Saturday, April 15, 2017


Republican Vs. Democrat, Male Vs. Female, War Vs. Peace, Light Vs. Dark, Good Vs. Evil, Man Vs. Machine, Love Vs. Hate, Dog Vs. Cat, Sun Vs. Moon, Brain Vs. Brawn, Oscar Vs. Grammy, Angel Vs. Demon, Laurel Vs. Hardy, Beer Vs. Wine, TV Vs. Radio, Pitcher Vs. Batter, Paper Vs. Plastic, Reality Vs. Fantasy, Yeshua Vs. Beelzebub, Conservative Vs. Liberal, You Vs. Me, House Vs. Senate, Offense Vs. Defense, Kramer Vs. Kramer, Spy Vs. Spy, Fischer Vs. Spassky, W.C. Fields Vs. Sobriety, Harold Gimpy, Jr. Vs. Sheldon J. Pismire, Rock Vs. Paper Vs. Scissors, Islam Vs. Everything, Singer Vs. Singer, Band Vs. Band...
Shoop-Shooby -
Shooby-Duh-Dooby-Doop-Dooby-Dooby-Doo-Wah -
Yes, it's time once again for 'Battle Of The Bands' ('BOTB').
Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!...
I woke up this morning and I got a glass of gin.
The future's uncertain but tonight will end in sin.
~ 'Roadhouse Blues' (21st Century edition)

When you pause to think about it, a lot of really A-LIST E-TICKET MUSIC has been used as themes for television shows. And in a way, I imagine it's kind of demanding for a musician to create a song that is super-catchy and conveys some idea about a show's premise in just a minute or a minute and a half at most.

There are quite a goodly number of TV series theme songs that I really dig. I even like some theme songs for shows that I actually think stink to high Heaven (e.g., 'Sanford & Son', 'Welcome Back, Kotter', and 'Hill Street Blues').

(Mary, Mary, Quite Extraordinary, please do correct me if I'm wrong, but...) Recently, it occurred to me that no one has ever used TV theme songs in a Battle Of The Bands competition before. (Our good friend Jeffrey Scott once used TV stars singing in BOTB, but not the actual TV show theme songs.)

Since the themes are all so short (approximately one minute), I decided to make it a 3-Way Battle. But which theme songs should I use? Hmmm.... I asked my new Magic 8-Ball (now with the electrolytes that BOTBers crave) but it was of no help a'tall. 

So then I just threw up my arms (which, trust me, is very rough on one's throat) and said: "I'll just use my own Top 3 favorites. Who can stop me? I'm da dictator o' de blog!

So, here ya go, my Top 3 favorite TV Theme Songs. Which of the 3 do you like best?

Please remember that I am NOT axing you which of the 3 TV shows you like best, but which of these 3 pieces of music do you like best? However, if you want to tell me in the comment section which of these 3 shows you prefer (even if it's not your favorite of the 3 theme songs presented here), I would LOVE to know. ALSO!... I would be interested to know what is your favorite TV series of all-time, regardless of whether or not it is one of the 3 shows being featured here in this Battle. (In other words, I'm just generally interested in learning a bit more about you and your likes. As Daphne Moon would say: "I don't know why.")


[*Please Note that the official Theme Song for the following show ends at the 57-second mark. When Al Jarreau goes into the song 'Since I Fell For You' afterwards, that part don't count a'tall! So don't be countin' it. Don't make me have to come over there!!]


Question: Will M*A*S*H win this Battle?
Magic 8-Ball sez:  "My Sources Say No"

Alright now, “you know the gig”... I welcome you (whether I know "you" or not) to vote for your favorite of these songs in the comment section below. And feel free to tell us WHY you chose one song over the other. 

After voting here, I suggest - actually I insist - you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there also. (If their ‘BOTB’ blog bits aren’t posted yet, pour yourself two shots of ‘Grand Marnier’ over ice – do it twice – and then return to their blogs to vice your voice your vice ...voice your vote.)

Voice Your Vote...

@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘YOUR DAILY DOSE’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.

As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 7th and 21st of each month to post my own votes and announce the winners in the comment sections.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. Wow! Great leads. The intro to M*A*S*H seems to be the best to me. Sorry the program is so downbeat, though.

    It is better as an instrumental.

    WKRP did nothing for me. Unfortunately these programs were before my time.

    1. E POP T ~
      I'm not sure how my "real" response to your comment got published down below instead of right HERE, but you'll find it if you scroll down a wee wittle bit.

      (My computer was doing screwy stuffs at the time I was writing my "real" reply to you and I guess it decided THIS was the not place for it.)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Check out my new blog @
      (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  2. Fabulous idea for a BOTB, Stephen! Kudos for originality. I liked all three shows but the music for WKRP and Moonlighting, not so much. MASH; where do I start? I remember you saying that even though you were a background actor on the show for several years, you weren't a fan. I was/am (still catch the reruns once in awhile), including the theme song (and yes, I'm also one of those liberals you don't like - but of the Canadian variety, so, gimme a break, okay? ☺). Here's where it gets personal: My father, who was career army, refused to watch MASH, because he suffered from PTSD, brought on by his stint as a platoon commander on the front lines of the Korean War. In other words, the subject matter is significant to me and I find the theme song very moving. My vote goes to MASH.

    It's impossible to pick just ONE favourite show over all. Two comedies from the 70s always made me LMAO: 'Barney Miller' and 'The Odd Couple'. Now it's 'The Big Bang Theory' and 'Mom'. For drama, Hill Street Blues was exceptional, IMO (you were on that too, yes?) Currently, I'm really into 'Better Call Saul', the prequel to 'Breaking Bad'.

    1. Thanks so much, DEBBIE! I appreciate the kudos.

      And, yes, it's true my tolerance for liberals is somewhere "below 0", but you're alright with me because... 1) you're Canadian, so I can't blame the condition of the USA on you, and 2) you're nice to me. How could those things not change the temperature for the better?

      I love these great comments I'm getting on this Battle. Thanks for all the details. Me likey!

      I feel for your Dad's condition. I know he's moved on now, but that still bothers me that anyone has had to suffer from PTSD. I hate, Hate, HATE war (unless it's personal and takes place just outside of a bar - Ha!) No, seriously, war is always a lie and the Korean War (along with all of them since then) was such a load of horseshit. It kind of breaks my heart thinking about men like your Dad and all the others.

      Yes, BARNEY MILLER was great, and THE ODD COUPLE was hilarious! Dang. I haven't seen an episode of The Odd Couple in decades but I loved it as a kid.

      Remember that episode of Barney Miller where the Japanese detective (can't remember his name) accidentally ingested some "Mary Jane". It was in brownies, I think. And he walks into the office and asks if anyone has seen his legs? And I really liked that old retired detective who used to come around and bug people with his old stories and dry comments on everything.

      I'm afraid I haven't seen any of the other shows you mentioned, but you've got laughing just thinking about those two I do know.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Check out my new blog @
      (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    2. It matters not to me what political or religious affiliations people embrace, as long as there's mutual respect. We're all human and should do our best to get along. I know, I'm such a hippie! ☺ You haven't given me any reason not to be nice to you, Stephen.

      I agree with you about war! The realization that my father had suffered from PTSD only came to me recently, once I put everything together. He had horrible nightmares all the time and was also an alcoholic. Thankfully, he quit drinking in 1987 and we became close until his death in 2011.

      That Barney Miller episode was hilarious! I have the whole series on DVD and watch it whenever I need a good laugh.

    3. HiYa, DEBBIE! ~
      A terrible situation for your Dad. At least you were able to come to an understanding regarding his nightmares and drinking, and it's such a blessing he was able to stop drinking so you two could eventually develop a good relationship.

      I also believe in mutual respect and trying to get along with others... but only in moderation, of course. All things IN MODERATION! (HA! ;O)

      And speaking of "Hippies", Debbie, currently (as is usually the case) I am reading three books at once, and one of them is a book I think *might* interest you. At the moment, I'm only on page 63, but my head is spinning, and has been doing so since about page 1.

      I'm a voracious reader, always have been, but I've never encountered a book quite like this one -- and, yes, to a large extent it addresses "hippies", and just about anything else one could think of involving the 1960s and early '70s.

      I don't want to officially recommend it until I've finished the whole thing and then done a little fact-checking of my own. But if it holds up, in terms of interest and truth, I'll probably end up writing a review of it and posting it on my new blog. If so, I'll make it a point to make you aware of it.

      Up 'til now though... mind blown!!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Check out my new blog @
      (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    4. Sorry, I missed this reply earlier. I love reading and watching anything about the '60s and '70s, so you've got my attention!

    5. DEBBIE, I should have this book finished by the middle of this week.

      I've always been a voracious reader -- often reading 3 books at once -- and I need 8 book cases just to hold the books I decided were too good or important to get rid of after finishing them. (God only knows how many bookcases I'd need if I had never discarded a book after finishing it.)

      But I gotta say, this is quite possibly the WILDEST book I've ever read! And aside from the information in it, I just love the author's style. He's at least as snarky as I am. What a hoot!!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Check out my new blog @
      [Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    6. Can't wait for the review! ☺ I hoard - I mean - collect books too. My house is running out of space for them.

  3. E POP T ~
    It sounds as if you know what few do:

    The MASH theme was the instrumental version of a full song written by the great Johnny Mandell and a lyricist whose name escapes me. The title is 'Suicide Is Painless'. Understandably, the MASH production company opted for an instrumental version for their theme.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    Check out my new blog @
    (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  4. My comments, thoughts, and vote here will come as no surprise to you. Just examine YOUR strongest held musical opinions, and reverse them.

    I didn't watch or like MASH or Moonlighting. Great friends (many, including you, of course) have told me what a nincompoop I was for this, but my policy is to avoid ANY and ALL shows that deal with hospitals, doctors, or injuries. And Moonlighting was supposedly a great show that I just never got into. I tried to watch a couple of episodes, got halfway through them, and bailed. And the music neither does anything for me.

    Now, WKRP was a show I thought was funny and good, but it hit at a time of my life when I didn't have time to watch much of anything. So I'd watch occasionally but not consistently. The music here does nothing for me either.

    So, of the three theme songs, I am going to go with MASH because the show became so important and loved by society that the music became iconic even though it is MEH to me.

    Of shows and themes I liked: we've "E-ed" privately about this some, but for the general public (which is vitally interested in my opinions) I'll comment further. Perhaps my two favorite sitcoms were Frasier (which has an interesting theme song, but not great), and The Beverly Hillbillies. The BH theme to me is fantastic, done by the amazing Flatt & Scruggs, who occasionally appeared on the show. Unlike you, I love bluegrass, and their pickin' was the best.

    Other theme songs I really liked were (boringly) 1) Friends by The Rembrandts. I was listening to Danny Wilde before the Rembrandts or that song, so I was on board immediately. 2) The Big Band Theory, currently playing. It has a very interesting construction and the song is much longer than the show theme. I like lots of music by The Barenaked Ladies, and so again, I'd like this song even if it were not a TV theme. 3) The theme for Cheers is great!

    Others I liked were The Rockford Files, Andy Griffith Show, and virtually all the western tv show themes: Bonanza, Big Valley, Rawhide, etc.

    THOSE last ones you MIGHT agree with, but other than Andy Griffith... the rest you hate, I'm sure!

      Ha! Well, it's not quite as bad as all that, this time.

      Great comment. Thanks!

      MOONLIGHTING: I recently wrote this in a comment somewhere but I don't think it was to you, so I'll repeat myself...

      My Ma convinced me to watch MOONLIGHTING. The first episode I saw, I was just kind of "eh". The second ep, and I thought: "Not bad". By the third episode, I had figured out the dynamic between the two main characters and I totally fell in love with the show. One of my Top 5 favorites all time.

      For me, anyway, sometimes I need to see a few episodes of a show before I really take to it. MOONLIGHTING may have had the best plot twists of any show I've ever seen, with the exception of ALIAS SMITH AND JONES.

      The greatest episode of MOONLIGHTING was "Atomic Shakespeare", their spoof of 'The Taming Of The Shrew'. It was a total masterpiece! Unfortunately though, you probably wouldn't dig it like I do because you'd be lacking an understanding of the characters' personalities and some of the older gags they reused from previous episodes, which were a wink and nod to the audience.

      However, one MOONLIGHTING episode you really should see sometime is "The Dream Sequence Always Rings Twice" which was a brilliant parody on (obviously) "The Postman Always Rings Twice". It was really funny and all Film Noir-y black & white. In fact, Cybil Shepherd sang 'Blue Moon' in that ep and I used her version in an old BOTB installment against the original hit and guess what! ...Yup. "Maddie Hayes" won the Battle!

      Do you remember when a bunch of fans got crushed to death at a Who concert in the late '70s? WKRP IN CINCINNATI did an episode that addressed that and it was pretty moving for a sitcom.

      I actually do like Bluegrass but in small doses. Similar to how I feel about Reggae. A couple of songs I can dig, but by about #3 in a row it's all starting to sound too much alike to me.

      David Lindley did it perfect for me on his album 'El Rayo-X'. 12 tracks with 3, maybe 4, Reggae-inflected tunes interspersed. That's how I want to hear Reggae... or Bluegrass. ("Mercury Blues" -- what a rocker! Just thinking about it, I had to put 'El Rayo-X' on.)

      I don't know those newer shows' theme songs you mentioned (haven't watched TV for many years). But the ROCKFORD FILES theme is great. Yes, TAGS, of course. And I like all the Western themes even though the only Western TV show I've ever liked is the previously mentioned ALIAS SMITH AND JONES.

      SBB-6, thanks for playing along, for the A-List comment and for the vote, even if you didn't really like any of the 3 theme songs I used here.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Check out my new blog @
      (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  5. Al Bondigas here. Good show McCarthy ol' chap. These were all excellent theme songs. I think I'm going to have to rule fer WKRK in Cincinnati. That song evokes a lot of fond memories for me. My favorite theme song might be Welcome back Kotter followed by Room 222. Anyway, that's it. That's my rulin'.

    1. JUDGE AL ~
      You fooled me when you said you thought MOONLIGHTING would win this Battle. I assumed that meant you were voting for it. Ha! Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky. Your vote though does not surprise me.

      MASH is running away with this and will continue to do so. I was pretty dern certain that the Magic 8-Ball had this one wrong. In fact, the Magic 8-Ball has been so consistently wrong lately that we can probably know what will happen just by assuming it will be the opposite what M 8-B sez.

      I'm glad you voted for WKRP because I've been hoping that each theme song will get at least one vote. And a little birdy (NOT the M 8-B) tells me that MOONLIGHTING will get at least one vote. In which case, no one gets completely shutout, and that pleases me.

      Yeah, WELCOME BACK, KOTTER -- although one of the worst shows in TV history -- has a pretty terrific theme song. And that song will ALWAYS remind me of YOU, for reasons you know very well.

      I can't even remember the ROOM 222 theme song. I will have to go to YT and listen to it today.

      BATMAN is another huge favorite of mine. And TAXI, too.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Check out my new blog @
      (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    2. "I almost forgot...


      ~ D-FensDogG
      Check out my new blog @
      (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    3. Hahaha. Yeah booger!! That was a great episode. WKRP reminds you of mom, huh? Of course it does, me too. The episode about the rock concert was great too. Ohh, how about the softball game? That may actually be my favorite. Yeah, listen to room 222. One of the best ever in my book.

    4. "BOOGER!" actually comes from the pilot episode.

      Yes, the WKRP theme makes me think of Ma, of course. As well as Mary Ann, and one other woman in my life whom I will always have the hots for, even if she did turn from Conservative to Democrat. (Known on my blogs as "Ms. Venus".)

      Be sure to scroll down and read JOHN HOLTON's comment and my reply to him

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Check out my new blog @
      (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  6. OH... and "Secret Agent Man" by Johnny Rivers!

    1. Yep, SBB-6, I like that one also. How about BATMAN and TAXI?

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Check out my new blog @
      (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  7. Since I barely watched television from about 1970 to sometime after 1992--or at least mainstream network programming--there are a lot of TV shows I know little to nothing about. I don't think I ever saw an episode of Moonlighting and not enough of WKRP to register in my memory. I've seen a number of episodes of M*A*S*H, but after it went into syndication and seemed like it was always on at sometime during the day. I'd usually catch it after the late night news after our nightly performance was over and we were back in the motel relaxing. I never cared much for that show, but one season we had a couple on the show who were fanatics about watching it so I'd sometimes watch it with them.

    IN fact they were so into the show that when we went to Toledo we all went over to some bar or something that was apparently talked about in the show a lot and we had some kind of soda (Nehi maybe?) that Klinger liked.

    I liked the MASH movie okay, but just didn't care for the show.

    As for the themes, they are all pleasant enough listening, however the themes for WKRP and Moonlighting seem dated to me. On the other hand, the M*A*S*H theme is kind of timeless. It's a good melody--kind of wistful--and so recognizable. In my head I see that opening image for the show of the copters and the medics running. It's a good song and I'll cast my vote for that one.

    As far as my personal favorite shows, definitely got to go with Twilight Zone. Every time a rerun comes on TV I'll watch it. They had great stories. Also very high on my list is Quantum Leap. I've got the complete DVD set of that show--it's one of the best shows ever and in some ways I'd put it above Twilight Zone.

    That was a good contest with questions. I'm going to predict a win for "Suicide is Painless"--who doesn't like that song?

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. BOIDMAN ~
      As Debbie mentioned above, I've never really cared for MASH either, but it does have one of the most rabid, loyal fan bases of any TV series ever. In fact, until just recently, when finally beaten by a Super Bowl broadcast, the final episode of MASH was the single most viewed broadcasted show in history. I think it's still at #2 now.

      Your story about the bar in Toledo strikes me funny because that's the sort of thing I would do -- only just not with MASH. Not sure the name of the bar, but Toledo was where Klinger was from. However, Grape Nehi was Radar O'Reilly's favorite drink. So you've got a slight mix-up in there somewhere, but no matter.

      I think you would perhaps like MOONLIGHTING. It was a really fun, well-written show with some great characters and oodles of plot twists. And "breaking the fourth wall" was pretty much their trademark, and it was wonderful when they did it.

      Lee, see if you like this (Link:] ONE MINUTE SCENE.

      I've never seen QUANTUM LEAP, but for sure TWILIGHT ZONE is a classic -- so many memorable episodes! The one where the guy accidentally breaks the stopwatch and every person on the planet, except him, is put into eternal suspended animation scared the bejabbers outta me when I was kid! I've never quite gotten over that. :o)

      >>... I'm going to predict a win for "Suicide is Painless"--who doesn't like that song?

      Uhm... see yer buddy SBB-6's comment above. Ha!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Check out my new blog @
      (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    2. The clip from Moonlighting is clever--reminds me of something out of an old movie.

      Twilight Zone had a couple of those "frozen in time" stories. The other I remember was about the astronaut's who arrive in the place where everyone is frozen and an old caretaker goes around dusting everything off. Those scared me too. I used to have dreams about being in a place where everyone was frozen and I'd wake up scared.

      I figured I'd be on only one who didn't care for MASH. I can remember times when all my friends would gather round a TV set like they were frozen in time watching that show and I'd be like wondering what the big deal was.

      Arlee Bird
      Tossing It Out

    3. I don't remember that astronaut episode of the Twilight Zone, but that would have freaked me out, too.

      I never had nightmares about the stopwatch episode, but I sure as hell never forgot it!

      For what it was, MASH was a top-notch show. But it was too liberal for my tastes (even though I shared the anti-war sentiment) and the quips were just TOO quick-witted and brilliant. By far, the most quick-witted person I've ever known in my 57 years was Torch. And people on a TV show who are even quicker with the smart-aleck replies than Torch was is purely "fake" to me.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Check out my new blog @
      (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    4. Strangely enough, I watched that astronaut episode on Twilight Zone this morning. I had recorded if from MeTV in the wee hours of Friday morning.

      It's a good one.

      Arlee Bird
      Tossing It Out

    5. LEE, I'll have to look for that episode at YouTube.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Check out my new blog @
      [Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    6. It's episode #20 from the first series. It's called "Elegy"


    7. Ahh, thanks, BOIDMAN. That'll do it. I'll find it and be prepared to be creeped out. Ha!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  8. My, My! What have we got here?

    This is one very interesting battle that can go so many different directions.

    Now, I know you said to base our votes on the song, not the show. So, to put these in the right order, when I read the name of the show, I tried to dig into the deep recesses of my brain to see if I could easily recall the theme song - before giving it a listen.

    Let's start with the one I like the least. Moonlighting. Remember when Bruce Willis was charming? Yeah, me neither. The guy is a regular grade A-1 @$$hole. Oh right - theme song (sorry, was distracted by a shiny object). I couldn't recall the theme song at all. I do remember watching the show, and it was just MEH for me.

    WKRP - the only part of this theme song was the tail end of the song when they gave the title of the show. Well, that's not very memorable, is it? While I loved the show and laughed at it's goofiness, the theme song just didn't do much for me.

    M*A*S*H - now this one is very memorable. I watched the show religiously, and loved it all. My vote goes to M*A*S*H

    Now to answer a few trivia questions -
    The lyricist for 'Suicide is Painless' was Mike Altman, son of the original film’s director, Robert Altman, and was 14 years old when he wrote the song’s lyrics.

    Frasier - Kelsey Grammer sings the theme song. "Tossed salads and scrambled eggs" are supposed to be a metaphor for the people Frasier helps with his practice.

    Other shows that I enjoyed the theme song were Gilligan's Island, Andy Griffith Show, Welcome Back Kotter, Facts of Life, Diff'rent Strokes, Beverly Hillbillies.

    In the late 70's our tv broke, and my parents did not replace it. I hated that fact growing up. Now that I'm older... I don't watch much television at all. I will occasionally catch something on Netflix or YouTube, but lately, even that has nearly come to a halt.

    Excellent battle, my friend!

    Jingle Jangle Jungle
    #AtoZChallenge 1970's Billboard Hits


      >>... Remember when Bruce Willis was charming? Yeah, me neither. The guy is a regular grade A-1 @$$hole. Oh right - theme song (sorry, was distracted by a shiny object).

      Was the shiny object the bald head of Bruce Willis?

      I've heard that before, from a few sources, that in "real life" Bruce Willis is a "real jerk", and somehow I don't find that hard to believe. But I would argue that Bruce Willis could be charming. Or, at least he could "act" charming, which he definitely did many times as "David Addison" in MOONLIGHTING.

      >>... I do remember watching the show [MOONLIGHTING], and it was just MEH for me.

      Make like a scared person in a haunted house and... GET OUT!!! (You may return when I get a proper apology and a fifth of Old Crow. ...And I mean THE WHISKEY! Not one-fifth of an old bird.)

      I will always love, Love, LOVE 'WKRP IN ZINZINNATI'. A dear friend of mine (I'm looking at YOU, ~Flyin' Aardvark~) gave me the DVD boxed set of the entire WKRP series just 10 days ago. I can't wait to watch all those eps again!

      >>... M*A*S*H - now this one is very memorable. I watched the show religiously, and loved it all.

      Thanks for watching! Because of people like you, I'm still making money from that show. Not much -- not enough to keep me perpetually in beer -- but it does buy me a few six-packs from time to time. (Remember the time I died in time to save some other jackass?:o) ...Alright... you can return here... even without an apology. ...I'd still like the Old Crow, though.

      Terrific FUN FACTS, Mary! Thanks!
      Now this is sad: Those fun facts regarding the lyricist for the MASH song is something I read on some website about 6 months ago and then promptly, completely forgot until you mentioned them here. Damn! It's a bitch to get old and lose one's mind 'n' memory. But then again, who says ya gotta get old? Suicide is painless, right?

      I totally LOVE 'FRASIER' -- probably my second favorite show of all time -- but I've always wondered what all that "tossed salad and scrambled eggs" stuffs was about. Thanks for the info, MMQE. Nevertheless, I still think FRASIER has the worst theme song for a great show.

      Glad you liked the Battle. I was originally planning to go with a super-charged, high-octane, 220-MPH Rock song for this Battle, to clear the air after those last two Jazz Battles. But one of the two YouTube songs would NOT play in Canada, so I went to Plan B, which was THIS Battle.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Check out my new blog @
      (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  9. Now, Stephen, you told me over on my blog you thought I would vote for the theme from "M*A*S*H." Hate to disappoint you, buddy, but that's my least favorite of the three of these. It's not an especially pleasant song if you know the lyrics, for one thing, and I dunno, it isn't my favorite show, either. So that's number three.

    There are a lot of reasons I like the theme from "WKRP in Cincinnati": it's a breezy almost-love song, I love the city (Dad and his brothers and sister were all born there, it's a great food town and a good baseball town) and the song fits, and it was a great show, one that could make you laugh one minute ("As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly") and think the next (the episode after the stampede at The Who concert where kids were killed). Of the three shows, maybe my favorite.

    It gets nosed out by the theme from "Moonlighting." Not that I liked the show: there were a couple of times I wanted to punch Bruce Willis in the mouth, and like another show of that vintage, "Mork and Mindy," the show was dominated by the David Addison character to the point where the only way you could stand it was if you could stand him. A shame, too, because Cybill Shepherd can be a very funny person, as evidenced by the eponymous sitcom she did after Moonlighting with Christine Baranski, Alan Rosenberg, and the stunning Alicia Witt. The best thing about the show was Al Jarreau's theme, which in extended form is a beautiful song and is among Al's best work.

    So, Moonlighting gets the nod, with WKRP a close second.

    1. Great comment, JOHN. Thanks! I am almost ecstatic about the comments I'm getting on this Battle. Already one of the best BOTB comment sections EVAH! I guess it's true what they say: "Americans love TV more than anything else. I hate Americans!"

      Yeah, I TOTALLY missed my guess on which theme song you would choose. Damn! I'm almost as bad as the Magic 8-Ball. Two maroons under the same roof!

      >>... I love the city (Dad and his brothers and sister were all born there, it's a great food town and a good baseball town)

      My Ma and her Pa were born in "Zinzinnati", too. Yeah, fantastic "baseball town". I loved "The Big Red Machine" almost as much as I did my own Dodgers, and I got to see a game in the old Riverfront Stadium. (The Reds beat the Cardinals.) And of course, Cincinnati is known for its chili, which I had before going vegetarian. What's the most famous one called? Isn't it "Skyline"? (If I remembered that correctly, I am totally AMAZED that I did so. See my comment to Mary above!)

      One of the very, very nicest persons I've ever known, my Cousin Mary Ann, still lives in Cincy. (Technically, she's not really a Cousin, but she's related in some way, and has always been so close to my family that we've always just called her "Cousin". Love her! A wonderful Old School Catholic.)

      WKRP: Yeah, I even mentioned that Who stampede episode to Sheboyganboy Six above. And the turkey episode is, to me, one of the two classic o' de classics episodes. The other one being the softball game challenge against WPIG. Hokey-Smoke! I start laughing just thinking about that one, with poor, ol' Les Nesman out there in right field... and the violin playing. Woot!-Woot!

      You really had me going! I thought for sure you were voting for WKRP.

      I abbalouly love the show MOONLIGHTING. It had everything -- clever as the devil writing, surprising plot twists, great dialogue, "fourth wall" breaking, and off-the-charts goofiness -- everything I love. But, sure, David Addison dominated. That's OK with me, though. However, I totally agree with you about the theme song by Al Jarreau. I have it playing on "repeat" as I type these words.

      I'm glad you voted for MOONLIGHTING, even if you don't love the show the way I do. At least, now, every song has received a vote, so I'm totally content with this Battle. Thanks! ...Now that a shutout has been avoided, MASH can just go on and crush the competition, as it surely will.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Check out my new blog @
      (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  10. Stephen,

    Good idea to throw TV show's theme songs in the ring to duke it out. I like all three theme songs. They add something different to my mood.

    M*A*S*H causes me to reflect on the horrors of war and those who sacrifice so much. This theme song puts me in a somber state of mind but the show had the right amount of comic relief that made the program enjoyable to watch.

    WKRP in Cincinnati puts me in a light-hearted mindset and the theme song makes me think of jingle for a radio station as it should. This was a great fun show.

    Moonlighting, I loved the TV series. Although David Addison is getting a bum rap by some here today, I loved his character. He was a bit off the wall and a total wild man playing opposite to an uptight, spoiled, broke, once famous model, Maddie Hayes.

    IMO, Moonlighting has the best theme song of this lot. So, MOONLIGTHING gets my vote easily no question about it. Great, fun battle, my friend. Have a blessed Easter and thank you for visiting yesterday, my friend!

    Art Sketching Through the Alphabet "M" + #BoTB

    1. Thanks so much, CATHY! I'm really pleased you liked this Battle. It's been a lot of fun for me. In fact, it's going far better'n I expected it to do. I thought it would be fun, but not THIS MUCH fun!

      It's interesting to me to read the different opinions about the theme songs and to learn what other themes and shows our loyal BOTBers have been fans of.

      It's funny how sometimes I'll put together what I think is an A-List E-Ticket Battle and it doesn't meet my expectations. But then I can just toss together something kind of quick and simple, like this one, and it far exceeds my expectations in terms of response and enthusiasm.

      It is truly a Great Day, my Sister in Christ. Methinks me ought to post some sort of Easter-related review on my new blog. Maybe I'll see ya there.

      Bless And Be Blessed.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Check out my new blog @
      (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  11. This is so funny because One Hand Typing did a TV show as well.I have to go with MASH because it is just so iconic even though they changed it up slightly over the years, that one is my fav. I also love I Love Lucy, High Chapparel, and the first version from Simon and Simon. It's really hard to pick a favourite because I love so many! Frasier is great, Carol Burnett Show, Mary Tyler Moore, I Love Lucy, Bewitched of which I love the music also. I love Bonanza, the Bob Hoe specials, The Roasts with Dean Martin, The Twilight Zone, One Step Beyond, Land of the Giants, Quantum Leap and yes, Moonlighting!

    1. HiYa, BIRGIT, thanks for coming by with your vote.

      I've never even seen High Chaparral, Simon And Simon, One Step Beyond, Land Of The Giants, or Quantum Leap. But, yeah, the Carol Burnett show was a hoot and I regularly watched The Mary Tyler Moore Show and even The Dick Van Dyke Show (really dating myself now).

      I don't see any way MASH could lose this Battle, meaning that the Magic 8-Ball needs to go to the ER for an electrolyte transfusion. :o)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Check out my new blog @
      (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  12. Stephen, I LOVE this battle! There were so many great TV theme songs that I'm sure you had a hard time narrowing it down to three. MASH is definitely the best of the best. I even know many of the words to "Suicide is Painless," but I'm casting my vote for Moonlighting. MASH already won so many awards for both the movie and the TV series, that I just have to give Moonlighting a chance. It was such a fun show and Willis and Shepherd had such great chemistry. Moonlighting gets my vote.


    1. Thanks, GEM JULIE! I'm pleased that you enjoyed this Battle so much. It has already far exceeded my expectations in terms of enthusiasm and A-List comments.

      Willis and Shepherd did indeed have terrific chemistry together, despite the fact that personally, in real life, they did not get along at all. But then again, since the two characters they were playing often did not get along, and there was a lot of sexual tension involved as well, their "real life" antagonism was probably a major factor in that on-screen chemistry they had.

      I love MOONLIGHTING and own every episode on DVD. Such good writing, and that charisma of "David Addison" was off-the-charts. (Secretly, I want to be a David Addison too, once I get over this terrible case of "adulthood" I'm currently suffering from.)

      Thanks so much for the MOONLIGHTING vote, Julie!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Check out my new blog @
      (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  13. Moonlighting gets my vote. Neat battle of classic TV shows and their theme songs.

    1. Thank you, MIKE!
      Dang! MASH was running away with this thing but now, suddenly, MOONLIGHTING seems to be making a horse race of it.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Check out my new blog @
      (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  14. This was a fun battle! I liked WKRP well enough when it was on, but didn't miss it when it ended. I do miss Moonlighting, and still watch MASH. Every once in a while there is an episode I totally don't remember.

    I'll go against ye old 8-ball and vote for MASH theme song. Not only is it an excellent song (even when listening to the words) but they integrated it well with the preview scenes. I can't hear the music without mentally seeing all the characters, and thinking of past scenes from episodes. Its just catchy, reflective, and makes me want to tune in again. Moonlighting's song does fit the title, but was never descriptive of the program or characters. Well, it has been a long time since I viewed Moonlighting.

    Hey, thanks for that Wonderland link you left on my post today. Probably as close as I'll ever get to a Disneyland ride, lol. I'm a fan of the Queen of Hearts.


    1. Thanks for the vote, WILD THING. And not much excites me more than swords and decapitations... especially if I get to wield the sword and select the heads to roll. I feel hot just thinking about it.

      Although she wouldn't be #1 on my list, I'd definitely make sure I eventually got to the Queen Of Hearts herself.

      ("Don't you draw the queen of diamonds, boy,
      She'll beat you if she's able
      You know the queen of heats is always your best bet."

      Your vote for MASH is cool wid me, but I have to disagree a bit with this:

      >>... "Moonlighting's song does fit the title, but was never descriptive of the program or characters."

      How could a person who wrote such a brilliant Flash Fiction piece as you just did and posted on your blog have missed this symbolism?...

      Some walk by night
      Some fly by day
      Nothing could change you
      Set and sure of the way

      There is the sun and moon
      They sing their own sweet tune
      Watch them when dawn is due
      Sharing one space

      We'll walk by night
      We'll fly by day
      Moonlighting strangers
      Who just met on the way

      Maddie Hayes was the Sun and David Addison was the Moon -- total opposites "who just met on the way", "sharing one space" just before dawn.

      But I forgive you. Anyone who can write like you wrote, I can forgive for falling for the misdirection play, the play-action pass, the hidden ball trick, and the ol' Gaylord Perry spitball.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Thrower Of The "Tipsy-Dipsy-Doodle"

  15. The WKRP theme song was new to us, since that show was well before our time and local stations didn't seem to ever show any reruns that we can recall having seen while growing up.

    That one does have a fun sound to it, but Moonlighting takes the win for both of us. Fantastic sound. It also wins in terms of TV shows (sorry, but even you couldn't save MASH).

    And I don't think we have to remind you that our favorite TV show of all time is Justified. I also don't know if you'd like the theme song. It's gangstagrass. As in, rap fused with bluegrass. I don't love it, but I also don't hate it. I think it fits the show well, though. That whole old school meets new school thing.

    1. Howdy, 6-B! I've just arrived here from Frozen Burrito Heaven. (The Hot Green Chile burrito I just had was hotter'n I remembered 'em. Good stuffs, and goes well with Taco Truck Lager.)

      I thank you and Other B for the botes!

      Ha! Gangstagrass is the perfect word for that 'Justified' theme song. I don't think I understood a single word of it after two listenings. (But all I meet all day are arseholes. What does that mean?)

      MOONLIGHTING may actually beat MASH after all.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Check out my new blog @
      (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  16. And Stephen,

    A good battle indeed. Now since we're voting on the actual songs I do need to mention that I preferred the lyrical version of Mash from the movie to the instrumental of the TV show. I know you may have a bias for Mash having been had starred, well not starred (gotta keep you grounded my friend), but appeared in it often. WKRP brought up some good memories but to some degree, the song, and the show, are a bit second rate. I choose the theme from Moonlighting with a moment of silence for the recently departed Al Jarreau.

    Now my favorite theme song of all time? That's a tough one seeing as I can only remember back to yesterday. Loved Happy Days, Hill Street Blues, Cheers, Batman, even Friends and others. But most memorable, nostalgic, and favorite has to be the theme from the Andy Griffith Show.

    Now quit bugging me!

    1. ...AND POOH, THAT'S NOT ALL...

      Oh, but was I buggin' ya when I straightened out your life that night? Was I buggin' ya THEN?! (Wait. Don't answer that. Maybe I was. ...But then again, if I was, you wuz too drunk to know it.)

      Yeah, Brother, TAGS is one of my all-time favorites, of course, (I've heard that one more than any other, and I can whistle it myself perfectly.)

      Hill Street Blues and Batman are two more big favorites of mine as well.

      Thanks for checking in from vacation. (Is it a repeat of the 'Show No Emotion In A Big Way Tour'? Or the 'B.F.D. Tour'?)

      I hope you've got a spare set of car keys, Punk!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Check out my new blog @
      (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    2. And Stephen,
      I'm a high roller now, no car needed just the NY subway and my two feet. Still was a dumb move to lose my keys and then get mad at you for listening to your Mom, (albeit a wise Mom), and getting a spare. Guardian angels were watching over us I tell ya!


    3. Well, you know, "Drunk Happens".

      Yeah, Brother, all of our guardian angels were usually working on overtime.

      When do you get back home to Lost Angels?

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Check out my new blog @
      [Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    4. Right now I'm in Vegas for a conference. will be home tomorrow night.

    5. Put every penny you have on Eleven-Red! You'll thank me later.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      [Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  17. County my vote for the Al Jarreau's Moonlighting. Excellent song signaling the start of an excellent TV series.

    1. Thanks, FAE. I've got your vote "county'd". (Damned Spell-Check! Right?)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Check out my new blog @
      (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  18. This is a tough one for me, and I haven't looked at anyone's vote before I cast my own lowly vote.

    I've always loved the Moonlighting theme; dig Al Jarreau and his jazzersize facial scat contortions while he croons his hip tune-age. Actuallu, i was a huge fan of that show, too.

    As for WKRP...I lived in Ohio when that was on TV...never liked Loni Anderson...not impressed by the theme.

    Though I hate to disagree with the 8-ball, I have to go with theme from MASH. But, I have to give a little disclaimer on that: I absolutely turn the other way if you add to lyrics. Not a fan of the lyrics. But the iconic tune, loved it.


    Hey, hey we're the Monkees...uh, oops...we're not. My bad. I watched too much TV as a child.

    This Battle was tops, brudder. I'll be back to see the score.

    Yers trooly,

    1. DOC MacSIS ~
      I thank you oodles and oodles for taking time to check in and give yer .03 cents. (Inflation!)

      Dang, and Triple-Dog Double-Dang! 'THE MONKEES' theme song never even occurred to me. I guess because I think of it too much as a "real" song and not just a TV theme. But, yeppers, I dig that one, too. ('THE MONKEES', first LP I ever owned. A gift from Ma & Pa on my 8th birthday. Still have it, now on CD, and always play it on my birthdays!)

      I'm really tickled that you loved this Battle so much. Knowing your connection to Ohio, I thought maybe WKRP would get your vote. (I was pretty certain I would be wrong about SOMETHING sometime in my life. I just never dreamed it would happen so soon. Heck, I'm just Heinz 57.)

      I'm almost afraid to count up the votes. This "feels" like a MASH / MOONLIGHTING tie.

      Well, we'll know tomorrow.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Check out my new blog @
      [Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  19. You know how I feel about Moonlighting. I watched WKRP as a kid, but it was never my favorite. MASH reminds me of my dad. We watched it together for years. Point of fact, I couldn't watch it all my freshman year of college because it made me miss my dad. These two things will forever be inexorably linked for me. I bet you know how this vote will go...

    MASH of course.

    I love Joan of Arcadia and its theme song. I still love the theme song from The Facts of Life, but not so interested in the show any longer (though I liked it as a youth). Another favorite show is Everwood. I think my favorite show currently on TV is Scorpion. I still watch Grey's Anatomy, but it has lost the magic of the first five seasons.

    1. GIRL WONDER ~
      Thanks for your input. However, I can't believe you didn't vote for MOONLIGHTING knowing that the great ANGELYNE makes an appearance in the opening credits!! How could you dis her like that?! (You KNOW I'm BSing when you see me use the "fake word" dis.)

      I should have known you'd vote for MASH, but I always forget about your MASH-Dad connection.

      I've never seen 'The Facts Of Life', 'Everwood', 'Grey's Anatomy', or 'Scorpion', but I too like the theme song for 'Joan Of Arcadia', and the show also, of course.

      Thanks again for the vote, GW. I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Check out my new blog @
      [Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...


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