Tuesday, February 21, 2017


STMcC’s Vote On '2017, February 15th:
Valentine's Day Battle Of The Bands, Vol. 2'
(Or, 'Marty Robbins Versus Marty Robbins')
And The Final Tally:
I thank you all for making this my favorite 'Battle Of The Bands' (BOTB) installment ever. The voter turnout wasn't great, but I think this is now the "new normal" for BOTB. However, most of you answered all or at least some of my questions. The questions obviously tied into the theme of "eternal love" and "life after death" as suggested by pairing Marty Robbins' songs EL PASO and EL PASO CITY. And it was the novelty of this concept combined with the interesting comments from voters that made this one so special to me.
So, again, I thank y'all for your participation!
And now to answer the questions myself, cast my own vote, and provide you with the results of the informal poll I was conducting...
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Just a couple years ago I would have said no. There can be a strong attraction, even infatuation at first sight, but it takes really getting to know a person before that can grow into love.
Today I say that yes, there is such a thing as love at first sight, but it's a rare occurrence and probably always related to a subconscious or soul recognition of the other person from a previous life experience (i.e., a genuine "soul mate"). In other words, the time needed for love to grow has already occurred in a previous life with that same person or same soul, and you are recognizing them at some level deeper than your conscious mind.
YES = 8
NO = 6
Do you think there is life after death?
Based on my answer above, you already know my answer to THIS question.
YES = 14
NO = 1
Do you believe a person's romantic love for another can be maintained even after the physical body has died and disappeared?
I certainly believe that love lives on, but not a "romantic" form of love. In Matthew 22, Jesus is asked about marriage in the afterlife and He responds: "You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in heaven." In other words, in the Heavenly realm, we are pure Spiritual, asexual beings. It won't be a romantic love we experience, but a more Godly, and even more powerful Love, untainted by the physical.
YES = 7
NO = 6  
Do you think the souls of the deceased sometimes reincarnate and inhabit the earth in newly born bodies?
No, I don't think that. I KNOW that. This is actually a subject that I have spent many years studying in great depth. Believe it or not, it has been shown repeatedly, in no uncertain terms, that some people (and apparently a large number of folks) have reincarnated. I know that I have.
Although I know reincarnation can and does occur, I am NOT a believer in soul transmigration, which is often confused with reincarnation but is actually a different concept with no evidence to support it. Soul transmigration posits that a person might return as a dog, a cat, a raindrop, or even a "holy cow". Reincarnation implies that the soul returns (sometimes many times) solely in the human form.
YES = 8
NO = 4
There are a lot of sensational (and sensationalistic) stories out there about reincarnation. Many of them are true. But me, I am a "Just the facts, Ma'am" kind of guy, which is why I prefer to keep my studies in the more scientific realm, even if that can be on the dry side. To any reincarnation doubters, I would recommend two books by Dr. Ian Stevenson: '20 Cases Suggestive Of Reincarnation' and 'Where Reincarnation And Biology Intersect'.
Because Dr. Stevenson had a scientific mind and took science very seriously, those two books read rather dry -- like the scientific studies they describe. However, if you're like me and just want to know the unadorned facts without spin or bias so you can make up your own mind, then you will value those two publications as I do.
Here's just one little fact as an example of what you might find in those books:
A boy named Indika was born in Weligama, Sri Lanka on October 24, 1972. At the age of 3, he began speaking of a life he had lived in another town. He gave many specific names of people and places he had known in his prior life. Eventually, it was determined that he was speaking facts about the life of a boy named Dharshana who had lived in Balapitiya, Sri Lanka and had died of an illness on January 24, 1968, having lived not quite up to eleven. (Sorry. I couldn't resist that.)
Indika was taken to Balapitiya to meet the family of the deceased Dharshana. At one point he began intently searching the compound area where the family home was located, while the adults followed him. Finally, he located what he'd been looking for. He pointed out where "Dharshana 1965" had been scratched into the concrete of a drain while the cement had still been wet. None of Dharshana's family had ever noticed his name in that concrete until Indika showed it to them. In other words, no one other than Indika, a boy born in another town of Sri Lanka, 5 years after Dharshana had passed away, knew about that personalized graffiti.
I don't believe that any intellectually honest skeptic could read the Dr. Stevenson books and remain unconvinced that reincarnation occurs.
Most Christians reject the idea of reincarnation because they mistakenly believe it contradicts The Holy Bible, the Word of God. I am a follower of Christ and a big league believer in The Bible, and I have rather extensively blogged about why reincarnation is not only compatible with the Word of God, but is repeatedly found in the Word of God. For anyone interested, I give you this...
In this BOTB installment, I voted for EL PASO CITY. I love the cleverness of it, and the mystical element of reincarnation added as the denouement to the 'EL PASO Trilogy'. Also, from a musical standpoint, I prefer the nice but more subtle melody of EL PASO CITY. Although I like the original EL PASO well enough, the "sing song-y" melody of it isn't really my mug o' beer.
This was indeed a blowout, as I predicted, but not nearly as bad a blowout as I expected. Going up against the famous original, I figured my vote and maybe just one or two others is all that EL PASO CITY would get, but the final tally looks like this:
El Paso = 14 votes
El Paso City = 6 votes
Anyway, my thanks once again to all y'all for making this BOTB installment so fun and memorable for me. I hope to see ya here again for my March 1st Battle.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Republican Vs. Democrat, Male Vs. Female, War Vs. Peace, Light Vs. Dark, Good Vs. Evil, Man Vs. Machine, Love Vs. Hate, Dog Vs. Cat, Sun Vs. Moon, Brain Vs. Brawn, Oscar Vs. Grammy, Angel Vs. Demon, Laurel Vs. Hardy, Beer Vs. Wine, TV Vs. Radio, Pitcher Vs. Batter, Paper Vs. Plastic, Reality Vs. Fantasy, Yeshua Vs. Beelzebub, Conservative Vs. Liberal, You Vs. Me, House Vs. Senate, Offense Vs. Defense, Kramer Vs. Kramer, Spy Vs. Spy, Fischer Vs. Spassky, W.C. Fields Vs. Sobriety, Harold Gimpy, Jr. Vs. Sheldon J. Pismire, Rock Vs. Paper Vs. Scissors, Islam Vs. Everything, Singer Vs. Singer, Band Vs. Band...

Yes, it's time once again for 'Battle Of The Bands' ('BOTB'). Except that this is...

This is my 85th 'Battle Of The Bands' installment, and although it is destined to be a big, bad blowout, this is probably my favorite Battle that I've ever constructed. After two ties in a row, it'll be refreshing to finally have a winner to announce! Yeah, I can live with a blowout this time.
This is a "Twisted BOTB" contest, meaning that I'm using two different songs rather than two versions of the same song. However, I'm only using one artist. Slick, huh?
I like to think I've come up with some uniquely Twisted BOTB contests before, but this one is extra special to me.
This Battle idea occurred to me several months back and I've been waiting all this time to use it. This was probably the only time in my life that I eagerly awaited Valentine's Day (pish 'n' pshaw)
Wackypedia sez:
"EL PASO" is a Country & Western ballad written and originally recorded by Marty Robbins, and first released on Gunfighter Ballads and Trail Songs in September 1959. It was released as a single the following month, and became a major hit on both the Country and Pop music charts, reaching Number One in both at the start of 1960. It won the Grammy Award for Best Country & Western Recording in 1961, and remains Robbins' best-known song.
It is widely considered a genre classic for its gripping narrative which ends in the death of its protagonist, its shift from past to present tense, haunting harmonies by vocalists Bobby Sykes and Jim Glaser and the eloquent and varied Spanish guitar accompaniment by Grady Martin that lends the recording a distinctive Tex-Mex feel. The name of the character Faleena was based upon a schoolmate of Robbins in the fifth grade -- Fidelina Martinez.
Members of the Western Writers of America chose El Paso as one of the Top 100 Western songs of all time.
The second song may be new to you. Wackypedia sez this about it:
"EL PASO CITY" is a song written and recorded by American country music artist Marty Robbins. It was released in March 1976 as the first single and title track from the album El Paso City. The song was Robbins' 15th number one on the U.S. Country singles chart. The single stayed at number one for two weeks and spent 11 weeks on the chart.
Robbins wrote "El Paso City" while flying over El Paso, in - he reported - the same amount of time it takes to sing, four minutes and 14 seconds. It was only the second time that ever happened to him; the first time was when he composed the original El Paso as fast as he could write it down.
Valentine's Day is when we celebrate romantic love (so sez Dr. Hallmark). So, while you are listening to the two recordings, give some thought to how you would answer the following questions (and I hope you will indeed answer them in the comment section in conjunction with your voting).
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Do you think there is life after death?
Do you believe a person's romantic love for another can be maintained even after the physical body has died and disappeared?
Do you think the souls of the deceased sometimes reincarnate and inhabit the earth in newly born bodies?
Heavy, huh?
Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!...
EL PASO -- Marty Robbins

EL PASO CITY -- Marty Robbins

Question: Will Marty Robbins win this Battle?
The Magic 8-Ball sez:   "It Is Certain"
Now it's time for you to vote for which Marty Robbins song you preferred and to answer some or all of those questions I posed above. Have fun with it, and... have a Happy Valentine's Day! (Oh, Valentine's Day has already passed? ...Well, maybe it will reincarnate someday.)
I will return here on February 21st with a BOTB Results post. So, be here or... bring a note from your bartender. 
Alright now, “you know the gig”... I welcome you (whoever you are) to vote for your favorite of these songs in the comment section below. And feel free to tell us WHY you chose one song over the other. 

After voting here, I suggest - actually I insist - you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there also. (If their ‘BOTB’ blog bits aren’t posted yet, pour yourself two shots of ‘Grand Marnier’ over ice – do it twice – and then return to their blogs to vice your voice ...vote your vice ...voice your vote.)

Voice Your Vote...

@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘YOUR DAILY DOSE’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'THE DOGLADY'S DEN' by clicking HERE.
@ 'ANGELS BARK' by clicking HERE.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


STMcC’s Vote On '2017, February 1st: Battle Of The Bands' (Or, 'Miles Davis Versus Chris Botti') And The Final Tally:
As always, first and foremost, my genuine thanks to every one of you who took the time and trouble to vote here. Without you, there would be no "Battles".
Despite the fact that for the second time in a row the vote totals were down, this turned out to be a pretty terrific contest. From the outset, I figured that just the legendary name Miles Davis would cause a BOTB blowout. Sixgunboy McItchyfinger also predicted a Miles landslide. And even the new and improved .Magic 8-Ball. -- now with the electrolytes that plants crave -- confidently stated that a Miles Davis victory was something we could ."rely". on.
Aww, but not so fast, not so fast! This thing was neck-and-neck, trumpet-to-trumpet from start to finish.
My own vote did go to the legend, Miles Davis. Although I abbalouly love the album A Thousand Kisses Deep, from which Chris Botti's version of MY FUNNY VALENTINE originates, and although I do think that there's a touch more passion in Botti's playing of the song than in Miles' rendition, there's a slightly more lush, really romantic tone in the latter's playing. Plus, let's not forget that flirting piano! To my ears, anyway, the Miles recording sounds more like wine and candlelight; Botti's maybe leans more toward nakedness on a bear skin rug in front of a lustily glowing fireplace. Not that there's anything wrong with that. (Hey, is it getting warm in here, or is it just me?)
Here's the outcome:
Miles Davis = 9 votes
Chris Botti = 9 votes

I'm not even going to say it because 
y'all already know what I'm thinking!
As I mentioned previously, this was my first of two
Valentines Day-themed BOTB installments.
My next one will be on February 15th, of course, and I hope all of you favorite DogGs and DogGettes of mine will be here for that. I've been looking forward to this ."Twisted  BOTB". contest for several months. Not only do I think it will be the most unique Battle concept I've ever dreamed up, but it may even inspire some very interesting non-music-related discussions in the comment section.
So, please return here for the next installment of Battle Of The Bands. It'll be drop-dead love-ly! ("And you tell 'em that you heard it here first on Roller Derby.")
~ Stephen T. McCarthy

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Being a curmudgeonly, life-long bachelor, I've never bothered doing a Valentine's Day-themed Battle Of The Bands installment before. I've always suffered too much from Bah-Humbugitis for that. But just when you think you've got a handle on me, this old dog ups and learns a new trick, doing not one but TWO Valentine's Day-themed Battles in one month.
This first one is sorta for a friend whom I think will enjoy it. (I hope she doesn't hang a shutout around my neck, because I'm believing she'll vote a certain way in what I suspect will be a blowout. Yes, I'm looking at you, You-Know-Who-You-Are!)😘
💟My next Valentines Day installment will be on Feb. 15th, and that "Twisted BOTB" blog bit will DEFINITELY be a blowout. It's also quite possibly the best BOTB concept I've ever conceived of. I can hardly wait to get to that one!
But now, let's concentrate on the matter of the heart at hand.💕 In other words, let's get on it! Let's get ON this thing!
Wackypedia sez:
"My Funny Valentine" is a show tune from the 1937 Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart musical Babes in Arms in which it was introduced by former child star Mitzi Green. The song became a popular jazz standard, appearing on over 1300 albums performed by over 600 artists.
Our first contestant is the legendary Jazz trumpeter Miles Davis.

The second competitor is Chris Botti (pronounced "Bo-Tee"). His cover of the song comes from his 2003 album 'A Thousand Kisses Deep'. Here's a Wackypedia Fun Fact:
He was born in Portland, Oregon and raised in Corvallis, although he also spent two years of his childhood in Italy. His earliest musical influence was his mother, a classically trained pianist and part-time piano teacher. He started playing the trumpet at nine-years-old, and committed to the instrument at age 12 when he heard Miles Davis play "My Funny Valentine"😍

Now that you've decided who's getting your vote in this Battle, take a minute to check out my review of Chris Botti's album 'A Thousand Kisses Deep'💋at my new blog by clicking HERE. I promise you that the review is NOT boring. I'm not sure if it's sexy or humorous or neither, but I feel confident in saying that it's NOT boring.😜
Question: Will Miles Davis win this Battle?
The Magic 8-Ball sez:  "You may rely on it". 
After voting here, vice your voice... vote your vice...
voice your vote...

@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘YOUR DAILY DOSE’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'ANGELS BARK' by clicking HERE.

As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 7th and 21st of each month to post my own votes and announce the winners in the comment sections.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy