Saturday, June 1, 2024


Howdy, Friends. Welcome to my 11th installment of BOTB's Battle Of The Booze. You should definitely crank this one "up to 11!" In this contest the hooch that gets mentioned is beer, bourbon and scotch (or Budweiser, Jack Daniel's, Jim Beam, Old Grand-Dad, and Johnny Walker). The winning song will advance to BOTB's BOTB post-season playoffs.
Unfortunately, I will be out-of-state most of the time that this Battle is running, so I probably won't be my usual verbose self in the comment section. I may even be a day or two late in posting the results of this contest. But post them I will, on June 8th or as close as possible.
In ye olde comment section, please vote for which song you liked better betwixt these two, and then please visit the other wonderful BOTBers and also drop your two cents in their comment sections.
* See the BOTBer links over there --->
Alrighty then. Straddle your Harley, crank it "up to 11", and let's get ON this thing!
by ZZ Top
by George Thorogood 
& The Delaware Destroyers

~ Stephen T. McCarthy
DogGtor of Alcohology &
King of Inebriation Nation


  1. Great battle, Stephen! 😀 Believe it or not, I've never heard this ZZ Top song before, but I absolutely LOVE it! I also love the more familiar George Thorogood song. What to do, what to do??? 🤔 Listened to both again and I'm more drawn to the wicked guitar riffs of ZZ Top. 🎸


      Howdy! I'm somewhat surprised that this ZZ Top song was new-to-you, but pleased as spiked punch that I could introduce you to it. It was included on the 1977 'Best Of' LP, which was the only ZZ Top album I ever owned.

      Their sound kind of changed in the 1980s. They became much more popular, but I preferred the rougher sounding '70s stuffs.

      Thanks for your vote, Debbie. I promise to get my vote in on your Battle before I leave town.

      ~ Stephen-Boy

  2. I like ZZ Top a lot more than GTatD. In fact, and wish I had seen ZZ back in their heyday. I actually spent money during the Eliminator days to buy a cool ZZ key chain which I STILL own.

    They are still touring, but now the original bass player has passed. Their talented roady stepped in and filled Dusty's spot, so that is cool.

    Hope you have a nice trip and you listen to a sober Pat Metheny Group whilst driving!

    Sixgun McItchyfinger

    1. SIR SIX-A-LOT ~

      That's a stylish key chain. In fact, it's SO stylish that I probably wouldn't realize it was ZZ Top related if I just happened to see it lying about somewheres.

      I bought my one and only ZZ album because of the song 'Blue Jean Blues', which I loved. But discovered I really liked some of their other '70s songs also, like 'La Grange', 'Tush', and of course 'Beer Drinkers And Hell Raisers' (which I kind of was once upon a long, long time ago).

      Thanks for the cool comment, McBuddy. And, oh, HELCK YES(!!), the Pat Metheny Group will accompany me on the road. (I never leave home without 'em.)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  3. Hey there traveling stranger!

    I used to listen to ZZ Top all the time back in the day. But then I met The Cute One, and he was a George T fan.

    Fun fact: The ringtone I have setup for him is Bad To The Bone (it used to be the A-hole song)

    Another Fun Fact: when I got married back in the day... I took my wedding party to a ZZ Top concert as my thank you gift to them.

    So, I have association with both of these in my memories.

    But if I am being true to the battle and voting for the one I like the best - I'm going to give my vote to George T.

    Safe travels my friend.


    1. MMQE ~

      Hi, Hello & Howdy, my 101-proof Friend!
      (I tried to put that in Spanish but Google Translate couldn't handle it. Too much alcohol, I suppose. Those wimps!)

      >>... Fun fact: The ringtone I have setup for him is Bad To The Bone (it used to be the A-hole song)

      Ha! I've known a few but I didn't realize they had their own song. So I Googled it (Google was able to handle *that*) and I discovered that they actually have a couple of their own songs. But have they ever had their pictures on bubble gum cards?

      Wow! A ZZ Top concert was quite a unique and generous Thank You gift!

      >>... Safe travels my friend.

      Thanks! A funny thing happened to me on the way to Old Age: I discovered that I don't like traveling anymore. In 1983 I had a blast taking about 3 weeks to drive to L.A. from New York City by way of the Okefenokee Swamp. There isn't enough money in the world that could convince me to do that now.

      I'll come check out what you're drinking at your blog before I hit the road with my bad attitude.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  4. And Stephen....
    Good battle agin. I like both songs. Albeit George does get a little redundant and repetitive. It would have been a much shorter song if he just realized he already made the point with the first sentence I drink alone which logically means he's my himself. He could have asked what time is it? Uh four-thirty which reminds me of day drinking with you and the now known dangers of day drinking such as canal dips and wake-up-sweaty alcohol induced naps.

    But I'm off the point, as much as I liked George my vote goes with ZZ Top's Beer Drinkers and Hell Raisers. Just a better base line I suppose and I didn't like drinking alone as much as I actually did.
    Where are you traveling to?

    1. ...AND, POOH, THAT'S NOT ALL!...

      Thanks for checking in with a little day-drinking!

      Well, I've been known to drink alone with Jack & Jim & my old Grandpa, too. They don't yak much but they're terrific listeners. (I've rarely given Johnny Walker the time o' day.)

      >>... what time is it? Uh four-thirty

      You and I are protly the only peoples who understand that. And, BTW, I have that song on my BOTB's BOTB 'To Use Eventually' list. ("Cherry wine, cherry wine!")

      Nappy and I are gonna go see Bonehead for a few days out Phoenix-way. Because, you know, who WOULDN'T want to be in that 111-degree Summertime heat?! (We figure we should go see her while we still can... before the Election fever hits hard.)

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. Tell Bonehead Goober says hey! Safe Travels and you and Nap had better stop fighting or I'm leaving you both at Stuckey's!

    3. Goober, Bonehead says "Hey".

      Stuckey's... Ahh:

      ~ D-FensDogG

  5. I saw this battle and said "Damn! This is gonna be a hard one!" Then I listened to the two songs, and it was actually easy.... give my vote to ZZ Top.

    1. SIR JOHN ~

      Ha! And I would have guessed you to be a Thorogood voter. This just goes to show, once again, why we play the game. Ain't nobody knows nut'n with absolute certainty (and especially not me!)

      Thorogood is going to have get thoroughly better to catch ZZ Top at this point.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  6. Voting for ZZ Top. Everything George T does sounds the same to me. ~ Nancy

    1. Howdy & Welcome, NANCY, The Sicilian Storyteller!
      Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to listen and cast a vote. It's great to find someone new here at my humble edge of the blogosphere. (Although many would argue, and maybe correctly, that I actually went "over the edge" long, long ago.)

      Might you be a potentially new BOTBer, ready to join us in this nearly 11-year Battle Of The Bands blogfest? If so, just say the word and I'll add you to our list of participants.

      Thanks again for adding your two cents (a.k.a. a vote or "bote") in this raucous music festival!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  7. Happy trails, Travelin' Man! Be safe out there.
    Fantastic battle - my vote for which I thought was "in the bag" until I reviewed the videos - just to be on the safe side, you know? ZZ Top was surprisingly more of a kick this time around and totally gets my vote!

    1. dEAR dIEDRE ~

      "It's always better to be safe than sorry" (as they say in the movies).

      Hey, please do me a favor: Seeing as how we're heading to your state, would you talk to the Arizona officials and ask them to turn the heat down a wee bit this week? Thank ye kindly.

      Yak Later, my friend.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  8. Hiya Stephen, If you're popping in between stops or somethin', I hope your travels are going well. Anywho, I enjoyed both contenders but in the end ZZ Top scored my vote as I figured they would from the get go. Be safe, my friend!

    1. CAThy!

      Greetings from Phoenix, Airheadzona, where it's only 106 degrees. Before leaving home, I was concerned it might be hot here, but purdy cool so far. Yuk!-Yuk!

      Thank you for checking in with your vote, my friend!

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. Only 106º you say...I know the humidity is lower out west in parts but it still sounds terrible to me. I can't fathom such temperatures. I hate hot weather! Stay cool, my friend. :)

    3. CAThy, it got up to 113 degrees while I was in Phoenix. But that didn't bother me too terribly much. (I lived in Phoenix for 20 years WITHOUT any air-conditioning in my truck!) The real drag was all of the traffic issues we encountered driving to and from Phoenix. It was a memorable trip... for several wrong reasons. However, God kept us safe, and I'm truly grateful for that.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  9. Oh, I'm for George, he's the epitome of seeing him in some dive bar where my OJ and Vodka is 20% oj and 80% vodka. He's down and dirty and great to dance to. I love ZZ TOP but George is a keeper

    1. BIRGIT ~

      Mr. Thoroughlygood surely did need your vote! So I thank you gobs 'n' gobs for coming by here with your 80% 80-proof vote!

      I dug George from the very first time I heard him. He had such a terrific modern Rockabilly sound, and I loved me some Rockabilly! (Still do.) Not to mention that the bestest, smartestest dog I ever loved was named George, and he too was thoroughly good!

      ~ Stephen in the Heat!

  10. Al Bondigas here. This contest is very easy for me to make a rulin' on. George Thorogood wins for both song and video. I think the ZZ Top song and video were a little on the boring side. Not bad, but, certainly nothing memorable about it. Sister Bonehead is gonna piggyback on my efforts here, and she's votin' fer Thorogood as well, and for the same reasons I expressed. One rulin' and one vote fer Thorogood. That's it, that's muh rulin' and her vote.


      I regret having to inform you that this is a respectable blog and therefore we don't accept votes and rulin's from Phoenix, Airheadzona.

      You might want to try moving to a faraway location and then attempt resubmitting your two cents worth--- er... I mean, the four cents worth.

      Tell Bonehead I love her and that she should "Eat! Eat!".

      Stay cool, "muh bruhthuh".

      ~ D'DogG

  11. I hope you're enjoying Phoenix. I hear it's going to be 111 today, which is fitting for this classic King of the Hill clip that always makes me think of Arizona.

    While you're sweating that out, I'm here enjoying an ice cold, Tervis-held lager in a balmy 90 degrees, and I'm drinking with my 3 favorite pals - me, myself, and I. After all, when I drink alone, I prefer to be by myself.

    That line alone was something so often repeated throughout my 20s. Always been a big Thorogood fan, still love the song just as much, and ZZ ain't bad, but it just doesn't hit the same. Give another bote to George, and pass the three of us another brew when you can.

    ~Chief Julio

    1. "HOWdy!",
      [Link> CHIEF BADENOV ~

      I just got home from HELL! (No, not helL.A. I mean the *real* HELL.) I apologize for the lateness of my response but... "HELL!"

      And, that cartoon woman is right: Phoenix really *IS* a monument to Man's arrogance!
      "We tried to warn them, didn't we, Andy?"

      When my Wild Turkey gets drunk, I prefer to be alone.

      I thank you and your bottled friends for contributing 2.25 liters to my Battle Of The Booze! (Yes, I did the math! Why would you even question it?!)

      ~ D'Dead DogG

      I am so wiped-out by this trip that it literally took me about an hour to compose this comment! I can't even remember the last time I was THIS tired! No more young-man road trips for me. God has spoken! The highlight of my trip was learning a new word: "bourbonomics". A former League-leading pinch hitter taught it to me.


All submitted comments that do not transgress "Ye Olde Comment Policy" will be posted and responded to as soon as possible. Thanks for taking the time to comment.