Saturday, December 1, 2018


Christmas Vs. Easter, Male Vs. Female, War Vs. Peace, Light Vs. Dark, Good Vs. Evil, Man Vs. Machine, Love Vs. Hate, Dog Vs. Cat, Sun Vs. Moon, Brain Vs. Brawn, Oscar Vs. Grammy, Angel Vs. Demon, Laurel Vs. Hardy, Beer Vs. Wine, TV Vs. Radio, Pitcher Vs. Batter, Paper Vs. Plastic, Reality Vs. Fantasy, Yeshua Vs. Beelzebub, Conservative Vs. Liberal, You Vs. Me, House Vs. Senate, Offense Vs. Defense, Kramer Vs. Kramer, Spy Vs. Spy, Fischer Vs. Spassky, W.C. Fields Vs. Sobriety, Harold Gimpy, Jr. Vs. Sheldon J. Pismire, Rock Vs. Paper Vs. Scissors, Islam Vs. Everything, Singer Vs. Singer, Band Vs. Band...
Shoop-Shooby -
Shooby-Duh-Dooby-Doop-Dooby-Dooby-Doo-Wah -
Yes, it's time once again for 'Battle Of The Bands' ('BOTB').
Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!...
NOTICE: I wish to announce BOTB's newest member AISASAMI. (The proper way to pronounce that is: Ihasn'tgotaclue.) Her blog is 'AI LOVE MUSIC'. Please be sure to visit her, extend a warm welcome to her, and vote on her debut Battle.
The second thing you need to know is... I ain't here. I'm still on a trip out of state and won't be back here until tomorrow, December 2nd. But feel free to leave your votes now and I'll publish them ASAP.
The third thing you need to know is... I was astounded! Mary Burris of the blog 'Jingle Jangle Jungle' is Battle Of The Bands' official historian. And when I decided to use the Christmas song 'Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer', I wanted to make sure I didn't re-use any versions that had previously been featured in a BOTB contest. So, I checked Mary's thorough records of past Battles and found to my amazement that, even after 5+ years of BOTB, NO ONE has ever used this song before! 'Run, Rudolph, Run' has been used once, but 'Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer'? Nope, never!
So, the real 'Rudolph' is about to lose his BOTB virginity right here. I'm giving you two different versions of a jazzed-up, funked-up 'Rudolph'. First is Dean Martin doing his Bing Crosby impersonation, followed by The Temptations giving the song the "Motown" treatment. See which Rudolph you like better.


The Battle Within The Battle
Question: "Will The Temptations lose to Dean Martin?"
The Magic 8-Ball (10-6) sez:  "Outlook Good"
The Amazing Sixwell (11-5) sez:  "It Is Certain"
Alright now, “you know the gig”... I welcome you (whether I know "you" or notto vote for your favorite of these songs in the comment section below. And feel free to tell us WHY you chose one song over the other.
After voting here, I suggest - actually I insist - you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there also. (If their ‘BOTB’ blog bits aren’t posted yet, pour yourself two shots of ‘Grand Marnier’ over ice – do it twice – and then return to their blogs to vice your voice your vice ...voice your vote.)
Voice Your Vote...
@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'ANGELS BARK' by clicking HERE.
@ 'THE DOGLADY'S DEN' by clicking HERE.
@ 'AI LOVE MUSIC' by clicking HERE.
As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 7th and 21st of each month to post my own votes and announce the winners in the comment sections.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. I love both of these, which makes it extra hard. If I could split my vote, I would, but I can't, or shouldn't anyway. So, I'm going to vote for The Temptations, and hope this ends in a tie.

    1. Thanks, JOHN. I'm just now getting around to responding to comments because of my (E-Ticket) vacation. And I still have a good number of good Battles to visit today.

      I'm pleased you found this to be such a tough contest because you enjoy both versions so much. I guess I did my job.

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  2. Yeah, it's kind of surprising that this song hasn't been used before since it is so prevalent during the Christmas season and so many versions have been done.

    I don't count this as a favorite piece of music, but it does nudge my sentimental memories of the season.

    Temptations made a credible attempt in their style, but for me this just doesn't do anything for me. I like the Temptations' music, but I'll pass on their version of this.

    Give me Dino and pass me a drink please. You might have a shut-out on this Battle. I probably will too.

    Hope you had a great vacation. I've decided to forego my back East trip and postpone it until summer. Seems like something I need to do for now.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. LEE ~
      Ha! My "shutout" was obviously already over when you submitted your comment. John's vote above was not yet visible to you, I know.

      My vacation was truly wonderful. Very bittersweet, because it conjured up so many old memories of good times, and because some of the places I knew are no more. However, some important ones still exist.

      And bittersweet because I don't know how long it will be before I get to see my Brother and Sister again, and we three are still very close to each other in our hearts.

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  3. Stephen

    First - Thanks so much for the shout out! If anyone else wants access to the grand master list of battles, they can certainly ask and it shall be received :)

    Second - BIG Welcome to Amy! I've been nagging her for awhile to join us. Glad to see she has. Also.. you might want to update her web address as the blogspot address you gave for her battle hasn't been updated in quite some time. Her more current posts are located at

    Third - I'm looking forward to hearing about your vacation adventures and what your next chapter brings.

    Fourth - I'm voting for Mr Martin. I just have a hard time getting behind those Temptations for this one.

    Fifth - yes please!

    Six - After the fifth, who's countin?

    Seventh - I've got a New-to-me Christmas tune all lined up for the 15th. Yay me.

    Alright, I need to go now... as I don't know that I'm capable of counting any higher at the moment. Me brains has stopped funktunin'

    Jingle Jangle Jungle

    1. MMQE ~
      Fun comment, my friend!

      Thank you for giving me the updated info on Amy's blog ( I was curious why her Battle wasn't appearing there on December 1st, and thought perhaps she had changed her mind about joining. But I fixed my links to her blog as soon as you straightened me out about it.

      >>... Six - After the fifth, who's countin?

      Well, if it's Tequila, and if I'm in Mexico, then the federales are counting... on me staying at their hotel Carcel Mexicano.

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  4. Vacation? That sounds like a plan. Did we cross paths at LAX last week or the week before? What am I saying...who would vacation there? I had some time so I ventured outside the airport but only got as far as Carl's Jr. I made a hasty retreat when I realized that someone had moved the US/Mexico border north by several miles.

    Do share the details of your trip, wherever it was, when you get a chance.

    I had never heard the Temptation's version before. It wasn't too bad but Dean Martin's version is still a comfortable favorite when I hear it every year.

    Sig "ese vato no sabe lo que dice" Too

    1. Hola, SENOR SIG DOS ~

      I'm afraid you did not see me under my sombrero de vaquero at LAX. However, you would have had you made it up to Prescott, Airheadzona. I blessed them with my presence at on Thanksgiving Day. (And, yes, I was giving thanks for being out of "The Biggest Little Disappointment In The World".)

      I also give thanks for your vote, muh Bruhthuh! It's always a pleasure when you check in with $0.02 for the BOTB kitty.

      At the rate things are going, I fear the USA will eventually be Montana and the cold Dakotas, and that's about it.

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    2. Did anyone take the Gurley Man challenge when you were there? I can hear it now, " I ate 2 pounds of hamburg in 20 minutes and all I got was this lousy tee shirt...and its covered with hamburg."

      Nice to hear you got to spend time with your bro and sis(read that somewhere else in previous post). I remember that picture of your sister with that look on her face sitting on Santa's lap...priceless. Sadly, I get that look from girls a lot now too. SigToo

    3. Ha!-Ha! "The Gurley Man Challenge" -- I'm surprised they haven't thought to do something like that there.

      FUN FACT: Gurley Street is the "main" street in Prescott, Airheadzona, and when I lived there, I lived in [Link> this old house right on Gurley. It was just a few blocks from Whiskey Row (how convenient) and the courthouse lawn where Billy Jack kicked so much ass. (Hmmm..... I guess that made me a Gurley man.)

      Here's a photo of [Link> my old front door. I very nearly accepted Jesus as my Savior just beyond that old front door. But I managed to hold out until I was back in L.A., 4 or 5 weeks later.

      Yeah, that photo of my Sister on Santa's lap really *IS* priceless. Her fear was nearly palpable.

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  5. Well, everybody knows on Christmas eve and the places to go on Christmas Day.. things can get tense - if valium was sold over the counter, I'd be in line at Wal Mart holding three rolls of wrapping paper, bows, scotch tape (matte), and a big bottle of valium. As much as Dino's voice is more meant for Christmas than Frank's, "When you've lived and loved like I have, junior, you'll know what life's about." I dig Dino's barbershop, maltshop backup singers big-time. The instruments seem a bit strident, sometimes whatever the word is for not-so-much-shrill-but-a-little-shrill and high strung.

    The Temptations get my vote, much more chill. They bring one from "I'm going to start a debate" to I like everyone. Peace.

    1. G DogG ~
      I appreciate your continued support of BOTB, my fellow McCanine. And I hear ya. A lotta peoples would probably be grateful if Santa came early and left them bottles of "Mother's Little Helper" in their Christmas stockings to get them through those final days of the mad Xmas rush.

      >>... whatever the word is for not-so-much-shrill-but-a-little-shrill and high strung

      I think that word is "fuffendurfer", but it's been awhile since I've encountered it, so my spelling may be off by an "f" and a "u" or two.

      I'm happy to see The Temps get another vote here. They seem to be fighting an uphill battle with too little gas in the tank to get over the top.

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  6. Thanks for the warm welcome! I am glad to be on board with your guys!

    I love both versions as I grew up listening to all sorts of classic, but I love Dean Martin's version more.I don't know why but this is what my mom listened to when I was growing up. She loves oldies.

    1. HiYa, AMY! ~
      Happy to have you in the BOTB club. (Has Mary shown you the secret handshake yet?)

      I'm going to call you Amy because aisasami doesn't quite roll off my square tongue.

      I'm pleased you enjoyed both versions, even if Dean Martin is your preferred rendition.

      I'll be by to vote on yer Battle soon.

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

      Feel free to borrow and display the official 'Battle Of The Bands' dueling guitars logo if you'd like to. The first month costs you nothing, and the rental fee for subsequent use is minimal - just eight cents for the first year, and then it "goes up to eleven" but tops out there.

      ~ D-FensDogG (aka Stephen T. McCarthy)

  7. I love the temptations but I will go for the more traditional Dean Martin!

    1. MIKE ~
      I kinda guessed you'd vote for The Temps... which gives you an idea of how little I know.

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  8. Rudolph was a drinker, obviously. Why else would he have such a red nose? And THAT is why Dean Martin does better on this song than the Temptations... because he was a big drinker, too.

    Now if, instead of a red nose, Rudolph had had dilated pupils and a runny nose with white residue around it, maybe The Temptations would have done a better job. But Rudolph was clean... although rumors persist that he had a dalliance with Prancer.

      Ha! I like your analysis. I clearly see the connection between Red-Nosed Rudolph and Dean Martini.

      Fun Fact: Long ago, I came across the Paul Harvey-esque "now you know the rest of the story" about Deano Martini and his drinking habits. Supposedly, in reality, he really wasn't much of a drinker. He'd attend those Rat Pack parties and nurse the same one or two drinks all night long - just barely sipping them every once in awhile. But because he ALWAYS had a drink in his hand (the same one or two), he started to get a reputation as a big boozer. And then he started playing along with the reputation, even though it was never actually true.

      I do the same thing with my boozing reputation. Except in my case, I REALLY WUZ a big booze hound. I blame it on my parents and on society and... well... pretty much everyone except for me.

      Santa's one female reindeer, Vixen, had a crush on Prancer, but Prancer only had eyes for Dancer. And then from there on, the story about what goes on in Santa's barn just gets too sordid to mention on a family-friendly blog like mine. It's really quite disgusting.

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  9. Dino all the way for me as he sings this song with a drunken German accent...hahahaa. The Temptations did nothing for me and I would change the channel if that was playing.

    1. BIRGIT ~
      I'm sorry I missed your last couple of Thursday movie posts, but I was out of state and my Blogosphere presence was next to nil. However, I did get to see my Brother and Sister again for the first time in nearly 4 years and I really, really enjoyed that.

      But now I'm back to (my version of) "normal" and facing an uncertain future. (Well, everyone's future is uncertain, but mine is currently extra-uncertain - like a bad comic book hero named Superuncertain.)

      Yeah, ya know, you're right, Dino Martini DOES sing this like a drunken German. What's that he says? "Won't you guide Mine sleigh"? (It makes me think of "the Drunken Duncans", who were mentioned once in an episode of 'Frasier'.)

      Thanks for coming by with a vote, Birgit!

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  10. Howdy, Roadtripper!

    Welcome back to wherever you are. You’re living proof that lots of people come and go in Arizona and still go on to lead relatively normal lives ;-)

    Actually, I’m partial to the version by Burl Ives myself, though I’ve not ever heard Gene Autry’s 1949 #1 hit. However, Dean Martin’s rendering isn’t half-bad (in a Lounge song sort of way) and gets my vote, rather than the Temptations; who interspersed a bluesy gospel sound that (ironically) detracts the “feel good” feeling from the song. Good seasonal choice for a song battle!

    1. Howdy, dIEDRE! How you?

      >>... lots of people come and go in Arizona and still go on to lead relatively normal lives

      Ha!-Ha! Yip. With "relatively" being the operative word there.

      Hmmm..... I'm not sure if I've heard Burl's version. I protly have, but will check it out at YouTube. I think he does Christmas songs really well (beyond just...

      OH, WAIT! Burl does the version from the animated TV special. Duh! (I have been in a mental fog all day long. Took too much of too many sleep aids last night and it short-circuited my half-a-dozen brain cells.)

      I also really love Burl's version of 'The Little Drummer Boy'. It might be my very favorite rendition of that song, and I may put it in a BOTB installment someday.

      I was seriously thinking about using the Gene Autry original of 'Rudolph' in this Battle. But at the last second, I switched to Mr. Martini. Protly shoulda stuck with my original idea and made it Autry versus The Temptations.

      Thanks for your continued support of BOTB, my friend. And I hope your Holiday season is off to a good start. (Mine is off to such a mentally foggy start that I'm not sure even Rudolph's nose could cut through it. Santa may have to cancel my Christmas this year.)

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  11. Did I ever tell you that my nickname in college was "Deano"? I was a proud member of the Rat Pack (well, the tech school knockoff), and I was Dean because I was the tall*, funny one.

    *I know, me, the tall one - imagine the oompa loompas I went to school with

    So needless to say, I've always had a soft spot for Deano and that smooth voice of his. He easily gets my bote - holiday season or not.


      >>... *I know, me, the tall one - imagine the oompa loompas I went to school with

      I get yer meaning. In my high school's year-end Theatre Department celebration, I won the award for "Best Body". Imagine the oompa loompas I shared the high school stage with. Me being awarded "Best Bod" said a whole lot more about the other male actors than it said about me!

      Do you not only stand tall but also sit 'Tall In The Saddle'? That's another TRT we gotta do some morning. (Technically it should be a Saturday morning, but... coffee. Gotta have cups o' joe. So we'll need to go with a Sunday morning instead.)

      Thanks for your $0.02, muh Bruhthuh!

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

      Speaking of The Rat Pack, check this one out as MMWJ: 'Songs For Swingin' Lovers' by Ol' Blue Eyes, and then get back to me with yer thoughts. I'll pay ya a penny for 'em.

  12. And Stephen,

    Good battle agin. Speaking of agin, I thought I been had responded to this already and now I forgot the witty and highly eloquent banter that I came up with. Thank you late fittys! I liked em both but my vote goes to Dean Martin (although I found some of his ad-lib a bit annoying. I guess I like Dean's more cuz it reminds me of how it was played as I failed to grow up but felt like a mis-fit kid. Thank you, that is all!

    1. ...AND, PAL POOH, THAT'S NOT ALL!...

      Yeah, these late fiddies, these "Golden Years", damn sure ain't all they're hyped to be. Gimme them early twenties again, when the brain cells were being drowned but it was worth it.

      >>... my vote goes to Dean Martin although I found some of his ad-lib a bit annoying

      Ahh, an interesting observation. I shall have more to say in my BOTB Results post tomorrow.

      Thanks, as always, for taking the time to stop by, listen, and toss two pennies into the kitty.

      Man, it sure is cold and dreary, with snow on the ground, here in 'The Biggest Little Disappointment In The World". What I'd give right now for a Summer day at Lifeguard Station #26 in Paradise, California.

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  13. I'm last, but hopefully not least.

    December Battle of the Bands are the best and I waited for tonight to knock out all my voting. December picks up the pace a bit at Casa Cherdo.

    Dad, wherever you are, I'm voting for DEAN MARTIN. Dear old Dad loved Dino and I always think of him when I hear dear old Mr. Martin crooning. One of his favorite Dino tunes was "Love Makes the World Go Round." He used to make me sing it over and over (this is a reliabile Dadism: anything worth doing is worth overdoing...and overdoing...and overdoing).

    Nice choice of tune-age, brudder!


    1. DOC MacSIS ~
      You were neither last nor least!
      (Technically, I believe it's incorrect grammar to use "nor" when you've already used "neither", since the "neither" automatically implies that it's "no" to each of the two items to follow. But I used "nor" after "neither" simply because, like Kris Kringle, I am a nonconformist and a rebel.)

      How are the cheese enchiladas and chile rellenos at Casa Cherdo?

      Nice of you to put in a vote for yer Pa - wherever he may be.

      >>... "anything worth doing is worth overdoing...and overdoing...and overdoing"

      Funny, that's how I always felt about drinking beer.

      Thanks for voting, Doc, even if you went "up to eleven". The hour, I mean.

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  14. Al Bondigas here. Very interesting battle you've arranged here. As we've discussed a week or so ago, I don't care for Dean Martin's little cutesy bull shiite. It looks like another thing Pooh stole from us, doesn't it? Has he ever come up with anything original? Well anyway, I love the Temptations and they may be my favorite Motown band, but their version just doesn't bring me the Christmas feeling. I really like Deano's version with the exception of what Pooh stole from us (the ad-libbing ). Rulin' fer Dean Martin!! That's it. That's muh rulin'.

    1. JUDGE AL ~
      Hokey-Smoke! Yer vote caught me off guard.

      After what you'd said to me in person about Dean Martini's version, I felt sure you would be voting for The Temptations. You feinted with your left and hit me with a right.

      This Battle "beee!" a blowout, but then I was sure it would "beee!", so I'm neither surprised nor disappointed. (See the comment to Cherdo above regarding my "neithers" and "nors".)

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends


    If you are interested in seeing the final vote tally for this 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' installment and my closing thoughts on it, you can put the following URL into your browser:

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'


All submitted comments that do not transgress "Ye Olde Comment Policy" will be posted and responded to as soon as possible. Thanks for taking the time to comment.