Being a curmudgeonly, life-long bachelor, I've never bothered doing a Valentine's Day-themed Battle Of The Bands installment before. I've always suffered too much from Bah-Humbugitis for that. But just when you think you've got a handle on me, this old dog ups and learns a new trick, doing not one but TWO Valentine's Day-themed Battles in one month.
This first one is sorta for a friend whom I think will enjoy it. (I hope she doesn't hang a shutout around my neck, because I'm believing she'll vote a certain way in what I suspect will be a blowout. Yes, I'm looking at you, You-Know-Who-You-Are!)
But now, let's concentrate on the matter of the heart at hand.
Wackypedia sez:
"My Funny Valentine" is a show tune from the 1937 Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart musical Babes in Arms in which it was introduced by former child star Mitzi Green. The song became a popular jazz standard, appearing on over 1300 albums performed by over 600 artists.
Our first contestant is the legendary Jazz trumpeter Miles Davis.
The second competitor is Chris Botti (pronounced "Bo-Tee"). His cover of the song comes from his 2003 album 'A Thousand Kisses Deep'. Here's a Wackypedia Fun Fact:
He was born in Portland, Oregon and raised in Corvallis, although he also spent two years of his childhood in Italy. His earliest musical influence was his mother, a classically trained pianist and part-time piano teacher. He started playing the trumpet at nine-years-old, and committed to the instrument at age 12 when he heard Miles Davis play "My Funny Valentine"
Now that you've decided who's getting your vote in this Battle, take a minute to check out my review of Chris Botti's album 'A Thousand Kisses Deep'
Question: Will Miles Davis win this Battle?
The Magic 8-Ball sez: "You may rely on it".
After voting here,
voice your vote...
@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘YOUR DAILY DOSE’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'ANGELS BARK' by clicking HERE.
As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 7th and 21st of each month to post my own votes and announce the winners in the comment sections.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
This is one of those songs that I never liked until I started liking it. I guess I never appreciated it because I was overly distracted by the title when I was a kid.
ReplyDeleteLater when I was in college I heard the beautiful rendition on the Don Shirley Trio Live album and saw the song in a different light--as a beautiful melody performed in an almost classical style.
You present a tough choice as both versions are excellent. The version by Miles is more similar to that favorite of mine by Don Shirley so I'm going to have to go with Miles Davis and his muted trumpet with the drifty background. Love the piano.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
DeleteFun Fact: Don Shirley was the first transgendered musician of the Jazz genre.
Glad you thought it was a tough choice as that gives me hope this may be more Battle than Blowout.
~ D-FensDogG
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(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
I guess he got called "Shirley" one too many times. Some folks seem to think classical music is kind of sissified so maybe this adds some credence.
DeleteArlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Stephen, There's no shame in featuring a tender V-Day mewsic theme. At least for the first round. I can't imagine you doing two back-to-back but then as you said we might find ourselves surprised one day. :) I love the original jazz flavor but this morning Chris Botti's (thanks for telling me how to pronounce his last name) warm, gentle tempo of on the trumpet and keys made this version more pleasing to my ears. So, give my vote to Botti please! Have a good week, my friend!
ReplyDeleteCATHY ~
DeleteFirst vote for Chris Botti. Thanks. IMMEDIATELY the Shutout fear evaporates.
My next Valentine's Day Battle will be unusual. Kind of examining the idea of a romantic love that even death can't end. Should be interesting.
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Stephen, I'm put your fear to rest. I really like Botti's sound. I can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve for the next battle. Have a good day1
DeleteAh, ya ole sentimental grump. A little bit of the cupid is good for ya. The LF's must be getting to you. Ha!
ReplyDeleteAs for the BOTB. What's not to like about Miles. It's smooth, slow, and sexy. Music to fall in or out of love to as the case may be.
BUT, my heart belongs to BO DEE!n He took Miles version and upped the ante way past eleven. This is the guy who gets my vote every time.
Now go brush your teeth and feel loved.
DeleteI never really thought of BO-DEE's stuffs as music that goes "up to eleven", let alone beyond that. But, hey, the Romance-O-Meter and the Marshall amps are two different things, right?
That last line... thanks for the laugh! :O)
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
In honor of Valentines Day:
ReplyDelete"You-Know-Who-You-Are" and Stephen sitting in the tree
First comes love.
Then comes marriage.
Then comes baby in the baby carriage.
Only LOVE could drive a rational BoTB-er to post a battle destined to be as one-sided as this one will be! I mean, ANYONE vs. Miles Davis here is going to get clobbered. I am shocked that already at least one vote has been cast for Botti.
The 8 Ball had an easy call here. Instead of saying "YOU MAY RELY ON IT," the Ball shoulda said in it's best Jersey accent: "are youse freakin' KIDDIN' me? Get outta here!"
SBB-6 ~
DeleteHa! I hadn't heard that schoolyard rhyme since, well... my schooldaze.
>>... Only LOVE could drive a rational BoTB-er to post a battle destined to be as one-sided as this one will be!
I keep this Battle
Upon this page
It hides a nasty stain that's lying here
So don't you ask me
To take it down
I know you know it doesn't mean that much to me
I'm not in love, NO, NO, it's because...
I too thought that the Magic 8-Ball might say something like, "Fuhgeddaboudit". But look what's happened so far: 4 votes in, tied 2 to 2.
There's no truer axiom than this:
"With BOTB, you never can be too sure."
Long way to go though, and I've seen some odd voting patterns over the years in BOTB.
Stay tuned, Brother...
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Ah Stephen, this is a really awesome battle. I like it a lot! And I love that you have a little Valentine's spirit coursing through you :)
ReplyDeleteI have listened to both versions you presented three times and this is a very hard decision. I really like Miles Davis' version and especially love the piano. I have to go with my heart though and give my vote to Chris Botti: his rich and creamy sound is more to my liking. I've always been drawn to the sounds of smoother jazz and Botti's version is supremely smooth!
I needed this sound today: I'm in the middle of a very stressful day and both Miles Davis and Chris Botti have managed to slow and calm me down. Perfect timing. Thanks Stephen!
Michele at Angels Bark
DeleteI'm really pleased that the timing of this particular Battle was just right for you!
You listened to each version three times, so there's no denying you gave them both a fair shake.
So far, this contest is anything but a blowout. I'm digging the early returns.
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Well, I'll be SIG-TWO's uncle! Bow-tie is ahead! And I was already counting my future Supreme Court appointments ahead of the vote!
DeleteHa! You more fun than a barrel of SigToo's uncles.
DeleteI gotta admit, this Battle is even surprising me, and I thought I had a purdy dern good understanding of BOTB at this point.
So far, it's a surprise but a pleasant one.
~ D-FensDogG
I'm really taken with the Miles Davis rendition. It seems to be so at home.
ReplyDeleteEPT ~
DeleteThanks for stopping by with your vote for Miles. That ties everything up.
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Miles is more my style and gets my vote on this one.
ReplyDeleteThanks for checking in with a vote for Miles, MIKE.
Delete~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
For some reason, after having listened to both versions, Botti's just seemed more "right," so I'm giving him my vote. They're both good, but I feel like Chris caught the sadness inherent in the song better than Miles.
ReplyDeleteJOHN, your bote really surprised me. I figured you were a shoe-in for Miles.
DeleteBOTB -- ya gotta love the never-ending unpredictability of it, eh?
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
We're both of the bah humbug variety when it comes to Valentine's Day, too. If the wife and I want a romantic dinner, we make it. We want chocolates, we buy them and eat them. We want wine... well, no brainer, we get beer instead. But we don't need a holiday for all of that.
ReplyDeleteSo my cohort is a big fan of the Miles Davis version. Meanwhile, I've gotta say, I've always been a big sucker for Chris Botti. He has such a haunting sound. I love it. I therefore must defy my cohort and defy the Magic 8-Ball and bote for Chris Botti. I won't even make any awful "Chris Botey" jokes, which are just plain lazy and far beneath even mentioning.
6-B ~
DeleteYep. I always felt the same way. It's been suggested that Valentines Day was invented by Hallmark to sell more cards, and I wouldn't be a bit surprised.
Personally, I think that generally Saint Valentine's Day should be celebrated by lining your enemies up against a wall and machine-gunning them to death. ...But maybe that's just the sentimental romantic in me coming out.
Man, I sure guessed wrong on your botes this time. And even worse than you know...
I said that you'd both bote for Miles, making me half wrong. BUT!... had you told me in advance that your botes would oppose each other's, I would have guessed you'd side with Miles while Brandon would bote for Botti. (Nope. Not beneath ME! Sap that I am.)
Thanks for weighing in on this. It continues to be a neck-and-neck horse race and I've lost track of who's ahead at this point (assuming they're not tied, which they might well be).
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
A bit of a toughy this time. Maybe I'm just pre-conditioned to love Botti, so that's who I'm voting for. Nice smooth sound - not good tonight since I'm almost too tired to post this. Doesn't help that the internet keeps cutting out on me.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a fan of Valentines day either - its like Christmas, a capitalist invention to sell stuff and make one feel guilty for not spending enough money. A heathen practice if ever there was two.
I like your idea of lining up all the enemies and shooting them. But, then i'd be left with no family to poke fun at either. I'll be spending Valentines Day with THE WALKING DEAD and my family will likely shun me for it. Good thing, I don't want any distractions during the mayhem.
Better go before I lose my connection again.
Thanks for stopping by with your vote, WILD THING.
DeleteI actually love Christmas, but then it is very meaningful to me. For example, I consider it (along with Easter) to be a high Holy day and I refuse to conduct any commerce on it. I won't even buy so much as a candy bar.
But Valentine's Day... if anyone needs a day to remind them to express their affection for a romantically loved one, there ain't really all that much romance there to begin with. It really does seem like it should be called Hallmark Day.
You're wise not to kill off all the objects of your sarcastic arrows.
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
I am late but at least I am here:) I've been a busy gal but nothing exciting. I have to say I prefer Miles Davis over Botti. I found it more Dream like with how the songs feels to me. I like Valentine's Day because my mom always made it special for us. We always had a little heart shaped gift at our dinner plate and baby duck for wine..yes I was about 10 but she is German so, yeah for Baby Duck!
ReplyDeleteBIRGIT ~
DeleteThanks for your vote! And, no, you are NEVER late... unless you're trying to vote after the 6th or the 20th.
"Baby Duck"? Ha! I don't even know what that is. What is it? Like some very low-alcohol version of Cold Duck or something? Whatever it is, that's definitely not a USA thang.
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Baby Duck was a very sweet sparkly wine back in the day with, I think, 7% alcohol!:) if you have heard of Spumante Bambino, it's similar to that
DeleteWell, I've heard of Spumante, but it was a type of ice cream. (I've probably got the spelling wrong.) I haven't seen that in ages.
Delete7% ABV ain't nuttin' to sneeze at!
~ D-FensDogG
Hi Stephen, This was such a tough choice that I had to play both songs a few times before I could make a decision. Chris Botti gets my vote, as his rendition seemed slightly more heartfelt.
DeleteI appreciate your vote for Chris Botti. And I like that you had to really struggle to decide. Playing both songs multiple times shows a determination to take one's vote seriously and a willingness to devote the necessary time to get it right. I thank ya!
HOKEY-SMOKE! Was I ever wrong about this Battle! I thought it was going to be quite one-sided in Miles Davis' favor, but this is a tooth-and-nail, neck-and-neck race to the Finish line!
If my count is correct, right now, Botti is up by one vote. But with two more days of voting, this victory is definitely up for grabs by either artist.
I'm lovin' this, because I did not relish the idea of two Blowouts in a row, and my next Battle is 100% money-back guaranteed to be a massive blowout.
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Better late than never, I'm finally here to cast my vote!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy a good Miles Davis tune, but I have to agree with the others that Botti really felt good to listen to and made me want to hear more.
My vote goes to Botti
DeleteSo happy to see you here! That means the move has been made, and I assume things are going well if you've found time to stop by and vote.
Let me know how you're doing when you can. And thanks so much for taking the time during such a major personal transition to visit my BOTB installment.
Yak later...
~ D-FensDogG
Al Bondigas here. I liked both sounds, but Chris Botti's kind of hit home in some weird kind of way. Sort of transported me back in time and elicited a feeling of melancholy. And you know how our family loves to feel like shit!! Therefore I make my rulin' fer Botti. That's it!! That's my rulin'. By the way, I added Chris Botti to Spotify on my phone. Now I can feel like shit 24/7.
ReplyDeleteHa! That's weird! John Holton mentioned the melancholia in it too. While FAE told me she hears the melancholia more in the Miles Davis version but prefers the Botti recording. And me... I don't hear the melancholia in EITHER recording and never ever felt that the song did or should possess a tinge of melancholia.
DeleteVery strange Battle this time around. I would-a bet a pretty penny you were going to vote for Miles.
~ D-FensDogG
DeleteDid you see General Poohregard's comment below? .....Is he arguin' with you?
~ D-FensDogG
Al Bondigas here. I believe I was the one who drove that ungrateful drunken fooo to the emergency room that historic day. Not only did I hear the shot heard round the world, but I was fortunate enough to see it. Can you imagine the deafening, thunderous sound I had to endure? The Poohs never been the same since. Bless his heart.
DeleteI'll bet you didn't even get a free pizza out of it, didja?
DeleteHe protly thinks he paid you back by putting on that fireworks display on the Santa Monica Pier that one night.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
Oh yeah. Now I remember.
DeleteI'm pretty sure that was just the lighting.
Delete~ D-FensDogG
Like Andy said.
DeleteWhoooooo you talking' about? Now I've heard everything...Judge Al a votin' for Botti. Protly so he could get some booty. Yah, I said it now dooooo somethin' I don't recall who drove to the ER that fateful Super Bowl Sunday but I do know we're all lucky to be alive. Mike W sent me an interesting photo from Bay Street, now that made ME melancholy. Looks like we were well into the six-pack and half-pint before we went out drinkin'. UHHHHGGGHHH
Punk-Ass, send me a copy of that photo! Don't be bogartin' the photos, dude.
Delete~ D-FensDogG
I can't believe you sent me an Email asking me to stop by and vote or Bote on an INSTRUMENTAL. Sheesh. Do you not know me at all???
ReplyDeleteI first heard Chris Botti on FAE's blog back at the beginning of BotB. I really like him, and I thought Magic 8 Ball might be wrong (before listening). However, Miles Davis does an excellent job on this one. I particularly love the piano (shocking, I know!), and that swayed me. Miles Davis it is for me!!!
Well, you know it's just not BOTB without your angelic voice singing out your vote! So, thanks for acknowledging my existence and the important place I hold in your dreams. ;o)
DeleteMy BOTE Prognosticating was pretty poor in this round. Very few peoples are voting how I'd thought they would.
Gee, I wonder if I've even predicted my own vote accurately! I shall see...
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
And Stephen,
ReplyDeleteBy gosh, by golly you've done it again. That is made me have to take off my surface skimming ears and listen deeper to two songs that normally would have not reached my airwaves. Speaking of New England, a memory of someone being pissed and someone else being pushed around in a shopping cart after NE beat Oakland in the playoffs way back when comes to mind as does a split lip and a burning bed sheet with Redskins references...but that's another story. Both good versions of MFV, Botti a bit more polished, and I just got more of that darkened backroom with a heroin spoon a warming feeling from Miles Davis. So seeing as I was frequently drawn to the backroom, without imbibing in the opiates, just to be clear, my vote goes to Miles Davis.
There you have it,
DeleteBy gosh, by golly, gee whiz and gee willikers, but boy howdy does I gets me some fun comments!
Weird... while reading your comment, I started to get the shakes and a queasy stomach. The future's uncertain and the end is always beer.
It wasn't just any slap. It was "THE SLAP HEARD 'ROUND THE WORLD". I wasn't even there when it happened but... ah heard it.
In the Ba-aaa-ck Room!
I waited for you.
You waited for me.
You're gonna be out on the road
Oh, out on back street, man
On the, on the, highway
An' the colors are gonna run
All of a sudden, don't ya feel sick?
The next gig, you gotta make it
I said, "Yeah, I feel sick".
Damn! So many great times. What did it all MEAN?! It HAD to mean something. Di'nit?
I know Miles appreciated your vote. I could tell by the way he said "Eh" when I gave him the good news that you'd sided with him.
Miles is a cat of few words; he lets his trumpet do his talkin' for him. Thinkin' maybe he doesn't?
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
ReplyDeleteIf you are interested in seeing the final vote tally for this 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' installment and my closing thoughts on it, please click (Link:] HERE.
Or you can put the following URL into your browser:
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'