Wednesday, June 30, 2021





This is going to be another installment in my periodic series 'The Battle For Los Angeles'.


{All of the still photos of Los Angeles used in this post come from 'Koyaanisqatsi', my favorite movie of all time.}



As most of you know, I was born and raised in L.A. - 17 blocks from "Dogtown" Beach - and back then in those olden days, it was a terrific place to be. But in 1986, I could see and feel the city changing, and in October of 1992, I got the hell out of Hell.


Although they are officially a part of the city of Los Angeles, there are certain areas of L.A. that have their own names. Some examples would be Hollywood, Venice, Westwood Village (where I was born and where I went "cruising" on Friday & Saturday nights during my teen years)...




...Mar Vista, Echo Park, Pacoima, Northridge and Century CityAnd that brings us to today's contestants...


I planned on using the Warren Zevon zong 'Desperados Under The Eaves', but couldn't decide who his competitor should be. I toyed with songs like 'L.A. Woman' (The Doors), 'Walking In L.A.' (Missing Persons), 'Hollywood Nights' (Bob Seger), 'Hotel California' (The Eagles), and 'Free Fallin'' (Tom Petty). But I really didn't want to use a song that everyone has heard two million and fourteen times.



I finally settled on the song 'Century City' by Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, and it was essentially Nick Lopez's story in the video comment section that sealed the deal:


Nick Lopez

2 years ago

True Story: 

I first heard this song when I was 20 years old. Got the album for my Birthday in July. This song made me drive to Century City (near Santa Monica & Hollywood) and just drive around playing this song over and over really loud. I had a 67 Mustang I had bought from my cousin a year earlier. 


As I’m cruising around, I spotted the Playboy club. So I stopped in and asked how I could become a member. The bunny at the door told me I had to be 21 or older to join. But then she whispered in my ear... “Just buy a copy of the magazine and mail in the card. They don’t bother with checking ID on mailed applications." 


So I went right over to a liquor store, tore out the paper application, sent it in with the fee, and three weeks later I was back at the club (dressed really well) and walked right in with my brand new Playboy Key Card. 


I was then told that I was entitled to either a free copy of the magazine, or a cocktail (a ONE SHOT deal) so I took the drink. I ordered a scotch on the rocks because I knew nothing about drinks and alcohol (and Scotty on ‘Star Trek’ drank only scotch). I thought it was just awful. The next drink I ordered was a Martini (vodka) and that was worse. So I want to thank Tom for introducing me to both Century City and alcohol. You were and still are my hero!


Century City lyrics excerpt:


Sometimes I get discouraged

Sometimes I feel so down

Sometimes I get so worried

But I don't know what about


But it works out in the long run

Always goes away

And I've come now to accept it

As a reoccurring phase


We're gonna live in Century City

Go ahead and give in, Century City

Like modern men, modern girls

We're gonna live in the modern world



CENTURY CITY -- Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers



FUN FACT: There really existed a "Hollywood Hawaiian Motel", and when Warren Zevon was still a young, struggling songwriter, he was staying there for awhile but he couldn't pay his bill. So a friend of his drove down the alley behind the motel, and Zevon tossed all his stuff out the back window of his room and sneaked away without paying his motel bill.


This had always bothered Warren's conscience, so years later, after he had become successful and wealthy, he went back to the Hollywood Hawaiian Motel to pay what he owed them. But by then, all they wanted was an autographed copy of his latest record album. (*That's the way you do it!...*)







Well, my friends, thanks for voting in the comment section for your favorite between these two songs. And please be sure to vote in the BOTB contests presented by the other BOTB Participants (see the sidebar list on the right side of this blog!) 


I will return on July 8th with my own vote and the Results of this Battle Of The Bands contest. I hope all y'all have a very fun but safe 4th of July!


~ Stephen T. McCarthy


Tuesday, June 8, 2021




I thank all y'all who returned to vote on my Battle Of The Bands resurrection post. The Battle took place [link> HERE, and it was a goot juan! In fact, it was quite a bit closer than I had anticipated, and that's a goot thang!


This was a kind of rematch of a Battle that took place one year ago, in which I used the wrong Starbuck song, thus giving Vicki Sue Robinson a too-easy and questionable win. Having lost to Vicki 365 days earlier, Starbuck came into this contest as a bit of an underdog, despite the fact that their song, 'Moonlight Feels Right' (#3), charted higher in 1976 than did Vicki's song, 'Turn The Beat Around' (#10).


Both of these artists played at Disneyland during my 1977 high school Grad Nite celebration




Although I really love BOTH of these songs, and despite the fact that Vicki's 'Beat...' is something of an earworm to me, I voted for Starbuck's 'Moonlight...' because, well, because I just like it better and, to me, it has such a nostalgic feeling about it.


I was very pleased that this was such a close contest. It was 4 votes to 4 votes at one point, but the final tally was:


Vicki Sue Robinson = 4 votes


Starbuck = 6 votes


Thanks again, Everyone, for participating in this installment of BOTB. I intend to return with another Battle on Jolly July 1st, and I hope you'll return then also with another 2 cents for the BOTB kitty.


Bless And Be Blessed!!

