I was sure Santana's gorgeous song would win the Battle. I love everything about 'Somewhere In Heaven' and can fully understand why it attracted the first five votes right outta the chute. But gradually, beginning with Sixgun McItchyfinger's vote, Todd Snider staged a bit of a comeback.
First of all, my sincere apologies for being 5 days late with this BOTB Results post. Part of the problem is that my "real" fake life has me so busy that I just never get caught up on anything - phone calls, Emails, trips to my favorite cocktail lounge, etc., etc., etc.
And there was probably also a bit o' reluctance to force my butt into the chair and get this blog bit written because A) Blogger has become such a pain in the butt to deal with, and B) I knew that this post would be my swan song for... at least the rest of 2020, and perhaps forever.
My brother, Judge Al Bondigas, suggested that I not write a Results post at all, and just leave this final Battle open-ended. I'd thought about that already but had dismissed the idea. I need closure to things.
Secondly, my most sincere and heartfelt "THANKS!!" to all y'all who made BATTLE OF THE BANDS so much fun for me for 6+ years and 153 Battles. "There's a sadness in the heart of things", and I'm feeling it as I type these words. My Friends, My Friends, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your years of loyalty to this little blogfest. I have SO ENJOYED interacting with y'all!
My last Battle took place here:
It was a Christ Yeshua (aka Jesus Christ) themed contest between Santana's 'Somewhere In Heaven' and Todd Snider's 'Somebody's Coming'.

As much as I love Santana's song, my own vote went to Todd Snider's 'Somebody's Coming'. Sure, musically, Santana's tribute to Christ far outclasses Todd Snider's tribute to The Holy King. But... Todd's lyrics, and the way he sings them, it just gets my Jesus-lovin' motor runnin'! In Todd's voice is both a sound of comfort and a sound of... WARNING! And those lyrics? Hokey-Smoke! Todd not only understands what is soon to come about (2029, I'm looking at YOU!) but he also has the extraordinary God-given talent to put it into creative & captivating words:
Tell anybody that ain't got nobody
Somebody's coming
Tell everybody walkin' tall and proud
That their money talks, but it talks so loud
That there's Somebody coming
Tell everybody in the KKK, in the FBI, in the CIA
That there's Somebody coming
Somebody's coming to change your mind
Sneak up on all you believe from behind
Somebody's coming who won't let you down
Who'll turn everything you thought was right around
Well Somebody's coming
That's gonna change everything
Tell all these people at the end of the line
Somebody's coming
Tell all these people holding "I'll work for food" signs
Somebody's coming
Somebody's coming Who's been here before
If you think you're outta chances, well you've got one more
'Cause Somebody's coming
That's gonna change everything
Somebody's coming Who don't need your vote
{*Here in October of 2020, I think that might be my #1 favorite line!*}
Somebody's coming like a thief in the night
Gonna stand by His people when we're too weak to fight
Well somebody's coming
It's gonna change everything
I say, yes, Yes, YES!!! For I know, Know, KNOW Todd Snider's words to be True!!!
Christ is returning again in 2029 - give or take a year. Get right with God and His Son NOW, while you still have time. Because when He comes back this next time, He is NOT coming as a "Suffering Servant" (Google that term!), He is coming back as The Conquering King and "The Lion Of Judah" (Google that, too). You don't want to be on the wrong side of The Lion King, Who has ALL authority in Heaven and on earth, when He descends from the clouds and lands in Jerusalem!
My #1 Recommended Reading is this:
Carlos Santana = 9 votes
Todd Snider = 6 votes
Not a bad Battle / Swan Song at all. Thanks again to all of you who took the time to listen and cast a bote in this contest. And my sincere gratitude also to every single person who ever voted - even if only once - on any of my Battle Of The Bands installments. You are ALL truly appreciated, and I hope we can stay in touch in comment sections and/or via Email.
{*Thanks also to Larry C. for turning me onto Todd Snider so many years ago.*}
May you all...
This is Stephen T. McCarthy
(aka D-FensDogG)
signing off...
Over & Out.