Saturday, March 1, 2025


before we begin this E-Ticket Show:
#1) Judge Al Bondigas received an Email from Elon Musk (via, informing him that he is no longer employed in the Federal Court System. Therefore, henceforth (and going into the future, too), Judgey will no longer be making "rulin's" in the Battle Of The Bands contests....
...other than mine, of course. After all, he still owes me 'cuz I did save his life once, after he chased a badminton birdie and went crashing through my bedroom window, cutting his artery and slicing himself open from the armpit straight down Lincoln Boulevard to the bend in the road near Culver City! And then he had the audacity to tell me what to do: 
"Just let me die". 
I'm sorry but NOBODY breaks my bedroom window and then tells ME what to do!! 
Scars? Judge Al's got 'em!
New window & new (wealthy) homeowner.
BTW, Judge Al's life wasn't the only one I've saved. I probably also saved my own Ma's life when she panicked and likely would have drowned in a Lake Tahoe motel swimming pool. (At some point, someone should have enough respect for me to address me as "Saint Bernard"). 
It may possibly be within 'The Realm Of Possibility' that I also saved the life of some unknown young woman at the northeast corner of Wilshire Boulevard & Gayley Avenue early one morning in early 1982.
Northeast corner of Wilshire Blvd. & Gayley Ave.
She had NO business... being near the scene of the crime 10 hours later! But then again, neither did I. ...Something about a massive bank window being kicked in (15 feet tall & 5 feet wide) and... somebody (i.e., the kicker, who was not me) having to retrieve the shoe that fell off his drunken foot and landed inside the bank. I dunno... I'm felly confused-uh! To me, it all seems like something from a Mr. Peabody's 'Waybac Machine' dream.
Regardless & nevertheless, in the early morning fog, a speeding car ran a red light, and some exceedingly hungover guy -- who felt very remotely like me -- extended his right arm to prevent the lovely lady from stepping off the curb and getting hit by the speeding, red light-running asshole driver.
That's all I can recall about the event, but if you greatly desire less info about it, you should consult your copy of 'The League Of Soul Crusaders', chapter 12 ('In Formation'), pages 80 & 81, wherein the incident is not at all mentioned.
#2) Uhm... uh... Sorry, but I've forgotten what the second major announcement was supposed to be.
Alright, let's get on it! 
Let's get ON this thing!!
In my last BOTB's Battle Of The Booze [here], I featured two ballads (also Dodger Stadium, Lifeguard Station #26, as well as Disneyland and its formerly great Hotel). This time we're turning 180-degrees and listening to some high-energy Rockers! (You should must crank the volume up to eleven!
In 1973, Elton John had a big hit with 'Saturday Night's Alright (For Fighting)', a song that I strongly feel deserves a place in the official Punk Rock timeline.
Sometime after Brian Setzer broke up his neo-Rockabilly band the Stray Cats, he formed a new group called The Brian Setzer Orchestra. (Methinks it shoulda been called Brian Setzer & His Domesticated Dogs. But what could a poor, uncelebrated blogger like me know?)
Anyway, Elton's hit is facing off against Setzer's remodeled Stray Cats hit 'Rock This Town'. Both songs mention booze ("belly full of beer" & "whiskey on the rocks") and both of them also mention Saturday nightfisticuffs.
Please vote here and at the other BOTB contests. I intend to return here on March 8th with my own vote and the Final Tally.
by Elton John
by The Brian Setzer Orchestra
~ Saint Bernard 

Saturday, February 15, 2025


View of Santa Monica from Lifeguard Station #26.
For me, this BATTLE OF THE BANDS' Battle Of The Booze installment is a kind of bittersweet stroll down Nostalgia Lane in my homemegalopolis. I'm going to explain that, but if you'd prefer to skip my yakking and cut straight to the action, feel free to scroll on down the blog bit. 
I thank God that none of my friends and family members lost their homes during the recent outrageous fires in the Los Angeles area. 
I've been known to frequently say: 
"I grew up at Dodger Stadium". 
It's true. When I was a tot, my Ma worked for the Dodger organization, and my Grandpa had season tickets at Dodger Stadium from Opening Day in 1962 into the 1990s. 
Stephen (left) and brother Judge Al Bondigas (right) with some unknown Dodger player in 1962.
Judge Al Bondigas on the cover of a 1962 Dodgers score book, painted by famous artist Nicholas Volpe.
Stephen modeling the latest Dodger fashion for five-year-old future Hall Of Famers.
I've also been known to frequently say: 
"I grew up in the shadow of Lifeguard Station #26" (on Santa Monica Beach).
It's true. While in school, all of my Summers were spent right next to Station 26 on "Dogtown" Beach. I still have my very old beach towel but, sadly, I now use it as a mat on my bathroom floor. However, truth be told, I didn't really spend a lot of time on that towel at the beach; I was usually in the water, riding the waves. 
Lifeguard Station #26 in the distance, Santa Monica Beach.
Station 26, where the cool kids spent their Endless Summers acquiring future skin cancers.
No doubt, I spent at least as much time at Disneyland & the Disneyland Hotel as I did in Dodger Stadium. But I never say that "I  grew up in Disneyland" because I didn't. I went to Disneyland and its formerly great Hotel in order to forestall growing up; in an effort to nourish & protect the life of the Neverland "Lost Boy" in me (a.k.a. "my inner Tom Sawyer").
When I have trouble falling asleep at night, I imagine myself back in certain areas of the (fantastic but long gone) Disneyland Hotel and that usually does the trick.
Alice... call me! I'm taller than the Mad Hatter, and I don't talk as funny as he does.
STMcC, circa 1990, in front of his favorite Disneyland ride.
Some time after learning of the massive fires in the helL.A. metropolitan area -- my homemegalopolis -- I wondered about 'Moonshadows'. Moonshadows was a unique restaurant right on the coast in Malibu, and it always made me think of a cute gal whom I nicknamed Chantilly Lace (after the Big Bopper's big hit song). 
When I did an iNet search for Moonshadows, I was saddened to learn that it had burned down to the sand:
Then I thought about another really cool place on the  Pacific Coast Highway that I used to frequent called 'The Sunspot '. It was a dance club, and I have a couple of early 1980s stories from The Sunspot -- goot juans! But when I did an iNet search on it, I was shocked to learn that, what remained of The Sunspot after a mudslide, was razed in 1995! (The same year I moved away from Los Angeles for the second and last time.)
The Sunspot, as it appeared in the 1945 Joan Crawford film 'Mildred Pierce'.
The Los Angeles that I once knew and loved is mostly gone now, and all of this bittersweet nostalgia (eliciting E-Ticket goldenshadow feelings in me) inspired the following BOTB match-up: 
What we have is Linda Ronstadt singing 'Adios' -- a "goodbye" song that was musically arranged by Beach Boy #1, Brian Wilson, and which also includes his background vocals. Booze: Margaritas.
The competitor is 'Disney Girls (1957)' written by and featuring the lead vocals of long-time Beach Boy Bruce Johnston. The song appeared on the 1971 Beach Boys album 'Surf's Up'. Johnston said that he wrote the song "because I saw so many kids in our audiences being wiped out on drugs" and he had wanted to capture the feeling of an era in which people were "a little naive but a little healthier".
Booze: Wine.
Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!
ADIOS by Linda Ronstadt 

After voting in the comment section, please visit the other BOTBers and drop your two-cents worth in their Battles. I plan to return here on Feb. 22nd with my own vote and the Final Tally.
Bless & Be Blessed!!

Saturday, February 1, 2025

BATTLE OF THE BANDS: 2025, FEB. 1 (Or, BEAUTY And THE BEAST... In Conflict)

We've been told that opposites attract. Hmmm.... well, sometimes... 
in some areas. 
Obviously, the major theme in all of my Battle Of The Bands' Battle Of The Booze installments is booze. Every song mentions some sort of hooch or a cocktail made with hooch. Most of the time, I attempt to include a kind of secondary theme, such as a shared subject, shared musical genre, tempo, or mood. 
This time I decided to present two songs that are opposites in almost every way (e.g., ballad vs. rocker, vocal group vs. solo singer, beautiful vs. beastly, etc.)
For a very long time I have greatly loved the clever harmonizing by Spanky & Our Gang. I rank them higher than The Mamas & The Papas; lower than The Beach Boys; but at the very least, equal with The 5th Dimension. And I consider Tom Waits to be one of the two greatest lyricists of all-time. Let's see what happens when these two opposites square off against each other in Battle Of The Booze! (I think I know who's going to win, but I haven't a clue about the margin of victory.)
It's champagne & beer versus whiskey . Please vote for the song you prefer, and then please visit all of the other BOTBers and drop your two cents in their upturned hats. I intend to return to the comment section with my own vote & the final tally on Feb. 8th.
Cherry blossoms lose their bloom in the autumn
You lost your cool in the fall
You stumbled and you fell right down to the bottom
Nobody cared at all
But for me
You would have stood there with egg on your face
The bitter taste of old CHAMPAGNE
Up to your neck in rain 
Here's a prescription for convalescent hippies
You oughta know
Get some Japanese BEER that I call sipsies
Ret yourself go
Northwest Orient
(It Ain't Necessarily) 
Byrd Avenue 
by Spanky & Our Gang 
Hang on, St. Christopher, on the passenger side
Open it up, tonight the devil can ride
Hang on, St. Christopher, and don't let me go
Get me to Reno, got to bring it in low 
Put my baby on the flat car, got to burn down the caboose
Get 'em all jacked up on WHISKEY, then we'll turn the mad dog loose
Hang On, St. Christopher 
by Tom Waits 

Wednesday, January 15, 2025


This'll be a "goot juan" or my name isn't 
Baby-Face Braunschweiger D-FensDogG!
This installment of BOTB's Battle Of The Booze is "demon RUM" & "bootleg GIN" versus "BEER on ice"... 
Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Bing Crosby, Peter Falk, and King Tut Victor Buono versus Hank "Bocephus" Williams Jr., George Jones, Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, Little Jimmy Dickens, Paul Williams, Cheech y Chong, George Thorogood, Mel Tillis, Kris Kristofferson, Grandpa Jones and Porter Wagoner, etc. (Psst! I love Mel Tillis. But don't mention that to my Momma... she's tryin' to forget about it.)
This is one of the rare occasions when I am allowing voters - should they wish to do so - to also take the videos into consideration while deciding how to vote. And you can click the video URL links if'n you want to see them more bigger.
The first song is 'MISTER BOOZE' from the 1964 movie 'Robin And The Seven Hoods'.
by The Rat Pack & Friends

When you were younger, did you have any rowdy friends? I've always wondered what that would be like, as all of my friends were teetotalin', tie-wearin', church-goin' wallflowers. We never got invited to hang out with the "cool kids".
by Hank Williams Jr. & Rowdy Friends

Please vote for the song and/or video you liked best, and then be kind enough to visit all of the other BOTBers (see links in right sidebar) and deposit your two cents in their Battles.
I intend to return to the comment section here on January 22nd with my own vote and the final tally.
DogGtor of Alcohology &
King of Inebriation Nation

Wednesday, January 1, 2025


"A Tradition Since 1986 
(...Except For 1994)"
A couple of announcements before The Main Event:
1) Remember that Mary, Mary, Quite Extraordinary (MMQE) is now bloggin' & BOTBin' at this site:
2) For the foreseeable future, I am reverting to my original practice of posting my BOTB Results at the bottom of the comment section of the actual contest, rather than creating a separate BOTB Results page. 
BOTB's 2025  Margarita  Day 
Battle Of The Booze
My Pa experienced his first-ever Margarita on New Year's Day in 1986, thus beginning the 'Margarita Day' tradition. Pa went Home in 1996, but I carry on the tradition in his absence. And, as most everyone knows, the primary booze in a Margarita is tequila
This blogfest, Battle Of The Bands (BOTB), began 11.5 years ago. There are no real "rules" in BOTB, except for this: There should be, at the very least, some tenuous theme that ties the two (or three?) combatants together. I mean, we don't want to see a Battle between 'How Much Is That Doggie In The Window?' by Patti Page & The Sex Pistols' 'God Save The Queen'. 
Nevertheless, anyone who's been participating in BOTB for awhile knows that there are some unwritten forewarnings in the unwritten 'Book Of BOTB Forewarnings'; and the very first unwritten forewarning is this: #1: One should not put (or, "Thou shalt not pit", as it's worded in the unwritten Prince James Version) a cover version of a massive hit song against the original massive hit song... unless one seeks a massive blowout or even a complete shutout. 
Therefore, I know perfectly well that what I'm about to do in my first BOTB installment of 2025 is playing  with fire. However, I enjoy the challenge of messing around with matches and a bottle of 190-proof Everclear. Call me crazy MISTER Crazy.
'Tequila' -- The Champs' original recording was a #1 Billboard hit & has been heard by everyone many times. So, putting a relatively unknown cover version against it is simply BOTB insanity, no? Here ya go... 
by The Button-Down Brass 
Please vote in the comment section for the recording you like best, and then please visit all of the other BOTBers and "bote" in their Battles
I'll return here on or about Jan. 8th with my own vote and the Final Tally.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy