Monday, January 31, 2022




Virginia City, Nevada, is my favorite place whole the world, and it's only a 30-minute drive up the mountain from where I live. You remember Peabody, his boy Sherman, and their Waybac Machine? Well, going up to Virginia City is like taking a Waybac Machine trip to the Wild West of the 1870s and 1880s. Back in the day, V.C. was the richest mining town in America.


Today, there are about 14 saloons in V.C. All but two are mostly too touristy for my tastes. The two I really like are local hangouts, The Corner Bar & the Silver Dollar Saloon. Because of the music they play, my favorite is the latter. Although the Silver Dollar Saloon is right on the main street in town (C Street), few tourists are adventurous and courageous enough to descend the foreboding, steep stairs to see what lies below. This keeps the tourists from mingling with the local and semi-local riff-raff, like me. ;^)


Cat & Cole's Virginia City Saloon Grades, Feb. 1992:


According to those grades from 30 years ago this month, the Silver Dollar Saloon (Grade: Fair) was nothing like it is today. Cat & I were in the right place, but it must have been the wrong time. I wish I could recall what the '92 version looked like, because I LOVE the saloon as it appears today. The Silver Dollar promotes itself this way:



Before we get down to bidnizz here, lemme take you on a quick photographic tour of the Silver Dollar Saloon. And ask yourself if YOU were a tourist in Virginia City, Nevada, would YOU go down those stairs to find out what was at the bottom? (My "Yes, Soitently!" guesses are: Judge Al Bondigas, G-DogG, Julio Seis-Abeja, Debbie D'Doglady, Birgit, MMQE.)


Going Down?





At The Bottom...



Female Undergarments Lost & Found.


Dogs Lost And Found.


Old Codgers Gettin' Liquored-Up At The Silver Dollar.



Photos Of My Two Favorite Actors On The Wall. What Were The Odds?


"We Do Not Serve Women. You Must Bring Your Own."

"Dogs Welcome. People Tolerated"

Wild Horses Hangin' Out Behind The Silver Dollar Saloon.


Alright, let's get on it. Let's get on DOWN with our bad selves!...


I've met some cool people in the Silver Dollar Saloon, and as mentioned, they play some really great music in there (sorry -- no modern Pop stars need apply). One day a couple years ago, when I was at the Silver Dollar knockin' back a couple Wild Turkeys, the owner / bartender turned me onto a young Blues Rocker whom I'd never heard of. I was planning to use one or two of his songs in this Battle, but have decided to save him for later. (Methinks this mightn't be the only time we're gonna take a trip to the Silver Dollar Saloon and mayhaps we'll be back in the future.)


So, below are two different oldies but goodies that I have heard cranked "up to eleven" at the Silver Dollar. See which one you think goes best with that imaginary beer or glass of wine you're drinking right now:


RIGHT PLACE, WRONG TIME -- Dr. John   (1973)



PICK UP THE PIECES -- Average White Band   (1974)


So, who said those ol' cowboys at the Silver Dollar Saloon ain't got no Funk in 'em?!


After you vote here, please visit the other BOTB Participants and see what stuffs they may be offering up for your funky pleasure. I 'spect to be back here with the Battle Results post on February 8th. Be here, and be wearing "some clothing".


~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. Nice look into your territory. I'd like to visit Virginia City sometime, but it's not likely that I'd be visiting any bars unless it were to be meeting you there. I've never been much of a bar guy.

    Both of those song picks are great bar listening that takes me back to some good days. Of the two my preference would be AWB. Love the funky sound of "Pick Up the Pieces"!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. LEE ~

      >>... I'd like to visit Virginia City sometime, but it's not likely that I'd be visiting any bars unless it were to be meeting you there.

      Well, Brother, you can meet me in a bar or meet me on the trail. Yer cherce. Drinking & Hiking are my two main interests when in Virginia City -- or "1876", as I often refer to it.

      [Link> My Flamingoes over 1876

      Here's a good way to follow the slow-moving action in 1876:

      [Link> VIRGINIA CITY - Live Webcam

      Thanks fer yer BOTB bote!

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

    2. That mountaintop view sure looks nice, but I'd probably struggle to the top unless there were an easier way to get there. Nice socks.

      Dropping in on the webcam view things look pretty slow and laid back for midday. It appears to be a nice place to get away from where I am. Maybe someday I'll make it that way, but these days it looks less and less like I'm going to be doing much more traveling. Maybe if the price of gas goes way down or I get some sort of magically powered vehicle that costs nothing to operate.

      Glad you're where you like to be.


    3. BOIDMAN ~

      Thanks! The socks were a gift from our friend FarAwayEyes. I have three pairs that she gave me (the Flamingoes, and two sets of Hula Girls) and I always wear one of those three any time I go up to 1876. It's become a tradition.

      Yeah, during this time of year, and especially on weekdays, 1876 is pretty sleepy. But it gets quite a bit of traffic during the Summer months, and there are some special celebration days in town where it is packed tighter than a sardine can.

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

  2. I would slide down the stairs in a sled customized to look like a 72 Caddy, a mink coat down to my knees, and a hat with a feather.. and holding a red, white and blue basketball. Both songs would be suitable for such a entrance.. Average White Band is above average for sure but I've heard it played so many times, especially when far exceeding high fives doing multiple hand clasps with each person. If I heard the Dr John song before I don't remember. It puts an extra jaunt
    in my stride stride which -- I thought I maxed out my jaunt - Dr John gets my vote and a tip of my green, brimmed hat.

    1. Professor G-DogG ~

      Ha! I can't figure out whether you just described Huggy Bear or Rooster. Maybe BOTH of them simultaneously? Huggy Rooster (not to be confused with Punky Brewster).

      Yeah, Dr. John can be a bit dangerous for old coots like me. I've seen guys my age fracture their hips just LISTENING to Dr. John while seated on a bar stool. I won't even take a chance on playing him until I've gotten myself sufficiently Gumbyfied with liquid flexibility.

      Thanks for bringing some of that colorful inner-city street style to my BOTB installment, DogG! It just wouldn't be the same widout ya!

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

    2. Huggy Rooster is the evil twin.
      McCarthy, who for some reason a parakeet gravitated to his shoulder, asks the bartender if he's seen a guy in a maroon suit with a green hat.
      Bartender: My memory is foggy.
      McCarthy slides him a C-Note.
      Bartender: Cat goes by Huggy Rooster.
      McCarthy slides him another C-Note.
      Bartender: Hangs out at Straw Hat Pizza.
      McCarthy goes to Straw Hat, to no avail. Pins the manager against the wall, "Where's Huggy Rooster?"
      Manager: I don't know nothin man.
      Manager, again: I don't know nothin man.
      McCarthy pushes him harder.
      Manager: Okay. Okay. Dude moved to Round Table pizza for the pinball room. Buck Rogers pinball machine. That's all I know man, that's all I know.
      McCarthy gets in his highrider with a fancy paint strip and eagle on the hood. And the parakeet, who he's never seen before today stays fastened to his shoulder, so McCarthy accepts God's will, shrugs and calls him Chad while giving him nips of whiskey on ice as he one-handedly careens through red lights (at one point doing a 360) to get to Round Table.
      McCarthy rolls off the hood just because he likes it. Does a carpet roll with his 45 and doesn't see Huggy. Still, he makes the pinball players stand against the wall and pats them down. When one says "Miranda Rights" you'd think McCarthy would become furious and smack him in the head with his piece. But he's heard so many perps claim that he just pushes his face against the wall.

    3. McCarthy: "Miranda? The only Miranda you're gonna get is Carmen's fruit salad hat shoved up yo' rumpus room! Now where is Huggy Rooster?"
      Jive Turkey: "Alright, alright! Rooster flew South for the Winter."
      McCarthy: "Cut the jive, turkey! Talk American or yer gonna do the time!"
      Jive Turkey: "Rooster's hangin' at La Barbera's now. He's servin' pizza to The League Of Soul Crusaders on Friday nights, and to whoever else has the munchies after a night of partying."
      McCarthy: "I can't go to La Barbera's; I gain ten pounds with every visit. But you tell Huggy Rooster I'm lookin' for him. And if he knows what's good for him, he'll meet me at the Sizzler salad bar on his next day off. If he doesn't get in line, he's gonna do the time, and dat's da name of dat tune! ...Come on, Chad, let's get a breadstick and fly this coop."

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

      POSTSCRIPT: Bruhthuh DogG, there's sumpin' awful familiar about all o' this. ;^D

    4. McCarthy goes to Sizzler in disguise, in khakis and a polo shirt and cowboy hat and with a woman and two kids of the overweight chief who exasperatedly gave them to him "for 24 hours!" Because "The mayor's riding my ass on this." And - slams folder on the desk "You're a loose cannon but dammit if you're not the only one who can get it done." Rooster isn't at Sizzler -- but a guy trying to take extra food from the salad bar home is. McCarthy flashes his badge to show permission, grabs him by the scruff of the neck and pushes his face into the pot of Italian dressing then the big bowl of lettuce for good measure. He doesn't take the perp to the joint because, dammit, gotta focus on Rooster. Grabs a breadstick and handfull of sunflower seeds for Chad and goes through the kitchen and back exit where his highrider is parked in the alleyway. Puts on his brown leather jacket with a fur collar and squeals the tires for no good reason. Or every reason.

    5. Back at police headquarters, McCarthy, with hangdog expression, explains to the Chief that Huggy Rooster didn't show.
      Chief Tightass: "Damn it! ...Alright, McCarthy, I'm taking you---"
      McCarthy [interrupting]: "No, you're not! You're not taking me off the case! Because... I QUIT!"
      Chief Tightass: "McCarthy, I was about to say... 'I'm taking you out to dinner'. But if you've quit the force, you can buy you're own dinner! You and your chicken -- get your feathered butts out of my office, and don't let me see your Irish-Italian-German-Jewish-American Indian face around here again!"
      McCarthy: "Oh, yeah?! Oh, yeah?! Well... we'll just see about that. ...C'mon, Chad, we've got some fishin' to do."

      * * * * * * * *

      [Fast-Forward three years:]
      McCarthy and Chad are passed out on the sidewalk in front of the King Edward Hotel in downtown Los Angeles. Huggy Rooster is strutting by, having just been elected 'Queen of The Pimps' at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, and he tosses two-bits on top of McCarthy's gin-soaked body and says...

      Huggy Rooster: "Get a room. ...And feed your bird."

      McCarthy groggily comes to semi-consciousness and mumbles, "Whoever you are-- I have always depended on the kindness of strangers."
      Huggy Rooster: "Feed yer bird, bitch!"
      McCarthy: "I will. Thank you. Thank you! I will."

      McCarthy stumbles to his feet and staggers toward Lucky Liquor [Link> 'On The Nickel' to buy a short dog of Night Train for the night. Chad nods semi-approval in nervous, bird-like fashion and says, "Chad wanna short dog of Thunderbird from the cracker. AWK! Chad wanna short dog of Thunderbird from the cracker. AWK!"

      McCarthy: "Yeah, yeah. Shut the fu-uuuu-dge up. We're getting Night Train ...And HUSH YO' BEAK! 'Cause I hear parakeets taste like chicken."

      Chad: "It was just a suggestion. AWK! It was just a bird-brained suggestion. AWK!"

      The rest, as they say, is 1970s television history. May it Rest In Pieces. ..."AWK!"

      ~ D-FensDogG

    6. Ha, the disparity between "On The Nickel" that had me thinking "There but for the grace of God go I" to Shaft -- never heard back-to-back such a wild swing between styles. I think Fred the parrot would distract you or remind you how valuable Chad is.

      I was thinking about you, watching youtube clips of Ken Stabler based on the old True legend that his teammates said he often reeked of hard liquor in the huddle.

      I had not heard until recently that "I've always depended on the kindness of strangers" wasn't just a wilting line -but some interpret it - and apparently some stage actresses play it as a burn toward her sister who didn't show her kindness (and of course Stanley who overtly never did) having had to handle the estate by herself.

      In contrast to "I rely on information from strangers and will shove jive turkeys against brick walls to get it." "Where'd you get the stuff." Before jumping through the car window instead of opening the car door.

      Isaac Hayes as singer, I kid you not

    7. Professor DogG ~
      As you likely remember, musically I am all over the map (excluding the xtreme genres of both Whites & Blacks).

      >>... I was thinking about you, watching youtube clips of Ken Stabler based on the old True legend that his teammates said he often reeked of hard liquor in the huddle.

      Fun Fact: I taught Ken how to use hard liquor for snake bites. Unfortunately for Ken, he was forever getting bitten by snakes (which is why they called him that), so he needed to use a LOT of hard liquor MOST of the time.

      Isaac Hayes is the man! And if you laugh at his buddy, [Link> Fly Guy, [Link> he's Gonna Git You, Sucka! ;^D

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

    8. The first video I would think stereotypical except there's never been someone like that extreme to stereotype - that's confidence. The second video made me initially think and stayed thinking I'd rather fight Apollo Creed.

      If you're a boxing fan (I almost only watch the classics) you may know Rocky 1 was based on Ali vs Chuck Wepner who lasted into the 15th round... and like Balboa did in the first round, Wepner knocked Ali down in the ninth and the way Rocky kept getting tagged and standing isn't much of an exaggeration.


      Rocky (1976 ONLY!!! is one of my all-time 'Top 25 Favorite Movie's (I still quote from it regularly, such as: "Take her to the zoo!") And, indeed, I knew that the story was loosely based on the Ali / Wepner fight, which I saw at the time.

      And that 'Fly Guy' outfit isn't quite as "unrealistic" as it may seem. As an old fan of the old NFL, I'll bet you already knew the following Fun Fact:

      WACKYpedia Sez:

      [John William "Frenchy" Fuqua]... nicknamed himself "The French Count". He is remembered for being one of the flashiest dressers in the NFL, and would occasionally appear in public wearing platform shoes having see-through heels that contained water and a live tropical fish selected from his aquarium to match the color of the day's outfit. He won two Super Bowl titles during his Steelers tenure, which were also the first two championships in the team's history.

      Mang, that 'JIVE TURKEY' scene literally made me Guffaw-Out-Loud! Looks like I'm gonna have to see 'Semi-Pro', thanks to you!

      Damn, that was HILARIOUS!

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

  3. It would be so cool to visit the old west whether or not you'd find me in any salons or not, it still would be a lot of fun. I got tickled with the lost and found department of women's undergarments. lol

    You went with two great oldies. I remember these very well from the 70s. This was a bit difficult for me to decide on which song I liked the best, so I eventually went with the tune that moved me most and that's PICK UP THE PIECES. Excellent battle. I hope you'll stop by when you get a chance to cast your vote in my newest James Bond theme song BOTB showdown with A View To A Kill. Have a bandtastic day, my friend!

    1. CATthy! It's That YOU!!

      I'm Pickled Tink that you stopped by with three cents for the BOTB kitty.

      The next time I'm at the Silver Dollar Saloon, I think I'm going to pull one of those gigantic bras down and tell the bartender, "Fill my Double-D Cups with your strongest whiskey!"

      I mean, seriously, what's the point of all those big bras hanging around doin' nuttin' for nobody?! ;^D

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

  4. Dogs Welcome. People Tolerated. Sounds like my kind of place! ☺ My bad knees wouldn't like the stairs, but at least there's a railing, so I'd be game to visit. And, I'm picking Dr. John to win the battle. He has a much cooler vibe!

    1. DEBBIE ~
      I knew the dog angle at the Silver Dollar would appeal to ya.

      They really should have a bartender working at the TOP of those stairs, just to get people sufficiently limber to try tackling the stairs leading down to the main part of the watering hole.

      Thanks mucho for your support! 2 to 2 so far. Looks like we got us a decent Battle at the bar!

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

  5. Ooooh Yes! Let me jaunt (in my crippled way) down those stairs to have a drink but I will not give up my bra! I love all those dollars and other stuff plastered on the walls. I see the great Duke but I can't see the other star you love?? Anyhoo, Give my vote to Dr. John because I love his voice and the grind that I could do to this music....not being naughty here:)

    1. BIRGIT ~

      Yeah, the other picture (black & white) is a bit harder to pick out. But just above the bright yellow and black sign that says "ROW", there's a framed photo of James Dean standing next to a gigantic pig on his family's Indiana farm.

      >>... Dr. John because I love his voice and the grind that I could do to this music....not being naughty here:)

      Even if you were, it wouldn't be the first time a BOTB comment section of mine dipped its toe into the gutter.

      Thanks for limping down to the Silver Dollar Saloon with me. I'll buy all the drinks you want, as long as you keep doing The Chicken Dance on the tables (bras optional). ;^)

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

  6. Hi-Ho, Steverino!

    I like both these songs about the same, but I'm going with Dr. John this time, because of the vocal.

    1. JOHN is going with Dr. John.
      Makes perfect sense to me!

      Thanks for your input.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy STUFFS'

  7. Count me in as a definite "Yes, Soitently!" The bars here have gotten way too hipstery, and are far from what I would call an essential dive bar.

    Q: in the pictures of the codgers, who's the codger that's eyeballing you like he wants to punch you in the nose for snapping a pic of him? That expression is still cracking me up.

    As for my bote, let me just say that I wouldn't expect to ever hear my choice played at a place like Silver Dollar, but the fact that they do makes me dig this place even better. Give my bote to the Average White Band, not just because of their hilarious name, but because I dig the funk, and something more lively is what I want to hear when I'm tossing back the Evidence with pals (or codgers).

    ~J S-A

    1. 6-B ~

      Yeah, the Silver Dollar is about as far removed from "hipster" as I can conceive of. If hipsters are synonymous with old cowboys, old hippies, and Vietnam War veterans, then the Silver Dollar is hipster.

      Your suspicion is entirely accurate: That old codger giving me the "stink eye" is indeed our one and only Judge Al Bondigas. He didn't like being interrupted while he was "still considering the Evidence" in a case. ;^D

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy STUFFS'

  8. Both worthy contenders although Dr John was new to me he just pipped AWB at the post :)

    1. Howdy & Welcome, CAROL!

      It's nice to see a new pseudonym in these parts. As a sign in Virginia City says: "You're Only A Stranger Once!"

      I thank you for coming by to listen and cast a BOTB vote (or a "bote", as some of us longtime insiders refer to them). And I'm pleased as spiked punch that I was able to introduce ya to an artist new-to-you whom you liked.

      Dr. John was quite a character outta New Orleans. I dig a good number of the songs he recorded.

      Please feel free to join us here again in the future. I put up new Battles on the first of each month and the voting window stays open for 7 or 8 days before I announce the results.

      Have you a terrific day, Carol!

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

  9. "Some clothing required" Too funny! Who was that guy in the black cap? Is there an exit somewhere at the bottom of those stairs? I don't know how anyone would get back up ;-) What a cool old building.
    I'm going with "Right Place, Wrong Time" as it reminds me of a theme song.

    1. Howdy, dIEDRE. Welcome Back!

      That weirdo in the black cap was my Brother. ("Was" because I've since disowned him. He was starting to get uppity and wouldn't eat dry dog food anymore!)

      The Silver Dollar actually has a back patio with old wooden stairs that lead down to the street below (D Street), where those wild horses were hangin' out. So, theoretically, a person COULD leave the Silver Dollar by going down, rather than back up those stairs. I've seen it done a few times, but I've never tried it, as I always get hurt less when I fall up rather than down. ;^)

      Thanks for bringing two cents for the kitty, dIEDRE! I always appreciate you stopping by for the music and a Tucson Sunri-- er... I mean, a Tequila Sunrise.

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

  10. Nice battle! A lot like a battle heard in the Silver Dollar Saloon about 150 years ago:

    (Sixgun McItchyfinger) I came to get your offer, Ryker.
    (Ryker) I'm not dealing with you. Where's Starrett?
    (McItchyfinger) - You're dealing with me, Ryker.
    (Ryker) - I got no quarrel with you, McItchyfinger. You can walk out now and no hard feeling.
    (McItchyfinger) - What's your offer, Ryker?
    (Ryker) - To you, not a thing.
    (McItchyfinger) - That's too bad.
    (Ryker) - Too bad.
    (McItchyfinger) You've lived too long. Your kind of days are over.
    (Ryker) - My days? And yours, gunfighter?
    (McItchyfinger) - The difference is I know it.
    (Ryker) So we'll turn in our six-guns to the bartender, and we'll all start hoeing spuds, is that it?
    (McItchyfinger) Not quite yet. We haven't heard from your friend here.
    (Wilson) I wouldn't push too far if I were you. Our fight ain't with you.
    (McItchyfinger) - It ain't with me, Wilson?
    (Wilson) - No, it ain't, Sixgun.
    (Ryker) I wouldn't pull on Wilson, Shane. Will, you're a witness to this.
    (McItchyfinger) So you're Jack Wilson.
    (Wilson) What's that mean to you, Shane?
    (McItchyfinger) I've heard about you.
    (Wilaon) What have you heard, McItchyfinger?
    (McItchyfinger) I've heard that you're a low-down, Yankee liar.
    (Wilson) Prove it!

    And then they drew! I’m not sure of the outcome… is it on the wall near the pic of Davy Crockett and the “rear entry” girl?

    I’d have not any problem heading down into that bar, especially given all the ladies’ clothes hanging around. (That’s why they have sign that says you gotta wear SUMPIN to come in. If you don’t, you can’t take it off.) But if’n I DID go downstairs, I’d be ordering a saparilla.

    The music? Both very nice, but I LOVE Dr. John. What a talent. He gets the vote.


    1. Well, well, well, look what the wind blew in... other than tumbleweeds.

      FUN FACT: Some of us just TRT'd that movie the night before last. Or was it the night before the night before last? To tell you the truth, in all the excitement, I kinda forgot muhse'f. The question is: Do you feel lucky, punk?

      Wait! Wait! Wrong movie.

      But no, but no, but no! We really DID just watch 'Shane'. And when Wilson said "Our fight ain't with you", I immediately turned to Nappy and said: "I beg to differ, sir. We started a game we never got to finish. 'Play for Blood', remember?"

      When you've seen one Western, you've seen 'em all.

      >>... I’d have not any problem heading down into that bar

      OK, but you're gonna have to leave the bow tie up on C Street. They don't serve that kind there. ;^)

      Seriously, glad you came by, Sixgun McItchyfinger. This Battle needs all the gunhands it can find. And don't worry if you get winged by that Wilson fella, 'cause we got a Doctor in the ho-owww-se!

      You are always welcome to... Come back! We want you, Sixgun. Mother wants you. I know she does! Sixgun, come back!

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

  11. wha... ?? BOW TIE????

    Why, I oughter... (notice right index finger twitching slightly...)

    You're more of the Monte Walsh/Lee Marvin sort of Cowboy. I'm more of a Hopalong Cassidy type. I'd wear a BOLO, maybe... but no bow tie, you low down sidewinder. I'll bet you wear a clean shirt every day, you son of a mule!

    1. Now, consarn it all! Don't go a-blamin' me! I was out ridin' the range with Gabby Hayes and he told me had seen ya a-comin' out of Piper's Opera House up on B Street after seein' one o' them fancy Spaghetti Operas-- er... I mean, one o' them I-III-talian operas. Gabby said you was all dude'd up and a-wearin' a little black bow tie what said on it "I heart Seattle Opera Company". And I never know'd Gabby to tell no tall tales 'afore.

      So I was just tryin' to warn you and yourn that they won't let no fancy dudes into the Silver Dollar down on C Street. That's what I gets fer tryin' to be a good, friendly cowhand?

      One more thang... They DO serve sarsaparilla at the Silver Dollar, but they [Link> put a human hair in it. It's one o' them tough bars. Be sure to bring your sixgun, McItchyfinger.

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

  12. Al Bondigas here. I like both songs a lot, but I'm gonna have to make a rulin' fer AWB's "Pick Up The Pieces". Not as easy a rulin' as I thought it would be, but, nevertheless, rulin' fer AWB. That's it!! That's muh rulin'.

    1. It's now officially on the books and only the U.S. Supreme Court can overrule it.

      Thanks for the rulin'.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy STUFFS'

  13. Yes Sir I'd go down there, and likely leave a piece of "some clothing" hanging on the ceiling fan. Been a long time since I did that. However, I doubt at my age now I could ever get back UP those stairs without an elevator. Nope, ain't gonna happen specially after a glass or sixteen.

    The hubby and I was just sitting here this morning listening to the kind of music we used to get our groove on to, wondering when the last time we went out dancing and drinking. Not that long ago, maybe 6 years - that was when dive bars were still open. I think we lasted about 30 minutes. The years have taken their toll. We ain't dead yet though - nothing sexier than an old fat man with a Bud Light in one hand and a chain saw in the other, lol.

    As for the music: both are cool in their own fashion. But I liked Dr John, seems to sum up my life quite a bit right now.

    Miss ya Dude - stay cool.

    1. It's WILD THING, back from the dead and spunky as evah!

      >>... Yes Sir I'd go down there, and likely leave a piece of "some clothing" hanging on the ceiling fan. Been a long time since I did that.

      Ha!-Ha! Well, those in the know don't call you Wild Thing for nuttin'!

      >>... However, I doubt at my age now I could ever get back UP those stairs without an elevator.

      I always wait for some guy to knock me down the back stairs to D Street.

      >>... nothing sexier than an old fat man with a Bud Light in one hand and a chain saw in the other, lol.

      Not unless it's an old fat man with a Mickey's Big Mouth in one hand and a chain saw in the other.

      >>... But I liked Dr John, seems to sum up my life quite a bit right now.

      Right Place, Wrong Time?
      Then you're doing better than most, who are in the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time.

      >>... Miss ya Dude - stay cool.

      Aww, honey, I'm ALWAYS cool! Even when I take the trash can out to the curb wearing my short shorts and cowboy boots. I couldn't be un-cool even if I tried! [;^D}

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

  14. And Stephen...

    Ahhh. good old VC too bad you were too hungover as we left Reno to go to BC and then decided to leave most of your innards on Geiger Grade. Not sure if we went to the Silver Dollar way back when. I forgot the name of the place where i kept losing money at black jack after you decided to turn in for the night, maybe the Red Garter? Nonetheless, you're protley sayin' when is this punk ass gonna vote? Well, that would be now: Dr. John. Saw him a few years ago at the good old Hollywood Bowl. Quite the entertainer and he did bring the funk. Like the AWB too but the Dr. gets my vote.

    1. ...AND, POOH, THAT'S NOT ALL!...

      That was the #1 worst hangover of my entire life (which is saying A LOT, considering that my 423rd worst hangover would have killed any other man).

      No, I believe the only saloon we visited during that 1986 trip was the BUCKET OF BLOOD. That was enough.

      Sadly, The Red Garter is no longer a saloon. It's now a Western Wear store. Don'tcha hate it when an establishment turns respectable and starts selling "proper" hats?!

      And, oddly, there aren't any table games in Virginia City anymore, just slot machines.

      Dr. John at The Hollywood Bowl? The Hollywood Bowl?!?! There's something very wrong about that. That's just wrong. What's next, Tom Waits at The Bowl?!

      Thanks for bringing two cents for the BOTB kitty, Pooh.

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

  15. I got to go with Dr John, nice battle.

    1. Glad you liked it, MIKE!

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation


    If you are interested in seeing the final vote tally for this 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' installment and my closing thoughts on it, you can put the following URL into your browser:

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'


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