Monday, April 10, 2023



I'm a wee bit o' late getting this BOTB Results post up due to the Easter weekend. Although [link> THIS was the most fun I had constructing a Battle Of The Bands contest in quite some time, there wasn't exactly a top-notch voter turnout for this one. Nevertheless, I FULLY appreciate everyone who DID take the time to show up, listen / watch, and cast a vote. I enjoyed the contest.
Despite the sad-assed low voter input, it was a really close Battle, which made me feel good, because I *definitely* foresaw this 3-Way match-up as being extremely competitive. It was a Battle between songs from movie musicals with some A-list performers included: Doris Day & Howard Keel from 'Calamity Jane' (song: 'I Could Do Without You'), Gordon MacRae from 'Oklahoma!' (song: 'Oh, What A Beautiful Morning'), and Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, Pat Crowley & "The Smartest And Fastest Dog In The Movies", Mr. Bascom, in 'Hollywood Or Bust' (song: 'The Wild & Woolly West').
Personally, I like every single one of these songs. But ONE of them I like far, Far, FAR more than the other two. 'I Could Do Without You' has a really terrific lyrical whiplash comedy sense. It's a MUCH better version of the earlier & similar 'Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better', which I almost used until I realized the song is just... annoying.
Gordon MacRae's famous 'Oh, What A Beautiful Morning' is beautiful, and sounds almost like a [link> prayer!
BUT(!)... my own favorite is easily 'The Wild & Woolly West'. Why? Uh... how much time do you have? Because I could go on for over an hour with 101 reasons I love this song *AND* the movie it comes from, 'Hollywood Or Bust' (H.O.B.) -- the final movie featuring both Martin & Lewis. H.O.B. is one of the silliest pictures ever made and it has become my #1 favorite "guilty pleasure" movie. The more depressing and insanely ridiculous this world and my country becomes, the more I watch H.O.B. as a form of escapism from the "real" nuttiness around me. I don't even want to tell you how many times I've watched the movie just since Sept. of 2021.
As I wrote above, there must be at least 101 reasons I love H.O.B. Here is just a small sample of them:
1) When I first started to study acting professionally, one academy I briefly attended was actually owned and operated by the first female "Redhead" who appears with Dean Martin in H.O.B.
2) Hollywood Park race track is featured in a couple shots in this movie, and I spent many days & hours "playing the horses" there with my Pa. (He passed away 27 years ago today.)
3) Some of the scenery in the movie is flat-out gorgeous, and this shot below even reminds me of a painting that hung in my Grandpa's living room for all of the years I was growing up:
4) Although so-called "progress" bulldozed it years ago, my favorite place in Las Vegas was The Algiers Hotel & Lounge. The Algiers was a real blast to the past, and the lounge was one of my all-time favorites! It was so dark and old in the lounge that every time a person entered it, a beam of light from the Sun would pierce the room, reminding me that it was still daytime outside. And I always half-expected Frank Sinatra and his Rat Pack to come in and sit down next to me at the bar.
The Algiers (in 1956) shows up at the very end of the song 'The Wild & Woolly West':
5) The ending of H.O.B. was so memorably zany that Mel Brooks stole "borrowed" the idea, elaborated on it a bit, and used it to end his classic comedy 'Blazing Saddles'.
6) I have always been a huge fan of "Breaking The 4th Wall". This is a kind of 'wink & nod' when a movie or play acknowledges that there is an audience watching. (The audience serves as an imaginary 4th wall, and when a performer breaks that illusion, it's like he/she is saying, "Yeah, we know you're out there watching this game that we're all in on.") The TV series 'MOONLIGHTING' was constantly "Breaking the 4th Wall" and that's one of the reasons it was/is one of my very favorite shows ever.
In just that one song, 'THE WILD & WOOLLY WEST', 'Hollywood Or Bust' hilariously Broke the 4th Wall at least twice, and arguably even three times. Here are some photos of the 4th wall being broken during the singing of 'The Wild & Woolly West':
I literally chuckle-out-loud every time I see/hear that song! And there wasn't anything wrong with this scenery in H.O.B.:
So, now you have an idea of why my vote for 'The Wild & Woolly West' was a no-brainer for me. Here's how the BOTB "boting" ended up:
'I Could Do Without You' = 2 votes
'Oh, What A Beautiful Morning' = 4 votes
'The Wild & Woolly West' = 5 votes
Whoa-Nelly! That was a close outcome! I loves it!
My thanks again to everyone who participated in this Battle. I intend to return with another one on May 1st. Be here or be... somewheres else.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. Well, for a change the voting outcome corresponds much the way I ranked these three. "Wild and Wooly West" definitely deserves to win this one so I'm glad more voters were in agreement.

    Excellent Battle with a justified outcome.

    I put up my results on Saturday :


    1. Thanks, LEE!

      I wish the turnout had been better, but I was really pleased with how this Battle went.

      As I always say, my favorite Battle outcomes are 1-vote margin of victories where my own vote determines the winner.

      I couldn't have been happier with this one!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  2. I was in that Algiers casino long ago, too. I wasn't drinking, though. Frankly I don't remember why I was in there - since I don't drink OR gamble - but I was probably eating a steak and eggs breakfast for $1.99. That was why I used to stop in Vegas when I had to go thru there. Sadly, last few times I was there, the cheap food was ALL GONE. All that was left was gambling. I won't go back.

    1. Oops! That anonymous comment was from Sixgun McCasinofinger. I was so anonymous I forgot who I was!

    2. Sixgun McCasinofinger (or, James McBond?) ~

      HA! That literally made me laugh-out-loud!

      Although I still have never seen a single James Bond movie, I immediately thought to myself: Hey, wait up! I think there's a James Bond connection there!

      So I Googled the movie titles and realized I was mentally combining 'Goldfinger' and 'Casino Royale'. Mash 'em together and you get Casinofinger. And, by the way, I agree with you completely about Las Vegas today. I give it the casinofinger!

      The last year in which I spent any real time in Vegas was 2010. I wrote a 3-part blog bit at 'Stuffs' about that trip which I titled ZOUNDS!-REALLY!-OOPS! (Or, “MEET ME AT THE FREMONT AT NINE O’CLOCK”). We had a discussion in the comment section, and I was still doing some real E-Ticket blogging back then.

      That was the trip where I discovered that The Algiers had been leveled. As far as I am concerned, that's when Las Vegas really ceased to exist for me. But I sure had some good times there in my twenties & very early thirties with a lot of friends. Even though I was never really big on gambling, I'd play a little just to relax and consume free cocktails (which didn't always turn out to be "free" when all was said and done. Ha!)

      The last couple of times I was within viewing distance of Vegas, I didn't even bother to get off the freeway, but just drove past the place as fast as I could manage it.

      Old School Vegas was actually a lot of fun, before Corporate America took it away from the Mob. Even my Pa used to say that Vegas was far better when those Italian businessmen controlled it. Like you mentioned, cheap food -- all you could eat. Also, free / cheap drinks, inexpensive shows, clean streets and that great old school Vegas style.

      Although I was actually born in L.A., according to my Ma (and she would know), I was conceived at The El Cortez in downtown Las Vegas. That was probably when Bugsy Siegel still owned it. :^D

      Yeah, Vegas ended when they tore down The Algiers. Buncha beestards!

      Say, I got your E with the questions (goot Qs!) and will try to answer it later today or tonight or... ASAP. (It's in my InBox so I won't forget about it.)

      ~ D-FensDogG

    3. >>Although I still have never seen a single James Bond movie, I immediately thought to myself: Hey, wait up! I think there's a James Bond connection there!<<

      Now THAT is interesting. I didn't know that. Why? For a guy who loves movies, was an actor, and who has seen 2,000+ movies just in the western genre alone... why no Bond? Admittedly, some of them weren't great - particularly in the middle period. But they were huge hits, a sensation, a phenomenon. The early ones are some of my favorite movies.

      >>So I Googled the movie titles and realized I was mentally combining 'Goldfinger' and 'Casino Royale'. Mash 'em together and you get Casinofinger. And, by the way, I agree with you completely about Las Vegas today. I give it the casinofinger!<<

      We''ve been yakking for so many years that I have probably mentioned this, but I was taken by Bond movies even as a kid. In fact, I wrote the 5th grade school play that was "performed." It was called "Christmasfinger," and essentially stole the Grinch storyline but the villain was a Bond villain named Christmasfinger. (This play was a follow-up to my 4th grade play: "The Man From A.U.N.T." I was obviously interested in spy stuff.)


    4. CHRISTMASFINGER, The Man From A.U.N.T. ~

      >>... Now THAT is interesting. I didn't know that. Why?

      It's really a genre thang. There are a few movie genres that have NEVER appealed to me. ACTION, HORROR, & WAR are my three least favorites, and so I have watched far fewer of those types of movies than other genres like Westerns, Comedies, Dramas (including Film Noir) & Sports.

      That doesn't mean I have never liked ANY movies from those three genres. For examples: under War, I am a fan of 'The Dirty Dozen', 'Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison', 'Mr. Roberts', 'The Caine Mutiny', 'From Here To Eternity', etc. In the Horror category, I like and own some movies such as the original 'Wicker Man', John Carpenter's 'The Thing', the original 'Poltergeist', and a mostly forgotten, underrated low-budget gem called 'The Sentinel'.

      Then there's Action movies, which I generally dislike and am usually bored by them. I'm talking primarily about spy movies, ridiculous martial arts movies, and disaster movies. If it's a spy, I want him to make me laugh (think: Agent 86).

      >>... We''ve been yakking for so many years that I have probably mentioned this, but I was taken by Bond movies even as a kid. In fact, I wrote the 5th grade school play that was "performed." It was called "Christmasfinger," and essentially stole the Grinch storyline but the villain was a Bond villain named Christmasfinger. (This play was a follow-up to my 4th grade play: "The Man From A.U.N.T." I was obviously interested in spy stuff.

      That sounds hilarious. See, now *that* might have some potential for me, because they sound like funny spoofs, rather than spy stories that are meant to be taken seriously.

      I once rented and attempted to watch 'The Bourne Identity', because everyone kept raving about it. I got no more than 20-25 minutes into it before I turned it off and returned it to the rental store. (I would have turned it off early under ANY circumstances, but it wasn't helped by the fact that I think Matt Damon has perhaps the single most punchable face I've ever seen!)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  3. Stephen,

    My boting numbers generally consist mostly of other BOTBers but a few loyal readers play along which makes me immensely happy. Although my pick lost and came in 3rd I still stand by it but I'm now curious to watch your favorite pick. I always loved watching Lewis & Martin old comedies as a kid. I'm really surprised that this one didn't cross my TV viewing. 3-way battles are tough but yours turned out a.ok! Thanks for checking out my BOTB results, my friend. Have a bandtastic week!

    1. HiYa, CAThy!

      Usually I'll get a few BOTB "botes" from old friends who don't actually BOTB themselves. But I guess some of those regulars had other things going on this time and didn't stop by with their two cents for the kitty.

      To paraphrase Yogi Berra: If people don't want to come to the Battle Of The Bands, how are you going to stop them?

      But it was a really good Battle and I enjoyed putting it together and interacting with everyone who DID come by.

      Yeah, I'm really not sure why the Martin & Lewis movie 'HOLLYWOOD OR BUST' isn't better known. It may be that because it was their final movie together, and they weren't getting along at all at that time, that people have just dismissed it. Too bad, though, because it's definitely my favorite M&L movie, and their on-screen chemistry was not the least bit affected by their personal quarrels. (My second favorite M&L movie is 'SAILOR BEWARE'. There are a couple of hilarious scenes in that one!)

      It was my Ma who turned me onto 'Hollywood Or Bust', and I eventually spent way too much money to acquire it on DVD, as I would have worn out the VHS tape my Ma gave to me. It's an absolutely ridiculous movie (even by Martin & Lewis standards), but I have fallen in love with it. And like I said above, watching it has become my very favorite form of escaping this completely insane world. Until Jesus returns, I anticipate that I'll be watching H.O.B. over & over on a very regular basis. ;^D

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. Stephen,

      You can stream H.O.B at Amazon. Heck, you can own a HD copy for less than five bucks! I might have to scrape my pennies together to make this purchase. :) I watched the trailer and got tickled. It definitely looks like a film that'll insure some laughs and boy, can I ever use some of that!
      Anyway, just thought I'd let you know I do have a mid-month battle goin' if you have time to swing over. Have a wonderful day!

    3. CAThy ~
      H.O.B. is as silly as silly can possibly get, and that's one of the many reasons I love it so much. It's a wonderful 94-minute escape from the insanity of "this world". And I definitely prefer the insanity of Martin & Lewis to the insanity that satan has going on around us now every day!

      Thanks a lot for the reminder about your mid-month Battle. I always seem to forget about them because I have been doing exclusively 1st-of-the-month Battles for so long now.

      I'm heading right over there directly, coffee-cup-in-hand!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  4. I thought I wrote here. It was a tough battle but I'm glad my pic got another vote. Oh, I believe you are right about narcissist Lewis. He probably did view it but said he didn't to get sympathy aaahhhs.

    1. BIRGIT ~

      I was really pleased that all three movies I used in this Battle were shown some love (i.e., got some votes).

      I knew this was going to be a tight race, and before I even published the Battle, I had the terrifying thought that this *could* end up in a 3-way tie! I'm sure glad that didn't happen.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  5. All good reasons to love Hollywood or Bust! ☺ Personally, I'm not a huge fan of "silly" movies starring Jerry Lewis and his ilk (like The Three Stooges, etc.). That said, it's always a good feeling when your favourite song wins. I got a respectable second, and that ain't bad.

    It would have been fun to hang out in Vegas during the Rat Pack years.

    1. DEBBIE ~

      I don't believe I've ever seen a Jerry Lewis movie that didn't also feature Dean Martin. Although Lewis definitely had some talent, even for me, I need some Deano to help dilute the Jerry Lewis foolishness.

      A quick, humorous story about The Three Stooges: Back in the early 1980s, when I was a member of that drinking gang, 'The League Of Soul Crusaders', the other guys often watched a lot Three Stooges movies to drink by.

      I could never really get into The Stooges (I thought there were enough stooges in the house already, without adding more via the TV screen). Laurel & Hardy, W.C. Fields, Benny Hill -- I loved those guys. But I drew the line at The Three Stooges.

      Then one afternoon, the boys were drinking to The Stooges, and I just sat back in a chair, beer in hand, and closed my eyes. The next thing I knew, I was literally laughing-out-loud. Just listening to the noises they made and the sound effects, and trying to imagine "what could one man do to another to get *that* sound?", my imagination went wild!

      That's the day when I invented the phrase:
      "The Three Stooges should be heard and NOT seen!" :^D

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. That puts a different perspective on the Stooges. 😆 You might enjoy this:
      Stooges Audio Files

    3. Wow! Now whoever put *that* site together is a very serious fan of The Three Stooges.
      (Wait!... Can the word "serious" be legally used in the same sentence that mentions "The Three Stooges"? If it ain't agin the law, why it outta be *Slap!!*

      ~ D-FensDogG

  6. Excellent battle, Stephen T.! I'm pleased with the outcome too ;-) Did not know Jerry Lewis could dance. Back in the day, actors were (had to be?) truly multi-talented.

    1. Thanks, dIEDRE!
      I was very happy with this Battle.

      And, you're correct, those "old time" actors were usually more well-rounded than today's batch.

      It was pretty common for actors back then to take voice and dance lessons to enhance their skill set. Even James Dean took dance lessons!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  7. And Stephen,
    Sorry for missing the Battle, loved the Good, Bad, and Ugly reference. I was traveling in Mexico in early, and NOPE, no jail for me this time and no Tequila either perhaps there is a correlation? I plum forgot. My vote protly would have gone with the first one as I liked the physicality and brazenness of good old Doris Day. It was well done. Oklahoma is my least favorite, what with all the non Christmas Mornings and all. Loved the countryside in the Dean and Jerry song and it was a very close second. Now I just gotta remember to check back in the beginning of May.

  8. And Stephen...
    Not sure if my last message went through. Sorry I missed the vote I was out of the country in Mexico. Loved the original post and appreciate the mention as part of the good, bad, and ugly.
    I remember that ugly part very well. Funny without Tequila it Mexico is a pretty non-eventful place. but I woulda voted for the Doris Day number based on the scene, well done choreography. Jerry and Dean a very close second with OK a distant third. Be well.

    1. ...AND, POOH, THAT'S NOT ALL!...

      Sorry about not checking my dashboard for submitted comments. I tend to fuhgeddaboudit after the Battle Results have been posted.

      "Just to be sociable, I'll take your word"
      about Meheeco being a "non-eventful" place when tequila is removed from the equation. I have no intention of ever testing that theory, as Meheeco has seen the last o' me.

      'Oklahoma!' is OK. But it wasn't good enough to beat the dog... and Martin, Lewis & Crowley.

      Next Battle's on May 1st. I can text or E you a reminder if'n you want me to.

      ~ D-FensDogG


All submitted comments that do not transgress "Ye Olde Comment Policy" will be posted and responded to as soon as possible. Thanks for taking the time to comment.