Republican Vs. Democrat, Male Vs. Female, War Vs. Peace, Light Vs. Dark, Good Vs. Evil, Man Vs. Machine, Love Vs. Hate, Dog Vs. Cat, Sun Vs. Moon, Brain Vs. Brawn, Oscar Vs. Grammy, Angel Vs. Demon, Laurel Vs. Hardy, Beer Vs. Wine, TV Vs. Radio, Pitcher Vs. Batter, Paper Vs. Plastic, Reality Vs. Fantasy, Yeshua Vs. Beelzebub, Conservative Vs. Liberal, You Vs. Me, House Vs. Senate, Offense Vs. Defense, Kramer Vs. Kramer, Spy Vs. Spy, Fischer Vs. Spassky, W.C. Fields Vs. Sobriety, Harold Gimpy, Jr. Vs. Sheldon J. Pismire, Rock Vs. Paper Vs. Scissors, Islam Vs. Everything, Singer Vs. Singer, Band Vs. Band...
it’s time once again for ‘Battle Of The Bands’
let’s get on it...
But first, an update on the DIXIE (DCRelief) watch: I spoke on the phone with Dixie about a week ago and she sounded really good to me. I know she's still having some health issues, but her spirits and her energy sounded up. And I'm happy to announce that she's back BOTBing with us again on this November 15th. So, please make sure you visit her Battle and welcome her back HERE.
But first, an update on the DIXIE (DCRelief) watch: I spoke on the phone with Dixie about a week ago and she sounded really good to me. I know she's still having some health issues, but her spirits and her energy sounded up. And I'm happy to announce that she's back BOTBing with us again on this November 15th. So, please make sure you visit her Battle and welcome her back HERE.
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You'll recall that FarAwayEyes and I teamed up on November 1st to use the song 'THE LOOK OF LOVE'. We had four different performers Battling it out over that same great song.
FAE used the big hit version by SERGIO MENDES & BRASIL '66 against NINA SIMONE. Not surprisingly, S.M. & Brasil '66 walked away with a pretty lopsided victory, beating Nina 16 to 6.
My Battle featured a live version of the song by DIANA KRALL (which I thought was pretty good and way better'n her studio recording of it) against the CHRIS BOTTI recording of it from his great album 'A Thousand Kisses Deep'. This Battle was closer, but Chris Botti won convincingly, 13 to 8.
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Well, it just so happens that from the beginning, I conceived of this Battle over the song 'THE LOOK OF LOVE' as a kind of sporting event, and the first round was like the playoffs - Brasil '66 and Nina Simone playing for the American League pennant, and Diana Krall and Chris Botti playing for the National League pennant.
Well, guess what happens now!
The two winning teams meet in the World Series for the Championship. That's what happens now. And YOU get to help decide the champion. Are you ready? Set? GO!...
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Alright now, “you know the gig”... I welcome you (whoever you are) to vote for your favorite of these songs in the comment section below. And feel free to tell us WHY you chose one song over the other.
After voting here, I suggest - actually I insist - you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there also. (If their ‘BOTB’ blog bits aren’t posted yet, pour yourself two shots of ‘Grand Marnier’ over ice – do it twice – and then return to their blogs to
Voice Your Vote @ ‘FAR AWAY SERIES’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘YOUR DAILY DOSE’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'BOOK LOVER' by clicking HERE.
@ 'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'THE DOGLADY'S DEN' by clicking HERE.
@ 'ANGELS BARK' by clicking HERE.
@ 'J.A. SCOTT' by clicking HERE.
@ 'NOVELBREWS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'QUIET LAUGHTER' by clicking HERE.
As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 7th and 21st of each month to post my own votes and announce the winners in the comment sections.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
I vote for Chris's haunting sound.
And the underdog drives in the first run in the first inning of the ballgame to take a 1-0 lead.
DeleteBut don't go away, Folks! We've got 8 more innings of baseball to play.
~ Stephen
'Loyal American Underground'
Well call me John Kerry and stick a trumpet in Hilary Clinton's big mouth. I voted against Sergio Mendes before I voted for them this time.
ReplyDeleteChris Botti has a nice sound and is the king of the slow-motion disco. But Brasil 66 rules the classic hits with their version--always liked it and still do.
For me the final winner in this play-off is Sergio Mendes and Brazil 66.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Thanks for your vote, JOHN.
DeleteThe votes all depend upon the competition, right? Sometimes pro, sometimes con. Depends on who's standing on the other side of that tennis net. (I'm mixing my sports metaphors now.)
~ D-FensDogG
I liked both, but the first inched out for the win, just liked it a bit better as it got right to it. So #1 it is.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for your vote, PAT.
DeleteSome BOTBers are fond of saying that "There's no wrong vote here." But to be honest, sometimes I listen to the two recordings and think: "Oh, there's DEFINITELY a wrong vote here!" Ha!
But this is one time when I'm using the same mantra. I truly think there is no bad vote here. I genuinely love - not like, but LOVE - both of these recordings and this is not an easy decision for me to make.
I believe I know how I'll cast my vote, but that could change between now and the 21st.
Thanks again for your $0.02, Pat! You're always welcome here, buddy.
~ D-FensDogG
Hey Cat, what you doin over here? You stalking me or what? Hahahahaha.
DeleteStephen-I've been blogger buddies with Pat Hatt since the beginning. He's a great guy, lots of fun and loyal to the death. Our blogger relationship is based on mock insults, so if you see me telling him to "feck off, you bastard" know I say it with love. He's one blogger who is definitely worth your time.
Thanks, ANNE O'. And no worries. Mock insults are always welcome. In fact, on my blogs, real insults are usually welcome, too! Ha!-Ha!
DeleteI have seen Pat around the Blogosphere for years but only recently interacted with him, as he submitted a 25 FAVORITE MOVIES list for my project. I will have to check out his blog here soon.
And, by the way, where the heck is YOUR "25 FAVORITE MOVIES" list?!?!
~ D-FensDogG
Holy crap! I forgot about the list. When was the deadline? Am I too late?
DeleteNope. Yer not even close to "too late". Kevin and I probably won't have this project finished until the end of the year.
DeleteTake yer time. I'd rather have your list be correct than quick and incorrect. I don't want you to submit a list and then later remember that one movie that you ABSOLUTELY SHOULD have had on your list.
Think it through and thoroughly, and then let me know what you come up with. If you can have it to me by the end of this month, I will be very happy. Thanks! (Don't forget 'Waking Ned Devine'. It's not on my list, but it SHOULD BE on someone's list. I love and own that movie. A modern classic. ...But don't put it on your list unless it really IS one of your 25 Favorites of all time. I'm just O'Joking.)
~ D-FensDogG
Hey Stephen. Well I was seduced by Chris Botti's horn in your last battle and I'm still smitten with him this go-around. So my vote goes to Chris Botti. His music is perfect for a Sunday morning!
ReplyDeleteThis was a very cool competition.
Michele at Angels Bark
Oh, yes, MICHELE, I remember very well that you have a thang for Botti's... "trumpet".
Delete[Ha!-Ha! I'm like a pit bull - once I get ahold of something I never let it go.] :o)
Thanks! I'm sure Chris appreciates your consistent support.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
Now I'm really sorry to have missed the Nov. 1st BoTB! On the other hand, I come to this one with fresh eyes—ears—and without previous commitments :D As much as I love Sergio Mendes—and he really is an outstanding musician, we saw him live here in Curaçao a couple of years ago, at the jazz festival, and he's still going strong—my vote goes to Chris Botti. I loved the chill-out feel of his version, and it's the one I'm most likely to listen to repeatedly.
ReplyDeleteGreat battle, Stephen!
Guilie @ Quiet Laughter
Oh, sure. I have you figured out, GUILIE... You're that person who pays no attention to all the preliminary stuffs - all the playoffs leading up to the big game - but then you show up for the SUPER BOWL fully decked out in one team's colors, and laying out the most delicious quesadillas, a huge bowl of nachos with 5 different types of salsa, and a pitcher of Margaritas.
DeleteYou're the sort of person the rest of us would taunt and call a "bandwagon fan", except we don't because... we're afraid you'll take your quesadillas, nachos and Margaritas and go home.
Ha! Just teasing you, Guilie. By now, you know how I am.
Thanks for your "fresh-eared", "commitment-free" vote!
Looks like Botti has a one-run lead at this point. Hold onto your sports caps, Peoples, this looks like it's gonna be another close race that may even be headed for extra innings... or sudden death overtime.
~ D-FensDogG
You got me, to a T. Oh, except for one thing. The jersey at the Superbowl will always, no exception (and no matter who's playing) be FORTY-NINERS. And the cap. And the jacket (assuming we're somewhere where the weather allows for such accessories). And the pins.
DeleteI know you jest. I do hope, though, the fear of losing quesadillas et al also applies for putting up with the 49ers accoutrements. I'll throw in an extra pitcher of Margaritas. Heck, the whole team-sized cooler :D
Hmmm... Well, the only team in professional sports I hate more than the 49ers is the San Francisco Giants. (The Yankee scum are protly third.)
DeleteHowever, if you can make those Margaritas strong enough and keep me drunk enough, with a little luck maybe I won't notice all the 49ers... stuffs you've got on.
It's worth a try.
~ D-FensDogG
Chris Botti - but I would have liked it if had been all instrumental. Like the smoky jazz flavor of his music. Just not a fan of Brasil 66, never have been. I wonder if I'd like them better if they had a sultry male voice singing the words?? Perhaps.
ReplyDeleteD.G. ~
DeleteI thank you for your continued BOTB support, my friend. Much appreciated!
I really love the BRASIL '66 version, which I heard many years first. The BOTTI rendition is different but I love it, too.
And your word "SULTRY" is exactly the one to describe the Botti recording. There's that uniquely "SMOLDERING" trumpet sound he has, and you add in the sexy, seductive vocal and it gives a very "SULTRY" overall effect. Tough to beat when the lights are low and the wine is fine.
~ D-FensDogG
This one is going to take some thought on my part and I'm terribly pressed for time today.
ReplyDeleteI've listened to both and at the moment I'm not sure what elements of each version are going to hold sway for me. So I'm off to enjoy this gorgeous sunny day and let these run in the back of my mind.
DeleteSounds like a real BOTB toughie for ya this time. Great! I like that.
It'll be here when you has an A for this Q.
~ D-FensDogG
Okay, I've made my choice and I'll explain why. I do like Botti's version, I like it a lot. As everyone else has pointed out, that trumpet is smooth and seductive, the vocals are sexy and it makes you want to light the candles whilst having dinner with your soul mate. There was only one thing about the song that I didn't like-the drum track. It was boring, monotonous and far too prominent in the mix.
DeleteI've always liked Sergio's version of this song. But my vote is not contingent on a personal attachment to the song. I'm voting for Sergio because, in my opinion, overall the work required a higher level of musicianship to create. You've got multiple musicians who are required to play music that is complex. Many people miss the complexity of that arrangement because the vocals are so prominent. But it's there and it takes talent to do that. Also the mix was better on Sergio's version. The levels on each instrument were where they needed to be, yielding an overall sound that was damn near perfect. Don't know who the engineer was on this, but he knew what he was doing.
So my vote goes to Sergio.
ANNE O', back in the house!
DeleteThanks for your vote and your great, analytical comment. Very insightful. And I agree with (almost) all of it.
First of all, you're right that the BRASIL '66 version is musically excellent and wonderful. A lot of people will only notice the front and center vocals, but that exciting horn arrangement appeals to me just as much. Also the little nuances in the form of percussion instruments add an almost subliminal level that really highlights the bolder sounds.
The music supports the vocals, and without it the vocals would seem far less magical. And make no mistake: I think the vocals are pure magic in this recording.
Your observation about the Botti recording is spot-on, and to be honest, I'd not noticed how forward the drum track was until you mentioned it.
I think you're correct that it might have been an improvement if it had been mixed down a little bit (except for that intro which is perfect).
But at the same time, the mix doesn't really bother me. Proof being that it had never occurred to me until you mentioned it. Could be better maybe, but it doesn't interfere with my enjoyment of the recording at all.
What I will add is that (and correct me if I'm wrong), I'm pretty certain that's a drum machine. That peculiar "slap echo" (don't know how else to describe it) gives it away to me as a programmed drum track. And ordinarily I am NO FAN of drum machines. Only on the rarest of occasions have I enjoyed hearing a drum machine on a track, but THIS is one of those rare occasions!
In fact, I'm pretty sure the drum machine was used on most (if not all) of the tracks on Botti's album 'A THOUSAND KISSES DEEP', and not once does it bother me. Somehow, some way, it seems to really work on this album - which is kind of surprising since the recording is practically a concept album about "Romantic Love", and what's more "human" than that? You'd think a synthesizer-like machine would be out of place in that context but surprisingly it melds with the overall sound and concept really well. I guess the producer of Botti's album knew what he was doing, too (volume level aside, perhaps).
Great comment, Anne. And I'm glad you voted for SERGIO because he needed a look of love here from someone. He's getting pretty soundly beaten, much to my shock and dismay.
~ D-FensDogG
Ya, that's a drum machine and I just couldn't tune it out. But really, that's the only fault I could find with it. Otherwise it is a fine piece of work.
DeleteI can't begin to guess which way you'll go with this one but I'm looking forward to finding out.
Not a fun vote for me because I would give BOTH recordings a grade of "A". I'm forced to vote against one of them, and I hate that. But I have myself to blame, right? I mean, who put these two against each other?
DeleteKicking myself in the arse all the way to the 21st.
~ D-FensDogG
I like the original style of the song a little more than the jazz style although both are great. My vote goes to Sergio Mendes and Brasil
ReplyDeleteBIRGIT ~
DeleteAhhh, a woman able to resist the Botti seduction. Ha! Good for you.
Thanks for the vote, my movie-lovin' friend.
~ D-FensDogG
Oh yeah, both of these are awesome. Normally I'd go with that S&M version. Sorry, Sergio and all those sixes (or sixes and nines to be erotically creative). But Chris' horn is so seductive, tingling on all the right senses.
ReplyDeleteNeither version is conducive to a hang over - but luckily this morning (yes, it still morning to me because its always "morning" no matter what time I get up) I'm feeling fresh and - hungry. Why is there no food in the house? Oh, cuz the denizens that live here eat, but don't grocery shop. At least they left me my diet Pepsi and a crust of bread to toast. Did you know diet Pepsi (with or without Tylenol) is the best hangover cure?
But, I don't have one of those this morning, which is why my vote is going to Chris Botti.
Alrighty, where's the bacon?
Ha! Great comment, OH DONNA!
DeleteYou know... yer startin' to sound all Stream O' Consciousness like Yours Truly. Someday, you and I may be the only persons who understand each other. (Well, check that. I think Dixie will always be able to hang with us in the Stream O' Consciousness Solar System.)
Diet Pepsi the best hangover cure? Well, as a guy who's had more than his fair share... I ain't buyin' dat.
First of all "Tylenol"? Tylenol wouldn't even help me with a minor hangover. It's 3 Extra-Strength Excedrin, m'lady! (I think they relabeled it as "Migraine Formula" recently, but back in my day...)
And you swallow those 3 pills with "Hair Of The Dog". Nuttin' else will help... until you've reached your 4th drink about 1:00 PM. Then maybe some scrambled eggs, white toast... and a beer.
Then you just wait for the next day (aka "Christmas Morning").
Wait 'til I get to your BOTB. I've got a great one-two-punch comment for ya. I'm lookin' forward to hearing and voting on your 'Beer-Drinkin' Woman'. I'll get there b'fore long.
~ Stephen
'Loyal American Underground'
Ha, speaking of "hair of the dog" The Walking Dead is coming on soon, and I need to reach out and push Daryl's hair out of his eyes. But, I've done the Excedrin cure when I've been drinking heavier than wine. Nowdays the wine affects my sinuses more than my brain, so more wine isn't a good cure. Bacon is though!!
DeleteJust think of it, you, me, and Dixie, the last people on Earth who truly understand the important things in life. I'll marinate on this a while :)
I don't really think there is a cure for a bad hangover. If there is, I never found it, and I had lots of research opportunities.
DeleteA fairly mild hangover could be eased or even mostly cured with "Hair Of The Dog" (which doesn't necessarily have to be what you were drinking the night before). I remember a severe one I had in Kentucky in the early '80s. I got it from drinking too many Black Russians (which pretty much ruined that drink for me thereafter). If I had tried to ease that hangover with a morning Black Russian, I would have projectile vomited it onto my motel room walls.
A really bad hangover can be healed only by time and sleep. But I always found I wanted buttermilk the morning after the night before. I like the taste of it to begin with, but mostly it coated my stomach and helped ease that nauseous feeling.
Very few drunken sprees were worth the morning bills I received though. Trading a whole day for 5 or 6 hours of revelry the night before? Not a good trade!
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen, Stephen, Stephen ~
ReplyDeleteI've worked hard to save my favorite memories. I feel a default arriving. If Sergio & Brazil66 are the search engine, then surely Gotti is the hard drive.
I know, everyone rants about the trumpet. That and Chantal's voice swept me out of Windows 10. Sorry Sergio, baby... my laptop is compromised... Gotti keeps asking, "PC does what?"
I hate admitting to being a sentimentalist. I would have followed Sergio anywhere! I've always waited for those background male voices to chime in and awaken my musical chakra...who knew Gotti would swoon with his horn and chakked out of my tree.
Does it get any tougher than this battle? Don't worry if you notice more visits here. I'll return for a Gotti fix. Yes! I'm voting for him...
~ dp, dp, dp
Deletedp, DP, DP ~
Very creative comment. Yes, this IS a tough Battle, for me too.
And maybe FAE is right (never thought I'd say those words in THAT order!) but Botti seems to have the females' number.
I admit, his entire album 'A THOUSAND KISSES DEEP' kinda has my number too, and the last time I glanced down there, I was not a female. [:-O
Alright, now don't keep Chris up all night "playing". That boy needs some rest too, ya know.
~ D-FensDogG
Okay. I had to return Gotti... I'm here early to release him back into your care.
DeleteAgain, I had to listen to both versions. All of my visits should elevate your stats. Ha!
I've already voted ~ so I'm only here to run my mouth.
When Sergio & Brazil 66 came out with this song, I felt a kinship of questioning. What was the look of love? Their song carried me through notes and lyrics in hopes of knowing. I wanted to understand. Ironically, along comes Gotti's version and I'm still questioning. In fact, I think I like his version because it evokes the original search I was on in the 1960's. Wow! I've grown and the sounds of his now touch my soul the same way Sergio's once did. Excuse me while I hunt for the bathrobe I dropped. (Ha!)
Okay it probably makes no sense to you, but... it's a tough choice between the two. Dang battle!
Ha! Well, feel free to run yo' mouth at my blog anytime, DIXIE POLKA.
DeleteFor me, love looks like (Link:->) THIS.
>>... the original search I was on in the 1960's.
Yeah? And what else were you on in the 1960s? C'mon, level with us here. [:o)
Dropped yer bathrobe, eh? Well, that's OK. Just don't drop your wallet. (In my circle, "dropped my wallet" is code for "vomited". And that's a waste of good booze!)
Yeah, this turned out to be a pretty good, tough Battle after all. It was a real blowout there for awhile but Sergio surged back.
~ D-FensDogG
Ice cream? Maybe they have banana split!
DeleteIn the 60's I was always alone... usually off on my bike.. to the park or visit a neighbor. My basket held my sketchpad, bag of pencils and charcoal. I think I must have been a boring kid, but people liked my smile. I know I was also shy... but very helpful to others. Especially at leaf raking time!!
Gosh I had a huge crush on a guy named Steve back in the 70's. A different time for me, altogether. No sense going into it now. You'll be posting your result battle soon.
Postscript: Thanks for loaning Gotti. Also, thanks for getting Sheboyganboy Six to play Mathis puns!
I can't believe I keep calling him Gotti, instead of Botti. I must be on another planet (yuck),
Deletedp ~
DeleteSheboyganboy Six is a trooper.
And, yes, I was wondering how long it would be until you got his name right. I was beginning to think you are a secretary for the mob. (Gotti was a mafia boss in New Yawk.)
Also, the surname for Chis is pronounced "Bo-tee" not "Bah-dee". Maybe you could teach that to FAE? Ha! Because that's the part she gets wrong about 65% of the time.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Mobster'
WELL, I think I know what the battle is going to be over at FAE's house. ;)
ReplyDeleteI voted for Botti last time and I still vote for Botti. I really like the trumpet accompanied by the lovely Chantal.
DeleteI remembered that you'd voted for the man and his trumpet last time, and I was wondering if that would hold true again against this great group with the sublime vocal harmonizing.
I wonder no mo'.
~ D-FensDogG
Brother, brother, brother...I gotta go for Botti, though I think I threw my vote at Krall in the other one.
ReplyDeleteLove a man with a horn. Botti was so soulful and ....
SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!!! GUILIE lives in Curaçao?? I love Curaçao. Of all the places I've been in th e Gulf and South America, Curaçao is the coolest. That sweet little dab o' Dutch plopped down in the middle of the beautiful water.
The buildings are so colorful. It's just a beautiful place.
I'm sorry...I'm like a dog who saw a bird.
Wonderful battle! I'm gonna have to take two days to get around to all of them (lots going on today). Hold on, peeps, I'm not gonna forget you!
PS: Curaçao. Wow.
Delete>>... Of all the places I've been in the Gulf and South America, Curaçao is the coolest.
Oh... it's a place?
I thought it was booze.
I've always thought Guilie was implying that she lives in the bottle and was pickled most of the time.
Dang! BOTTI seems to have a pretty good lead here. I didn't see that coming. However, there's a long way to go and I suspect there are a number of BRASIL '66 votes on the horizon.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen, I do live in the bottle... Just not a Blue Curaçao bottle, or I'd also live in an insulin syringe :D
DeleteCHERDO!!!! If there is one thing that makes me happy in this world, it's finding people who know Curaçao—and love it :) It's not for everyone, and there's plenty who hate it, or who just don't see what the big deal is. Which is fine; to each their own. But a shared love for Curaçao... Well. We're soulmates, hon.
And now you need to come for another visit so we can hang :D
GUILIE, I just climbed out of my bottle to see what you wrote. I'm gonna stumble back into it now. (BTW, my bottle's not Blue Curacao either. Grand Marnier's hard to beat. I mean, if it was good enough for Nils Lofgren, it's good enough for me. When I want to avoid the insulin syringe, I live in a bottle of Bombay Sapphire.)
Delete~ D-FensDogG
Hopefully I am among the first of many troops of cavalry responding to the bugle call to save the good guys: Brasil 66. Currently, Sergio is surrounded by the Sioux and survival is looking grim. But, unlike Benteen, I will skip watering my horses and immediately ride to his aid. Will it be in time?
ReplyDeleteI definitely know one version is better than another, and it ain't Botti's. His was fine. I voted for it over the "fingernails on a blackboard version" by Krall. But against Brasil 66? No way. You'd have to be Crazy (Horse) to make that pick.
DeleteI love how you're dropping obscure names and historical references into your comments these days. And this one, I actually had to look up. Being an American West history student, you'd think I'd have been all over this reference, but I'm more about Cowboys and Miners than I am Cowboys and Indians.
I don't really feel that one version here is "definitely" better'n the other, as I love them both, and in one circumstance I might prefer one over the other, and yet reverse that order in a different circumstance.
I think this is one of the most evenly balanced Battles I've ever constructed.
However, I do believe that "Help is on the way!" Thinking of those who have not yet voted but likely will, it seems to me most of those preferences will fall BRASIL's way. So, this one ain't over 'til the fat lady sings.
Don't drive yourself Crazy (Horse) [now him I knew] until you hear the operatic caterwauling.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
These BOTB things are fun, but really nonsense when you get down to it.
DeleteThey are like revisionist history, e.g. Christopher Columbus was mean and the Indians were all peaceful and "at one" with nature. And the Civil War was fought to defeat slavery.
Seen thru 2015 eyes, of course.
For the REAL picture you have to see with the eyes of the time, and - in the eyes of 1968 - Brasil 66's "The Look of Love" was #36 on the top 100 songs of the year.
That beat the Rolling Stones "Jumpin Jack Flash," Simon and G's "Scarborough Fair," the Beatles "Revolution" AND "Lady Madonna." And plenty of other songs that we all know. It was pretty damned popular, and Botti's version would not have been a blip on the radar then if offered at the same time.
These votes take the "temperature" (where did you stick that thermometer??) of what YOUR readers think of the song almost 50 years later, some of whom complain that it sounds dated. Well... DUH!
I know: you should look for the electronica version! That would REALLY be popular.
That was a great reference S-6 and I had to look it up as well. I cast my vote for Sergio, but it appears as if my guns are too late to save him. It's been a slaughter.
DeleteHa! I feel your pain. But don't let it get you down, Brother. I thought you already knew that BOTB is "for entertainment purposes only", and the Recording Industry Association of America is not going to alter their books based on the outcome of the voting.
You're probably just being snarky due to your disgust with the way the voting is going but... truthfully, an electronica version of this song would get wiped out here in a BOTB contest. Perhaps even shut-out. (Although maybe one or two would vote for it just to prove how musically broad-minded they are.)
Most of my readers have sufficient age behind them not to be swayed by passing fads.
And that segues right into my next thought:
>>... "For the REAL picture you have to see with the eyes of the time...
Mmmmm..... I, personally, can't really agree with that. I think great music is timeless, and so to me, it's irrelevant WHEN a piece of music was recorded or what else was popular at the time, song-wise or instrument- and arrangement-wise. I listen with TOTALLY OBJECTIVE ears and evaluate according to how the music affects me, regardless of style or any other circumstances.
I'm sure 1931 Satchmo sounds as good to me today as it would have in 1931. I hated the B-52s then and I hate them now.
So, speaking for myself, when I listen to BOTB songs and evaluate them and then cast my vote, I don't give a single thought to the era they came from, or consider them in any sort of historical context. I simply know what my ears (and body) likes and I vote accordingly.
So, for STMcC, placing Brasil '66 side-by-side with Botti, or Satchmo side-by-side with Hank Williams, Jr. (which I did in BOTB #7) doesn't present any sort of complication in discernment beyond: Which do I like better between these two? If I could only hear one of these two recordings for the rest of my life, which would I choose?
Hopefully I interpreted your comment correctly and addressed it in a way that makes sense.
And BTW, just soz ya know, in a heartbeat I would select Sergio's 'The Look Of Love' over "Jumpin Jack Flash", "Revolution" and "Lady Madonna". That wouldn't even be a contest. It might take me two or three heartbeats before I would select it over "Scarborough Fair".
Your outrage is ALWAYS appreciated here, Six. (Seriously!)
~ D-FensDogG
I'm glad my outrage is appreciated somewhere! Since it is unrelenting it needs to find an outlet, and - like Kilauea in Hawaii - I have been erupting constantly for decades. The constant ejaculation of outrage prevents a Krakatoa sort of outburst. Nobody seems to appreciate it but you, though. (JW - heh heh)
DeleteYou answered my point well, but I still contend that everything looks different IN context than snatched out of it. Current history books look at the past through the lens of modern thoughts on race relations, sexuality, and tolerance. VERY tolerant people of the past would be considered bigots today... when they weren't.
Likewise, music has evolved and flowed thru the centuries. So my point is: Gregorian monks would loathe the music of Dave Brubeck or the Beach Boys. And most people that like Brubeck or the BB's are not huge fans of Gregorian Chant. In context, IF it is GOOD Beach Boys or GOOD Gregorian Chant: good music is all good regardless of what someone of another era thinks of it.
I am sure you are one who can properly put the music in context and evaluate on its own merits. Though intellectually I realize the issues and TRY to consider them, I am not sure even I can always appreciate the music from other eras properly.
I cracked my toe, uh... once, I think. While skateboarding barefoot in the Summer of '67. Ouch! That hurt!
DeleteI don't really think that historical events and music can be put in this same blender. I get what you're saying about history and cultural mores, and how they're relative to their times, but I'm not sure I can make that leap when it comes to music.
As you know, I love Brubeck and the Beach Boys. And although I don't own any Gregorian Chants, I don't mind them... for awhile.
I really dig some Lawrence Welk recordings, and also 'Life Is A Rock (But The Radio Rolled Me)' and 'Aloha Steve And Danno' by Radio Birdman. (And some people would say Lawrence Welk is as bad as Gregorian Chants.)
Well, interesting ideas to banter about. But while we weren't looking, SERGIO has been surging! This could get interesting yet.
~ D-FensDogG
I liked both versions. A great song. Chris Botti gets my vote. The other version sounded like it was stuck in an era.
ReplyDeleteMIKE ~
DeleteI agree with you that the BRASIL '66 version seems very much a child of the late '60s / early '70s when a lot of group harmonizing was popular. But I absolutely love that style of music and that era of American music. So, to me, it sounding "stuck in an era" is actually a positive rather than a negative.
But I'm crazy about Botti, too. And you're also right that it's simply a great song. In looking for competitors for these Battles many weeks ago, I listened to about 10-12 versions of this song and I liked every single one of them. And some were by artists that one could scarcely imagine performing 'The Look Of Love'. That says a lot about the quality of the song. It's so good I don't think anyone can mess it up.
Thanks for your vote, Mike!
~ D-FensDogG
Love this battle. Both versions were good, but like Janie said, Botti's version is just so haunting. I'll have to admit I've smacked the replay button on that song a few times. My cohort also picks Botti, but more because of Mike's reason above. He says it sounds dated and not in a classic way, and he's not a big fan of that kind of sound.
ReplyDeleteMore than anything, I'm just surprised we still ultimately agree. What is this, 3 battles in a row we've agreed? Surely, then, we're due for a knock down, drag out fight next battle.
Early yesterday, FAE told me in a text that any guy who would vote for CHRIS BOTTI in this Battle is a closet homosexual.
DeleteYou may want to take that up with her.
I just texted her to say that... "The BEER GIRLS just voted." [:o)
~ D-FensDogG
Out and proud! And hey, what's gay about the trumpet? The trombone is a little gay, the triangle definitely is, it's iffy on the maracas, but why the trumpet? You're pressing buttons, not sliding a huge pole back and forth.
DeleteAnd who did you think we'd both vote for? Did you think we'd vote manly?
"I don't mind the trombone or the maracas, but I hate the triangle.".
Delete[For TAGS fans only!]
I am a "CONFIDENT HETEROSEXUAL", but I wasn't confident I could guess how you "Beer Girls" would vote. (Ha!)
However, I did take a shot at it beforehand, and guessed that you'd both go for BOTTI. I don't mean "go for him" in THAT way - Heh-Heh. But that you'd vote for his trumpet-- er... I mean, his version of this song.
And I didn't think that because you're both closet homosexuals (who're now out 'n' proud), but just because you voted for him last time, and my gut feeling was that he would gain your support a second time.
I do pretty good at this guessing, even when it's based on nuttin' but a feeling.
~ D-FensDogG
But No, but no, but no,
ReplyDeleteDidn't we just cover these covers? Well one of em anyway anyhow. Like the masses I was taken back to the 60's with Sergio's version. I could almost feel the beads brushing off my shoulders as I walked through our house on Dell Avenue in Venice. Transpose that with the slickness and smoothness of Mr. Botti an you've got a tough very close race. With the emotions of the crush removed this one is much harder. Nostalgia aside, I go with Chris Botti. Now move it, now move it to some other songs!
DeleteWell, that does it. Looks like SERGIO & CO just cashed in their chips in this Battle.
I knew they had some catching up to do, but I thought it was within the realm of possibility because I figured some of the votes that hadn't come in yet would give them a second lease on life in this Battle.
But yours was one I had imagined in the SERGIO & CO column. Instead, I think your vote was the coup de grâce.
Thanks for the vote, General Poohregard.
And don't worry, December 1st will find me BOTBing a song that has NEVER been used in a BOTB by anyone before. See ya then.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
Are we allowed a write in vote? I think Diana Krall survived the previous battle and is still eligible. What do you mean no? After the scalding she received last week, give me something man!!!! ;)
ReplyDeleteSeriously though, I loved Sergio Mendes & Brasil '66. They will be receiving my vote this week. The performance was fun and entertaining. Not a "fingernails on a chalk-board" entertaining, but I liked it.
DeleteHA! Sorry, I got nuttin' for ya, man. [:o)
But, hey, at least you got the opportunity to vote AGAINST the bloke who knocked yer girl outta the competition two weeks ago. That must be a good feeling, eh?
~ D-FensDogG
DeleteStephen, lovely, lovely song choice! This one transports me in time. Of course, I was just a kid when it came out. Sergio Mendes & Brasil '66 are totally, totally awesome, but I am actually digging the bluesy trumpet intro of the Chris Botti cover and then there's the whole slower pace of the song that hit me just right. So, give my vote to Botti, Mr. McCarthy. Great battle!
ReplyDeleteThanks, CATHY!
DeleteWhen FAE and I discussed this concept before we had posted our November 1st Battles, we were both in agreement (and correct) in predicting that Brasil '66 would beat Nina Simone, and Chris Botti would beat Diana Krall.
But we were BOTH wrong in predicting that BRASIL '66 would win the whole thing by beating BOTTI in the final Battle.
Not only is BRASIL '66 not beating BOTTI, they're actually getting BLOWN-OUT by BOTTI! I was even worried about a tie at one point. Ha! No worries now.
~ D-FensDogG
I'm getting a sense of Deja Vu here. :) Chris Botti plays a mean trumpet but Chantal's vocals........meh!
ReplyDeleteLooks like I'm in the minority, but please give my vote to Sergio Mendes.
DeleteI'm pleased you voted for SERGIO & BRASIL '66, because right now they need all the help they can git.
Also, you score points in the Department of Consistency: You also voted against BOTTI when he went up against Diana Krall. Jeffrey Scott should be buying you a couple glasses of wine and massaging yer feet! [:o)}
~ D-FensDogG
Debbie, Diana and I appreciate your full support. ;) :D LOL
DeleteThe Chris Botti version is WAY too slow for my tastes. The girl's voice is OK, but just too slow and yeah.. my vote's for Sergio and Brasil. I like it.
ReplyDeleteThanks, MADILYN. You've helped keep Sergio in this contest. And right now (I can hardly believe my eyes but...) a monumental comeback seems like it may be occurring.
DeleteIf Sergio pulls a rabbit out of his hat here, it's going to be legendary in BOTB circles.
~ D-FensDogG
Al Bondigas here. I thought both were great musically and vocally. I knew the Sergio Mendes version and have always loved that song. I'm normally not big into the latin flavor, but Sergio Mendes and Brasil 66 get my vote. That's it!! That's my rulin'.
ReplyDeleteJUDGE AL ~
DeleteYer vote was never in doubt.
I'll admit that once or twice your votes have greatly surprised me, but had you voted a different way THIS time, I would have literally died of a heart attack.
And the comeback keeps on comin' back!
~ D-FensDogG
The drum machine accompaniment on Chris Botti's version got on my nerves in a real hurry. Sergio and crew still do this one the best. They get my vote.
ReplyDeleteThanks, JOHN.
DeleteHard to top a Classic, eh?
~ D-FensDogG
Thanks for reminding me about this, Stephen T! I noticed it the other day, but didn't have time to stop, listen, and vote. My vote definitely goes to the original...Sergio Mendez & the Brazil 66. Some songs just shouldn't be messed with, ya know?! And I think this is one of those songs! Hearing it again just now took me straight back to my innocent youth...when I didn't know a thing about love!
ReplyDeleteHeck, BECKY-O!, I still don't know a thing about love!
Delete~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. - Actually, you are most correct! I don't think any of us KNOW about love...otherwise we wouldn't fall for all the wrong people, in all the wrong places! :)
DeleteHey, this is Barack Obama's campaign manager. I just found three uncounted votes for Brasil 66 in Ohio. I realize that this actually amounts to more voters than exist there, but they count just the same.
DeleteI won't add them into the total but... that was the best BOTB comment EVER (whoever vou are)!
~ D-FensDogG
Sergio and Brasil '66 for the win! At least I hope so. Their version made me dance while I was brushing my teeth--which was not a pretty sight. I'll be back soon to read all about MASH, Stephen. Cute pic by the way!
Thanks, GEM JULIE!
DeleteCould be, could be. Maybe. It depends on how FAE's vote and mine fall, and whether Sergio can hold off Chris for 24 more hours. (This might be BOTB history in the making!)
I always wound up slopping toothpaste everywhere whenever I did that, so I stopped brushing my teeth while dancing to Sergio & Brasil '66 twelve years ago. [:o)}
~ D-FensDogG
Before we get to the final tally and my vote, I want to tell you all that this particular BATTLE is the most fun I’ve had with in a long time. Technically, I didn’t even post for this BATTLE, but because I was a part of the original ‘Look of Love’ preliminaries, I kind of consider it my BATTLE too.
ReplyDeleteI love both versions presented here. As far as I’m concerned when it comes to smokin’ sexy jazz, it doesn’t get much better that Mr. Chris Botti. The entire album ‘A Thousand Kisses Deep’, where the track ‘Look of Love’ is recorded, is fabulous. It makes me want to build a fire, pour a nice glass of wine, lay out the sheepskin run on the floor and snuggle up with…someone. Mr. Botti knows sexy and how to sell it with that trumpet (no innuendo intended). There isn’t anything negative that I can say about his version of ‘Look of Love’.
When it comes to Sergio Mendes and Brazil ’66 I don’t have enough adjectives to describe how wonderful I think they are. Their version of ‘Look of Love’ is iconic. To those of you who said it sounded dated, I say bah, Bah, BAH. In my opinion their version is as relevant today as the day it was recorded. It’s happy, playful and downright joyous. There is a strong feeling of love that flows out of Mr Mendes' fingers at that piano and the harmonies presented are superb. The overall instrumentation is wonderful.
In a discussion earlier today, I finally figured out what it is about each version that strikes home with me. Mr. Botti’s version is pure ‘sex’, while the Sergio Mendes and Brazil ’66 version feels more like ‘love’. Don’t think there’s a difference, well, shame on you. There is a big difference!
As for me, today and just about every day, I like the Botti version and don’t think there’s anything wrong with some hot, steamy, sex. But as a steady diet, this lady would much rather be made love to.
So…my vote goes to Mr. Sergio Mendes and Brazil ’66.
BTW, for those of you who think their sound is dated; head on over to YouTube and check out the version of ‘Mas Que Nada’ recorded by Mr. Mendes and The Black Eyed Peas. Afterward get back to me with your ‘dated’ comments. Ha, ha, ha!
Part 1...
ReplyDeleteSaturday, November 21, 2015
Underdogs, Comebacks, and the First Game of the 1988 World Series
STMcC’s Vote On '2015, Nov. 15th: Battle Of The Bands'
(Or, 'Sérgio Mendes & Brasil '66 Versus Chris Botti')
And The Final Tally:
As I mentioned previously, the November Battle Of The Bands competitions for which FarAwayEyes and I collaborated, were conceived as a kind of major sporting event.
The song was 'THE LOOK OF LOVE'. Each of us decided we would choose two competitors, and the winners of our November 1st Battles would battle it out for the World Series championship on November 15th.
I insisted that I get to use the Chris Botti version (I had been planning to use that since about the time the BOTB idea was first conceived) but FAE was free to use anyone else she wanted. I had Botti against a nice live version by Diana Krall. And on November 1st, FAE put the big hit version by Sérgio Mendes & Brasil '66 against Nina Simone.
FarAwayEyes and I had many discussions about this Playoff and World Series scenario leading up to the November Battles and we both predicted that Brasil '66 and Botti would win their respective Battles and meet for the championship on 11/15, and that's indeed what hoppened. We were also in agreement that Sergio & Company would probably beat Botti in the championship round.
Now, I'll confess that I was not overly pleased with FAE's decision to use the hit version by Sérgio Mendes & Brasil '66 because I felt it would run away with the voting, resulting in shutouts or blowouts at the very least. And that proved true when Brasil '66 clobbered Nina Simone in the playoffs.
But when the "World Series" began on November 15th between Sérgio Mendes & Brasil '66 and the underdog, Chris Botti, something totally unpredictable occurred: Botti's cover version - the sound of some seriously smoldering sexuality - immediately began mopping up the baseball diamond with Sergio & Company. HOKEY-SMOKE! I never would have foreseen that!
After the first 16 votes were recorded, Chris Botti had an 8-VOTE LEAD and this contest (which FAE and I both thought Sergio & Brasil '66 would win) was OVER, baby, OVER! Nobody comes back from 8 votes down in a BOTB contest!
["Life imitates art as a badly hobbled Kirk Gibson uses his lone at-bat of the 1988 World Series to become a hero for the ages against a heavily favored Oakland A's squad". Fictional version: 'The Natural' starring Robert Redford.]
But... On October 15, 1988, my brother Nappy and I were at Dodger Stadium for the the first game of the '88 World Series between the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Oakland Athletics, and we witnessed with our own eyes the most amazing comeback in sports history.
This short video will give you a brief overview of what happened:
Continued Below...
Part 2:
DeleteTo watch the entire bottom of the ninth inning, fast-forward to the 2:24:00 mark:
Or catch most of the 9th inning theatrics in the following video:
In watching the votes roll in at the end of this "World Series" BOTB contest, I began to feel like it was October 15th, 1988 at Dodger Stadium all over again! I couldn't believe what I was seeing, but suddenly vote after vote began piling up for SERGIO MENDES & BRASIL '66.
Was this really happening? Could they really come back from 8 votes down to tie or win this championship over the song 'THE LOOK OF LOVE'?
FarAwayEyes and I were watching the voting very intently for the last few days and holding our breaths. We're both crazy about both versions of this song - Sergio's and Botti's - but we both lean very slightly toward S.M. & Brasil '66. (I love it for the absolute joy of it, the great musicianship and the harmonizing of the group vocals. I adore group harmonizing - The Beach Boys, The 5th Dimension, Spanky & Our Gang, The Mamas & The Papas, Sergio and Brasil '66 - I love, Love, LOVE it!)
With a jaw-dropping, historic BOTB comeback, Sergio & Brasil '66 received 10 of the final 11 votes (including FAE's and mine) and here's how the scoreboard looked at the end of the World Series:
Sergio Mendes & Brasil '66 = 14 Votes
Chris Botti = 13 Votes
Hoo-Wee! My own vote got to determine the winner. I LOVE it when that happens!
This BOTB installment was historic to me for two reasons: Aside from the amazing comeback that Sergio & Brasil '66 managed to pull off, this Battle received 27 votes - the most any of my BOTB contests have ever had. So... MAJOR LEAGUE THANKS TO EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU WHO VOTED! Y'all made this perhaps the most enjoyable Battle Of The Bands installment I've ever put together!
I hope you all have a fantabulous Thanksgiving holiday, and I hope to see y'all back here again for my December 1st BOTB contest.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
POSTSCRIPT: IMO, the Chris Botti album 'A Thousand Kisses Deep' (which includes his cover of 'The Look Of Love') is probably the most romantically sexy collection of songs on one disc. It saddens me that the album didn't come out until 2003, so I never got a chance to make-out with some young lovely while it played. But maybe you can live my dream for me! You'll find the entire album by clicking the link below: