So, the results are in. But first of all, my sincere thanks to everyone who took the time to participate in my latest Battle Of The Bands contest which played out HERE.
It was Round 3 in my ongoing $ilver Dollar $aloon $ong Challenge, and it featured Dr. John's 'Right Place, Wrong Time' against Greg & Steve's 'Three Little Pigs' Blues.
This one was really just for kicks. Having heard 'Three Little Pigs' Blues for the first time being played in a BAR, I found it so ticklesome (did I just invent a word?) that I couldn't resist putting it up against Dr. John's song. However, The Good Doctor's victory was a foregone conclusion in my mind.
Like most other voters, I too gave my "bote" to our currently reigning champion, Dr. John. But it tickles me that the three Little Pigs acquired three little votes:
Dr. John = 10 votes
Greg & Steve = 3 votes
Let's close this out with one more listen to the 'Three Little Pigs' Blues, this time with some fun & enthusiastic audience participation:
Please join me again on March 1st for another installment of the Song Challenge from the $aloon where "Dogs are welcome, and People are tolerated".
~ Stephen T. McCarthy