Republican Vs. Democrat, Male Vs. Female, War Vs. Peace, Light Vs. Dark, Good Vs. Evil, Man Vs. Machine, Love Vs. Hate, Dog Vs. Cat, Sun Vs. Moon, Brain Vs. Brawn, Oscar Vs. Grammy, Angel Vs. Demon, Laurel Vs. Hardy, Beer Vs. Wine, TV Vs. Radio, Pitcher Vs. Batter, Paper Vs. Plastic, Reality Vs. Fantasy, Yeshua Vs. Beelzebub, Conservative Vs. Liberal, You Vs. Me, House Vs. Senate, Offense Vs. Defense, Kramer Vs. Kramer, Spy Vs. Spy, Fischer Vs. Spassky, W.C. Fields Vs. Sobriety, Harold Gimpy, Jr. Vs. Sheldon J. Pismire, Rock Vs. Paper Vs. Scissors, Islam Vs. Everything, Singer Vs. Singer, Band Vs. Band...
Shoop-Shooby -
Shooby-Duh-Dooby-Doop-Dooby-Dooby-Doo-Wah -
Yes, it's time once again for 'Battle Of The Bands' ('BOTB').
Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!...
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Wackypedia sez:
Road" is a song written and first recorded by John D. Loudermilk in
1960 ... and has since become a standard across several musical genres.
Originally framed as a folk song, "Tobacco Road" was a
semi-autobiographical tale of growing up in Durham, North Carolina.
Released on Columbia Records, it was not a hit for Loudermilk, achieving
only minor chart success in Australia. Other artists, however,
immediately began recording and performing the song.
.![]() |
'Tobacco Road' was the second track on Rare Earth's Platinum-certified second studio album 'Get Ready', released in 1969 by Motown Records. We'll listen to that one first...
Tobacco Road -- Rare Earth
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Wackypedia sez:
Bill Wyman's Rhythm Kings is a British rhythm and blues, blues and blues rock group, founded in 1995 by Bill Wyman, the former bass player of the Rolling Stones.
After Wyman had left the Rolling Stones ... and instead devoted himself to other projects such as writing books and photography. At the end of 1995, he again felt like making music ... he decided to return to his musical roots. Wyman began jamming at home with Terry Taylor, and soon the idea came to play with several artists. Wyman contacted Georgie Fame, guitarists Albert Lee, Peter Frampton, Andy Fairweather-Low and pianist Gary Brooker.
Tobacco Road -- Bill Wyman & The Rhythm Kings
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Question: Will Rare Earth win this Battle?
Magic 8-Ball sez: "As I See It Yes"
Alright now, “you know the gig”... I welcome you (whoever you are) to vote for your favorite of these songs in the comment section below. And feel free to tell us WHY you chose one song over the other.
After voting here, I suggest - actually I insist - you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there also. (If their ‘BOTB’ blog bits aren’t posted yet, pour yourself two shots of ‘Grand Marnier’ over ice – do it twice – and then return to their blogs to
Voice Your Vote...
@ 'BOOK LOVER' by clicking HERE.
@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘YOUR DAILY DOSE’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'ANGELS BARK' by clicking HERE.
As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 7th and 21st of each month to post my own votes and announce the winners in the comment sections.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
Seemed like "Tobacco Road" was pretty much a standard back in the sixties. The version I remember most was the one by Blue Cheer which was searing.
ReplyDeleteI've never heard either of these versions and they're both very good.
Wyman comes closest to the Blue Cheer version that I know best, but it's not all that close. It does rock though.
However, the Rare Earth has so much going for it incorporating so many sounds. I think they put the deep soul and feeling into the song that the song deserves to have.
It's a tough choice, but my over all preference goes with Rare Earth. Nice and dirty blues just like the place Tobacco Road sounds like it would be.
I think the 8 ball gets it right, but this could be a tough call.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Actually, it was Blues Magoos that I remember doing this song. Blue Cheer had the searing version of "Summertime Blues". Nashville Teens was the first version of this song that I remember hearing though.
DeleteLEE, I listened to a whole lotta versions of this song (including the original by the Nashville Teens) before deciding on these two competitors.
DeleteAnd that's why I was surprised by your initial comment about Blue Cheer. I never saw one by them, and then after reading your comment, I searched for it but there was no reference to its existence anywhere.
I was about to ask you if perhaps it was the Blues Magoos you were really thinking of, when you arrived at that same conclusion.
I very seriously considered using the famous Lou Rawls recording...
...but then I thought that these two versions might create the closest Battle. It's always a bit of a guessing game. We shall see...
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
DeleteI wrote, "including the original by the Nashville Teens".
Of course, I didn't really mean "original", but "hit". Obviously, Loudermilk's recording was the original. DOH!
~ D-FensDogG
Dagnabbit, McCarthy! I had to listen to each at least 4 times, and I am still tormented over which I like best! Do I want the slow bluesy/soulful sound of Rare Earth, or do I want the upbeat rock sound?
ReplyDeleteI'm going to have to flip a coin and decide. Got any two-headed coins available? No? hmmmm
After much contemplation, I think today I am going to vote for Bill Wyman but just know that I could have gone the other way and been just as happy.
DeleteJust as soon as my first fear is relieved (a shutout), my second fear begins to take shape: You and Lee both mentioning how close this was for you makes me start dreading the possibility of another tie.
Allah's Unholy Trousers -- Let it not be so!
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
I liked both versions. Great jobs. Hope things are going fine wirth you.
ReplyDeleteEPT ~
DeleteToo close to call? Uh-Oh! Not a good sign.
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
These are indeed both fine versions that make for a good battle. Both well done, both with much to recommend.
ReplyDeleteI liked the Wyman version best though, and I think the 8 ball may be running on seven cylinders. I bet that Wyman wins this thang.
Trump sings:
"Bring that dynamite and a crane,
Blow it up, start all over again.
Build a town, be proud to show."
With backup singer Moochelle, and Billy Clinton on the sax.
DeleteIt's funny that Lee says the 8-Ball probably has it right, and you'll bet that the 8-Ball has it wrong.
This means, of course, that I'm forced to vote in agreement with one of youz guyz this time.
I like your fantasy version of this song. Although, because I prefer female backup singers, I'm going to replace Moosechelle with Barack.
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Hmm, this is a tough choice. I like both versions of the song. In the end though, I think I liked the bluesy Rare Earth version just a little better for this song. It was a good match for vocals, musical choice, and lyrics.
ReplyDeleteAre you surviving your cold? Not sneezing on the keyboard much I hope. Feel better soon Dude.
DeleteThere's a very rare, tiny little spot of earth here in Reno, right next to my driveway, and it told me to thank you for your vote.
As for the cold... I'm naming it "The Cold That Didn't Know It Wasn't Wanted". We're kind of at a stalemate: It's not getting worse, but it's not getting better either. It just keeps hanging around like a little sister that always wants to tag-along.
I'm drinking plenty of fluids, but maybe the wrong kind. I've already tried beer and rum, and my boss at work recommends tequila. What sort of alcohol works best for YOU when you're fighting a cold?
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Lol, I'm a devout wino. Perhaps a Mai Tai will cure you; got all that fruity vitamin C. If I knew what was in that Dead Duck I drank on New Years Eve I'd recommend that.
DeleteLo, the rare earth speaks, and the Saint listens and obeys :)
Delete>>... "I'm a devout wino."
Yeah, I knew that. Father Pinot Chardonnay of the First Holy Vineyard Church in Napa Valley, California, told me that you've been occupying the first seat in the first pew for decades. (He said you're always the first to take Communion, and then you go to the back of the line and return for seconds and thirds.)
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
ReplyDeleteI think I remember this song. Both versions are good but I like the uptempo version of Bill Wyman & The Rhythm Kings better, so please give them my vote! Who knows, if I come back and listened to these songs later I might change my mind but Wyman's cover makes me wanna dance. Have a gr8 day!
Hey, CATHY, no dancing on this blog! You un'erstan'? NO DANCING!!
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
I liked both versions. My vote goes for Rare Earth. One I liked the vocals better. Both had tasty guitar, however Rare Earth version had a buzz, a bit of imperfection which made it muddier and added to the flavor. To me that also swayed my vote.
ReplyDeleteYo, MIKE! Thanks for the vote and analysis. I hear what yer saying, and I go for "the taste of mud" also at times. :o)
Delete~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Not particularly fond of this song, but I definitely like Wyman's version better. Give it my vote.
ReplyDeleteYou got it, FAE. Thanks for coming by and playing with us.
Delete~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Fabulous song choice, Stephen. Love it! ♥ This was truly a tough decision, as both versions were good and I had to listen a few times. In the end, the more sultry, sexy version by Rare Earth won me over. Great vocals, as well. Please give my vote to them. Ain't nuthin' like good sax. Let's not even talk about the organ! ;)
ReplyDeleteP.S. Eric Burdon does this song SO WELL - probably my favourite version. ☺
ReplyDeleteDEBBIE ~
DeleteThanks for coming by with a vote. I appreciate that!
I don't know how one can yak about good sax without mentioning an organ, but... OK.
I had never heard that Eric Burdon And The Animals version before, but interestingly, one version of 'TOBACCO ROAD' that I was seriously considering using was this one by Eric Burdon And War:
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
I meant the organ was so great, it was beyond description. ☺ Eric gave it a cool, funked up vibe with War, but honestly, I prefer his old version with the Animals. Either way, the vocals are killer! One of my favourite artists of all time.
DeleteI figured that was what you meant. But being the filthy-minded adolescent I am, I can never pass up the opportunity of creating a sexual double entendre.
DeleteI'd say I prefer the Eric w/ War version because... harmonica. But both are good. There are a number of first-rate recordings of this song out there. Good songs cause that to happen, eh?
~ D-FensDogG
DeleteWOW! That just gave me an idea, and someone (maybe you?) should do this:
How about a BOTB installment of 'TOBACCO ROAD'...
That would probably be pretty damned interesting!
I have too many Battles already on my plate (plus, I'm doing 'Tobacco Road' NOW), but if you, or anyone else out there wants that one,... jus' reach right out an' take 'er.
~ D-FensDogG
FYI: I was doing the double entendre bit as well. ☺ EXCELLENT idea for a battle, Stephen! If you don't want it, then I would love to do it, since Eric is one of my top faves. Thanks for the idea. My BOTB posts will be coming back in a couple of months.
DeleteConsider it yours, DEBBIE! Compliments of STMcC.
Delete~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
DeleteMuch as I like Rare Earth, I didn't like the tempo of theirs, so I'll go with Bill Wyman.
ReplyDeleteThanks, JOHN.
DeleteIt's becoming painfully obvious to me how this Battle is going to end.
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Looks like you have a tight battle here. Lots of back and forth with the votes.
ReplyDeleteTo be perfectly honest, this wasn't my kind of song. But, hey, that's how it goes sometimes. I did like Wyman far and above the Rare Earth recording. So there was that!
Finally, one of the contestants has taken a slight lead (Wyman). Aww, but will it last?
Delete~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Ruh-roh, I hope the Magic 8 Ball doesn't have a cold, too. We both vote emphatically for Bill Wyman. Not that Rare Earth was bad, but Wyman's version has great instrumentation (that's what sold it for my comrade) and Wyman killed it on vocals. This sounds like the exact kind of song I want blasting on the jukebox as I saunter into that 5-star dive bar.
6-B ~
DeleteSpeaking of "Ruh-roh", did you happen to notice that probably every 'Scooby-Do' plot was exactly the same, and utterly stolen from that TAGS "haunted house" episode where the criminals (one of them being Otis) rig an old house to seem haunted in order to scare snoopers away from their nefarious activity?
That was straight-out plagiarism... or else maybe it was "just the lighting".
I had Other B somewhat pretty well figgered as a Wayman vote. You, I wasn't so sure about but finally guessed Wayman, too. So, 100% for me on this one.
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Al Bondigas here. Man, does that song ever bring back memories. First you send me a Hamm's beer motion sign video and now this song from way way back. Tryin to make me cry or sumpin? Rulin fer Rare Earth, although Wyman's gave a good run fer their money. That's it!! That's my rulin'. Now that I think about it Scooby Do does have a lot in common with that Andy Griffith episode.
ReplyDeleteUp a Sentimental River by the Old Mill Stream...
DeleteYup, we got some nostalgia goin' on this week, eh?
Yeah, I always thought just about every Scooby-Do episode was the same thing over and over again (bad guys faking something's haunted), and a long time ago it occurred to me that they probably stole the idea from the TAGS 'Haunted House' episode.
The only thing Scooby-Do didn't have was Otis bootlegging liquor.
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Yeah, it was always the mayor's brother, or some other relation behind the dirty tricks in every Scooby Do episode. Hey, didn't we determine that the Walton's stole the idea about the old lady bootleggers from T.A.G.S. also?
DeleteYes, sir, it sure looks that way to me. WAY too many coincidences.
Delete~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Oh wow this is like picking which perfect red rose is the better one. Both have great qualities but I like the guitar in the second version..Bill has that bit of dirty raunch that I love. I give it to Bill Wyman over Rare Earth because his voice is great and that beat with the guitar makes me....never mind:)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the vote, BIRGIT.
DeleteIt now looks as if the Magic 8-Ball ain't so magical. Maybe I'll start using it to predict the weather instead. It couldn't possibly be any worse than these yakking head weather people who seem to bat about a buck fifteen.
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
And Stephen,
ReplyDeleteA grand battle once again. Speaking of grand, would it be grand if we could remember what truly happened at O'Mahoney's Irish Whip on that Saint Patrick's Day after not being after being able to piece da whole damn night together; evan after all these years. I vote for the Wyman version, a bit more lively than Rare Earth in my humble opinion. Rare Earth struck me as a bit flat but I did like the rawness of it. Wyman's version is impressive. Good pace.
That is all!
DeleteJust yesterday, or the day before, I was thinking about that very night.
Did we pay to get in, and was there a band playing? We will never truly know. Only God knows... and He's doing His best to forget about it. Ha!
That was one wild night! I think that was the same night when Nappy and I got 86ed from the bar, and definitely the same night I put Bill B's head through the living room window. Ha! And it was later on that same night when Nappy ruined my chess game with Bill B, for which we were both truly grateful.
That was a night like the one you and I spent in Reno in '86. We didn't get 86ed from anywhere (you 86ed yourself) and we will NEVER know for sure what motel we slept in.
What we DO know though is that sailors and cab drivers will NOT help drunken cowboys in Reno!
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Bill Wyman gets my vote! He really brought Tobacco Road to life! My older son went to school in Durham and I wish that I had heard this song back then. Great battle, Stephen!
Thanks for the vote, JULIE. I'm glad you enjoyed the Battle.
Delete~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
STMcC’s Vote On '2017, March 1st: Battle Of The Bands'
ReplyDelete(Or, 'Rare Earth Versus Bill Wyman's Rhythm Kings')
And The Final Tally:
Every once in awhile I have a Battle Of The Bands installment that really takes me by surprise. It usually occurs every time I get to thinking that I have BOTB completely figured out.
It reminds me of Bob Welch and his 1977 'FRENCH KISS' album. He had three Top 40 hits on that album and a couple other songs got a ton of FM radio airplay. I remember reading one of his interviews years after the fact wherein he said that at the time ('77) he thought he'd figured out the hit song formula and would be creating Top 40 songs for the rest of his life. Guess what! He only had one more hit after the 'FRENCH KISS' LP.
And that seems to be the case with me and BOTB. I seem to be able to predict outcomes so correctly for so long that I begin to think I've got the formula mastered. And then the unexpected occurs again, reminding me that NO ONE can really, truly, fully master BOTB. It's just too unpredictable. There is no formula because it's not a science, it's an art.
I like both versions of 'TOBACCO ROAD' that I used in this Battle, but to me, the RARE EARTH version is so utterly superior to the Bill Wyman recording that I feared a blowout when I put this Battle together. I listened to BOTH recordings back-to-back several times, and every time I did, I had the same thought:
After hearing Pete Rivera sing the hell out of this song with his rich, soulful, note-bending voice, the voters are going to balk as soon as Paul Carrack begins singing for Wyman's band. That typically thinner, almost shrill-at-certain-points English voice is not going to go over well following Rivera's riveting, smoldering performance. I felt Carrack's vocals were the one weak link in the Bill Wyman version.
Shows to go ya what I knows! A few people actually singled out Carrack's singing as a highlight of Wyman's recording for them.
Aside from Rivera's vocals, what do I especially like about the Rare Earth rendition? ...EVERYTHING! I love that organ and the saxuality (as mentioned by Debbie) and I also dig that heavy, Acid-drenched, late-'60s Psychedelic guitar tone and the various shifts in tension during the song! I love 'Tobacco Road' and I totally love the album that the song comes from as well. Rare Earth's 'Get Ready' was the second LP I ever owned, and I acquired it in 1970, the year following its release.
Well, here are the results which surprised the heck out of me AND my Magic 8-Ball:
Rare Earth = 6 votes
Bill Wyman's Rhythm Kings = 11 votes
As always, I appreciate all of you who took the time and trouble to listen and vote! Without you, there's no BOTB.
Unfortunately, however, we had an even lower voter turnout this time. It seems as if the vote totals have been waning for awhile now. I know that a few participants are unable to play BOTB right now due to important matters in their personal lives which certainly take precedence over blogging. Nevertheless, it seems to me that perhaps, generally, the novelty of BOTB has finally worn off. I told myself about 2 years ago that if my vote totals ever drop below double-digits, that will be the end of it for me. It looks like that day is coming.
BUT!... I will be back here on March 15th for another Battle Of The Bands installment, so please join me if you can. We'll have fun, fun, fun until the devil takes BOTB away!
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
That indeed was a surprising outcome to me, but then maybe I'm biased for the reasons you stated.
ReplyDeleteWe can't stop the BOTB! I've still got so many Battles lined up and keep thinking of more. Maybe it's just time of year or post election trauma. I think we can generate more interest and get some of the old battlers back on board.
No matter what though, I'm going to keep going with it for at least a while longer--say 4 years or so...
Nice battle this time around. Those surprises are fun, but always a bit of a mystery.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
DeleteYeah, it's probably Trump's fault (since Bush ain't around to blame for everything anymore).
Ha! "4 years or so..." And here I was under the impression that you were truly dedicated to BOTB.
Sometimes I'm dismayed by the surprises. But then I remember this: If I could accurately predict the outcome of every single Battle, then there would be no point in putting them together. And that would mean no BOTB at all. So, yeah, I guess the surprises are always a blessing of sorts.
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
I agree with Lee that we can't stop the battles. We need to start encouraging others to join in. I'm thinking the AtoZ Challenge usually brings in a few new people each year. We should reach out to those who participated in the past as well to see if they are ready to come back to the party.
Jingle Jangle Jungle
DeleteThat's true that a few of you incorporate BOTB into your A To Z, and that has resulted in a few new participants in the past, as I recall.
Kim had said that she was just about ready to start BOTBing again, but that was a few Battles back and I haven't heard from her about it since then.
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
I had a roommate once that complained that she wasnt getting any dates. She'd say "I know Prince Charming is out there" And I would say "well he's not going to go door to door looking for you, you have to go out and help him find you." I think the same principle applies here. Perhaps we should be approaching some bloggers to see if they want to join in?
Jingle Jangle Jungle
That's NOT true!
DeleteI did used to go door to door.
What you say makes sense, Mary. It's not really my style though. However, if you and Lee or anyone else wants to actively try to drum up interest in that way, I got nuttin' against it.
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
I sensed your dismay about this outcome, and I wanted to reassure you that the outcome was CORRECT and the best version won. I am sure that you now feel much better now having learned that your choice was - in fact - the wrong one! Wyman's was clearly better. Breathe deep. Exhale.
ReplyDeleteAll is well.
Trump doubles down every time he is disputed.
Wikileaks is still leaking.
The elites are in chaos.
Wyman won this battle.
All it right with the world.
DeleteIt is a proven fact that sometimes the guy who really can't sing well wins the Battle.
Seriously though? Or MORE seriously, I mean... Tempo is the usual assassin. Most often, faster songs beat slower songs. Which on one level makes sense: He who goes fastest reaches the Finish Line firstest.
Gotta run. I'm working on my own Based Stickman outfit for the next Trump rally. My "Proud To Be Deplorable" T-shirt is a given, but I need to dig up the armor somewhere. The stick? I'll just take one away from a commie at the rally.
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...