Mothers Vs. Drunk Drivers, The President Vs. Congress, The Senate Vs. The House, People Vs. Politicians, Bocephus Vs. Cats In The House, The City Vs. The County, The County Vs. The State, The State Vs. The Government, Justice Vs. The System, The Horse Vs. The Automobile, The Bus Vs. The Train, The Train Vs. The Jumbo Jet, Bocephus Vs. Fishing In The Rain, Your Doctor Vs. You Smoking, D-FensDogG Vs. You, And The Devil's Against Us All. But I'm For Love, And I'm For...
it’s time once again for ‘Battle Of The Bands’
let’s get on it...
Welcome to my SpOoKtAcUlaR Halloween edition of BOTB.
When I was a teenager, there were a few songs and albums I particularly liked to listen to through headphones with the lights out... for maximum sPoOkInEsS: 'Revolution #9' by The Beatles, the Pink Floyd albums 'Meddle', 'Ummagumma', and 'Dark Side Of The Moon'. Also the song 'YEARS AGO / STEVEN' by Alice Cooper. Unless you are/were an Alice Cooper fan, it's not likely you're familiar with today's featured song.
Cooper released the album 'WELCOME TO MY NIGHTMARE' in 1975 and it spawned the big hit 'Only Women Bleed'. 'Years Ago' (track 8) served as something of a nearly 3-minute long intro for the next song 'STEVEN', which is the EeRiEsT one-two combination I know of. I never dreamed (or even had a nightmare) that I'd find covers of 'Steven', but I did. And it's only fitting that Stephen use 'Steven' for a Halloween treat... or trick.
Come back on Oct. 21st for the voting results when I'll also post a very cReEpY video of the original by Alice Cooper, and I'll tell you who 'Steven' is really supposed to be. (Interesting info discovered by my friend Dixie "Pigtail" Polka. Dixie found it.)
Please refrain from watching this video while the song is playing as it might unduly sway the way you vote, either pro or con. Please just listen, but no watchee.
'Steven' by SCOTT ROONEY
When I was a teenager, there were a few songs and albums I particularly liked to listen to through headphones with the lights out... for maximum sPoOkInEsS: 'Revolution #9' by The Beatles, the Pink Floyd albums 'Meddle', 'Ummagumma', and 'Dark Side Of The Moon'. Also the song 'YEARS AGO / STEVEN' by Alice Cooper. Unless you are/were an Alice Cooper fan, it's not likely you're familiar with today's featured song.
Cooper released the album 'WELCOME TO MY NIGHTMARE' in 1975 and it spawned the big hit 'Only Women Bleed'. 'Years Ago' (track 8) served as something of a nearly 3-minute long intro for the next song 'STEVEN', which is the EeRiEsT one-two combination I know of. I never dreamed (or even had a nightmare) that I'd find covers of 'Steven', but I did. And it's only fitting that Stephen use 'Steven' for a Halloween treat... or trick.
Come back on Oct. 21st for the voting results when I'll also post a very cReEpY video of the original by Alice Cooper, and I'll tell you who 'Steven' is really supposed to be. (Interesting info discovered by my friend Dixie "Pigtail" Polka. Dixie found it.)
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Please refrain from watching this video while the song is playing as it might unduly sway the way you vote, either pro or con. Please just listen, but no watchee.
'Steven' by SCOTT ROONEY
now, “you know the gig”... I welcome you (whoever you are) to vote for your favorite of these songs in the comment section
below. And feel free to tell us WHY
you chose one song over the other. .
After voting here, I suggest - actually I insist - you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there also. (If their ‘BOTB’ blog bits aren’t posted yet, pour yourself two shots of ‘Grand Marnier’ over ice – do it twice – and then return to their blogs to
Voice Your Vote @ ‘FAR AWAY SERIES’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘YOUR DAILY DOSE’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'BOOK LOVER' by clicking HERE.
@ 'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'THE DOGLADY'S DEN' by clicking HERE.
@ 'ANGELS BARK' by clicking HERE.
@ 'J.A. SCOTT' by clicking HERE.
@ 'NOVELBREWS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'QUIET LAUGHTER' by clicking HERE.
As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 7th and 21st of each month to post my own votes and announce the winners in the comment sections.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
Hmm, well, I did watchee - after I listened to both. Had to see, ya know? Whats with the not so subliminal, subliminal devil imaging. The video (almost) never sways my opinion; and with this video, not at all. Creepy and odd, and that kinda "tinkling" music worked well with the video content. I wasn't scared. Would have loved to see that version with a full orchestra. David Garret on the violin . .
ReplyDeleteScott has some awesome vocals. Is that him on the piano. Ya know I'm a piano gal!
Up to the first couple minutes it was pretty much a toss up for me. Loved them both. But, on the second listen, I decided the deeper voice, near whisper singing, and heavier guitar of Abelkain was just that much more appealing (as in creepier) to me.
I like both these guys. I'll have to listen to more, when I get the time.
DeleteWait'll I return on the 21st and post the video someone made for the Alice Cooper original which includes the 'YEARS AGO' introduction. The "Creep Factor" goes up 666% from either of these cover versions.
These are both really good covers, but the Alice Cooper original, 'YEARS AGO / STEVEN', and the bizarre video someone made for them can't be beaten for flat-out spookiness.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
Looking forward to the Creepier Alice :)
DeleteGreat battle Stephen. It's a tough one. Although Abelkain has some amazing guitar work, I find I like the vocals of Scott Rooney better. And his version sounds more ominous. The tinkling reminds me of the Exorcist...
ReplyDeleteWill be interesting to see how this one shakes out. They're both good. But I'm voting for Scott Rooney...
Will look forward to your Results post.
Michele at Angels Bark
Thanks, MICHELE!
DeleteAnd there goes my shutout. Damn! :o)
Yeah, I think BOTH of these versions are gonna score points. But on the 21st, when I post my vote and the results, I will also post a video for the 2-part original by Alice Cooper, and the video is gonna be ultra-Ultra-ULTRA-CREEPY.
~ D-FensDogG
Can't wait! My ex just saw Alice Cooper in San Antonio a few weeks ago. Said he was amazing. Still rockin' at his age!
DeleteMICHELE, I had no idea he was still performing. I thought golfing was about all he did now. Ha!
Delete~ D-FensDogG
I was an Alice Cooper fan back in the 70's and listened to the Welcome to My Nightmare plenty of times and saw the band when they were on tour promoting the album. Now I don't even recall this song or much more than their hits.
ReplyDeleteThese two versions are pretty close which makes the choice somewhat difficult, but in the end I'm going with the one by Mickey's kid Scott. I just thought there was greater texture to Rooney's version and more going on musically.
I don't guess Scott is really related to Mickey, but Mickey Rooney Jr. used to play in a band so I guess it's possible.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
DeleteMickey's kid. Ha! Yeah, I guess anything's possible.
I'm surprised you don't remember 'YEARS AGO / STEVEN' from the 'Welcome To My Nightmare' album because I thought it was easily the best thing on it - the real centerpiece of the LP.
I'm sure I bought it for 'Only Women Bleed', but that quickly got relegated to the back-burner when I discovered the freakiness of 'Steven'.
I was never a really big Alice Cooper fan though. 'Welcome To My Nightmare' and his 'Greatest Hits' LP were the only albums I ever owned. I've been to his restaurant / bar in Phoenix a few times though.
~ D-FensDogG
Hi Steven, I am super excited to see the video of Alice Cooper on the 21st. I have always been a fan of Alice. He opened up for Motley Crue last week here in Dallas but I wasn't able to go. My cousin said he was awesome!
ReplyDeleteAfter listening to both versions, I will add my vote to Scott Rooney. I liked both of the versions but I liked his vocals a little more.
DeleteYeah, I've never seen him perform, but I've heard that he always put on a great, wild show.
I didn't know Alice did anything anymore except golf and not-drink. [:o)
Thanks for your vote.
~ D-FensDogG
I love Alice Cooper and his campy theatrics! ☺
ReplyDeleteThis is such a fun battle. Both covers did justice to the song and Abel's guitar licks were awesome, but in the end, I preferred Scott's rendition. His vocals gave it more of a dramatic flair, along with the piano at the end.
DeleteYou surprised me. I had you figured for an ABELKAIN voter, knowing how much you dig Hard-Rockin' Rock.
BOTB is always full of surprises.
~ D-FensDogG
It was a tough choice and I may well have voted for ABELKAIN another day. ☺ I guess it was just my mood at the time, but I do think Scott's vocals are better.
DeleteDo you know the Alice Cooper original? Because Scott's vocals (and the entire arrangement) is much closer to Alice's original than is the Abelkain version.
DeleteIn fact, he's doing a pretty close note-for-note, tone-for-tone cover. So you'd undoubtedly like the Cooper original.
Please come back on the 21st for the original and an accompanying video that turns the Creep Factor up 666 degrees! (Had I used either of these covers against the Alice Cooper original, it would surely have been my first BOTB shutout ever.) Although I DO sincerely think these are BOTH excellent covers of a song I never imagined that anyone would try to cover.
~ D-FensDogG
Yes, I do know Alice's original and agree that Scott's version is close. Could be why I liked it a bit more. ☺
DeleteYou're right - it was a surprise to see covers of this little-known song.
Alice's videos are always awesome. Looking forward to it!
You might enjoy THIS
DeleteDEBBIE ~
DeleteHa! That is precisely the second half of what I intend to post at the end. I had that very video in mind when I wrote: "Come back on Oct. 21st for the voting results when I'll also post a very cReEpY video of the original by Alice Cooper, and I'll tell you who 'Steven' is really supposed to be."
I also have a character, "Yoey O'Dogherty", who appears time and time again in many of my posted reviews and writings. He always appears as something different (might be a Funk drummer from Ireland, a priest from Italy, a psychologist from Des Moines, etc.), but he's been popping up in various disguises for years.
But I didn't get that idea from Alice Cooper OR from Kurt Vonnegut. I just came up with it one day and kept using it. (My favorite of his personas is as the leader of a Country band called "Yoey O'Dogherty And His Corn Liquor Boys". Ha! Sometimes I amuse myself.)
~ Stephen
Great minds think alike. ☺
DeleteYoey O'Dogherty sounds like a hoot!
Stephen, I'll be eager to see the vid on the 21st. What a creepitastic song to feature. I listened to Alice a little in the 70s. He was too heavy for me over all, but he did have a few hits that I liked. I didn't watch the vid per your instruction on the first and after listening, by the way both artists do a great job, the one that sounded the best to my ears is Scott Rooney. I liked his music arrangement & vocals just a wee bit better in the end. That being said my vote goes to Rooney Nice dueling this round & thanks for visiting!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your vote, CATHY!
DeleteWow! Rooney be runnin'... away with this one. Of course, I've seen voting patterns change drastically in BOTB competitions, and there's a long way to go yet. But ol' AbelKain's got some catchin' up to do.
~ D-FensDogG
All versions of this song were plenty creepy. 'Please stop screaming'...
ReplyDeleteBeing that you warned us not to watch the first video...of course, I did. I was particularly cr€€py, especially that part when the guy bends down to pick something off the floor and stands up at the window to see someone there, who reaches through to grab him. YIKES! Right out of one of my nightmares.
Not an 'Alice" fan, other than 'Schools Out for Summer' and 'Only Women Bleed' can't think of another tune of his. I guess he was quite the showman, but that kind of show was never my gig.
I understand he was up here in Tahoe last summer for some golf thing. Seems funny to me to think of the 'scary Alice Cooper' golfing; an undeniably old mans sport, IMO. vote. I'm going with the first one. Give me a minute to go back and check out who that was...alright, I'm back. that was Scott Rooney. His lighter touch and that harpsicord sound made it creepier over all, and as this song would never be one I could say I actually liked, I'll vote for the creep out factor.
Yeah, Alice Cooper quit drinking, became a Christian, and took up golf. (Remind me never to quit drinking. You see what comes of it? "Just ask Alice, when he's ten... over par!")
DeleteYeah, I like this song, but I like it in the same way I like 'Revolution #9'. It's just bizarre, creepy cool, and great for a Halloween-themed BOTB. But it ain't sumpin' I'd go around humming or whistling.
Another vote for Mickey Rooney's kid. Dang! I'm gonna have to buy Oh Donna a few glasses of wine someday for saving me from BOTB shutouts. Ha!
~ D-FensDogG
I vote for Scott Rooney because he sounds creepier. I also prefer his introductory notes. I don't know if it's an electric keyboard, but on Abelkain it's obviously a piano. Although I'm a pianist, the piano doesn't do it for me here.
OK, thanks, JANIE. I'm glad I got a vote outta ya this time. I was a-skeered you might say you hated both of them again.
Delete~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
I'm going with Scott Rooney because I liked his voice better, though I didn't really like the song that much.
ReplyDeleteJOHN, it's not really a "song" song. More of a theatrical piece with music, methinks.
Delete~ D-FensDogG
I was thinking Abelkain is making this interesting until they got to the "Stay there." Indeed, I stayed... with Scott Rooney. I just don't dig that heavy music like some people. Interestingly enough, the lighter music with these lyrics were actually creepier IMO.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward (I think) to the original video and song on the 21st.
DeleteThe original by Alice Cooper, including the 3-minute intro titled 'YEARS AGO', is definitely the best of all. And the video that some guy put together absolutely turns it into nightmare material.
If really creepy stuffs - music and imagery - disturbs you quite a bit, you might not want to play the video that I post on the 21st.
~ D-FensDogG
I'll dispense with the suspense immediately: I'm Abel to vote Kain.
ReplyDeleteI'm not and have never been a fan of Alice Cooper. Never heard the song before. I found it interesting but not something I especially liked.
The first version's appeal to me was the sort of combination of Bach and Tubular Bells thang goin' on in the middle section.
The second's big appeal was the excellent metal guitar and (surprised?) screaming vocals that kicked in a couple of times (like at 4:10). Didn't like the clean vocals as well, but you can't have everything. Did I vote the way you thought?
SBB-6 ~
DeleteHa! No, you did NOT vote the way I thought. I figured the more Classical sound of the Rooney version would appeal to you more than the metal-ish take on it.
I gotta admit, although I'm not a Heavy Metal guy at all, that Abelkain can really shred that thang! His playing appeals to me, which comes as a surprise to me, too.
Thanks for da vote Number Six!
~ D-FensDogG
Guess I can't vote for Vince Furnier (since WTMN was his first "solo" release)...before that Alice Cooper was a band.
ReplyDeleteBoth covers are decent, but I think I like the overall production of the second better, so it's a vote for Abelkain, but only by a smidgeon.
LC ~
DeleteYeah, I had read where WTMN was considered his first "solo" album, but I don't quite get that. What the hell was the difference? It was still "Alice Cooper" sounding just like "Alice Cooper". What made it a "solo" album? Did he play all the instruments himself? No. Did he go in a totally different direction? No.
Got you down for Abelkain, who is finally starting to rack up a few votes here.
~ D-FensDogG
I never checked, but I wonder if the backing band was the difference (probably more cash in Vince's pocket).
DeleteThat's the only thing I can think of. Must have been studio musicians rather than the regular band. But the sound was no departure, so what was the point? Unless studio musicians cost less than dividing the proceeds amongst the band, OR... maybe band members wanted more input, while studio chaps just play what you pay 'em to play. But again, the sound was so similar that I still don't quite get it.
DeleteIt's kind of like Tom Petty's first solo album. That was 'FULL MOON FEVER', wasn't it? That was a big hit for him, but it still sounded like a Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers album to me. In fact, one or two Heartbreakers even played on the album, so... what was so "solo" about that record?
~ D-FensDogG
I have to give it to Abelkain because I liked his vocals better and the style better. I am not into heavy metal too much so Abelkain's version seems a bit "softer" to me. Don't you know all those devil wannabe's always become Christian, stop drinking and take up golf or bowling...whichever "sport" is duller:)
ReplyDeleteBIRGIT ~
DeleteYou're not into Heavy Metal, and Abelkain's version seems "softer" to you? Are you sure you're not mixing up the two artists? Because Abelkain definitely seems "harder" and more Heavy Metal to me than Scott Rooney's version does.
You're voting for the SECOND version?
Alice Cooper's pa was a Christian preacher, so he probably had it in his DNA all along, but the whole devilish image bit was probably youthful rebellion at one point.
Oh, I think golf is definitely "duller" than bowling. I actually like bowling, although I haven't done it in decades.
Back at the height of my drinking days (circa 1982), I once went bowling with friends while so jacked-up that after 10 frames I had a score of about 35. Ha!-Ha! Then, leaving the bowling alley, I tumbled down the front steps, but stuck my arm out in mid-somersault, attempting to save my Gin & Tonic. Ha! It was a miracle I didn't break my arm... and several other things.
~ D-FensDogG
Yes ...It did sound softer to me but I can be a strange one:) I like to run the opposite of what most people say. Your drunkenness reminded me of the WKRP episode with Johnny Fever's reflexes got better and better the more he drank. It was because you were drunk that you didn't break anything...we all tend to be rag dolls when we have imbibed too much:) Oh I plan to have my first 10 movies up tomorrow:)
DeleteHA! I had forgotten all about that scene with Johnny Fever. That was great! I really liked that show A LOT. Great cast and some really great episodes.
DeleteNot a Thanksgiving Day goes by that I don't think about them dumping all those turkeys from a helicopter over Cincinnati for P.R. purposes! Ha! Oh, they got publicity alright!
Another stand-out episode was the company softball game, when that last ball gets hit out to Les Nesman in right field. Remember? Everything shifts into super-slow motion and you start hearing the violin playing. Damn, that was FUNNY!
But there were so many wonderful episodes. That show would make my Top 15 TV Shows list.
OK, looking forward to your movie list, my friend.
~ D-FensDogG
DeleteOh, one more thing...
Johnny Fever told me to say... "BOOGER!
~ D-FensDogG
hahahaaa-Oh so funny-This show would be in my top 10 for sure. You need my name and e-mail right? How do I send that to you??
DeleteBIRGIT, all I really need to know is what city you live in. You're somewhere in Canada, right?
Delete~ D-FensDogG
You and Lee are leaning Halloween...or maybe Halloleaning. Whatever it is, me likey.
ReplyDeleteI've always loved Alice Cooper - he is an original in a sea of re-hashes. This song is a great example.
Of the two...I gotta give it to Abelkain. I'll bet you could have called that one, at this point.
DeleteActually, to be honest, I don't feel I have a handle on your musical tastes at all... yet. In fact, I would have guessed you as a Scott Rooney voter.
But I'm glad to see Abelkain getting a little love after falling so far behind so quickly. Suddenly, he's surging back... somewhat. I guess he's thinking to himself: Alright! "No More Mister Nice Guy!"
It's funny, I never got into Alice Cooper a great deal, but the songs of his that I liked, I liked a lot, and still like 'em today, even though most of my Rock from "the day" I can no longer play.
For years, I always played 'SCHOOL'S OUT' when I got home from school on the day before "Summer Vacation" started! Woo-Hoo! And I remember playing 'I'M EIGHTEEN' on my eighteenth birthday. Alice Cooper was alright! He had some perfect songs for memorable moments.
~ D-FensDogG
A lot of songs this week that are not to my liking. Well, I guess that's bound to happen from time to time. I had a hard time trying to decide which version was better. I finally decided to go with Aelkain.
ReplyDeleteJEFFREY ~
DeleteMore tricks than treats this Halloween, eh?
Yep. It's bound to happen from time to time.
But thanks for the vote regardless. (I was going for a Halloweenie thang, more than an A-list "song" Battle. But you'll find my Nov. 1st BOTB back to normal and more to your liking, I believe.)
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen - I just listened to Alice Cooper, and agree that Scott Rooney's version sounds very similar. Like Cooper, Rooney knows creepy, so he gets my vote. I can't wait to find out who STEVEN really is. It would also be nice to know the real STEPHEN!
DeleteThanks so much for your continued BOTB support!
Who is the real "Stephen"? Whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Willis? I AM the real Stephen. Drunk or sober, I'm afraid this is the real me. (Is there more to the question that I ain't gettin'?)
~ D-FensDogG
~D-FensDogG -
ReplyDelete(In reference to Donna's comment on the Scott Rooney video):
'The subliminal devil' refers back to a supposed, early 1960's night photo of 'The Jersey Devil.' Some guy in the woods took the photo, and it was printed in newspapers everywhere. People freaked out at that time.
(In reference to 'Why Golf?'): "Ask Alice," has a video where he answers that. There a is also a video on him returning to perform... he learned how to separate the two totally different personalities, after being integrated for so many years.
I like the Rooney version, but having been on the inside arena (of this Spooktacular Battle), I must say I can listen to ABELKAIN again and again. Give them my vote please. Well done!
~ Pigtails
DeleteOh, yes, I knew about "The Jersey Devil". That's mentioned in some book I have here. (Probably mentioned in a couple of books I have here.)
I saw the one about Alice separating himself from his stage persona, but I'll have to go find the one about "Why Golf?"
Thanks for your Abelkain vote. He obviously can't win this Battle, but at least he's making a decent showing.
~ D-FensDogG
Another minority vote... Although Rooney did a great job, I've got to go with Abelkain. There was a tiny bit of Roger-Waters-creepiness in his voice at some point, and that did it for me. Both versions are excellent, musically speaking, although if I'd heard just the intro to both I'd definitely have gone with Rooney... Abelkain's piano there at the start sounded more organ-ish (yuck organs, I say). But then the guitar came in, and the voice, and... I got swept off my feet :)
ReplyDeleteCool battle, Stephen.
Guilie @ Quiet Laughter
Thanks, GUILIE! Glad you liked this Battle. Definitely not my normal kind of thang. (No Nat? No Louis? No Auger? Which reminds me... The Hammond B-3 Organ is my favorite instrument of all time! Ha! You stepped in it THAT time, didn'tcha? :o)
DeleteI'm glad you liked ABELKAIN. I like him, too. That dude can really burn up a guitar! And you mentioned something appealing in his voice. That's interesting because overall the Rooney version sounds more like the Alice Cooper original (which I will post here on the 21st), but at times, Abelkain does some things with his voice that make HIM sound more like Alice than Rooney does. It's a fairly evenly matched contest in my mind.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
Really? The Hammond B-3??? Ah, well... No one is perfect :D
DeleteTruly well-matched, Mr. McC.
True. But my love of the Hammond B-3 is the ONLY fault I have in life. Everything else about me is perfect. So I guess I'm doin' OK overall.
Delete~ D-FensDogG
Well, I texted you my vote, and was so proud of myself. Then I remembered that like a dumbass I didn't actually vote. Oops. I think all of the Donald Trump quotes I keep hearing has melted my brain when it comes to voting.
ReplyDeleteI vote for Rooney because I like the overall music better AND I think he has better vocals. My cohort, who I thought would prefer Abelkain, actually said that he liked the music in Abelkain's equally to Rooney's, but found his voice a bit grating. Which I did as well. Two votes for Rooney, pour us some Mickeys, and let's watch some Mickey Rooney.
Ha! I was wondering when you'd get around to actually voting.
DeleteThat double vote for Rooney's kid pretty much sealed the victory for him, but this turned out to be a fairly decent Battle. It's a decisive win but not a blowout.
Thanks for the votes, Beer Boys.
~ D-FensDogG
Al Bondigas here. I listened to them twice over the course of a few days. Very close battle, but, I think I slightly prefer the voice and the music in the Rooney version. There is no shame in Abelkain's game, but my vote goes to Rooney. That's it!! That's my rulin'.
ReplyDeleteWell, then... that's IT!
DeleteThat's yer rulin', and you ain't foolin'.
~ D-FensDogG
I think I been had voted but don't see my commens. Rooney is my vote.
ReplyDeleteI'm ASS-uming yer Pooh.
DeleteNope, no otter vote came thru,
So this be it for... you.
Another vote for li'l Mickey Rooney.
~ D-FensDogG
Yup, Pooh it was. Steeeeeeephen.
ReplyDeleteMy original stated sumthin like. This is another close one, I liked the guitar of Ablekein but thought that Rooney has a spookier voice and that hit me more on an emotional level than Ablekein. Guilty, that is all!
I agrees wid wad you sed. When did that ever happen before? (Oh, wait! It's happened lotsa times, like when you said: "I think we should go to Campos". "I think we should go to Pinocchio's". "I think we should go to LaBarbera's". "I think we should go to Antonio's". "I think we should go to Azteca". "I think we should go to Lucky Liquor". ...I'm pretty sure you must have said that last one once or twice, although I don't specifically recall it.)
Delete~ D-FensDogG
It's... "GUILTY! Thank you. That is all."
Get it right, Punk!
Part 1:
ReplyDeleteSTMcC’s Vote On '2015, Oct. 15th: Battle Of The Bands'
(Or, 'Scott Rooney Vs. Abelkain')
And The Final Tally:
I just kind of fell into this particular Battle. This was NOT what I had originally planned, but a friend asked me to suggest a spooky song for a Halloweenie-themed BOTB, and I suggested this one. (It's the spookiest song I know.) In the end, she decided not to use it, so I grabbed it up quickly and used it myself.
I probably would have used this song two Halloweens ago, but I never dreamed anyone had ever covered it. When my friend asked for a song, I looked into Alice Cooper's 'STEVEN' from his hit album 'Welcome To My Nightmare' and was amazed how many covers there were. But, in my opinion, these two that I presented here were easily the best. They were like Great Dogs in an 'Ugly Cat Show'.
[Did Alice get some ideas from Tiny Tim's 'Welcome To My Dream'? And there are a few Tiny songs that seem to me as if they could have almost been precursors to Alice's 'Steven'. Was Alice a Tiny fan? Just a tawt I tawt.]
Scott Rooney's cover is very much like the Alice Cooper original. Abelkain deviated more from the overall sound. So, in a way, it was like I was sorta-kinda putting Alice Cooper up against Abelkain. (Except, had I used the real Alice Cooper original against Abelkain, this would have been a shutout. And had I used the real Alice Cooper original against Scott Rooney's cover, it would have been another shutout.)
But I thought Rooney and Abelkain made a pretty good match-up on a song that I never dreamed (or "nightmared") anyone would ever attempt to cover.
There's no question that Abelkain can seriously sling six-strings. I don't normally go in for Heavy Metal, but this dude even impressed a Light Wood guy like me!
However, because there were more sonic textures in the Scott Rooney version (as there are in the Alice Cooper original), he got my vote. Voting for Scott Rooney is like voting for Alice Cooper's kid brother.
At first, it appeared this was going to be a total blowout. After 10 votes, Rooney had 9 of them. But then Abelkain scored the next 5 in a row. Suddenly it was 9-6. But in the end, it looked like this:
Scott Rooney = 15 Votes
Abelkain = 8 Votes
Continued Below...
Part 2:
DeleteOK, I promised y'all that I would present the ALICE COOPER original, including the 3-minute intro titled 'YEARS AGO'. And I said that I'd found perhaps the world's creepiest video to go along with it.
The video was put together by someone named LANCE SHAFFER. This is 8 minutes, 44 seconds of "Main Street, Creepville". The spookiest song I know combined with some really creepy imagery. No, no blood and guts and gruesome pictures. Just... weird... creepy... disturbing... nightmarish images. (Where in Hell did Lance Shaffer find all those pictures of dead dolls? Or did he create them all himself for THIS video? If so, that boy has a future in Hollyweird!)
If you're prone to nightmares, you might want to skip this Halloween spooktacular combo of sounds and sights.
Music by Alice Cooper, Video by Lance Shaffer:
You can't say I didn't warn you.
Now then, who was the "real" Steven? Here's Alice Cooper with the surprising answer. (This video-answer was found by Dixie, my friend who eventually rejected this song - and, girl, is she sorry now! ...Are you, Pigtail Polka?)
ASK ALICE, Episode 3: "Who Is Steven?"
You know, you kinda HAVE TO LIKE Alice Cooper, don'tcha? I mean, if that's not a likable guy... then neither am I! (OK, don't even go there!)
My thanks to all y'all who listened and voted. Or voted but didn't listen. Or listened but didn't voted. Or didn't listened and didn't voted.
I hope to see yaz all here again on November 1st when I will present a BOTB that is GUARANTEED TO... be here.
~ Stephen T. McSevenyearoldboyinsideyaz
Wow... That bad, eh? Yeah, Abelkain didn't stand a chance, I guess. But I still like that version best (besides the original, of course). Thanks for the extra videos—very cool stuff!
DeleteGuilie @ Quiet Laughter
DeleteActually, I was rather pleased with the competitiveness of this Battle. Since it was a song that few people had heard before, and since Scott Rooney kept much closer to the well-constructed Alice Cooper original, I figured he'd win, in a contest against a guy (Abelkain) who really put his own stamp on the tune.
My guess proved to be accurate, but nevertheless, Abelkain scored more votes than I anticipated prior to the start of the Battle, so I thought this one was even more successful than I'd hoped.
I really dig Abelkain's smokin' guitar playing!
And thanks, Guilie, for helping to keep Abelkain competitive in this Battle.
See ya on November 1st.
~ D-FensDogG
Oh, no, I didn't mean "that bad" as in a shut-out or anything... It was an excellent match. And indeed, Abelkain got a lot more votes than even I, who voted for them, expected—which is super :)
DeleteNo problem, GUILIE.
DeleteSay, did you listen to the Alice Cooper original and watch that video I posted for it on Oct. 21st? (Also, the video where Alice Cooper reveals who "Steven" really is?)
It's front and center on this blog right now. (But not for long, because I'm participating in Bish Denham's 'Listing Bloghop' tomorrow.)
~ D-FensDogG
Yes, I did... Those are the "extra videos" I was talking about :) The explanation on Steven is brilliant... Though I didn't like the "Brenda" for "girls". I WANT A STEPHEN, TOO! :D (Seriously, great stuff. Thanks for posting.)