Republican Vs. Democrat, Male Vs. Female, War Vs. Peace, Light Vs. Dark, Good Vs. Evil, Man Vs. Machine, Love Vs. Hate, Dog Vs. Cat, Sun Vs. Moon, Brain Vs. Brawn, Oscar Vs. Grammy, Angel Vs. Demon, Laurel Vs. Hardy, Beer Vs. Wine, TV Vs. Radio, Pitcher Vs. Batter, Paper Vs. Plastic, Reality Vs. Fantasy, Yeshua Vs. Beelzebub, Conservative Vs. Liberal, You Vs. Me, House Vs. Senate, Offense Vs. Defense, Kramer Vs. Kramer, Spy Vs. Spy, Fischer Vs. Spassky, W.C. Fields Vs. Sobriety, Harold Gimpy, Jr. Vs. Sheldon J. Pismire, Rock Vs. Paper Vs. Scissors, Islam Vs. Everything, Singer Vs. Singer, Band Vs. Band...
Shoop-Shooby -
Shooby-Duh-Dooby-Doop-Dooby-Dooby-Doo-Wah -
Yes, it's time once again for 'Battle Of The Bands' ('BOTB').
Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!...
But first, ANNOUNCEMENT #1: Debbie from 'The Doglady's Den' and Michele from 'Angels Bark' have rejoined BOTB. So please be sure you remember not to forget to visit their Battles this round.
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Back "in the day" (aka "The 1970s"), the great JIM CROCE had two Top Ten hit songs about tough guys. The first one was YOU DON'T MESS AROUND WITH JIM. It went to #8 in '72. The following year, Croce had his biggest hit ever with BAD, BAD LEROY BROWN, which stayed at #1 for two weeks.
I thought it might be fun to see both tough guys step into the BOTB ring to fight each other for the first time. And it is WE who will decide who's really bigger and badder. I guess Jim is the underdog in this bout, but we know that with BOTB anything can happen.
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Question: Will Big Jim Walker beat Bad Leroy Brown?
Magic 8-Ball sez: "Most Likely"
Well... the ol' 8-Ball is consistent if nuttin' else can be said for it.
ANNOUNCEMENT #2: I'm sad to report that for a couple of reasons, I will be leaving the BOTB blogfest. Or... to be more precise: I will be "semi-leaving" the BOTB blogfest. You see, I've been doing BOTB since the beginning -- August 1, 2013. And at this point I feel like I've exhausted the concept. More importantly, though, is that I currently have 3 active blogs and not enough time for all 3.
My Spiritual / Political blog, FERRET-FACED FASCIST FRIENDS, has always been my most important. And my new Product Reviews blog, STEPHEN T. McCARTHY REVIEWS... is... well... new. So, naturally, I have more interest in that one at the moment.
I've decided that the anniversary date of August 1st will be my last BOTB Battle. Or... last for awhile. I have one or two Battle ideas I'm interested in doing during the Christmas season. So, I'm thinking I'll become an occasional "Guest BOTBer" from time to time.
One thing you can be certain of, however, is that I will ALWAYS support BOTB with my votes. As long as anyone is still putting together music Battles, I will still be coming around to submit my own (loud-mouthed, overly-opinionated) votes.

Alright now, “you know the gig”... I welcome you (whether I know "you" or not) to vote for your favorite of these songs in the comment section below. And feel free to tell us WHY you chose one song over the other.
Voice Your Vote...
@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘YOUR DAILY DOSE’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'ANGELS BARK' by clicking HERE.
@ 'THE DOGLADY'S DEN' by clicking HERE.
As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 7th and 21st of each month to post my own votes and announce the winners in the comment sections.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
I'm not happy about your announcement and hope that during the summer you get some kind of renewed inspiration for BOTB. But I guess you gotta do what's best for you.
ReplyDeleteAs for this current Battle it's kind of a tough one since they are similar songs by the same artist. And both tough guys are pretty tough guys to put up against each other.
Judging by the music and lyrics though I'm going to pick "Jim". I like Jim's melody and production value better and prefer the turn of his lyrics. Leroy has a fun song, but I'd rather listen to Jim.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
LEE, one never really knows what'll happen. I certainly have no shortage of match-ups to use and I expect that I'll always contribute a Battle from time to time, as long as BOTB is still breathin'.
DeleteI agree, this contest is a bit of a toughie. I mean, same singer singing two songs with a similar topic and twist.
So far though, the Magic 8-Ball is lookin' good!
~ D-FensDogG
[Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
First; you're leaving??! Well damn! :( Could I make a suggestion? Lately, I've been thinking that doing this twice a month kind of hampers other blogging activities. How about we all cut back to once a month on the 15th? (Too many other things going on around the 1st.) Does that sound like a reasonable solution? How about we poll everyone on it? Just a thought...
ReplyDeleteThis is a fun and unique battle, Stephen. Jim Croce's music is deeply engrained in '70s pop culture. How sad that he died so young and tragically! I agree with Arlee's assessment and am picking 'Jim' over 'Leroy'.
Thanks for the mention. It's good to be back. I hope you like my idea.
Thanks, DEBBIE, I'm glad you liked this Twisted BOTB installment!
DeleteI consider Jim Croce one of the all-time greatest lyricists, and you're right -- so sad that he died so young. I'm sure there would have been a ton of great songs he'd have created if he hadn't died way too soon. He was really my kinda songwriter!
Robin has seconded your motion to convert BOTB into a once-a-month blogfest, and I will post a poll with my June 1st BOTB installment to see what others think about that.
Of course, BOTB has always been short on rules so, in actuality, any participant COULD post just on the 15th of each month NOW, as it is, and still remain a BOTBer.
But out of curiosity, I'll run that by the others on June 1st and we'll see what sort of reactions your idea gets.
~ D-FensDogG
[Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Thanks for doing the poll, Stephen. I think officially setting it to once a month takes the pressure off those (like me!) who feel guilty for skipping some. Yeah, OCD, I know. LOL
DeleteHa! OK, no problem.
Delete~ D-FensDogG
[Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
I think if you leave this it will die. No pressure there... But, I do think that is true. And maybe it has run its course. Don't know. I think Debbie might have a good idea about making it a once a month thing. As someone who is struggling with posting, I'm not going to give you a hard time about it. Sometimes things run their course.
ReplyDeleteI know these so well I don't have to listen to them. I am partial to YOU DON'T MESS AROUND WITH JIM. Let me tell you why...
I was super into dance and gymnastics as a young person (a very young person). We lived in Port St. Lucie until I was in the fifth grade. I took lessons at a place called Dance With Joy. She offered ballet, tap, and gymnastics. Yep, you learned all three in that hour. I really loved it. Every spring we had a big performance. There were certain routines that were very popular and were performed by different groups every year. One of those was to the song YOU DON'T MESS AROUND WITH JIM. It was really a "bigger kids" tap dance, but the best among the younger ones got to be in it the last summer before we moved. You guessed it, I was one of them younger ones.
I spent many an afternoon tapping to that song in my garage. I practiced a lot. Very good memories there. Plus I learned some valuable lessons about not spitting into the wind or tugging on Superman's cape. That is stuff a kid needs to know!
DeleteI'm going to conduct a poll about Debbie's idea with my June 1st Battle. We'll see what the majority of BOTBers think about that.
Funny thing is, I can't even imagine a tap dancing routine to 'JIM', but I can take your word for it.
I only ever tugged on Superman's cape ONE TIME. Lesson learned! He slugged me right in the bread basket and, heck, I was only six years old!
Glad to see you decided to post a Battle this round.
~ D-FensDogG
[Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
When you compare the lyrics to both songs you realize Leroy Brown was just Jim Walker. Croce had a top ten hit with "You Don't Mess Around With Jim," then had trouble cracking the top ten, so he took his hit, changed around the lyrics, gave it an upbeat intro, and had "Bad, Bad Leroy Brown." I think he should have left well enough alone and released "Time In A Bottle," which was on his first album and was also a #1 for him. I'll go with the original, "You Don't Mess Around With Jim," and note that Jim shouldn't have messed with what was a pretty good song.
ReplyDeleteI can understand needing a break, and I don't share Robin's concern that this will all fall apart in spectacular fashion if you leave. Will you be passing responsibility of keeping the roster of participants off to someone else?
DeleteI don't know that I'd argue with so much success. I mean, yep, Jim Walker and Leroy Brown are pretty close to being the same person. But it was the revamped Jim going by the name of Leroy on the South side of Chicago that really made Croce rich and famous. Don't think I'd fault him for making some adjustments that resulted in the biggest hit he ever had.
Nor do I think BOTB will die if I leave. BOTB has always kind of just run itself, and that's probably because it was never even conceived as any kind of "official" blogfest. It took on a life of its own after FAE and I did a couple Battles, so I don't think it needs me at all to survive. (Nice compliment from Robin though, even if I'm really just another spoke in the wheel.)
John, I've never felt like the leader or the official anything, so I haven't really thought about "passing on responsibility" for the updated participants list. It'll all just work out automatically somehow because BOTB is kind of like a living entity, it seems to me.
~ D-FensDogG
[Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Stephen, I understand your thinking. It's hard to find something to write about on a regular basis. I found that out too. And thank you for your comments on my recent post. I had no idea how I managed to upset some people or why. Oh well, c'est la vie as Emmy Lou Harris said.
ReplyDeleteOh for the BOTB: In my opinion there is no second to Jim Croce when it comes to the badassness of Leroy Brown. He gets my vote.
DeleteActually, my problem is that I have TOO MANY things I want to write about. Too many potential blog bits and not enough time to compose them.
Your recent post: What I couldn't understand was where did all those people come from? I mean, how did they even find that post of yours? Did you promote it on Facebook or something? Because I routinely write far, FAR more controversial stuffs than that and yet I don't have anonymous posters coming out of the woodwork to criticize my writings.
Thanks for breaking up this shutout, POP T. I'm rather shocked that badass Leroy has started out in such a big hole. Maybe the Magic 8-Ball is going to get one right for a change!
~ D-FensDogG
[Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Well, you know my heart is in my throat reading your news. This must have been how you felt when FAE stepped away from the BOTB game. I know you are busy, and summer months are insanely crazy for many people.
ReplyDeleteA break is sometimes good, though, and I think you should consider Debbie's suggestion of only doing battles once a month. When things get really tough for me, it's the battles that kept me going. It's the friendships that have been formed among the participants, and I would hate to see those die off as well.
As for today's battle - two tough guys duking it out! Sure, Leroy was the baddest man in town, but in the end - You just don't want to mess with Jim. My vote goes to Jim.
Going to go cry in the corner now.
DeleteThe friendships will continue because, like I said, I will still be around and casting my votes, even if my own Battles are sporadic. I have ALWAYS made sure to vote on ALL the BOTB match-ups, and that will continue.
Plus, it's not like I'm leaving the Blogosphere. I will be visiting on other posts as well, above and beyond BOTB.
We'll see how it goes. I do enjoy BOTB -- I've always found it fun -- so maybe after curtailing my involvement I will later find myself re-inspired to pick up the pace again. I ain't etching no goodbye in granite here.
Do you have a beer to cry into? If not, I'll send some. How about a six-pack of Lagunitas 'SUCKS'? Ha!
Hokey-Smoke! I can't believe how Jim is knocking Leroy all around the ring. Lotta bookies in Vegas gonna lose a lotta dough on this bout!
~ D-FensDogG
[Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
I also think someone needs to be in charge. Sure the BOTB basically runs itself, but there needs to be someone who holds the official list of participants - otherwise newbies may get overlooked.
DeleteBack to my corner to cry some more.
DeleteWell, if seniority is the thing, then Lee be da man. However, you have the master list of all BOTBs in history. Maybe I'll do this BOTB installment: Lee Vs. Mary For BOTB Prez. Ha!
What better beer to cry [Link:) Lonely Teardrops into than one called [Link:) SUCKS?
Now there's another (Twisted) BOTB match-up: Jackie Wilson vs. Blue Oyster Cult doing two different songs with the same title. (BOTB is so easy. I've always been amazed when people have said they had trouble thinking up match-ups.)
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
Wow! I never thought you would be leaving although I understand andmaybe Debbie's suggestion will make you stay since I like your battles. This is a unique battle of the bad men by the great Jim Croce who died way too young. I am going with Bad Boy Leroy. I remember this song so well and just have to pick there:)
ReplyDeleteThanks, BIRGIT! I'm glad you dig my Battles. To be honest... I do, too. :^)
DeleteAnd I thank you greatly for helping Bad Boy Leroy to land his second punch. He really needs to fight his way off the ropes here and try to survive this first round. The poor guy has been getting pounded. (Who knew Big Jim Walker had such quick fists?!)
~ D-FensDogG
[Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Leroy Brown might be from the south side of Chicago, but 'you don't pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger, and you don't mess around with Jim, or maybe Slim. Whichever, I just like this song better, although both are good.
ReplyDeleteI think some of the LF'S might have a touch of the old drama queen. I doubt BOTB will die without you. You are of course, Mr. BATTLE OF THE BANDS, and have done more than anybody to keep it together and running smoothly. I know you have loved doing it and the BATTLES you present are a testament to that. BUT, it's always best to leave 'me wanting more and in your case and with your level of popularity, they're always gonna be wanting more. At the end of the day you've got to follow your heart and write/say/blog what means the most to you. BOTB was fun, but everything runs it's course and sometimes you just need to 'move on up' to something bigger and better. You're gonna be good at whatever you try. There are enough die hard BOTBers they'll keep it going, although I'll bet a few of the Lf's drop like flies. No pun intended. Ha, ha, ha! Ah, at the end of the day it's really all about the music, right?
DeleteThanks for the kind words and the title "Mr. Battle Of The Bands". It almost makes up for the fact that you aren't supporting your fellow Southsider.
I've always tried to put together something good for BOTB -- never just phoned one in. And I actually do STILL enjoy it, even though it now has a "been there, done that" feeling to it. How could it not after 90 Battles? I don't think there's anything that could happen in a BOTB installment now that I haven't seen before.
More than anything, it's a matter of available free time. If I weren't working a full-time job, I could definitely maintain all three of my current blogs.
I agree that my "semi-departure" won't kill off BOTB. It's just too good of a thing. And I'm sure I'll always have a hand in it to some degree.
Thanks a lot for checking in with a vote. I 'ppreciate that, my friend!
~ D-FensDogG
[Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
And Stephen,
ReplyDeleteQuite a battle once again. You know Jim got his but kicked and slim took over the "you don't mess around with" title. Although he did drive a drop top Cadillac, I respect him. But didn't old Leroy Brown own an Eldorado and a custom Continental? Hmm, this is a tough one. I remember my brother having that album when we used to go to a place called the record store (you might have to look that up). I also recall it got a lot of play and recall hearing both of the songs on the radio. But aren't they really the same song? A bad ass who gets it handed to him for the wrongs he did. One man is a cheat and the other is an adulterer. Both sinners and both catchy melodies. I gotta go with the guy with the Caddy and Continental! Now there you have it.
Say it ain't so, you gonna go just when I get in the habit of votin? Next time I see ya you might be looking like a jigsaw puzzle with a couple of pieces gone Punk!
JW nonetheless,
DeleteI was just waiting to get you trained to vote so that I could then announce my BOTB departure. Ha!
Well, seriously, I doubt I will ever quit completely, and I do have 5 more Battles lined up before taking any kind of break from it.
The Record Store... might that have been on Pico Blvd., north side of the street, and not far from the border of West L.A.?
You are correct, sir, that Leroy owned a Caddy AND a Continental. But did he have a two-piece, custom-made pool cue? Huh? Did he, punk?!
Well, regardless, your vote is your vote. And frankly, I'm happy to see Leroy connect on another punch, because Jim done been manhandlin' him up to now.
Thanks again for the vote, Pooh. (That's not "Boo!" they're shouting. That's "POOH!")
~ D-FensDogG
[Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Thinkin' maybe he didn't have that pool cue? The record store at that time would have been on Washington Blvd on the Marina Del Rey side and pooh misfortunate Lynch family lived in the first house on the Venice side.
Ahh... That musta been before I was borned.
Delete~ D-FensDogG
[Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
I think that the Magic 8-Ball company was hacked by the Russians. It has clearly been giving Fake News now since the election. As further evidence, I recently asked MY Magic 8-Ball: "will McCarthy continue with the BOTB for several more years?" I answered: "It is certain."
ReplyDeleteThe 8 Ball should retire, not you.
As for all the wringing of hands AND the supportive fatalism regarding your quitting: I don't know if the BOTB will continue without you. Nor will I. If you are out, I'm out. I've never been fully in, anyway... only commenting on the three originals BoTB-ers plus an occasional additional battle if I had time to even go look at them. Now, with two of the 3 gone (and I realize that this is not fair to Lee), my heart isn't in it to continue commenting. At least that's my feeling at this point.
As for the song choices this month: I vote for Ron Paul. It is becoming habit. See? My votes don't count in these things anyway.
McItchyfinger ~
DeleteGreat to see you here! Whenever you're around, I'm not the biggest curmudgeon in town.
Unlike at Lee's blog, a vote for RON PAUL is always welcome here. (Of course a vote that will actually affect the outcome is always welcome, too.)
Hey, the MAGIC 8-BALL is doing really well this time! I tried something different: I happen to know that the 8-Ball contains more "affirmative" answers than "negative" answers. So in the past, I've asked it "Will ____ [the odds-on favorite] beat ____ [the underdog] in this Battle?"
But it kept predicting wrong. So this time I reversed it and asked if Big Jim Walker (the underdog) would beat Bad Leroy Brown (the favorite)? When it said "Most Likely" I figured it was going to be wrong again... but looks like it was I was wrong.
I guess the Magic 8-Ball didn't like me trying to influence its accuracy by attempting to nudge it in what I thought was the correct direction. It's like it was trying to tell me, "Hey, I don't need no help from YOU, Loser!"
~ Stephen
[Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Your support of my Ron Paul vote does not surprise me, but your not pitching me shizzle for something else about my comment DOES. But you are right that I TRUMP you in curmudgeonliness, especially evidenced by your sweet response to me here. You were supposed to blast me then I was supposed to reluctantly say: "Well, OK. I guess then that I will vote for _____."
DeleteThat did not happen, but I'll pretend it did. Therefore, I'll change my vote to LEROY BROWN. I have a few reservations about the vote, mostly in his choice of carrying only a .32 caliber firearm. That's not "BAD," that's bad. Frankly, neither LeRoy or Jim are really very bad-ass. Both got the clocks cleaned and heads handed to them by ordinary Joes.
DeleteI fear I may be losing my edge as I age. I haven't had a really bad hangover in quite awhile. Maybe that's what I need to reset my dial to "High-Octane Disagreeableness".
What always confused me a bit about Jim and Leroy was all this yak about guns, knives and razors. I mean, I thought "real" Old School tough guys settled things with their fists.
Anyway, thanks for helping MR. BROWN to land another punch. Maybe it's not too late for him to make this a respectable fistfight. :^)
~ D-FensDogG
[Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
ReplyDeleteLike everyone, I get where you're coming from regarding following your passions and if it means moving on, so be it. I like the idea of keeping BoTB going even if it's only a monthly thingy. I certainly do not want to lose touch of you or the other regulars who are the best bunch of blog pals!
Good battle, I'm giving my vote to Leroy which is my favorite and most memorable Jim Croce song. Have a good week, my friend!
~Curious as a Cathy
#1 Billboard Hot 100 Songs from 1961 #4M + #BoTB
Thanks, CATHY! I'm sure we will all be keeping in touch. I don't believe BOTB will be ending any time soon. And I will still be visitin' 'n' votin' whether I have a Battle of my own going or not.
DeleteLEROY sure does appreciate your support. Neither he nor I thought Jim was as tough as he is.
~ D-FensDogG
[Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Hey Stephen. So good to be back, but wow, what a blow to read your news about leaving BOTB! That makes me sad. You always have such great and unique battles. But believe me, I understand the need to take a break. I took a complete break from blogging altogether and I must say, it was really nice. I obviously needed it. Breaks are necessary for so many reasons. I'm glad that you'll still be checking in on our battles. And it will be a nice treat when you Guest in the 'Fest...
ReplyDeleteI will second Debbie's suggestion: I think making BOTB a once-a-month blogfest would make it more manageable for many of us. I get stressed if I can't come up with a decent battle (and apparently my first one back isn't such a great one being that it's headed for Shutoutville). So I'll cast my vote early: BOTB once a month works for me!
Now, for your battle: IT'S SO GOOD! I love the tough guy theme. And who doesn't love Jim Croce? So sad that he left us so young: I'm sure he had many more hits in him.
This battle is tough all over: I really enjoy both songs but I'm going to vote for Don't Mess Around with Jim.
Thanks for the mention! It's good to be back.
Michele at Angels Bark
Thank you very much, MICHELE. And I'm pleased you dig the Battles I put together.
DeleteIt could be that I just need a break. And who knows, maybe after I've gotten a chance to write some of the A-List, E-Ticket installments for my FERRET-FACED FASCIST FRIENDS blog, which I've been intending to write for so long now, perhaps I will be ready to go back into BOTB full-time again.
By now you've probably seen that I stormed the gates of your Shutoutville and torched the town.
This particular contest just seemed like a BOTB natural to me. As soon as I thought of one song, the other immediately popped into my head and I knew I had a Battle between the characters and their songs.
Gotta admit though that I thought Leroy would win this on a TKO. Instead, it's looking like Jim might win by KO.
~ D-FensDogG
[Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Ah, my hero! My knight in shining armor... storming the gates and saving my battle. So sexy! :)
DeleteI thank you, kind sir...
Ha! What I lack in money and intelligence I try to make up for with sex appeal. :^)
Delete~ D-FensDogG
[Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Indeed you do! ;)
~ D-FensDogG
Al Bondigas here. I've gone back and forth with these two songs for years. A few years ago I finally determined that I liked " Bad Bad Leroy Brown " slightly better. It's funny though, I always thought Leroy Brown came first and Jim followed a few years later. Anyway, that's it. That's my rulin'. BTW, remember that junk yard dog at the LeMans shop by Bay Street? Remember how you tamed him and the owners saw you petting their bad ass guard dog?
ReplyDeleteJUDGE AL ~
DeleteOddly enough, I also used to think that LEROY BROWN preceded JIM WALKER. Don't know why that is. Must be sumpin' in deez genes, eh?
Ha!-Ha! Yeah, the junkyard dog at LeMan's... It's a little fuzzy in muh brain now, but as I remember it...
The first dog was a Doberman, and they used to starve him to keep him wired and angry. That pissed me off, so I started buying him raw steaks and throwing 'em over the fence. Eventually he would take 'em right from my hand.
Then one time I took a marker and wrote on the styrofoam packaging that a steak came in, and I said I was going to report them for starving (mistreating) their dog, and I taped it to their window.
Within about a week, they had a new junkyard dog. So I started feeding him steaks, too. Then one time I walked by at closing time, called Dog 2 over to me at the fence and started petting him in front of the owner / manager.
And as I remember, shortly afterwards, Dog 2 was gone, also, and they never bothered getting a third one. Ha!
Man, those Bay Street years were sumpin' special.
~ Junkyard Stephen
[Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
I can't help but feel that I'm partially to blame for this, for my role in providing you with a Magic 8-Ball that, despite its many electrolytes, still seems to predict a 99% chance of victory for Hillary Clinton (even now).
ReplyDeleteThe BOTBers probably won't want to hear this, but I dig that you're focusing more on your other blogs. It's not like you're leaving for good. You're just tending to other blogs, and while the BOTB is incredibly fun, I like reading your wit and your rants way more.
That said, this is another great battle, and we both like both songs. But in the end, there's just no man badder than bad, bad Leroy Brown.
Two votes for him, por favor.
~6B the Science Guy
SCIENCE GUY, I thank you and Other Science Guy for your votes.
DeleteThe Magic 8-Ball has had its problems. I'm thinking that maybe it has TOO MANY electrolytes and not enough Jim Beam. I know that happens to me sometimes, too.
Thanks for the kind words. And, ya know, THAT would actually be a good name for a politically incorrect blog: WIT 'N' RANTS.
This Battle was a blowout for a long time. It looked hopeless for MR. BROWN. Well, guess what! Suddenly he's got MR. WALKER on the ropes and he's ahead on the judges' scorecards. Damn! What a fight!!
~ D-FensDogG
[Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
I don’t know if I came in under the wire or not. Maybe the time zone difference worked in my favor. Just saw the sun rise in the east again and it’s coming over to you in a couple of hours. Also the International Space Station will be flying over your head on Tuesday, at 9:25:04 pm from the southwest, 75 degrees above the horizon at its apex. (75 degrees is good viewing since its practically directly overhead.) It’s gold and looks like a fast moving star for about 3 minutes and you can set your watch by it. You’ll just need a clear Nevada sky. It does a flyover almost every day but some days are better than others. Unlike airplanes, the Space Station is falling continuously. It just falls around the earth rather than into it.
ReplyDeleteIt’s too bad I think of plane crashes when I think of Jim Croce. I know both songs well, so just to be morbid, as I was listening to them I was trying to think of plane crashes that took the lives of others singers. Five crashes came to mind right off the bat. I wondered if they are the same five that you would think of right away since we are similar in age.
If I am under the wire, I’ll mess around with Jim. Always liked the lyrics and the flow of the song, whatever that means.
Flying Sig Wallenda Too
DeleteI thank you for the vote -- which absolutely DOES count. I know that some BOTBers set a cutoff date and time for votes, but I've always taken this approach: If the vote comes in at any time before I've posted the results, that vote counts.
Hmmm.... Musician-killing plane crashes -- interesting trivia question.
If you got five right off the bat, then you're better'n me at this. Let's see...
Jim Croce, obviously.
Lynyrd Skynyrd
Buddy Holly, Richie Valens & The Big Bopper.
Dang! I think that's all I've got right off the bat. Who am I missing?
Oh, wait a minute. Glenn Miller's plane disappeared, and we can safely assume it crashed, probably in the ocean.
That's four.
Who else, Trivia Master Sig?
~ D-FensDogG
[Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Man, I knew you would mention Glenn Miller and it looks like I'll have to substitute that one due to my memory lapse. My original five were the three you had mentioned...Croce, LaBamba/Buddy/BB, Lynyrd Skynard, then Ricky Nelson, then, mistakenly Stevie Ray Vaughn. Helicopters don't equal planes even though the chances of survival must be equally poor.
DeleteThanks for playing.
Sigmund von Richthofen II
Well, damn, I'm not sure if I ever knew that Ricky Nelson died in a plane crash. I must have heard that at one time, I suppose, but it was long, Long, LONG gone, if I did.
DeleteI like Ricky Nelson A LOT! He's one of my very favorite Rock 'N' Rollers from the '50s. Eddie Cochran, Ricky, 'n' Chuck would be my top 3 choices. I almost feel like a pagan warlock by leaving Elvis (truly "the King", without a doubt) off my list.
Yeah, I do know that I knew Stevie died in a helicopter crash, but I wouldn't have remembered that I knew that until you mentioned it.
You're a lotta fun, Sig! I appreciate you comin' around, Brother.
~ D-FensDogG
[Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Patsy Cline is another. My wife and I watched Coal Miner's Daughter this weekend and I was reminded of Patsy's death. I was thinking it was a car crash, but it was a plane crash. Loved that movie by the way. It was the first time I'd seen it.
DeleteArlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Ahh, good catch, LEE. I don't think I ever knew how Patsy Cline died.
Delete~ D-FensDogG
Bad, Bad LeRoy Brown gets my vote
ReplyDeleteThanks for the vote, MIKE!
Delete~ D-FensDogG
[Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
STMcC’s Vote On '2017, May 15th: Battle Of The Bands' (Or, 'Big Jim Walker Versus Bad Leroy Brown') And The Final Tally:
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, as always, I want to SINCERELY THANK YOU ALL for playing along -- taking the time to listen, to vote, and include some fun comments.
In fact, I thought this whole Battle was a fun one, putting Jim Croce's two tough guys in the ring to duke it out.
And what a boxing match it turned into, too! Very exciting! From the opening bell, Big Jim Walker was knocking Bad Leroy Brown all around the ring. Much to my surprise.
The first four votes went to Jim. Then finally Leroy landed a punch (i.e., got a vote), but Jim counter-punched with one of his own, making the score 5-1.
Then both boxers landed another punch each making it 6-2.
But after that, Leroy got up off the canvas and really lit into Jim like a tornado! Dang! It was like watching some Rocky Balboa movie.
I have always really enjoyed BOTH songs, 'YOU DON'T MESS AROUND WITH JIM' and 'BAD, BAD LEROY BROWN', a great deal. Jim Croce is simply a favorite of mine, and I don't know if there is any song more heartbreaking than 'PHOTOGRAPHS AND MEMORIES', about the end of a love affair. That one has been known to bring a tear or two to my eyes.
As for this Battle, I just slightly prefer BIG JIM WALKER. Mostly because I love the lyrics of that chorus: "You don't tug on Superman's cape; you don't spit into the wind; you don't pull the mask off the ol' Lone Ranger; and you don't mess around with Jim". Many's the time I've quoted that chorus, changing the words slightly to suit my own purpose at the moment.
I also really like that spoken part about Jim having "a two-piece, custom-made pool cue". Man, you know you have seriously ARRIVED when you've got "a two-piece, custom-made pool cue". What more could a man want?!
So, my vote went to Jim, which gave us the following outcome...
BIG JIM WALKER = 9 votes
I know I don't have to tell you (again) how I feel about BOTB TIES (this one being my 14th, I believe). But in a way, it almost seems fitting that JIM & LEROY would fight to a draw. I kinda like seeing no real winner declared. It just means there will be a lot of anticipation for the rematch to come.
Again, I thank all y'all for voting and making this such a fun BOTB installment and I hope to see ya all here again for my June 1st Battle on... June 1st.
~ D-FensDogG
[Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Not really a bad outcome, but seems like Jim should have gotten the win. I'm with you on preferring the chorus for Jim.
DeleteArlee Bird
Tossing It Out
LEROY was such a bigger hit than JIM that I was pretty certain MR. BROWN would win fairly handily. But, this being BOTB, ain't no one really knows nuttin' fer sure.
Delete~ D-FensDogG
[Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...