it’s time once again for ‘Battle Of The Bands’
let’s get on it...
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For this Christmas edition of 'Battle Of The Bands', I'm using not a "Christmas" song, but a Gospel song. It's one of the most famous Gospel songs of all time, and since Gospel songs and Christmas songs are both about the same Person (Pssst... It's Christ Yeshua), I figure it works just fine.
The song is 'AMAZING GRACE' and our first competitor is the famous Whitney Houston.
At YouTube one will find many comments in praise of Whitney and this version of 'Amazing Grace'. Below are some I selected to share with y'all. I copied 'em word-for-word, so don't blame me for misspellings and crappy grammar and punctuation:
MsSexycougar1 That's
Whitney's spirituality side with God. It's awesome.. If your not saved
you wouldn't understand what and why she's singing in that way.
+MsSexycougar1 That's right! I'm glad you put that out! Spirituality is a feeling . . a knowing . . and something you can't deny! Until you can feel the power of God, you will never ever know. That's just real!
+MsSexycougar1 That's right! I'm glad you put that out! Spirituality is a feeling . . a knowing . . and something you can't deny! Until you can feel the power of God, you will never ever know. That's just real!
SisterPatGoad Listen
to all the singers other than Gospel singers, That Sing this song
"Amazing Grace"and NONE of them seem to even know what they are singing
truly about..EXCEPT FOR WHITNEY...SHE KNOWS WHAT IT IS.... and I believe
she found that again,in it's fullness, before she left this world !!!!
Praise God.
robertantonnyc This made my morning!! She was truly anointed.
David Irthum Whitney Houston`s rendition will always bring tears to my eyes!
Sd Coleman I love this version - my favorite! Sounds so good.
David Irthum Whitney Houston`s rendition will always bring tears to my eyes!
Sd Coleman I love this version - my favorite! Sounds so good.
Selena George Oh Lord gave me the chills! Sang it Whitney! You always put soul in2 it when it comes to The Lord
Dillon Craft My god her voice between 0:50-1:16 was absolutely out of this world! Such power and talent when into that right there!
jony diaz Wow!!! The best, the one...The unique!
David Mines It will never be match or sang like this again whitney miss you with all that is within me R.I.P my Darling. All my love forever. David M.
Tracy Ann Martell This song brought me to tears the first time I listened to it. Great talent. RIP. [...]
luis figueroa she was and is the best singer of all times....
Emma Potter Wowwwwwww this just blew my mind! :)
maurice smith Only Whitney could sing a song in 1 minute or 10 minutes and equally out sing every other verson!!!!
And these next two were my very favorites...
DaOrigTruthSeeker These songs mean nothing until a Black person sings them. Dolly said she never thought her song "I will always love you" would have become so big as it did when Whitney made it global. That song was on life support until Whitney gave it new life. It sold 46 million copies.
Selena George Oh Lord gave me the chills! Sang it Whitney! You always put soul in2 it when it comes to The Lord
Dillon Craft My god her voice between 0:50-1:16 was absolutely out of this world! Such power and talent when into that right there!
jony diaz Wow!!! The best, the one...The unique!
David Mines It will never be match or sang like this again whitney miss you with all that is within me R.I.P my Darling. All my love forever. David M.
Tracy Ann Martell This song brought me to tears the first time I listened to it. Great talent. RIP. [...]
luis figueroa she was and is the best singer of all times....
Emma Potter Wowwwwwww this just blew my mind! :)
maurice smith Only Whitney could sing a song in 1 minute or 10 minutes and equally out sing every other verson!!!!
And these next two were my very favorites...
DaOrigTruthSeeker These songs mean nothing until a Black person sings them. Dolly said she never thought her song "I will always love you" would have become so big as it did when Whitney made it global. That song was on life support until Whitney gave it new life. It sold 46 million copies.
Jlor Jerez I've
heard thousand of version of this song and have to say that only black
ppl can sing it with this such a passion... goosebumps
. ![]() |
Well, obviously, only a MAROON would put another female singer up against THAT. AmIright? Well, call me a MAROON then, because here comes the underdog, all set up for the slaughter.
This SHOULD be a shutout!
This might be my first BOTB shutout because the challenger has two things going against her:
Which is worse, Shitney's "singing" or her terrible "acting"?
A) She's not Whitney Houston, and B) she's not Black, but rather White... and mostly unknown. (May her identity remain Anonymous until the voting window closes, eh?) Remember, it's not about the videos; it's all about the music.
Houston's ego is the ONLY thing she's serving! ~D-FensDogG
'AMAZING GRACE' by Some White Woman
After voting here, I suggest - actually I insist - you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there also. (If their ‘BOTB’ blog bits aren’t posted yet, pour yourself two shots of ‘Grand Marnier’ over ice – do it twice – and then return to their blogs to
Voice Your Vote @ ‘FAR AWAY SERIES’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘YOUR DAILY DOSE’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'BOOK LOVER' by clicking HERE.
@ 'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'THE DOGLADY'S DEN' by clicking HERE.
@ 'ANGELS BARK' by clicking HERE.
@ 'J.A. SCOTT' by clicking HERE.
@ 'NOVELBREWS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'QUIET LAUGHTER' by clicking HERE.
@ 'BE REINVINTAGED' by clicking HERE.
@ 'HOLLI'S HOOTS & HOLLERS' by clicking HERE.
As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 7th and 21st of each month to post my own votes and announce the winners in the comment sections.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
I don't know if anyone has used this song yet, but I've considered it. There are so many fine versions.
ReplyDeleteFrom the start I'll say that I'm no Whitney fan and never have been. AS this performance displays, she does too much dramatic posturing, vocal acrobatics, screaming, and dragging things out. Even the instruments dragged. That sax solo was painfully annoying to me. So by default just about anyone you put up against Whitney's version wins for me.
I much prefer the vocal stylings of "White Lady" (I know who she is so I want to be careful). Everything about this recording surpasses Whitney's recording--better singing, better instrumental playing, and better delivery style.
Easy for me--a vote for the White Lady.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
DeleteI don't think 'AMAZING GRACE' has been used before, but even I'm starting to lose track of which songs have and haven't. BOTB has got some serious history behind it now.
I did like how completely different these two versions are arranged. There's that, anyway.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
I didn't even like the "white girl" a little bit lol Whitney wins this one hands down.
ReplyDeletePAT ~
DeleteThanks for the vote, Brother. And thanks for saving me from a shutout (or at least what so far looks like it could have been a shutout).
~ D-FensDogG
lmao damn, at least she'll get 1 haha
DeleteOh dear. I know you were making a point about the stupidity of people with those YouTube comments (which is why I rarely even read YouTube comments)... but cripes.
ReplyDeleteThe irony is that I think Whitney Houston is a good singer. AND on a good many songs she is not a "warbler" (hitting all around the note until finally honing in on it), but OMG on this one she WAS.
My mom was in the dining room (very close to me) when I opened this up, so I read her a few of the YouTube comments before playing the song. About 30 seconds in she says, "That is just awful." I had to agree. That has to be one of the worst things I've ever heard Whitney Houston sing.
I confess I didn't Love Love Love the version by Some White Woman, but it was okay. Much better than that over the top warbling mess by WH (even the sax player managed to go off the rails on that version).
So, an easy vote for the underdog: Some White Woman.
DeleteI wish you weren't so timid about voicing your opinion. Ha!
I've never had a Facebook account, so I don't know, but I've heard that comments there are especially mean and nasty. But from what I've seen of YouTube comments, it's really a sign of how far this nation has fallen. 90% of YouTube comments seem to have been posted by illiterate jerks.
~ D-FensDogG
Yeah, she's white and she's not Whitney Houston, but I kinda like Some White Woman's version. Whitney was a tremendous singer and did gospel beautifully, but this time, I'm voting for the challenger.
ReplyDeleteThanks, JOHN. I like it, too! IMO, pretty damned good... for a woman who ain't Whitney and ain't even Black. [:o)
Delete~ D-FensDogG
I love this song very much but didn't care for either:) Whitney Houston seemed to talk a bit through it and she often just sounds like a screaming banshee to me. Just because she can hit a note doesn't mean she has control over it. I never cared for her so I go with the other singer because I could listen to that version much better than the Houston version. Surprise!
ReplyDeleteBIRGIT ~
Delete"Screaming banshee"? Hold on - lemme see if I can hear that in there...
Oh, yeah, there it is. Ha!
Thanks for the vote, my friend.
~ D-FensDogG
Well, I might be going against the grain voting against Whitney but I've never been a huge Whitney fan anyway. I enjoyed the second version much more than Whitney's version. Normally this song always makes me cry but this version had a little country flair so it didn't have that effect on me. I really dug the instrumentation as well. So give my vote to "Some White Woman" -- I believe the video said it was Anne & The Hubby who I've never heard of. Good stuff.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas Stephen! I hope you have a fabulous holiday. Are you still stuck out of town??
Michele at Angels Bark
DeleteHmmm... I don't really hear "Country" in it, but it definitely has a "Rock" flair to my ears.
I like that guitar effect that gets repeated several times. Not sure how to describe it, but it's pretty cool.
Glad you liked it, Michele. And a very Merry Christmas to you, too!
~ D-FensDogG
Boy, I'm a-gonna upset the apple cart right now, I'm sure. Whitney Houston had undeniable talent; I'll give her that. A beautiful voice but by all outward appearances, a troubled self. Plagued by problems with her man, family and most devastating - drugs. While watching a video of WH behind the scenes, then going on stage to perform, then returning to that "real" opinion was born in my mind that she was very good at doing Whitney the Performer but it was not clear that she was that person in reality. Slumped over, complaining about others with foul language, cigarette handing from her mouth. Unfortunately, it turned me against her because it felt so hypocritical. I'm not trying to be unkind, here. She had issues and struggles; let's leave it at that.
ReplyDeleteIn a nutshell, I don't feel like she OWNS spirituality in song.
So, Cherdo's vote goes to #2 Mystery Woman who has not jaded my opinion with her reality television antics.
Color is not a factor at all in my BOTB; not now, not ever. I would like to see a good blue or green singer, though...
Merry Christmas, my friend.
DeleteThe only thing I knew about Whitney Houston was that she'd had a drug problem, and I knew two or three of her songs. I don't really know much about these modern artists (and to me, anyone big after 1983 is "modern").
I'm totally with you on that: COLOR is NEVER a factor with me and BOTB... unless someone else makes it about color. Like our Brother and Sister DaOrigTruthSeeker and Jlor Jerez did. In a case like that, I say: "Give the people what they want, and we'll see how that works out for them."
So far, it's not working out too well for them. But then racists always wind up looking foolish eventually.
~ D-FensDogG
No shutout, Stephen... I'm voting for Some White Woman ;) Sure, she'll never have Whitney's range or soul, but the music was fabulous. Plus, I'm no Whitney fan to begin with... yes, I admire her voice, but she tends to oversing a bit, in my opinion, which annoys me. So... SWW might go down, but she'll go down with at least one vote ;)
ReplyDeleteIf I don't get a chance to come back before the holidays, have a wonderful Christmas.
Guilie @ Quiet Laughter
DeleteThanks for stopping by with a vote (and a nice Christmas wish!) I'll get to your Battle before it's too late.
Actually, so far it was Pat who's kept this from being a shutout. It's funny that everyone was thinking they'd be voting in the minority by siding with "Some White Woman", but Whitney's the minority vote. Currently losing 10 to 1.
It's BOTB, so one never knows, eh?
~ D-FensDogG
I know Whitney Houston had a powerful voice, but she was a little too powerful for me. I vote for Some White Woman.
I'm sure "Some White Woman" appreciates the support, JANIE. Thanks!
Delete~ D-FensDogG
Sorry, I see we are being corralled into a specific vote, but I'm not buying it. I do like Whitney Houston, I even own a few of her CD's. But I'm going to go against the grain, (what else is new) and vote for your White Lady. Sorry, I just enjoyed the version more.
ReplyDeleteJEFFREY ~
DeleteNot quite "going against the grain". Right now it's a 10-1 blowout in favor of "Some White Woman".
You didn't fall for reverse-psychology, didja, my friend?
I'm kidding.
I wasn't trying to psych anyone out. I was just trying to assist Whitney all I could because I figured she'd need a wee bit o' help in this Battle.
~ D-FensDogG
Your battles are always a ton of fun. ;)
DeleteIt's the reason I come back and back and back again.
DeleteThanks, man! What a nice thing for you to say!
I DO try to keep my Battles light and fun (except for the times I try to make 'em heavy and dark:o)
~ D-FensDogG
Being the big Whitney Houston fan, you'd think I'd vote for her, right? Problem is, I wasn't a fan of her style of gospel. Truth!
ReplyDelete"Some White Woman" really takes this battle, to me. I must admit I heard this about three years ago. It's added in my playlist. Not just her voice, but the band really had me swaying. Is there such a thing as Jazz/Gospel? That was my impression then, and now.
Personally I think if there's a shutout, it'll be against Whitey's version.
I vote for the Anonymous performer - "Some White Woman"
I expect you'll have some fun with this one, 'maroon'! (smile).
>>... "Personally I think if there's a shutout, it'll be against Whitney's version."
DeleteThat's what I figured, too, DIXIE POLKA. But Pat and his cat... saved me from that. (I threw that rhyme in there especially for him. You're welcome, Pat:o)
I was originally going to put "Some White Woman" up against Amy Grant, but Amy's version was just too Soulful, so I went with Whitney instead. (Well, also because I couldn't find an Amy Grant version.)
Yeah, I'm already having fun with this one!
~ Mac Maroon (aka D-FensDogG)
I’m sure after drinking a flaming rum punch, or more likely a mulled wine, heavy on the cinnamon and light on the cloves, I would have booed Whitney off the stage for that rendition of Amazing Grace. Grace would not have been amazed or amused after hearing that wailing.
ReplyDeleteWhen did they stop teaching grammar and punctuation in school? I guess diplomas are issued for participation now.
Wow, Sig angry...feel like throwing darts at stage.
"Some White Woman" is no Brenda Lee but her version gets my vote; its sort of “catchy” as Mom used to say. In fact, I’m going to listen to it one more time just so I can get happy again.
SigSauer ~
DeleteOops! Me make Monkey mad
Sudenly not a wunderfull life four you?
yea in skool now its all about felling good about yoself and not reeding righting and rith-- rythm-- aryth-- math.
yo thanks for you vote dogg!!!! you a bad mofo dogg!!!!!!!!!
~ Stevin
Going into this BATTLE, knowing that Whitney is supposed to have a background as a church gospel singer, I'm thinking she would be pretty good. Boy, oh Boy, was I wrong. She was awful.
ReplyDeleteYou know, with any vocal performance, but especially with a gospel/spiritual number you are either overcome and filled with the power of the 'Spirit' or you're not, and it definitely shows. It's just like when people pray publicly. You know in an instant whose 'puttin' on' and whose 'for real'. This was, IMO, one great big fat 'puttin' on performance' if I ever saw one.
Shame on you Whitney, for 'puttin' on' and double shame one you for foolin' all those nice folks at YouTube. Ha, ha, ha! Someone please get them folks some schoolin'.
Give my vote to that White Woman.
{Just as an aside; my Daddy used to tell me; 'honey, out in the world they'll call you everything but a White woman'. Well, just so you know; I HAVE been called a White Woman, and not in a nice way. It's an interesting experience living somewhere that you are the minority.}
Anyway...I enjoyed that White Woman way more than Miss Whitney and didn't feel for a minute that she was doin' any 'puttin' on'.
FAE, you White Woman you ~
DeleteThis doesn't seem to be one of my more competitive Battles. Just like I pitchured it. ["Wow! New York! Just like I pitchured it." 100 points if you can tell me who said that... without Googling it.]
So, not buying into the heartfeltedness of Whitney's performance, eh? Would Whitney lie to you? Really? 10,000 YouTube commenters CAN be wrong?!
OK. Well, maybe if you were a bit more soulful and less White, you'd get it. And I guess "your" [sic] not saved then, because MsSexycougar1 wrote: "That's Whitney's spirituality side with God. It's awesome.. If your not saved you wouldn't understand what and why she's singing in that way."
"See you in hell, blind boy!" [100 more points if you get that one, too.]
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen, I think Whitney Houston had a powerful voice, but with this song I didn't feel the words like one should. You know? I really like the old-fashion colored spiritualist....I mean black what I really mean is African-American spiritualist singers. Wait a minute that just doesn't do it for me. *sigh* I'm old school, so I'm going with colored spiritualist. :D Years ago, we visited a Southern Baptist Church in search for a new church home. It turned out we were the only whities in the congregation that morning. lol They were wonderful people and welcomed us. I really loved the choir ~ very lively! Now...where was I? Oh yeah, my vote. As much as I like Whitney she didn't win me over, so give my vote to Some White Woman. This is my favorite gospel song. It speaks to my heart every single time I hear it. Good battle, my friend!
ReplyDeleteMy vote goes to the other white woman..
ReplyDeleteHOLLI ~
DeleteWow! If Whitney doesn't get a second vote soon, she's liable to lose this Battle to a totally unknown White Gal. That's NOT going to look good on her goddess resume.
~ D-FensDogG
I didn't like either arrangements. Whitney's has a beautiful voice but not on this song. She over sings it the fore mentioned vocal acrobats. The second one the arrangement while refreshing bored after a while. That being said I liked the vocals on the second one better. My vote goes for the anonymous vocalist.
ReplyDeleteMIKE ~
DeleteI'm glad you liked the vocals on the second version, and I thank you for the vote.
~ D-FensDogG
Al Bondigas here. Whitney Houston's version is possibly the worst version I've ever heard. She may have a great voice, but I cannot stand that style of singing. I don't mind gospel at all, but, to me that's not the kind of gospel I enjoy. Vote for "Some White Woman". That's it!! That's my rulin'.
ReplyDeleteJUDGE AL ~
DeleteWorst version ever? But!... But!... But!... Oh, Brother, you KNOW what I like!
However, if you didn't love Whitney's version then obviously you're not "Saved" either. I mean, you know what MsSexyCougar1 sez: "If your not saved you wouldn't understand what and why she's singing in that way."
Then again, we might ask "Just how Saved is a woman calling herself Ms. Sexy Cougar 1"? And, what IS "Saved", anyway? I know my Bible-based beliefs on that don't totally align with the orthodox Christian view. But then what else is new?
~ D-FensDogG
Do not like this song. Tough battle for me. Wanted to vote for Anonymous White Lady because I dislike Whitney.. but I cringed when I hit play on A.W.L's video. The rock sound just didn't work.. it didn't mesh at all with the singing - that I admit is much better than Whitney's. So.. who to vote for? I figure at this point it doesn't really matter because Whitney is going to lose.
ReplyDeleteGuess, I'll give her a pity vote so she at least has two.
You know, people only comment like that because they have a computer shield. Get them face to face and 99% of the time nothing like that will come out of their mouth - aggression wise. Now idiocy wise.. well..
Delete>>... "The rock sound just didn't work.. it didn't mesh at all with the singing - that I admit is much better than Whitney's. this point it doesn't really matter because Whitney is going to lose. Guess, I'll give her a pity vote so she at least has two.
OK, gotcha recorded as "A PITY VOTE" for Whitney Houston.
I know what you mean about the jackasses with the computer shield. I've had many Internet debates with people (mostly Liberals) and they always resort to name-calling and ad hominem attacks when they run into my facts and can't refute them.
But the things I've been called on the Internet, NO Liberal would ever say to my face. For one thing, I don't exactly exude a pacifist persona in person. And for another, most Liberals are total wimps to begin with and will avoid a physical altercation whenever possible.
But name-calling and mocking via the safety of the Internet, they have mastered that.
I thank you for Whitney's "Pity Vote".
~ D-FensDogG
Oh my gosh. I am so surprised I didn't like Whitney's version better, but I didn't. My vote goes to Some White Woman. I liked the different arrangement; that was refreshing.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Thanks for the welcome back :) It is good to be reunited with my BOTB family - and just in time for the holidays!
ReplyDeleteKIM ~
DeleteYes, you picked the perfect time to rejoin us BOTBers! Happy you're back, my friend!
I'm with you on the "different arrangement" remark. Truth be told, although I generally LOVE Gospel music, surprisingly, 'Amazing Grace' - as famous and beloved as it is - is not really one I rate amongst my favorites. I could easily rattle off (for a couple minutes) Gospel songs I like better'n 'Amazing Grace'.
But I really DO like "Some White Woman's" version because I feel the Rock arrangement gives it that extra "oomph!" it needs to make me really enjoy it. It IS a refreshingly different arrangement, and that, combined with her excellent singing, makes it worth listening to repeatedly (which I've done repeatedly and re-repeatedly now).
Often, more than anything else, the arrangement makes or breaks a song, and that was actually the lesson I attempted to teach with my very first BOTB installment over two years ago now. My first BOTB blog bit was intended more as a musical teaching device than it was a genuine attempt to create a close Battle. (Bebel Gilberto Vs. Bebel Gilberto - same song but two dramatically different arrangements of it. And that Battle was a blowout! SAME SONG, SAME SINGER - vastly different arrangements. Nearly a shutout!)
See ya again soon, Kim!
~ D-FensDogG
HA HA HA HA HA!!! You are really a troublemaker, Stephen! This was brilliant.
ReplyDeleteI tried to listen to Houston's version twice. Once for me... until I could not take it any longer and hit pause, and once for my wife so I could show her the hilarious thang you was doin' wid' this battle. EACH TIME I had to stop Whitney's caterwauling before I barfed. EACH TIME I HAD to hit the button at exactly 56 seconds, the precise tipping point of regurgitation.
The only thing missing from her "incredibly spiritual" version is a Miley Cyrus outfit. If she were still alive we probably would be treated to her strutting around wearing a see-through outfit while singing about being saved. Although she had the background in gospel music, perhaps the substance abuse burned away any sense of the meaning of the words.
Besides, these songs mean nothing until a white woman sings them.
I agree with David Irthum. "Whitney Houston`s rendition will always bring tears to my eyes!" I vote Caucasian.
DeleteWot, me a "troublemaker"?
I loved, Loved, LOVED yer comment.
Well, you know, naturally enough, I got to thinking: What better time than the Christmas season to get the long-awaited Race War started?
Truthfully, please return on the 21st when I announce the results and I 'splain how this Battle came to be. It's kind of interesting, I think, how this particular one came together. It went in a direction I had definitely NOT foreseen from the outset. But sometimes you just gotta follow that Creative Impulse, muhthafu-- "I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft! Can you dig it?"
You know I don't normally like to tip my hand about how I'm gonna vote on my own BOTBs, but what's the point in trying to cloak it here? I got ears, ain't I?! And so I'll confess it early...
>>... 56 seconds, the precise tipping point of regurgitation.
We hear nearly ear-to-ear here... for once. I actually allow her to complete that assault on everything that is honest and good by letting her go 4 seconds further - to the one-minute mark.
At that point, my tolerance for "The Big Lie" reaches its tipping point. Yeah, she thinks she's a "wretch" like Hitler thought the Jews were God's "chosen people".
I'll have more to say in my Results Post.
Your Final Four sentences were CLASSIC! "I vote Caucasian"... HA!-HA!
"Caucasian"? Don't you mean you vote for "Some White Woman"? How, in God's Name, did you manage to drag RACE into this Battle?!
~ D-FensDogG
Weeelllllll, ya know I'm a gospel lovin' woman - white or not. And Lord a mercy, do I luv Whitney. She has one of the most beautiful voices ever recorded. She could sing this song (as a gospel) with no back up music at all. I'd listen to it. Any song - but not like this.
ReplyDeleteI will completely disagree with these commenters - and especially your two "favorites." This showed off more the Sax players talents than her's, and if this was the only "passionate" version I ever heard, I would not like this song.
But, Amazing Grace is absolutely one of my fav gospel songs. I like it done in the traditional-gospel way.
The White Woman and her hubby get my vote, but not by default because Whitney ruined it. I was raised Holy Roller Southern Baptist (no snakes) and this version actually sounds like some of the versions our church would play. No, we did not have a dedicated choir, but we had a lot of musicians in the congregation - piano, organ, keyboard, several guitars, drums, a flutist and yes, even a sax. One lady even played a harp. We made beautiful music, even when the congregation sang. And, we had some awesome singers. Played and sang traditional - not any of the Christian-rock that is popular. This version of Amazing Grace took me back to my childhood, listening to the church worship the Lord.
And, that White Chick puts heart, soul, passion, and a decent set of lungs into the song. I liked them; would listen to more, even buy the $10 CD.
Thanks ever so much for the lesson in 'taste'.
DeleteEverything about your comment surprises me!!!
I had NO IDEA that you had any Christian anything in your upbringing. You'd never mentioned it before, that I saw, anyway.
So, I never would have pegged you as a Gospel music fan. I've seen you refer to yose'f as "agnostic" before. And I WOULD HAVE taken you over my knee and spanked you for that, but... I'm sure you'd just get-off on it. HA!-HA! [:o)
"Heart, soul, passion, and a decent set of lungs"? ...You SURE you're not votin' fo' Whitney? I mean, according to the YouTube remarks, you seem to be describing Whitney's rendition.
Thanks for the wonderful and enlightening comment, OH DONNA! I think I know you better now.
See ya at Boomtown's "Six-Shooter Saloon". First person to take "Six" "Shots", stay upright and NOT need to book a room, WINS! (Who you gonna bet on?)
~ D-FensDogG
*taps on screen* You still here? Just wondering (details please) how you "off'd" yourself. Hmm, so many many scenarios dirtying up my mind. Hopefully you did not choke on your coffee as you read that. Long distance mouth-to-mouth may not be effective.
DeleteYes, agnostic; and well indoctrinated to be so. But, I do love a good gospel song - I'm spiritual, not religious. And not offended by the "liberal" use of higher powers, prayer, or blessings.
As for your challenge; I'll match my six "shots" of wine with any double shot you take - except milk. I'll have some cream pie before we battle though. I'm partial to Schnapps, doesn't affect me until I stand up, so I'll be sure to wear my depends :) Peach for me, Hot Damn for you. Did I mention I'm a cheater?
Be up there on Jan 8, as long as it don't snow in the pass. I'll pay ya a quarter to do a good weather dance :)
DeleteWell, hell, I'm "Spiritual" (capital letter "S") too, and NOT "religious". But that hardly means I'd call myself "agnostic".
To me, "agnostic" means "On The Fence", and "On The Fence" means: Not smart enough to be a believer, and not dumb enough to be an atheist. Or, "lukewarm". And you KNOW what Heysuuus Christ said about "lukewarm", right?
I'll win our "Six Shooter" Battle because I don't drink anymore. Well, I WOULD do six shots of buttermilk or Virgin Bloody Mary. Even your six shots of wine would lose to that.
The 8th? Damn-it! That's a Friday. I'll be at work on Friday night. I get off on the weekends. (And when I say "I get off", I mean that I don't have to clock in for work. I DO NOT mean it the way YOU are imagining it!:o)
~ D-FensDogG
And IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-eee-yai-eee-yai-eee-yai... will always hate Whitney Houston. Yes, she had a great voice. But she almost never used it correctly. She just used it as a gimmick. Fun fact: you don't have to squeeze 20 notes out of 1 just to prove, "Look, ma, I can sing!"
ReplyDeleteThat white woman... whoever she is, never heard of her... gets both of our votes in a heartbeat, no questions 'bout it. It's better in every way.
I guess the Internet lied to us about Whitney being the best, which is weird, because when has the Internet ever lied to us?
6-B ~
DeleteIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-eee-yai-eee-yai-eee-yai... hear ya.
I've always had my doubts about the Internet's veracity, but this is the first time I've ever had real reason to doubt it. Yuck!-Yuck!
~ D-FensDogG
Is it just me, or does Whitney look a human Oscar in that getup? I've always loved her AMAZING voice, but I couldn't even get halfway through this song. My vote goes to the mystery woman. Very clever Stephen!
Thanks, GEM JULIE ~
DeleteHokey-Smoke! Good catch on the "human Oscar" look! That never occurred to me, but now that you mention it... what else could it be?
Was that "wretch" subconsciously (or even consciously) longing for an Academy Award for "Best Actress"? If so, and if THIS performance was any indication, she had a lot of thespian studyin' to do, because no one here seems to be buying the "act" (least of all, ME!)
I love yer BOTB loyalty, my friend!
~ D-FensDogG
Hmmmmmm. I've heard better versions of the song without lyrics on bagpipes. Whitney's version was okay, i was expecting a bit more from her. It kind of got interrupted when she introduced the sax player. Now mind you, I thought the sax solo was good but again it seemed to cut off the lyrics and as a result the song didn't seem like it ended in my opinion. Didn't care much for the some white girl's version either but she gets my vote for continuity. I really expected Whitney to hit it out of the park but I think Steve Sax would have caught that one. Happy Holidays my friend!
On bagpipes, on Bagpipes, on BAGPIPES?!?!
DeleteHow could 'Amazing Grace' be played on the one "musical" [sic] instrument that satan hisself invented? "Men in kilts and playing bagpipes"... if those 6(66) words don't conjure up a satanic mental image, nuttin' will!
I'm a-guess that you're the only listener who feels the sax solo "interrupted" Whitney's singing. (Most probably feel it was blessed relief from it. Ha!)
Steve Sax... Ha!-Ha! Only two readers here will understand that line. It's a good one. And hopefully Sax would catch it on the fly. Because if it hit the ground first, we KNOW he would throw the ball in stands while Whitney strolled across the first base bag. :o) "GO DOYERS!"
Thanks for your vote, Pooh. And "Merry CHRISTmas" to you, too!
Love (JW!),
~ Mr. I.B. IntensedogG
Now that I think of it, usually hear that bag pipe tune at funerals, and nary a dry eye in the house. I thought it was because of the tune, but now that you mention it it could simply be the bagpipes. Yup, I guess the Sax solo did save the song and wasn't an interruption. The fact that she introduced the player on such a somber tune was what got me. Merry Christmas my friend! My mouths bleedin' Burt!
DeleteHa! I think yer on to sumpin' with that bagpipe idea. I know they always bring tears to my eyes (and internal screams to my mind).
"My mouth's bleedin', Burt!"
:o) That's actually my favorite line and favorite moment in the entire movie! Imagine if you were Burt. You'd think yer ol' pal George had completely lost his mind, right? I love it!
Incidentally, that was a spectacular photo on the Christmas card you sent! Wow! "Scenic" is the word (it's not "bird", as formerly believed).
Where was that taken? Yosemite?
~ D-FensDogG
Nope the picture was taken in Switzerland during June this year. I am going to Yosemite in January and may get a pic for next years card as they have a good amount of snow from what I can see. Poooohooohooo
DeleteWell I waited to come back and see how this went because I was afraid of how it might go. This was actually quite painless.
ReplyDeleteI just want to say thank you to everyone for being so kind about my humble little video. Although I myself am not keen on our cover of this, my husband has a reason for the arrangement. His intent was to get people in a live audience on their feet, clapping and feeling the movement of the Holy Spirit. If the song does that, we did our job.
Thank you Stephen for putting this up. I await your critique when the results are posted.
DeleteThis BOTB installment was a lot of fun for me. Thanks again for approving the use of your recording.
"Quite painless"?
Yeah, I should think so. 24-2. Sheesh! You only beat the famous Whitney Houston by 22 votes. Ha!
~ D-FensDogG
ReplyDeleteIf you are interested in seeing the final vote tally for this 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' installment and my closing thoughts on it, please click (Link:->) HERE.
Or you can put the following URL into your browser:
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'