Thursday, August 15, 2024


"She's a good girl, loves her Mama 
Loves Jesus and America, too" 
~ Tom Petty
It is with a very heavy heart that I am composing this, the only Battle Of The Bands installment I've ever constructed upon a foundation of deep sadness.
I recently learned from my friend Donna (a.k.a. Wild Thing) that our mutual friend Barbara (a.k.a. FAE) of the blog Far Away Series has left us and gone Home (a.k.a. Heaven). After sufficiently looking back & compiling the right information, I fully intend to eventually publish an 
E-Ticket Tribute to the wonderful & incredibly unique FAE on my 'Stuffs' blog. But until then, this BOTB installment will be the placeholder. 
Barbara went by the pseudonym farawayeyes. I still recall the time I left a comment on one of her blog posts in which I called her FAE. She asked me what this "FAE" stuff was about, and I replied: FarAwayEyes. Amusingly, after that, a LOT of her commenters also began calling her FAE, which she came to accept.
As she and I began Emailing each other, I gave her a new nickname: Nitro Wilbury Babskiddo (or just Nitro for short), which I also began using in her comment sections. Over the years, she and I exchanged many gifts, letters & cards, which she would sign as "~Nitro" or "~N".
As most of you know, FAE was the person who published the first "Battle Of The Bands" in our li'l corner of the blogosphere, which was the springboard for what we are still doing NOW, this very day.
In her blog bit on Wednesday, July 10, 2013, titled 'House Guests & Battle Of The Bands', FAE posted a BOTB using Nina Simone & Muse. She later described it thusly: 
Glad you guys enjoyed the Battle of the Bands. I admit it was a lazy way to fill a blog post for me this past Wednesday. 
And two years later, in 2015, she added this:
If you didn’t know this before, I actually started this in an attempt to post something on my site when I had nothing else to say. Mr. Stephen T. McCarthy picked up on it and encouraged me to join with him and make it a bi-monthly endeavor. Others started to join in and... as they say... 'the rest is history'.
[Fun Fact: On this blog, I have always written "Battle Of The Bands" and "BOTB" in blue as a tribute to Barbara who always posted in blue & wrote her Emails in blue.]
Here are a few more quotes from FAE (Nitro), whom I will greatly miss until I too go Home:
I consider myself a ‘water person’. I love the water and do some of my best thinking ‘neck deep’. When it’s cold outside and all else fails, even the shower proves to be a great ‘think tank’ for me.
. personal thermostat no longer works, and I can not seem to ever get warm enough, plus having lived in a place of perpetual Summer for three years... well, I think you can see why Summer is now my favorite time of year.
If you know me or think you know me, or if you've only come around here occasionally you know that my favorite musician / writer of all time is Tom Petty. This past Summer, right smack dab in the middle of my move from Nevada to Idaho I was taken to see him perform in person at Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Colorado. ... When Tom sang 'Wildflowers', I promise you it was just for me. ... Tom Petty wrote my life in his songs. I know a lot of people say that about musicians, but this is uncannily true.
When asked in a blogfest, "What is life to you?", her response was 'Wildflowers' (which was linked to the Tom Petty song).
Although she didn't have the easiest life, Barbara (FAE, Nitro Wilbury Babskiddo) remained a steadfast, Bible-reading Christian who had many extraordinary Spiritual experiences!! She related several of them to me via Email.
Trying to decide on which songs to use in this memorial BOTB contestI was overwhelmed by the countless possibilities, like a mangy dog overwhelmed by ticks & fleas! At one point I was thinking of constructing a Battle between Nina Simone & Muse, like FAE did in the very first BOTB
After much reminiscing & mental agonizing, I decided that Tom Petty's song 'Wildflowers' (which was quite possibly FAE's all-time favorite song) absolutely had to be in this contest. 
On August 3rd, I went to see Janis Joplin's backing band Big Brother & The Holding Company perform. The drummer (Dave Getz) & bass player (Peter Albin) are original members of the group. 
Big Brother & The Holding Company, Aug.3, 2024
The primary reason I wanted to see that band was because of a humorous incident that Nitro & I shared in an old Email exchange. After I saw this old photo of her for the first time... 
FAE holding baby Michael.
...I wrote this: "You looked so 1968 with all that Janis Joplin Hair". She replied, "I've had a lot of comments about my hair, but that is the first time anyone has ever called it Janis Joplin Hair".
A photo I took in the > Silver Dollar Saloon in Virginia City, NV. - Aug. 12, 2024.
I knew that Summer was FAE's favorite season & that she liked Joplin's cover of the song 'Summertime'. On Aug. 3rd, when Big Brother & The Holding Company played 'Summertime' & the vocalist (Darby Gould) sang the lyrics below, I felt the Holy Spirit prompt me within and I knew that I was meant to use Joplin's version of this song in this Battle!
Don't you cry 
One of these mornings 
You're gonna rise, rise up singing 
You're gonna spread your wings 
Child, take to the sky 
Lord, the sky 
I have no doubt that Barbara - from where she Lives now - embracing my snarkastic sense-of-humor, approves of this song selection!
Therefore, I thought this Battle had been "settled" & "decided": It was going to be Tom Petty (wildflowers growing & a boat in the water) versus Janis Joplin (her hair spreading like wings and taking flight in the Lord's Summer sky).
But then I remembered that many years ago, Barbara admitted to me that (as I had suspected) she'd taken her online pseudonym, Far Away Eyes, from the Rolling Stones' song of the same name.
Therefore, in honor of Barbara (farawayeyes, FAE, Nitro Wilbury Babskiddo), this BOTB installment is going to be a very rare 3-Way contest. Below are your contestants. Please vote for the song that *YOU* like best. No matter how you vote, it will be a tribute to our dear friend and Heavenly resident who started this whole BOTB shebang 11 years ago & which still lives on now, even after her departure to a FarAwayBetterPlace!  
by The Rolling Stones 
by Janis Joplin 
by Tom Petty 
Bless & Be Blessed!!


  1. Over the years, I wondered what became of FAE. I really didn't know her too well. It seems she exited the regular showdowns early in my coming on board. I'm saddened all the same that she's no longer with us in this life but rejoice for her new life ever after residence. I look forward to the day when I can join her there.

    I loved your tribute post to Barbara. It was fun reading and actually getting to know her a little better through your words. In your 3-way battle song showdown, I'm giving my vote to Tom Petty singing "Wildflowers".

    Hugs and prayers to you, my friend. I know the sorry over the lost of such a good friend is hard to bear but she's resting peacefully in the arms of the Lord!

    1. CAThy! It's that YOU!
      I thank you for stopping by with a vote & comment. And I'm pleased that you enjoyed this tribute to FAE. I have zero doubt that today she is in a marvelously beautiful place, and I too look forward to the day I'm also transported there.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  2. What a lovely tribute, Stephen T. You're a good friend. Try to find comfort in the enrichment of having known her.
    I hadn't heard Wildflowers before but I could listen to it over and over. All the songs fit, but I'm voting for Wildflowers.

    1. dEAR dIEDRE ~
      Thank you for the beautiful words.
      I can definitely understand how Tom's song 'Wildflowers' is one that would appeal to you a great deal.

      (Psst! I haven't forgotten that I owe you an Email. It'll be flying in before too much longer.)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  3. This is indeed sad to hear. I often think of FAE because of our BOTB and wondered where she had gone. Now we know. Thanks for this update. It's the second very sad news I've gotten this summer, which overall otherwise has been great.

    You've got three fine songs here which evoke different memories of different times for me. The vote for me has to be Tom Petty. I've got most of his albums I guess and have always enjoyed the "Wildflowers" song.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. ARLEE BOID ~
      I appreciate you coming by with a vote and a nice comment. And again, welcome back to Battle Of The Bands! (I'd have written those last 4 words in blue... if I could.)

      ~ D-FensDogG


    Wow. Glad you shared the story of FAE/Nitro. Beautiful. This was my first hearing of the Rolling Stones' Far Away Eyes. I like it! I get why you included it in this 3-way battle. As for JJ's Summertime, I always like that, too; amazed that she was able to make it so psychedelic while remaining steadfastly bluesy. But Tom Petty's Wildflowers is transcendent. Just made sure it is on at least one of my playlists. Well done, Esteebie.

    1. BROTHER ED ~
      I'm pleased as spiked punch that you enjoyed reading this BOTB Tribute post to FAE. I liked her so much that I gave her multiple nicknames!

      Yes, I knew that I HAD to include the Rolling Stones' song 'Far Away Eyes' in this contest, even though I knew it had a 422.83% chance of coming in last. Regardless, not only was it the source of Barbara's online pseudonym, but it also gives a glimpse into her sense of humor.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  5. And Stephen,

    I am sorry for your loss my friend. I will keep FAE and her family in my prayers.

    I recall road trip memories related to the Girl With The Far Away Eyes, it is a good sing along. I thought Janis Joplin's version of Summertime was pertinent for this situation as it was more of lament due to her styling. But I go with Wildflowers since I found it a little more positive and poetic for this occasion.

    1. ...AND, POOH, THAT'S NOT ALL!...
      Your presence here is much appreciated (even if you didn't bring me a bottle of SoCo & a vegetarian pizza with extra cheese!)

      Good point about 'Summertime'. In a sense it is a bit of a "lament", at least until it starts to soar away from this world of pain, worry & sorrow. This world... someday I'm gonna "punch it in the nose!" (to quote a little boy at Knott's Berry Farm).

      ~ D-FensDogG

  6. So sorry to hear your sad news. I never knew her except from people writing like her, but she sounds like she was a good person.

    I will go with Janis Joplin in this battle. I love her version of "Summertime."

    1. SIR JOHN ~
      Thank you for commenting, voting and sticking a fork in the shutout.

      FAE was a good, loyal friend, and I will have much to share about her whenever I find enough time to research & write an expanded Tribute post for her.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  7. That is sad news, Stephen, and I'm sorry for your loss. I remember her well and also wondered why she left the Blogosphere. Telling us her real name makes it seem even more personal, since I only knew her as FAE. May she R.I.P. 🌹

    Three appropriate, worthy contenders here, but I have to vote for Janis, since her version of 'Summertime' is a favourite. I also featured that song in my summer playlist, published a few days ago.

    May your good memories sustain you, my friend!

    1. DEBBIE ~
      It came as quite a shock to learn that FAE had gone on, even though I knew for years that she was in very poor health. I was still hoping for a miraculous healing, although I know that they don't happen often (hence the word "miraculous").

      I like that Janis has gotten some votes here because I no longer think of Janis without also thinking of FAE and chuckling a little inside. Plus, Joplin's rendition of 'Summertime' has become quite meaningful to me, as it now relates to two different lost friends of mine, which I will explain in my BOTB Results post.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  8. She did have Janis Joplin hair, lol. Several times I tried to convince her to 'do something" with that bush, but she just scowled at me. Point taken, 'nough said. She was so much fun to be around, talk to, argue with. I miss her. I'm sure she is driving the Angels crazy.

    As for the battle: I'd never heard the Stones song Far Away Eyes. Tempting to vote for that one seeing how relevant it is. Can't say I was ever a JJ fan, but the song is interesting, has a grit FAE would have liked. But, I'll have to go with Tom Petty's Wildflowers. He's a hard singer to beat in any competition, despite FAEs preference.

    I miss FAE also, which is why I posted this time for BotB.

    1. WILD THING ~
      I am delighted (can "confident heterosexual" males use that word?! ;-) that you came by here to vote and reminisce. This BOTB installment would in no way be complete had *you* not participated, because you knew FAE better'n any of the rest of us did.

      And I thank you again for posting your own BOTB tribute to Barbara. I am quite certain that she's aware of it and appreciates it. You're an E-Ticket friend!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  9. Stephen -

    I am still processing this bad news. I didn't know FAE nearly as well as you did, but we exchanged a half-dozen emails and I always voted in her battles. She was a very nice woman who had a number of tough things to deal with. She was very kind to me in our correspondence. In your words explaining this battle, you did a marvelous job in explaining some of who she was and remains. I look forward to reading your full tribute to her life. NOBODY - and I honestly mean that - NOBODY on the planet is better at writing a tribute than you are. I found myself crying just reading your brief words above, and I have no doubt I will do so again when I read your longer discussion of her temporal and eternal life.

    The songs you selected for her battle are absolutely perfect, and I agree you were directed to choose them.

    I'm typically only a luke warm fan of the Rolling Stones, but this song shows that they can write a pretty good sounding country song. I like it, mostly. My only problem with it is that I can't decide if they are making fun of God or just making fun of televangelists. I suspect it is the former, and I am eliminating them for this reason alone in this contest. I do love the theme of looking for a girl with far away eyes, though.

    Barbara DID have Janis Joplin hair! At least at that point in her life! I like the unique Janis "Summertime" version of the song, but. But. BUT...

    As she did, I love Tom Petty and I love "Wildflowers." THAT is the song for her memory, period!

    Sheboganboy Number Six

      Hokey-Smoke! What a grand, GRAND comment. I appreciate your candor (and compliment!) more than you could know.

      But, Six-Boy, you're definitely putting some pressure on me that I only hope I can halfway live up to. I do, however, have some things I already intend to say about FAE that I know will be worth the reading. And I have only just begun looking back through old Emails to find the best (and most unusual) of the best.

      On several occasions I quite honestly told FAE that she was cheating the world if she did not write a memoir and submit it for publication. She loved writing and I did my best to try turning her from fiction to a memoir, which would have made her rich & famous. (Then she could have gone back to writing fiction if she wanted to.) But, alas, I was never able to sell her on that idea because, at heart, she was really quite a private person.

      I loved, Loved, LOVED your comment, Sixy!
      (John-Wayne! John Wayne! ;^)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  10. I was really sad to hear this, having known FAE for a long time through the blogosphere, and having traded a few e-mails with her, especially when she'd join us for TRT and need a good link - I always had her back.

    You know, it's thanks to her that you and I met. I still remember that I showed up to her blog one day and she had this glowing blog post about how awesome you are, and your remarkable, straight out of a movie life, and all of the amazing writing that was to be found on your blog. I hopped over to your blog instantly after that kind of promotion, and the rest is history. I owe our friendship to her.

    This was an E-ticket tribute, and I enjoyed all 3 songs, even Janis, who I'm usually not the biggest fan of. With that said, my bote has to go to Tom Petty. Wildflowers was definitely meant for FAE, and I can't help but grin infectiously as I listen to it.

    1. JULIO SIX-B ~
      I thanx ya for the terrific comment and am gratified that you found this blog bit to be an E-Ticket experience.

      What saddens me so much is simply that I won't be able to interact with Nitro again for some time. There isn't even the wee tiniest li'l shred of doubt in my mind that FAE LIVES! (even better'n ever). But I'm going to miss her personality... until she and I meet in Paradise.

      You know what? BOTB isn't the only participatory thing that Nitro and I concocted together. You mentioned TRT. Fun Fact: TRT is also something that Nitro and I created. In the beginning - just as it was with BOTB - TRT was something that Nitro and I alone participated in. At first it was just the two of us, but then I eventually began inviting others, like you, Cherdo & Judge Al Bondigas, to join us.

      A lot of great memories, Beer Brother!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  11. This is very sad news and must have touched you deeply. If she was in a lot of pain, maybe , now, she can find solace. This is a beautiful tribute to her. I’m going with Janis because it is powerful with her voice.

  12. Oh, this is Birgit

    1. BIRGIT ~
      I thank you for coming by with a nice comment and a vote in FAE's BOTB Tribute.

      Her last few years were really rough on her, due to kidney failure. (The doctors managed to cure the cancer, but the chemo & radiation wrecked her kidneys.)

      I have no doubt that she is now experiencing peace & joy.

      I'm pleased to see Janis get another vote. So far, this contest has gone exactly as I suspected it would. I knew it would be more of a Tribute than a Battle.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  13. Al Bondigas here. That really was a nice tribute to FAE, and Number Six was right, you are very gifted at writing tributes. When this judge has moved on to that big Supreme Court in the sky, you may have to make some stuff up about me, but I'm sure you'll pull it off. Anyway, my rulin' goes to Tom Petty and Wildflowers. That's it!! That's muh rulin'!!

    1. Thank you for the comment, compliment & rulin', Judge Al.

      No, no, no! I'll be going to that big Saloon in the sky before you go to that big Supreme Court in the sky. Then you will get a chance to practice your Tribute writin'. That's it! That's muh rulin'!!

      ~ D-FensDogG


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