Monday, November 1, 2021




This blog bit series is dedicated to three persons: 


1: My Ma ('East Of Eden'), who first made me aware of James Dean.

2: My great friend and publicity photographer, Kelly "Andy" Anderson ('Rebel Without A Cause'), who committed suicide in 1986.

3: My great friend and professional acting buddy, Marty "Party" Brumer ('Giant'), who was killed by a car thief in Los Angeles in 1989.


Yes, it's time once again for Battle Of The Bands (BOTB).


[But first, a shout-out and special message for The Countess. Countess, click HERE!]


Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!...



This has been a James Dean themed BOTB tournament, in which I've used my 4 favorite songs that mention Dean, who was my acting hero during my youthful venture into the world of Hollyweird. 


In Part 1 (HERE) David Essex's song 'ROCK ON' beat 'American Pie' by Don McLean, as explained HERE.

In Part 2 (HERE) John 'Cougar' Mellencamp's song 'Jack & Diane' beat 'James Dean' by The Eagles, as explained HERE.


In this final installment, the two winners face off against each other for the 'James Dean BOTB Championship'.


But before we do that, I promised to share some photos from my 'Dog Tag Years', also known as 'My Years Working On M*A*S*H'.


Although I'm not certain, I believe the first episode of M*A*S*H that I worked on was 'LIL', the third episode of the 7th season, which first aired on October 2, 1978. I was 19 years old at that time. The story involves Colonel Lillian Rayburn, who visits the 4077th. Radar O'Reilly becomes concerned that perhaps Colonel Potter is falling for Lil and is about to cheat on his wife. Major M*A*S*H fans might remember the episode more for the subplot, in which Hawkeye Pierce is being driven batty by the fact that he can't find out what the "B.J." in B.J. Hunnicutt stands for. 


There's a scene early on in the episode where Lil Rayburn and Colonel Potter visit the Post-Op. Colonel Rayburn says, "Look at that boy. He belongs in a playground, not a hospital." Then there's a close-up of my sweet, angelic face as I sleep on a Post-Op cot:



Colonel Potter says, "You know, as much as I hate O.R., this room is worse."

Colonel Rayburn: "Why?"

Colonel Potter: "In there you only look at the wounds. In here you see the faces."


And as far as I can recall, that was where I first appeared on M*A*S*H. Apparently, the powers that be liked something about me, because from then on, I was a regular on the show, always in the 4077th camp somewhere and occasionally having a couple lines of dialogue to say. I can find myself somewhere in nearly every episode from 'LIL' through and including the 2.5 hour 1983 series finale in Season 11 [link> 'Goodbye, Farewell and Amen'.


Although today I have great appreciation for my 'Dog Tag' experiences, sadly I didn't appreciate my time on MASH as much as I should have while it was occurring. I thought I was on my way to bigger and better things, so MASH just seemed to me, at the time, like a stepping stone on my way to becoming the new James Dean. Live and learn, eh?


In the 2005 Entertainment article [link> 'Alda's Favorite 'M*A*S*H' Episodes', star Alan Alda named four of his very favorite MASH episodes, and as fate would have it, I appeared prominently in one of them: "Life Time", a 1979 episode done in real time, in which a soldier will suffer permanent injury -- or death -- if he isn't treated within 20 minutes. This episode is known for the clock in the corner of the screen, keeping real time (even through the TV commercials) as one soldier needs to die in time for the doctors to take a piece of his aorta and graft it into another dying patient. This episode is so famous amongst MASH fans that it even has its own Wikipedia page [link> HERE.


Although I had no dialogue in this episode (just some death rattle gasping sounds in my dying moment), I was Harold Sherwood, the patient who died in time and provided the aorta that saved another soldier's life:



[Stephen T. McCarthy, a bloody mess who is also known as Harold Sherwood]


So, here are some more MASH pictures from my Dog Tag Years:


In one episode, Colonel Potter took Sgt. Rizzo's drivers' education class, and sat in with the rest of us lowly soldiers. (I still can't get over how young I looked in this photo! That's me on the left.)



Speaking of Rizzo, there was an episode where he kept getting caught playing craps in various places around the 4077th with his "craps-shooting monkeys!" as Father Mulcahy called us. I was one of Rizzo's "craps-shooting monkeys". That's me second from the right wearing my cap backwards:



In another episode, an emotionally distraught soldier went AWOL and sought sanctuary in Father Mulcahy's Mess Tent chapel. In quite a stretch for this Maverick Christian, I portrayed a Catholic who was trying to hang around after Mulcahy's sermon in order to find out what the commotion was all about. In this picture, Mulcahy is trying to hustle me out of his Mess Tent chapel:



This next shot was taken at the MASH compound set up in the Malibu hills, where most of the exterior filming took place. (The interior scenes were shot on Stage 9 at 20th Century Fox Studio in Los Angeles.) I have no idea which episode we were shooting at this time, but someone took a picture of me walking through camp in the background:



A Malibu canyon fire in October of 1982 burned down the MASH set, so the writers incorporated the fire into the storyline of the show's final episode. Here's a picture of me - wearing my red leather James Dean-inspired jacket - at the charred remains of the exterior MASH set in Malibu.



And lastly, below is an official photo of the MASH cast and crew taken during the 11th and final season. You can find me in the second row from the bottom, toward the left, and wearing that same red leather James Dean jacket:



Alright, enough of this. Let's get on with the music Battle...

Please leave a comment telling me which of these two songs you like better, and why. I will return here on November 8th or 9th to cast my own vote and to announce the winner of the James Dean BOTB series. And perhaps I'll share a few more pictures and close with a story about my leather jacket and and an extremely special one-of-a-kind James Dean pin that I used to wear on it.


ROCK ON -- David Essex


JACK & DIANE -- John 'Cougar' Mellencamp


Thanks in advance for your participation. And please visit 'n' vote at the Battles presented by the other BOTB participants.


Bless And Be Blessed,

~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. Pretty cool to have been such a part of an iconic TV show like MASH. I never watched many episodes as I didn't care for it much, but I knew people who fanatically watched every episode.

    I've never cared for the David Essex song so no vote there.

    Once again I'm going with Mellencamp's "Jack and Diane".

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Truth be told, I wasn't really a MASH fan myself. I'd watch it when I knew I had dialogue or had what was called a "Silent Bit", but more times than not, I was probably out partying with friends when MASH was on.

      As I stated in the blog bit, it wasn't until years later that I realized just how unique and special my time was on MASH and working in Hollyweird generally.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  2. I never realized you were on "MASH," but it's not a show I watch regularly, and even if it was, I wouldn't have known who you were...

    Anyway, David Essex all the way here.

    1. >>.... "I wouldn't have known who you were..."

      Hell, *I* didn't even know who I was!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  3. First off, let me just say that I love the spoonerism in the title. Don't ask me why, but for some reason those always tickle me.

    Secondly, I do enjoy the walks down memory lane. I've seen a few of those pictures, but a lot of those screen caps are new to me. Did you take those just for this blog post?

    FUN FACT: I was talking with my folks last night over dinner about Keep Carson Kind, and at a certain point, my mom was asking what you've been in. I said some of the more popular shows, and when I reached Hill Street Blues, she said hey I used to watch that all the time. I still watch the reruns from time to time when they air on TV. Who is he? So I asked if she remembered the Shamrocks, and David Caruso, and Caruso's right hand man, and she said she did remember you, and she had just seen an episode a few weeks ago that had you in it.

    My dear madre, what she lacks in taste, at least she makes up for with a good memory. And hey, at least your performance was memorable to her, even after all these beers.

    As for the battle, this was a tough one. First I played Essex, and I liked it, but then I played John Melon Cougarcamp and I remembered how much I liked that one. For me, the tie breaker was when I played Essex again, and this time I really listened to all of those instruments that open up in the middle of the song, and I loved the arrangement that Essex put together for that. It makes for a fantastic song.

    It's close, damn close, but give my bote to Essex.

    ~Julio El Seis Puma-Abeja

    1. >>... First off, let me just say that I love the spoonerism in the title.

      Julio, your remark made me curious as to why they're called "spoonerisms", so I looked it up. Turns out it comes from the Reverend Archie Baldbill Spooner... or something like that.

      Yes, I took all the pictures from off my TV screen specifically for this blog bit. The quality is poor, just like my acting ability.

      Methinks your Ma probably wasn't actually remembering me from Hill Street Blues. I wasn't David Caruso's "right hand man". In fact, I wasn't even his "left hand man". I was just one of the nameless Irish gang members in a fair number of episodes, and I only had dialogue to speak in a single episode. I don't actually even remember David Caruso HAVING a "right hand man" gang member, but then I almost never watched that show. It was painful enough just having to work on it. The money was good, but the show made me cringe!

      >>... It's close, damn close, but give my bote to Essex.

      I'm glad you found this Battle somewhat challenging! So far, anyway, it's quite surprising, with Essex out to a pretty substantial lead. It's still very early, but I didn't expect 'Rock On' to give 'Jack & Diane' any trouble at all, let alone to be leading 5 to 2 after the first 7 botes! BOTB will never get dull because it's always full o' surprises (and Shamrocks).

      ~ D-FensDogG

  4. First, a shout out to the 3 people who shaped who you are. Second, I love MASH, as you know, and you should consider being on the show as something great. Not many people can lay claim to it and, even though you didn’t become the next James Dean, you left an impression. I just saw that episode of you in the bed looking so innocent(Ha!) and I thought that might be you but wasn’t sure. Now I know I was right. The other one, where they are waiting for your character to die is one f the best and I saw it when it first aired.

    Now, I have to go with Essex because I just love that song and find it very cool so they get my vote.

    1. BIRGIT ~

      Thanks for your visit, your comment, and your bote!

      I look forward to seeing my Ma, Kelly, and Marty again someday (probably sooner than later).

      I wish I could go back and relive my 7 years in Hollyweird now that I have a much better knowledge of Film and Television history. There were so many missed opportunities because I didn't really grasp just how legendary some of the places were where I was working 2 or 3 days per week. I had complete access to all of the studios and walked the streets of famous backlots, never even realizing what movies and old TV shows those streets had appeared in.

      I remember often thinking that the next time I was working at Universal Studios, I was going to stay in the studio after the show I was working on wrapped for the day, and then I'd spend the entire night alone in Hitchcock's 'PSYCHO' house. I could have easily done that back then, but I just never got around to it. I think it would be so cool to be able to say I'd spent a night in the 'Psycho' house on the hill.

      >>... I just saw that episode of you in the bed looking so innocent (Ha!)

      "Ha!" is right! It's sometimes called "acting"! I was probably hungover the day they filmed my young, "innocent" face for that scene. (My friends were a bad influence on me. ;^)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  5. You know, I actually remember the close up scene of your angelic face. I think it's super cool that you had the opportunity to be on the popular series and while you were too young to appreciate it then, you have the memories to share with others which is pretty cool. Can I have your autograph Mr. McCarty? :D

    Now onward to your battle. I'm going with David Essex "Rock On"! Have a great evening, my friend.

    1. CAThy ~

      As the old man says in 'It's A Wonderful Life', "Youth is wasted on the wrong people!"

      I now totally get how special my time was on MASH, specifically, and in Hollywood, generally. Now that it's ancient history, my hindsight is 20/20. It's just too bad I was so naive and so oblivious at the time it was all happening. I was too busy thinking about the future to appreciate the present.

      >>... "Can I have your autograph Mr. McCarty? :D"

      Sure! I'll even give it to you at my "Good Friends" rate of just $5.
      That's a full 50% discount from the "Regular Peon" price of $10.00 [;^D

      ~ D-FensDogG

  6. Stephen, I recall every episode of MASH you wrote about and also that closeup of your sweet face. ☺ It's kind of a thrill to be acquainted with such a showbiz veteran! As we discussed before, I can't stand Mellencamp and that song in particular, so of course, my vote goes to David Essex.


      Thanks so much for coming by to comment and drop your two cents into the BOTB kitty!

      >>... that closeup of your sweet face

      As I mentioned to Birgit, I was probably hungover when they were filming my sweet, innocent face!

      Do you recall a MASH episode where the
      an·es·the·sia (*yeah, I Googled the correct spelling* ;^) they were getting at the 4077th wasn't strong enough, so it wasn't keeping patients unconscious throughout the entire surgeries? A few years ago, I was watching that episode, and there was a scene where B.J. Hunnicutt is about to perform surgery on a patient and suddenly the patient comes to and becomes very combative! Hunnicutt had to get a couple of nurses and orderlies to help him subdue the patient so he could administer a second dose of an·es·the·sia.

      I suddenly realized while watching that scene *I* was the combative patient! I initially recognized myself by the prominent birthmark I have on my left forearm. The phunny thing was that I worked on MASH so often that I couldn't even remember every episode I was in and what I'd done. I actually had NO RECOLLECTION whatsoever of filming that scene, even though I (appeared) to put up a pretty good fight on that operating table!

      I have no idea why this was (pure happenstance, I suppose), but it seemed that we almost always filmed the Operating Room scenes right after lunch. I was always a patient, and I remember always being worried that I was going to fall asleep on the operating table, start snoring and thus ruin the shot. I *DID* actually fall asleep a few times, but thankfully no one ever had to wake me up because I'd started snoring during a take.

      Ahh, fun memories! ;^D

      ~ D-FensDogG

      POSTSCRIPT: I meant to ask you previously, what is it that you dislike so much about 'Jack & Diane'? The music, the lyrics, the rhythm or... yes, ALL of that?

    2. Stephen, I've said it before! Your memoirs are fascinating and your writing style is so engaging, it's a shame you never published them. Yes, I do remember that scene and enjoyed the background info you've added here. As for Mellencamp, his voice sets my teeth on edge and his music is "pop crap" to my ears. Of course, his legions of fans would disagree. ☺ Plus, they play that bloody song on the radio every fucking day!😝

    3. DEBBIE ~

      >>... "Plus, they play that bloody song on the radio every fucking day!"

      What the fuck??!!
      Don't you know this is a family-friendly blog?! In the future, I'd fuckin' appreciate it if you'd write the word "fucking" as "phuqin'". ;^D

      OK, seriously now...

      Your really nice compliment made me feel good. Compliments have always embarrassed me, and usually elicit some self-deprecating response from me. But I want you to know that I sincerely appreciated it.

      I've always got my hands in so many projects that I can't even imagine trying to find the time to seriously attempt a memoir. Although I do feel I have been blessed and have had a fairly interesting life. Lots of highs and lows and plenty of head-shaking moments of good timing. But writing a memoir would be quite a time-investment.

      If, God forbid, I should ever find myself bedridden for some reason, I would maybe then give serious thought to trying to write a memoir. (Either that or play chess with invisible opponents through the Internet.)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy STUFFS'

    4. Hahaha! Words are only bad if you think they are. To me, they are all just part of the language. I don't see the point to change any letters, since everybody KNOWS what you mean, anyway. 😆 I'm glad the compliment made you feel good. That's what compliments are supposed to do and maybe, if you get enough of them, you'll consider writing that autobiography! 😉

  7. Ha, I knew it! We’ve actually seen you several times on MASH. What a fun and memorable gig.

    This battle is quite a challenge for me. I’ve voted for each of them once. To choose between them seems so…disloyal. I tried flipping a coin and lost a nickel under the fridge. I resorted to asking Hubs what he thought and discovered he agrees very much with Debbie D. – cool MASH memory you shared there – which had me re-thinking why I’m at all partial to the little ditty of Jack and Diane. Simply put: I love songs (ballads) about ordinary people in the American heartland, the rhythm of the rails, or a cross-country car trip with the windows rolled down. And I like what he did with Farm Aid. A vote for John C. Mellencamp, please.
    Can't wait to see what you do next!

    1. Howdy, dIEDRE! ~

      >>... "Ha, I knew it! We’ve actually seen you several times on MASH."

      When you said in an earlier comment section that you'd watched a lot of MASH episodes, there was no question in my mind that you had seen me here 'n' there, unbeknownst to you. That 'Life Time' episode was so unique that any MASH fan who's seen it once will remember it, and they can't see that ep without also seeing me die before their eyes. (For the record, I didn't really die; I was only pretending. Like how in 1968 I used to pretend I was Davy Jones. ;-D

      Do you remember a MASH episode where Klinger was delirious with a really high fever and he was seeing the spirit of a soldier who had died from his wounds, wandering around the 4077th? Well, you may or may not have seen me in that episode, but you definitely heard me, because I played the part of one of the "disembodied voices". I said something along the lines of, "It's all over between us. I just don't love her anymore." (I was pretending that time, too. Because I really did still love her... whoever "her" was supposed to be.)

      >>... To choose between them seems so…disloyal. I tried flipping a coin and lost a nickel under the fridge.

      Ha!-Ha! I've lost so many ten dollar bills that way, damn-it!

      >>... Can't wait to see what you do next!

      For my next trick, I'm going to appear to saw a woman in half. Any volunteers?
      (I thot not.)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy STUFFS'

  8. The following comment was submitted via Email by
    (aka Sheboyganboy Six & The Amazing Sixwell)...

    Well, in this contest I am going to vote for the YOUNG Katy Perry. Selena Gomez doesn’t hold a candle to her. See?

    [Link> KATY PERRY

    I am sure that she must have mentioned James Dean in one of her songs, so she beats out Gomez and Swift, and Essex and Mellencamp.

    As lowly secretary of the Shameless Punks Society, I’m not normally privy to info about the head office. But one of the carrier pigeons that move info from cell to cell dropped dead on my windowsill. To my surprise, the message revealed that Judge Al Bondigas is not only a Shameless Punk, but the MOST Shameless Punk of them all! It turns out that he is actually the Grand Wizard of the SPS. I take back the allegation that he is merely a Punk, with Shame. In fact, I must now resign from the Society because I am ASHAMED at my mistake.

    Anyway... If you won’t accept my vote for the YOUNG Katy Perry, then I’m going to have to vote for Mellencamp. The lyrics of Jack and Diane are SO far superior to Rock On that it isn’t funny. Rock On is simply a much inferior song.

    Sixgun McItchyfinger

    1. LOL, Sixgun good comments, I see your Katy Perry and match with Debbie Harry (Selena Gomez is an ace in the hole).

      G Dogg


      I am ashamed (in a really proud way) to announce that I don't know who that short-haired blonde chick is in the photo. Based on your comment, it sounds like you're saying it's Selena Gomez. But I wouldn't know one Pop Tart from another.

      >>... Anyway... If you won’t accept my vote for the YOUNG Katy Perry...

      I would sooner let you vote for Harry Perry or even Perry Fluker before I'd let you vote 'Pop Tart Katy'.

      The Grand Wizard of the SPS, Nappy, once got his butt kicked by Sailor Jerry, and he wasn't ashamed in the least. In fact, he claimed he didn't even remember the event, and I for one believe him.

      But speaking of butts...

      This one appeared in one of my very favorite movies. If it's still above ground, it's probably at least 85-years-old now, but...
      Back in the day
      Is all I can say.

      [Link> A Back End In Nineteen Fiddy-Six

      ~ D-FensDogG

  9. Yo S-Man,

    Ha, I hadn't seen your comment in the previous thread where you listened to Grandmaster Caz through -- you're a martyr! Any rap song with Chic's "Good Times" bassline - of which there are a few - I'm hooked.

    Even googling "ready teddy" the results are cryptic but looks like from your fave American Graffiti.

    On this thread, your first picture (bandage) shows you're definitely part Irish. Look like JFK recovering in December '63. Abstract art: The fifth picture down (sitting), looks like you're foreseeing an inevitable nightmare soon to come. Seventh picture down looks like you've seen a nightmare.

    Jack and Diane was the best song of its year.. or part of its year barring if the Go-Go's first album was that year... the album took abut 50 weeks after release to reach #1.. summer sound. As Sinatra sang "It was a verrrry good year" with his usual subtext of "my voice is melancholy because I'm forever pining for Ava Gardner." (Yikes throwing vases scary). Everybody thinks a lot of music from their teens was a good year.
    Of course a vote for Cougar and it's good to hear it again.

    G Dogg

    1. G-DOGG In The House!! ~

      >>... Ha, I hadn't seen your comment in the previous thread where you listened to Grandmaster Caz through -- you're a martyr!

      You know me, Dawg! I support the "arts" and no price is too high to pay, dagnabbit!

      >>... "ready teddy" the results are cryptic but looks like from your fave American Graffiti.

      Spoken by the one and only John Milner, while driving his piss-yellow / puke-green '32 Ford Coupe.

      The ONLY thing Milner ever got wrong was his opinion of The Beach Boys, but hell, no one (other than Tony Baretta and Starsky & Hutch) is perfect!

      >>... The fifth picture down (sitting), looks like you're foreseeing an inevitable nightmare soon to come. Seventh picture down looks like you've seen a nightmare.

      Damn-it, mang! You made me do math.
      (It was worth it, though.)

      >>... Sinatra sang "It was a verrrry good year"

      Any year that he didn't wake up with a horse's head in his bed was a "verrrry good year".

      Thanks, as always, for coming by with two cents & wit for the kitty, Brother!
      This race has tightened up considerably.

      (I think my next Battle Of The Bands installment will pit a headless horse against a chicken without its head. *THAT* otter be interestin'!)

      ~ D-FensDogG


      Hey GDogg - I SEE your Blondie, and raise you TWO MORE Katy Perry types!


      Maybe you should start blogging yourself and do a twice-a-month "hot women" battle. I’m sure that would be a big hit. It would be especially shameless.

      Sixgun McItchyfinger

    3. Stephen, you're likely about to get annoyed if not already by pop tarts.

      Sixgun, I would be too confused by the hot women to do said blog. Like, a Bananarama song vs Olivia Newton John. That could be unfair because it's three hotties against one. Or Taylor Swift vs Pat Benatar, I would have a tortured Sophie's Choice before kicking Benatar to the curb in three seconds.

      G Dogg

  10. And Stephen...

    Love the backstory and recall your days with M.A.S.H well. But not as well as you do. Man! You did look purty young back then. Such the rebel not wearing olive drab like everyone else in the group photo. My vote remains with Jack and Diane. It just captures the James Dean eternal teen/youth better. Also seein as James Dean was truly unable to rock on...what with the car crash and all. It is nice to look back and see our more youthful days as well as the American innocence of even the 70's and 80's but surely not as innocent or apparent innocence of the 50's.

    1. ...AND, POOH, THAT'S NOT ALL!...

      >>... [I] recall your days with M.A.S.H well.

      That's because you quit drinkin' when you did. I probably don't recall my days on MASH as well as you recall them. (But I *DID* remember to get me a Mickey's 40-ounce buzz bomb at Kroger's today! Twice, each, individually... in the mo-oooo-rnin'!)

      >>... Such the rebel not wearing olive drab like everyone else in the group photo.

      Phunny story about that: I actually *DO* remember the day that photo was taken. We'd been working on the Stage 9 sets all day and it was announced that the Season 11 cast & crew photo would be taken after we wrapped up shooting, and everyone was encouraged to stick around for it.

      I was actually done working for the day and decided to go to the Wardrobe Dept. and change back into my own clothes while they were still shooting on the set. That way, I could just head straight "home" (i.e., to our Bay Street headquarters in Dogtown) right after the picture was taken, without having to fight the crowd at Wardrobe afterwards.

      Then, sometime later, when I saw the cast & crew photo, I regretted having not remained in my Army greens, like other cast members had done.

      But now, today, 38 years later, I'm again pleased with my decision, because it makes it easier for me to point myself out in the picture. Plus, it includes a nod to the "James Dean" mania I had at that time. It's more "me" than it is "U.S. Army". (Not to mention that by going to change out of my uniform early, it means I joined up with you League members and undoubtedly got to drinkin'-an'-all sooner.)

      Thanks for stumblin' over here, Pooh!

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. As Mike Walsh would say..."you did the right thing."

  11. David Essex gets my vote, like the song better

  12. Okay, I've stalled long enough. The week is almost over, and I'm just getting out and about to cast my votes. I was gonna use that extra hour today to get all caught up, but my body decided I needed to sleep instead.

    While I truly love both of these songs, the one that stands out the most to me is Jack and Diane. Therefore, by default it gets my vote.

    Thanks for sharing photos of your sordid past. I always get a kick out of them.


    1. MMQE ~

      Better late than never (to coin a phrase).

      These were not really photos of my "sordid past". These were pictures of my "professional past". But I *DO* have some of the other kind. Wanna see? ;^D

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Loyal American Underground'

  13. Al Bondigas here. I'm very surprised about this match-up. In two ways actually. I thought for sure that "Jack and Diane" would win quite easily, but this baby is neck and neck. The big surprise is how difficult it is for me to make a rulin'. I really like both songs and they elicit good memories of our youth. I guess I have to rule ever so slightly for "Jack and Diane." However, that rulin' could change from time to time depending on my mood. Like I said, very good match-up, but that's it, that's muh rulin.' Now, regarding Sheboyganboy's bombshell that I have made it into the fine, well cultured Shameless Punks society and that I am actually the Grand Wizard, well, I just don't know what to say. I feel Like George Jefferson, after all these years of struggling, I'm finally moving on up. I'm not sure I can handle the pressure. Meeting tonight at 6:00 P.M. Be there, and on time.

    1. JUDGE AL ~

      Your bote tied a big ol' tie on this Battle! You dun ruled the court case a draw.

      Of course, I knew you'd be going with John 'Melon' Cougarcamp, but I didn't realize that when I added my own bote for David Essex it was going to leave the entire outcome hanging in the air.

      Oh, well, that's the way the beer mug hits the barroom floor and shatters. My next one will be better!


      POSTSCRIPT: Congratulations on becoming the Grand Wizard of The Shameless Punks Society. You're too old now to be a League Of Soul Crusaders member, but you're never too old to lead the Shameless Punks, punk!

      Let's go, Brandon!!


All submitted comments that do not transgress "Ye Olde Comment Policy" will be posted and responded to as soon as possible. Thanks for taking the time to comment.