Sunday, September 1, 2024


After last month's BOTB Tribute to the memory of my dear friend FAE, dogged if I don't feel it's time to open things up now with some high-energy, rambunctious Country-Rock! Hang on to yer Stetson & let 'er rip!!
As you probably don't remember, my January 15th Battle Of The Bands' Battle Of The Booze installment had Lynyrd Skynyrd's song 'Whiskey Rock-A-Roller' battling against the Hank Williams Jr. song 'My Name Is Bocephus'. Bocephus doubled the amount of votes that Skynyrd received (8-4). 
I've decided to give Skynyrd a rematch in this Down South Country-Rock extravaganza. Will Bocephus whup 'em again, or will the boys from Florida get revenge for the last beating they took from that Louisiana guy?
Skynyrd's final big hit was 'What's Your Name?' (#13 in 1978) and it mentions "a drink of Champagne". I'm pitting that song against Hank's 'Born To Boogie', which mentions "Whiskey by the gallon"
Please vote for the song you like best, and then please be sure to check out what the other BOTBers are offering and also drop your two cents in their Battles.
I'll return here on or about Sept. 8th with my own vote & the final tally.
Alright let's get on it. 
Let's get ON this thing!
by Lynyrd Skynyrd
by Hank Williams Jr. 
Bless & Be Blessed!!
~ Stephen T. McCarthy



    Well. I came in thinking I'd probably go for Lynyrd Skynyrd cause I already know this song as one of my regular singalong songs. But I must say Hank Williams Jr won me over quickly with Born to Boogie.

    1. ED ~
      The last time I put these two artists up against each other, there were several folks who surprised themselves by voting for Hank Junior over Lynyrd Skynyrd, and I have anticipated the same effect here again in this Battle.

      Bocephus is a lot better'n a lotta people realize, especially if they've not spent much time in the "Country" frame of mind.

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. 10-4, Good Buddy. Roger that! Looks like we got ourselves a CONvoy!

      Sorry. Don't know why your comment selected C. W. McCall on my cranial jukebox.

    3. Well, as Cheech Marin said:
      McCall, McCarthy -- it's all the same thing.

      I screwed up my earlier reply to you. I tried to get cute and sneak another Bocephus song in there, but I wrote "Country frame of mind", when in fact the song title is "Country State Of Mind".

      Oh, well. I made a mistake on April 23, 1983, so I was definitely due to make another one here pert-soon. ;-)

      ~ D-FensDogG

    4. LOL. Yes. Sounds like you were surely due.

    5. Yes, I was.
      But, please don't call me "Surely".
      {Shirley you understand why.}
      ~ D'DogG

  2. Surprise! I actually prefer Bocephus to Skynyrd here. Whodathunkit? ☺ What a fun song!

    1. DEBBIE ~

      Me. I'd-a thunkit. Because here's how you voted back in January:

      Debbie D. January 15, 2024 at 10:48 AM
      As much as I love Lynyrd Skynyrd (and I do!) I love down and dirty blues even more. Bocephus for the win!

      I had a hunch you'd surprise yourself (again) by preferring Bocephus to the Skynny Lyzyrds.

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. Oh yeah - I forgot about that! ☺ Your memory is better than mine.

    3. I doubt that. There are *only* two things I'm able to remember:

      1) How the voters voted, and...
      2) What brand of beer I had for breakfast.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  3. Hey Stephen!

    Believe it or not I forgot today was the 1st. It was a vote on my page that reminded me. This getting old and dealing with chemo is really messing with my head.

    But... I do believe that I can make a good vote here.

    I'm partial to Skynyrd, and not because they are in my battle this month as well.

    I've always liked this one because they mention Boise Idaho. It's kind of a dumb reason, but it's my reason.

    MY VOTE: Skynyrd


    1. MMQE ~

      It's nice that BOTB serves not just as a form of musical entertainment but as a calendar, too!

      We're *both* using Skynyrd in this month's 'Battle Of The Booze' because... great minds drink alike.

      I've been to Idaho Falls ("As Falls Idaho, So Falls Idaho Falls"), but I've heard that Boise is too noisy.

      Mary, thanks for ending this shutout early, so'z I can get some rest!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  4. Bocephus wins here to me. The Skynard song is still played too much on the radio and I've heard enough! In addition, the lyrics of Born To Boogie are, frankly, less lascivious. The What's Your Name business is just too shallow and sordid for me.

    Sixgun McItchyfinger

    1. SIR SIXY ~

      Radio? I haven't turned on a Rock music radio station since... since... 1985?

      I don't quite get why the lyrics of 'What's Your Name?' bothers you so much. I mean, after all, the singer *DID* say that he wanted to see her again when he returns the next year. For a Rock star, that's fairly loyal & committed to the relationship. :^D

      ~ D-FensDogG

  5. I will go with Lynyrd Skynyrd on this one. After a while, Hank Jr. all sounds the same...

    1. Thanks, JOHN.

      Plus, don't forget that Skynyrd mentioned Boise, Idaho, and Hank Jr. didn't!

      I still have hope that this could be a close contest. I mean, helck, I *did* use a #13 hit song against an unknown, so I was giving the Skynny Lyzyrds every advantage.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  6. I can handle a glass of champagne better than a gallon of whiskey, but I also like that song better. I'm voting for Skynrd.


    1. R-LEE BOIDMAN ~

      I gotta admit that I definitely like whiskey (primarily bourbon) better'n I do champagne. HOWEVER, if I were forced to drink either a glass of champagne or a gallon of whiskey in a single 24-hour period, I'd select the champagne.

      I have a song in my BOTB's BOTB distillery that I plan to use at some point that's called 'Cheap Tequila'. I wonder if there's a song out there somewhere called 'Cheap Champagne', because *that* would be a nifty match-up.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  7. Well, that last song is a good one to Boogie down to and it's a good honky tonk so g but I'm going with Lynyrd here because that song is a great rock and roll classic.

    1. BIRGIT ~

      Me 'n' Muddy thanks ya for bringin' your two shots of Everclear for the BOTB punch bowl. (Psst! The punch bowl thanks ya, too!)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  8. I'm going with Lynyrd Skynyrd. "What's Your Name" is a song I remember quite well from my earlier years. :)

      Your Name Here ________

      Me thanx you for checking in with your preference, whatever your name is.

      Oh, wait!!
      CAThy! It's that *you*?!

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. I don't know what my name is. I kinda feel like I'm going out of my head with all the zillion and one things I'm trying to get done before our big road trip in 10 days. Cathy sounds like a good enough name, so I'll take it! :)

    3. Ha! Cathy is a solid, traditional name with a fine pedigree. You have chosen wisely, grasshopper.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  9. My vote goes to Skynyrd, please - on behalf of the Sunday Morning Clean-up crew and a few friends I know in Nampa (near Boise). Good music to get back on track after a long weekend!

    1. dIEDRE ~

      Nampa's near Boise?
      I thought Nampa was near St. Petersburg!

      I'm glad the Skynny Lyzyrds were able to get you back on the track. You gotta watch those switches. I've found myself suddenly on the wrong track many times!

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. Nampa's only 20 miles away from Boise as the crow flies and the car drives. St. Petersburg, on the other hand is like 40 HOURS away! I'll take driving through a rainbow on a switchback any day ;-)
      Did ya know Ronnie Van Zant's brother Donnie opened the first tour with his band 38 Special in Boise, which was how that line came about?

    3. dEAR dIEDRE ~

      It seems I was thinking of Tampa rather than Nampa. (I have a long history of getting my ampas mixed up. Not to mention how many times I have confused taters with gators!)

      Not only did I NOT know that Ronnie had a brother named Donnie, but I didn't even know 38 Special was in any way related to the Skynny Lyzyrds!

      But suddenly I'm remembering the following Lynyrd Skynyrd song lyrics and making a connection:

      So he creeps into this house, yeah
      And unlocks the door
      And as a man's reaching for his trousers
      He shoots him full of 38 holes

      Mister Saturday Night Special
      Got a barrel that's blue and cold
      That ain't good for nothin'
      But puttin' men six feet in a hole

      Big Jim's been drinking whiskey
      And playing poker on a losing night
      And pretty soon, ol' Jim starts a-thinkin'
      "Oh, somebody been cheatin' and lyin'"

      And, incidentally, that's a "booze" song I did NOT have on my list. Chalk up two more possible Skynyrd vs. Bocephus battles I can do in the future. Thanks!!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  10. Wow, what a battle. It looked like Bocephus was going to run away with this one, but now Skynyrd is firmly in the lead. Will my bote make a bit of difference? Prolly not. But this isn't my first election, uh I mean battle. 😜 Either way, I've got to give it up to Bocephus. I prefer him to Skynyrd quite a bit.

    ~Chief Julio aka "He whose voice is lost in the smoke signals"


      You really ought to give up smoking. It's bad for your health and it also tips off the buffalo that you are coming!

      Bocephus definitely needed your "bote" to stay in the running (with scissors). Thanks!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  11. And Stephen....

    Great catching up with you last week. You know Imma vote for Lynrd Skynrd don't ya? Just a little more energy in my opinion. I did like good ol Hank's song but it is just a too familiar tune if you know what I mean. Lynrd Skynrd always reminds me of road trips so it has memories all over it whereas Hank....not so much.


    1. ...AND, POOH, THAT'S NOT ALL!...

      Oh, was that *you* I was talking to on the phone the other day?! I mistakenly thought it was my landlord. (That's why I was speaking so respectfully & cordial-like.)

      Yeah, Skynyrd also always reminds me of the road under my wheels. Especially the song 'T For Texas'. And the road under my wheels always reminds me of "road soda".

      Bocephus doesn't make me think of road trips, but he DOES make me think of whiskey. And whiskey always reminds me of the first miracle Jesus performed, when he turned water into whiskey. Silly us, we never once thought to invite Jesus to any of our parties.

      Thanks for bringing some SoCo for the punch bowl, my dear ol' pal ("JW! JW!)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  12. Al Bondigas here. This one is kind of tough for me. I like Hank William Jr's Music much more than Lynyrd Skynyrd's, but between these two songs I'm not really sure. Hopefully, by the time I finish typing here I'll have a rulin'. Hmmm. Ok, never thought I'd do this but, Rulin' fer Lynyrd Skynrd. That's it, that's muh rulin'!!

      Once again thou hast surprised me outta muh knickers with yer rulin'. (Have you been hittin' the bottle while in conference with your political advisor?)

      Thanks for bringing down your gavel in this latest court case of Booze v. Hooch.

      ~ Brother D-FensDogG


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