Thursday, October 1, 2020


Republican Vs. Democrat, Male Vs. Female, War Vs. Peace, Light Vs. Dark, Good Vs. Evil, Man Vs. Machine, Love Vs. Hate, Dog Vs. Cat, Sun Vs. Moon, Brain Vs. Brawn, Oscar Vs. Grammy, Angel Vs. Demon, Laurel Vs. Hardy, Beer Vs. Wine, TV Vs. Radio, Pitcher Vs. Batter, Paper Vs. Plastic, Reality Vs. Fantasy, Yeshua Vs. Beelzebub, Conservative Vs. Liberal, You Vs. Me, House Vs. Senate, Offense Vs. Defense, Kramer Vs. Kramer, Spy Vs. Spy, Fischer Vs. Spassky, W.C. Fields Vs. Sobriety, Harold Gimpy, Jr. Vs. Sheldon J. Pismire, Rock Vs. Paper Vs. Scissors, Islam Vs. Everything, Singer Vs. Singer, Band Vs. Band... 

Shoop-Shooby - Shooby-Duh-Dooby-Doop-Dooby-Dooby-Doo-Wah - Buh-Doo-Wah! 
Yes, it's time once again for Battle Of The Bands (BOTB)
Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!... 
But first, an announcement:
Sadly - VERY sadly - in all likelihood, this is probably going to be my final BOTB installment. For as long as BOTB survives on the Internet, I will ALWAYS be supporting it with my personal votes (aka "BOTB botes"). In other words, if YOU put up a Battle, I WILL be there to vote on it. I promise... so long as my memory remembers.
However, unfortunately, the most recent "improvement" to the system made by Blogger (aka "Evil Google") has finally killed off my blogging (ALL of my blogs). Even using my Brother's very modern laptop - as I'm doing now - Evil Google's new bibbidi-bobbidi-boo has made creating even a simple blog installment, like this one, extremely difficult & time-consuming for me! 
I won't bother explaining all the minutiae. Just take my word for it, that the time & effort now necessary for me to continue blogging has reached and gone way beyond "the point of diminishing returns". So, THIS Battle Of The Bands installment, and its BOTB Results post, will probably end my own BOTBing. But I'll still be around as a "voter" or "boter". 
At my "real" blog, on November 28, 2016, I posted a blog bit titled [link> WHY I BELIEVE JESUS CHRIST WILL RETURN TO EARTH IN 2029 (Or, R U READY?)There are almost countless reasons to believe that The Holy Bible was indeed inspired by God, our Creator. For example, the first appearance of Jesus Christ fulfilled at least 300 prophecies written in the Old Testament lo-ooo-ng before He was born. At the website [link> they specifically point out 300 of these prophecies:
Over 300 prophecies were fulfilled in Jesus’ life when He came the first time 2,000 years ago. The Bible is both verifiable & supernatural.  
The probability that even a very small number of these prophecies could be fulfilled is extremely low - to the point of absurdity and impossibility - unless the source could see into the future.  God created time and space and exists outside of them.  For this reason, He can easily tell us what is coming hundreds, and even thousands of years in advance.
Jesus Christ promised His believers that He would return again to the Earth after 7 years of tremendous Tribulation, and that He would then rule the world with Love, Righteousness, and Justice for 1,000 years. The time of His return is drawing near - VERY near!! Yes, Somebody's coming, and "He doesn't need your vote"!!!.
By now, you've undoubtedly figured out that this final BOTB installment is about Christ Yeshua (aka Jesus Christ). I am using 'Somewhere In Heaven' by Carlos Santana versus 'Somebody's Coming' by Todd Snider. I already know that Santana will run away with this victory because... Santana versus "who?" But I truly LOVE both of these recordings. 
I consider Santana to be one of the greatest guitarists in Rock history. And I consider Todd Snider to be one of the greatest lyricists in Rock history. So, in a sense, this Battle is almost 'Guitar Versus Lyrics'. My friends, my brothers and sisters, see whatcha think & feel about these songs. And... if you haven't yet surrendered your soul back to its Creator - God - and its Savior - Christ Yeshua - please consider it while there's still a brief amount of time in which to do so. The End is indeed very near. In "The Good Book", your personal Savior said that He [link> stands at the door and knocks. All you need to do is open the door and invite Him in. 
Alright now, “you know the gig”... I welcome you (whether I know "you" or not) to vote for your favorite of these songs in the comment section below. And feel free to tell us WHY you chose one song over the other. 
After voting here, I suggest - actually I insist - you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there also. Vote your vice... Vice your voice... Voice Your Vote...
@ TOSSING IT OUT by clicking HERE 
@ MIKE'S RAMBLINGS by clicking HERE 
@ CURIOUS AS A CATHY by clicking HERE 
@ AI LOVE MUSIC by clicking HERE 
@ STORMS & STARDUST by clicking HERE 
As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 7th of each month to post my own votes and announce the winner. 
~ Stephen T. McCarthy 


  1. I feel your annoyance with "new" blogger. It really sucks to the extreme, but I'm catching on apparently since my BOTB post for today did show up on the page as I had planned it. But, yes, Google has truly made the Blogger platform less easy to use. Hope you get accustomed to it and get renewed to post future Battles.

    On the other hand, maybe there won't be a need to think about future Battle of the Band installments because of things to come--I'm looking forward to that for sure!

    You're right about this Battle. Todd's got a good message well delivered, but if I'm going to listen to music then it's gonna be the Santana song. So beautiful to listen to.

    I vote Santana.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. LEE ~

      The Blogger system used to be so simple to use. But this is what we get for letting Millennials take over. There are some exceptions, obviously, but generally?... Millennials are the most mentally / emotionally / Spiritually phuqed-up generation in American history. Thankfully, Somebody's coming soon, and we won't have to deal with The Mental Defective League for much longer!

      Yes, there's a part of me that suspects I may be leaving BOTB only about a month or two before EVERYONE ELSE still remaining will be leaving it, also. I hope I'm wrong, but a still, small voice in my noggin tells me that all of our lives are about to change drastically, and blogging may become the furthest thing from our minds. Just trying to survive and avoid the anti-Christ's minions may become our highest priority in the very near future.

      If (from my lips to God's Ears) things do settle down after this year ends, I could foresee myself returning to BOTB. As I mentioned to our mutual friend, Sheboyganboy (aka Sixgun McItchyfinger), in a text earlier today:

      "Not only do I sincerely ENJOY BOTB and the comment interaction, but I still have several potential BOTB match-ups that I think would be really cool to do. And just this past weekend a NEW one popped into my mind which I think would be exceptionally interesting. Mary says she's planning to return to BOTB in January, 2021. And maybe I'll try to do the same, by learning to master Blogger's ridiculous system over the next couple of months."

      I really DO NOT want to quit BOTB. But these Google bastards have really taken all of the fun out of composing a new blog bit.

      We'll see what happens. I really do hope to return eventually, but our Lord & Savior may be returning before I do. Time'll tell.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  2. Stephen,

    I'm sorry to read this may be your last BoTB. If you dislike Blogger so much have you considered Wordpress? Just a thought. Jesus for sure is coming! When that day happens then in that land far away we'll see those we love and those we've never met in this life. It'll be a great day.

    You picked a two songs I do not know. I liked both but I think I preferred, "SOMEWHERE IN HEAVEN" a little better. Stay safe, be well, and have a bandtastic day, dear friend!

    1. Yo, CAThy!

      Actually, I considered using Wordpress when I first thought about starting a blog. And I had a friend who used it. But things I've heard about it since then (including WordPress' support of anti-American activism) precludes me from considering a switch. Frankly, I think Google and Wordpress are BOTH "evil".

      Yes, there is NO QUESTION about the FACT that Christ Yeshua is returning to Earth in OUR lifetime. Anyone who can't feel the Cosmic Change about to take place is Spiritually deaf, dumb and blind!!! (See no Truth, hear no Truth, speak no Truth... and probably going to hell.)

      As I stated above, I will STILL continue to support BOTB as a voter, even if my own BOTBing ends for awhile, or forever. But I really don't see myself actively participating with Battles of my own for the remainder of 2020 (this awful, never-ending year!)

      CAThy, the kitty thanks you for your two centavos.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  3. Well, bummer that you can't stand Blogger any more but as Cathy says, maybe Wordpress. You never may come back because you miss doing this. I have to go with Santana and Somewhere in Heaven which, to me, sounded nicer than the other one.

    1. BIRGIT ~

      Thanks, as always, for your continued BOTB support!!

      Wordpress isn't really an option for me (see my comment to Cathy above). But if things go better, and with luck, maybe I will return to BOTB someday. I certainly do not rule it out, because I've ALWAYS enjoyed it, and I still would enjoy it if "The Mental Defective League" at Blogger / Google would have just stopped "fixing" things that worked perfectly well!

      'Somewhere In Heaven' is gorgeous! I loved it from the first time I ever heard it!!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  4. Stephen,

    The New Blogger does take a minute or two to get the hang of, but once you've got it.. it's a piece of cake. Maybe I can help you sort it out, send me an email with the areas that you are struggling with, and I'll see what I can do to show you the ropes.

    I've been keeping busy, even took on an intern position that will eventually become a paying position - using Blogger. I thought I knew quite a bit (okay, enough to get myself into trouble) but am learning new tricks to the Blogger each day.

    I'd hate to see you give up on the battles. After all, I AM planning on making my return - so there better be a BOTB to return to!

    AS for this battle.. I'm voting for Santana. I've always loved his guitar playing.


    1. MMQE ~

      First of all, congratulations on the new position / project, and I hope it works out wonderfully for you! (Don't forget to send me regular fanpay if you start becoming a Richy Woman.)

      I DID get your Email, and I thank you for it. It made a pretty good amount of sense, until... I read about 3/4ths of it and the room started spinning, I felt nauseous, I was seeing double, and I had to drink some 100-proof Evan Williams bourbon in order to cure my sudden illness (aka sobriety and Google / Blogger madness!!).

      OK, seriously (wink!-wink! if I WASN'T already being serious), I will reread what you wrote and r-E-ply as soon as I can. (Hopefully sometime this upcoming weekend, or on Halloween night ;-)

      In the meantime (or, nicetime), please read my comment response to Lee, above... up there... somewhere in the heaven of this comment thread.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  5. Sounds like Blogger heard what Wordpress had done to screw with their users and wanted in on the act. I don't know enough about the Blogger interface to help, but I remember there were a couple of browser plugins that simplified the process, though I don't reember what they are, nor whether they'll work with the new configuration.

    Another possibility would be to do all your posting by email, which I know is an option. Whether that's a simple task or more trouble than it's worth, I couldn't say.

    Sucks that you won't be doing this with us anymore. I mean, yes, you'll be around to comment, but I'll miss your battles...

    Anyway... I think I'll go with the majority and vote for Santana over Todd Snider. It's like the difference between silk and burlap...


      >>... "Another possibility would be to do all your posting by email, which I know is an option."

      Huh? I'm not even sure what that means. Is that something like Blu-Ray versus DVD, in a kind of Compact Disc configuration based upon a paper letter written by a paperback writer which has been transfigured into an electronic cryptocurrency that sold its soul to silver and gold hidden in Geraldo Capone's vault?

      Hey, thanks for the comment, and the remark about missing my Battles. I will also miss posting Battles. Maybe I'll return to BOTBing after this (ugly-as-hell) year ends and 2021 begins.

      This last weekend I had a BOTB idea pop into my mind while listening to a Dire Straits album, and this idea would be ideal (I think) for your "Same Title, Different Song" format. If you think you might be interested, let me know and I'll give you the details. I would LOVE to run this Battle myself, on my own blog, but... 'God Only Knows' when, or if, I'll be posting another BOTB installment.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  6. Say it ain't so. This has been a costly few years, with more and more and more of the things I enjoy being lost... some big, some small. I have looked forward to these battles every two weeks. Then every month. And now... never. Oh well, I guess I'll just concentrate on football.

    OH, wait! I forgot, that's now out also.

    Ok. I'll quite bitching now.

    The battle is interesting. I like Santana of course. Great musician. Don't have a lot of his stuff, but when he first hit, I bought the album and still have it.

    But I like Todd in this one. I like the song and I like the message.

    Back to the BotBs: I have a feeling the battles have run their course, or be very close to it. It has been a good run, but maybe it is time for boot hill. If I were a judge, that'd be my rulin'.


      Dang! I stink! I might as well quit this gig since I seem to have trouble keeping up with comments on even just once-a-month Battles. (This part-time job is full-time, and the days seem to pass by so quickly now -- even though Terrible 2020 has been in super-slow-motion!)

      Hey, I *DID* get your two recent Emails and definitely *WILL* r-E-ply soon'z I can. I ain't ignoring ya, muh frehn. Just trying to play catch-up on a godzillion things.

      I really would like to return to BOTBing in January, 2021 -- if I can master Blogger's / Evil Google's new confounded system between now and then. And... if the country doesn't get any crazier (phat chance of that not happening).

      Todd really needed YOU to come along and bust up this shutout. I see now that since you kicked the door in and got Snider on the scoreboard, he's fighting back pert goot.

      I probably won't get the BOTB Results post written for this contest until Friday, and I'll count any botes that may come in until then (well, I'll count the ones for Todd, anyway -- maybe ignore the dead Democrat voters in Chicago who try to pad Santana's lead. ;-)

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. "hold it! Hee Haw. Whoa!"
      It sounded like I was blaming you, but that was not my intent! You don't stink... that I know of, at least.

      My complaint was just echoing what I think everybody is dealing with, which is WHAT THE HECK DO I DO FOR ENTERTAINMENT? The left has spoiled simply everything it casts its giant single flaming eye upon. Can't watch a movie except old ones I've seen on TCM, because: 1) they aren't making new ones now because of the dreaded KungFlu, and 2) every movie is so woke it makes you want to puke.

      As I covered in the first email: no sports. All PC, woke, incorrect nonsense.

      The internet is dominated by social media that has banned all speech they disagree with as either false or hate speech. Posting factual Covid numbers gets you banned.

      So these battles occupied a small hill held by the good guys on a vast battlefield of content, and I will miss them when you quit. But I don't blame you for quitting and you don't stink.

      No need to answer this reply. Since blogger messed with things it is too hard now.

    3. SBB-6 ~

      Actually, responding to comments is still very easy. The new Blogger format didn't affect the comment section. Wish I could say the same about composing and posting blog bits!

      Nah, I don't smell. I bathe regularly and use deodorant.

      And I wasn't under the impression that you were insinuating that I was the stinkin' problem. We wuz definitely on the same page.

      I am not ruling out a return to BOTB on January 1, 2021. MMQE sent me some info about the new format and I may try experimenting with it on my 'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...' blog between now and then, to see if I can make it work. There are still A LOT of old Amazon.scum reviews that I haven't posted on that other blog, and I wouldn't mind getting them published there... eventually... over time.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  7. Howdy, Stephen T.!

    Todd isn't half bad, but Santana has held my heart for a long time. And this was before I ever heard "Somewhere in Heaven" - so beautiful. Santana gets my vote, please.
    You know, the only thing scarier than so many of your predictions coming true is...more of them coming true. Be safe out there and stay in touch!

    1. Howdy, dIEDRE ~

      >>... Santana has held my heart for a long time

      Very tenderly, I hope.

      Yes, I agree that 'Somewhere In Heaven' is indeed so beautiful. I fell for it the very first time I heard it.

      Truthfully, all of my predictions are really just Biblical foreknowledge. I've studied "The Good Book" well enough to know that every single Word of it will come to pass. And all of the signs indicating that we are in Its "Last Days" are now very prevalent (and, overall, that's a very Good thing!) There's just no mistaking it.

      I ABBALOULY intend to stay in touch, my friend!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  8. Well, damn. If this is your last Battle, then you're going out on a very high note. And Google just makes everything worse, don't they? I'm surprised they even bothered changing Blogger, since they'd neglected it for years prior to that. Though I often miss the people, I don't miss Blogger's interface one bit.

    I guess I must be crazy, because I did really like Santana's song, but I loved Todd Snider's. It's got a great sound, the melody is infectious, and you're right, those lyrics are fantastic. Give my bote to Todd... because, well, somebody's gotta do it.


      Thanks for that! Knowing that this might well be my very final BOTB installment, I really did want to go out on a high note. I wanted to use two songs that I really dig a lot, and two songs with a strong message for our "End-Time" times. I knew Santana would win this contest pretty easily but, regardless, I'm very pleased with this Battle, and I don't think I could have conceived of a better Exit Plan.

      Todd badly needed your assistance in this comment section.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  9. Its the end of an era! Dude, never thought I'd see this day. But - - it happens, I guess. I haven't tried to post anything in a couple months. Now, its seems like even more trouble. I'm really tired of change.

    As for this music battle, Both are beautifully rendered songs. Love them. But I almost always vote for just music, and well . . Santana!!

    See ya round Saint Mac.

    1. WILD THING ~

      I very sincerely appreciate you coming by to contribute your two cents to my final BOTB kitty!

      I *would* like to return to BOTB someday... preferably very early in 2021, but we'll see what kind of crap is going on then. I expect things to continue declining... very badly... until 2029 and the return of The Good Shepherd, The Sinless Savior, The Holy King, The Lion Of Judah. (Oh, YES, when He returns, He won't be coming back as "The Suffering Servant" again. He will be coming as "The Lion". People better be ready for that!!)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  10. And Stephen,

    Sorry to hear this is the last BOTB, but it was a good en. Liked both songs, my vote goes with Todd Snider. Thought it was better at writing and a catchier tune to boot. Sorry I missed last month, what it bein Ground Hog Day every day I just fergot. Be well my good friend!

    1. ...AND, POOH, THAT'S NOT ALL!!...

      Thanks for coming by with some input on my final Battle (final, at least, for the foreseeable future).

      Todd definitely needs all the botes he can get, so your presence was a win!-win!

      No worries at all about missing my previous Battle. Believe me, no one knows more'n I do that... life happens. ("It's life, and life only", as a truly brilliant songwriter wrote in his most brilliant song.)

      Love ya, mang!
      (John Wayne!-John Wayne!)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  11. Al Bondigas here. Very good messages in both songs. I guess I'm gonna have to rule fer Todd Snider here. I found both songs to be pretty good, but Santana's was just a little too slow for me I guess. That's it. That's muh rulin'.

    1. JUDGE AL ~

      Yer rulin' fer Todd was much needed by the dude!

      Yeah, songs about Christ - His Return - and about Heaven... I don't think "this world" can get too much o'dat.

      Thanks fer the two cents, Bruhthuh!!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  12. Yo S-Man,

    153 battles is an awesome accomplishment, kudos. And congrats on your well earned retirement. In five years you'll officially be eligible for the Internet Hall Of Fame and get a unanimous "Yes" enshrinement. (Especially since there is no evidence that you ever gambled on any of the battles or took steroids. No asterisk by your HOF name, by golly).

    Without even listening to the songs, I thought I'd vote for Snider by default as I'm not a fan of virtuosity and guitar solos for which Santana is known. I listened to Snider's song first and because it's such a great song I thought surely it'd get my vote. Then Santana and his song is in another league - fantastic. I can understand why people like him so much. So Santana gets my vote.

    G Dogg

    1. McG-DOGG ~

      Ha! Thanks so much for the visit and the cool comment, my good ol' friend!!

      Yip! I never bet on the Battles, and I never took any BEDs (Battle-Enhancing Drugs)!!

      I'm really pleased that this contest actually enhanced your appreciation of Santana's playing. I'm not a fan of the man, but as a guitarist, I'd say he may have had the single most Spiritual sound ever, and he would definitely be on my very short list of greatest six-string slingers of all time!

      Please keep in touch, McBuddy. (If you don't, Baretta's gonna make you do the time!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  13. Hi Stephen, I'm sorry that this might be your last BOTB, but like the theme of this Battle, I have a feeling you will return in the near future. Though I am a Santana fan, I like the upbeat tune and more subtle message in Todd Snider's song. TS has my vote. Hope to see you soon!


    1. GEM JULIE ~

      >>... "like the theme of this Battle, I have a feeling you will return in the near future"

      Ha!-Ha! That was very, Very, VERY clever! Me likey!!

      Todd most definitely needed your support! I'm glad your two cents helped to keep this contest... kinda-sorta "contested".

      Julie, I have every intention of remaining in our circle of Blogophoxs (Blogofolks? Blogobuddies?)

      Unless my computer goes completely belly up, I will persevere to remain active in the comment sections. Fortunately, Blogger's recent screw-up doesn't actually negatively affect me in any way when it comes to writing and posting comments. So... I expect to remain around.

      Thanks again for *ALL* of your BOTB involvement over the years!!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  14. I hate hearing this is probably your last battle, but I totally get it. At the point it becomes too much like work, with too little reward, it's probably time to step down. Or maybe just step back. I keep coming back to my blog, but keep having to unexpectedly leave. It sucks that more pressing things come up needing attention, then I'm too exhausted to do things like write, or blog, or sometimes even read.

    I don't know if that will be changing, or if this is just my life now. I will probably continue to put up the occasional battle, as I love covers and always have, and I also love learning what people like and don't like about them.

    I haven't blogged on Blogger in a while, so I'm not sure what they changed. But I started on Blogger, and my main complaint with them has always been that they didn't have a way for someone who *wasn't* on blogger to comment leaving their name and non-blogger website url. It's why I manually insert it at the bottom of all my blogger comments to this day, and now even some ones. If you want to continue blogging, you might look into the free hosted publishing tool. I think they do run ads on your site, but I'm not entirely sure.

    I hope to see you around still!


    1. Hi, KIM ~

      I don't know when you first started blogging, but as long as I can remember, Blogger has allowed us bloggers to accept comments from non-Blogger commenters. It's an option in the "Settings" category. As far as I know, that's still an option, and as far as I know, anyone anywhere with a computer can still submit comments to any of my blog bits. As long as I approve them for publication (as I have 'Comment Moderation' activated), they WILL appear in my comment sections.

      To be completely honest, there's a part of me that regrets having ever started blogging to begin with. There have been some positive things that have come from it - to be sure and without the slightest doubt - but when I consider the time investment I made on the Internet, counting both Amazon.scum reviews and Blogger postings (I think, 2004-2020), I kinda wanna kick my butt for so much of my life wasted and flushed down the rabbit hole of useless writing.

      If I could go back and re-do my decisions, I probably would NOT have ever decided to compose a single Amazon.scum review, and thus I would not have wound up spending any time blogging, either (as my blogging life was merely a result of me being banished by the demons-behind-the-curtain at Amazon).

      My Internet life was definitely a LOT of my God-given time that I could have more wisely spent elsewhere, doing more productive things. Live, make mistakes, and learn, eh?

      ~ D-FensDogG
      (aka STMcC)

  15. SOMEBODY'S COMING -- Todd Snider / This gets my vote. Seriously, this recording stopped me in my tracks. Just so brilliant... Thanks!

    1. M.T. ~

      Really glad you enjoyed it. Snider was a greatly underrated songwriter.

      If I had to pick just two all-time favorite Gospel recordings, this one would be amongst the two.

      Bless And Be Blessed, Brother!

      ~ D-FensDogG


    If you are interested in seeing the final vote tally for this 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' installment and my closing thoughts on it, you can put the following URL into your browser:

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'


All submitted comments that do not transgress "Ye Olde Comment Policy" will be posted and responded to as soon as possible. Thanks for taking the time to comment.