Thursday, August 1, 2024


Welcome to BATTLE OF THE BANDS' Battle Of The Booze installment #14. I'm 422.83% sure this will not be one of my more popular Battles because not everyone digs novelty songs and not everyone digs Zimmy. But, as I mentioned to MMQE recently: "I'm-a do it because... I gotta be me ...and if I don't be me, who will?"
I recently published a blog bit in which I explained how I came to write (and think?) the way I do. It was titled HOW I LEARNED TO "WRITE RIGHT" (Or, WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, HOW & Sometimes Y) But to save y'all the trouble of reading that un-masticated mess, I can put the three-tiered explanation into a Milk-Bone sized summary that even a winky dinky dog could get down in a single swallow:
1) Being repeatedly awakened for school by Roger Miller's song 'You Can't Roller Skate In A Buffalo Herd' when I was in 5th and/or 6th grade.
2) Repeated listening to Bob Dylan's album 'Bringing It All Back Home' when I was a teenager.
3) A bizarre hangover I experienced near Venice Beach in June of 1983 that threw me through the "DO NOT ENTER" barricade that had been erected in my mind by mean & nasty social engineers.
That blog bit has inspired me to do a Roger Miller versus Bob Dylan Booze Battle. (The songs are free, but the bizarre hangover you'll need to purchase with your own money, as I simply can't afford to treat you all to a bizarre hangover. Money doesn't grow in cabbage patches, ya know!)
OK, you know what to do: LV&V.
(Listen, Vote & Visit... the other BOTBers.) 
Do it today... "or the Wolfman's gonna getcha!"
Alright, let's get on it.
Let's get ON this thing!
Grape wine in a Mason jar
Homemade and brought to school
By a friend of mine 'n' after class
Me and him and this other fool decide
That we'll drink up what's left
Chug-a-lug, so we helped ourself
First time for everything
Hmm, my ears still ring
by Roger Miller

Well, you look so pretty in it
Honey, can I jump on it sometime?
Yes, I just wanna see
If it's really that expensive kind
You know, it balances on your head 
just like a mattress balances 
on a bottle of wine
Your brand new leopard-skin pill-box hat
by Bob Dylan

I plan to return here on 8ty-8th with my own vote and the final tally. Until then, please just be YOU 
so someone else doesn't have to!


  1. Reading the lyrics you provided for Chug-a-Lug flashed a memory from my junior high school years. A girlfriend had the bright idea of bringing a beer to school. We walked way out onto the school yard before class that morning and she popped the ring on the now warm can of beer. I guess that with the jostling it got on the school bus didn't help because it fizzled out everywhere, mainly on me. I don't remember drinking any of the offending stinky beverage but I sure did smell like it. I was horrified and I hoped no one could tell. I'm sure everyone knew, though.

    Anyway on to my song choice. Bob Dylan's song has a good vibe but I'm going to give my vote to Roger Miller simply because I always liked his novelty songs as a kid with sentimentality winning me over.

    Have a bandtastic day, my friend!

    1. LOL, Cathy. Our eldest daughter, when she was in like 8th grade (ca. 35 years ago) did the same, but she drank a Coke, then poured the beer into a Coke can so it would be less obvious. It got passed around on the bus.

    2. Thanks, CAThy!
      I've always recommended that a person DRINK a beer rather than WEARING a beer. But then, I'm also a staunch traditionalist who's not known for thinking outside-the-box nor coloring outside of the lines.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  2. Well that was a fun battle. Chig a Lug is one of my fav songs, but how can I vote against Dylans honky tonk Pill Box? I remember drinking that cheap Boons Farm strawberry wine as a kid. Forgot who we stole it from, but probably was allowed to buy it from the store since there was so little alcohol content. The good ol days before my refined taste for Moscoto kicked in. I still drink cheap stuff though.
    But if I have to choose, I guess it's Mr Miller. Brings back so many memories of my dad playing it on his string guitar, singing to us kidslike he was a super star on stage. Good battle!

    1. WILD THING! ~
      I greatly appreciate you bringing two shots of Boone's Farm wine for the BOTB punch bowl!

      To this day, I refuse to drink any wine that's more expensive than anything out of Modesto with a cap that screws off and on. A cork in a bottle of wine is pompous Frasier-like stuffs. Very pretentious!
      ~ D-FensDogG

  3. I have been paying a surrogate to be me now for several years, but am thinking about just letting him go and returning to being me, myself. It is hard to find good help, and he is devolving to being less me and more like a combination of Richard Feynman and Huey Long, so my reputation is simultaneously getting both worse and better at the same time.

    That "Sixgun McFakefinger" would vote for Bobby, however I am voting for Chug A Lug. It is definitely not a favorite, but at least I can find something to like about it. With the Zimmy Ditty I am still looking.

    Sixgun McRealfinger

    1. What do you get when you cross Richard Feynman with Huey Long?

      ~ D-FensDogG

  4. Good Morning (or
    afternoon or evening... Whenever it is that you are reading this)

    This was an easy battle for me. I have very fond memories of Roger Miller (along with Homer & Jethro and even Spike Jones)

    So I'm gonna pour me some 'Cocktails for Two' and wonder if my Bubblegum loses it's flavor on the bedpost overnight and cast my vote for my dear ole friend Roger.

    And if he loses.. well then, Dang Me! Oughta take a rope and hang me... Hang me me from the highest tree.....

    Do do doot doot bow wow wow wow...


    1. MMQE ~

      I think you do the best Roger Miller impersonation that I've ever read. I used to think the best Miller impersonation was Catwoman's (Julie Newmar) in 'The Bat's Kow Tow' (season 2, episode 30), except that when she said "England swings like a pendulum do?", she misspelled pendulum.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  5. I grew up with the "Chug-a-lug" song too ;-) And I happen to be in the market for a Pillbox hat. But never would I ever have imagined a match-up like this - ha! Since I've not begun to look for shoes to match the hat I've yet to find I'm voting for Roger Miller and his mason jar of Grape wine.

    1. dIEDRE ~
      Give up the search for a pill-box hat. Bob Dylan jumped on all of them and there are none left to be found.

      There are, however, leopard-skin pancake hats available.

      ~ D-FensDogG-Boy

    2. Wearing Leopard-skin in a Duesenberg ought to be illegal ;-) But you never know what you'll see

    3. I've always been partial to wearing a Duesenberg while riding a leopard. (I should write a Dylanesque song about that.)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  6. Believe it or not, I knew Roger Miller's song but not Bob Dylan's. While no fan of Zimmy's vocal (dis)ability, his song writing talents are amazing and I love the bluesy vibe of 'Leopard-Skin Pillbox Hat'.

    1. Winner! Winner! Leopard meat dinner!

      The sad shutout is suddenly stymied... and stopped, too!

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. Haha! Who knew Zimmy would be this unpopular? I see he got one more vote, at least. Speaking of voting, my battle is still waiting for your verdict. Wassupwitdat? 😉

    3. Ever since Zimmy accepted that Nobel Prize in Literature, peoples don't like him no more. The rebellious dog sold out to "the man" and allowed a collar and leash to be attached to him.

      I hain't voted on *ANY* Battles yet because: ...Reasons. But since I am known to never miss a BOTB vote, you can be certain I'll be there before the door closes, or my name isn't Mary Poppins!

      ~ Mary Poppins

    4. Oy vey! 🙄 What in hell does that have to do with the music? He wrote that song way before the Nobel Prize came along. (I thought he was an odd choice for that, but what do I know? 😆). Thanks for voting on my battle.

    5. DEBBIE ~

      It's a stream-o'-consciousness thang.

      I myself don’t fully understand it, but the way my mind operates (or doesn’t, as the case may be), a lot of my creativity comes from the subconscious; it’s not planned nor even understood at first. I just let the dog loose and it “goes” wherever it goes. But I’ve learned over the decades to trust that dog because he usually marks the right trees and fire hydrants in the right ways.

      I try not to censor the dog after I’ve let him loose. Only in the most extreme cases when I see he might get me in hot water do I reign the dog in wee-wee li'l bit.

      Waylon Jennings nailed it [Link> HERE, when he sang:

      I learn't you can't go nowhere when you go by the book
      People all around me earthbound, i learned how to fly
      Upside, downside, outside, sailing on by...

      I don't explain if you don't understand.

      ~ Stephen-Boy
      ("I've always been crazy, but it's kept me from going insane".)

  7. I really enjoyed that Dylan song--made me laugh too. But Miller's song always makes me smile and brings back fond memories of junior high school days in Indiana. I've gotta vote for Roger Miller.


    1. LEE ~
      Here's a Fun Fact which I may be one of only a small number of blokes & blokettes to have realized:

      Dylan's 'Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat' song is, to a great extent, a shortened and more humorous version of 'Like A Rolling Stone'.

      Tell 'em you heard it here first on Roller Derby!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      (The DogG who goes through Dylan's garbage looking for discarded notes & half-eaten TV dinners.)


    This was a seriously tight battle pour moi, Steebie. However, Roger won out - mostly because my family were huge, HUGE fans of Roger Miller back when. So - I'm about 8 years old when this song comes out - but I think my dad purchased EVERY Roger Miller LP as soon as they were released. And I knew ALL the words to this song - and practically every other Roger Miller song - by the time I was 9 years old. Yep. Too many fun memories.

    1. Ed ~
      And did your dad also wake you up for school by cranking up to 11 Roger's song 'You Can't Roller Skate In A Buffalo Herd'? If so, you and I are long lost brothers! (And our dad was crazy.)

      ~ Roller-Skating DogG

    2. Believe it or not, I am pretty sure that happened more than once, for sure. Yes, my dad was crazy, but fun and lovable to the max.

    3. My Pa turned me onto Roger Miller, W.C. Fields, 'The Andy Griffith Show', 'Margarita Day' (Jan. 1st), scuba diving in Lake Tahoe in nothing but a swimsuit, and the Louis Prima recording 'There'll Be No Next Time'.

      But I turned him onto Irish Coffee. So I guess it all even-Stephened out.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  9. Two great songs by two favorite artists which I haven't heard in a while! Love both of them, but love Roger Miller a little more, so he gets the vote on this one.

    1. Sir John ~

      That's funny because even the leopard mentioned in Dylan's song secretly confided to me that she also loves Roger a little more than she loves Dylan. (Of course, Dylan's always jumping on her, so that *does* make sense.)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  10. Bob Dylan always sounds better when I have some vodka or gin but since I am sober, I am voting for Roger Miller. I like his sound better.

    1. BIRGIT ~
      You were "sober"?!?!
      HOW DARE YOU show up to vote in one of my 'Battle Of The Booze' installments sober?!?! Why, I oughta...!

      I'll let it pass this time, but *ONLY* because you raise an interesting question:

      Roger or Bobby - which one's better according to the booze, the hooch, and the evidence?

      Here's D-FensDogG's opin{*hick*}ion:

      Beer, gin, vodka, whiskey: Roger.

      Wine, tequila, mescal, absinthe, and days ending in "y": Bobby.

      Grand Marnier: 'Hollywood Or Bust', 'Koyaanisqatsi', 'Tom Sawyer' (1973), and movies featuring Gene Tierney.

      Everclear: movies featuring John Wayne, William Holden, and Roger Rabbit.

  11. And Stephen...

    I recall listening to the chug-a-lug, chug-a-lug song with you and heck I may have been know to chug-a-lug, chug-a-lug a little myself way back in another lifetime. And I too recall having a bizarre hangover or two from too much chug-a-lug, chug-a-luging. But my vote goes with the Zimmerman.


  12. And about that Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat...I probably would have fell in it.

    1. ...And, Pooh, that's not all!...

      A leopard-skin pill-box hat??!!

      Why couldn't you have fallen into a "PROPER HAT", like your friend Moody did?

      Drunken minds want to know.

      ~ Drunken D-FensDogG

  13. Al Bondigas here. Well, youse knows who I be rulin' fer. Easy money for Roger Miller and Chug-a-lug. Thanks to pops, we've always been able to enjoy silly stuffs. The movies, TV shows and music we were introduced to, certainly influenced our personalities. I think you're the weird one in the family, and you think I am, so maybe pops done good. We should both wear that like a badge of honor. Now that I think about it, maybe it's Bonehead. Hmmm. Anyway, I'm going long here so let me wrap this up. Rulin' fer Chug-a-lug. That's it!! That's muh rulin'.

    1. JUDGE AL ~

      Me? Me, the weird one in the family?!
      That's pure D-be-you-double-L Bull.

      If ever there was a "sure thing" in this world, it's that you were going to vote for Roger Miller in this contest!

      Yeah, Pa (and Ma, too) had a massive influence upon us. And Bonehead is certainly in the running for "Biggest Nut In The Family Tree". She might also be the one closest to "regular" or "normal", according to how this world judges such things... making her, indeed, the nuttiest.

      Thanks for your rulin', Judgey. Roger was winning this easily with or without your input, but you had a Do What Ya Do. Atta boy, girl!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  14. This was a great battle, and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Firstly, despite everyone talking about how much this Roger Miller song was a part of their childhood, this is the first I've heard this song, and also of Roger Miller. So this was new for me. With that said, it might be hokey, but I love those novelty songs of the 50s and 60s. This one is no exception.

    I also enjoyed the Bob Dylan song a lot. I love the playfulness of the lyrics (I hate when my lady's cheating on me and she forgets to close the garage door), and as someone who owns a leopard-skin pill-box cat - aka my Bengal - I even have a fondness for that particular pattern.

    I had to sit on this one for a while, but ultimately, I gave my bote to Roger. That's a song I could come back to over and over, while I'd have to be in a certain mood to want to listen to Dylan. Just like I have to be in a certain mood to want to listen to my leopard-skin pill-box cat, who will meow in this harsh, grating tone until her voice cracks when she's hungry*.

    ~Chief Julio

    *or maybe she's just showing me her Dylan impression? 😜

    1. [Link> BIG CHIEF BADENOV ~

      As if this blowout wasn't big enough already, you had to come along and [Link> make it worse! (But I thanks ya nonetheless.)

      >>... I hate when my lady's cheating on me and she forgets to close the garage door.

      In 'The Postman Always Rings Twice' John Garfield said: "Leopard-skin pill-box cats don't know anything about electricity". And similarly, cheating womens don't know anything about garage doors!

      What is a woman?
      What is a garage door?
      What is the best Film Noir?
      What is another word for supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?

      ~ D-FensDogG


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