Monday, June 15, 2015


Republican Vs. Democrat, Male Vs. Female, War Vs. Peace, Light Vs. Dark, Good Vs. Evil, Man Vs. Machine, Love Vs. Hate, Dog Vs. Cat, Sun Vs. Moon, Brain Vs. Brawn, Oscar Vs. Grammy, Angel Vs. Demon, Laurel Vs. Hardy, Beer Vs. Wine, TV Vs. Radio, Pitcher Vs. Batter, Paper Vs. Plastic, Reality Vs. Fantasy, Yeshua Vs. Beelzebub, Conservative Vs. Liberal, You Vs. Me, House Vs. Senate, Offense Vs. Defense, Kramer Vs. Kramer, Spy Vs. Spy, Fischer Vs. Spassky, W.C. Fields Vs. Sobriety, Harold Gimpy, Jr. Vs. Sheldon J. Pismire, Rock Vs. Paper Vs. Scissors, Islam Vs. Everything, Singer Vs. Singer, Band Vs. Band...
Shoop-Shooby –
Shooby-duh-Dooby-Doop-Dooby-Dooby-Doo-Wah –
Yes, it’s time once again for ‘Battle Of The Bands’ (‘BOTB’)

But first, I want to announce our newest BOTBers Jeffrey Scott of the blog 'J.A. Scott' and Madilyn Quinn of the blog 'NovelBrews'. Please be sure to visit them, cast a vote on their debut Battles and make them feel welcome. Thanks!
Alright, let’s get on it...
In my last BOTB installment, I used the Traffic original 'Medicated Goo' against the cover by Kracker. Today, I am again using a Traffic song but this time the band Traffic won't be competing. This is cover vs. cover, and English Rocker vs. American Band.
At the Woodstock music festival in 1969, British Blues-Rock singer JOE COCKER performed a number of cover tunes including one written by The Beatles, three written by Bob Dylan, and three written by Traffic. One of the three Traffic tunes was FEELIN' ALRIGHT, which became a Billboard Top 40 hit for Cocker in 1972.

The popular singer had a total of nine Top 40 hits in his career. Let's hear his sixth one, FEELIN' ALRIGHT, which incidentally was not a hit for the original artist, Traffic. In fact, oddly, Traffic never had a Top 40 hit in the U.S. It wasn't until the band broke up that some of its individual members began scoring American radio hits.

Joe Cocker's competition is the Detroit band RARE EARTH. Although they are largely forgotten today, Rare Earth had a total of six Billboard Top 40 hits in the 1970s. Their highest charting single was 'Get Ready', at #4, although it seems that today the hit that gets the most airplay on Classic Rock stations is 'I Just Want To Celebrate', which went to #7.

Rare Earth was the 4th all-White band signed by the Motown label, and the first to score any hit songs. Their version of FEELIN' ALRIGHT was not a hit for the band, but let's hear it regardless:

Alright now, “you know the gig”... I welcome you (whoever you are) to vote for your favorite of these songs in the comment section below. And feel free to tell us WHY you chose one song over the other. 
After voting here, I suggest - actually I insist - you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there also. (If their ‘BOTB’ blog bits aren’t posted yet, pour yourself two shots of ‘Grand Marnier’ over ice – do it twice – and then return to their blogs to vice your voice your vice ...voice your vote.)
Voice Your Vote @ ‘FAR AWAY SERIES’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘YOUR DAILY DOSE’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'BOOK LOVER' by clicking HERE.
@ 'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'THIS BELLE ROCKS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'THE DOGLADY'S DEN' by clicking HERE.
@ 'ANGELS BARK' by clicking HERE.
@ 'J.A. SCOTT' by clicking HERE.
@ 'NOVELBREWS' by clicking HERE.
As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 7th and 21st of each month to post my own votes and announce the winners in the comment sections.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. Stephen, I'm a big fan of Joe Cocker. I simply love his vocal style, so I can't vote any way other than for Joe Cocker. Rare Earth did okay. Nothing wrong with the group. I just prefer the sound of Joe singing this song!

    <a href="“>Whatcha See Is Whatcha Get #BOTB</a>

    1. CATHY ~
      Joe thanks you for your support. (Is Joe still alive? I don't even know.)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Loyal American Underground'

    2. Thanks. Yeah, I thought I vaguely remembered that, but last year was mostly lost in a mist of graveyard shi(f)ts.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  2. I always liked "Rare Earth". I even have one of their best of CD's. I don't recall hearing this version of this song, but maybe it's on that CD. I like the psychedelic guitar breaks and overall it's a decent performance.

    I never cared for Joe Cocker's singing or watching him sing, but he managed to keep outstanding musicians behind him so the production of his music was always top notch. I never owned anything by Cocker because he just kind of annoys me.

    Sounds like that would be a vote for Rare Earth doesn't it. But no, I do like Rare Earth's version, but it just doesn't persuade me.

    Of course, maybe the familiarity of Cocker's version influences me a lot--this is one of my favorites of his performances. Or maybe it's because his is closer to Traffic's version.

    When I first looked at the competitors I was sure I'd be voting for Rare Earth, but I surprised myself.

    Cocker's is the stronger of the two performances with the better sounding band behind him.

    I vote for Joe Cocker.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. LEE ~

      >>... I never cared for Joe Cocker's singing or watching him sing

      Watching him on stage is an uncomfortable, almost painful experience.

      I had always cut him a lot of slack because I figured that man-having-a-seizure stage manner of his came naturally. It was "just Joe being Joe, ya know?"

      Well, apparently I was mistaken. I looked up some things for this post in my 'BILLBOARD BOOK OF TOP 40 HITS' and found the following about Joe Cocker:

      "Notable spastic stage antics were based on Ray Charles's movements at the piano."

      Ah-ha! So, it was really "Joe being Ray" even though he's not Ray and he wasn't at Ray's piano. The whole thing apparently was premeditated, pretentious and... DUMB!

      Not cutting Joe any more slack.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  3. What a morning! Let me first I the only one who has problems with my blog and it's appearance - or lack of appearance - on the blog reader?? That irritates the stew out of's scheduled...l wake up and it's not there...clear the cache...check the formatting...maintenance...

    NOW, I'm really here. I stepped out of my self-absorbed-blog-lament.

    I always want to be open to all versions, especially since I like both of the participants on this one.

    Rare Earth was a favorite of mine back in the day and another band that had a single out that I wore out: "I Just Want to Celebrate." They also win my personal award for having the most difficult to follow band line up. I think they chose who would perform as Rare Earth by spinning a wheel with all possible musicians.

    In short, I like Rare Earth...always have...

    BUT -

    Joe Cocker may not be the original...he may do a lot of covers while standing out in fields surrounded by various citizens in various states of sobriety...but, make no mistake:

    He gets my vote!

    1. DOC CHERDO ~
      Yeah, I had wondered where yer BOTB was at one point. I was thinking: It's 5:00 in the morning. Does Cherdo know where her blog bit is?

      I haven't had that problem with Blogger... yet.

      Yeah, RARE EARTH, they went through more lineups than Saturday Night Live went through guest hosts.

      Joe Cocker owns this song now?
      I thought Karen Carpenter owned it
      and only loaned it. ;-)

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. Where oh where is my friend?.. :-/

    3. Uh... HUH?
      ...Whatchootalkin' 'bout, Wilma?

      ~ D-FensDogG

  4. This should be easy, but it's not, not really. I've always loved Cocker's gritty, raw, emotional vocal style and that style lends itself well to this song. And like Arelee said, his version is closer to the original Traffic version.

    Rare Earth took a completely different approach to the song. The level of intensity isn't as high, but there is a broader dynamic range. One of the things I like about this version is the use of the keyboards. Also I like the jam sections of the song, which doesn't run on too long. The vocals are also smoother on their version.

    I may be the odd man out here, but after much deliberation I'm going with Rare Earth.

    1. ANNE ~
      Thanks for breaking up what was starting to look like a shutout in the making.

      Another thing I've always liked about Rare Earth was their lead singer and drummer, PETE RIVERA. That guy was just always so completely "IN THE POCKET!" Hell, his photo should probably accompany that expression any time it's printed.

      He would just slip into that rhythm and then everything would lock in together and that band would just groove 'n' cruise. Rivera was really the key to that band, in my opinion. Almost no one could make my toe tap like Pete Rivera did.

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. Ha, I've never heard anyone other than a musician use the term "playing in the pocket" before. You'se pretty cool dude.

      Rivera was amazing all the way round. That white boy had some serious soul and he could belt out a tune like nobodies business. He kept that band so tight, they could turn on a dime, but loose enough they could go into a jam and come right back in, in perfect time.

      That's the kind of thing I liked to see at a concert. Not to diss on Joe, but front man bands rarely do that. There are notable exceptions of course, but as a general rule, they're not as good at a live performance because front men often think they are the ONLY instrument in the room and should be heard at all times.

    3. [:-)} Thanks, ANNE!

      Just a lifelong reader here of mostly nonfiction, so I've picked up some stuffs. And that expression just sounds so much like what it represents that it stuck in my mind easily.

      Yes, definitely. They were really a "jam" band, but they did it on a rock-solid rhythmic foundation that allowed them to get pretty free-form with it but without losing that pocket, which always allowed them to know where they were. They could move in and out with ease, as you said.

      And Rivera was 100% reliable. 'MAGIC KEY', 'IN BED', 'TRAIN TO NOWHERE' - that guy was like a soulful oak.

      >>... front man bands rarely do that. There are notable exceptions of course

      Yep. And I would say one of the MOST notable is yer man, Van. He has had some fantabulous bands behind him, and he knew how to get the most from them by giving them the freedom great musicians need to create.

      I think that band he had in 1973 (which recorded the double live album 'IT'S TOO LATE TO STOP NOW') may have been his ultimate. They played some exceptional stuffs together - really had a fantastic groove thang they could lock into. One of the best live albums ever produced, in my opinion.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  5. I don't know what it is about Joe Cocker's voice that I like, but I like it. It certainly isn't the smoothest voice I've ever heard, but maybe it's the raspiness in it I like. I don't know. But, I was groovin' to his version of Feelin' Alright (and that piano didn't hurt nuttin'!).

    While Rare Earth was good, I wasn't excited about the singer's voice. I missed the rockin' piano. It was just a different arrangement, and I didn't like it as well.

    So, Joe Cocker for me.

    1. GIRL WONDER ~
      Yeah, that piano in the Joe Cocker version really gets my attention. Pretty Bluesy and Soulful.

      OK, so you go Joe.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  6. Thanks for the warm welcome to the 'club'.
    I absolutely loved the guitar solo in Rare Earth version, but the rest of the song did not make me feel alright. In fact, I felt it was pretty bland.
    The Joe Cocker version moved me and I enjoyed the entirety of the song.
    Place my vote for Joe Cocker.

    1. Glad to have ya with us, JEFFREY.

      Alright, adding your vote to Joe's ever-growing collection.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  7. Oh boo! The Rare Earth video isn't available in Canada. I went searching for another one and hope it's the right version.
    Anyway, much as I do like Rare Earth, I have to give this battle to Joe Cocker. Always loved his voice and his version resonates the most.

    1. Yep, DEBBIE, you found the very same RARE EARTH recording available in Canada, so yer vote is "official". Thanks for the extra effort.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  8. Love me some Joe Cocker! Rare Earth did well, too, but it felt as though they just touched on the surface of the song, when Cocker really got in there. My vote is for Joe Cocker.

  9. While I love Joe Cocker's voice more... I think I prefer the Rare Earth version. It just seems more upbeat to me!
    Oh, also... I did a Battle of the Bands post today! I hope you don't mind, I just thought it was a really cool idea!

    1. MADILYN, I'm feelin' alright, 'cause RARE EARTH scored a second vote... finally. Thanks!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  10. This is a tough one, as I am familiar with and like both versions. But like many of the folks who got here before me, there is just something about Joe Cocker's a vote for Joe...

    1. A vote for Joe is a vote for... Joe.

      I think the "Familiarity Factor" may be playing a bigger role than I'd anticipated when considering this match-up.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  11. Oh this is a tough one. I SOOOOO LOVE RARE EARTH!!!! I've always been a huge Rare Earth fan. Which makes my decision tough because I'm giving the vote to Joe Cocker. His voice is so amazing and the music is much more interesting. But Rare Earth did a good job with it too. Sorry Rare Earth... but you'll always be in my heart! :)
    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. MICHELE, you hear that sound? That shattering sound? I think it was Pete Rivera's heart what you done just went and broke.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  12. Oh Guess what happened when I tried to listen to Rare Earth...Yup but I went to youtube and listened there. There were 2 versions of Rare Earth doing this song. Gosh I like the style of Rare Earth with this "let's smoke some and hear this song" I love the guitar in it but I LOVE Joe Cocker! I love his raw voice and he gives it more gusto with his voice that I prefer. I vote for Joe Cocker!

    1. BIRGIT ~
      Well, thanks so much for seeking out another source for the Rare Earth recording. I wish I had some way of knowing in advance which YouTube videos Canada will accept or not. Then I could deliberately select ones that would work for you, D.G. and Debbie.

      Most of the time, I can find multiple YouTube downloads of the songs I choose for my BOTBs, but just looking at them, I have no indication which ones would work for ya Canadian folks. And it's annoying that ANY of them don't work anyhow. I mean, what's the difference, really, between the R.E. video I posted here and the one that you found at Y.T. which DID play for you? What's the purpose for blocking SOME band videos but not all of them?

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. I wonder about that myself. I am still scratching my head

  13. Bummer, looks like my comment on your last post about the Monkee's got lost in moderation. Or, perhaps I forgot to push publish before leaving?? I do that sometimes. Shame too, it was a really good comment, can't entirely remember it now. Oh well . .

    Anyway, let me blink the psychedelic after-images out of my eyes. I'll be a better commenter tonight - hopefully - as I've let the cat have the easy chair, poured a fresh cold glass of wine, and moved to the other room. All good now.

    Tough choice. I loved both versions, though I think I'm more used to the Joe Cocker version. When it comes down to it though, I guess I liked the heavy electric guitar solo of Rare Earth better than the drum/piano (keyboard?) in the middle. Strange, I usually prefer drums and piano. Guess my vote has to go to Rare Earth this time.

    Cheers :)

    1. DONNA ~
      Yeah, I didn't delete any comments from the other blog bit, the one about The Monkees, so I guess the "BLOGGER BLACK HOLE" swallowed it up. Too bad, I would have enjoyed reading it, I'm sure.

      Nuttin' like a nice glass of wine to set things right, eh?

      In all seriousness, while thinking in advance about how some of my blog readers would vote on this BOTB installment, I felt that YOU were going to go "RARE EARTH". And, I don't know why, but for some reason I felt stronger about how YOU would vote than I did about how anyone else might. Looks like I got THAT much right, anyway.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  14. Ha Ha! You were worried about a shutout with the previously considered BoTB, but this one came pretty close!

    Not quite... but looks like a runaway, nonetheless.

    As we discussed privately, with the OTHER battle, I'd have voted R.E. - However, I have always been a huge Joe Cocker fan and I love Mad Dogs and Englishmen. "Feelin' Alright" is awesome on BOTH these versions, but I vote J.C. I'd vote JC on all his Beatles covers of Fab Four tunes, too! "She Came In Through The Bathroom Window," "A Little Help From My Friends": WAY better (to my ears) by Cocker.

    It was a fun contest, and I am glad you avoided a shutout... but I don't think voting is going the way you predicted!

    1. SBB-6 ~
      Yeah, I think when all is said and done, RARE EARTH's showing here will be respectable enough. I mean, it's a blowout, but not close to a shutout. (And I think a couple more R.E. votes are probably going to get recorded before the contest ends.)

      But, you're quite right, the voting is going nuttin' like I thought it would. In fact, I expected almost an EXACT reversal of how the votes are falling.

      Well, it's BOTB, so one never knows, and this is why we play the game.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  15. I also like Joe Cocker's raspy voice. He has the ability to bring out genuine raw emotion in every song he sings.


    1. GEM JULIE ~
      Thanks for coming by and showing your support, like always. You're a gem. (Have I mentioned that before? ;-)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  16. Joe Cocker gets my vote due to his vocals. I like the the contrast in styles and I do like Rare Earth's version. Cocker's is more piano driven while Rare Earth has more guitars.

    1. Thanks, MIKE!

      Yeah, Joe Cocker's take on it has that musical emphasis on the piano, while R.E. focused on the electric guitar and organ sound.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  17. This is a good song, period. Three Dog Night did a good version of it, too, and Rare Earth's version reminded me of it as far as the tempo and the overall feel. This is Joe Cocker's song, though, and he gets my vote.

    1. Thanks for the vote, JOHN.

      I had never heard the THREE DOG NIGHT version before, which kind of surprises me because I'm an "Old School Boy" and I did like 3DN.

      So, I just now went to YouTube and listened to it. Yeah, the tempo and electric organ washes were similar.

      ~ Stephen

  18. ~ D-FensDogG...

    First - as soon as I had a quick glance at your battle - I knew I'd be an underdog! Does that make me an 'understudy'? Feel free to dole out lessons 'accordion-ly'.

    I know you know - who I'm voting for... yep, but I 'has' things to share!

    I'm not a Cocker fan. I'm in that mud puddle, after the rain/reign on his parade. Ha! Okay, yes, he probably owns this song, but to my ears he ain't the one I wanna hear today. I've played Rare Earth six times - did I say how many times I played old Joe? Only four times. (tsk, tsk.) Bongos are nice - Joe has lots of percussion doing stuff - you know stuff?!! His voice is great and all that raspy, along with keyboards makes me smile. (mostly). But...

    Geez, I'm a sucker for the band. Not a groupie type - but anytime I can play air guitar... Rare Earth has provided me many occasions of sheer joy. Today is no exception. I feel the crank of 'eleven' coming on - even now, as I play it another round - I'm moving. My speakers are bouncing.

    Let 'em eat cake - my vote is for Rare Earth. What a battle!

    1. DIXIE POLKA (dp) ~

      >>... First - as soon as I had a quick glance at your battle - I knew I'd be an underdog!

      I loves me some Underdogs, Sweet Polly!
      "Where, oh where, has my Underdog gone? Oh where, oh where has he gone?"

      OK, granted, sure as hell it ain't 'ROCKY & BULLWINKLE'. Consarn it all, it ain't even 'DEPUTY DAWG'! But we takes what we can get, right? (However, let there be NO MISTAKE: 'R&B' RULES!)

      >>... Feel free to dole out lessons 'accordion-ly'.

      Ha!-Ha! DIXIE POLKA, you got nuttin' to learn from me in THAT regard.

      >>... "...did I say how many times I played old Joe? Only four times. (tsk, tsk.)

      That's 3 too many.

      >>... you know stuff?!!

      Yeah, I know "stuff".
      [Love yer comments. You give me plenty to woik with!]

      >>... "I feel the crank of 'eleven' coming on...

      The number ELEVEN is synonymous with: Got Vote!

      >>... Let 'em eat cake - my vote is for Rare Earth. What a battle!

      Yeah. Or sumpin' else that looks like "cake". Or chocolate puddin', maybe. ;-)

      Ukulelely Yours,
      ~ Stephen

    2. Is it me or did you think Sweet Polly Purebread resembled Doris Day?

    3. Ha! That had never ever dawned on me, but now that you mention it... hell-yez, I can see THAT!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  19. I remember Rare Earth. I have to vote for them because when I hear Joe Cocker's voice all I can think of is John Belushi imitating him. I never liked Joe Cocker. I bring a lot of baggage to these battles.


    1. Love, JANIE ~

      Bringing "baggage to these battles" is fine, so long as the baggage-handler votes the right way.

      You're fine, but some o' dese folks need "a real good talking to", and I'm sure they'll get it, too! Not sure who will do the talking to them... but... my money's on...

      ~ D-FensDogG

  20. I'm a Rare Earth fan, too, but...Joe Cocker. Sexy voice. Fabulous music and background singers....'Nuff said! Joe wins my vote by a huge margin! :)

    1. Fair enough, BECKY-O!
      Thanks for coming by with yer two cents.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  21. I've always liked Joe Cocker, as long as I don't have to look at him perform, it's painful to say the least. I also like Rare Earth most of the time. BUT, in this case, this song belongs to Cocker. I can't put my finger on exactly what it is (I've also read the other comments and none of them quite explains it either.), but there is something he adds that puts it over the top for me.

    In other words another vote for Joe Cocker.

    1. >>... I've always liked Joe Cocker, as long as I don't have to look at him perform, it's painful to say the least.

      No kidding! The whole time you're watching him on stage, you're thinking: "Oh, isn't anybody going to help that poor man? Has someone dialed 911?"

      Joe's making it look easy in a Battle Of The Bands installment that I felt sure would look very different from how it does. I had guessed something like 70 or 80% for R.E., but it seems to be about the exact opposite. Oh well.

      BOTB: "Blogfest Of The Befuddled"

      ~ D-FensDogG

  22. Alright, the vote is in, and 2 out of 2 beer brothers agree... chilebeso is a winner! I already promised other-B that I'll split another bottle with him when it arrives. He really likes it. It went down amazingly out on the balcony in the 90 degree sun. Very refreshing for a 'hot' beer.

    Oh, and then I guess there's the whole music thing...

    We both like both versions. Rare Earth has a great bluesy sound, and Joe Cocker had a hell of a voice. It was close, but ultimately, we both went with Cocker. It seems the bloodbath continues. Perhaps Rare Earth can wash down defeat with an ice cold chilebeso?


    1. Hmmm... Well, I'll need to consult the BOTB Rule Book again just to make certain, but I seem to recall that statute 5b states "Chilebeso shall not be shipped to bad beer boys who squander their BOTB votes on anyone other than Rare Earth". (Of course, I could be mistaken. That's just from memory, and I ain't got the Rule Book memorized the way Barney Fife has the Constitution memorized.)

      "Beso"... do y'all agree with my assessment, that the jalapeno flavor in that brew is far more than just a little kiss? That it's at minimum a Mexican French kiss?

      Has Brandon also sampled Icky or Wild Horse? If so, what'd he think of those two?

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. In this and an earlier comment you showed your hand on your vote. I don't recall you doing that before in ANY of your previous BoTB installments! I would guess it is because you are either shocked or pissed.

      I'm guessing the latter!

      I DID at least warn you of my vote before the bloodbath, since I had the rare honor of being in on the battle beforehand. But no doubt you chalked it up to my bad taste... the reputation of which precedes me.

    3. Ha!-Ha! Well, SBB-6, I wouldn't say you ALWAYS have bad taste. You vote the same way I do about 20% of the time, and surely no one could accuse you of bad musical taste in those instances.[;-)}

      And at least you vote the "correct" more often than that fellow whose bird has flown. Ha! (I'm totally joking here. There are no right or wrong votes other than on those occasions when there are right and wrong votes, which isn't often.)

      Yes, I'm rather shocked by the outcome of this BOTB installment, but no, I am not pissed in the least. I don't have any emotional investment in the Battles - only a curiosity - so no reason to get angry. Plus, I know what I like and I know WHY I like it, so how others vote doesn't affect that at all, even if mine was the sole vote for an artist (which it was, once).

      I have actually tipped my hand / vote on a few occasions in past Battles. Right, normally I try to be careful NOT to do that. One reason is because sometimes it has been MY vote that decided the winner, so I play my cards close to my vest, leaving the end result in doubt.

      But in a case like this, we have such a blowout going that all the suspense is gone and my vote is going to be irrelevant - just one more small voice for the loser. It seemed pointless and tedious attempting to keep up any pretense that I might possibly vote for Joe Cocker (whom I don't really care for). So, as I've done maybe 3 or 4 times in previous Battles, I just let the cat outta the bag (he was starting to meow loudly and annoy me).

      Two blowouts in a row! I'm not used to this. (Just didn't have good BOTB luck using Traffic songs.) But I've had SO MANY really close Battles, and several TIED Battles, so I guess I was just overdue for some one-sided contests.

      Hopefully my next one will be a nail-biter, because when the winner is so obvious so early on, it kind of takes the fun outta the blog bit for me.

      But, no, Bro, not pissed at all. Although surprised to be sure! It's BOTB... one never can be too sure.

      ~ D-FensDogG

    4. Yep, we both agree that the jalapeno is nothing like a kiss. Unless that kiss is the kind that peels your face off. First and foremost, you taste jalapeno. After that, the beer hits. But it's not a bad thing. I love it. So does Brandon.

      He has not tried Icky or Wild Horse. That'll probably be next time. He spent the whole time on vacation drunk so he's taking it easy on the beer... at least for the next few days.

      So, since SBB-6 already pointed it out, I won't touch on how you're gonna vote. I'll only ask - how did you THINK B and I were going to vote? Did we surprise you with this one?


    5. 6-B ~

      I don't feel I have even a semi-realistic understanding of Brandon's taste in music. So, all I can do is estimate his potential votes as they relate to your own previous BOTB votes and how often they coincided.

      In THIS BOTB installment, however, I thought that you were very likely to vote "RARE EARTH'.

      My other three strong guesses were that AL BONDIGAS would vote "Rare Earth". (He did, but not with the ease I anticipated.)

      I was quite convinced that DONNA would vote "Rare Earth", and she did. Got that one right.

      I thought FAE would go "Rare Earth", but she didn't. WhaddaIknow?

      The one predicted vote I felt 100% sure about was Arlee Bird's. I KNEW with total confidence that he would vote for Joe Cocker because I also knew with 100% confidence that my vote was going to Rare Earth. And that's just the way OUR votes roll.

      (You can be 90%+ sure how I will vote by noting how Lee votes and then guessing I will vote the OTHER way. Nothing deliberate about it on his part or mine. It's simply a matter of fact that our tastes in music are at 90%+ odds with each other.)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  23. Al bondigas here. This was very close and I had to listen three times each before making my rulin'. I slightly rule for Rare Earth. The very first album I owned was brought home to me by dad and it was the same one you're using on your BOTB here. I have fond memories of that album and the night I received it as a gift from dad. Maybe their is a bias here, but, that's my rulin'.

  24. Al Bondigas here. I should have used there instead of their. And I didn't even receive my education in Airheadzona!!! Sheesh!!

    1. JUDGE AL ~
      I think you can be disbarred for errors like that, as they completely render your judgments nonbinding.

      I want you stay after class and write "I am very sorry for what I did to Frosty" one million times. Then maybe - just maybe, mind you - you'll find something in your stocking in the morning.

      I hate to see you lose and run but you'd better get busy, Busy, BUSY!

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. A new magic hat maybe?

    3. Ha!-Ha!-Ha!

      Man, I miss YOU, too!

      I really didn't know where you would go from there but, like me, you are a genius! ;-)

      That was GREAT, man! You and I speak a language that NO ONE ELSE speaks. And yet, it's 100% English, and EVERYONE ELSE COULD speak it... if they were cool enough.

      Don't ever die on me, McBrother! We have to make an Irish-American pact that if one of us ever dies, the OTHER has to die at the same time. Otherwise, one of us will be left speaking a language that NO OTHER HUMAN BEING understands.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  25. Yeah, everyone else probably just scratches their head wondering what they're missing. This could go on forever too.

  26. STMcC’s Vote On '2015, June 15th: Battle Of The Bands' (Or, 'Joe Cocker Versus Rare Earth')
    And The Final Tally:

    Alright, I know the suspense is killing everyone so here it comes...

    Not exactly one of my more competitive BATTLE OF THE BANDS installments. The funny thing is, I didn't expect this one to be very close, but I DID expect the voting results would be just about exactly opposite from the way they turned out.

    Yes, I knew that the JOE COCKER version of the TRAFFIC song 'FEELIN' ALRIGHT' had been a radio hit, and I also knew that the flashy video I chose to display in this Battle might give Joe an additional edge (the "Familiarity Factor" and the "Flash Factor"). But I still thought RARE EARTH was going to beat Joe by a comfortable margin.

    Goes to show, I just don't know.

    My own opinion: I'm not a Joe Cocker fan. Never was. Never purchased a single record by him, 45 rpm or LP. I know a lot of people liked his voice, but to me he sounded a bit too much like a White guy trying to sound like an old Black Bluesman.

    I will admit that I DO like Cocker's version of 'Feelin' Alright' but that has more to do with the piano playing (and the tempo) than it does anything. (Also love that weird sound effect instrument that one spins in their hand. Sorry, can't recall the name of it at the moment.)

    The RARE EARTH cover of 'Feelin' Alright', however, is my very favorite recording of the song. All that psychedelic guitar work and the moaning electric organ - woo-hoo! Yes, I even like the Rare Earth cover better than the Traffic original, and I dig that original a great deal, too.

    So, my order of preference when it comes to 'FEELIN' ALRIGHT' is RARE EARTH, then TRAFFIC, and finally JOE COCKER.

    My Brother and I had the Rare Earth 'GET READY' album - got it shortly after that title track was getting tons of airplay - and I'm surprised we didn't play the grooves right off that LP because it seems we had that thing on the stereo almost constantly.

    I loved (and still DO love) every single track on that album, from 'MAGIC KEY' straight through the final song, all twenty-one and a half minutes of 'GET READY', which I think took up Side Two in its entirety.

    In my last 'THE SOUNDTRACK OF MY LIFE' installment, I mentioned that the MONKEES debut was the first album I ever owned - got it for a birthday present when I turned 8.

    Well, 'GET READY' by Rare Earth was the second music album I ever owned. Brother Nappy seems to remember it as being his record, while I think we owned it jointly (a gift from our Pa). But regardless, I played that album so many times that if I didn't really own half of it, I might as well have.

    At any rate, this BOTB blog bit didn't have much suspense attached to it. I just didn't have a lot of good luck using TRAFFIC songs, so next Battle on July 1st, I'll be moving onto something very different and will hopefully have a more competitive, interesting contest.

    THANKS SO MUCH to everyone who voted here and I hope to see y'all again on or around July 1st.

    Joe Cocker = 18 Votes
    Rare Earth = 7 Votes

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

  27. ~ DFensDogG...

    Nothing prepared me to see this result! Not in my wildest dreams. Holy moly! Geez, I gave Cocker a chance and listened, but truly Rare Earth was the package to me. So, what do I know? In all fairness, I did say early on I'd be an underdog on ths vote. Guess I'd better clean out my dog house. You know, I really expected closer to a tie.

    Ironically, I left a response to your comment on my blog... that I would head over here to see how rare the earth moved the people. Evidentally, the earth didn't move them. Ah, well, another tune feeds the earth... but people rarely ingest the fresh vegetation. Give 'em a modified rocker, named Cocker. No problems, I'm feeling alright about this comment! And hey, you got lots of votes!!


    1. DIPPY POLKA ~
      If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times: With BOTB, one really never can be too sure. I guess that's why we hold the contests, eh?

      The People have spoken. Joe Cocker won, and no need to recount votes, consider hanging chads or anything else. This one was so one-sided that all I can do is scratch my head and move on.

      Like, were we really all hearing the same stuffs? Rare Earth just grooves so hard, with that great drum beat, and the electrified combination of the guitar and organ almost leaves an echo sounding in my mind for a minute after the song ends.

      As I said, I DO like the Joe Cocker hit (especially due to the piano) and I guess there must be some reason that Joe was the only artist to score a Billboard Top 40 hit with this tune.

      Oh, well, I did get lots of votes on this one and I appreciate every single one that was submitted. I really never care who wins my Battles, but sometimes I'm dumbfounded by how wrong my pre-voting expectations can be. It's all good fun though!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  28. I've never owned one of Cockers albums either. He approached every song the same way and seeing him live would have been an utter bore.

    Rare Earth however, was another breed of cat. When you bought one of their albums, there was a sense of excitement about it. Hearing the songs the first time, enjoying the overall sound. Then going back to the ones that hit you in the face and really, really listening, trying to figure out what made it work. And I could play along with the albums and learn how to be a better musician. When you've got a drummer who can keep a solid beat, has swing, is creative and drives the band, you've got something worth listening to.

    I'm not really surprised at how this turned out though. Cockers version is familiar and it's predictable. Ultimately I think that is what most people want in their music.

    1. ANNE ~
      Knowing what I do now about Joe Cocker (that his bizarre stage movements were apparently a conscious attempt to look like Ray Charles swaying at his piano), I listened to his cover of 'Feelin' Alright' again and it sounded so much like he was trying to sing like Ray Charles, too.

      I'd always gotten the "White guy doing a Black Blues voice" bit, but now I think it sounds even more specific: White Englishman doing his best Ray Charles.

      I do think he does it fairly well, but you're right that he approached every cover in a very similar way. Well, he scored his share of hits, so he was doing "something" right, I suppose. And plenty of voters here said his voice really appealed to them.

      It's peculiar when you think of the artists who actually became big stars by mostly impersonating other stars. The English bands trying to be the new Beatles were too numerous to mention. Dean Martin is ALWAYS doing his best Bing Crosby on every single song. Springsteen started out as mostly a Bob Dylan clone (but then found his own "voice"). Lady GagGag was just the next Madonna. And so on and so forth.

      But in this Battle, Joe Cocker certainly more than "got by with a little help from his friends", eh? [;-)}

      I think you in particular might especially appreciate my next Battle. Unless something occurs to change my mind, I'm leaning heavily toward a Jazz track you'll dig.

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. A jazz track would be great. I'd be very interested to see how people handle that.

      I'm going to be taking another of my many breaks from blogger (doing a post on that tomorrow), but I'll be sure to stop in on the first to follow your BOTB.

    3. ANNE ~
      Yeah, I'm due for another Jazz track in BOTB. I've used 'em a few times before, but I've concentrated more on Pop Standards and Rock because that would appeal to more voters generally. (I was thrilled when Richie Cole's version of 'IF EVER I WOULD LEAVE YOU' won that Battle, because it's one of my favorite Jazz tracks ever. Some sax-blowin'!)

      I've done a little bit of almost everything, I think. But on July 1st, I'm going back to my first love.

      Thanks for the BOTB support. I look forward to seeing how you vote and what you say about this next Battle. Should be interesting.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  29. Not surprised at all by the outcome here or your vote. I know you don't like Joe and figured you for more of a Rare Earth fan. Cocker may have gotten the familiarity vote, I found it hard to believe that a few of you LF commenters said his voice was 'sexy' YIKES! Something I never thought about him, his voice, or anything even remotely connected to the man, but he did capture my vote in this BATTLE, just because (still can't put my finger on what it his about his rendition here, but I like it better than the other.)

    Hey, we tied for votes. Was this your all time high in number of votes? I think it was mine. I may have had 25 once before, but never more than that. You were 110% correct!!!

    1. FAE ~
      I wouldn't say that I "don't like Joe". He's just kind of... meh... to me. I can take him or leave him. Unless it's a Beatles song, I usually won't change the station when Joe gets radio airplay, but I've never felt a need to own anything he recorded.

      Of all his songs that I've heard, I'd say that 'FEELIN' ALRIGHT' is the one I like best. I mean, grade-wise, I'd probably give it "B+". But I'd give the Traffic original an "A" and the Rare Earth cover an "A+". So, it's not like I was using a song I personally have trouble listening to and enjoying.

      I'm not sure - would need to go back to check - but, yes, I think 25 might well be my vote record in BOTB. I know I hit 24 once before, and maybe 25 also once (not sure), but I'm nearly absolutely certain I've never had MORE than 25.

      Now I'm curious and need to find out.

      Ha! You only missed your guess by 20 votes. "Missed it by that much", as Agent 86 always said.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  30. I'm not surprised by the outcome. Think how amazing this recording would have been if a truly good singer had actually fronted that same band. I'm surprised that so many voters like Cocker's voice, but I guess that's what made him a star. Personally I don't get it.

    Tossing It Out

    1. BOIDMAN ~
      Yeah, I don't really get it either. But contemplating it now, I think anyone who really liked Ray Charles' voice would/should like Joe Cocker's voice too, and vice versa.

      I've never really been much of a Ray Charles fan, so I'm at least consistent. As I recall, you're not much of a Charles fan either, so that makes sense, too.

      My next BOTB is gonna challenge some ears. Probably not yours though, 'cause I know you dig some Jazz.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  31. I do get it, but everyone has an opinion, which is the point of these battles.

    I always liked Cocker very much, even though I think his voice is "not good." I think it is "not good" in a very GOOD way, and my feelings about his voice are much the same as Bob Dylan's and Tom Petty's (though NOT Kris Kriscrapperson's). JC has a style that one either likes or not - I do; but he was pretty popular in his day and obviously many, many people liked him.

    All the complaints about Cocker winning this battle are odd, to me. I was as sure of this final outcome as you were the opposite. His version really rocks, besides being familiar to listeners. Rare Earth's version was very good, and better than the version by the guys that wrote it... but Cocker owns this song.

    1. SBB-6 ~
      Yep, everyone has an opinion and they're all valid (except a vote for 'Rock Lobster'). And that's why we run these Battles. Sometimes the results are quite surprising to everyone. You weren't surprised by this one and I was. I'm sure there have been some where I wasn't surprised by the end result but you were. It's fun.

      I would actually say that Joe Cocker had a better voice than Dylan and Petty. But Dylan was an incredible songwriter and Petty sells a song with the little things he does with his voice - the way he elongates certain words or inserts some sort of vocal effect.

      And, right, Kris Kristofferson had NONE of those things going for him, although he could write a pretty good song, but wasn't in Dylan's class.

      I'm assuming you must like Ray Charles too then, right? Because clearly Cocker was ALWAYS doing a White Englishman version of "Ray Charles".

      I'm really, really curious to see how you will vote in my next one. I had a Jazz song I was going to do but couldn't find a video for one of the competitors at YouTube. So, switched to a different song but for one of the competitors only a live version was available at YouTube.

      Third time's a charm: I'm using a Jazz tune that I've had on hold for a long time now. Both versions are great and very dissimilar. We'll see if the "Familiarity Factor" plays a part in this next Battle. It could, but then the "unknown" cover is very spirited and might win one for the Underdog. Right now, I can't predict your vote on my next BOTB installment.

      ~ Stephen

  32. Yeah, I do like Ray Charles quite a bit. He was one of my dad's favorites and he passed it along to me. He liked Mel Torme, Ella F., Peggy Lee. Hated Tony Bennett, and I still don't care for him either. I love Alec Baldwin's impression of him, though. Have you ever seen that? If not, check it out. From SNL, and funny as hell.

    I'm looking forward to the next battle. When you can't predict my vote then it must be an interesting one.

    1. SIX ~
      Ah, well, you're consistent then, too.

      For me, it's not Ray Charles but some of the songs he does that I like. Not a huge fan, but some of those songs I'll crank up, and suspect I would do the same even if it was a different Bluesy-Jazzy singer doin' 'em.

      Never liked Mel. Ella had a fabulous voice - she could damn-sure sing - but... almost too clean, too pristine for me. Yeah, I like Peggy Lee, and we agree on Tony Bennett. Well, you know I only like a couple of those "crooners", and Bennett probably least of all.

      Had never seen that SNL skit but it was really good and really funny. Thanks! It's cool that Bennett could have fun parodying himself. Kudos for that!

      Yeah, on the next one, I think you'll lean toward the classic, but I think you'll be surprised by the cover. Not sure what you feel about that particular genre the cover is performed in, but it's a high-energy version that gives the classic a run for its money.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  33. Hi Stephen, I have a song to enter by 2 different bands for a battle. Can I play? Can I play sporadically here and there. I only know of a few that I might use to battle.
    How do I know and does it matter if someone else has used the same songs? Thank you..

    1. Howdy, HOLLI.
      Sure, glad to have you join us. I will add a link to your blog.

      Well, if it's a song someone else has used, it would be best if you used different artists than previously matched up, if possible. (Even if it's same song AND same artists, it's not really a big deal.)

      If you wanna tell me which song and artists in advance, I could probably tell you if it's been done before.

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. I want to use Just Breathe done by Pearl Jam and also by Willie Nelson and his son Lucas. Has someone already used this battle?

    3. You can email me too if you don't want to use your comment section:

    4. Nope, M'Dear. I don't believe that song has ever been used... by ANY artists.

      Hope ya have fun with it!

      ~ D-FensDogG

    5. Sweet!! Count me in for July 1 Battle of the Bands. I am so excited. :)


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