Wednesday, November 21, 2018


STMcC’s Vote On '2018, November 15th: Battle Of The Bands' (BOTB) - Or, Ella Fitzgerald Versus Ann Street Soul - And The Final Tally:
Even though I'm not really here (I'm outta state and on the road again), I thank every single one of you who took the time to visit, listen, and vote! 
I'm going to have to KISS: Keep It Short'n Simple.
My most recent Battle took place [link> HERE. The song was the 1960s Bobby Hebb classic 'SUNNY' and our competitors were the legendary Ella Fitzgerald versus a very good group of young musicians going by the name of Ann Street Soul.
I thought both recordings were terrific and I had a difficult time deciding how to vote. Ann Street Soul had a really good, soulful singer and a band that really found "the pocket" and grooved that bad boy! Ella also had an excellent band behind her, and her vocals were classic "Ella" - showcasing her fantastic range and almost unearthly vocal control. In my opinion, there was nuttin' to dislike about either recording.
In the final analysis, Ella's truly amazing voice swayed me and convinced me to give her my "bote", but I did have to agonize over this one.
Ella Fitzgerald = 5 votes
Ann Street Soul = 12 votes
In The Battle Within The BattleThe Magic 8-Ball (10-6) whiffed while The Amazing Sixwell (11-5) got the game winning hit to take a one-win lead... again
Well, friends, I confess that when it comes to BOTB, I've been dogging it recently, solely out of necessity. My next Battle on December 1st is scheduled to automatically post, and I will be home the following day (12/2) to begin voting on your own Battles and responding to comments left on mine.
Until next we yak... Bless And Be Blessed.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. I'm usually surprised when Ella wins, but these fellas put up some very good competition. Careful on the roads and have a great time on your trip.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. LEE ~
      A Happy Thanksgiving to ya, buddy!

      You're usually surprised when Ella wins? I'm the opposite: I'm usually surprised when she DOESN'T win. (Although this outcome didn't surprise me. I did guess that A.S.S. would beat her in this Battle. However, it was probably a bit more lopsided than I anticipated.)

      ~ D-FensDogG in Airheadzona

  2. I meant to say that I am surprised when Ella doesn't win.

    I had a peaceful Thanksgiving alone with a take out dinner from Sizzler. It was kind of sad I guess, but it wasn't horrible.

    Hoping you've had a good trip.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  3. Yeah, it's been a real good trip so far, and the stuff I've been most looking forward to is still yet to come.

    - D-FensDogG

  4. Another good battle, McBro. I didn't know who would win until scrolling the comments. I should've known Sixwell called it from the jump: Sixwell be like, "Oh ye of little faith."
    Hope you had a good Thanksgiving and weekend.

    1. Howdy, McBrother G DogG! As I type this (short) reply on my cell phone, I'm at a motel near Knott's Berry Farm - America's first themed amusement park, now nearly 100 years old. I'd go to Disneyland but I've been in full boycott mode for many years now (plus, I haven't won a Super Bowl... yet).

      Thanks for voting and for stopping by, Bruhthuh.

      -- Stephen

  5. Hey, Mary from Jungle Jangle Jungle, pointed me to this blog as I started my own "Battle of the Bands" recently. I am interested in participating. I was wondering how can I participate.

    1. Hello, AISASAMI. Welcome to Battle Of The Bands (BOTB)! Sorry I'm half a shade late responding to your comment but you caught me out of state and on my first real vacation in 9 years. (I'm using my cell phone to type this reply, so I'll keep it short.)

      Our next Battle begins on December 1st. Go ahead and post your contest on your blog on that date, and I will include a link to your page when I post my own Battle on 12/1.

      I'm assuming you know how this works, but if you have any questions, Mary can certainly answer them for you as she's a veteran BOTBer and a real pro at it.

      Again, welcome to BOTB! We'll get better acquainted during that first week of December.

      -- Stephen (aka D-FensDogG)

  6. Hope you're having a great trip!! Yak at you soon!


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