Monday, August 21, 2017


Well, well, well. Another BATTLE OF THE BANDS (BOTB) installment in the books, and another embarrassing black eye for the MAGIC 8-BALL's reputation.
The Battle (using that word loosely) took place (link:] HERE, and that makes two consecutive BOTB blowouts for me. WTH? I think I've lost my BOTB touch. (I must be low on the electrolytes I crave.) I'm in the doghouse with myself!
Anyway... I sincerely do thank each and every one of you for coming by my blog doghouse to listen and cast a vote. You are all appreciated by me!
This Battle, however, didn't end quit as badly as it began. I think the first five votes all went for HERB ALPERT & THE TIJUANA BRASS version of the song 'TANGERINE' -- causing me to begin fretting about a shutout. But then Sixgun McItchyfinger showed up to cast a vote for the Jimmy Dorsey team and that got the 8-ball rolling a little bit. Nevertheless, it was one-sided from the get-go and remained that way for the duration.
Like the majority, my vote also went South Of The Border. For me, 'TANGERINE' is really all about that gorgeously lilting, haunting melody.
The sad and final tally looked like this:
Jimmy Dorsey (w/ Bob & Helen) = 6 votes
Herb Alpert & The TJ Brass = 11 votes.
Yep. Herb's votes went "up to eleven".
I hope to see you all here again on September 15th when I will have a real nail-biting Battle. Isn't that right, Magic 8-Ball? ...Oh, why do I even bother to ask YOU ?
~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. The Tiajuana Brass had a happy sound.

    1. EPT ~
      My Battle may have been a blowout, but I was really pleased to have been able to turn you on to a new (old) song that you liked so much.

      That entire album it comes from ("Whipped Cream & Other Delights") is terrific. You might like a lot of the other stuffs on it as well. Including the title track, 'Whipped Cream', which became the official theme music for the original 'Dating Game'.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      (link:] Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

    2. Did not know that about the Dating Game.

    3. MIKE ~
      I got it slightly wrong. WHIPPED CREAM wasn't The Dating Game's overall theme song, but rather the theme song for the moment when the bachelorette was introduced to the audience.

      See this clip from when Farrah Fawcett (not yet Majors) was a contestant. That's WHIPPED CREAM playing when she appears:

      It figures I would remember the Bachelorette theme song as the entire show's theme song because, well, you know.

      Apparently two other HA & TTB songs were regularly used on The Dating Game as well, but WHIPPED CREAM is the one that stuck in my mind most.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      (link:] Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  2. Well, I'm in The minority because I prefer the Dorsey version. I marked that film down and would love it. I just do t understand how people would not get that type of reference:)

    1. BIRGIT, if you ever see it, let me know what you thought. The "Good Guy Confident Heterosexual Gunfight" scene is probably my favorite, but the whole movie is funny.

      I mean, any movie in which Andy Griffith plays a gay man has to be pretty funny, right?

      ~ D-FensDogG
      (link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  3. Sory Babe; did not mean to miss your posts for so long. I've been elsewhere. Gotta say I'm a long time Herb and tj brass fan though.

    1. No problem, WILD THING. We've all got other things going on besides blogging.

      Besides, it sounds like you would have only increased Herb's lead over Jimmy, and he was doing just fine as it was.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      (link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  4. A real nailbiter, eh? I think my Sept battle will be very close in numbers or a blowout. The contenders are very close in sound, but will be glad to finally put that battle to rest. (they were supposed to be my August battle!)

    Looks like I'll be working again tomorrow. My 'boss' got caught in traffic trying to come home from watching the eclipse. Traffic was moving so slow, she decided to wait until tomorrow to return. Mo' money for me!

      Hmmm.... I haven't decided what my Sept. 15th Battle will be yet. Will have to look through my list and find something I think will be close.

      The one I'm looking forward to is January 15th. That will be my 100th Battle and I have a fun, unique one planned for it.

      Although I called this Battle a blowout, it wasn't really, according to my own definition. It was a 5-vote margin, which ain't close, but I've always felt a 6 vote differential is where the official "Blowout" marker begins.

      So, come to re-think it, this Battle wasn't really too bad. Hell, at least it wasn't a tie.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      (link:] Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  5. At least your losing contender got 6 votes, so, not really a 'blowout', unlike mine. Herb Alpert's smooth sounds are hard to beat! Better luck next time (for both of us).

    1. DEBBIE, yeah, it was kind of lopsided but not a true "blowout". I expected Herb Alpert to win, but I thought it would be a little bit closer than it was.

      But, really, it wasn't too bad. I'm pretty satisfied with it, after all.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      (link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  6. TJB version won because it best showcased that "gorgeously lilting, haunting melody." The Dorsey version is great, but Herb Alpert made the song more listenable to updated ears. Gosh, and it was released over 50 years ago! That's about as updated as I'd care to get for this song.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. >>... "Gosh, and it was released over 50 years ago! That's about as updated as I'd care to get for this song."

      Oh, come on, where's your spirit of adventure, LEE? We could add a bunch of synthesizer, a DJ to scratch and Rap in the middle, and some weird blue hair that's cut in some stupid way... And tattoos! Lots and lots of tattoos!!

      There is yet so much that could be done with this song!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      (link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  7. I'm still surprised...
    But hey, it wasn't a bad battle at all! You got respectable numbers. That Magic 8-ball, on the other hand... :)

    Happy Hump Day.
    Enjoy the rest of your week...

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Yeah, MICHELE, it was a respectable Battle. I was being a bit harsh in calling it a Blowout. Let's see here... I hate ties, and I'm not happy unless the Battle is decided by just one or two votes. I'm a hard SOB to please, ain't I? Ha!

      Hump Day is usually my Friday, so... all is right with the woild.

      See ya again on 9/15.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      [Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  8. I shall strive to be here on the 15th :) I have a tendency to forget about blogging lately. I am writing on a couple short stories for submission though, so perhaps I can use "writing" as an excuse?

    I've a feeling I would have voted for Herb also.

    1. WILD THING, I will always accept "heavy drinking" as an excuse. "Writing"? Not so much.

      Please let me see your short stories when they're finished. Your writing impresses me.

      Be here on September 15th or be...
      ....somewhere else.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...


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