Saturday, July 7, 2018


Thanks to my friend Lelly for the poster image.

STMcC’s Vote On '2018, July 1st: Battle Of The Bands And The Final Tally:
My latest BATTLE OF THE BANDS (BOTB) installment pit Tiny Tim against Garth Brooks and featured the song 'Great Balls Of Fire'. You can find that contest HERE. (Those of you who wrote "Tiny Time" in the comment section should not feel bad about it, as I too do that all the tim. Somehow that "e" just magically appears at the end.)
If someone asked me to name the one word I most associate with BOTB, I believe the word I'd select would be surprising. BOTB is always full of surprises, and I suspect that's one of the primary reasons it's still around after 5 years.
My most recent Battle was no exception, as several persons remarked how surprised they were to find themselves voting for Tiny Tim over Garth Brooks.
I have never really been able to wrap my mind around Garth Brooks' astounding record sales. I don't dislike his stuffs, but I feel his popularity far exceeds his actual talent. I'll put it this way: I own five Tiny Tim CDs and zero Garth Brooks CDs. And it's no secret that I am genuinely a Tiny Tim fan. So, of course, before this Battle even got posted, I knew I'd be voting for Tiny. And I knew that you all knew it, too. Therefore, it would have been silly for me to pretend my vote was in question. After all, my brother, Al Bondigas and I are the founders of the [link> 'Make A Wish For Tiny Tim' Foundation.
I love Tiny's energy & enthusiasm in 'Great Balls Of Fire', along with all his changes in vocal pitch. Honestly, I think Tiny could have done just about anything with his voice, including opening a can of Beanie Weenees and a bottle of beer. He'd have been a great "voice actor" for cartoon characters, TV & radio ads and such. Although he was born and raised in New York City, Tiny puts on a Southern accent when singing the words "you're fine, so kind". I suspect that was his way of honoring Jerry Lee Lewis whose recording of 'Great Balls Of Fire' is considered the classic.  
FUN FACT: Circa 1969, a Canadian A&R man played Tiny's version of 'Great Balls Of Fire' for "The Killer", Jerry Lee Lewis, who responded by saying: "I don't know who that cat is, but he sure can do it!" 
But a surprising thing happened on the way to the final tally! I kept listening to both versions of the song, and each time, I grew fonder and fonder of Garth Brooks' recording. As many of you noted, the piano playing is really appealing. I love that rhythmic pattern the pianist starts playing with one hand starting at about the 1:12 mark. Beer Boy Bryan wrote: "And from 1:43 to 1:47, it sounds like [Garth's] having an aneurysm." He's right. But it plays right into the theme of the song's lyrics and it really tickles me!
At first I thought: I'm voting for Tiny. Slam dunk! But after a few days, I realized that this was a super-close Battle for me. I'm going to call it a 52% to 48% decision. Many of you said words to the effect of "I can't believe I'm voting for Tiny Tim". But me, I'm saying, "I can't believe I'm voting for Garth Brooks!" Remember this if at any time in the future you find yourself questioning the objectivity of my BOTB votes. (It's funny that Al Bondigas and I BOTH voted for Garth, despite being big Tiny fans.) Would I still have voted for Garth if my vote would have cost Tiny Tim the victory here? I like to think I would have, but I'm not sure my objectivity and honesty would have been equal to that test, and I'm glad I don't have to find out.
Tiny Tim = 11 votes
Garth Brooks = 7 votes
This was a pretty nice turnout, and I thank every single one of you who made the Battle what it was! The comment section was a lot of fun, too!
Tiny Tim is now 4-1 in BOTB. (Hat tip to Mary at 'Jingle Jangle Jungle' for keeping such terrific BOTB records!) Only Jim Morrison and The Doors have ever beaten Tiny in Battle Of The Bands... and on, of all things, the song 'People Are Strange', which Jim Morrison initially offered to Tiny Tim to perform when he was The Doors' opening act.
Below is our winner, Tiny Tim, performing a few songs on The Ed Sullivan Show in 1968, including 'Great Balls Of Fire'. Following are some comments included on the video at YouTube:

He scares me so much
Hey thank you for this video.. He is sweet.. and he dance so good...
He's just a little ray of sunshine. It makes my little black heart smile.
Before Tommy Wiseau, there was Tiny Tim!
Can you imagine what it would be like being on hallucinogenics while listening to Tiny's last song here, a duet with himself on I'm Glad I'm A Boy / I'm Glad I'm A Girl? What a trip that would be, eh?

As for The Battle Within The Battle: The Amazing Sixwell predicted the outcome correctly, while The Magic 8-Ball didn't foresee the underdog winning in this Tiny David and Goliath Garth contest. This means they are currently tied at 5-2.
On July 1st, I mentioned that I'd recently read 'Eternal Troubadour: The Improbable Life Of Tiny Time', [*See? I did it again!*] calling it the funniest biography I've ever read. And I promised to share with you a humorous story from the book. Well, here are a few:
Long before The Go-Gos existed, Tiny was performing with an all-girl group called The Enchanted Forest, and someone said, "Tiny had more makeup than the band".
At one time, there existed mock campaign buttons promoting "Tiny Tim for President and First Lady".
I was never a fan of Saturday Night Live; I always thought that emperor was naked. But I'll admit that I find the famous Christopher Walken skit, "It Needs More Cowbell", to be kind of amusing. Some folks think it was SNL's best skit ever.

Well, it seems that in "real life", it wasn't about a lack of cowbell, but a lack of megaphone. This story comes from page 211 and pertains to a time when Tiny Tim was performing in downtown Las Vegas:

What's more, the management at the Fremont Hotel complained that Tiny was so 'sluggish' from all the sweets that 'he was barely able to sing'. They were further annoyed when Tiny was heard instructing his audience not to 'foolishly gamble away their money at Las Vegas casinos'.
The figurative icing on the cake came as a demand for a new megaphone. Tiny's was malfunctioning, and he demanded a new one. Wald reminded Tiny that $150 for a new megaphone was not an option, as the malfunctioning one could be fixed for less. After one show, Tiny, believing that the show had suffered from a lack of megaphone, flew into a rage ... and refused to come out [of his room] unless he received a new megaphone.
... DeBlasio recalls... "he was always breaking megaphones because he never knew the mechanics of it or would misplace it some place, it was an ongoing situation."
Although I have a hunch Tiny Tim may be making another BOTB appearance here during the 2018 Christmas season, I feel you're safe until then.
Thanks again, Y'All, for your participation, and I hope to see you back here again for my July 15th BOTB installment.

~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. WHOA! You best be careful, or you're going to find yourself booted from the fan group as well. This really was a good battle.

    4 - 1 are really good odds. Your cowbell skit reminds me of the cowbell battle I had back in 2017. Good times, my friend.

    Hope all is well and that you are surviving this heatwave.


    1. MMQE ~
      Yeah, wouldn't it be something if I got das boot from the very fan club I was a founder of? It wouldn't be the first time something like this happened, but it WOULD be the first time something like that happened to ME!

      Truth be told, I FULLY expected to be voting for my boy (and girl) Tiny Tim, but I made the mistake of listening further and got my mind changed. First time I ever voted against Tiny, and I hope it never happens again. But at least I have forever established the fact that my BOTB votes are completely objective and wholly honest.

      Yeah, I remember your "Cowbell" BOTB. It WAS fun, but I always did feel that it needed more megaphone.

      Not diggin' the heat, but at least it's only in the mid-90s where I am (Reno) and not 111-113, like it is where I came from (Phoenix).

      I've come to the conclusion that one of the things I dislike most about life is "weather". I'm looking forward to going to Heaven, where there is no weather. (Hopefully I'll be able to tolerate all them angels strumming harps 24/7/365.)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    2. >>...(Hopefully I'll be able to tolerate all them angels strumming harps 24/7/365.)

      I'm sure if you put in your request, the Big Guy will make arrangements for Tiny Tim to serenade you from instead.

    3. MARY ~
      I've heard that, in Heaven, Tiny Tim is the featured entertainer at The Cloud Nine Lounge on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. (The rest of the week, the Lounge is closed to the public and is used by the Square Dancing group.)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    4. Well then, it sounds as if your weekends are going to be pre-booked with evenings at The Cloud Nine Lounge! I'd tell you to save me a seat, but I fear I may be going the other direction. That is, if this heat is any indication of what I am being primed for.


    5. MMQE ~
      Your comment reminded me of a joke I made up years ago when I was living in Phoenix:

      Q: What's the difference between hell and Phoenix?

      A: In Phoenix, you're allowed to wear sunglasses.

      I have no doubt that you will make it to Heaven. If not after this current lifetime, then certainly after your next one. (And if I get there after this lifetime, I'll definitely save you a seat right next to the piano player at The Cloud Nine Lounge. By the way, I hear their Mojitos are just heavenly!)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  2. Well, Tiny Tim isn't my cup of tea, but your enthusiasm for him is obvious, Stephen. ☺ Good to know we're safe for a few months, at least! Hahaha! Did you go to the Newport Pop Festival? Killer lineup, Tiny notwithstanding.

    1. HiYa, DEBBIE ~

      >>... Tiny Tim isn't my cup of tea

      Perhaps Tiny is your cup of... [Link> STRAWBERRY Tea?

      I love that song.

      Tiny wasn't really a Rocker. I'd describe him more as "1920s & '30s Crooner Meets 1968 Psychedelia." Although he was adamantly opposed to drugs and was so formal he called everyone Mister or Miss and even wore a tie to bed in conjunction with his pajamas. Ha!-Ha! He was perhaps the first real "freak".

      Probably what I like about Tiny foremost is that he was a genuine original. A person not afraid to fully be himself and let the chips fall where they may. (Most people thought Tiny was just a strange act, until they got to know him personally only to find he was exactly the same off stage as he was on.)

      ~ Tiny Tim

      Of course, today, there are lots of so-called "success stories" that are really just corporate-funded, synthetic, pre-packaged, market researched, consumer surveyed, homogenized, pastuerized, synthesized and standardized products. Names like Britney Spears, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, and Taylor Swift come immediately to my mind. Slick company mannequins put in place with all the money and P.R. efforts of The New World Order Incorporated supporting them. (And, very sadly, often a revolting pedophilia victimhood forced upon them and haunting them for the duration of their lives.)

      But in a time when a singer really had to have something unique to offer, Tiny Tim made it.

      I totally get why many don't care for his style. But I accidentally found that the guy had far more talent than I had believed by mistakenly judging him on that one and only song I'd heard, 'Tip-Toe Thru The Tulips'. (I STILL don't really care for that one.)

      No, I did not attend that Orange County Pop Festival in 1968. I didn't even know of it until my friend, Lelly, emailed a copy of that poster to me. But, yeah, what a lineup, eh? No shortage of stars at that show. And there was Tiny Tim, right up there at the top with Jefferson Airplane and Eric Burdon & The Animals. Wow! Tiny was big at that time!

      Thanks for stopping by to yak a bit, Debbie!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

    2. Nope; Strawberry Tea doesn't do it for me, either. High-pitched voices set my teeth on edge, especially warbly ones. :P Tiny Tim obviously had music talent and kudos to him for making it to the big leagues! ☺

    3. DEBBIE, I'm afraid my Brother and I are going to have to kick you out of the Tiny Tim Fan Club. Er-- well... I mean, we're going to kick you out of the fan club right after we officially put you into it.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    4. Aw gee; I'm heartbroken! ;) He reminds me of a camp version of Rudy Valee. I wonder if that's where he got the idea to use a megaphone?

    5. DEBBIE ~
      Tiny was a walking, talking, breathing encyclopedia of old time American music. And as a matter of fact, as much as he loved Russ Colombo and Bing Crosby and others of that style, his all-time favorite singer was indeed Rudy Valee! So, no doubt that is how he came by his love of megaphone.

      As a Hard Rock teenager, I would never have listened to "megaphone music". But with age came a whole new appreciation of different types of music, even including songs sung through a megaphone.

      The 1976 STMcC would have been shocked if the 2018 STMcC stepped out of a Time Machine and said, "I dig Tiny Tim!" (That there was a Time Machine would have been less shocking than the words spoken.)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  3. The world of your blog has turned upside down! I'm so confused. Well, I guess I was already a bit confused.

    That outcome was--well, I guess I didn't know what to expect really.

    Good one.


    1. Thanks, LEE. When it comes to BOTB, Tiny is a big monster and tough to beat.

      There's an old Rocky & Bullwinkle adventure series called 'TOPSY TURVY WORLD', and maybe I should change the name of this blog to that. When Tiny Tim beats The Great Garth, but my Brother and I both vote for Garth, the world is definitely upside-down!

      From Wackypedia: As of September 23, 2016, Brooks is now the only artist in music history to have released 7 albums that achieved diamond status in the United States (surpassing the Beatles record of 6)

      How did this happen? Garth Brooks, a guy whom I would say is only marginally talented, has outsold just about everyone else. (Of course, I would ALSO say that The Beatles were extremely overrated as well.)

      I mean, to me, Garth is a so-so Country artist and a so-so Rock/Pop artist. I can't begin to wrap my mind around his phenomenal success. Unless... he sold his soul to the devil.

      The Bible says that "this world" is ruled by The Wicked One -- the devil himself. Count me as a believer. I don't know how else to explain some of the stuffs that happens in this world.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  4. McBruhzoooh! After the first vote was for Tiny Tim and upon the second vote you noted, "I knew that there was no possible way this Battle would end in a shutout." I wondered why you would be so sure... and - well, at least in hindsight figured you would vote for Garth. Seriously, it crossed my mind. I was pleasantly surprised by Brooks because I figured he would live up to my un-tutored image of him and the song would have explosions and him flying through the on wires and huge video screens - he kept the song relatively tight. I can't believe Tiny Tim was the headliner on August 3. Well who am I going to believe my thoughts or my own eyes.

    I'm a big fan of SNL... I think the skits are good. And, SNL is the farm team for some of the best comedy movies.

    Garth Brooks is good people. I would've sold out for Fred's Slacks.

    Sixwell was just feeling 8-Ball out with the early losses. Sixwell knows he can fall a point or two behind and that he'll ultimately win. Because Sixwell votes his heart that's why. Not saying 8-Ball doesn't have a heart. Sixwell just understands life more.

    Excellent battle, McBrother. I saw the votes as they came in, didn't count the votes, and knew it was close.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, McBROTHER DOGG!

      On more than a few occasions, I have stated early on in BOTB contests that I knew they wouldn't be shutouts. Sometimes I've said this because I secretly knew that I'd be voting for the underdog when it came my time to vote.

      Other times I've said this just because I knew the Battle would be competitive, even if one artist jumped out to a quick and impressive lead.

      Over the years, I've gotten a pretty good feel for BOTB, and I can usually predict beforehand whether a Battle will be close or will be a blowout. Only rarely, however, do I present a Battle that I anticipate will be a blowout. And on those occasions when I HAVE purposely constructed a blowout, it was only because I really disliked a particular artist and relished the thought of seeing him/her get an arse-kicking. (Like when I put the commie, Pete Seeger, up against Andy Griffith & Joanna Moore, just to see the commie clobbered.)

      I'm much more of an SCTV fan than a SNL fan. I loves me some Count Floyd, Bobby Bittman & Sammy Maudlin, etc. (Bob & Doug McKenzie not so much.)

      That skit with Garth Brooks and the devil was pretty funny. Hadn't seen it before. And it made me think of two things:

      1) The movie 'CROSSROADS', which I love. Have you seen it?

      2) Every single song the devil tried to invent sounded better to me than does Joan Jett's 'BAD REPUTATION'.

      Thanks for stopping by with (as always) an entertaining comment, McBruhthuh!

      ~ Stephen
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

    2. McBrutha, you understand the American people. I just project and think, "Tiny Tim's song is better and everybody else will think so." You set up the pins for a close battle.

      SCTV is better in the sense that they weren't so topical - they weren't really topical at all., and do longer skits more.. sublime. Bobby Bittman is my favorite elevated for sure by the inimitable Sammy Maudlin and who can forget Johnny Larue. I do think Strange Brew - a whole movie based on... not just beer but Canadian beer a cult classic. And who can forget - wait, I will always remember Tom Tuttle from Tacoma Washington - America's favorite son.

      I entered into youtube search "Crossroads trailer" and it's a movie with Britney Spears and Dan Ackroyd. I'm thinking you may mean the title with Ralph Machio, looks good... or a bio on Robert Johnson who is a legend who by his own talent only captured and created the tenor of the times and modern times.
      I actually had Joan Jett's album the one with "I Love Rock and Roll" - along with Foreigner 4 and Journey's Escape. To my credit I don't have them on CD.

      (Not the right place to note this... I have to say, having no tv stations, I'm now watching whatever youtube livestreams come in about the new Supreme Court Justice. There they - the protesters go again - shrill, waving placards (you can see in their eyes he's going to get confirmed) and surely less than 50% of the protesters vote(d). Meanwhile, the silent majority at churches registers people to vote, don't talk to pollsters, registers more people who don't like the protesters'... attitude. I just watch the protesters - and Corey Booker just joined in I kid you not - shooting themselves in the foot. I'm like a crocodile with lazy eyes.. not going to bite anyone, just watching. Just entertained at these people. It's a great time to be alive).

      Cheers to you McBig McBruthaMan.


      Actually, I hope never to understand the American people. Shirley that would be a bad omen, a sign of latent insanity.

      >>... You set up the pins for a close battle.

      Speaking of pins, I once scored a 26 in 10 frames of bowling. By mere coincidence, 26 was also how many Gin & Tonics I'd consumed.

      >>... I will always remember Tom Tuttle from Tacoma Washington - America's favorite son.

      Well, shoot! I had to look up that reference. I've never seen 'VOLUNTEERS' but it sounds like my kind of movie. I like almost everything John Candy was in, anyway. (Met him once.) Definitely going on my 'Must See Someday' movies list.

      Yes, sir, 'CROSSROADS' -- the Blues movie with Ralph, and Steve Vai shredding the guitar. Great fantasy movie that I own and watch at least every couple years. (Didn't care for the performance given by the female "love interest" actress, Jami Gertz. It was stereotypical and one-dimensional. But otherwise, a pretty neat movie with a great musical soundtrack.)

      >>... I actually had Joan Jett's album the one with "I Love Rock and Roll" - along with Foreigner 4 and Journey's Escape. To my credit I don't have them on CD.

      Ha! To those not about to rock (to Foreigner, Joan, and Journey), I salute you!

      >>... I'm like a crocodile with lazy eyes.. not going to bite anyone, just watching. Just entertained at these people.

      As the old saying goes: Give 'em enough rope...

      My gift to you, sir:
      26 Gin & Tonics and my entire Argyle Socks collection. May you enjoy them in good health and even better bowling.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    4. Yo McBruthu of a different Muutha,

      "Ha! To those not about to rock (to Foreigner, Joan, and Journey), I salute you!

      I figure you're referencing the AC/DC album "For Those About To Rock" the jackhammer group who did the same song for decades. They make The Ramones sound eclectic. None of the above really rock.

      Gertz may have carried over from her role in Less Than Zero movie where the characters were supposed be one-dimensional and have no character.

      You could skip the whole Tom Tuttle movie by seeing the one worthwhile scene (Candy in the house!):

      Jami Gertz was in The Lost Boys movie which young people who watch I think Walking Dead or Zombies these TV shows that are on Netflix or... wherever it's still tv... note of The Lost Boys "Exciting!" Meaning by those young-uns' inflection "Better."

      "26 Gin & Tonics and my entire Argyle Socks collection. May you enjoy them in good health and even better bowling." Thanks... I wish I could handle hard liquor - never could, so used to beer I'd tilt back 12 ounces Gin and Tonics Yes! then wake up, "Hey what happen!... Why am I sleeping on someone's front yard that I don't even know... why am I on a concrete floor on another a night jail cell visit. That's happened. In the early 20's.. gotta learn the hard way to stay away from hard liquor - it'll get ya.

      Good health is relative: A few or more glasses of wine mixed with 7-up, walking 1+ hours per day, and putting real salsa (chopped up tomatoes) on a vegetarian thin crust pizza.. in an Izod shirt and khakis that's the best I can do - well, feel like doing each day.

      Your bro is aging, McBrother.

      Jami Gertz was in The Lost Boys movie which young people who watch I think Walking Dead or Zombies these TV shows that are on Netflix or... wherever it's still tv... note of The Lost Boys "Exciting!" Meaning by those young-uns' inflection "Better."

      So old I'm telling the same stories again and again.

      As The Who sang obviously "Hope I get old before I die." It shall be.
      Cheers, Mc Brother.

    5. >>... I figure you're referencing the AC/DC album "For Those About To Rock" the jackhammer group who did the same song for decades. They make The Ramones sound eclectic.

      Ha!-Ha! "They make the Ramones sound eclectic". Great line, McBRUHTHUH!

      Indeed, I was referring to AC/DC. A band I have never liked, with the exception of the song 'Back In Black' which, as you point out, is pretty much all of their songs.

      And I don't often remark on a person's fashion sense, since fashion is pretty superficial and I don't give a whole lot of thought to it, BUT(!)... [Link> THIS LOOK is simply Back In BAD! Uhm... how could ANYONE... well, just... read my mind (to paraphrase and alter George H. W. Bush -- Mister "New World Order / 1,000 Points Of Light" himself).

      >>... You could skip the whole Tom Tuttle movie by seeing the one worthwhile scene (Candy in the house!)

      Muchos gracias for saving me time and money. I did enjoy that scene, though, and now I wanna get me one of those "brand new Peoples' trucks".

      >>... why am I on a concrete floor on another a night jail cell visit. That's happened.

      Yeah, it happened to me once, also. But I did it in Meheeco -- just for the added level of foreign excitement.

      "Your Izod shirt will add many happy returns of the day to your long life of blissful."

      I learned that from a fortune cookie in a Chinee restaurant. And I assume that if it's true for me, it's true for you, too!

      >>... Your bro is aging, McBrother.

      This may be true, but look on the bright side: Your age is also McBrothering.

      >>... So old I'm telling the same stories again and again.

      Think nuttin' of it. My memory is so shot now that every time you tell me the same story, it seems new to me!

      >>.... As The Who sang obviously "Hope I get old before I die." It shall be.

      Who dat?

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

    6. McBruzooo in the hzouse, dat guy be Roger Daltry who on their most recent "final tour" riffed with "hope I die before I get oldest." I'm not a big metal fan and have what doctors call selective tinnitus - my ears hurt only when I think of metal music. How folks define metal is subjective. I define metal as music that sounds bad. So The Stones aren't metal, The White Album is metal, Michael Bolton is metal. I enjoyed (mostly past tense) AC/DCs Dirty Deeds album. And the album with "TNT" - well, okay, a one song alb-- 8 track. Where you hit one out the the four buttons and wait 8 minutes for TNT to start. "Problem Child" is/was the most listened to track, my favorite. "Back In Black" is a good one too. (The song is playing in my head right now). "Big Balls" is more Spinal Tap than Spinal Tap.

      I never realized Angus Young's shorts were velvet. And that they fit just so. The Ramones' song "Mama's Boy" comes to mind.

      "Yeah, it happened to me once, also. But I did it in Meheeco -- just for the added level of foreign excitement" Dang - that's totally badass. Relatively speaking, I've had an easy cub scout life.

      "Your Izod shirt will add many happy returns of the day to your long life of blissful."
      Monday through Friday, each day khakis and an Izod shirt. Not having to choose what to wear is one less thing to think about. Just like Angus young... except, uh, er, my clothes are a uniform and his are an outfit.

      Youthful Cheers to you McBro.

    7. McBruhthuh DogG ~

      Ahh, Roger Daltrey! NOW I remember! It's all coming back to my tired, old mind.

      Yeah, I can see the Spinal Tap-ish flavor in a song titled "Big Balls".

      On a side note: I've always thought that people who went to Spinal Tap concerts never truly "got" the joke. I want to say: You ALREADY saw Spinal Tap... every time you went to a Kiss concert. Or a Van Halen concert. Or a _____ concert. (Fill in the blank there with the name of any number of bands wearing spandex or tight leather and doing that 1970s-1980s pseudo-Testosterone posturing.)

      >>... Dang - that's totally badass.

      I think "Dumb-ass" might be an even better description.

      Hey, what doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger, right? And I'm still standing. (No longer fallin' 'n' crawlin' in a drunken stupor.)

      Unfortunately, my work clothes are also a uniform. And I mean that literally -- a "uniform", as in badge and all.

      Back in the good ol' days, I wore an "outfit" on my days off. These days, my days off are just T-shirts. (However, [Link> I still got my hat and I still wear my jeans.)

      ~ Stephen
      'Loyal American Underground'

    8. McBro MC. (When I worked in carpentry a guy asked me if I knew what MC meant. I said "Master of Ceremonies." He chuckled "Yeah, and Medicine Cabinet." That's some granular woodwork, not my usual 2x4s, joist, roof rafters. Rough framing it's called and I liked it.

      On some tv show, Keith Moon put explosives in his drums which messed up Townsend's ears (whhopdideedoo) - so The Who got louder and joined the chorus of the Spinal Tap-esque bands you note.

      I may have noted this before. At a concert Mighty Wind's Folksmen opened for Spinal Tap. The serious crowd booed them then cheered when Tap came on stage (the same guys obviously).

      "my work clothes are also a uniform" - you're either a cop or private security and both are good well needed jobs, callings really.

      I like the southern song rawness, real. You and I have different music tastes. Or, as Dr Evil said to Austin Powers, "We're not so different you and I." Except I like this song and you'll most likely hate it. I think it's funny.

      It was some tv show when Keith Moon put explsovsises in his drums and messed up


      I'd heard about that Mighty Wind versus Spinal Tap story before. How Wind got booed off the stage and then entered Tap to wild cheering. I don't think it was from you that I first heard it, but perhaps so. My memory being what it... ain't... anything's possible.

      And I have chuckled about and re-told that story many times. It says a lot about people in general and Spinal Tap fans in particular. Xtremely funny story that somehow proves my point about Tap fans not really getting the joke. (I'm not sure HOW it proves it, but if I'm ever hauled before a judge and a jury, I'll find a way to make it prove that. On that you can rely.)

      We're not so different, you and I. Except you slightly prefer Mighty Wind and I slightly prefer 'Spinal Tap'. But any fan of both movies is a friend of mine. And 'Swingers'. And 'Office Space'.

      This much I can tell you: I am not a cop. I would never be a cop. And cops would never want a person like me wearing the blue with them. (Fun Fact: There is a small number of private Security Officers who are wannabe cops, BUT the vast majority of private Security Officers actually dislike cops.)

      You likeum Kool Moe Dee, eh, Paleface? Me likeum Manny, Moe & Jack. We splitum difference and smoke peace pipe over Larry, Moe & Curly.

      New BOTB blog bit coming in two days. Be there or be... the person we all talk about behindum back.

      ~ Stephen
      'Loyal American Paleface'

    10. McBro aka MCT aka MC Tea,

      Which raises the question does Spinal Tap or Mighty Wind have more subtle dry humor. Mighty Wind doesn't have nearly - or any bawdy laughs. Spinal Tap may be more subtle because it's closer to the truth. Spinal Tap is closer to metal bands - more subtle distinction - to metal bands than The Folksmen are to folks band.

      I blanked and should've figured you weren't a cop with your Ferret Fascist posts. (Or the most self loathing cop in history). And drivers in Reno wouldn't tailgate you if you drove a cop car.. or maybe Reno people do. See you at BOTB Bro MC C. No talking behind backs, I'll give my opinion straight to 8-ball's arrogant "know it all" face.

      Cheers, Bro.

    11. McDOGG ~
      I think the humor in MIGHTY WIND is a good deal drier and more subtle than the very much over-the-top SPINAL TAP. I love them both very much, however. But Americans being the retards that they are, the majority probably don't "get" a lot of the humor in WIND.

      Constitutional Patriots don't let friends become cops.

      >>... And drivers in Reno wouldn't tailgate you if you drove a cop car... or maybe Reno people do.

      I don't think there's ANYTHING I would put past these people here. There are more stupid assholes in Reno per square mile than in any other place I've ever lived. (That's lots of places in a total of 3 different states.)

      They even forced me to add [Link> THIS BUMPER STICKER to my already present "Dogtown" sticker.

      >>... I'll give my opinion straight to 8-ball's arrogant "know it all" face.

      Ha! You'll be happy to know that Sixwell and The 8-Ball have disagreed again over the results of this upcoming BOTB installment tomorrow.

      Cheers, Muh McBruhthuh! See ya there!

      ~ Stephen
      'Loyal American Underground'

  5. Sixgun McItchyfingerJuly 9, 2018 at 10:55 AM

    It really shocks me is that Tiny TIm was at the TOP of this lineup of bands. I thought at the time that he was simply an interesting flash in the pan fad. A guy with ONE hit - and that one a gimmick tune at that - should be no more than half way up the list.

    But he trumped at least EIGHT bands that for sure I'd have put ahead of him. Heck, I'd even put the Butterfield Blues Band before him, let alone The Byrds, Animals, Airplane, and Dead! Very cool poster that tells an interesting tale of the times!

    1. Yes, I found that surprising also, MR. McITCHYFINGER! The poster is from 1968 -- the year of Tiny's huge hit -- and apparently he was then an even bigger draw than either of us imagined.

      That Tiny was featured more prominently on that poster than was Steppenwolf is kind of mind-boggling!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...


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