This is the second installment in my Battle Of The Bands' Battle Of The Booze series. (I can't even remember the last time I posted a mid-month BOTB installment.)
Brief reminder: Every song I use in BOTB's BOTB must mention a type of booze and/or a brand name of booze or a cocktail made with booze.
We have two live recordings here, one by Lynyrd Skynyrd called 'Whiskey Rock-A-Roller' and the other by Hank Williams Jr. titled 'My Name Is Bocephus'. We could call this "Whiskey & Old Grand-Dad versus Whiskey & Beer".
![]() |
I'll bet only 3 of my regular voters can name the movie that this photograph was taken from. |
Before we get this Battle started, here are some FUN FACTS you ought to know:
* The legendary Country music singer Hank Williams nicknamed his son, Hank Williams Junior, "Bocephus" after Grand Ole Opry comedian Rod Brasfield's ventriloquist dummy.
* Bocephus mentions Lynyrd Skynyrd in his song.
* Old Grand-Dad is a brand of bourbon.
* Bourbon is the term for a whiskey made from a grain mixture that is at least 51% corn. Bourbon gets its name from Bourbon County in Kentucky, and most bourbon is still produced in the state of Kentucky.
* Several decades ago, I saw Bocephus perform at the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles. It was a great show, and Bocephus was the only person at the concert who was drunker'n I was! 😎
"Take me down to Memphis town; bus driver, get me thereI got me a queenie; she got long, brown curly hair
She likes to drink Old Grand-Dad, and her shoes do shuffle around"
~ Lynyrd Skynyrd
(from 'Whiskey Rock-A-Roller')
"I'll tell you something now: they ain't real
They got no scars, they got no feel
They can't cut no guitar whiskey-bent and hell-bound!"
~ Hank Williams Jr.
"I'll tell you something now: they ain't real
They got no scars, they got no feel
They can't cut no guitar whiskey-bent and hell-bound!"
~ Hank Williams Jr.
(from 'My Name Is Bocephus')
Alright, let's get on it.
Let's get ON this thing!
Alright, let's get on it.
Let's get ON this thing!
Whiskey Rock-A-Roller
by Lynyrd Skynyrd
My Name Is Bocephus
by Hank Williams Jr.
.In ye olde comment section, please vote for which song you liked better betwixt these two, and then please visit the other wonderful BOTBers and also drop your two cents (not your wallet) in their comment sections. * See the BOTBer links over there --->
I'll return here on or about January 22nd with my own vote and the final tally.
~ Dr. DogG
Stephen of Alcohology &
King of Inebriation Nation
Stephen of Alcohology &
King of Inebriation Nation
Maybe it's too early or maybe I need a shot of something, but neither of these songs turns on my beer tap or cracks my keg o' whiskey. The Bocephus song sounded a bit too musically cliched for me and I'm not a huge fan of his style. I'm a bit more keen on Skynyrd and their song appeals to me more.
ReplyDeleteGive me back my bullets and give my vote to Lynyrd Skynyrd.
Not sure if my current Battle is about an alcohol beverage, but that's what it made me think of.
Delete"a shot of something", "beer tap" & "keg o' whiskey" -- Ooh that smell; Can't you smell that smell? ;^)
Bocephus is utilizing a pretty famous Muddy Waters-like Blues beat. I know you've never really been a big fan of the Blues genre, so your Skynyrd vote comes as no surprise to me.
Ha! You got your vote, but you ain't gettin' yer bullets back!
~ D-FensDogG
Sounds like a Skynyrd song but Bo put the train station edge back in. Still, best to go with what ya know, so I'll go with Skynyrd ;-)
ReplyDeletedEAR dIEDRE ~
Delete>>... "train station edge"
Ha! I like that! Sounds about right.
Chalk up two for the Skinny Lizards!!
~ D-FensDogG
As much as I love Lynyrd Skynyrd (and I do!) I love down and dirty blues even more. Bocephus for the win!
ReplyDeleteDEBBIE ~
DeleteThere went the shutout I was workin' on! ;^D
Thinkin' ahead on this one, I could imagine you voting for either one of these two songs without any trouble at all. (No possibility of a "Purple Waylon Effect" in this match-up.)
Thanks for coming by with some spirits for the punch bowl!
~ Dr. DogG
Greetings from cold and snowy east Tennessee, Stephen! By the way, I sent you an email. Hopefully it found its way to you. Alrighty your battle at hand. I listened to both songs. I'm basing my decision on the sound, not the words or the song title. I didn't know either song. I like southern rock, so I thought I'd go with Lynyrd Skynyrd but it was Hank's gritty, blues song that caught my ear best. Give my vote to HANK WILLIAMS please! Just a reminder, I don't have a mid-month battle running. Stay safe and warm, my friend!
ReplyDeleteCAThy ~
DeleteAn Email from me
In your InBox
You should see.
Thank you for coming by to participate in my BOTB installment, even though you are not running a Battle of your own this time. Every vote is important to me!
I gotta admit, I thought "Bocephus" might be too rambunctious-sounding for your tastes.
This goes to show
how little I know.
>>... "Stay safe and warm, my friend!"
I've got my lov--- er... I've got my booze to keep me warm. ;^D
~ D-FensDogG
I'm going to go with Lynyrd Skynyrd on this one. I just like it better than Hank Jr., and besides, it was recorded at the Fabulous Fox Theater, which is really fabulous...
DeleteI've been to hot 'Lanta, but not to the fabulous Fox Theater there. However, I've been to the less fabulous Fox Theatre in Venice, California. (That's where I first saw 'Lady & The Tramp' in a double feature with 'East Of Eden'. I can't recall who the band was that opened for them. ;^) )
~ D-FensDogG
Goot evening Stephen!
ReplyDeleteI was going to make my rounds earlier today but my body said Go take a nap... So I did.
I really enjoy Skynyrd and honestly thought I would be voting for them... But then I listened to ol Jr boy.. and those blues won me over.
A vote for Jr. ( And let Judge Al know there is nothing wrong in liking the Archies)
Goot Evening, Mary!
DeleteBelieve it or not, Judge Al is actually PROUD to be a major fan of The Archies. Helck, he's even the founder and sole member of The Official Jughead Fan Club. That guy!
~ D-FensDogG
This is a virtual toss-up. I like both of them. I like blues and blues-based rock a LOT... a bit more than Southern Rock, but I like S.R. anyway. And Skynard - who was the (excellent) second of a four-band stadium concert I went to back in 1974 - really rocks it! But I think I am going to give Bocephus the win by a photo finish: the width of a flared nostril (or swollen, drunken nose.)
ReplyDeleteSixgun McItchyfinger
DeleteThou surprisedeth me; thou sneakedeth upon me when mine watchmen nappeth!
Kinda shaking my head a bit. I nearly anticipated you saying, "Both songs suck; both artists suck. But I'll hold my nose and vote for... Willie Nelson."
Ya see? Ya see?
That's what I get for knowing so much. It's like sending out a telegram saying, "Beat on the brat with a baseball bat!"
>>... "a photo finish: the width of a flared nostril (or swollen, drunken nose.)"
Got it! Bocephus wins by a W.C. Fields nose.
So, you knows I gots to axe: a four-band stadium concert in '74 which included Skinny Lizard. Who - ah say, WHO - were the other 3 bands?
Lemme guess...
Black Oak Arkansas, The Marshall Tucker Band, and The Allman Brothers Band (who bowed out at the last moment and were replaced by The Outlaws).
How'd I do?
(FYI, all of that information came from my Magic 8-Ball. Except I added The Outlaws bit.)
~ Dr. DogG
Stephen T. of Alcohology &
King of Inebreeashun Nashun!
I misspeaketh myself. 'twere 48 years since that i witnesseth FIVE bands in the Yere of Our Lorde 1975.
DeleteFrom headliner down to the bottom, they were: Rod Stewart, Fleetwood Mac, Loggins and Messina, Lynard Skynard, and Pure Prairie League. It was a goodie, though they were quite a mix-n-match group. All were excellent, though PPL only had one "hit" song. But, Amy, er... Stephen: whatcha gonna do?
aug 31, 1975…
Sir Lancelo--- er... Sir Six-A-Lot ~
DeleteThine humble servent hath receivedth thine E-ethmail and wilt replyeth vedy, Vedy soon-eth, or mine name ain't Mary Poppinsky.
Your comment reminded me of a couple things:
1) My buddy Eric and I went to see Fleetwood Mac somewhere in the woodlands just outside of helL.A., circa 1978. The giant ad in the newspaper said that they would play "Rain or Shine".
(Frankly, I was never a fan of F' Mac, but Eric had the hots for Tom Petty. Uhm... Stevie Nicks. So I went along just to keep Eric company... because Stevie certainly wasn't going to.)
So, after waiting in line with tickets for several rainy hours one morning, eventually we were informed that Fleetwood Mac would not be playing because of the rain, and we could get our money refunded.
Sufficiently have I articulated, and needeth not further illustrate must I, my sentiments regarding Phuqwood Mac-eth? :^D
2) >>... "But, Amy, er... Stephen: whatcha gonna do?"
[Link> THIS is going way, way back, when you and I were still just getting acquainted.
But in it, I quoted a certain woman who had written the following to me:
“Stephen, I miss you in my life. I almost feel like I gave my soul away.”
~ Ms. Venus; October, 2007
“Stephen, the difficulty I’m experiencing is that you … believe, so strongly, that you know the “real truth”, that an open discussion doesn’t seem possible or pleasant. Given that, I’m not going to defend or explain my opinions and beliefs to you.”
~ Ms. Venus; August, 2008
(It’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mind.
~ Anonymous)
Well, that woman's *real* name was AMY and [Link> THIS is a picture of her!
Now, don't you feel bad having dredged up so much pain in my memory, which I had nearly forgotten until you cavalierly-eth reminded me of it? Bad, BAD Sixgun!!
I'll forgive you...
after about six boilermakers. ;^)
~ D-FensDogG
That Greek Theater is a sight to behold! I can only imagine how amazing a concert there would be (especially seeing someone like Bocephus)! I'm a sucker for a good outdoor concert. We're spoiled here with Red Rocks Amphitheater. If you're not familiar, it's built into the side of a mountain. The acoustics are unreal and the sight is incredible.
ReplyDeleteRed Rocks
As for the battle, I'm actually surprised that it's this neck and neck (so far). I love that. Now, I'm not usually much of a Skynyrd fan, but that was a pretty decent effort, all things considered. But then... Bocephus. He's having so much fun, he's got so much charm, and he sells that song with a fire that Skynyrd just didn't have. Give my bote to Bocephus... and while yer at it, quit crying and give that man some bourbon! I'd say he's earned it.
~Chief Julio
DeleteEarlier tonight, I asked Judge Al what part of The Bible he was reading. He replied, "Esther 10".
I told him he should skip forward to Esther 18.
(It's a 'Home Improvement' thang; you wouldn't understand.)
Speaking of Esther . . .
I think my Bible margin note in Esther is one of my very, Very, VERY best!
"Mordecai is the Road Runner. Haman is Wile E. Coyote.
The ONLY thing missing is ACME dynamite!"
Indeed, I know of the Red Rocks concert venue. But I would never attend a concert there because... Red means Communism, and I won't go one step beyond my beloved Socialism. Truth be told, I did drive through Colorado once, but the *only* thing I remember about the state was the Coors brewery... "as is proper" (to quote a certain Burgermeister Meisterburger).
>>... "Bocephus. He's having so much fun, he's got so much charm, and he sells that song with a fire that Skynyrd just didn't have."
Well, I'm not sure about... "charm". I'd say he's the Donald Trump of Country Music. There's no denying the self-confidence, and he wouldn't hesitate to hang Haman--- er... he wouldn't hesitate to hang Lynyrd Skynyrd on their own gallows. ;^)
Thanks, McBrother, for spiking the punch with... a shot of bourbon!!
~ D'DogG O' Alcuhallugy!
I thought I commented here and it didn't take! Sterling Hayden from The Killing! I Lways found d him a bit wooden to be honest but this is a good movie.
ReplyDeleteI give it to Hank because I love the raunch! That beat gets me every time
Delete50% right (which is still pert-goot!)
Yip! It's Sterling Hayden. However, the movie is 'The Asphalt Jungle'. I'm not sure if I've seen 'The Killing'. Gonna have to look for it now.
My favorite Sterling Hayden movie? It's gotta be 'DR. STRANGELOVE'. He was terrific in that film, as was George C. Scott (and Peter Sellers, obviously!)
If anyone ever asked me the definition of "Black Comedy", I'd say, "Just watch Dr. Strangelove, because that's the *ultimate* example."
Amongst my Ma's all-time Favorite 25 movies were...
Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs
Dr. Strangelove.
Thinking about that always cracks me up! Obviously, there were many facets to my Ma's personality.
Thanks so much for stopping by to vote, Birgit. I always greatly appreciate your participation.
~ D-FensDogG
I was going to say the Ashphalt Jungle because I love that movie and it looked right but I also saw The Killing and thought it's that one...I always choose the wrong g 50%...lol
DeleteDr. Strangelove is hilarious and lovevthat your mom went Disney until this one.lol
DeleteHa!-Ha! I know *exactly* what you mean. For many years I have been saying, "When I have a 50-50 chance, I have no chance at all."
Delete~ D-FensDogG
Hey, Stephen T, I happened to arrive here due to my non-sleepy self! I don't know why but for the past month or so I'm wide awake at different times of the night. It is now a little past midnight here, which is still early. I hope you'll forgive me for not really participating in the Battle of the Bands, but when I saw Hank Jr.s name and the word Bocephus, I just had to stop and say hello! And I have a short comment about Hank. I still miss him on Monday Night Football. He was the best! 🎶 Are you ready for some football?! 🏈
ReplyDeleteHey, send an email sometime and let me know what's going on and how you're doing!
Hey, ho, It's BECKY-O!
DeleteHow the helck - ah say - how the helck are you doing? I mean, other than the non-sleeping part?
I was just watching a doctor's video the other day (haven't finished his lecture yet) in which he said that sleep disorders are becoming a common occurrence due to the 5G waves we are all being blasted with now. And in fact, "They" recently put up a new tower just north of me, and I've noticed that my sleep doesn't seem to be as good.
I take a couple of different natural sleep-aids that help me. Nothing - ah say - NOTHING works better than Temazepam. But one needs a prescription for that good stuffs.
What was it that got Bocephus booted off Monday Night Football? Hmmm.... If I recall correctly, didn't he say something derogatory about Obama, thus proving that he was a dyed-in-the-wool racis'? (Because, of course, *ONLY* a racis' would say something derogatory about Obama! I mean, we *know* that, right? ;^)
Good to hear from you, Becky-O! Can I count you as a vote for Skynny Lyzyrd? Because they need some he'p in this match-up. (I can't even rightly call it a "battle".)
~ D-FensDogG
POSTSCRIPT: If you can't get a prescription for Temazepam, try Old Grand-Dad.
And Stephen,
ReplyDeleteYou snuck one in on my or I been had missed the info about 2 x a month. Good battle and Bocephus has a strong song here but I hast to go with Lynrd Skynrd because I once was a Whiskey Rock A Roller who may or may not have finished off a half pint in the alley with a buddy on the travel back from the liquor store to Bay Street. You see I had a tooth ache. I recall Nap ridiculing me for buying Jack Daniels for a tooth ache even when he benefitted from the share along the short walk aforementioned. You see it was a 90 proof toothache, not an 80 proof that I could have gotten from Jim Beam.
But now, but now, but now, the hardest thing that I drink is a double espresso.
Now back to Skynrd, how could I vote against the sound track to the Show No Emotion in A Big Way Tour?
McPOOHboy ~
Delete..."But no! But no! But no!"...
Not a week goes by that both Nappy and I don't say that... twice... each... in the shmornin', evenin', and nighttime, too! (If you had copyrighted "But no! But no! But no!", you would be a rich man today... in the shmornin', evenin' and nighttime, too!)
I apologize, with every ounce of Old Grand-Dad in me, for not informing you of this new schedule (i.e., BOTB installments on the 1st *AND* the 15th of every month). To be 100-proof honest about it, I really *did* think about texting you a reminder. But then I was a-fear'd that maybe I'd be buggin' you too much about this silliness, and you might start to lose respect for all the straightenin' out of your life I did so long ago (between bouts of dropping my wallet on the steps of SAMOHI's Theatre Arts Department building).
In all seriousness - at least as much seriousness as my 64-year-old sold soul is able to muster - I truly, genuinely (and "really", too) thanks you for taking the thought and time to show up here with a pint of Bacardi 151 for the punch bowl.
>>... "Skynrd... how could I vote against the sound track to the Show No Emotion in A Big Way Tour?"
Not gonna lie (this time!), I can't hear Skynny Lyzyrd (or even Lynyrd Skynyrd) without thinking of us singing along while driving East on Route 66 in Airheadzona. Especially the song 'T For Texas'. ("Woman made a fool out of... POOH!" Don'tcha just hate it when that happens?!)
Thanks for the rum, punk!
Next time, I'll remind you on the 1st *AND* the 15th... or my name isn't MoodyDogG.
Yours Truly,
~ And Stephen
Al Bondigas here. The comment section following your battles are always fun and witty, and this one is no exception. Believe it or not, I remember that time when the Mighty Pooh was drinking Jack Daniels and using the excuse that it was for a tooth ache. Every night out with the Pooh was memorable; he was the ultimate stuntman and blessed with a quick wit. The Pooh was legendary!!! Ohh, by the way, rulin fer Bocephus. That's it, that's muh rulin!!
DeleteI'm pleased as spiked punch that you always enjoy the show.
I figured out the secret behind it many years ago, but it was most eloquently expressed in the movie [Link> LA LA LAND. How does one acquire it? Well, you gotta listen to a lot of Roger Miller and 1965 / '66 Zimmerman zongs, mixing it all in a Sprouts blender bottle with a bunch of 'Don't-give-a-hoot-what-people-may-think Maverickism'. ("And a touch of it wouldn't do you any harm against the night air!") Plus, you need goot juans to bounce it off'n. I got some goot juans.
General Poohregard... he was essential. It wouldn't have been THE League without Pooh. 'Cause let's be forthright about it: there's nothing funnier than a discombobulated man falling down and hurting himself. No pain, no gain. No blood, no laughter.
Thanks for the (surprisin') rulin', Judge.
~ D-FensDogG