Yes, it's time once again for 'Battle Of The Bands' ('BOTB').
Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!...
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Yes, yes, yes! I know perfectly well that this BOTB blog bit is going to be a really bad blowout. And I'm alright with that, because it's what I expect. I only hope this doesn't actually become my first ever BOTB shutout -- which, I fear, is a possibility.
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In Arlee Bird's September 15th BOTB installment, he used the classic Blues song 'GOOD MORNING, LITTLE SCHOOL GIRL', pitting Johnny Winter against Taj Mahal, with the latter winning 12-8.
The song was written by the legendary Sonny Boy Williamson, but the first rendition I ever heard was by the equally legendary Muddy H2Os. I love Muddy so much that I even named my best friend (a stuffed dog) after him!
In the introduction to his Battle, Lee wrote the following:
This song is among the earliest that I placed on my BOTB someday queue.
And I replied:
Same here, LEE. This was probably one of the first 12 songs I listed when I started writing down potential BOTB material. The only problem was that I couldn't find what I felt was the right match-up.
One version that I was determined to use is so good I felt it would clobber every other recording I could find -- including Muddy Waters' version!
So, in almost 3 years of BOTB, I still haven't used this song. But perhaps I'll put my choice against whoever wins this Battle of yours and have them fight for the title. That way if it's a shutout, all of the blame won't fully rest on me. Ha!
When the Countess and I started going together, she was a UCLA student and I was a UCLA employee. I got in the habit of saying to her, "Good Morning, Little School Girl", the first thing after she'd wake up.
The first time I went to the L.A. Blues Festival, next to the Watts Towers, TAJ MAHAL was the headlining act. And he gets my vote here.
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Lee responded:
STMcC, I'd have figured somebody would have used this song by now. ... There are so many excellent -- and interesting -- versions that coming up with matches shouldn't be too much of a problem. Hope you'll do the rematch as I'd like to see which version would have been your choice.
And so, here it comes... Lee's winner, Taj Mahal, versus the cover that I think would clobber every other recording of this song in a BOTB match-up. We'll see whether or not I may be right.
Question: Am I right?
The Magic 8-Ball sez: "Most Likely"
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Taj Mahal -- Good Morning, Little School Girl
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Van Morrison -- Good Morning, Little School Girl
Alright now, “you know the gig”... I welcome you (whether I know "you" or not) to vote for your favorite of these songs in the comment section below. And feel free to tell us WHY you chose one song over the other.
After voting here, I suggest - actually I insist - you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there also. (If their ‘BOTB’ blog bits aren’t posted yet, pour yourself two shots of ‘Grand Marnier’ over ice – do it twice – and then return to their blogs to
Voice Your Vote...
@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'ANGELS BARK' by clicking HERE.
@ 'RIGHTING & EDITING' by clicking HERE.
@ 'YOUR DAILY DOSE' by clicking HERE.
As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 21st of each month to post my own votes and announce the winners in the comment sections.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
This is a tough choice. Van Morrison is among my favorite artists (interesting that one of my song choices in this round is also by Van Morrison). His version reminds me of some of those versions that came out from the early wave of the English Invasion of the sixties. Van's singing and the band's playing rings with authenticity.
ReplyDeleteStill I like the smoother bouncier version by Taj with that rolling piano. Van rocks the song, but I have more fun listening to Taj's sly vocals.
Hopefully my vote prevents any shut-out for you--I would expect an overwhelming vote for Van, but I'm not going to make any predictions.
My vote goes to Taj Mahal.
Tossing It Out
LEE, if there were going to be just one person to save me from a shutout, I had YOU figured to be that voter. So, thanks, right out of the chute.
DeleteI also enjoy Taj's version, with that rinky-tink piano and the laid-back vocals.
However, to my ears, Van's rendition is just one of the most butt-kicking songs I know of, and the ferocious energy and tight musicianship will, I believe, make this a very one-sided affair. But at least I know I've now gone 97 Battles without a shutout.
In all seriousness, I hope it turns out that I'm wrong and find that I've got a very close Battle on my hands here, but... I can't quite imagine that. Time will tell.
~ D-FensDogG
STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'
I vote for Taj for the same reason Lee named, and I do so in spite of the fact that my ex-husband likes Taj Mahal.
Thanks, JANIE.
DeleteI'm glad to see Taj score the first two votes and take a quick lead. I think he's protly gonna need every vote he can get to stay in this race over the next few days.
~ D-FensDogG
STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'
Van Morrison really rocks this one, doesnt he?
ReplyDeleteBut I still favor Taj Mahal. It just sounds so fun. Frankly if I had to choose which one to be woke up with, I'd choose Taj Mahal. After I'm awake, we can move on to the harder stuff ;)
My vote: Taj Mahal
DeleteOK, thanks, MM, Q CONTRARY.
Glad to see Taj Mahal getting a good-sized lead. Maybe he can hold on after the onslaught begins. :o)
The dam is going to break bad soon, or else I don't know doo-doo about BOTB.
We'll see...
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
I guess I'm just not in a Morrison mood today; voted against him at Lee's too. And ya know I'm a rockin' chick. I really liked that bit of folksy-jazzy from Taj.
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm not gonna hang out. Bought a new computer a couple-three weeks ago and - well, lets just say I have a string of explectitives that flow from Spokane to Reno and then some. Don't like blogging from my phone and the new computer spends more time telling me its not responding than anything.
Hope this posts!
WILD THING, indeed it has been rumored that you're "a rockin' chick". And now you have confirmed it.
DeleteI'll bet your "string of expletives" isn't any longer than the string of expletives I weave every single day in just 8 miles of Reno freeway driving. (Friggin' REnoTARDS! It don't get any dumber'n them behind the wheel!)
Thanks for stopping by with a vote, W.T.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
For all that is in me, I want to vote Taj Mahal but you had to put him up against Van Morrison. Dookie.
ReplyDeleteTaj has the personality, the bluesy authentism, the fine burnished voice of an era...BUT HOLY COW, YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT VAN MORRISION. Van has the HOLY COW I'M VAN MORRISON factor.
Moondance versus Mule Bone...do you want my head to explode?
Gotta vote for VAN MORRISON.
Howdy, DOC MacSIS! ~
DeleteHard to believe that you're the fifth voter and just the first vote for Van The Man.
We'll see if you've kick-started what I had predicted. (So far, though, I don't seem to know doo-doo.)
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
ReplyDeleteThanks for joining me yesterday. I'm making my BoTB rounds this a.m. before the day gets away from me. In Lee's battle I went with Taj Mahal and its his bluesy tone that sucked me in but Van Morrison really rocked it. I loved that Morrison put the groove in my Monday morning move. Give my vote to Van Morrison!
DeleteThanks for coming by with your vote. And I'm glad I was able to provide a song that put the groove in your Monday morning move. Ha!
Me, I'm still half asleep and starting to think about my upcoming lunch break. (Another one of them Monday mornings, which really ought to be outlawed!)
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
I like Taj and Van, but this song, not so much. Nuf said. I’m gonna give my vote to Van because in my world on every other song he edges out Taj just enough.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your vote, NITRO!
DeleteIt surprised me, however, that you didn't like this song more. Van's got 3 saxes, harmonica, and congas ripping through it. Heck, it even made me dance for 8 seconds. Come on, dance with me! [;^)}
Incidentally, Cherdo has your band, The Wilburys, playing at her BOTB post this time. You might wanna stop by there and give 'em a boost. I hear Tom was asking for ya.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Wow, these comments. I love how much love Taj Mahal is getting. I mean, I get it, but that high energy sound of Van Morrison won me over from the get go. That cat can croon. Give my vote to him, no question.
DeleteAnd just like that... Van The Man has tied it up!
Mucho Thank You for your vote.
This Battle is already better than I'd anticipated. Taj Mahal with the first four votes? "He don't know it's a damn show! He thinks it's a damn fight!!"
I wasn't overly enthusiastic about this Battle at first -- thinking it would be a "No Contest" -- but now I'm really into it.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Well I haven't even checked out anyone else's comments here but I'm betting that you (and your 8-ball) are 100% right. Van Morrison kicks it! I mean, it's k-i-l-l-e-r! All the way Baby! LOVE that version! I'm psyched that you showcased Van Morrison's version because I never heard it before and I really like VM. I'm playing it again ... and probably will play it again and again and again! I bet I would never get tired of listening to this one.
ReplyDeleteTaj Mahal is good, no doubt, but Van Morrison simply blows them away...
So yeah, my vote definitely goes to the Van man. Excellent battle here today Stephen. I'll be anxious to read how others are voting.
Hey, when you get a chance, stop over to my place to check out my Firefall spotlight. Curious to know if you've ever been into them...
Have a great week, my friend.
Michele at Angels Bark
DeleteHey, I'm really pleased you liked the Van Morrison version so much.
And I know just what you mean about playing it again and again, because it has the SAME effect on me! It's like that old potato chips commercial (Lays?), where they said "nobody could eat just one". Once I play that V.M. recording, I always end up replaying it, sometimes several times in a row. Then I'll go around singing, humming, or whistling it for an hour or two.
(Damned earworm!:o)
Hard to believe Van was actually losing for awhile.
Soon as I get all my BOTB votes in, I'll come by to check out your new post on Firefall.
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
I had to venture over to YouTube to listen to Van Morrison and it knocks out Taj Mahol in my humble opinion. The killer guitar and musical styling with all the instruments and then his great vocals in this song slays it...as you wanted it to:) I’m glad I had the time to listen to the BOTB this month
ReplyDeleteBIRGIT ~
DeleteGenuine thanks for making the extra effort to hear the Morrison recording. Normally, I'm very good about making sure I've found a video that plays in Canada, but this time it slipped my mind completely. (I must've been having a Mojito Moment!)
Yeah, that chunky, funky rhythm guitar really puts the pedal to the metal, doesn't it?
Thanks again!
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
And Stephen,
ReplyDeleteA good battle, I said a good battle indeed. Loved Taj's stripped down version but my vote goes for the Irish Rebel Van Morrison. I thought I was going to vote for Taj Mahal but Van impressed me with the harmonica and deepness of the vocals. Sorry I missed last month, I do have good memories of the Cadillac Walk with you and Torch. Be well and go doyers!
DeleteHey, everyone deserves a break from BOTB once in awhile, even you, my friend.
Glad you liked the Battle... "in the ba-aaa-ck room".
Doyers 3, Chiraq Cubbies, 0.
For the first time in my life, I'm actually rooting for AT&T (also known as The Yankees), because I want THEM in the World Series with Los Doyers!
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
Taj Mahal's honky-tonk piano really didn't do it for me this time, either. Van Morrison's has more of a Chess Records, Teresa's Basement (a famous South Side blues club that I believe is now Buddy Guy's Legends) sound to it, and since that's the sound I grew up with, I'll go with Van Morrison.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the vote, JOHN.
DeleteThere's something to be said for appreciating one's roots, even if we really "can't go home again".
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
I JUST got home from a two week trip to Colorado to set up, help with, and attend my son's wedding. Sorry for arriving so late.
ReplyDeleteI'm stunned at the number of votes Taj Mahal is getting on this. Unlike many of your voters saying it was a tough choice or that his version is good, I think is SUCKS. I'm with John on this. VM's version is vastly, vastly superior. And... even saying that: I'm not really all that thrilled with the song. It doesn't rock my senses as much as it does you (as you described above to someone.)
I usually only find time to visit you and Lee on these thangs... but I'm gonna check out Cherdo's too this time. I love the Wilburys probably as much as Farawayeyes does. And I'm staggered that the only two left are Dylan and Jeff Lynne. (and Jim Keltner: "Buster Sidebury.") So sad!
Hey, McBUDDY SIXGUN, thanks for the vote. And no problemo, pal, about the timing!
DeleteHowever, you are usually one of the first to cast your $00.02 and this morning I did actually start to worry 'bout cha. But I re-read the last E I'd received from you and it jogged my memory about your son's wedding on the 15th. So, I knew that was the deal and all was well.
Congratulations to Derringer McItchyfinger on his wedding!!
It's interesting that neither you, FAE, or my Brother particularly liked this song. Oh, well. "My next one will be better." (~Ed Wood, Jr.)
It's odd to me that I was never really a big Wilburys fan, even though I've always been a big Dylan and Petty fan, and Harrison was easily my favorite Beatle.
I too always got a kick outta Keltner calling himself a Sidebury. Ha! I guess he didn't quite feel like a full-fledged member because he wasn't a songwriter. Dern good drummer though!
Thanks again for checking in, my friend. It's always appreciated.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Al Bondigas here. I know I'm in the minority here and you probably think I'm crazy, but I'm not really fond of this song. I've never heard of it before and neither version really grabbed me too much. Because of the pace and the great musicianship I'm gonna have to rule for Van Morrison. That's it. That's my rulin'.
ReplyDeleteJUDGE AL ~
DeleteThanks for the rulin', even if you didn't overly dig the tune. "My next one will be better."
Van your fan told me you're the man!
Go Dieyers!
They're losing 3 to 2 to Chiraq as I type this. What the--?!
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
I think you put together a fine battle here. Taj Mahal does have that piano going for it (and you know I love me some piano). Van Morrison just has everything else. Ha! It's fast. It's tight. It's Van. It really rocks. I'm surprised I've never heard this version before today.
ReplyDeleteI said all that just to say Van Morrison gets my vote.
Thanks, GIRL WONDER. "Van just has everything else", eh? Ha! That sounds pretty lopsided to me.
DeleteI appreciate your vote, and I'm happy to have you back in BOTB with us.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
ReplyDeleteIf you are interested in seeing the final vote tally for this 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' installment and my closing thoughts on it, you can put the following URL into your browser:
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
On this one I would have voted for Taj