Monday, October 12, 2020


First of all, my sincere apologies for being 5 days late with this BOTB Results post. Part of the problem is that my "real" fake life has me so busy that I just never get caught up on anything - phone calls, Emails, trips to my favorite cocktail lounge, etc., etc., etc. 
And there was probably also a bit o' reluctance to force my butt into the chair and get this blog bit written because A) Blogger has become such a pain in the butt to deal with, and B) I knew that this post would be my swan song for... at least the rest of 2020, and perhaps forever. 
My brother, Judge Al Bondigas, suggested that I not write a Results post at all, and just leave this final Battle open-ended. I'd thought about that already but had dismissed the idea. I need closure to things. 
Secondly, my most sincere and heartfelt "THANKS!!" to all y'all who made BATTLE OF THE BANDS so much fun for me for 6+ years and 153 Battles. "There's a sadness in the heart of things", and I'm feeling it as I type these words. My Friends, My Friends, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your years of loyalty to this little blogfest. I have SO ENJOYED interacting with y'all! 
It was a Christ Yeshua (aka Jesus Christ) themed contest between Santana's 'Somewhere In Heaven' and Todd Snider's 'Somebody's Coming'.
I was sure Santana's gorgeous song would win the Battle. I love everything about 'Somewhere In Heaven' and can fully understand why it attracted the first five votes right outta the chute. But gradually, beginning with Sixgun McItchyfinger's vote, Todd Snider staged a bit of a comeback. 
As much as I love Santana's song, my own vote went to Todd Snider's 'Somebody's Coming'. Sure, musically, Santana's tribute to Christ far outclasses Todd Snider's tribute to The Holy King. But... Todd's lyrics, and the way he sings them, it just gets my Jesus-lovin' motor runnin'! In Todd's voice is both a sound of comfort and a sound of... WARNING! And those lyrics? Hokey-Smoke! Todd not only understands what is soon to come about (2029, I'm looking at YOU!) but he also has the extraordinary God-given talent to put it into creative & captivating words: 
Tell anybody that ain't got nobody 
Somebody's coming 
Tell everybody walkin' tall and proud 
That their money talks, but it talks so loud 
That there's Somebody coming 
Tell everybody in the KKK, in the FBI, in the CIA 
That there's Somebody coming 
Somebody's coming to change your mind 
Sneak up on all you believe from behind 
Somebody's coming who won't let you down 
Who'll turn everything you thought was right around 
Well Somebody's coming 
That's gonna change everything
Tell all these people at the end of the line 
Somebody's coming 
Tell all these people holding "I'll work for food" signs 
Somebody's coming 
Somebody's coming Who's been here before 
If you think you're outta chances, well you've got one more
'Cause Somebody's coming 
That's gonna change everything 
Somebody's coming Who don't need your vote 
{*Here in October of 2020, I think that might be my #1 favorite line!*} 
Somebody's coming like a thief in the night 
Gonna stand by His people when we're too weak to fight 
Well somebody's coming 
It's gonna change everything 
I say, yes, Yes, YES!!! For I know, Know, KNOW Todd Snider's words to be True!!! Christ is returning again in 2029 - give or take a year. Get right with God and His Son NOW, while you still have time. Because when He comes back this next time, He is NOT coming as a "Suffering Servant" (Google that term!), He is coming back as The Conquering King and "The Lion Of Judah" (Google that, too). You don't want to be on the wrong side of The Lion King, Who has ALL authority in Heaven and on earth, when He descends from the clouds and lands in Jerusalem! 
My #1 Recommended Reading is this: 
Carlos Santana = 9 votes 
Todd Snider = 6 votes 
Not a bad Battle / Swan Song at all. Thanks again to all of you who took the time to listen and cast a bote in this contest. And my sincere gratitude also to every single person who ever voted - even if only once - on any of my Battle Of The Bands installments. You are ALL truly appreciated, and I hope we can stay in touch in comment sections and/or via Email. 
{*Thanks also to Larry C. for turning me onto Todd Snider so many years ago.*} 
May you all...
This is Stephen T. McCarthy 
(aka D-FensDogG
signing off... 
Over & Out. 


  1. I was starting to think that this would be open ended, but that's okay. You ended up with a good Battle.

    See you again in January (or maybe sooner)--you'll be back unless we be gone.

    I'll keep posting my Battles. Out of habit. Or just to keep some kind of blog presence. For a while. At least.


    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. LEE ~

      Yes, if this was my final Battle, I feel like I went out on a "good note" -- musically and "message-y".

      I will definitely remain a BOTB boter for as long as anyone is still posting Battles. And we'll see what November, 2020 (and 2021) brings. I will be very, Very, VERY pleasantly surprised if things improve rather than worsen.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  2. I am glad you did come back and post. I was about to email you and ask you when to expect it, as I have checked three times a day every day to read it.

    We'd have known the winner anyway because we all can count, but I KNEW you'd be voting for Todd so I'd have had it exactly.

    I am not sure if I'll keep commenting for long. At this point I only post on Lee's contests plus I joined the last few of Mike's. In the old days it included Far Away Eyes, and I miss those battles. She posted some good ones.
    You don't have to listen to the whole thing, but listen to the first 45+ sec at least, and then from 2:30 til the end.

    "Until we meet again, may the good Lord take a liking to you."

      (aka Sheboyganboy Six &
      The Amazing Sixwell) ~

      {*Sniff! - Sniff!*}

      I'm not crying!
      I just sliced up an onion, damn-it!

      Of course I played it thru & thru and loved it! Such a stylish "goodbye", and in true Sixgun fashion.

      OK, here's my "official" reply:

      Seriously, a special Thank You for ALL of your participation. Not just as a voter, but also as a BOTB psychic. You definitely doubled the fun for me!!

      McBruhthuh! I loved (and you knew I would) the Roy Rogers sign-off. Brilliant!

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

    2. Thanks for the shout out Mr. Six, which btw McCarthy didn’t give me in his swan song, but then I guess all’s fair in love and war. I probably have not really been fair to him either.

  3. Stephen,

    I thought I was late to catch up on your results and was ready to apologize for my goof up. I've been so busy, too. Anyway, I'm definitely happy you posted the outcome. I'm like you, I need that closure. I hate watching a TV series or movies that leaves me hanging. I went with Santana in this battle and still stand by my vote. :)

    You're absolutely right J.C. is coming back as the King to take His children home. Oh happy day! If your prediction is correct and we're swept to heaven in 2029 then that's like a sneeze away with the passage of time flying off the wall.
    I sure will miss your BoTB posts and I appreciate so much how this community opened its heart to me to play along. Thanks for continuing the good fight for as long as you could. I hear a whole lot of folks aren't too happy with the new Blogger format.
    I hope your days are happy and blessed ones, dear friend. Stay safe and be well! {{hugs}}

    1. CAThy! ~

      Yes, a lot of folks are unhappy about Blogger's / Google's many changes. Unfortunately, Blogger / Google simply doesn't care. Evil corporations never do.

      >>... If your prediction is correct and we're swept to heaven in 2029 then that's like a sneeze away with the passage of time flying off the wall.

      It saddens me to know that so few people are really Spiritually attuned and prepared as much as possible for what is about to happen!

      Most folks probably think they can put the decision to get right with God off until a later date. And a great many will not realize the seriousness of the situation until they find themselves in the midst of The Great Tribulation. They will wait until they see Christ returning and think that they can choose to be on His side at that time. Nope.

      As the brilliant C.S. Lewis wrote in his classic 'Mere Christianity' :

      When the author walks on to the stage the play is over. God is going to invade, all right: but what is the good of saying you are on His side then, when you see the whole natural universe melting away like a dream and something else — something it never entered your head to conceive — comes crashing in; something so beautiful to some of us and so terrible to others that none of us will have any choice left?

      For this time it will be God without disguise; something so overwhelming that it will strike either irresistible love or irresistible horror into every creature. It will be too late then to choose your side. There is no use saying you choose to lie down when it has become impossible to stand up. That will not be the time for choosing: it will be the time when we
      discover which side we really have chosen, whether we realised it before or not.

      Now, today, this moment, is our chance to choose the right side. God is holding back to give us that chance. It will not last for ever. We must take it or leave it.

      We are truly approaching the Biblical End-Times, and so many people are clueless and rootless. Not to mention intellectually lazy. And sadly, a severe price will be paid for that.

      I'm glad to know that you know "the signs of the times".

      ~ D-FensDogG

  4. Swan song???!! Oh, that is sad and I'm sorry to see you go, Stephen. There are other free blogging platforms out there besides Blogger and Wordpress. Click HERE for a whole list of options. If you come back, I promise to vote! ☺

    1. Thanks, DEBBIE!

      I did click on the link and you're right, there ARE a lot of other options available!

      I will definitely keep that in mind, and I appreciate the heads up about it.

      Right now, I'm "playing my life by ear" (to half-coin a phrase). I wouldn't completely rule out a return to BOTB in 2021. And I WOULD like that! (In truth, I still have PLENTY of potential BOTB match-ups on my list that I think would make for interesting Battles.)

      But, to be sadly honest, something inside tells me I'm done as a blogger. I hope not, but I think life as we know it is about to change in almost unimaginable ways for all of us. And I have a hunch that none of us will be thinking about blogging for much longer. But then, I always have been a "the glass is half empty" kinda guy, so maybe I'm just being overly pessimistic. Let's hope so, eh?

      ~ Stephen
      (aka D-FensDogG)

    2. I'm trying to stay optimistic aside from my intense annoyance with the masks. If the power doesn't go down and total chaos ensues then I'll likely keep blogging until God says it's time to go.

      But who knows? Whatever the case may be I've got enough BOTB posts to keep me going for a few years. Maranatha!


    3. That does sound pretty pessimistic Stephen. I hope life treats you well, my friend, and that you decide to return to the Blogosphere at some point. All the best!

    4. LEE ~

      Yeah, my problem definitely is NOT a lack of potential BOTB match-ups. I've got a lot of goot juans on my list that I had always intended to get to eventually. I may even suggest a few of these contests to BOTBers who remain, to see if anyone else might want to run with a few of these concepts I've mentally entertained for quite awhile.

      DEBBIE ~

      I would probably describe my outlook this way:

      Overall, in the Long-term, I am exceedingly optimistic. As optimistic as I could possibly be. Because I believe that before 2029 comes to an end, this world is going to be practically paradise on Earth, and that it will remain that way for one thousand years.

      But in the short-term (i.e., between now and late 2029), I am extremely pessimistic. I believe things will go from bad to worse and then become atrocious... until that event which we Christians have been waiting 2,000 years to occur occurs. Everything seems to be lining up precisely, and I will be astounded if I turn out to be wrong.

      Or, as Bette Davis said, "Fasten your seatbelt, it's going to be a bumpy night."

      ~ Stephen(aka D-FensDogG)

  5. Good luck Saint Mac. Hope to see you again soon.

    1. Thanks, WILD THING!

      I'll still be around in the comment sections... at least until Uncle Scam breaks down my door and arrests me for refusing the eventual "Mandatory" covid-666 vaccine.

      Stay safe on those roads, my friend! We'll stay in touch.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      (aka STMcC)

  6. I sure will miss this blog, and secretly and sincerely hope you might find a renewed calling to it one of these days!


    1. KIM ~

      I thank you very much for the kind words and wishes.

      I intend to remain in the blogosphere as a visitor / commenter, but I'm quite certain that my own blogging life has come to an end. I'm truly fed up with the thing - fed up with being dictated to about the constantly deteriorating system, fed up with the censorship that Big Tech evil-doers perpetrate on the general public, and fed up feeling that I've tossed too much time, wealth, and wisdom into the wind.

      I am definitely Over & Out as a blogger. But I'll still be around with snarkastic commentary from time to time. :oD

      Bless And Be Blessed!!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      (aka STMcC)


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