Wednesday, August 1, 2018


Shoop-Shooby -
Shooby-Duh-Dooby-Doop-Dooby-Dooby-Doo-Wah -
Yes, it's time once again for 'Battle Of The Bands'.
Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!...
Back on November 15, 2017, using the song 'STORMY'John from the blog 'The Sound Of One Hand Typing', put together a BOTB installment between Bobbie Gentry and The Supremes. That Battle can be found HERE
Bobbie beat up on The Supremes something fierce. The final vote tally looked like this:
Bobbie Gentry: 12
The Supremes: 2
Following is an excerpt from the comment I left when voting:
Howdy, JOHN ~
... I love this song, and both of the renditions you chose were top-notch ... However, Bobbie Gentry is obviously going to win this Battle ...
... I believe that sometime in 2018 (after Gentry has officially cleaned house here), I will put Gentry up against Greg Walker & Carlos Santana.
  1. .
The day has arrived that I am following through with what I said to John last November. Female versus male; solo acoustic guitar versus electric guitar and backing band. How are YOU going to vote? Here comes your chance, so don't blow it! ;o) 
{I want to give a shout-out to Julio Seis-Abeja, and to Side A of 'Me, Lynth And The Beach Report', which inspired this Battle at this time.} 
STORMY -- Bobbie Gentry

STORMY -- Carlos Santana (vocalist: Greg Walker)

The Battle Within The Battle
Question: "Will Bobbie Gentry lose to Greg & Carlos?"
The Magic 8-Ball (5-3) sez:  "Outlook Good"
The Amazing Sixwell (6-2) sez:  "Don't Count On It"
Alright now, “you know the gig”... I welcome you (whether I know "you" or notto vote for your favorite of these songs in the comment section below. And feel free to tell us WHY you chose one song over the other.
After voting here, I suggest - actually I insist - you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there also. (If their ‘BOTB’ blog bits aren’t posted yet, pour yourself two shots of ‘Grand Marnier’ over ice – do it twice – and then return to their blogs to vice your voice your vice ...voice your vote.)
Voice Your Vote...
@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'ANGELS BARK' by clicking HERE.
@ 'THE DOGLADY'S DEN' by clicking HERE.
As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 7th and 21st of each month to post my own votes and announce the winners in the comment sections.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. This is my introduction to Bobbie Gentry's version of this great song. Santana's version is outstanding as Santana usually is and in most cases this is where my vote would fall.

    However, Gentry is such a fine singer and I really enjoy the acoustic take on this song. Her version is something I could listen to far longer than the Santana version. Not that there is anything wrong with the Santana version---it's great.

    Still, I gotta vote for Bobbie Gentry in this match.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. LEE ~
      One of the things I knew for certain when putting this Battle together was that your vote was going to Bobbie Gentry. After all these years, I think I've got a pretty good handle on your musical tastes.

      I suppose you could still surprise me once in awhile, but it would be a pretty rare occurrence.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  2. Bobbie has a great voice but I found the whole style like Taupe...kinda plain and blah. I have to go with Santana on this because of the wonderful guitar and the musical styling which kept my interest more. Too bad she didn't sing with Santana playing

    1. BIRGIT ~
      "Taupe"? Ha! Are you insinuating that taupe is not exciting? Why, I think taupe is the Disneyland of colors!

      I passed your comment on to taupe and he is very crestfallen about it. I think you hurt his middle-of-the-road feelings.

      Thanks for your $0.02, Birgit!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

      That was the first time in my 59 years that I ever wrote the word "crestfallen". It's been on my Bucket List for a long time.

    2. Glad I made your day with that word:)

  3. Sixgun McItchyfingerAugust 1, 2018 at 2:04 PM

    McBrother - Bobbie Gentry was beautiful and had a beautiful voice. This unreleased single will no doubt get stomped by Santana - a more popular act with a glitzy production - but she doesn't deserve to. Hers is a WAY more subtle, seductive, and listenable version.

    Greg Walker's voice is just too high and annoying for me. Now, if Carlos was really looking for a good male voice in the high range at the time of this record he could have hunted down GEDDY LEE, and he'd have had a winner!

    1. SIXGUNBOY ~
      Did you know Bobbie Gentry was once married to Jim Stafford? I think it lasted about a year.

      You think Greg Walker's voice is "too high" but you like the voice of GEDDY "Squeal Like A Pig" LEE? As Chris Johnson (or was it Tommy Sears?) said in 'THE SPIRIT OF '76': "Du-uuu-de!..."

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  4. I'll go with Santana on this one due to the guitar and the vocals grew on me a bit

    1. MIKE, aren't you here a little early? (Ha!-Ha! Just joking. You're welcome at any time.)

      Thanks for your $0.02, Brother.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  5. Normally I'd say an acoustic guitar beats the electric every time. But, maybe its just the singer I did not care for - or the lounge style. I don't know, but I liked Santana much more. This song needs a little bit of kick to keep me from falling asleep to it :)

    1. WILD THING ~
      Hmmm.... I'd not thought of Bobbie's version as "lounge", but now that you mention it, I guess I CAN imagine hearing that with a Martini in front of me.

      Ain't no question about it, Santana's guitar definitely puts the "storm" in 'Stormy'.

      I appreciate you stopping by, Wild Thing. Thank you!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  6. Yo McCarthy!

    Bobbie's voice is what everyone associates with this song. It just goes together like peanut butter and jelly - or if you have a nut allergy - macaroni and cheese.

    But damn that Santana man! He gave this song some much needed life! (hmmm I wonder if could work his magic and give me a life?)
    Greg Walker was just okay in my book - as far as the vocals, but Santana sealed the deal for him.

    My vote is definitely going for Santana and that guy riding his coattails.

    Jingle Jangle Jungle

    1. MMQE ~
      Being something of a nut myself (I've been called a "Filbert"), I'd be in deep doo-doo if I had a "nut allergy".

      I'm pretty surprised that a few people have been underwhelmed by Greg Walker's voice. I guess I better get my hearing checked. (After all, I'm only a hop, skip & a jump from 59, and the years may be catching up on me.)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  7. Hi Stephen,
    Great battle song. If only it were a little stormy around the weather sense that is. So tired of the monotonous forecast: "it's going to be hot and sunny tomorrow" over and over and over ad nauseam...

    Anyway, both versions are fabulous. I love Bobbie Gentry's voice. I've been a fan ever since I heard her "Ode to Billy Joe" hit (but probably wasn't aware of that until the movie came out in 1976). I like her acoustic rendition as it's simplicity further highlights her incredible vocals.

    However, I knew within the first 20 seconds that I'd be voting for Santana. Musically I just like it more. It has that Santana magic that gets me every time. So I cast my vote for Santana. Greg Walkers vocals didn't influence me per se, and they didn't bug me. But they were secondatry to Santana's musical genius...

    Is it Friday yet??? Please....

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. MICHELE ~
      You always leave such A-list and E-Ticket comments. Thanks!

      Yeah, I hear ya about the "storm" dream. It's been dreadful here, too. Nothing but upper 90s to 100 every single day for weeks and weeks now.

      I'm with you on 'Ode To Billy Joe' -- I always dug that song and the "mystery" of the lyrics. And I also like the simplicity of Bobbie's take on 'Stormy'. The solo guitar really allows one to focus more closely on the nuance of her voice, which is pretty terrific.

      >>... Is it Friday yet??? Please....

      Actually, for me (my work schedule), this is now Saturday. ...But it's also... hot, damn it! 93 now, and climbing.

      Thanks for your input, Michele!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  8. Howdy Reno!
    I've always appreciated Bobbie Gentry's voice but I picked Santana before I even listened to both recordings - you had to know I would, right?
    Great battle, love the song and it goes well with the weather of late.

    1. dIEDRE, howdy, and thanks for coming by!

      Actually, to be entirely honest, I think I would have guessed you as a Bobbie Gentry voter. Whereas I believe I have a good idea of how Lee will vote on each Battle {*see my comment up above*}, I don't feel that I've yet zeroed in on your musical tastes. So, your votes can still surprise me.

      Muchos gracias for your dos centavos, mi amiga!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  9. Stephen,

    Bobby Gentry does nice but come on, Santana and Walker have this one sewed up in the bag! Thanks for popping by to remind me to get over to vote today! Have a good weekend. :)

    1. CATHY, I guess I hain't got yer music tastes figgered out yet, either. I felt like you'd be voting for Bobbie. I recall that at times in the past you've voiced an objection to the "screaming" guitar sound, so I thought maybe Santana's playing might be a bit too "stormy" for ya.

      Thanks so much for your $0.02, my friend. And I hope you have an awesome weekend, too! Make it count!!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  10. I wouldn't call Bobbie Gentry taupe. She's more of a burnt mauve. Kind of pretty, but forgettable. I only know her because she was briefly married to Jim Stafford. I'm okay with the split. "My Girl Bob" doesn't quite have the same ring to it.

    I can't speak for others, but if Santana came on the radio, I certainly wouldn't change it. Especially not this song. Give one enthusiastic (and not even chocolate fueled) bote to Mr. Santana, please.

    1. HA! I was just now typing up the TRT SPEAKEASY list and in it, I asked if you caught what the M,L&TBR connection was. But I clearly see from your comment that you got it.

      Only an IDJIT would change the radio station on Santana's 'Stormy'!

      UHP! I'M AN IDIOT!
      (WTP was I thinkin'?)

      Yeah, 'My Girl, Bob' wouldn't have been funny at all. Jim's better off without Bobbie. Let Billy Joe have her!

      Hey! How about 'My Girl, Billy Joe'?!

      Nah. Never mind.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  11. And Stehehephen,

    I am impressed with the the thought that goes into this and yes, yes! I do expect a copy of both Me, Lynth, and the Beach Report A and B! I remember the cassette tape, some of your listeners may have to google that word combination. Back to the know, I think Bobby Gentry was one of the first humans with bumpy bits that I took notice to and gosh darn it if I didn't have a crush on her before I knew what a crush was. And, yes, yes she did break my heart like all the rest. Even before i knew what a broken heart was...enough about pre-pubescence and back to the vote. Both good songs, I do have remember the Santana version very well and it is very smooth. But my vote goes to Bobby. You'll have to excuse me now while I take a cold shower...


      >>... I am impressed with the the thought that goes into this

      Aww, shucks. Twarn't nuttin'.

      >>... and yes, yes! I do expect a copy of both Me, Lynth, and the Beach Report A and B! I remember the cassette tape

      'Me, Lynth And The Beach Report' -- now also available on compact disc! Call within the next ten minutes and we'll also throw in - absolutely free! - the cassettes 'Within The Gates Of The Magic Kingdom' and 'Official New Orleans Blues", recorded in Louisiana during 'The Jack Daniel's Cross-Country Tour' on October 4th, 1983!

      Be the first on your block to collect all three!

      Lynthy-Pooh, I do not have the ability to make you CDs of this 33-year-old cassette. Nor do I have the ability to copy the cassette. However, my Main Man, Julio, has the whole 90 minutes on a computer audio file. Not sure if this is at all possible (I'm a Techno Dumbass), but I'll ask him if audio files can be Emailed. And if so, I'll inquire about the possibility of acquiring the file and then Emailing it to you.

      Listening to 'Me, Lynth And The Beach Report' is like stepping into The Waybac Machine and revisiting "Dogtown" when it was still like Paradise on Earth. It's the best thing I ever created, and I just sort of stumbled into it. I had no idea how much it would mean to me over three decades later.

      >>... I think Bobby Gentry was one of the first humans with bumpy bits that I took notice to and gosh darn it if I didn't have a crush on her before I knew what a crush was.

      Ha! For me, that person was Catwoman (Julie Newmar - the ONLY Catwoman who ever really mattered). I loved those episodes where she had Batman all tied up, but I couldn't have told you WHY those situations were my favorites. ;o)

      It was very gracious of you to cast a vote for Bobbie Gentry, even though she busted yer heart. Thanks for coming by again to participate, Brother!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  12. Hey Stephen,

    A vote for Bobbie Gentry here, cool and mellow, great vocals. "The Quiet Storm on KSTM..C." The Santana version is a bit much - don't like the vocals as much - and the guitar is a showy on the ears, like carving a snow sculpture with a chainsaw. "Classic Rock Here on the morning zoo! You're listening to KSMC!" Looks like 8-Ball and Sixwell may be tied after this, another good Battle.

    1. Muh Bruhthuh, G DogG ~
      Hey, muchos gracias for your visit and comment, my ol' pal!

      It's funny that I feel I have a better idea of how you're going to vote than I do some of the other folks who have been playing BOTB for much longer. In other words, I saw your Bobbie Gentry vote coming from six miles down the canyon. I was just waiting for it to get up here.

      I appreciate that you have become a regular boter in BOTB, buddy.

      Tell ya what... meet me at [Link> TONY'S [Link> tonight and the cocktails are all on me. I'm buyin' all the white wine and diet 7-Up you can drink, Bruh. ;o)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  13. BrotherMan,

    Tony's is a cool place and they make 'em just right ~ 42% Diet 7-Up and 58% wine.

    My voting is consistently conservative.

    Funny story: I walked into a coffee shop for the first time, parched. They have fancy pictures of energy drinks on the wall with cut up fruit. For example, something like Peach Mango. Watermelon Apple, Strawberry Banana, etc. The gal puts ice in a cup, pours in a can of red bull then takes a bottle of fruit flavoring (looks like a plastic 1950's mustard container) and puts a squirt in. Takes a bottle of another fruit flavoring and puts a squirt in. Didn't exactly match the pictures.

    1. I hear ya about that false advertising, BRUHTHUH DOGG.

      Bill Foster ran into that same problem at Whammyburger, despite being armed to the teeth. What the phuq?! These businesses have no respect for the concept of "Truth-In-Advertising" anymore. Makes me sad.

      I mean, if you can't even get a plump, juicy [Link> Whammyburger with an automatic weapon in your hand, what hope is there for the world?

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    2. Aha, BrotherDFens. Back in the day, I walked into the theater as the Falling Down trailer was playing and a clip of that scene hit I started laughing and thought it was a comedy. More like an indictment of modern times. 11:32. What makes me more angry is while someone is standing in line with minutes to look at the menu, then gets to the front of the line to.. look at the menu and vacillate on choices.

    3. Oh, yeah, I hear ya on that, too.

      Here's another big favorite of mine:

      We're standing in line for ages. Finally, the woman in front of me (yes, it's always a female) reaches the cashier. Her items are rung up, and THEN she reaches for her checkbook and starts making it out. As if you CAN'T fill in all of the blanks except for the amount BEFORE reaching the checkstand.

      As Ben Haramed said: "What a beautiful world it would be without people. But, alas, one must exist WITH people."

      'FALLING DOWN' is one of my Top 25 favorite movies of all time. And when people ask me why I left Los Angeles in late 1992, I give them a one hour and fifty-three minutes answer. I just say, "Watch 'Falling Down'."

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  14. Al Bondigas here. I guess I'm gonna have to make a rulin' fer Santana here. I liked both versions, but, I'm really familiar with the version by Classics IV and really like there's best. being a lover of the oldies I hear there's quite often. Anyway, I'd rather rule fer Bobbie Gentry over Santana because I really can't stand that communist punk. But, rules being what they are I have to keep it honest. Rulin' fer punk communist Santana. That's it!! That's my rulin'!!

    1. JUDGE AL ~
      I really wasn't too sure how you'd vote on this one. I was able to imagine you going either way on it.

      It ain't always easy trying to divorce the politics from the artist's art in order to cast an honest vote. Your effort is especially appreciated because I know how you feel. I feel yer pain, you anti-Commie, you.

      If it makes ya feel any better, I have no knowledge of Greg Walker leaning Communist. So, just think of your rulin' as a vote for Mr. Walker.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  15. Rulin' fer Walker!! That's it, that's my rulin'!!

    1. Glad you were able to see it my way.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Loyal American Underground'

  16. Is there any chance there's a version of this song out there that has Santana playing and Bobbie Gentry singing it? That would be pure bliss.

    I could sit and listen to Bobbie Gentry sing this all day. Greg Walker, not so much, but Santana's smooth-jazzy arrangement is fantastic. I give Carlos and crew a VERY slight edge over Bobbie.

    1. JOHN, I put Kenny Burrell's 'MIDNIGHT BLUE' album on to listen to with my morning coffee and here you are. You must've sensed it, eh? (I know this is your kinda music.)

      Somebody else also suggested that Bobbie singing with Carlos playing would be the ultimate version. Can't say that I agree, but I do get the appeal of that scenario.

      I appreciate you coming by with your $0.02, John. Thanks!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  17. I'm late to the party, but you know what they say: "Better late than never" ☺ Anyway, these are two covers of Stormy I wasn't familiar with. John said exactly what I was thinking and my vote is going the same way. Santana! (Oh yeah and Greg Walker.)

    1. DEBBIE ~
      Thanks for coming by and participating. And my parties always run way late -- er--- maybe I should say "Way early... into the next day". So, it's really only "late" when the voting booths have been closed.

      Greg appreciates your support! (Carlos couldn't care less because he's already filthy rich and famous and another 10,000 fans more or less don't mean nuttin' to him.)

      See ya on the 15th?

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  18. ok onto the battle. In the world of pre-pubescent boy/man crush departments, my vote goes to Elizabeth Montgomery. Every time she twitched her nose, something inside of me twitched as well. Barbara Eden runs a close second.I suppose Cat girl in leather would be a later era of teenage s&m fantasy, but give me wholesome girl next door Samantha.
    oh wait....this was not the primary battle.....gonna go with Santana on this in agreement with the above mentioned falling alseep in my gin and tonic in the late night lounge aura of the Gentry entry.Not a fan of this era of Carlos's smooth sustain guitar either, much preferring his whacked on acid Woodstock era guitar tones, but still it's enough of a wake me up to go with Santana.

    1. >>... Every time she twitched her nose, something inside of me twitched as well.

      HA! ;o) LELLY, I never fell for Elizabeth nor Barbara (as I told Pooh, I went straight to the Catwoman S&M), but I'll bet we ALL agree that it was Mary Ann over Ginger, amiright? It don't get much more Girl-Next-Door than Mary Ann. (I would have killed off everyone else on Gilligan's Island and then spent the rest of my life alone with Mary Ann and NOT trying to be rescued!)

      I should someday do a BOTPH (Battle Of The Pre-Teen Hearthrobs). We guys can vote for Elizabeth Montgomery, Julie Newmar, and Bobbie Gentry. And the gals can vote for Bobby Sherman, David Cassidy, and John Travolta.

      I never once fell asleep in a Gin & Tonic. I did, however, once fall down a flight of stairs in front of a bowling alley with a Gin & Tonic in my hand. Ahh, such fine old memories.

      I had you pegged as a Santana vote, Brother. And, actually, his "smooth sustain" era is my own favorite.

      Thanks for coming by to vote for Elizabeth Montgomery! (Oh, yeah, and for Carlos Santana, too.)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...


    If you are interested in seeing the final vote tally for this 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' installment and my closing thoughts on it, you can put the following URL into your browser:

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'


All submitted comments that do not transgress "Ye Olde Comment Policy" will be posted and responded to as soon as possible. Thanks for taking the time to comment.