Friday, September 15, 2017


Republican Vs. Democrat, Male Vs. Female, War Vs. Peace, Light Vs. Dark, Good Vs. Evil, Man Vs. Machine, Love Vs. Hate, Dog Vs. Cat, Sun Vs. Moon, Brain Vs. Brawn, Oscar Vs. Grammy, Angel Vs. Demon, Laurel Vs. Hardy, Beer Vs. Wine, TV Vs. Radio, Pitcher Vs. Batter, Paper Vs. Plastic, Reality Vs. Fantasy, Yeshua Vs. Beelzebub, Conservative Vs. Liberal, You Vs. Me, House Vs. Senate, Offense Vs. Defense, Kramer Vs. Kramer, Spy Vs. Spy, Fischer Vs. Spassky, W.C. Fields Vs. Sobriety, Harold Gimpy, Jr. Vs. Sheldon J. Pismire, Rock Vs. Paper Vs. Scissors, Islam Vs. Everything, Singer Vs. Singer, Band Vs. Band...
Yes, it's time once again for 'Battle Of The Bands' ('BOTB').
Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!...
Today's song is WHO'S BEEN TALKIN'? which was written and first recorded in 1957 by Chester Burnett. You know who that was, right? Huh? You DON'T? Well, Hokey-Smoke! Lemme edgeuhkate you.
Wackypedia sez: Chester Arthur Burnett (June 10, 1910 – January 10, 1976), known as Howlin' Wolf, was a Chicago blues singer, guitarist, and harmonica player, originally from Mississippi. With a booming voice and looming physical presence, he is one of the best-known Chicago blues artists.
Suffice to say that if there were a Mount Rushmore national monument to Blues musicians, Howlin' Wolf's image would be one of the four carved into it. Nuff sed.
* Remember, unless you're asked to do otherwise, you're meant to evaluate the songs musically ONLY -- not taking into account the video images or stage performances. And, no, I'm NOT asking you to do otherwise. These are both pretty cool videos, so please close your eyes if you think they might influence your vote.
WHO'S BEEN TALKIN'? -- Howlin' Wolf

Our next competitor is not as famous, although in my opinion he ought to be a household name. Lucky Peterson recorded his first album when he was five (5!) years old! I didn't discover him until 1989, when I bought his fourth album 'Lucky Strikes', which he released when he was an old man of twenty-five. 
Y'all know that I firmly believe in [link:] reincarnation, right? I used to ask people to 'splain to me how this kid could have come right out of the womb with so much musical talent if his soul hadn't occupied a previous body in which it studied music. Lucky's 5th album in 1990 was called 'Triple Play' because aside from the lead vocals, he was also playing all the lead guitar and keyboards.
Alright, let's listen to Lucky's soulful rendition of Howlin' Wolf's classic...
WHO'S BEEN TALKIN'? -- Lucky Peterson

Question: Will Lucky Peterson beat Howlin' Wolf?
MAGIC 8-BALL sez:   They will Tie.
Alright now, “you know the gig”... I welcome you (whether I know "you" or notto vote for your favorite of these songs in the comment section below. And feel free to tell us WHY you chose one song over the other. 

After voting here, I suggest -- actually I insist -- you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there also. 

Voice Your Vote...

@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'ANGELS BARK' by clicking HERE.
@ 'THE DOGLADY'S DEN' by clicking HERE.
@ 'RIGHTING & EDITING' by clicking HERE.
@ 'YOUR DAILY DOSE' by clicking HERE.

As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 21st of each month to post my own votes and announce the winners in the comment sections.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. I'm sure it's NO surprise that before today I'd not heard this song at all. I don't know if I've ever heard anything by Howlin' Wolf (unless it was right here, probably no). So, what you have here are completely unbiased ears.

    Also, per my usual, I tend to base this vote on the singer. So, I'm not even going to evaluate the other stuff except to say that I was super impressed by Lucky Peterson and his singing AND playing.

    Now these may not be the best adjectives, but Howlin' Wolf struck me as grittier while Lucky Peterson was smooth. They were both good. Seems to me people are going to vote on this one strictly based on how they like it best: with some grit or goin' down smooth.

    Me? I really like this one better smooth. As soon as Lucky Peterson's version began I knew he had me.

    So, a vote for the one-man band: Lucky Peterson.

    1. GIRL WONDER ~
      I'm glad you liked both versions. No surprise to me, however, that Lucky got your vote. I'd have predicted that, and based entirely upon what you said: the smoothness of his vocals.

      And I would say you absolutely nailed it. The appropriately nicknamed Howlin' Wolf had a voice that put "grit" into everything he sang. While Lucky Peterson has sung in a variety of ways, but he does have the ability to put that soulful smoothness into his vocals.

      Thanks for your vote. I have a feeling this could turn out to be a very close contest, but I hope the Magic 8-Ball is wrong about it being so close it's a Tie!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  2. Interesting that you and I both went the blues route in this round of Battle. Must be something in the air. Some might think we planned it. Others might not have much of a clue.

    I'm not familiar with this song, but it's a good one. And both versions are dynamite which makes this Battle a tough choice.

    The Lucky version is so doggone smooth and soulful that under any other circumstances it would be hard to beat. But the Howlin' Wolf version has a greater authenticity from my perspective. I like the more acoustic sound and the laid back shuffle of sound. However the real clincher for me is that organ. So cool and retro sounding.

    It's Howlin' Wolf for me.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. LEE, my last two Battles were pretty mellow affairs involving Pop Standards (Stardust & Tangerine), so I wanted to use something with a bit more bite in this round.

      I'm pleased that you liked both recordings and that it was a tough decision to make. I have high hopes of this Battle being a real "battle". (So far, so good. Two votes in and the possibility of a shutout is already eliminated!)

      Yeah, the organ playing is stellar. And that's another thing that appealed to me about matching up these two versions against each other: It's not only Wolf's powerful and guttural voice versus Lucky's smooth and soulful voice, but instrumentally the focus being electric organ versus electric guitar adds another element to consider when voting.

      It's always fun when you can find two really top-notch versions of a song but which are markedly different from each other.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  3. Why do I struggle so much with these?

    I love classic Howling Wolf, but the second song by Lucky Peterson is so smooth. Dang it. What to choose, what to choose.

    Should I come back? I feel so disloyal but I'm giving it to Lucky Peterson.

    I feel slimed. How could I do that to Howling Wolf. Curse you, ear holes.

    1. DOC MacSIS ~
      I had often heard that you have evil ear holes, but I always refused to believe it... until you just now confirmed it.

      Thanks for the vote! And being the sadistic punk I am, I'm glad to learn you struggled.

      Might we be treated to a Battle of your own this round? Seeing as how other regulars are not participating?

      Maybe this once-a-month BOTB is not such a great idea after all. It seems people either forget or simply lose their inspired momentum.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  4. Man, you know me... I grew up in Chicago and was raised on the blues. I've heard lots of versions of this; my favorite might be Robert Cray's (, which he used as the title track for either his first or second album (don't remember off the top of my head and am too lazy/pressed for time to look it up).

    This is Howlin' Wolf's song, and dammit, I think Little Stevie Winwood stole it. Those "London Sessions" albums Chess did on Muddy Waters and Howlin' Wolf were a mess, and yes, I've heard both, plus the album of both of them that consisted of the leftovers from the two sessions that must have been in the refrigerator too long. Listen to Wolf's version with Hubert Sumlin, his longtime guitar player... THAT'S the one I remember. That's right off The West Side.

    Lucky Peterson used to show up on The Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson from time to time, and to watch that little squirt play the organ and sing was beautiful, man. I remember him playing this really funky tune and really getting into it, and I swear, he put his head down on the keyboard and slid it back and forth. I about laughed myself silly over that, but hey.... even then, the kid could play. To hear him playing as an adult, and knowing he's playing both organ and guitar on the track just puts the icing on the cake.

    Long story short: Lucky Peterson.

    1. JOHN ~
      I listened to the Robert Cray version while deciding on this Battle's match-up. The Steve Miller version, too. But ultimately came to the conclusion that what I felt was the best match-up also happened to be my two favorite versions. (Well, I also love the original Howlin' Wolf recording, which I've owned since... uh... about 1980, I'd guess.)

      I don't think I've ever heard Muddy Waters' "London Sessions" album in its entirety. Just select tracks from it. But I actually LOVE Wolf's "London Session" album and feel it is wrongly maligned. I even wrote a review of it HERE.

      I seriously considered using the original Wolf track in this Battle -- he was ill when the London Session recording was made, and his voice was so much more powerful in the '57 original.

      But you know how it is: When putting together a match-up there are so many different elements to weigh and mull over. And I decided that THIS pairing seemed like it might deliver the closest outcome, despite Wolf's diminished vocal power compared to the original recording.

      I never saw Lucky on The Tonight Show when he was just a kid, but it sounds like he even possessed some showmanship ideas back then. Ha!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  5. How can one separate the best of two worlds? Howlin Wolf made me want to get drunk and groove to the sound. But Lucky Peterson made me feel so chill. I think I could listen to him all day long. Why can't I just get drunk on whatever Howlin Wolf is serving up and listen to Lucky? That way, I could enjoy both.

    But since I've given up the drank, I'm going to have to go with Mr Smooth, aka Lucky Peterson.


    1. MMQE ~
      I'm a firm believer in having the best of both worlds. That's why when I listen to WHO'S BEEN YAKKIN', I actually play both Wolf's and Lucky's recordings simultaneously, while simultaneously drinkin' Whiskey from the glass in my left hand and a Mojito from the glass in my right hand.

      OK, a vote for "MR. SMOOTH" from you.

      Lucky's doin' pretty well in this Battle so far. But I think he's just enjoying Beginner's Luck.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  6. Dear Mr. McCarthy,

    I apologize, but I shan't return to BOTB until next month. We had quite the kerfuffle with Irma. We have a lot of catching up to do as a result.


  7. Hi Stephen, I'm sorry that I haven't been here in a long while, but it's good to drop in on the BOTB. Howlin' Wolf certainly put is all into the song, but I prefer Lucky's laid back style. Lucky has my vote.


    1. GEM JULIE ~
      I'm always pleased to find you here with your input. I know that life is full and blogging ain't exactly high priority, so I'll happily take anything I can get when it comes to visitations from people willing to spend a bit of their time with me. No complaints.

      And thanks for your Lucky vote. "The Kid" seems to be running away with this Battle in a way I never imagined.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  8. Yeah, well, erum . . .

    Wolf sure has a great voice for this. Too bad Lucky has a much better sound system.

    On both though, that organ, all that brass - wow, just heavenly.

    So, um - no vote, lol.

    1. WILD THING ~
      For you and you alone (because you're so special and... so... wild), I will allow you (and you ALONE) to consider the original recording in this Battle.

      For the 1957 version of Howlin' Wolf's original recording of this song, click here: The Wolf @ full strength, minus Steve Winwood's big, sexy organ.

      If you've changed your mind (which is a woman's prerogative), let me know, Wild Thing.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  9. This battle was right in my alley. I knew both artists and both are very talented. But my vote is the Wolf.

    1. Hey, that's great, MIKE. Thanks! MR. WOLF was in serious need of a vote.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  10. Stephen,

    I'm finally making my BoTB rounds. Last week sorta threw me for a loop with too many to-dos on my plate and not enough time to get things done.

    I appreciated the introduction to both artists and the education on Howlin' Wolf. Your song choice is also new-to-me so my ears are totally unbiased. You pitted two different vocals styles in this round which I like and regardless of who wins they both sound like winners but mewsic is person preference that's swayed by one's current mood.

    This morning, grittier, less polished sound of Chester Burnett captures my ear best and earns my vote! Thanks for hosting and have a bandtastic week, my friend!

    1. Thank you very much, CATHY! And you made it here with plenty o' time to spare.

      It's nice to see Howlin' Wolf finally getting a little love in this Battle.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  11. Cool battle, Reno. Nice to meet them both. Howlin' Wolf is definitely a talent to be reckoned with, though I rather enjoyed the Saturday-in-the-park sound of Lucky-man Peterson.

    1. Thank you, dIEDRE. And I appreciate you taking time to stop by and submit a vote.

      Have yourself a "But It's A Dry Heat" kind of day.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  12. I'm late here but glad I could still listen and I choose Howlin wolf because I like the grittiness of the blues while Peterson's renditionwas good Ms then all of a sudden those horns came on and near,y shook me out of my seat. Although good those horns seemed out of place because of the shock of them so Wolf is my pick

    1. BIRGIT ~
      You got here in plenty o' time! Still over two days of voting to go.

      Thanks for taking the time to stop by, listen and vote. The Wolf is beginning to pick up some votes now. This could become something of a Battle after all.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  13. I wasn't familiar with "Who's Been Yakkin'", but it is a soulful piece. Both are excellent. The pace is slightly faster with Howlin' than with Lucky. And I love the organ in Howlin's version. Lucky has a bit of Lou Rawls vocal quality in him.

    Lucky's tart-filled video reminded me of a line from Blazing Saddles that I cannot quote here... but it was from when Sheriff Black Bart and the Waco Kid were standing in line trying to get hired by Harvey Korman. Ha Ha!

    I'm gonna vote for the Wolf this time.

      I don't remember the line off the top of my head, but I'm chuckling just thinking about BLAZING SADDLES. I own that movie on DVD and at my very earliest opportunity, I will put it in my player and go to that scene.

      [Have you watched RUSTLER'S RHAPSODY? If not, check it out when you can. It's also a spoof of Western movies and if you like Blazing Saddles, I'm pretty sure you'll like Rustler's Rhapsody, too.)

      Hey, thanks so much for keeping your BOTB voting streak alive. I always appreciate your presence.

      And I'm happy you voted "Wolf". That makes this a bit more competitive. Wolf definitely ain't going down without a fight!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  14. Al Bondigas here. Good stuffs here muh bruthu. I definitely prefer the Howlin wolf version. Great musicianship plus I think this kind of song needs a little grit. Remember my herky jerky spastic movements? Well, I think I could employ them with this version. Anyway, I'm going long here, so Ill make it official. Rulin' fer the Wolf. That's it!! That's my rulin'. Now the question is "will the wolf survive"?

    1. JUDGE AL ~
      How could anyone ever forget your "herky-jerky" movements? Just add Sailor Jerry, stir, and... Instant Spastic!

      Thanks for the vote.
      Methinks the Wolf'll survive. (This Battle has gotten VERY interesting rather quickly.)

      You know who's an interesting people?... the Hasidic Jews.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  15. Hahaha. I thought of that when I wrote the line. I almost included it.

  16. Is Howlin' Wolf in any way related to Wolfman Jack? Second cousins twice removed (from the forest)?

    I like both of these, but as was said above by more than one person, I like the grit of Howlin' Wolf's just a bit more. Lucky's version is great, but a little too smooth for me. I don't want smooth. I want sandpaper. Musical sandpaper.

    That makes sense to me, at least.

    ~J S-A

      Yes, it's a little known Fun Fact that Wolfman Jack was actually Howlin' Wolf's son.

      Unlike his dad, Wolfman Jack had no musical talent, so he decided to make a career out of PLAYING records rather than recording records.

      Vote: Musical Sandpaper.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  17. I'm here, I'm here. Don't close the voting yet... How crazy is my world? Well, I totally forgot that it was September 15th and only realized it when someone emailed to check on me because I hadn't yet responded to blog comments and I didn't have a battle posted that day. I was completely caught off-guard and surprised that it was in fact September 15th! How did that happen? Which seems odd in light of the fact that I had a 9/11 post. But yeah, I'm just that crazy. I had (still have) a battle lined up for my September gig, which I've actually had planned for a few months, but I just never got around to actually putting it together. So I'll post that one next month.

    As for your battle: well hell, I'm on my third time listening to each and Dude, this is tough! I like both. Lucky's sound is richer and I definitely like the horns. It has a very cosmopolitan and sophisticated style.

    But Howlin' Wolf's version reminds me of sitting at Pearl's Oyster Bar here in Austin and listening to some monster blues jammers. The harmonica at the beginning, Wolf's down-home voice and then, holy cow, Steve Winwood on organ! Oh yeah, my vote is going for the Howlin' Wolf.

    Excellent battle! I truly could've just as easily voted for Lucky. Never heard this song before so thanks for the introduction. And a big thank you for turning me onto these two master musicians.

    Hope you have a good weekend. I'll try to drop you an E over it.

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Thanks, MICHELE! I'm glad you made it here and that you enjoyed the Battle.

      This one really had a twist, a major turnaround.

      Right now, it's cold and I'm sitting here in my all-time favorite shirt (flannel with a thermal lining) which is so old and worn and ragged now that it's unsuitable for wearing outdoors -- except in Virginia City, NV. And I'm listening to the classic album WANTED: THE OUTLAWS, the 20th Anniversary edition with 21 tracks. (Waylon, Willie, Jessi, and Tompall.) I'll bet you'd like this album -- this is serious Texas drinkin' music. (I'm only drinkin' coffee at the moment, but that will change.)

      I just finished reading Jessi's autobiography. She says that she's now looking for romantic love again. I'm definitely going to submit an application for that job. Wish me luck!!

      Alright, I'll be watchin' for your E.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...


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