Yes, it's time once again for 'Battle Of The Bands' ('BOTB').
Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!...
Since it IS now December -- officially "Christmastime" -- I thought I'd make this first December BOTB about "THE REASON FOR THE SEASON". Luckily for you, I was unable to find the Jingle Dog's recording of 'Go Bark It On The Mountain'.
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Driving to my favorite local eating and drinking establishment about 2-3 months ago, I suddenly hit on an idea for a "Twisted Xmas BOTB" that I thought would be fun and interesting. But to "get it", you'll need some background info first (sorry). The following excerpts were taken from 3 Wackypedia sources and rearranged. For mo' better, extensive info, use these links:
The Jesus Movement was a movement in Christianity beginning on the West Coast of the United States in the late 1960s and early 1970s and spreading primarily throughout North America, Europe, and Central America, before subsiding by the late 1980s. Members of the movement were called Jesus People, or Jesus Freaks.
The term Jesus Freak was originally a pejorative label imposed on the group by non-Christian hippies, but members of the Jesus Movement reclaimed the phrase as a positive self-identifier. The Jesus Movement was partly a reaction against the counterculture from which it originated. Members of the movement ... embraced the term, and its usage broadened to describe a Christian subculture throughout the hippie and back-to-the-land movements that focused on universal love and pacifism, and relished the radical nature of Jesus' message.
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The Jesus Movement was restorationist in theology ... as a result, Jesus People often viewed churches, especially those in the United States, as apostate, and took a decidedly countercultural political stance in general. [Remember that -- you'll need it later!]
"Jesus Music", which grew out of the movement, helped influence and create various musical subgenres of contemporary Christian music such as Jesus Culture and Hillsong. This also led to new instruments such as the guitar and drums to be included throughout churches all over the world in addition to the traditional pianos and organs.
Although the Jesus Movement lasted no more than a decade (except for the Jesus People USA which continues to exist in Chicago), its influence on Christian culture can still be seen. ... Jesus Movement's music and worship affected almost all evangelical churches. Some of the fastest growing US denominations of the late 20th century, such as Calvary Chapel, Hope Chapel Churches, and the Vineyard Churches, trace their roots directly back to the Jesus Movement, as do parachurch organizations like Jews For Jesus and the multimillion-dollar contemporary Christian music industry.
Jesus Music ... primarily began when large numbers of hippies and street musicians began converting to born-again Christianity in the late 1960s and early 1970s in population centers of the United States -- Southern California (especially Costa Mesa and Hollywood), San Francisco, Seattle, and Chicago -- around 1969–70 ... They continued to play the same style of music they had played previously but began to write lyrics with a Christian message. ... Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, California, founded the first Christian Rock labels when he launched the Maranatha! Music label in 1971 as an outlet for the Jesus Music bands performing at Calvary worship services.
By 1973, Jesus Music was receiving enough attention inside the mainstream media that an industry began to emerge. By the mid-1970s, the phrase "contemporary Christian music" (CCM) had been coined ... By 1976, it was apparent that a new generation of performers who had grown up in the church wanted to play non-secular Pop and Rock music for other Christians ... and the first edition of CCM Magazine was published in July, 1977.
The Elton John song "Tiny Dancer" (1971) refers to Jesus Freaks, as does Felt's 1986 single "Ballad of the Band". There is an entire line about Jesus Freaks in Frank Zappa's 1978 song "The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing". The term also appeared in the song "Nothing to Fear" by Oingo Boingo in 1982.
In 1995, a Christian Rock/Rap group, dc Talk, released an album titled Jesus Freak and its title song has since been covered by other Christian bands such as Newsboys, which features dc Talk member Michael Tait, Toby Mac as a solo artist, and Chasing Victory.
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Those as old as I am remember what a huge movement this really was back in the day. It was so big that it spawned some major hits and even influenced some Jewish people. Perhaps you remember [link-->] THIS major hit by a Jewish One-Hit-Wonder?
And then there was the hugely popular play and movie 'JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR'. My best friend, Marty, who happened to be Jewish, owned that 1970, Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, soundtrack on LP. The big hit song from that album was 'SUPERSTAR', sung by Murray Head and The Trinidad Singers, which went to #14 on Billboard.
Fun Facts: Murray Head had an even bigger hit in 1985 with 'One Night In Bangkok', which I'm sure Robin fondly remembers. And, curiously, in 1971, there were 3 completely different songs titled 'Superstar' which all became Top 20 hits. One by The Carpenters, one by The Temptations, and the one by Murray Head from 'Jesus Christ Superstar'.
Alright, here's our first BOTB contender:
'SUPERSTAR' -- Murray Head
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You remember I told you earlier:
The Jesus Movement was restorationist in theology ... as a result, Jesus People often viewed churches, especially those in the United States, as apostate, and took a decidedly countercultural political stance in general.
Well, Glen Campbell was born in the South to an Arkansas sharecropper and he was a product of the "Old School" Christian Church -- that very same type that the former-hippie Jesus People were now calling "apostate". And in 1973, Campbell recorded an answer to the "Jesus Christ Superstar" people: 'I KNEW JESUS (BEFORE HE WAS A STAR)' went to #45 on the Pop chart and #48 on the Country chart.
Glen was backed by the legendary group 'The Wrecking Crew', of which he'd been a member, and the song starts with a riff by Carol Kaye, the female bassist of nearly countless hit songs.
Well, funny, it seems as how everyone knows Him now
Suddenly they have found Someone who's been around
Back to the fold they come, seeking His wisdom from afar
I knew Jesus before He was a superstar!
Well, you know, I'm a believer in all that He's ever been
Stories I've read of Him, things that were said of Him
Songs that they glorify, I used to play on my guitar, yes, I did
I knew Jesus before He was a superstar!
I've known His goodness and mercy for all my days
I've seen His blessings around me in every way
In times of trouble when I had no hope in view
Who brought the Sonlight, the One Light that I knew?
Oh, yes, I knew He was always there, answering every prayer
Fame will not change Him much, He won't be out of touch
Great as he is today, great people stay the way they are, yes, they do
I knew Jesus before He was a superstar!
Question: "Will Glen Campbell beat Murray Head in this BOTB?"
Magic 8 Ball sez: "Yes"
Alright now, “you know the gig”... I welcome you (whoever you are) to vote for your favorite of these songs in the comment section below. And feel free to tell us WHY you chose one song over the other.
After voting here, I suggest - actually I insist - you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there also. (If their ‘BOTB’ blog bits aren’t posted yet, pour yourself two shots of ‘Grand Marnier’ over ice – do it twice – and then return to their blogs to
Voice Your Vote...
@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘YOUR DAILY DOSE’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'THE DOGLADY'S DEN' by clicking HERE.
@ 'ANGELS BARK' by clicking HERE.
@ 'J.A. SCOTT' by clicking HERE.
As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 7th and 21st of each month to post my own votes and announce the winners in the comment sections.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
I really got heavily into the Contemporary Christian Music movement in the 80's after probing into the perimeters of it in the previous decade. Of course, I owned the vinyl LP of Jesus Christ, Superstar after it was first released and was a big fan of that work. Also, I'm well familiar with "One Night in Bangkok" as I had the two cassette release of the musical Chess in the 80's and that got frequent play on my van stereo back in my touring days. Coincidentally, I was just listening to some cuts from Chess the other day after thinking back on that work. It's really quite good.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'm a long time fan of Campbell and was a faithful viewer of his TV show when it was on the air.
I like the melodic line of the Campbell song, but over all it does sound a bit derivative in style so it doesn't grab me in a big way. Probably repeated listenings would cause it to grow on me more. The song is very well done and the sentiments expressed in the song are superb.
"Jesus Christ, Superstar" is definitely ingrained in my musical psyche so I'm going to defy the Magic 8 Ball and cast my vote for the Murray Head performance. Maybe you predicted this for me, but that's how I'm voting.
A thought provoking as well as quandary inducing Battle indeed.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
-------- LEE --------
DeleteI didn't get into Contemporary Christian music until I became a Christian. Which means 1994. But even today, there are only a few performers that I especially like. I lean more toward the traditional Christian music (e.g., Mahalia Jackson is a huge favorite).
~ D-FensDogG
Thanks for the education about the evolution of Christian music, Stephen. Speaking as one of those "non-Christian hippie" types, I would NEVER call anyone a freak, as our credo (at least it's mine, personally) is acceptance of everyone, regardless of race, religion or anything else. Live and let live!
ReplyDeleteCoincidentally, "Superstar" by the Carpenters was co-written by Leon Russell, who's my BOTB subject this day.
As Lee said, Murray Head's "Superstar" recording is deeply ingrained in my memory banks as well, but I've never heard this Glen Campbell song before. Please give my vote to Murray Head.
-------- DEBBIE --------
DeleteI tried being a hippie once in 1969. I lasted all of two months, one week, and three days. I found I was much too judgmental to qualify and went back to being a "square". Since then, I've only gotten squarer... and freakier.
~ D-FensDogG
Oh Stephen....
ReplyDeleteI grew up in a rather strict religious home. Born in the middle of the '60s, the music of the '70s played a role on my formative years. Given the household that I grew up in, though, I was never permitted to listen to Jesus Christ Superstar. It was considered sacrilegious. (but secretly, I liked the song) Instead, we watched Hee Haw, The Glenn Campbell Show, Donny & Marie, and when mom and dad weren't paying attention, we'd watch Sonny & Cher.
Just seeing the title "One Night in Bangkok" and the tune instantly comes to mind. Thanks for that ear worm of the day!
So, even though I watched a lot of Glenn Campbell, and I think he is very talented, this particular song doesn't readily appeal to me. I think it must be my inner rebellious soul that is making me cast my vote for Murray Head.
I should try to find some holy water now to cleanse my soul.
-------- MARY --------
Delete>>... "Instead, we watched Hee Haw, The Glenn Campbell Show, Donny & Marie, and when mom and dad weren't paying attention, we'd watch Sonny & Cher.
I think my household was a bit more "with it" than yours, but not by much. No Donny & Marie!! But, yes, we watched Hee-Haw and the Glenn Campbell Show. However, where my family was more hip is in the fact that we also watched Laugh-In and The Jim Stafford Show.
Sonny & Cher? PISH 'N' PSHAW! My Brother and I used to sneak off to a neighbor's house and listen to his Cheech Y Chong records. Talk about rebellious kids heading down the wrong track in life! It's a wonder we didn't wind up in prison with teardrop tattoos. (Well, but there was that "ONE NIGHT IN A MEXICAN JAIL".)
~ D-FensDogG
Brilliant battle Stephen! Great backstory on the Christian music growth in our time. Thanks for all that!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to go with Jesus Christ Superstar because the song brings back memories. Back in the early 70s, I had a very cool, very hip pastor in our Lutheran church. He took a bunch of us youth in his very cool VW bus to a production of Godspell (which came out about the same time as Jesus Christ Superstar). I put Jesus Christ Superstar up there with the song Day by Day from Godspell. They both bring back memories of more innocent times...
Glen Campbell's song is good and I like the lyrics a lot but it's the heartstrings that is pulling me to Jesus Christ Superstar. So give my vote to Murray Head (I also like his One Night in Bangkok).
Very substantive battle! Good job!
Michele at Angels Bark
-------- MICHELE --------
DeleteThanks a lot! I actually really like the novelty of this Battle, even though it's probably not generally a favorite for other BOTBers. I figured one would need some interest in Contemporary Christian music history to really appreciate it. But sometimes you do a Battle just for your own enjoyment.
"GODSPELL"... I remember all the Theatre Department people constantly dancing around and singing songs from 'Godspell'. My inner Varsity Wrestler always wanted to "take them to the mat!" Never mind that I used to be one, I HATE actors! Theatre people - there is no group more annoying! I'm no racist, but I'm definitely a thespianphobe!
~ D-FensDogG
Well, this was more of an education than I ever received at the little church across the alley from grandma's house!
ReplyDeleteI was well aware of both songs and neither one made my list of favorites, but "Superstar" was indeed super popular whereas "I knew Jesus..." was not. I heard a lot of tisking from some hard core Campbell fans, as if he'd committed some indefinable sin. I just figured he was retorting to the Superstar song, which by the way, gets my vote for getting their message across better;-)
Thought provoking battle, Reno. Thanks!
-------- DIEDRE --------
DeleteWhat a surprise to find you here! Thanks for coming by with a vote. I can't imagine why hardcore Campbell fans would be "tsking" Glen for Christian songs. He had a Christian background and I believe Christian songs have always made up a part of his repertoire.
~ D-FensDogG
Very interesting history of the Christian music scene. It is something I know ZERO about. I never was a fan, because I preferred church music to exist as a separate and distinct genre to pop. It always seemed like religious rock or pop was just a bunch of people trying to put square music into a round hole. I realize that THEY did not see it that way.
ReplyDeleteBut perhaps Glen Campbell did, given his lyrics sticking it in the eye of the Jesus Freaks. On this number I thought the music was "meh" though it was played VERY well.
Additionally, I never liked JCSuperstar at all. I have trouble with most semi-contemporary musicals; they all seem like they are trying too hard to be like the grown up musicals such as Oklahoma whilst proving that "I'm OK, you're OK" by subbing pop sounding music. Well... I'm OK but you're not! Meh meh meh.
So, with two numbers I don't like, how to choose? I'll vote JCST on the theory that it was the most popular, therefore it got the vote of people's money.
-------- SHEBOYGANBOY SIX --------
DeleteThanks, as always, for your vote and commentary, Brother. And yet once again we don't hear ear-to-ear. Although I'm not a fan of most Contemporary Christian music, that which I do like, I LOVE! (It's similar to how I feel about Country music: I'm highly selective, but that which I select I'm pretty wild about.) There are a few Christian Rock songs that can actually spark The Holy Spirit in me.
Sadly, I don't think you're going to like my December 15th Battle much better'n this one. But after that, I'll have a few that might be more in your wheelhouse.
~ D-FensDogG
I think that one thing that is attractive to me in music is authenticity. I love bluegrass music which seems as authentic as possible, and I love the closely-related (in my opinion) old tyme gospel music. I love the Christian numbers such as "Who Will Sing For Me?" and "Down in the Valley to Pray."
DeleteI LOVED Hee Haw. I loved Roy Clark's fantastic playing ability, I loved the Hew Haw Gospel Quartet, I loved the corny humor, and I loved those short "PFFT! You Was Gone" songs.
In our house we watched virtually all of the variety shows and generally enjoyed them. Favs were Hee Haw (still see on obscure channels), Dean Martin, and Carol Burnett.
DeleteBluegrass... hmmm... I like it, too -- for exactly two songs. Then it all starts to sound the same to me and I'm ready to NOT hear any more Bluegrass for about 4 months. I feel much the same way about Reggae.
Yeah, Carol Burnett -- I loved watching Tim Coway make Harvey Korman break character. And Hee-Haw, also. Even as a kid I knew that Roy Clark was spectacular on that banjo!
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen, I never really knew much about the ins and outs of music or artists. I do remember the coined phrases Christian Rock. There was such a divide between the young and the old when this hit. I thought it was a great concept to reach rebellious teens spreading the gospel through rock music. I appreciated all the history leading up to your song picks today. I never really knew this sorta stuff. I just liked the music for no other reason than it moved me. If you asked me to vote on these two songs back in the 70s I would have picked Superstar. I knew that song and liked it. I don't recall Glen Campbell's song, I Knew Jesus Before He Was a Star, so I really appreciated the intro. After listening to both songs I found I actually preferred Campbell's song mainly because the lyrics resonated with me more than the words from Superstar. So, please give my vote to Glen Campbell. Very cool battle!
ReplyDelete-------- CATHY --------
DeleteThanks for breaking up the shutout, young lady! And I'm with you: I don't think of Rock as "devil's music", so I see no reason for not rejoicing in the Life and Work of Christ through that musical medium. Rock can be pretty powerful, so why not use it to convey a powerful message, eh?
~ D-FensDogG
It will be interesting to see how well your 8-ball performs this time. This week I'm going to agree with 8-ball and place my vote for Glen Campbell. As for Murray Head, I do remember his One Night in Bangkok, that was from Chess.
ReplyDeleteThat's an interesting info regarding the Jesus Movement and trying to pattern after early first century Christians. I wonder if that means they stopped celebrating Christmas as the early Christians never did such a thing. Celebrations of birthdays was against their beliefs. It wasn't till much later when Christian and pagan beliefs were mixed and the date of 25 December was chosen as the day to celebrate, did Christmas become widely celebrated.
-------- JEFFY --------
DeleteSo far, the Magic 8-Ball is getting its tush kicked, but thanks for helping him out a bit. However, what's with all this yak about religion and the early Christian church? Are you trying to start a fight? Can we please, Please, PLEASE keep religion and politics out of BOTB?! (Ha!-Ha! :o)
~ D-FensDogG
HA! I only mentioned it because you brought it up. And I felt it was a valid question. ;) :D
DeleteHow did I bring it up? Other than mentioning Jesus Christ, Donald Trump, and Hellary Clinton, when did I EVER bring up religion and politics in BOTB? Huh? When?!
Delete~ D-FensDogG
I'm trying to slowly catch up:) I do love that song Jesus Christ Supertar and have to vote for them. Glen Campbell is ok but it did not do much for me. So the soundtrack gets my vote
ReplyDelete-------- BIRGIT --------
DeleteIn my meditation session yesterday, Jesus Christ Superstar told me to personally thank you for the vote. Glen Campbell, however, is going to hunt you down with his "axe".
~ D-FensDogG
I started high school right in the thick of the "Jesus" movement, and remember when it made the covers of Time and Life, back when they were magazines still worth spending time with.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to give my vote to Glen Campbell, mostly because I haven't heard that song umpteen million times before.
Glenn Campbell might have known Jesus before he was a superstar and he probably knew Dolly Parton when she wore a training bra. Even so, my vote goes to Murray Head. The background singers remind me of the background singers in the Stones’ ‘You Can't Always Get What You Want’ at the 3:10 and 3:18 minute mark which sort of sealed the deal for me. Just hinting for a BOTB pitting The Trinidad Singers against the London Bach Choir.
ReplyDeleteI thought the documentary on Netflix about the ‘Wrecking Crew’ was interesting as was the documentary, ‘Muscle Shoals’ which covered the history of ‘The Swampers’. “What!? The Monkees don’t play their own instruments?”
Well, time to put on the bell bottoms and pointy-collared button down shirt and listen to ‘Superstar’ one more time.
Thanks again for putting the Christ back in Christmas.
-------- SIG SUPERSTAR-TOO --------
DeleteSeriously? Did Dolly Parton ever really wear a training bra? I thought she was born 48 Triple-D.
Just for you -- and because of your BOTB loyalty -- the Trinidad Singers versus the London Bach Choir shall be my next Battle. With a little luck, I'll find that they've both recorded "Feelings" or "Having My Baby". WOW! Now there's an idea! How about if one time all BOTBers agreed to do a "HORRIBLE SONGS" installment of BOTB? ...Maybe for next Halloween.
Yeah, I liked both of those documentaries as well. Anyone who loves Rock music ought to see 'em.
It was my pleasure to put Christ back into Christmas. Now I'm just trying to figure out what that funny smell is around here. Anybody else notice it? And where have all my Cheetos gone, long time passing?
~ D-FensDogG
Cheetos: the new cash crop.
I'm hoarding Cheetos for bartering purposes during the Apocalypse.
Delete~ D-FensDogG
I know that I've already confessed to you that I was in a community theatre production of Jesus Christ Superstar when I was in the 9th grade. Oh, what a wonderful experience that was!!! I was just in the chorus, but since that play is ALL music... what a wonderful thing. Jesus Christ Superstar was a fantastic song in the play. I thought of it as the crescendo before the bottom fell out.
ReplyDeleteSo, you know that I'm already a bit biased on this thing. However, I did my level best to clear that and just listen to the songs and judge.
And dang if I still don't think Jesus Christ Superstar is the bomb. I can appreciate Glen Campbell's response of saying he knew Jesus before he was a superstar (very clever, Glen) and no one can doubt that he's a wonderful singer (he is!). But the pervasive question that plagued Jesus throughout his ministry is, "Who are you? Are you the Messiah?" He'd heal someone, walk on water, calm the sea and even his disciples (his closest friends) would get befuddled and say, "Who are you again? Just clarify it for me one more time."
I love the lyrics in JCS, the music, the backup singers. Everything. I just love it all.
As much as I want to help Magic 8 Ball out of this hole, it's going to have to be someone else. My vote is for Murray Head. Sorry Magic 8 Ball.
DeleteWell, your "level best" just wasn't good enough, and don't think the Magic 8-Ball will have any favorable predictions for you any time soon!
So, you were one of those prancing, singing Theatre Arts peoples, huh? Oh, how I loathed 'em! (I didn't like 'em much, either.)
Who is Jesus? Jesus and God are just myths invented by atheists so they'd have something to direct their anger toward.
But I still can't figure out how they're able to build up such passionate animosity against things that they KNOW don't really exist. I know that I certainly never get that emotionally angry toward Santa Claus, and he's equally unreal, right?
~ D-FensDogG
Yep, way too young for that movement. In our time, Jesus freak was just thrown around as a generic statement for anyone considered 'overly' religious.
ReplyDeleteSo I like Sheboyganboy's phrase for contemporary Christian music - a bunch of people trying to put square music into a round hole. I completely agree, and it's the exact reason why I never listened to any form of Christian rock; it just sounded like very lazy rock music thrown together after a bunch of nerdy kids posed the question, "How many words can we rhyme with Jesus?" Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are some that are great, but every time I flick the dial to the Christian radio station the song I hear playing invariably sounds like the exact same song I've heard playing any other time I've flipped there over the past 20 years. And I can't just wade through a sea of turds looking for a single gem. Ain't nobody got time for that!
What I do have time for is this awesome battle. Musically, Murray Head's is good, but Glen's is leaps and bounds ahead of it. How could you not be with the Wrecking Crew behind you? Aside from that, the heart that Glen puts into his really makes it shine. As it was playing, I was really nodding along. So was OB. We both bote for Mr. Campbell, with a heavy emphasis on the Wrecking Crew. No square pegs being shoved into round holes here.
Hey Bryan,
DeleteHere I am looking out for you.
Voila. A gem.
You can thank me later:)
6-B ~
Delete"Ain't nobody got time for that!"... Man, where do you find this stuffs?
Tell you what though, if that woman could get over her camera shyness, someone ought to cast her in a movie or TV show. Seriously, that woman has dynamite charisma. I'm not kidding! She has got an abundance of "it". Just in the way she delivered that very first sentence I was immediately knocked out.
I agree that most Contemporary Christian Rock and Pop sounds very "samey", which is one reason I like only a smattering of it. That smattering I do like though is really as good as any secular Rock I listen to.
Perceptive comment. I'll expound on it mo' later.
~ D-FensDogG
DeleteAnd I'll leave you with a gem, also:
To me, that's pretty pow'ful stuffs! It never fails to fire me up with a major case of "Christiankickbootyitis".
~ D-FensDogG
And Stephen,
ReplyDeleteThat's not all...surprised that Spirit in the Sky by Norman Greenbaum didn't enter the conversation. I do like Glen Campbell (GC) sticking up for JC and was not familiar with that song. But...I saw Jesus Christ Superstar at the Universal Amphitheater when it was an outdoor venue and was a bit caught up in that JC movement in High School, that is of course before I came to my senses and spent the next 10 years drinking like a damn fool only to find that a spiritual connection was needed to quit the aforementioned foolishness induced by alcohol. So, this was a tough one, but again more memories attached to the JCST and NO I wasn't in the theater and you know those that were did Godspell during high school. So, to make a long story short I go with Murray.
...AND POOH...
DeleteYou neglected to click on the link in the following sentence above:
"Perhaps you remember [link-->] THIS major hit by a Jewish One-Hit-Wonder?"
How often can it be written "the following sentence above" and yet be accurate?
Anyway, that link led to Norman and his "Spirit In The Sky".
You were always in pursuit of one kind of "spirit" or another. Both can get you high, but only one is hangover-free.
Thanks for your vote, Brother Pooh!
~ D-FensDogG
In blatant self-analysis, I realize that I cannot separate the personalities from the songs in about 90% of the examples given on the BOTB. Though I like that Glen Campbell stood his ground on this one and told it like it was, I have a hard time liking him. Always have. Nothing has changed, apparently. It's my version of the TINY TIM FACTOR (see Cherdo on the Flipside). :-)
ReplyDeleteThough Murray Head offers nothing spectaculary different than the stage version, the truth is that there's nothing wrong with that, ha ha. I love this musical...and Godspell, too...among others.
MURRAY, YOU GETS MY VOTE. I don't expect him to win, though. "To thine own self be true (hold a grudge)."
Thanks, mah brudder!
DeleteIt ain't easy gettin' through the Tiny Tim Factor. But if it makes you feel any better, Glen don't like you much either -- so, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it if'n I were you.
Funny, I like you both. And I just wish you two could get along. But you know what happens every time you're in a room together!
You don't expect Murray to win? He's got this one easily sewn up: "Magic 8-Ball in the corner pocket!"
My motto: Hold a grudge and carry a big stick.
~ D-FensDogG
Very interesting trivia there, my Dear St Mac. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI grew up the holy roller, speaking in tongues, southern baptist cult. People called us Jesus Freaks; now they just call our kind Christians, lol. I've always been one step behind - or maybe ahead- of everyone else.
I was never a hippie, of either the psychedelic or Jesus type. I do like all the questions that Superstar asks, I've asked them myself. And plenty of others that question FAITH, the Bible, and how it should all relate to living my life.
I am a fan of Glen Campbell; his clean living attitude never discouraged me from liking his music. Wholesome has its place in this world; but so does a good rock song.
This is a tough battle; which do I choose? The questions that mirror my own, or the faith I grew up with?
Well, I guess I'll give my vote to Mr Clean, Glen Campbell. His message seems to come more from his heart, not just a fad/gimmick to attract the faithless.
Delete>>... "I've always been one step behind - or maybe ahead - of everyone else."
You're like an "Outlawette" -- the female version of Waylon Jennings...
I've always been different with one foot over the line
Winding up somewhere one step ahead or behind
It ain't been so easy but I guess I shouldn't complain
I've always been crazy but it's kept me from going insane
I'm not a big fan of "faith". I want proof of things, or at least a strong preponderance of the evidence.
My faith isn't really "faith" because I've seen plenty o' proof.
Glad you liked the Battle and I enjoyed the way you approached it as a contest between Questions and Faith. You kind of interpreted it in your own unique, Wild Thing kind of way.
~ Saint "Mac" D-FensDogG
POSTSCRIPT: I'm a pretty poor saint, but see how that boy can drink that whiskey though!
I suppose I should take the time from my schedule to vote here, but I'm not so sure you will like my comment.
ReplyDeleteIf I simply wanted to be positive and you know I always try to put a positive spin on things, (at least for you), I could commend you for putting Christ back in Christmas, but A. somebody already did that and B. for me, he never left. I'm disappointed because I counted on you to have some wonderful Christmas music as in Hymns or Carols here on December 1st. I'm also disappointed because I really don't care for either song. I'm going to give my vote to Glen, because I like the sentiments of his lyrics and the music really ain't too bad either (if I hadn't been expecting 'real' Christmas music, I might have actually liked it).
I always thought 'Superstar' was pretty irreverent, almost to the point of being offensive in some places, and never got into it much.
Some of my cousins are bona fide 'Jesus freaks'. I will say this for them; after all these years they have stayed true to their beliefs and practices.
DeleteI'd already gotten the memo on the Disappointment factor, remember? But still, I thank you for taking time out from your writing to cast a vote.
I think I'm going to do a separate BOTB RESULTS post this time, wherein I will add my own .02 cents to your thoughts about 'Jesus Christ Superstar'.
My December 15th BOTB will be a "real" Christmas song, although you may have never heard it.
I hope you're feeling better.
~ D-FensDogG
Al Bondigas here. Funny thing, I've heard 'Super Star' two days in a row on the radio. They were two different versions of the song. One was an instrumental and the other was by some group I didn't recognize. I heard them before listening to the one on your BOTB. I probably haven't heard that song in 40 years and then two days in a row. Ain't that weird? Anyway, this one is really tough for me. I always found hippies repugnant, even as a kid. For some reason I've always had the ability to spot phony people a mile away, and hippies were the epitome of phonies. My problem is I kind of like that song, but don't want to vote for it. I also like Glen Campbell's song, but not sure I can honestly say I like it better. Well, I guess a tie goes to the non hippie. Vote for Campbell. That's it!! That's my rulin'.
Delete>>... "Ain't that weird?"
That is kind of weird, Al, (see what I did there?) that you should hear 'Jesus Christ Superstar' two days in a row after not hearing it for decades, and then to find I'm using it in BOTB.
I guess it was an omen... that you'd be rulin' for Glen. HA!
"A tie goes to the non-hippie"? My, times have changed. It seems like only yesterday when a tie went to the runner.
~ D-FensDogG
Murray gets my vote I liked that song better
ReplyDeleteMIKE ~
DeleteYou liked that song better? But what has THAT got to do with how you vote? It's like apples and oranges!
~ D-FensDogG
Hi Stephen, I'm sorry that I'm so late. Murray Head gets my vote! I haven't heard this song in years, but it still holds up. Interesting battle!
DeleteYou're never late until the votes have been tallied and announced.
Thanks for your BOTB loyalty. (Have I ever mentioned that I think you're a gem?)
~ D-FensDogG