Yes, it's time once again for . . .
Only this time it's . . .
Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!...
"DOGTOWN" is an area in Los Angeles that comprises the Southern portion of Santa Monica and the Northern parts of Venice, including Venice Beach. "Dogtown" has often been referred to as 'The Birthplace Of Extreme Sports' because it was the epicenter of the "radical" skateboarding explosion which began there in the mid-1970s.
Two movies have been made about Dogtown and the skateboarding craze that it gave birth to. The first movie was a documentary and the second one starred Heath "The Joker" Ledger:
Dogtown also happens to be where I grew up, from 5th grade (1970) through high school and beyond. My family lived in South Santa Monica, so close to the border of Venice (exactly 11 houses away) that my brother, Nappy, once played for a North Venice Little League team (which came in first place)...
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Growing up a mere 17 blocks from Santa Monica Beach / Venice Beach, to say that I spent some time there would be a massive understatement. Before it gave birth to Extreme Sports, Dogtown gave birth to a famous Rock band you may have heard of called THE DOORS.
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In the 1970s, when I was living nearby, Venice Beach was sometimes called "Where The Debris Meets The Sea". Today, it is said to be L.A.'s second most popular tourist destination, after Disneyland. Dogtown no longer looks like a ghetto (er-- uhm... well... for the most part), and the rents and home prices are astronomical.
Today's 'Battle Of The Bands' installment -- part of my 'Battle For Los Angeles' series -- features two artists who have a personal history with Dogtown and have written songs which mention or allude to it.
The first competitor really needs no introduction. According to an old source, VAN MORRISON once lived in Venice, California, for awhile. Included on his 1978 album 'Wavelength' was a song he wrote about the place titled 'VENICE, U.S.A.' Give it a listen and see what ya think...
VENICE, U.S.A. -- Van Morrison
This Battle's second competitor probably DOES need an introduction. Unless you've spent time in Dogtown, chances are you're not familiar with SLAVIN' DAVID & LOOSE GRAVEL...
Undoubtedly, the most recognizable of the street musicians from Venice Beach is the turbaned, roller-skating, electric guitar-playing Harry Perry:
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But another Venice Beach busker who made a name for himself locally was Slavin' David (Breitman). His song 'Flim Flam' was the 15th track on the compact disc 'Spirit Of Venice, California', a compilation album of the best known Venice musicians:
In 2011, Slavin' David and his band, Loose Gravel, released the album 'Rock And Roll Road'. One of the songs on the collection, 'WALKING DOWN THE RIGHT PATH', was written by Loose Gravel guitarist Larry Rosen (aka LarryR), and he has described it as "a song about spiritual growth".
Like the lead vocalist, Slavin' David, the guitarist and songwriter LarryR has a long personal history with Dogtown. He used to live on Venice Boulevard and one October morning in 1980, he found himself at Venice Beach's legendary Sidewalk Café & Bar nursing some "hair of the dog" that had bitten him the night before. Sitting with him was a woman of... shall we say, "dubious character".
In his song 'Walking Down The Right Path', LarryR penned the line "then just when the end seems near, a light comes shining through". He has said that it was on that 1980 October morning at the Sidewalk Café & Bar on the Venice Beach boardwalk when he experienced his "first moment of clarity... the lightbulb going on". Right then and there he decided to quit drinking and recently celebrated 37 years of sobriety.
Therefore, LarryR's song, 'Walking Down The Right Path', has a lot of real-life, first-hand Dogtown experience behind it:
WALKING DOWN THE RIGHT PATH -- Slavin' David & Loose Gravel
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Question: Will Van Morrison lose to Slavin' David & Loose Gravel?

Alright now, “you know the gig”... I welcome you (whether I know "you" or not) to vote for your favorite of these songs in the comment section below. And feel free to tell us WHY you chose one song over the other.
After voting here, I suggest - actually I insist - you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there also.
Voice Your Vote...
@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'ANGELS BARK' by clicking HERE.
@ 'RIGHTING & EDITING' by clicking HERE.
@ 'THE DOGLADY'S DEN' by clicking HERE.
As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 7th and 21st of each month to post my own votes and announce the winners in the comment sections.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
Cool post. I love the pictures. Anyway Slavin' David & Loose Gravel get my vote. I liked their song better.
ReplyDeleteThanks, MISTER MIKE! Glad you liked the Battle, and the pictures, too. I gotta admit that I think that little dog whose picture I took was downright adorable! He was almost "TOO" cute. :o)
Delete~ Stephen
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Venice is an interesting place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. But I don't want to live in California period and this may be the place I'm condemned to be for the remainder of my life. Oh well it could be worse. I could be in Bangladesh or some shit hole country like that and I guess if I'm in California all those people might be coming here to turn California into a shit hole.
ReplyDeleteBut enough about my annoyance with the state and let's get to your Battle.
Good match with a fun theme. I figured Van would run away with this for me, but he went too far with the "dumb ditty dumb dumbs" for my taste. I think Slavin' Dave and the Gravel Guys had a crisper fuller sound with more punch to it. Nice guitar chops and a very cool organ break does it for me.
My vote goes to Slavin' David and Loose Gravel.
Tossing It Out
Yeah, LEE, the time to live in California passed a good while ago. Now it's just another shithole Kommunist Kountry. [;^)}
DeleteI have nearly overdosed on the good memories I have of Sunny Southern California livin', but I wouldn't live there now even if I could afford to.
Thanks for the comment and vote, Brother.
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
Slavin' Dave's voice annoyed me. My vote is for Van Morrison.
ReplyDeleteThanks, JOHN. Short and... bittersweet.
Delete~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Happy February 15th:) I had no idea that Venice beach looks so pretty with the canals because all one sees are the nuts rollerskating by the beach. Anyway, I listened to both and I will vote for Van Morrison. I liked the uniqueness of the song and the touch of blues. The second song, Slavin' David, is ok but it didn't thrill me much
ReplyDeleteI thank ya, BIRGIT. And a Happy February 15h to you, too!
DeleteVenice Beach contains a tremendous amount of variety. On a regular day, you could probably find there 308.2 of every type of person who has ever existed. It's pretty much the ultimate in people-watching.
I used to joke that a free freak show came with every meal ordered at The Sidewalk Cafe. Ha!
What's funny is that the majority of people -- tourists, not Venice locals -- have no idea that the canals exist and that they are the primary reason the place was named Venice to begin with.
The canals are in easy walking distance of the Beach, but they're kind of tucked away and unless one knows where to look, they aren't likely to see 'em.
I appreciate your vote, as it tied things up. At least for now.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Alright, off the bat, I need to tell you I am a bit hungover, so that may be clarifying the music for me... or not. Just kidding. Not hungover, but I may have responded to a few comments on my post while I was under the influence early this a.m.
ReplyDeleteDogtown sounds like a great place to visit.
My vice, er um vote, gotes to Gravelly Dave and the Loose Slave. He was easier on my ears.
DeleteWoo-Hoo! Ha!-Ha! You have been charged with BUI (Blogging Under the Influence) and you plead guilty. This court has no recourse but to send you a case of Tennessee Whiskey. Think of it as "the Dogtown dog that bit ya".
Yep, I am quite certain, Mary, that you would dig Venice Beach. It's a place unlike any other. Or, if it IS like another place, then it's MORE of it.
Thanks for voicing your vice. I'm sure that Dave and the band of loose slaves he is leading appreciate it!
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
MARY, MARY, after replying to your comment above, for some odd reason which I can't possibly explain, I felt compelled to pull a pint of Haagen-Dazs 'Bourbon Praline Pecan' ice cream from my freezer and dig in.
DeleteMmmmm!... And when I finish this one off, I'm gonna walk to the store and buy more. I'm gonna keep eating this Bourbon ice cream until I either pass out or throw up.
~ D-FensDogG
mmmm that ice cream sounds delish! I'm going to have to see if I can find that here in sleepytown Idaho.
DeleteI'll be waiting for that case of JD. Let me know if you need my current address ;)
It's been quite a busy day for me. And I have noticed that I may have responded to one or two posts while under the influence. Good times. Bet you guys are pleased as punch I'm not a mean drunk!
Reminds me of a time back in the 80s. It was late at night. A friend of mine was pulled over at the top of a summit, right as it was starting the decline. The officer asked her what her level of education was. She replied she would be a junior in college if she were to return to school. So he asked her to step out of her car, stand on one foot and recite the alphabet. Mind you, she was also wearing 4 inch heels. so she's standing on this incline on a hill - on one leg, concentrating so she wouldn't fall on her face - trying to recite the alphabet. She gets flustered and screws it up.
Officer: I thought you said you'd be a junior in college. Didn't they teach you the alphabet in school?
Friend: They only taught me how to write them, not say them!
Officer then turns to go to his car, returning a minute or two later.
Officer: Okay. I guess I can let you go. Expect a phone call from your dad in about 45 minutes. That will give you plenty of time to get home.
Sure enough, when she walked in the door fuming mad, her dad calls. Turns out he was buddies with the officer's dad. And that is how she got out of that ticket!
Why this reminded me of that, I have no idea.
DeleteIf you were a mean drunk, I'd be addressing you as MMQC.
Lemme tell ya, I have always been an ice cream fanatic. (Oddly, I've always craved ice cream more in Wintertime than in Summertime. But then you know by now that I'm a bit of an oddball. A nice, non-creepy oddball, but an oddball nonetheless.)
I now eat ice cream like I used to drink Mojitos. I suspect I should go back to drinking, as it was probably better for my health.
That Haagen-Dazs Bourbon ice cream I only discovered about 4-6 weeks ago, and I think it's probably already become my #1 favorite of all time. It's 90 proof better'n Ben & Jerry's 'Urban Bourbon' ice cream. Er-- I meant to say "90 TIMES better'n Ben & Jerry's..."
Back before you knew me, it wasn't totally uncommon for me to BUI. And that explains why my blog following declined over the years from its height of eleventy godzillion down to its current level of eleven.
Your friend has had the [Link> LATE NIGHT DRINKING BLUES, but her response to the cop about why she couldn't recite the alphabet was clever -- an instant classic. I'll need to remember that in case I ever get pulled over after one too many pints... of Bourbon ice cream.
You have a fantastic Battle going on at your place, and that amazing turnout not only makes me jealous but it more than eleventy godzillion times makes up for that low voter turnout in your last Battle. Dang, Sister, you got it goin' on over there. Maybe songs about Whiskey is the key to great BOTB.
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
Great battle this time, Rupert.
ReplyDeletePart of my enjoyment is that I have a good idea now of what you are yakkin' 'bout. As you know, several years ago - mostly in order to view your old stomping grounds - I went to Santa Monica/Venice and spent a couple of days just kicking around there. I rented a beach bike and rode about 20 miles, up and down the beach and across a bunch of those Venice bridges. It would have been a cool place to grow up! Heck, it looks nice now (and as you say, EXPENSIVE) and would probably be a nice place to live NOW... If only it were not in the Socialist Republik of Kalifornica!
The musical selections contain some elements of similarity. Both start off with a strong syncopated drumbeat. Both feature some nice organ work, though Van also throws accordian in there (not a plus.) Both feature vocalists that are perhaps not "perfect" singers... say, the opposite of your friend Jubliant Sykes.
The differences: Van's voice is "bad" in a traditional sense, but it is bad in a GOOD way. Slavin' David's voice seems to me one that is, at its base, a traditional voice that simply isn't that great. So, one point here for Van.
The song: Van's number is WAY too long without going anywhere, like a Grateful Dead song. The lyrics are awful, too. As Lee said: "too far with the dum ditty dum dums," and there is nothing to the rest of them either. S-David's song has a good message that could be stated with a bit more metaphor and imagination. But point given here for Slavin'.
The guitar work in S-Dave's song is really good, and I like the musicianship better. Points here for Slavery-Free-Davy-Boy.
So, after rejecting the low scores given by the Red Chinese judge, Slavin' David wins this battle against the overwhelming odds of coming up against one of the most beloved singers of the last 50 years.
Terrific analytically analytical comment, SIXGUNBOY! Thank you!
DeleteYeah, California has become Commiefornia, I'm sad to admit. (Even back in the early to mid-1970s, California Conservatives were calling Santa Monica "The People's Socialist Republic of Santa Monica".)
But without a doubt, Southern California was the place to be back when it was... the place to be. In fact, in the late '70s or early '80s, the city of L.A. started a public relations campaign in which they advertised the city as "the pLAce". Why they felt they needed to promote the place at all is beyond me. Perhaps insiders already had an inkling that the good times were coming to an end.
>>... Van also throws accordian in there (not a plus.)
HA! :oD Ya know, I've never been quite sure if that's a REAL accordion or a synthesizer imitating an accordion.
I do know that on the album which 'VENICE, U.S.A.' comes from -- 'Wavelength' -- Van included a number of songs that were accented with synthesizer, which was a bit of a new direction for him.
Whether it's a real accordion or an imitation, I get why it's in there. He was playing on the name "Venice", and giving the song a touch of Italy.
I don't mind the accordion in small doses, which is a lot more'n I can say for bagpipes. GAH!!
Thanks again for the A-List and E-Ticket comment, McBrother!
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
ReplyDeleteWOW, what a post! You really poured yourself into this one, not that you don't with your others but I felt connected with your childhood home. :)
I know Van Morrison naturally but I'm familiar with this song. So this put both contenders on even playing ground in my opinion. I'm going to go with Slavin' David & Loose Gravel because the mewsic spoke to me. For street mewsician he's alright. Thanks for the intro & for stopping by to vote in my round!
Thank you, CATHY!
DeleteYeah, I think maybe I did go the extra mile in this one. Partly because it's such a part of my personal history and connects to memories of my youth (aka "The Good Old Days"). And also for another reason which I shall e'splain later in this Battle's RESULTS POST.
David and the Loose Gravels appreciate your vote, I feel certain.
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
Hi Steven; Apologies for not getting a BOTB post done this time. In fact, I'm not going to be doing it for awhile, so please take my name off the list, for now. For your battle, my vote goes to Slavin' David. Venice Beach looks like a fun place. We're actually going to the original Venice in Sept. I'll keep in touch. Cheers!
ReplyDeleteHa! DEBBIE, the BOTB enthusiasm didn't last long, did it? Didn't you just recently return to us? Oh, well...
DeleteI am quite certain that you would dig Venice Beach. In many regards, the Hippie Sixties really never did come to an end in Venice. It seems to be almost caught in some kind of Time Warp... or maybe it was delivered to Earth on some gigantic interplanetary mother-ship. Or... both
I shall remove your links until the next wave of inspiration hits and you rejoin us again.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
It's not specifically BOTB, but lack of enthusiasm for blogging in general that has done me in, Stephen. I just can't commit to a schedule anymore, at least for this year. Too much going on offline! Will still keep my hand in, so to speak, with occasional posts here and there, likely of a photographic/travelogue nature or memoir-type thing. Will also try and make the rounds to see what you're all up to, when possible. It's too bad I never took a trip to Venice Beach when I was visiting California regularly (my parents lived in San Diego, but they're gone now). It sounds like a fun place! ☺ Cheers!
DeleteDEBBIE ~
DeleteThanks for the clarification. I'm sorry to see you leave, but I'm glad it's not strictly a BOTB thing.
>>... Too much going on offline!
What is this "offline" you speak of? I've heard it mentioned here and there from time to time, but I've always figured "Real Life", outside of the Virtual World, was just a myth alongside things like Nessie, Bigfoot and Mermaids. (Although I confess I've always hoped Mermaids were really real!)
Yeah, Venice Beach will probably always be the fun freak show it is, until the day God pulls the plug on us all. Ha!-Ha!
I hope you'll stop by with BOTB votes when ya can. And if I see you posting something sometime out of the blue, I'll make my way on over to check it out.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Hey Stephen,
ReplyDeleteI definitely enjoyed your post. Loved hearing about the Dogtown of yesteryear and it was fun seeing Jim Morrison and the Doors guys hanging out. I didn't know they were from Venice/Dogtown.
I figured for sure I'd be voting for Van Morrison because I've always been a Van Fan. And I did like his song. The accordian was cool. Haven't heard one of those in a while. My grandmother used to play accordian and I remember seeing that instrument when I was a kid and it just fascinated me, all those buttons!
However I really did like the busker's song, especially musically. My vote is going to Slavin' David and the Loose Gravel (cool name!)
Great battle!
Michele at Angels Bark
Howdy, MICHELE ~
DeleteYeah, the story goes that one day Ray Manzarek ran into Jim Morrison on Venice Beach. They knew each other from film school at UCLA. Morrison read Manzarek some poetry he had written, Manzarek thought it would make great song lyrics and he said to Jim: Let's start a Rock band and make a million dollars. Morrison said OK, and that's what they did (+ millions more than a million).
One of these times I will likely do a second installment of 'The Battle For Dogtown' and use a Doors song. I already have a certain one in mind.
Yeah, Slavin' David & Loose Gravel really is a cool name, huh?
Thanks for the bote!
~ Stephen
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
There's something about California that intrigues me. I've only been to Dana Point so that's my only real-life reference but I sure dig the hippie vibe that a lot of California presents. That's one of the reasons I like Austin so much. It's very hippified --- or it used to be. The population has been exploding out here for the last few decades and sadly it's changing. It's not the same Austin I moved to back in '91, and certainly not the same Austin of the 70s. But at least in the 90s, the 70s were still a big influence on the city. Not so much anymore. :(
DeleteThanks for posting the trailers for those two Dogtown movies. I would really like to see both. Hopefully I can find them on Netflix or Hulu...
Hope you're enjoying your weekend... I slept most of today. Tomorrow I'm having brunch with a friend at an apparently cool place called Jack Allens. And then I'm taking the boys to a greyhound play date: the greyhound group is getting together at this place called the Doghouse Drinkery: it's a bar and a dog-park all in one. I soooo wish I would've come up with that concept! How did that idea not occur to me?? A dog-fanatic who used to own a bar? How did that idea pass me by? I could be bringing in the big bucks now...
Ah, but I also have always said, after I sold my bar, I'd never own another one...
DeleteI'm pleased as spiked punch that you watched the two movie trailers! I often figure it's a waste of time embedding anything extra, beyond the song-videos in the BOTB competition, because I doubt anyone will take the extra time to investigate any extras.
You've somewhat restored my faith in "extra embedding".
I especially like the documentary 'Dogtown And Z-Boys', but the movie 'The Lords Of Dogtown' is worth watching, too. Heath Ledger was good in it.
I don't know much about Hulu, but I'm pretty sure NetFlix has both movies available. At least I know they did at one time.
I have to work for 4 hours today (8-Noon), which pretty much messes up Sunday, but I had a cool Fri/Sat as I went up to Virginia City again and got some more neat pictures. (Watch for a new blog bit coming soon to one of my blogs near you.)
Doghouse Drinkery... Oh, I know that feeling when someone comes up with a terrific idea that you KNOW you coulda-shoulda come up with yourself.
I remember when I first heard of 'The Andy Griffith Show Bible Study Course'. It's my favorite show of all time, and The Bible is the book I've read more than any other. The idea to combine them was brilliant! How did *I* not think of it first?
...Oh, wait. "Brilliant". Right. No wonder it was someone else who came up with the concept. I was too busy drinking at the time to think of it on my own.
Southern California was really the pLAce to be way, way back. Growing up there in the '60s and '70s, it was almost like growing up in paradise. But things began changing big time in the 1980s. I personally feel the party was over in '86. But there was certainly no question about it on April 29 – May 4, 1992. That was when "The Rodney King Riots" occurred. By October of that year, I was living in a tiny town called Prescott in Arizona.
Prescott, now there's a place you might like. It's a cowboy town caught in some kind of Time Warp. I lived there for about 1.5 years. But going from L.A. to a place where they did live remote broadcasts of the grand opening of the new Village Inn (a poor man's Denny's) was too big of a culture shock for me and I eventually headed down to Phoenix.
I could probably live pretty happily in Prescott today.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Tempted to do a write in vote for the Gap Band's "Party Train." Some may call that a wasted vote... I would call it a buzzed on Caronas vote.
ReplyDeleteTherefore I vote for "Venice, U.S.A." Seems a laid back reggae sound group and the sound that kicks in at 1:57 (accordion?) creates a carnival feel. (I vote for Venice as the coolest/laid back carnival over New Orleans and Rio). I like "Walking Down The Right Path" although in the context of Venice the edges seem a bit sharp and high strung... and a bit of Laredo Texas boots sound... doesn't capture the free Venice vibe.
G DogG, thanks for coming by, buddy! I really appreciate it. And I like your "thinking-outside-the-box" approach:
DeleteNot a wasted vote, but "a buzzed on Caronas vote". Ha!-Ha! (That sounds like something I might have written.)
Yeah, that accordion sound -- I'm not sure if it's an accordion or an accordion-wannabe synthesizer.
Yes, DogG, I think a sunny Saturday in July on Venice Beach could give any other carnival-like place a serious run for its money. Some of the stuffs I have seen on Venice Beach -- MAN!!
Yeah, I think both songs, atmosphere-wise, represent two different aspects of Dogtown. There's the free-flowin' lovefest & freak show, but also that hard-edged, rocky underbelly of life-wasting addictions and violence. The songs look at different moods of the same place, both of them simultaneously existing there.
Back in the 1970s, when Venice Beach more resembled a place one would refer to as "Where the debris meets the sea", it was not a place where a smart person would wander around alone late at night.
I still remember a night circa 1978 -- [I'm chuckling aloud now] -- when my best friend and I, in a Southern Comfort haze, decided to go for an automobile drive on the Venice Beach bike path. Ha!-Ha! Man, the ONLY reason the cops didn't catch us is because we were completely indestructible and completely invisible that night. We had them Southern Comfort Super-Powers working for us that night.
Damn! Some of the shit my friends and I got away with... SMH!
~ Stephen
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
You got off Scott(ish) and Irish free. T'was the sign of the times.
ReplyDeleteI got pulled over by the fuzz twice in person "Go home" and third time they called me the next morning asking why my Fiat was stuck under a parked train. The timing was uncanny. Scott free each time. If any one of those events happened today, I'd be in the pen doing time.
It's not funny at all. I could have killed somebody. Luckily I didn't. If I killed myself I could've lived with it. Thank God I didn't kill anyone.
Through the grace of God, we got lucky. And are the chosen who can - with objective distance - laugh about it (what else is there to do). We did get away with it... and everyone is alive thank God. Lucky.
G DogG ~
DeleteBetter that your car was stuck under a parked train than a moving one, eh?
Yeah, we were definitely fortunate. My friends and I have often marveled at the fact that none of us so much as lost a finger, let alone a limb or a life.
I myself was actually good about NOT driving drunk. However, I never hesitated to get into a car being driven by someone who shouldn't be driving it. I figured: Well, if we die, at least it won't be MY fault.
How ironic that Sam Kinison died by drunken driver. I didn't even know that until I saw someone had mentioned it in the video comment section. The drunken driver who killed Kinison sure got off easy. WTH?!
Life is peculiar.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
And Stephen,
ReplyDeleteGood battle, better than I thought it would be to boot. I thought Slavin and Lelly did a good job with the guitar, lyrics, and singing. But, having failed to grow up in Venice and having taken an unscheduled dip in the canals too boot, and my Irish roots have me leaning to Van the Man.
You took many unscheduled dips. And you did the great fire walk too. It would be easier to say what body of water didn't you fall into.
Delete...AND, POOH... THAT'S NOT ALL!...
DeleteThanks for checking in with your vote. I love you, man! (John Wayne! John Wayne!!)
Until you mentioned it in your comment, I had actually forgotten about the time you fell off our raft into the Venice Canals. Now I'm laughing about it all over again.
Brother, you were so drunk I'm surprised you could even hit water. :oD
I remember us parking that raft under a canal bridge to take a booze break. Man, oh, man, good memories of good times!
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
Al, Laughing my ass off at your comment my friend. I did forget about Arrowhead until you mentioned it. I think I prefer the warmer murkier waters of the canals over the thin ice covered Lake Arrowhead. Thanks for the reminder!
I think it was in Arrowhead where you tried to save your beer, only to find it filled with scum and polliwogs.
DeleteBut then I remember trying to save my gin & tonic when I went rolling down the stairs at the entrance of the bowling alley... after bowling an impressive 26.
Ha-Ha! Well, we tried, damn it! At least we did that.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Al Bondigas here. I liked Van Morrison's voice better than Slavin David's. I also liked the accordion, and I liked the musical style better, but I liked the guitar work and the message in Slavin and Larry's song. I was there at The Sidewalk Cafe a few years ago when Larry told us that story of how he began his sobriety. This one is tough, but, I'm gonna have to rule fer Slavin David and Lelly. That's it!! That's my rulin'.
ReplyDeleteIT'S A LIE! Harry got the Congressional Medal of Honor; he saved the life of every man on that transport!
DeleteUhm... I'm sorry, what were you saying? Oh, yes, rulin' for the Venice Beach Bums. Got it. Thanks, Judge.
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
After browsing through the comments Saint Mac, I think your halo is starting to slip. Just a smidge, lol.
ReplyDeleteAlways fun to remember the good times in HomeTown. Some days I can't believe how stupid I was either. Of course, my kids will never know - - hopefully :) I did enjoy the facts of the post Dude. Quite interesting.
This battle was tough though. I like Van, and loved the accordion. And the DumDittyDum; so catchy. But I also liked Slavin David, he had some catchy riffs too. In fact, the cadence and rhythm of both songs are similar. I had to listen twice to be sure the melody WAS different.
I'm voting for the local talent though. Dave really has a smooth voice (I should not have continued past the 4 minute point with Van, it got irritating) and I did love the lyrics more than in Van's song.
Stay cool and dry Dude; catch ya later!!
DeleteThanks for stopping by with a bote on my BOTB. Always pleased as spiked punch to see you here!
>>... I think your halo is starting to slip.
Yeah, as saints go, I'm kind of a mess. All I've got is [Link> A Rusty, Old Halo And A Skinny, White Cloud.
But then again, sainthood ain't all it's cracked up to be:
"Saint: a dead sinner revised and edited."
~ Ambrose Bierce
"Many of the insights of the saint stem from his experience as a sinner."
~ Eric Hoffer
"Sainthood is deathly boring. I need a cold Mojito!"
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
As a fan of Van the man, I thought he'd run away with this one, but I pressed play on ol' Slavin' David and I loved his version just a touch better. So did my cohort. Felt like I was right on Venice Beach Boardwalk. Which is weird, since I've never been there. Two botes for Slavin' David. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go say 20 Liberal Hail Marys™ as penance for saying the s-word with that dark white privilege of mine.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I've been meaning to speak to you for awhile about that "dark White Privilege" you've been unapologetically putting on display for the whole world to see. Hell, your White Privilege is so dark it's almost Black!
DeleteSo, my pre-boting guess was half right. If this were baseball, I'd be hitting .500 and be the greatest player of all time.
Unfortunately, it's "Battle" Of The Bands, not "Baseball" Of The Bands, so... I'm still just a half-right, half-assed half-wit.
Thanks for the botes, 6-B and Other B!
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
Regarding 'The Doors' and other 'Canyon' bands, I assume you know of Dave McGowan's work?
ReplyDeleteYes, absolutely. Oddly enough, just last week I was telling someone at another website that 'WEIRD SCENES INSIDE THE CANYON' was perhaps the wildest book I've ever read.
DeleteHis 'Wagging The Moondoggie' was a fun-to-read series, also. And I have 'Programmed To Kill' on my Books To Buy list.
I dig McGowan's snarkastic sense of humor. As Doc Holliday said in 'Tombstone': "He reminds me of... me."
~ Stephen
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
Oh carp, and ouch I scraped my knee and broke a nail gettting in under that wire this morning and then when I went to hit publish my comment disappeared! I almost packed it in, but remembered I promised and I DO try to keep my promises.
ReplyDeleteAnyway...You know how I love Van and I really want to vote for him, but this song is just way to UNVAN for my taste. What’s with all the ‘dum ditty dum dum’s’ and whose record was he trying to break with boring repetitiveness, Iron Butterfly’s?
Anyway (I think I already said that, but you know me and lately I’m more wacky than usual)... I’m sorry Van but I gotta give this one to Salvin David and his gritty gravel boys.
Suppose Van will ever forgive me? Probably not! The story of my life.
"CARP AND OUCH"... Is that like saying you accidently put a hook through your finger while fishing?
DeleteI don't think Van even forgives himself. He's the Master of Curmudgeon extant.
Thanks for doing the limbo under that 11th hour wire. Your word is good as gold, Sister!
I think this Blogspot system should rename the Spam File "FAE File". Why does it think you are some unknown meat-like block of canned pink and white stuffs?
Anyway, vote recorded. And it's a good thing, too, because Dave and the Gritty Gravel Boys were in serious danger of losing this Battle.
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
ReplyDeleteIf you are interested in seeing the final vote tally for this 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' installment and my closing thoughts on it, you can put the following URL into your browser:
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'