Sunday, September 1, 2019


...Or, SEPTEMBER SWAN SONGS - Part 1 Of 2.
(I like the ring of that.)
Yes, it's time once again for Battle Of The Bands (BOTB).
Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!...
But first, an announcement:
I'm planning to take a (possibly very extended) hiatus from BOTB. I thought about reverting back to once-a-month Battles, but the way things are right now, I think I need a full-on break. Plus, I only have time for one blog, and I'd *REALLY* like to finally get all of my old product reviews posted at my blog [link> 'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'. (Please feel free to read my stuffs there and leave comments. As always, my policy is to respond to everyone who takes the time to write something to me.)
I want to reiterate that (I think) I am not quitting BOTB. I plan to post another Battle on September 15th and then take a break - a break that may last until 2020. Everything is kind of fluid right now; I'm playing it all by ear. But please know that even when I'm not posting my own BOTB installments, I'll still make it a point to vote and leave one of my trademarked snarkcastic comments on All Y'All's BOTB posts
[Lucky you, eh? ;^)
I'll still be participating as a voter and a smart-assed commenter
2 of my 3 cardinal rules of BOTB:
1) Don't use a Top 40 hit {*'Welcome To The Jungle'*} against a cover of the same song.
2) Don't use a famous musical artist {*Guns 'N' Roses*} against a relatively unknown musical artist {*The Zone*}.

But I've been a Maverick since the beginning of BOTB, and none y'all would respect me if I didn't exit BOTB in the same fashion.
So, I'm using two songs - one by a very famous Rock group, and one by an obscure Rock group - and the themes are Los Angeles and the idea of a "jungle" as a metaphor for that infamous city.
First up is the famous Guns 'N' Roses and their massive hit 'Welcome To The Jungle'. Here's what the experts have said about it:
The title and lyrics came to Axl [Rose] when he was visiting a friend named Tori near Seattle.
Seattle is "a big city, but at the same time, it's still a small city compared to L.A. and the things that you're gonna learn. It seemed a lot more rural up there."
~ Axl Rose
Removed from Los Angeles, Axl was able to reconnect with the feelings he had on arriving in the city [L.A.] in 1982 as a wide-eyed, 20-year-old escapee of rural Indiana, drawn to the bright lights of Hollywood like so many other dreamers before him. He wrote of the struggle for survival in this place.
“It was a very telling lyric,” Slash says. “Just the stark honesty of it. If you lived in Los Angeles, and lived in the trenches, so to speak, you could relate to it. And knowing Axl, I could relate to exactly where it was coming from.”
Rhythm guitarist Izzy Stradlin summarises the song as "about Hollywood streets; true to life."
Girls Guns 'N' Roses rule in "The Jungle".
Welcome To The Jungle - Guns 'N' Roses

When the singer / songwriter for The Zone sang in 'Johnny's Gone' that "He's walkin' through the jungle like strollin' through the park", the park he may have had in mind was Penmar Park in Venice, [Los Angeles] California, which was located directly across the street from the house he grew up in:
[link> Two Dead, One Wounded in Penmar Park Shooting
Two people were killed and one other was wounded Wednesday afternoon when a gunman opened fire in a reportedly gang-related shooting at Penmar Park in Venice, police said.
Dead man in Penmar Park ("The Jungle", Los Angeles, CA.)
"Uuh! Aah! Dig!"
~ 'Johnny's Gone'
Johnny's Gone - The Zone


Carnac The Magnificent [0-1]: "Does a Catholic bear pope in the woods?"
Question: Will The Zone beat Guns 'N' Roses?
Alright now, “you know the gig”... I welcome you (whether I know "you" or not) to vote for your favorite of these songs in the comment section below. And feel free to tell us WHY you chose one song over the other.
After voting here, I suggest - actually I insist - you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there alsoVote your vice...   Vice your voice... 
Voice Your Vote...
@ THE DOGLADY'S DEN by clicking HERE
As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 7th and 21st of each month to post my own votes and announce the winners in the comment sections.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. Yo Stephen!

    Sometimes a break is needed. I certainly don't hold that against you. Sometimes I feel I should take one as well, but when things get tough for me, I tend to bury myself in the blogging world. But that's me - not you. Only one of the big differences between us.

    I'm not gonna lie - I'm going to miss your battles. They manage to inspire some of my own some of the time.

    Also, a question for ya - who's gonna be in charge? I know many of us (including me) simply send everyone to your page for the current list of participants. Will you still be managing that?

    And while you SAY you'll still be visiting and commenting.. you should that I will be EXPECTING said visits and comments. Don't make me burn this place down for noncompliance! All I'm asking is that you please don't follow suit of all the others that said "I'll be back" only to disappear off the face of the earth. You are not a follower!

    That being said. Guns N Roses was never really one of my favorites. I found their music to be 'tolerable' and only a handful of their songs somewhat likeable.

    Now I'm not one for nepotism, but I like the sound of yer dear cuz's band. Therefore, I am happy to cast my vote for Johnny and the boys.

    I do hope you get the welcome relief that you desire from this break. Dammit I'm gonna miss your battles!



      >>... Also, a question for ya - who's gonna be in charge? I know many of us (including me) simply send everyone to your page for the current list of participants. Will you still be managing that?

      BOTB really manages itself. I know many of you have referred to me as the blog host, and since I was the first BOTBer (still standing, that is), it makes sense. But I've never really done anything. I post a list of links to current participants, like most other BOTBers do, and that's really all there is to it. I don't think it even needs a "host" or "leader" or whatever one wants to call it.

      However, Lee has been doing BOTB longer than anyone else other than me, and YOU take care of the BOTB Master List (which is valuable and more than I do), so I would think you two would be the best candidates for the (non-real) position of "Blog Host".

      However, having said all that, I'm re-thinking the full and extended break. Something Lee said, which another BOTBer seemed to confirm for me in a private textversation, has me thinking that maybe I'd better just return to a once-a-month schedule rather than stop entirely for a few months. I'd really like to take a few months off completely, but I'm not sure now that there'd be anything for me to return to in 2020 if I did that.

      Like Pooh bear I'm still trying to think:
      "Think! Think! Think!"

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

    2. Stephen,

      I totally get it. This past week, I've given a lot of thought to life in general. Between a serious health issue with no insurance, and a death in the family surrounded by all sorts of donkey dung, I've had the chance to stop and give some thought about my daily life. Of course, in the end, I just ignore the majority of it all and dig in deeper recalling that I've got a big event happening in October (which I would one day like to see grow as popular as A2Z - but I doubt it will happen).

      You know my philosophy on taking breaks. I've shared it with so many others. Taking a blogging break is much like not going to church any more. The longer you are away, the harder it is to come back. Music is often a spiritual thing for us, we need that (at least) once a month spiritual upliftance (is that a word?) to get us through to the next time we gather together again. So, you know my next suggestion, right? That's right - Pray about it. Ask specifically for guidance in your decision. I'm gonna be praying for you as well (and listening to awesome music, too!).

      Sorry to have gone all preachy on you. It's only because I care :)


    3. MMQE ~

      I'm so sorry to hear about all the crapola you're forced to endure right now. Suddenly, my inability to find a decent job doesn't seem like such a big problem after all.

      It seems like almost everyone I know is currently going through trials and tribulations. It's not a good time for most of the people in my sphere.

      And you are right about blogging breaks. If I had a dollar for everyone who took a break (including a break from BOTB) and never returned again...

      "Upliftance" isn't a word, but it should be:

      "My wife wears a 32C but couldn't find her size in the Upliftance Department".

      I appreciate every prayer that someone prays on my behalf. Thank you!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'

  2. If you're thinking of "playing by ear" on this Battle things I hope you get your ears in gear and keep on posting this thing you and FAE got started so many years ago. This BOTB business is the main thing that keeps my blog in business these days. If you drop out others will too and there aren't that many others left.

    I can understand though. I keep looking for a reason to drop from the blogging scene at least for a while.

    This Battle is an interesting one. I do enjoy the laid back sounds of the zone. It has a really cool sound. But--though I'm not really and G&R fan--I do like some of their songs like "Welcome to the Jungle" which to me really expressing the jungle-like chaos of urban areas. Fortunately for me living in Pico Rivera in the outlands of L.A. I don't deal with much of the chaos. I'd rather be in a small town, but at least where I am does have a sort of small town feel.

    Again, give my vote to Guns and Roses "Welcome to the Jungle".

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. LEE ~

      >>... If you drop out others will too and there aren't that many others left.

      I really didn't believe that. Not for a second. But then, almost as if on cue, I got a text from a dear friend and they said that they'd probably take a long and complete break also, if I did. So... yeah, Lee, I think maybe you're right about that, unfortunately.

      I'd really hate to see BOTB go under, because I've met a lot of cool 'n' fun people through BOTB and it really has come to feel kind of like a "family". Plus, living alone in a city where I don't know many people and have no social life to speak of, BOTB is one of my primary ways of being in touch with other people.

      I'm still mulling this over. And as much as I'd like to take about 3 months off completely, I'm thinking that maybe just reverting back to the once-a-month BOTB posting schedule might be more prudent.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

    2. I hear you about "social life" since I'm kind of in a similar situation. My wife is now in Camarillo most of the time (which isn't absolutely terrible for me) and the two friends that I see on a somewhat regular basis are both nearing 100 years old. I feel somewhat isolated in many ways, but with my inclination towards being somewhat of a hermit it ain't all that bad.

      Too bad we aren't closer to each other. We could probably have some great arguments--er, discussions.

      I'm in a blogging state of blah these days. I doubt that I'll ever shut my blog down entirely as it might become useful to me (again) in the future, but I could go dormant for a period if the BOTB action drops off.

      Either way I'm good. After all, I went for nearly 60 years not having a blog and did just fine.


    3. >>... Too bad we aren't closer to each other. We could probably have some great arguments--er, discussions.

      Ironically, if we kept our discussions to politics and religion, there probably wouldn't be a whole lot of disagreement. It's only if we ventured into the topic of music that we would probably start butting heads. That really *IS* quite ironic!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'

  3. The Jungle. Is LA a jungle? The actual jungle is no doubt safer and more pleasant to be in. I wonder if bands actually living in the jungle play songs about "the city?" I'll bet Tarzan's favorite song was "Welcome to New York" by Taylor Swift. Whose name is now Mudd.

    Not a fan of GNR, so this choice is easy. I'm in the voting Zone!

    On a side note: I am in Iowa this week and the little CBS TV station here broadcasts real, actual OLD JOHNNY CARSON shows every night. It is SO much better than late night tv these days... which I stopped watching after Trump was elected. I mean, sure... a reasonable quantity of political jokes was always expected, but with maybe 10% of the time and somewhat spread around with at least SOME pokes at libs. Now it is unwatchable and they reveal their bias, shallowness, hatred, hissing nastiness. Not so with Carson. Every so often he has a light jab at somebody political, but it is very soft and actually funny. Just last night they ran an episode where Carnac The Magnificent made an appearance. He truly holds the titles of "President of the Prognosticators," "Potentate of the Predictors."


      I'm sure L.A. isn't really a jungle. If it were, Girls 'N' Roses wouldn't have survived. I mean, look at them! The girls volleyball team at Santa Monica High School in 1977 was tougher'n them.

      >>... I wonder if bands actually living in the jungle play songs about "the city?" I'll bet Tarzan's favorite song was "Welcome to New York" by Taylor Swift. Whose name is now Mudd.

      Ha!-Ha! Winnah! Winnah! Chicken dinnah!

      I just got done watching my DVD boxed set 'JOHNNY CARSON: The Ultimate Collection, Vol. 1-3', and it reminded me of how great late night television was back in the golden age of yesteryear. Man, like you, I miss that stuffs. It was so funny and entertaining, and you didn't feel like you had accidentally tuned into CNN by mistake.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  4. Good battle that made me think a bit more about my assumptions. The Zone was good and better than I remember when I saw them or a version of the cousin's band. I used to take Judo lessons at Penmar Park back when it was a bit more peaceful. Also played some softball game there with the Knights of Columbus/Holy Name Society with my Dad (see how I tied in the Catholic theme?). Now back to the vote, it was closer than I thought but I will go with GnR just for the more driving nature of the song.

    1. ...AND, POOH, THAT'S NOT ALL...

      I could be mistaken (there's a first time for everything), but I don't think you saw The Zone play live. I think I only saw them once myself. But I used to drag you and a couple other friends to see my cousin when he was in bands that preceded The Zone, and indeed, those bands were not ready for the big time. The Zone, however, was another story. The Zone was the band that was created AFTER my kuzin went to the crossroads. ;-)

      Thanks for checkin' in with yer $0.02, buddy!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  5. McBro,

    GnR are a bit shrill (it's not like there are Crips and cripples near their crash pad) and Richard Cheese's version makes their version irrelevant. When Cheese gets his mitts on this standard, that's when it soars. His band hits the effervescence hard then swoops with dramatic weight, like their 40s then double martinis chasers hold the vermouth and olives.

    The Zone gets into a groove(s) great - fantastic combo of low-key bass and jangly guitar - so my vote goes to them.

    G Dogg


      As always, I'm as pleased as spiked punch to find you here. And as is often the case, your BOTB bote surprised me. I kinda had you figgered as a bote for G&R. I asked Carnac if your bote surprised him and he said he knew you'd bote for The Zone because he knows all. (Not short on arrogance, that boy.)

      "Buzz Bombs" with double Martini chasers (no vermouth and no olives)... man, don't gimme no ideas!

      Soonz I get dun replyin' to comments, I'm on my way to hear Cheese's take on 'Jungle'. That should be a hoot 'n' a half!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  6. After the 4.5 minute assault on my auditory nerves courtesy of Axl, Slash et al., The Zone was like a vacation, so I'll go with them.

    I think we all get a little burned out from time to time, and at times like those it's best to just step back and let things settle down. I took a break last summer and it did me a world of good. Relax, things here will more or less run themselves, and we'll see you when we see you.

    1. JOHN ~

      Ha! Never thought of The Zone as sounding like "a vacation", but I definitely get it.

      And I agree with you that BOTB really runs itself. There ain't nuttin' to it... as long as people keep on postin'. But, what if they don't? I got sum thinkin' to do.

      I'm SMH when I remember that a few years ago BOTB had gotten so big that I (secretly) felt it had gotten TOO popular. It was literally taking me 3 days just to make it around to everyone and get my votes in. It was starting to feel like a job. And now, today, what do we have? 8 or maybe 9 BOTBers, and there's never a time when they're all participating on the same date.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  7. I actually never knew that Welcome to the Jungle was about LA, probably because it's the most overplayed song in all of movie and TV history for when the characters get sent to the jungle. Har har, get it? Right as they're entering the jungle and looking befuddled, this song starts blasting and G&R sing about welcoming them to the jungle. Aren't we Hollywood writers so clever and edgy?

    Just like I can't stand moronic tropes, it turns out that I also can't stand Guns and Roses. I gave the song a chance. I like some fast paced hard rock as much as the next. But it just doesn't do it for me. And it also uses nonsense words, like bringing you to your 'shunananaknees'. I believe they're just called knees.

    Give my bote to Johnny, who sounds way better, rocks harder, and probably knows how to spell 'knees'.


      >>... Right as they're entering the jungle and looking befuddled, this song starts blasting and G&R sing about welcoming them to the jungle. Aren't we Hollywood writers so clever and edgy?

      As Fraser Crane would say: "A little too on-the-nose."

      And, hey, that reminds me... I'm about ready to TRT 'Fraser' again at times. I miss those serious laughs.

      >>... 'shunananaknees'. I believe they're just called knees.

      HA! Are you accusing the Girls of artificiality? They're nu- nu- nu- nu- nu- nu-nunna gonna like that.

      Are you aware that VH1 has called 'Welcome To The Jungle' the best Hard Rock song of all time? Yip! Sorry 'bout that Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, The Who, Van Halen, Blue Oyster Cult. Girls Rule!!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  8. Holiday weekend, folks, so I'm late. And shocked! 🤯 Stephen, please don't give up BOTB altogether. As Mary said, many of us link to your blog as "HOST", plus, you have such great battles and stories! 👌 ... Okay, after reading more of the comments, I see you're considering going back to once a month, instead. Whew! That works well for me and hopefully, you'll find it a good compromise. As for the battle:

    I'm giving you a predictable vote for Guns 'N' Roses, which is more my vibe, but I did enjoy The Zone, as well.

    1. DEBBIE ~
      Thank you! Nice to hear you enjoy my Battle match-ups and my word vomit (aka verbosity, aka stories).

      Yeah, I think I'm gonna try to go back to Battles once-a-month, on the 1st, and see if that works for me. I'd really like to take off completely for a few months, but that might not be a smart idea. Still playing this song by ear.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'

    2. Glad to know you're keeping your options open! ☺ But, if you plan on doing once a month, why not on the 15th? (Seeing as how you say your next battle will be on Sept. 15). Just a thought...

    3. DEBBIE ~
      If I go the once-a-month route, I'd probably make it on the 1st, just so BOTB won't seem quite so skimpy on the 1st of each month. Since you do it on the 15th only, I think it makes sense to split the month up between the two of us, with you doing one round and me doing the other round.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  9. OK..shock but no awe (I always hated that term) but more like a awwwww shucks darn it! I hope you go more monthly maybe:) I do understand your reasons why. As for this battle...I must go with The Zone which I prefer their original take on this rather than the loudness of Guns N`Roses which is just noise. Toronto seems to have a shooting or a stabbing every day mainly due to gangs...I hate that

    1. BIRGIT ~
      You don't like satanic Bush's "shock and awe" expression, eh? I've used it from time-to-time but never in the context of warfare. I'm no fan of war and no fan of political propaganda and no fan of false flag events perpetrated against We The People.

      Wait! What am I writing here?!
      I momentarily forgot that this blog is 'STMcC Presents Battle Of The Bands' and thought I was at 'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'. ;^D

      Wow! Gangs in Canada? Things are bad all over!

      Thanks for your $0.02, m'dear.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'

  10. Say it ain’t so, Stephen T! You can’t set a table for hundreds and then not bring the food. You’re the turkey at Thanksgiving, tamales at Christmas. What would Easter be without eggs? But you know, if you scaled it back to once a month, BOTB would still be the best potluck going ;- )

    I’ve actually liked a couple of songs by GnR. But this isn’t one of them. The Zone reminded me of Quicksilver – not bad, but a little sleepy on the heels of GnR. I flipped my lucky peso, now the dogs won’t drink the water. I think I’ll play it safe and stay in THE ZONE ;- )

    Fresh air and Happy trails, my friend!

    1. Howdy, dIEDRE ~

      >>... You’re the turkey at Thanksgiving

      Ha!-Ha! I'm glad you tacked those final 2 words onto those first 3 words. That was cuttin' it close! :^D

      I always love your way with words. You were a born writer, and you have a very unique style! (Were you one of the popular girls in school? Or were you one of the outcasts, the misfits?)

      >>... I think I’ll play it safe and stay in THE ZONE

      Hmmm.... But are you sure you ain't in the *TWILIGHT* Zone?! There weren't nuttin' safe about The Twilight Zone.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

    2. Hiya,

      Popular? Ha! But I was well-known for the eyepatch I wore for the first few years of grade school. Tetherball was a challenge...but I saw more than most through a uniquely focused viewfinder ;-)

    3. During 'The Eyepatch Years', what was your favorite letter of the alphabet? ;-)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  11. Hi Stephen - I agree with Birgit that Guns ‘N’ Roses just sounds like a lot of noise. I prefer The Zone with a hint of a Steely Dan vibe. The t-shirt was a nice touch. I hope that after your break you’ll still do a monthly edition of BOTB. You are the Grand Poobah after all!


    1. Many thanks, GEM JULIE. I have always, Always wanted to be a "Grand Poobah". ;^D

      I would describe (and HAVE described) The Zone as a cross between Aerosmith and James Brown. That was their standard sound. But their keyboards and sax also gave them a tinge of Steely Dan. (No surprise it's their keyboard / sax player who is wearing the Dan T-shirt.)

      But in this song - 'Johnny's Gone' - there's also a wee bit o' Michael Jackson thrown in there by the vocalist.

      However, the one blatant influence in this particular song NO ONE has mentioned, which really surprises me. That riff they're playing (which is extremely pronounced at the very end) was borrowed or lifted (let us not use the word "stolen") from 'Touch Me' by The Doors.

      I'm still scratching my head how that could have gone unnoticed by all the Rock music aficionados we have in this crowd.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  12. Yo Saint Mac! Wow, employment is sure putting a damper on your party time, eh? Well, we all need a break some times. Hope all goes well for you.

    AS for the battle, well, ya know I'm a GnR fan. Nuff said?! The Zone has a nice sound to them, and I like their song. But, the two groups, the sound, the songs, are worlds apart from each other. I mean, loud heavy metal against softer Jazzy vibe. I'd have not problems listening to The Zone on a night I'm into that music style - but I would not mix the two. Like the choice between a wine spritzer or a Margarita!

    Any who - give my bote to Guns and Roses.

    I will attempt to hang a bit more at the other blog. Notice my blogging has severely slackened to mostly once a month. Work work work . . .

    1. WILD THING ~

      Actually, I'm partying heavily right through this period of being "between jobs". A spoonful of whiskey helps the poverty go down in the most deee-liiii-ghtful way.

      I did not know you were a G'n'R fan, but it makes sense. I mean, anyone known as "Wild Thing" probably would be, amiright?

      I would love to see you at the other blog from time to time, but I know how it be. Blogging seems to have mostly been a fad that is gradually moving on toward Hulahoopville.

      I and Guns 'N' Roses thank you for stopping by with a bote for them.

      Stay safe on them roads. Always watch out for that other driver (i.e., me).

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  13. Okay, hold on to your (cowboy) hat because my vote goes to Guns and Roses, a group I don't like. 😁😁😁

    Seriously, this ONE song is the only GnR song that could have snagged my vote. I've always liked this one song, inspire of Axl Roses squeechy wails.

    I support the once a month BOTB but I'd add a challenge to all of us who have lost steam on blogging: post something of interest to you once a week. Genuinely something that YOU are interested in, even if it's just a two sentence observation. I'm gonna try it and see if I can regain some if the passion for creativity.

    Life is crappy some times. I find that I can't focus on the crisis du hour and have fun...but I'm going to try to get outta the rut.

    I can't wait to see the final count on this one...

    1. There are more typos in my post than the law allows!!

      Inspire SHOULD be "inspire"
      Du hour SHOULD be "du jour"

      I have lost the ability to be speedier than autocorrect AND proofreading, simultaneously. Can senility be far behind?

    2. DOC CHERDO ~

      >>... Inspire SHOULD be "inspire"

      You mean it was supposed to have quotation marks around it? ;^)

      It's bad enough to have a crisis every day (du jour), but my heart really goes out to anyone who has a new crisis every hour (du hour). Ha!

      Autocorrect was obviously invented by someone working for satan. I can't understand why the whole world doesn't turn it off.

      I'm seriously leaning toward BOTB on the first of each month. And then, when time allows, to post something in-between the Battles. Like, for instance, I've had something music-related in mind for quite awhile now, but there's never time to write and post it. Maybe in the not-too-distant future there will be.

      Thanks for the bote du month!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  14. Al Bondigas here. Well, you certainly know how I'm rulin' on this one. I never really got how people became so enamored with certain bands. I never liked a lot of these bands that were so popular back in the day. I always thought Guns N Roses, Thin Lizzy, Foghat, Lynyrd Skynyrd etc. were highly overrated. I do like some of Lynyrd Skynyrd's stuffs but not much. Oddly enough though, I loved U.F.O and Blue Oyster Cult, and still like a lot of their music to this day. Can you figure that out? You know I've always been a little strange in the music department. Anyway, rulin' fer cuz. That's it!! That's muh rulin!!

    1. JUDGE AL ~

      Yeah, your vote didn't surprise me this time. I saw that coming in the dark, in the middle of a rainstorm and from 40 miles of bad road away.

      What kind of cracks me up is Guns 'N' Roses yakking about L.A. being a jungle. If they wanted to see a jungle, they should have visited the Bay Street house. But of course, we wouldn't have let them in. The League was like The Cougars - "No Girls Allowed!" :^D

      You probably don't know this but BOC actually lost a good number of their older fans when they released those albums you and I liked (like) so much: 'Spectres' and 'Mirrors'. Compared to their first three albums, which were really hardcore Heavy Metal, those two were much more commercial, with a lot of musical hooks. Like, think about 'Celestial The Queen', 'Going Through The Motions', and 'Moon Crazy'. Those are as catchy and hook-laden as any Pop song. So, I think it makes sense that you still like BOC to some extent.

      I still like a few Thin Lizzy songs quite a bit (e.g., 'Bad Reputation', 'Downtown Sundown') but even their big hit 'The Boys Are Back In Town' does nuttin' for me now.

      Thanks for your rulin', Judge.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  15. I liked The Zone, and that is a great thing about these Battles they do introduce other artists and bands from time to time. I liked Guns and Roses better so they get my vote!


    If you are interested in seeing the final vote tally for this 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' installment and my closing thoughts on it, you can put the following URL into your browser:

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'


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