Vs. Democrat, Male Vs. Female, War Vs. Peace, Light Vs. Dark, Good
Vs. Evil, Man Vs. Machine, Love Vs. Hate, Dog Vs. Cat, Sun Vs. Moon,
Brain Vs. Brawn, Oscar Vs. Grammy, Angel Vs. Demon, Laurel Vs. Hardy,
Beer Vs. Wine, TV Vs. Radio, Pitcher Vs. Batter, Paper Vs. Plastic,
Reality Vs. Fantasy, Yeshua Vs. Beelzebub, Conservative Vs. Liberal,
You Vs. Me, House Vs. Senate, Offense Vs. Defense, Kramer Vs. Kramer,
Spy Vs. Spy, Fischer Vs. Spassky, W.C. Fields Vs. Sobriety, Harold
Gimpy, Jr. Vs. Sheldon J. Pismire, Rock Vs. Paper Vs. Scissors, Islam
Vs. Everything, Singer Vs. Singer, Band Vs. Band...
it’s time once again for ‘Battle Of The Bands’
let’s get on it...
![]() |
was on April 6 in 1994, in my apartment in Los Angeles, that I had an unexpected Spiritual experience and became a “fool for Christ” as
mentioned in 1st Corinthians 4:10. In celebration of that day, I've
decided to use the Gospel classic 'HOW
I GOT OVER' for this "April Fool's Day" BOTB installment.
And away we go...
First, let's hear it from "The Queen Of
Gospel". This old 1961 footage is in poor shape but we're just
lucky to have it:
![]() |
OK, this 1997 recording is by Jubilant Sykes.
Fun Fact: In junior high school, I was in 'Boys Chorus' with Jubilant. I think it's fair to say that I pretty much taught him everything he knows about singing. Take it away, Jubilant!...
now, “you know the gig”... I welcome EVERYONE
to vote for their favorite of these songs in the comment section
below. And feel free to tell us WHY
you chose one song over the other. .
After voting here, I suggest - actually I insist - you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there also. (If their ‘BOTB’ blog bits aren’t posted yet, pour yourself two shots of ‘Grand Marnier’ over ice – do it twice – and then return to their blogs to
Voice Your Vote @ ‘FAR AWAY SERIES’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘YOUR DAILY DOSE’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘DISCCONNECTED’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'BOOK LOVER' by clicking HERE.
@ 'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'THIS BELLE ROCKS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'ALEX CAVANAUGH' (when BOTB falls on a Mon., Wed., or Fri.) by clicking HERE.
As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 7th and 21st of each month to post my own votes and announce the winners in the comment sections.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
To me there's not much contest here. One outstanding clear winner wakes up my ears on this early morn.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all I know it is anathema in your thinking for me to say this, but I'm not a fan of Mahalia even though we share the same last name. I just don't care for her style. That doesn't mean it's not excellent for what it is, but it just doesn't click with me. I do like that gospel style piano though. Just not her vocal style. Not for my ears.
Jubilant however sings as he is named. His version instrumentally far outshines the other. And he's got the tambourine backing him! How do you go wrong with a tambourine in a song like that? Then the horn cinches it all. A solid drumbeat gets my body rocking and my feet tapping. If you talk to Jubilant, tell I said he's got the stuff (and I don't mean in the Cheech and Chong way)
Jubilant has a great voice without the excess "screaming" and vocal acrobatics that the gospel style often has. His version just bops with beauty and I'm feeling uplifted this morning. Praise God!
Good pairing. I've been waiting for something from Mahalia from you.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
DeleteAnd here I thought you weren't a "Tambourine Man". Shows ya what I don't know.
That's probably the first time Jubilant's name was ever mentioned in the same sentence with Cheech Y Chong. Ha!
I haven't seen Jubilant since junior high school. Correction: I HAVE seen Jubilant since junior high school, because I've been in the audience a couple times while he was singing in the L.A. area church he attends.
But I haven't SPOKEN to him since junior high school. Come to think of it, I don't know for sure that I ever even spoke to him in school. Yeah, we were in the same Boys Chorus and performed on stage at the same time in 'Stairway Of The Stars', but whenever the bell rang, I'd dash off to the athletic field for flag football or some other sport. I think Jubilant Sykes stayed behind and practiced hitting notes while I practiced hitting softballs.
And that's why today, I am a much better softball player than Jubilant ever was. And now that it's too late 'cause he's too old, he'll never achieve my level of skill in softball and flag football. Poor guy. He's stuck singing professional opera and junk like that.
Glad I was able, in some small way, to help uplift you this morning, McBuddy!
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
Jubilant learned well from you! Your influence can definitely be seen - I vote for him. Just don't tell Mahalia Jackson. I think she'd have a gospel tantrum on me, thrashing and singing and shouting "Hallelujah!"
ReplyDeleteIt's too early for that.
DeleteYes, I was very patient with Jubilant and as you can hear, it eventually paid off.
Some of the credit should go to Jubilant too, though, because he was a good student. He would carefully listen to what I said and then diligently attempt to follow my instructions.
I'm pretty proud of the way he turned out.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
~ Stephen,
ReplyDeleteMAHALIA JACKSON - I have never been a big fan but this version brought me close to tears this morning. That is how life has been for me... "touched and shouting, 'thank you'... to my God".
JUBILANT SYKES - has a wonderful rich voice and his musical arrangement is jazzed up. I love the horn and the keys in the background. Definitely a version I'd listen to. You did good with him, ~ DFensDogG
But here's the thing... today I feel Mahalia! I too wonder, in this humble moment, 'how I got over?' Maybe the video influences me. I look at the people's faces and see the love and questioning and gratitude...they feel what she's saying too. Her voice speaks to me and to them.
My vote goes to Mahalia.
Great battle, sir! (smile)
DeleteHoo-Wee! Mahalia starts out in the hole in this Battle. However... yes, we have no shutouts today... thanks to yer vote.
"Falling and rising all of these years"... yep, sometimes I too wonder "how I got over".
I'm so pleased you were so touched by the song this morning. I love BOTH of these versions and own BOTH of them on compact discs.
Thanks for the compliment. At the risk of sounding boastful, I also think this is a great Battle, but we'll see what the end vote count says about that.
I was really looking forward to getting this one posted. This was on my "To Be BOTBed" list from the very beginning that I started composing a list of future Battles. I had originally planned to use it as a Christmas (December) Battle but it didn't work out that way (and I've not had really good luck with my Christmas editions).
In the end, I used it as a special celebration of something that happened to me individually, rather than something great that happened for the whole world.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
Do we ever get to hear about that great thing that happened to you, individually, or perhaps it's already posted amongst your 'stuffs'? Not to be nosy of course, but I can be. Ha-ha!
dp ~
DeleteUh... well... it's a long story. (No, seriously, I mean it.)
I have occasionally flirted with the idea of one day starting up a blog devoted solely to the topics of spirituality, religion and the like. If I ever get around to doing that, I would certainly post the story of my conversion by Christ on it.
~ D-FensDogG
~ D-FensDogG,
DeleteI think many would enjoy reading your story, not just on here, but in the book world at large. It would require some serious dedication and focus - maybe not an easy decision. Just the same, if you ever do, I'll purchase the book. You're an impressive, talented writer. (You also has the 'gift of gab.') It would be interesting to read how you would treat your subject of heartfelt intent.
I was hoping you'd give me a link, on here, and I'd have had it digested by now. (smile). That's it. I'll be nice enough to drop the subject. Thank you.
Happy resurrection day!
Delete>>... It would require some serious dedication and focus
Oh, then consider it done.
Not the book. I mean, even the IDEA of writing a book. Done.
Seriously... thanks for the very kind compliment about my writing and my "gift of gab".
I know it's true that I have "the gift of gab", but that doesn't mean I'm boasting. It's only because I have kissed a piece of the actual Irish Blarney Stone. Until I did so, I was very shy and just stumbled through the English language like some drunken Southern Californian who had consumed way too much Grand Marnier and hadn't eaten anything all day except two pieces of string cheese purchased at Smith's grocery store - the one on Lemmon Boulevard just off I-395 about 3 miles North of Reno---
Uhm... you do realize this is all just metaphorical, right? I mean, NOT the kissing the Blarney Stone part but the "like a drunken..." part.
I really DID kiss a piece of the Blarney Stone and that's when I suddenly overcame my shyness and discovered that I had mystically inherited "the gift of gab" (which right now is beginning to look more like a curse than a gift, huh?)
Anyway, thanks again for the kind words, and HAPPY RESURRECTION DAY to you, too!
~ D-FensDogG
(Who is full of sh--- ...blarney)
Jubilant gets my vote he added to the song. His additions made the song better.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your vote, MIKE.
DeleteHokey-Smoke! Jubilant takes a 3 to 1 lead! Who woulda seen THAT coming?
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
Funny, I think your comment re: the Doctor John arrangement not suiting the subject (FAE blog) applies here to the Jubiiant version...yet I am finding it pretty darn catchy.
ReplyDeleteTough to vote against Mahalia, though...after a second listen,I am giving the vote to her.
DeleteI understand what you mean about the Jubilant Sykes arrangement.
In my opinion, it's not quite the same as with the Dr. John arrangement, because his pretty bouncy, Jazzy musical arrangement didn't really fit the mood of the lyrics, to me anyway.
In this case though, I think the Jubilant arrangement might seem "odd" at first because it's definitely Soulful and Jazzy, and it's being applied to a Gospel song, where one might expect a more "Gospel-like" arrangement.
However, the words to 'How I Got Over' reflect a pretty joyful mood, so the Soulful and Jazzy musical interpretation actually works for this song, even if it's somewhat different from a traditional Gospel sound.
Glad to see Mahalia's not going to be a One-Vote Wonder.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
Jubiliant has a beautiful voice which I do enjoy, but he took this song and seemed to turn it more into a jazz version than gospel. No matter, because whatever he might have done, he wasn't going to outdo Mahalia.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure you knew you would not have a shut out on your hands here (regardless of your own vote), because you should know that you could count my vote for Mahalia.
DeleteWell, looks like we now have us a tight horse race!
Funny that the response I just wrote to LC could also apply here, with regards to the "Jazz" over "Gospel" musical approach of the Jubilant Sykes version.
Yeah, I knew for sure that I would NOT have a shutout in BOTB #41, but to be honest, I didn't really know where YOUR vote would land. If I'd been forced to bet money on it though, I would have said "Mahalia".
The Beer Boys... let's see... Uhm... I'm gonna guess they both vote Jubilant. I'd also bet a good chunk o' money that when Sheboyganboy Six gets here, he too will vote Jubilant. (Jubilant is a genuine opera singer, and Six will notice/know that, and that's right in his wheelhouse.)
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
Though Mahalia really sang from the heart, I prefered your protege's jazzed up version. Jubilant gets my vote. On another note, I didn't feel jazzed or 'jubilant' about your new bathtub situation. Though your response was hilarious, I'm still worried you might slip and fall. I mentioned that you'd be a great candidate for Life Alert! No more bathing without a lifeguard, Stephen!
DeleteThanks for your vote!
And I'm totally with you on the bathtub concern. I really can't afford Life Alert, but I've already started looking for a pretty lifeguard who works for little and wears even less.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
I'm going to tell you straight up that my vote is for Mahalia on this one.
ReplyDeleteNow, let's get into the Whys and Wherefores. I really like the piano on Mahalia's version. But, that wasn't the thing that won me over. It was Mahalia. Boy, as she sang that song I FELT it. That getting over was a miraculous thing indeed. How did it happen? Falling and rising all these years, my soul looks back and wonders. Yeah, I know that feeling. In the end she just says I have to thank God. Once again, I know that feeling. (On a technical note, she really enunciates those consonants, which makes each word feel very powerful. As a singer, it's really easy to lose the consonants on the ends of words. It's actually over enunciating with the "D" on the end of God in order for it to actually come through. And she really hits them hard. So it feels so very powerful.)
Jubilant has a wonderful voice. Smooth. I can see that you would love it for the jazz sound (if nothing else), but there's plenty to love about his voice. But, while it's very nice (probably more fluid than Mahalia and definitely a better recording) it doesn't resonate with me in the same way. I don't FEEL it with him like I did with her.
I think music is all about the feeling it. So, there you go. That's why Mahalia wins it for me.
DeleteI'll admit that in speculating on how I thought you might vote on this one, I was at a loss to guess. I could have easily imagined you voting either way on 'How I Got Over' because both competitors can REALLY sing; both have tremendous voices.
Mahalia was totally untrained. She had one music lesson in her whole life and some music professor told her she needed to tone down her style ("stop that screaming and shouting") and really study hard. He told her it would be years of practicing and learning vocal techniques before she could really "sing".
She never went back. She'd apparently had a mystical experience when she was very young and Jesus told her that she was going to open her mouth in song for Him. Who needs a music professor when Jesus Himself has come to you and already told you what you were going to do for Him?
She was an amazing innovator in Gospel music and totally self-taught (except for what God put into her mind and heart). Her technique was totally natural. And while I can listen to her and appreciate the technique, and understand why she came to be called "The Queen Of Gospel Music", it's that OTHER thing you mentioned - the "feeling" thing - that really impresses me.
Jubilant, on the other hand, was highly trained and honed his God-given gift that way. I believe he was born to religious parents (although I never met his parents) and his first name seems to indicate that.
Did he REALLY have a God-given gift? Ha! Lemme tell ya, when I was in Boys Chorus with him at John Adams Junior High School in Santa Monica (now called a "Middle School" I think) there was somewhere between 30 and 40 of us boys in that choir. But there was NO QUESTION in any of our minds who the star of the choir was.
We're talking about boys aged 11, 12 or 13 years old, but already Jubilant had this deep and powerful - Powerful! - voice that was beyond the rest of us, beyond even a couple kids who were pretty good singers themselves (of which I absolutely would NEVER number myself, as I was pretty bad. Not "Barney Fife bad", but pretty bad).
Jubilant was also our music teacher's pet, of course, because Linda Anderson recognized a vocal gift when she heard it, and Jubilant Sykes was undoubtedly the student she had been waiting years for, and she was all over it!
But, if I ever get Jubilant on a baseball field, and I'm on the mound, I'm gonna plunk him with my fastball every single time he comes up to bat!
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
I think we may just surprise you... or, at least, I may surprise you. My cohort did vote for Jubilant, as you surmised. But I actually vote for Mahalia. While it's true I'm not typically a fan of gospel style music, Robin nailed it - I could FEEL what that woman was singing. Every bit of it. And it was goooood. And God is gooood, hallelujah!
ReplyDelete(Someone stop me before I start seizing uncontrollably at the altar, speaking in tongues)
Char-tunkeh movaribble abba tuh levatical jerusababble mountdemount prayse yeshua rejoichaha eeturnaever! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
DeleteYep, God is good!
God is great,
God is good,
Let us thank Him for this beer.
(I hope He remembers I need to find a good job pretty soon because I'm out of money and almost out of beer! After I finish this last 4-pack of 'IPA 395' I'm gonna need The Lord's help in finding work. Hmmm... Maybe I'll check to see if they're hiring at the Great Basin Brewing Company here in Reno. Why not mix work with play, eh?)
Yeah, 6-B, you done surprised me with your vote. And you cancelled Brandon's vote out so... what good are ya?
Ha! Seriously, thanks for your vote and thanks for collecting Brandon's vote for me, too. Double-appreciated.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
StMcC -
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to surprise and disappoint you, but I'm voting Mahalia for exactly the same reasons given by Robin (Girl Wonder). Both versions are good. Jubilant is just that, and his voice is excellent... but M's voice builds and builds on the feeling. This song is about the feeling. I'll bet the white TV production people told them the audience had to stay seated, but I was surprised her audience kept seated and quiet as long as they did! I almost jumped up myself.
DeleteI was all prepared to accuse you of faking your vote just to make me wrong. (I was also going to point out that Arlee Bird voted for Jubilant, and beginning with my LAST BOTB, the rules stipulate that we 3 all vote alike now... at least until the Council can meet again and revise the contract.)
But as I read your comment I became convinced of the sincerity of your vote. (I figured your vote for Jubilant was in the bag. I'd already added it to his total.)
Strange thing about that audience and the recording... according to every source I've seen (which is, like, two) that performance took place on April 18th, 1961 in... SWEDEN! ...Uh ...me no think so! The clothes, the tans...
What did they do, import of a bunch of Black Americans for the filming?
The first time I saw this video, I thought: That can't possibly be the same recording that I have on CD which Columbia Records says was made in Sweden. But listening to them both, they absolutely ARE the same recording. Boggles my mind.
Glad you showed up because I was going to E you today to see if you'd received my last E with the music URLs in it. I know you've been busy and I didn't want to bug you, but I also didn't want you to think I didn't respond to your last, if in fact you hadn't received mine.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
OK bummer because I can't listen to the 2nd one. It states it is not available. When I try to listen to it through youtube I come across the same snafu! I was so under Mahalia's voice that I just was lost in her powerful voice. I do vote for her but you can discount me since I could not listen to the other one.
ReplyDeleteBIRGIT ~
DeleteThat's a drag you couldn't listen to the JUBILANT SYKES version of 'HOW I GOT OVER'.
Do you have a Spotify account? If so, it's available there. And if you don't have a Spotify account, it's absolutely free and they have tons and tons of songs and albums from every music genre there is: Rock Jazz, Blues, Country, Gospel, Hollywood and Broadway soundtracks, etc.
You can listen to them via your computer, all at no cost but for the 5 minutes or less that it takes to create an account. Every 5 songs or so you have to listen to a 30-second advertisement, and that's the only catch.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
Birgit... do you use a VPN?
DeleteI ask because use a VPN and I had the same problem and same error message until I told the VPN to connect with US West (as opposed to Romania, France, or Hong Kong etc.). After that, it worked. Either that , or you could disconnect. Hope that helps.
OK I have no idea if I have a VPN because I don't even know what that is:) I have someone put the computer stuff together and then I just go-I am quite illiterate when it comes to computer stuff
DeleteAw, what a tough choice. I think in the end, I slightly prefer Mahalia Jackson's version...just something about her voice gives me the good chills, and Jubilant's version was much more upbeat, but still......Mahalia for me.
ReplyDeleteKIM ~
DeleteThanks for your vote. It looks like Mahalia has caught Jubilant and even surpassed him by a couple votes now.
Still a pretty close race that could be won by either contestant as there are still four voting days left.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
Well, The second song, by Sykes isn't available in Canada. Or so it says when I tried. And sorry, but I'm not that fond of gospel singing, even if many singers started out that way.Only liked that James Brown sequence in the Blues Brothers movie. So sorry couldn't vote this time. Pity, but c'est la vie.
ReplyDeleteD.G. ~
DeleteThat's peculiar. You are now the second person who was unable to play the Jubilant Sykes recording. I wonder why that is. Like wazzup wid dat?!
Well, unfortunately, it looks like BOTB #41 is going to have a lower vote total than the average. So it goes... sometimes.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
Al Bondigas here. I'm not a big gospel fan, but of what I do like I tend to prefer a man's voice. No offense to the ladies, as I think the women singers are every bit as soulful, if not more so than the men. It's just that for that genre I seem to prefer a more masculine voice. Winner: Jubilant. That's it. That's my rulin'.
ReplyDeleteJUDGE AL ~
DeleteThanks for your rulin'.
And whatever the reason... thanks for keeping my man Jubilant in the race.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
Al Bondigas here. By the way, I remember you were training my voice back then also. It didn't seem to take with me, did it? That's it. That's my rulin',
ReplyDeleteJUDGE AL ~
DeleteIf I say "Barney And The Choir", does that mean anything to you?
You're the only person I've ever met who can't even sing 'Happy Birthday' without making the other singers wince. ...Not that there's anything wrong with that.
"I ain't sayin' it was yer people, but...
I'd appreciate it"... if you didn't sing.
~ D-FensDogG
Part 1 Of 2:
ReplyDeleteSTMcC’s Vote On ‘BOTB - 2015, April 1:
- Mahalia Jackson Vs. Jubilant Sykes'
And The Final Tally:
First of all, I want to sincerely thank all those folks who took the time to listen and vote on my 'Battle Of The Bands' contest. I didn't have nearly the great turnout FAE did, but considering that Arlee Bird's 'A 2 Z' blogfest is going on, and considering that a couple of my (greatly appreciated) regular voters were unable to access the second video, I suppose my vote total wasn't bad.
What was disappointing (again), however, is that a couple of BOTBers failed to come by here and register a vote. I won't name names, but when people who don't even create BOTB installments of their own come here and vote, there isn't any excuse for an actual BOTBer (a member of the BOTB community) failing to make an appearance over the course of six full days.
I wouldn't be mentioning this if this was the first time it's happened. But it's not. Not by a long shot.
From now on, a BOTBer who fails to vote within the allotted time will need a note from their doctor or their mother or both (if your doctor IS your mother) before they can get back into my BOTB classroom.
Now to the Battle...
I dig BOTH of these versions of 'HOW I GOT OVER'. I love the tempo and overall tone of Jubilant's rendition. The cat has a truly great voice, there's no denying that. It was absolutely a gift from God which was evident even when he was in junior high school, as I mentioned above in this comment section.
Terence Blanchard (who also produced and arranged the album this track came from) is an A-list trumpet player and his solo on this cut is simply stellar!
There isn't one single thing wrong with Jubilant Sykes' recording of this song, and there isn't even one thing I wish was different about it and which I would change if I could.
There's just one problem, and one problem ONLY, with Jubilant's recording...
...it came up in a BOTB installment against what I consider to be the absolute single greatest vocal performance by anyone, anywhere, at any time, in any genre of music. Period!
Mahalia Jackson wasn't even singing this song - I think it was singing HER!
Continued Below...
Part 2 Of 3:
DeleteI've heard a LOT of Mahalia's music and seen her perform a lot of it, too, on film. Even for a woman given a great gift by God, THIS performance was something truly special. MJ was on fire with The Holy Spirit.
From past listenings and viewings, I have noted that when MJ begins to do that sort of strange, un-rhythmic clapping, it's a sign that The Holy Spirit is beginning to move in her. The clapping seems to be more of a way of expending some of that Supernatural energy because "her cup runneth over", than it seems to be a part of the music or "performance". It's not music-related, really, it's Spirit-related and needs to be expressed in some physical way before it totally overtakes her.
In 'HOW I GOT OVER', the clapping I'm referring to begins in earnest right at the 3:25 mark. At a point where most songs are coming to a close, Mahalia is just beginning to get run over by The Holy Spirit.
At the 5:00 mark, Mahalia's hardly even there at all anymore; that's almost pure Holy Spirit using one of God's human creations as a vehicle for expression to other human beings. Watch closely, you'll even see MJ a couple of times reach out just to place her right hand on the piano, to get her bearings and try to ground herself with something physical so she doesn't fly off into Heaven and get raptured before the song is over.
Despite being a large and out-of-shape woman, there are places in this video where Mahalia's face looks absolutely beautiful, BEAUTIFUL(!) to me. She's one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen at certain points in the performance and in certain close-up shots.
There is also a few points in the video where I can CLEARLY DISCERN an unearthly light reflected in her eyes and almost emanating from them. And, no, sir, I am NOT just referring to spotlight reflections in her dark eyes. I have seen plenty enough Mahalia videos to know that THIS is a Spiritual Light I'm seeing. I've seen this Light in her eyes in other performances also, but nowhere more often and more powerfully than I do in this performance of 'HOW I GOT OVER'.
At the 5:50 point, where she says, "I feel like shouting!" the third time, I just get chills. (And if I tried to do that with my voice, it would rip my vocal cords out.) In fact, there are a few different places in this song where I often get chills and goosebumps, but it isn't always at the same spot in the song from one listen to the next.
Continued Below...
Part 3 Of 3:
DeleteThis isn't "screaming and shouting", and it isn't a "put-on" performance in any way. This is the genuine article: a heart-felt Gospel song performed by a master who is totally feeling God's Holy Spirit move through her as it uses her to bless others. I was a professionally trained actor, and I'm pretty good at spotting a "performance". THIS was NOT acting on Mahalia's part. This was REAL FEELING!
By the end of the song, Mahalia is completely enraptured (as is that woman swaying with The Spirit in the aisle), and I am in tears a good amount of the time.
Mahalia Jackson = 8 Votes (including mine)
Jubilant Sykes = 6 Votes
Thanks again to all who took the time to listen and respond. I hope to see y'all again on April 15th, when I will be posting a BOTB blog bit that is very different from this one. I will be using a Pop song almost everyone knows, but the two renditions will be drastically different in every way - tempo, instrumentation, style - in fact, it's even an instrumental going up against a vocal performance.
In this April 1st BOTB installment, I had said that I'd be voting for the underdog, because honestly I thought Jubilant would probably win this contest (and he came pretty close to a tie). But in my next BOTB blog bit, I can't really guess who is going to win. Actually, I'm not even yet 100% sure which version I will be voting for, because this is one of those where I like BOTH recordings so much I will hate having to vote AGAINST either of 'em. No shutout, guaranteed!
See ya then.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
I'm with you 100% on the voting. It seems pretty sad when other BOTBers can't make it around and vote at all the sites. Come on guys, you can't be that busy or that important.
ReplyDeleteI'm also with you Mahalia's performances. It's obvious that she is being Divinely directed when you watch her,, but it is also evident just hearing her vocals There is a definite change. I could listen to her all day. I get the goosebumps too.
Thanks for a great BATTLE. Your turnout might not have been great but it wasn't too shabby. I think all the LF made it. That's what counts, right?
Thanks, FAE.
DeleteYeah, that "change" first starts to display itself to me when the weird, out-of-rhythm clapping begins at 3:25.
She manages to contain herself for awhile longer, but by 5:00 she has been overcome by The Spirit of God and from there on out, it's more God than Mahalia.
This is an EXTRAORDINARY recording! There are lots of Gospel songs that fire me up and get me in the Godly Gospel Groove, but NOTHING affects me like THIS particular recording does. This is truly otherworldly.
~ D-FensDogG
This week was a tough one for me. Our Internet went out last Monday so I called and scheduled an appt for a tech to come out the next day. Of course, the next day it was working fine. So, I cancelled the appt (much to my regret). Over the course of this entire week we've had intermittent phone and Internet service (both through AT&T). The tech just left after replacing the modem, which he said was the source of the problem. So, between a bad migraine week (I spent two full days in bed), terrible Internet and phone service, and a generally terrible attitude about Life (just being honest), I do believe I managed to vote on everyone's BoTB. So if I can do it (overcoming seriously stacked odds against it), so can YOU. We need to support each other. 'Nuff said on that.
ReplyDeleteI really loved Mahalia's version of this song and think your critique was spot on.
Here's to better attendance on the 15th!
Oh, and I did get your E, but each time I was ready to reply... no Internet service. It's been a hateful week. Just hateful.
ReplyDeleteThanks, GIRL WONDER! Your input is greatly valued.
DeleteAlso, YES, if you can register a vote on every BOTBer's post, despite the fact that "The Force Is Against You", then others should be able to... too.
I don't mind someone missing a vote every once in a blue moon, because life is shit, and shit happens, and then we die. But when it's the same 3 BOTBers who seem to miss voting just too often, then I start to get a bit bent outta shape.
You know I LOVE everyone, and I want to go on LOVING everyone, but... if I'm forced to kill the one I love, well... life goes on... for you and me.
Ha! Jus' jokin'. But really... let's get REAL, folks!
No problem about the E. I just wanted to make sure you got my rEply, so you wouldn't think I had simply ignored you. (Like I could/would ever do THAT!)
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
I'd like to add my appreciation for the ~D-FensDogG House Music Club, "Tips, tricks, and travel package." My unsolicited testimony brings good things to light, and it ain't necessarily a Bud. The BOTB you've longed for will arrive at your doorstep, ready to rock those special peeps. Don't delay - the video you want my already be scheduled on another's BOTB (dang it.) Not to worry - refills, reruns, and returns are a few paces away. Call today! BR 5555
ReplyDeleteGreat battle, sir! See you April 15th.
Delete"Travel Package"? The 'D-FensDogG House Music Club' offers a "travel package"?!
That's news to me and... I AM the "D-FensDogG House Music Club"! Take my word for THIS... DON'T step on that plane!
Tell 'em you had a change of plans! Tell 'em (a la Edith Bunker) your "friend is in town"! Tell 'em ANYTHING, but DON'T step on that plane!
>>... My unsolicited testimony brings good things to light...
You're like GE, except you're poorer, you don't lie, and I like you.
The rest of your comment I didn't understand, but if you hum a few bars and send me something to snort, I'll... pretend to understand it.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
Well, I'll name one name since John Holton didn't vote on my BOTB either. Not sure who else was missing on yours but I think next Battle in our comment to John we need to remind him to come vote and leave a link maybe. I know he's maybe blogging too many things with A to Z duties and all so he might just need a reminder.
ReplyDeleteYou did have a close one and I too though Jubilant would take that contest. I see what you're saying about Mahalia, but I'm just not hearing it. Just not my style of music preference.
My results will be up tomorrow. Hope you've check them out. I had the A to Z advantage so I had a goodly number of votes. I've also got some very strong clues about my next Battle which I think will be a pretty good one.
Hope your job search is going well or better yet hope you won some huge gambling prize or received a generous endowment from some wealthy benefactor.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
DeleteI said (this time) that I wouldn't name names, and so I won't. But I WILL say that there are 3 BOTBers who have missed voting on my BOTB installments too... damn... many... TIMES!
It doesn't always happen at the same time, but it DOES happen too often, and I'm gettin' real sick 'n' tired of it.
At some point (and pretty stinkin' soon, too) those BOTBers are going to find that links to THEIR blogs on MY blog on BOTB DAY (1st & 15th) have been removed.
That's all I'm going to say about that, because those BOTBers already know who they are... and so do I. (You either join us, or you don't, and that's all there is to it.)
As you already know, Lee, my tolerance for bullshit is remarkably low, and my Bullshit-O-Meter has been buzzing for some time now.
>>... I see what you're saying about Mahalia, but I'm just not hearing it.
I think you just have to listen to it about 1,000 more times, and then you will come to appreciate it like I (and others) think you should.
>>... My results will be up tomorrow. Hope you've check them out.
Of course I will. I support the BOTB community. I also support YOU personally.
>>... "or received a generous endowment from some wealthy benefactor."
Yes, that's how it worked out. This wealthy, pretty-damned-hot woman of 70 decided she was willing to pay top dollar for a 55-year-old, grey-and-thinning headed, out-o-shape (and stiff-as-a-board) dead monkey.
I told her I had ALL the same qualities except that I was a man, I was still alive, and my... uhm... you-know... was only half-an-inch smaller than the dead monkey's... uhm... you-know.
She actually dumped the dead monkey, bought me appropriate clothing, and has monetarily supported me... so long as I sleep with her and pretend to edit her horrible screenplay.
It's worked out better'n I ever dreamed, Bird Bro! Someday I may actually shoot myself, then drown myself in a swimming pool, and then write a movie script about this incredible turn-o'-events. Of course, WHO would ever make a movie about sumpin' like THIS, eh?
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
DeleteBOIDMAN LEE, I trust you realized that I was spoofing the Film Noir classic 'SUNSET BOULEVARD' with that monkey bit. I ain't quite as crazy as I seem.
~ D-FensDogG
Oh---I had taken every word for the truth. What's crazy about that deal you described?
DeleteArlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
Yeah, actually, it's good work if you can get it.
Delete~ D-FensDogG