Republican Vs. Democrat, Male Vs. Female, War Vs. Peace, Light Vs. Dark, Good Vs. Evil, Man Vs. Machine, Love Vs. Hate, Dog Vs. Cat, Sun Vs. Moon, Brain Vs. Brawn, Oscar Vs. Grammy, Angel Vs. Demon, Laurel Vs. Hardy, Beer Vs. Wine, TV Vs. Radio, Pitcher Vs. Batter, Paper Vs. Plastic, Reality Vs. Fantasy, Yeshua Vs. Beelzebub, Conservative Vs. Liberal, You Vs. Me, House Vs. Senate, Offense Vs. Defense, Kramer Vs. Kramer, Spy Vs. Spy, Fischer Vs. Spassky, W.C. Fields Vs. Sobriety, Harold Gimpy, Jr. Vs. Sheldon J. Pismire, Rock Vs. Paper Vs. Scissors, Islam Vs. Everything, Singer Vs. Singer, Band Vs. Band...
Yes, it's time once again for 'Battle Of The Bands' ('BOTB').
Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!...
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Recently, I was having an Email conversation with my old friend and co-worker, Lelly, or LarryR. (More about him and his connection to this Battle in my BOTB Results post.) Lelly wrote: "Might I suggest a Willy DeVille versus Lou Reed battle as Willy was often compared to Lou Reed."
My first thought was that it might not be easy finding a clean recording of a song that both of them had covered. But my next thought was about Lou Reed's most famous song, 'Walk On The Wild Side'. And my third thought was: 'Cadillac Walk' by Mink DeVille. ...A BOTB "Walking" theme!! Would you rather do the "Cadillac Walk" or "Walk On The Wild Side"?
And that's how this Battle was born.
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I'm sure most of you voters know that Lou Reed was the primary force behind 'The Velvet Underground'. Wackypedia sez: The band's integration of rock and the avant-garde achieved little commercial success during their existence, but they are now recognized as one of the most influential bands in rock, underground, experimental, and alternative music. The provocative subject matter, musical experimentation, and often nihilistic attitudes explored in the band's work would prove influential in the development of punk rock and new wave music.
Reed has sometimes been referred to as "The Godfather of Punk".
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I have a distinct memory of listening to The Velvet Underground's live album while driving through the Arizona desert in 1980 with my buddy Eric, on our way to see "the Sun rise over the Grand Canyon". I suppose the main reason that memory lodged in my mind so concretely is because listening to urban, New York-inspired Rock music while driving through the Arizona desert is significantly "incongrutiating". (If you don't know the meaning of that word, ask G DogG -- he can 'splain it to ya.)
As a solo artist, Lou Reed scored a #16 Billboard hit in 1973 with his song 'Walk On The Wild Side'.
I also have a connection to lead singer Willy DeVille's band Mink DeVille: In 1976, at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium, I attended my first Rock concert. Styx opened for Journey. The following year, at the same venue, I attended my second Rock concert: Mink DeVille opened for Styx.
I'd never heard of Mink DeVille at that point, but very soon after that concert, I went out and purchased their debut LP titled 'Cabretta'. One of the songs on that album that I particularly liked was 'Cadillac Walk'.
Wackypedia sez: From 1975 to 1977, Mink DeVille was one of the original house bands at CBGB, the New York City nightclub where punk rock music was born in the mid 1970s. "We auditioned along with hundreds of others, but they liked us and took us on. We played for three years..." In 1975, CBGB was the epicenter of punk rock and what would later be called new wave...
So, today, I present you with 'Walk On The Wild Side' versus 'Cadillac Walk'. Which Walk do you like best?
Remember, unless you're asked to do otherwise, you're meant to evaluate the songs musically ONLY -- not taking into account the video images or stage performances. And, no, I'm NOT asking you to do otherwise.
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The Battle Within The Battle:
Question: "Will Mink DeVille Lose To Lou Reed?"
The Magic 8-Ball (3-0) sez: "My Sources Say No"
The Amazing Sixwell (1-2) sez: "My Sources Say No"
.Alright now, “you know the gig”... I welcome you (whether I know "you" or not) to vote for your favorite of these songs in the comment section below. And feel free to tell us WHY you chose one song over the other.
After voting here, I suggest - actually I insist - you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there also. (If their ‘BOTB’ blog bits aren’t posted yet, pour yourself two shots of ‘Grand Marnier’ over ice – do it twice – and then return to their blogs to
Voice Your Vote...
@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'ANGELS BARK' by clicking HERE.
@ 'THE DOGLADY'S DEN' by clicking HERE.
As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 7th and 21st of each month to post my own votes and announce the winners in the comment sections.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
I never much cared for Lou Reed and his "Walk" until I discovered Velvet Underground (I was very late to that party). I like a lot of Reed's music now and even like "Walk" better than I used to.
ReplyDeleteI'm not familiar with the music of Mink Deville though I've certainly heard of them. "Cadillac Walk" is a pretty good song and I like the band's playing.
Between the two I'm going to give my vote to Mink DeVille. That song has drive and actually makes me want to walk and with a pep in my step. Reed's song is more of a saunter with a lot of side distractions--with more "wild" than I care for.
Yeah, for me it's Mink.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Thanks, LEE!
DeleteBack in the Licorice Pizza (LP) era, I owned two Velvet Underground albums and one Lou Reed solo album. I know I owned the Velvet Underground debut album with Nico, also the aforementioned live album. And I had Lou Reed's solo record 'Transformer' which included 'Walk On The Wild Side'.
I purchased [Link> THIS BOOK when it was first published, and I discovered SO MUCH music by reading it and buying many of the albums mentioned therein -- including The Velvet Underground. is saying it was published in 1979. I've been thinking it was 1976 -- the same year Tom Petty's first album came out -- so I'll have to re-check that when I get home. But, boy, did I ever get my money's worth out of THAT book. I still have it but don't really refer to it much anymore.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Back in around 1969 I got This book and I used it in much the same way as you used your book. Mine has some pretty obscure information, but it is also fascinating. I bought a lot of albums due to this book.
DeleteArlee Bird
Tossing It Out
LEE, I had heard of that book many times. And I even seem to have a vague memory of leafing through a copy of it once, somewhere.
DeleteThe one I had is much, much smaller, but I sure spent a lot of time with my nose in it. And it turns out that Amazon and I BOTH had it wrong. The book appears to have been published in 1978.
The second half of the book had lists and commentary from famous disc jockeys and Rock music critics. They'd name their Top Ten favorite albums and oftentimes include observations on WHY those were their favs. It was pretty interesting. There was a clear overall leaning toward The Beatles, Dylan, The Stones, and The Beach Boys. Which I can understand. But a lot of more obscure artists and albums got name-checked too, such as Love and The Velvet Underground, etc.
I got way more than my money's worth out of THAT book!
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Velvet Underground had some good tunes and I liked their oft-featured German singer, Nico, as well. Lou Reed is a true music legend! He even performed with Metallica at their RRHF Induction Ceremony and recorded an album with them. That said, I've never been overly fond of "Walk On The Wild Side". On the other hand, "Cadillac Walk" is a pretty groovy, toe-tapping number. Never heard it before, but I like it! ☺ Please give my vote to Mink DeVille. It's good to be back!
DeleteNice to have ya back, DEBBIE. For quite awhile, BOTB was down to a skeleton crew. (I was beginning to fear that it was something I ate!)
Yep -- as I just mentioned to Lee above -- I used to have that Velvet Underground & Nico album. If memory serves, I believe it was their debut, and I played it quite a bit (for a guy who didn't know what the hell they were singing about!) It certainly wasn't The Beach Boys!!
Funny, I would have guessed you to be a 'Walk On The Wild Side' voter. It just shows to go ya that no one can ever be TOO CERTAIN of anything in BOTB!
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Hey, you've got that 8 ball agreeing with Sixwell again! What kind of conspiracy is this?
ReplyDeleteWhile I found Cadillac Walk to be 'groovy' and 'hip', it just didn't do anything for me. On the other hand, Walk On The Wild Side put a little bit of pep in my step and brightened up my day, if only for a moment.
I'm casting my vote for Lou Reed. Sixwell and 8 Ball be damned.
Jingle Jangle Jungle
>>... Hey, you've got that 8 ball agreeing with Sixwell again! What kind of conspiracy is this?
DeleteGreat minds think alike. (Either that, or one of those two brainiacs be a copy-cat!;o)
Thanks, MMQE! For very quickly putting an end to any thoughts of a shutout, I mean. Can you even IMAGINE how mad I would have been if, by following the suggestion of a friend, I wound up with my first ever BOTB shutout?!
The next thing you'd have heard about Lelly would have been in the headlines -- something about a grisly murder and a madman on the loose! Ha!
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
ReplyDeleteI do not know either of these songs but the name Lou Reed sounds familiar for some reason. I get confused. I mean what do I know about artists after the major goof I made on the male vocalist in my battle!! BTW, I appreciate the heads up on my screw up all the same.
Alrighty, I'm giving my vote to Mink DeVille 'Cadillac Walk'. I just liked everything about the song over the competing song & artist.
~Curious as a Cathy
I Am Your Child #BoTB Showdown
Howdy, CATHY ~
DeleteYour artist mistake on BOTB is actually really easy to understand. The way that video was labeled and the images used in it, there was every reason to think that was Michael Buble. I would have made the SAME mistake you did! And because I don't know Buble's voice that well, I wouldn't have even thought twice about it had it not been for Debbie's remark.
Thanks for stopping by, Skinny!
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
Cadillac Walk is ok but it didn't do much for me. I love Take a Walk on the Wild Side and find it original and very cool so Lou Reed..Velvet underground get my vote
DeleteLou Reed may have been a "One-Hit Wonder" in Billboard, but thanks to you, he's not a "One-Vote Wonder" in this BOTB!
I appreciate your participation, as always!
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Howdy Reno!
ReplyDeleteThe Wild Side is a catchy tune with brassy lyrics, while Cadillac Walk has a frisky beat and superfluous lyrics...hmm.
I'm going with 8 Ball ;-)
Howdy, dIEDRE!
DeleteDon't you mean you're going with The Amazing Sixwell? :o)
"Brassy lyrics"... you always have a way with words!!
Your boting is mucho appreciated-O. (Those Spanish classes in high school have served me well!)
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
Mink Deville get my vote. Not being familiar to them makes the song newer to me, while the other one I am too familiar with.
ReplyDeleteMIKE ~
DeleteThanks for stopping by with your $0.02!
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
When the colored girls go "Du du du du du du du du du" that's when the song gets elevated to a place that the other guy can't reach with everything he's got.
ReplyDeleteSo numero uno is my pick.
One vote for the Colored Girls going ""Du du du du du du du du du". I appreciate you taking the time to come by, listen, and participate. You're good guy -- I don't care what the ghosts at "The Grave" say about ya!! [;^)
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Hey! What exactly did those ghosts say!?
DeleteMostly just "BOO!" and "WOO!" But a couple of them claimed that you were covertly working for Stalin. (Obviously, they had been dead for quite awhile and weren't really up on their Current Events.)
Delete~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
I don't know if you remember this...
The song is close to my heart. It brings back my NYC days with a vengeance.
Cadillac Walk was a groovy song, but it couldn't catch up to the memories I made on the wild side. Give me Lou Reed.
DeleteThis song isn't close to your heart because, before you hitch-hiked to New York City from Jacksonville, FLA, you were a Boy Wonder, right?
I just jest, of course!! (I saw you in that little black dress, so I know. I may be a fool, but I'm not easily fooled.)
Yes, I DID remember that old BOTB of yourn. Mary -- the official BOTB Historian -- keeps a great, up-to-date spreadsheet of every BOTB ever published. And before I put THIS Battle together, I checked that spreadsheet to see if Lou Reed's version of 'Walk On The Wild Side' had ever been used in BOTB before. And that's when I was reminded of your old Wild Walkin' Battle.
And, BTW, did you see HOW MANY BOTB PARTICIPANTS there were back when you posted that Battle?! Dang! That was an awful lot of BOTBers!
Thanks so much for taking the time to come by and submit a bote. It's truly appreciated. ...And when are YOU going to rejoin BOTB? All the previous participants are returning home now.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Great info, S-Man, as well as atmosphere, and setting the setting.
ReplyDelete"Styx opened for Journey" (that makes me laugh. Nightranger rules! Hagar kicks ass! Foreigner have a broad palette!: Anthems And ballads! Festival seating in an auditorium "Quit pushin' man! Mellow out!" I looked it up and Santa Monica Civic Auditorium can seat up to 3,000. You saw/heard those guys before they went milquetoast enough to fill stadiums. Perhaps before they even did ballads to sell records). then you tore your shirt and became a punk rocker or showed how cliché the punk genre is. As a student of CBGBs via books - it's not like I was going to do heroin as a tyke and hang out there.... Selling all my baseball cards would have gotten me a few dime bags/two days worth at most. I'm surprised out of left field to hear of Mink Deville. His Cadillac song certainly isn't a cliché which is a triumph in that there are so many songs about Cadillacs. Mink Deville sounds almost... universal. That a CBGB guy could sound universal is, well, the sound did rather spread to many countries is rather inincongruous.
The bottom line (cliché phrase) is that Lou Redd was a new paradigm (cliché phrase). Lou Reed is a fantastic story teller - as he "sings" - a lot of people didn't not sing in those days one can wholly picture New York and even the subset of the Warhol scene. Ask anybody at CBGB at the time and the answer is - Lou Reed IS New York. That's what philosophers call "appeal to authority" - citing others.
I say Lou Reed IS New York. And his punky peers aka people he Svengalied in CBGBs as well as broader NYC "there was something in the air" were the best thing happening. I vote for Lou Reed.
DeleteI enjoyed your Stream O'Consciousness comment! It almost compelled me "to put away six doubles of Jameson from the bar and sink into a deep, apathetic slumber, mumbling Blinkin' Cowboys, Blinkin' Cowboys..."
{*Don't ask ME! Sometimes I, too, slip into a stream of consciousness and float away. Ha!*}
I'm reminded of the time I told my friend Sheboyganboy that as a teenager, I loved Styx and hated Journey. He asked me, "What's the difference?"
My answer: "There was NO DIFFERENCE! But I was too yung 'n' dum to know it then."
By 1979 or '80, I had no use for EITHER of those bands!
And my Punk Rock phase was also short-lived. I did own a couple Sex Pistols, Ramones, Clash and X albums. (Even saw X live at Club 88 once.) And I had an LP by Radio Birdman (still dig 'Aloha, Steve & Danno') and one by the Circle Jerks. But then someone hit me in the head with a bottle of Jameson and when I came to, I was whistlin' a tune by Art Blakey & His Jazz Messengers. All the Punk albums got the heave-ho the next morning.
Well, that's my story and I'm stickin' with it. (At least until the next knock on the noggin by an Irish whiskey bottle.)
Thanks mucho, Muchacho, for taking the time to listen and write an entertaining E-Ticket comment! May all your rides be like the Matterhorn (and NEVER like It's A Small World!)
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
You saw legends S-Man. X may be the best punk band with some kick-a rockabilly guitar - certainly musical... If they're musical perhaps they're not punk. Although the Clash were musical when they wanted to be. ("Melody? Sell outs!")
DeleteA lot of chaff with the wheat in punk and most punk does sound the same. Some are good though - I only got grazed with a bottle. X's first album was produced by Ray Manzarek. Morrison could be considered the Godfather Of Punk if he felt like starting every song with 1234! and doing 10 songs on a 20 minute album.
Ha! You have a point (actually, a few of them), G DOGG!
DeleteMorrison was already waking up and getting himself a beer, because the future's uncertain and the end is... in 2029. All he needed was a good count-off ("1234!") and shorter songs, and he'd have invented Punk Rock!
And, indeed, The Clash COULD be musical when they wanted to be. I still remember Rocking The Casbah, Rocking The Casbah!
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
Hi Stephen,
ReplyDeleteI never heard of Mink Deville --- it's definitely a memorable name and I like it! I also liked "Cadillac Walk". It's fun. It will probably be stuck in my head for a few days and that's okay.
But when up against Lou Reed's "Walk on the Wild Side", Mink's walk-song is a few steps behind. I'm casting my vote for Lou Reed.
Noticed the rock encyclopedia books you and Lee were mentioning. Good? Lots of interesting artist/band facts?? Worth purchasing?
Thanks for the warm welcome back Stephen.
Feels good to be back among my Battle friends!
Michele at Angels Bark
DeleteThe Prodigal Daughter returns! Very pleased to have you back in the flock.
Yep, I had seen your comment at G.W.'s old Battle and knew you'd be supporting Lou.
This is a really good Battle so far. Thanks to you, I think Lou's up by one at this point. But, of course, there's a long way to go yet.
The book Lee mentioned is a large encyclopedia, by comparison making mine seem more like a booklet. And both are very much out-of-date. But knowing your love of Classic Rock, you'd likely find both of them worthwhile. And I imagine both of them are now out-of-print and available only as USED copies. But that's a positive, money-saving thing!
Thanks for stopping by and adding to the competitiveness of this Battle. And, again, great to have you back in the fold. BOTB was pretty skimpy there for awhile!
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Neither of these songs really ring my chimes. I had never heard the Mink DeVille song before, but I thought it was better than 9 out of... 32 songs.
ReplyDeleteMost people probably only know one Lou Reed song, and "Walk on the Wild Side" is it. By far the best part of the "Wild Side" is the aforementioned "Doot, di-doot, di-doot," colored girls" bit. And you can't say that sort of thing any more, especially if you are white. Reed's song is a soiled slog through the trash of tortured and seedy human existence. I don't like seedy as I said last time.
Because of that, and because the song moves a bit faster, and because it is just plain better: a vote for Chinchilla DeContinental.
DeleteI thank ya for taking the time to stop by and... tie this Battle up again. By my count, this is now Six to 6.
Terrific Battle so far! I think I'm starting to get the hang of this BOTB thing.
You thought Chinchilla DeContinental was better'n 9 out of 32 songs? Is this a math test? You know how I feel about math!
Eight goes into 6 nine times with 32 left over.
All I know is that this contest is cranked "UP TO ELEVENTY!"
Say, if you or anybody else is looking for me over the next couple of days, I'll be [Link> HERE, watching TV and "#MeToo-ing" the maid. (Yak when back.)
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
So like any good contest, am I excluded by 6 degrees of separation?
ReplyDeleteThis is NOTHING AT ALL "like any good contest". Therefore, your vote counts, too! ;o)
Delete-- D-FensDogG
We'll Minks of course, though I've always loved Lou. More info to follow post results.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a plan!
Delete~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Thanks for the warm welcome back Stephen! Feels great to be back. Ok, you’ve stumped me and I know I’ll feel ridiculous when you tell me but the G.W. initials: who’s old battle are you referring to??
ReplyDeleteWell enroute to my house right now are both rock encyclopedias! I thought they might have some useful information for music posts. And I almost always buy used books. I’ve never been disappointed. I look at the descriptions and usually but those that are listed as “very good” condition but I’ve also been pleasantly surprised by what I would consider to be excellent condition when I’ve purchased used books only described as “Good”.
I’ll let you know what I think when they arrive.
Have a great weekend. I have to get up in a few hours to get all the dogs taken care of because I have two boarders arriving early this morning. No sleeping in for me on this Saturday...
Howdy, MICHELE! And a happy Saturday mornin' to ya. (I just awoke from 10 straight hours of sleep. Wow! The world looks so different when all the sleep -- and then some -- has been logged in.)
DeleteYip! I buy most of my books used online now, too. I always use just the highest rated sellers, and some of the used books I've received have looked brand-spanking new to me!
You'll probably like the book Lee mentioned best, for its density of information. Mine is more of a casual browsing book, but it's fun to see what some of those old disc jockeys and Rock music writers personally liked best.
It was probably 'THE TOP 200 ALBUMS' book that clued me into how massive an influence Bob Dylan had been on the world of songwriting.
At the time I purchased that book, Dylan's single Greatest Hits album is likely the only one I owned. But after seeing 4 of his others in the Top 30, I started buying them and started realizing how revolutionary he'd been and what a landmark he was in the evolution of lyric writing.
G.W. stood for Girl Wonder -- the nickname I gave Robin. In early 2016, she did a BOTB installment with the song 'Walk On The Wild Side', using The Strokes against Dave Stewart & Vanessa Paradis.
In the comment section, you wrote: "Love this song. Lou Reed did such a fabulous job with it."
So I pretty well figured Lou would be getting your vote in THIS Battle.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Al Bondigas here. Man, I haven’t heard these songs in ages. Didn’t we listen to them back in the Bay st. days? I felt young again, especially with the videos accompanying them. I found it kind of funny how the Mink DeVille cat had to point out that his baby had tattoos, I guess pointing out how she is different or rebellious. Nowadays he would have to stress how independent his baby is if she didn’t have any tattoos. Anyway, to be honest with you I’m not really fond of either song, but I’m rulin’ fer Lou Reed. Surprised you, didn’t I? That’s it!! That’s my rulin’.
ReplyDeleteJUDGE AL ~
DeleteYeah, we probably did listen to both of these songs in the Bay Street days. I owned both albums they were on at that time, so they probably got played a time or two.
Ha! I thought the EXACT SAME THING about Mink DeVille's song and the mention of the "rose tattooed on her thigh". (We must have similar DNA or sumpin'!)
Back in 1977, a girl with a rose tattooed on her thigh would have stood out. But T-O-D-A-Y... see if you can even find a girl who doesn't have a rose (and a thousand other things) tattooed on her thigh!
Shows to go ya just how far down we've fallen into the End-Times well!
And, YES, you sure DID surprise me with your vote! Every once in awhile your BOTB botes come as a shock to me. This one wasn't quite a shock, but definitely a real surprise.
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
DeleteThis Battle is now tied at 7-7. It has exceeded my expectations. Especially since it was put together on just a kind of tossed-off whim.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Swaying votes....produced by Jack Nitzsche, Phil Spectors arranger, Neil Young, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, and on and on
ReplyDeleteSorry I’m so late. I almost forgot, again. I’ll be brief and ask that you give my vote to the TUNE NOIR. It’s all over once those colored girls start with the ‘du da du da du’. Absolute genius!
ReplyDeleteFAE, you got your vote in,
Deleteby the hair of your chinny-chin-chin.
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
And Stephen,
ReplyDeleteOooooh this is a tough battle. Both good, very good songs. Both tell a story, it's hard to choose which one told a better one. Lou Reed goes into greater depth and what with the cross dressing and all, NOT that there is anything wrong wit that!. Mink does a good job with the woman with the Cadillac walk, a mysterious lady with a rose colored tatoo, is a bit spell binding. I'm gonna have to give a slight edge to Mink as the Cadillac was such a big part of the fabric of our debauchery and has a lot of memories hangin on it.
DeleteAhh, ya made it, Brother! I was wondering where ya wuz. But I didn't want to bug ya wid a second E, even though I thought this Battle would be up yer alley (behind the house at Pooh Corner).
Cadillacs? Were Cadillacs a part of the fabric of our debauchery? Why, YES-Ssssss! Cadillacs (a '64 and a '59) WERE part of the fabric of our debauchery! We got memories like tin cans tied to a tail... fin!
Hokey-Smoke! It's the day I'm supposed to tally up the votes and post the Results,
but votes are still coming in...
...and this Battle is all tied up AGAIN!
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
Cadillac Walk was written by the same guy who wrote Bad Case of Loving you for Robert Palmer...Moon Martin
ReplyDeleteLELLY ~
DeleteI knew that Moon Martin had written 'Cadillac Walk', but I didn't realize he'd also written 'Bad Case Of Loving You'. I used to like that song a lot, back in the day.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Both songs still work great today in this universe of auto-tune mush.
ReplyDeleteI've never been a huge fan of Lou Reed, and nor has my cohort. We much prefer that Cadillac Walk. And you know, that song must have been written by a friend of ours in high school, because he had a Cadillac and all he ever did was walk.
ReplyDeleteTwo for Mink, just in under the wire.
>>... I've never been a huge fan of Lou Reed
DeleteNot even [Link> THIS ONE?
Muchos Garcias for the botes, B BOYS!!
(BTW, where I grew up and went to school, there really WERE muchos Garcias. And one of them was a pain in the arse!)
Thanks for taking the time (even on a crappy day) to submit your botes. It is totally appreciated. This Battle needed something to break it free of this voter gridlock, and you guys are the guys what dun it!!
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
ReplyDeleteIf you are interested in seeing the final vote tally for this 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' installment and my closing thoughts on it, you can put the following URL into your browser:
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'