American music and culture, it seems like every year needs to be calculated in "dog years".
~ Stephen
POSTSCRIPT: Be watching for my March 7th blog bit right here on Roller Derby.
We both have a consensus, thanks to the same reason that's not really the same reason but still is.
ReplyDeleteOur votes: unanimously for Glen Campbell.
Why? Well, for my cohort, he just doesn't like gospel music. I don't fault him for that. As for me, I like that you can hear more emotion in Glen Campbell's singular voice than you can in a muddled sea of voices. Because this is an emotional song, after all.
And ultimately, he sings this song with backup singers backing him, as (I feel) it should be... not the other way around.
So... that's two votes for Glen Campbell over that gospel choir sound that neither of us are really fans of... but for different reasons.
6-B ~
DeleteMy thanks to you and Brandon for your votes!!
Actually, I DO love the traditional Gospel sound. I'm a big fan of it, really. But you did a good job of explaining the reason for your vote. I know just what you mean, that the EHS version seems more like the choir is the lead voice, and the lead voice is more like the backing vocal. I still dig it plenty though.
So, Glen scores the much coveted Beer Boys Double Whammy Vote. I think that pretty much cemented the win for GC in this BOTB installment. Color me "Surprised". I knew he'd score some votes, but I really didn't think he'd win this BOTB over the original artist.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
The Edwin Hawkins Singers get my vote, they had more feel to it, the n the familiar Glenn Campbell version.
ReplyDeleteOK, thanks, MIKE, for keeping it interesting. (This BOTB started to feel like it was turning into a surprising blowout.)
Delete~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I can never really explain my answer, but I'll go with the Edwin Hawkins Singers :)
ReplyDeleteAl Bondigas here. Good contest here. Both were great and heart felt. But, the judge has to go with The Edwin Hawkins Singers by a hair. Love the gospel sound, but I may change my vote by the time you get to Reno. That's it. That's my rulin.
ReplyDelete-------- MICHAEL --------
ReplyDeleteNo explanation necessary. A vote with no explanation counts as much as a vote with 8 paragraphs of analysis. I'm just pleased to receive a vote, regardless of how pretty the wrapping and the ribbons and bows.
-------- JUDGE AL BONDIGAS --------
Thanks for checking in with yer rulin', Judge. Hmmm... Three votes in a row for the Edwin Hawkins Singers and all the sudden it feels like we have us a ballgame again!
Considering that this is a Top Ten AM Radio Hit going up against a non-hit by someone who is known more for Country and Pop hits than Gospel, this has been quite a good BOTB installment.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
My friend! I'm late, but I'm hear! I will not get off the computer today until I figure out why your posts have never appeared in the scrolling read list at the bottom. It's frustrating as all get-out. And yes, I do have a calendar, but it's so stuffed with to-do lists that I don't put bloggy stuff there.
ReplyDeleteLet this be a crazy example of prejudice against an artist.
My vote goes for THE EDWIN HAWKINS SINGERS. Can you see how much more powerful my vote is because it is capitalized? Of course, it is.
I can recognize a good voice and musical talent - Glen Campbell has both. In spite of it, I've never liked him. Maybe it was the whole Glen/Tanya thing and the airing of their dirty laundry. I had a small brush with GC at one time and I was struck by how unpleasant he was to the woman he was with at the time. That just added fuel to the fire.
None of that makes sense, of course, and that is why it is smack in the realm of prejudice. I like lots of music that probably could be impacted by a horrible personal history of the artist. It's very possible I dislike music put out by individuals who are saints.
But Stephen - we are class of 77 and we do what we want.
Love ya,
DeleteMucho thankso for your voteo. (You didn't know I was fluent in Mexican, did you? Now you si, I am.)
Well, this is supposed to be solely about the music in an objective manner, however, you are correct that we are "the class of '77" and... WE DO WHAT WE WANT!
I used to have a good friend from the class of '77 who owned a white, 1964 Cadillac that he blow-torched the hard top off of and turned into a permanently topless non-convertible. He was forever yelling, "WE DO WHAT WE WANT!" and that was in circa 1982, while doing things like boxing in the Iranian's spiffy BMW illegally parked in a Handicapped parking space, or driving down the Pacific Coast Highway backwards, or screeching "donuts" in the Santa Monica Beach parking lot, etc., etc., etc.
So, yes, it does seem that we members of the class of '77 DO WHAT WE WANT! And I can accept that truism.
I doubt you'll find why my blog doesn't show up where it should at your site. Blogspot is buggy as hell to begin with, and I have more than my share of a variety of problems. My blog bits will flat-out NEVER automatically post when set up to do so on a particular date at a particular time. Blog bits posted by friends of mine will sometimes not show up in my Dashboard until nearly a day after they actually posted the piece at their blog. And on and on and on. So... good luck wid dat!
The best I can tell ya is that I post on the 1st and 15th of each month, and occasionally I publish something in-between those dates. So, 2 times per month regularly (1st and 15th), and sometimes once a week (like, around the 7th and 21st).
Anyway, thanks for coming by "hear" with a vote - prejudiced or not. I accept all votes posted for any reason. My 'Battles Of The Band' are vote-friendly, and in the spirit of being inclusive, I even accept votes from the deaf, dumb, blind, and Pinball Wizards.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Boy, you really know how to make things tough, don't ya? This is one of my favorite gospel songs, and one of two that's usually playing in my brain when I wake up in the morning. (The other one is "This Is The Day.") (Yes, I am a disgustingly happy morning person.)
ReplyDeleteAnyhow, I'd never heard Glenn Campbell sing this one before, but I liked it. I really did. There's a lot of raw emotion in his voice, but I've gotta vote for the first version. It sounds more like the version that plays in my head. HA
Here's wishing you a peaceful move.
>>... I've gotta vote for the first version. It sounds more like the version that plays in my head.
DeleteHokey-Smoke, SUSKI!
You don't just hear voices in your head, but you hear LOTS OF VOICES.
Thanks for the good wish, my friend.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
STMcC’s Vote On ‘2015, March 1: Battle Of The Bands'
ReplyDelete(Or, 'The Edwin Hawkins Singers Vs. Glen Campbell')
And The Final Tally:
First, thanks to you all I had a great turnout for this Battle. 21 votes, counting my own, which I believe ties my largest vote total for a BOTB installment.
I know Chris Fries be illin' (and hopefully he's feeling top-notch again soon), which no doubt accounts for his no-show. Too bad, because one more vote would have broken my vote total record. (And something tells me Guitar-god-Chris would have voted for The Rhinestone Cowboy, although I could be wrong about that.)
At any rate, this was a really good, pretty evenly matched contest using a great Gospel song. I understand there's now an app available for putting together fine BOTB installments, but I still prefer to do it the old-fashioned way.
I'm old enough to remember the Edwin Hawkins Singers version of 'OH, HAPPY DAY' getting airplay on AM radio back when it was a big hit song. Loved it then, love it now!
Probably in the late 1990s I purchased the 2-disc, 40-song compilation 'THE GLEN CAMPBELL COLLECTION (1962-1989)'. It includes all of his hits, of course, and a lot of other great recordings that I was not familiar with. One of them being his cover of 'OH, HAPPY DAY'.
Before playing it, I figured it wouldn't be anywhere near as good as the EHS original. Boy, was I WRONG! I thought it was a tremendous cover. And over time, I even came to like it just a smidgeon better than the original.
I totally dig the big Gospel choir approach that the EHS bring to the song. But I also dig that honking baritone saxophone in the cover, and the pure Joy of Salvation heard in Glen's voice. He sounds so sincere and so ecstatic at certain points that the song can hardly contain what's in his heart. It's simply a fantastic, personal declaration in music form. Close Battle, and I genuinely HATED to have to vote against the EHS, but Glen barely edged them out for my vote.
Tallying up the votes, it was interesting to see how the EHS jumped out to a quick commanding lead, but Glen came surging back, even to the point where I thought he was going to win this BOTB installment. But then later in the contest, the EHS scored a whole string of votes and managed to pull off a narrow victory in what I initially figured would be a fairly one-sided affair when I was putting this Battle together. (I guessed that on familiarity alone, the EHS would coast to victory.)
Edwin Hawkins Singers = 12 Votes
Glen Campbell = 9 Votes
Pretty damned close considering that Glen's mostly unknown cover was going up against a massive radio hit, and Glen's not really best known as a Gospel singer.
Thanks, all y'all, for your participation!
My next BOTB is going to be tough, what with the moving outta state an' all, but I'll find a way to get it up--- er... to get my BOTB posted, I mean. And I will earnestly try to make it to everyone else's BOTBs also. If I fail, it won't be for lack of trying.
Regardless, by April 1st I should definitely be fully back in the BOTB saddle again. Until next time... Happy Trails To You (as Roy Rogers used to say when quoting FAE).
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
The outcome here doesn't surprise me since either version would have been won deservedly.
DeleteDon't know about that app you're talking about, but if it's for a smart phone it doesn't apply to me nohow since my phone came from the stoned age of telephone making and is no longer as smart as phones were when this came out. I'll also keep doing the Battles the old-fashioned way--whatever that means--or at least the way I've been doing them.
Have a great move and hope you get settled in quickly to make it to the next BOTB post able to give it your full attention.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
Awww, I was really hoping glen would pull this one off. No matter. The EHS did a fine job.
ReplyDeleteYou may be able to 'get it up', your BOTB post that is, 'with a little help from your friends, or not. Ha, ha, ha! I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
An APP for posting BOTB? I could use an APP for that. 'Course I could us an APP for a lot of things.
~ D-FensDogg - wow!
ReplyDeleteFirst thing. I learn something with every battle - from everyone, even from the non-battle participating voters. There's a lot about life, the universe, and everything, going on with this amazing blog hop. I might actually find my niche in this - time will tell. (I understand Alex will be here next battle. Long as it's not a space opera... then again, if anyone could do it... he could pull it off, I'm sure!) I liked all of the battles.
Second thing - I figured EHS to win, but thoughts of GC getting this close? No way. I loved his version because I could feel that 'washing.' (I remember that day.) So - way to go Glen! Here again, I figured you'd vote for EHS. (I bet you play poker well... holding 'em cards... it's all in the hands.) Great BOTB for you!
Lastly - I've previously thrown in my 40 cents (darn inflation!), regarding your much needed success on the move groove. We'll seez ya' when we seez ya' ... and not before. "Go west, young man." (Or whatever direction you're going in... go with blessings.)
-------- BOIDLEE --------
ReplyDeleteYou're right, you're SO right! Either of these versions could have won deservedly. This was a tough one. Even though my toughest BOTB vote yet was still my Frank Sinatra / Ray Charles match-up on 'WE'LL BE TOGETHER AGAIN', this one was hard because I hated to vote against the EHS. I love their original.
Thanks! I'm certainly going to try my damnedest to fully engage in the March 15th BOTB, even if I have to post a little later than the 15th.
-------- FAE --------
After Glen got both of the Beer Boys votes, I thought he had clinched this Battle. But I hadn't realized how many votes were still missing, and when they came in they all fell the Edwin Hawkins Singers way. This was an interesting Battle fo' shuuure.
Yeah, I think I'll get by with a little help from my friend.
It seems there's an "app" for everything nowadays, so I figure there should be one for Battle Of The Bands, too. Maybe I really should invent that.
-------- DIXIE POLKA --------
Yes, I figured people would see the White Country-Pop singer Glen Campbell going up against the great Black Gospel Choir in the original hit and would think Glen had no chance. But I knew better. I KNEW he was going to get my vote and some others as well, but I didn't think he would come so close to actually winning.
In my heart of hearts (for the first time ever) I kind of wish this BOTB had ended in a tie.
Yeah, I think I AM going West (and North). See ya on the 15th (I hope). If not, maybe a day or two later.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
You know you can load in early? Set time zone, date, time, push publish... it'll kick in without you being around? Or give Fae or one of the guys permission to publish it for you. Just don't forget to push 'publish' or it will remain a draft.
DeleteI do that with all three blogs, at times.
Just a thought.
DP ~
DeleteNo, actually the system will not allow me to automatically post. I have tried it many times over the years but there's a bug in the system that prevents it. I think FAE has said she's had the same problem.
FAE may publish it for me, or I could even go to a library and do it from there, I guess. I'm pretty sure that one way or another I'll get my BOTB installment published. It's the getting around to other BOTBs to vote that may be the most problematic for me. I hope not though.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Hey, wait a second!
DeleteDIXIE POLKA, are you saying that after I set the date, and time, and all that, I am supposed to click the orange "Publish" button? The same orange "Publish" button I normally click (right next to the blog installment's title) when I'm publishing a blog bit normally (immediately)?
I click "Publish" but it WON'T immediately publish because I have entered a different date and time into the clock area? Is that what you're saying?
~ D-FensDogg
I'll just step in and say that would work.
DeleteArlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
Well, I'll be damned, it DID work! First time ever. And it's because I didn't know I was supposed to click "Publish" after setting the calendar and clock.
DeleteI always figured setting the calendar and clock was all I needed to do. And I assumed that clicking "Publish" afterwards would simply override the scheduled date and time and publish the blog bit immediately (like normal).
How the hell did you two learn that? And how come no one ever told me before?
Well, at least I know how to do it now, now when it's most important that I know.
Looks like my March 15th BOTB will go up no matter where I am or whether I have Internet service or not. Thanks (Dixie and Lee)!
Now I just got to find a way to visit other BOTB installments, if I don't have Internet service yet. But between FAE and the library, I feel I'll get my votes in, even if I am not able to provide my usual amount of detailed musical analysis.
~ D-FensDogg
~ DFensDogg,
DeleteI figured you were already doing this, before you were talking about not getting it put it in time.
I asked blogger help. Mine had the wrong time zone, because I'd never set it up. It was on central. I'm EST.
So that explains your Test 1,2,C,4. I thought maybe you were planning to blow the place. Ha!
So now - all you have to figure out is - how to leave happy little snarky comments and notes?
So hit town, find a nice cafe with service, make friends with a nice little waitress wif a waptop, (wink, wink)... you're in... comment zingers on the way!
My work is done here. Arlee, anything to add?
dp ~
Delete>>... So hit town, find a nice cafe with service, make friends with a nice little waitress wif a waptop, (wink, wink)... you're in... comment zingers on the way!
Shouldn't be too hard to find a dark-haired, dark-eyed woman named Maria with a computadora portatil who will fall for my charisma and pasty good looks.
~ D-FensDogg
You go boy! I hear ya. Ha!