Sunday, April 1, 2018


Republican Vs. Democrat, Male Vs. Female, War Vs. Peace, Light Vs. Dark, Good Vs. Evil, Man Vs. Machine, Love Vs. Hate, Dog Vs. Cat, Sun Vs. Moon, Brain Vs. Brawn, Oscar Vs. Grammy, Angel Vs. Demon, Laurel Vs. Hardy, Beer Vs. Wine, TV Vs. Radio, Pitcher Vs. Batter, Paper Vs. Plastic, Reality Vs. Fantasy, Yeshua Vs. Beelzebub, Singer Vs. Singer, Band Vs. Band...
Today, Easter Sunday, April Fool's Day, and BOTB all converge to give us a music theme based on the 1 Corinthians 4:10 verse: [link> "We are fools for Christ's sake..."
Some folks prefer to believe that no person can be resurrected once they've died. Fortunately for us, however, Christ Yeshua (aka Jesus Christ) never got that memo!
In honor of EASTER SUNDAY and all it means, the song I've chosen is an old Christian Spiritual that has been played and recorded so often that a lot of people have forgotten its Christian roots. The song is 'WHEN THE SAINTS GO MARCHING IN', which is usually performed accompanied by a spirit of great joy and enthusiasm, which reflects the sentiment of the lyrics. Here's something that Wackypedia has to say about it:
"When the Saints Go Marching In" is a Black Spiritual. Though it originated as a Christian hymn, it is often played by jazz bands. ... The song is apocalyptic, taking much of its imagery from the Book of Revelation ... The verses about the Sun and Moon refer to Solar and Lunar eclipses; the trumpet (of the Archangel Gabriel) is the way in which the Last Judgment is announced. As the hymn expresses the wish to go to Heaven, picturing the saints going in (through the Pearly Gates), it is entirely appropriate for funerals.

I'm giving y'all 3 recordings to choose from.
Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!...
The Golden Gate Quartet is an American vocal group. It was formed in 1931 and, with changes in membership, remains active. It is the most successful of all of the African-American gospel music groups who sang in the jubilee quartet style. ... The group sang in churches and on local radio, gaining a regular spot on radio station WIS in Columbia, South Carolina ... They began as a traditional jubilee quartet, combining the clever arrangements associated with barbershop quartets with rhythms borrowed from the blues and jazz ... they would often include vocal special effects in their songs, imitating train sounds in songs such as "Golden Gate Gospel Train".


I'm pretty sure that Louis Prima needs no introduction. Suffice to say that he provided the voice for "King Louie" in Disney's 1967 animated classic 'The Jungle Book' and sang the song 'I Wanna Be Like You':

Nashville studio musicians know Sam Levine as one of the busiest woodwind players in town. In one day he might play saxophone for a country artist, flute or penny whistle for a Celtic recording or clarinet in a traditional jazz band. ... His playing has given color and expression to a wide variety of artists’ tracks, including Amy Grant, the Neville Brothers, Vince Gill and Michael McDonald. ... Sam has more than 10 artist CDs under his belt and many production credits. He has been nominated three times for a Dove Award and played on at least two Grammy Award winning recordings.

Because The Magic 8-Ball's 'Battle Of The Bands' predictions had become insufferably unreliable, it was decided by our Bored Of Directors that perhaps a little competition would make the 8-Ball straighten up and fly right. Therefore, at great expense, we have hired The Amazing Sixwell. (cousin of the world-renowned The Amazing Criswell) to do Battle against The Magic 8-Ball in this and future BOTB installments.
Wackypedia sez:
Jeron Criswell King (August 18, 1907 – October 4, 1982), known by his stage-name The Amazing Criswell, was an American psychic known for wildly inaccurate predictions. ... Criswell was flamboyant, with spit curled hair, a stentorian style of speaking, and a sequined tuxedo. He appeared in two of Ed Wood's films.



The Amazing Sixwell. (real name: Chesney Cheswick Charlie Sixwell-King, II) is actually related to The Amazing Criswell, being a cousin six loose screws removed by way of a shotgun wedding. Having always envied his elder cousin's fame, Sixwell decided to follow in his mystic footsteps.
The Amazing Sixwell was born and raised in Winnemucca and earned his Ph.D. in Prognosticology from Wossamotta U in Frostbite Falls, Minnesota.
He has become known in remote quarters for slightly less wildly inaccurate predictions than his deceased cousin.  His fame has brought him appearances at the Grange Hall in East Thermopolis, Wyoming; an audition for "Magic Night" at The HaHa Comedy Club in Woonsocket, Rhode Island; and as the featured act at the Brown Barn Theatre in Leachfield, Connecticut.

Someday we each will have our own perfect planet, which protestors will decry as being racist, sexist, and fascist.
In the 2022 election, Joy Behar will be elected President.
[Apparently he's also predicting an unexpected 2022 Presidential Election.]
In the third decade of the 21st century, a massive influx of Norwegians and Finns to California will drive 50% of the Mexican restaurants out of business.
The Amazing Sixwell. is honored to be asked to consult the mystic spirits in the Battle of the Bands, and is looking forward to what is sure to be stiff competition from The Magic 8-Ball.

Question: Will Louis Prima Beat The Other Two Contestants?
The Magic 8-Ball sez:  "Outlook Not So Good" (0 Right, 0 Wrong)
The Amazing Sixwell sez:  "You May Rely On It"  (0 Right, 0 Wrong)
Alright now, “you know the gig”... I welcome you (whether I know "you" or not) to vote for your favorite of these songs in the comment section below. And feel free to tell us WHY you chose one song over the other. 
After voting here, I suggest - actually I insist - you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there also.
Vote your vice... Vice your voice... Voice Your Vote...
@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'ANGELS BARK' by clicking HERE.
As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 7th and 21st of each month to post my own votes and announce the winners in the comment sections.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. Like you say, this song has been so overplayed as to have become a rather trite almost party-like song--I think of Mardi Gras.

    I think the later two fit in this category. Musically they are good and they are fun, but neither totally knocks my socks off.

    For me it was refreshing to actually hear the lyrics plainly with the song delivered more for the message than the showmanship.

    It's early Sunday right now as I write this so my vote might be a bit skewed. My vote goes to the traditional sounds of The Golden Gate Quartet.

    Arlee Bird
    <a href=">Tossing It Out (A)</a>

    1. LEE, I agree that the Golden Gate Quartet approach seems more focused on the message. I would say Prima focuses on the joy and Levine focuses on the arrangement / interplay of the instruments.

      So, it all becomes a matter of what the listener also chooses to focus on.

      Thanks for checking in, Brother. I hope you had a great Easter!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  2. Happy Easter to you, Stephen! It's been awhile and I do miss the socializing related to blogging, so I thought I'd check out today's BOTB and some A to Z posts. You're right, this song has been played to death by so many, but your choices are interesting. Ithe end, my toe was tapping to the Dixieland sound of Sam Levine. Please give my vote to him.

    1. HiYa, DEBBIE! It was a pleasant surprise to find you here. And I thank you for stopping by to listen and vote. Very much appreciated!

      Thanks also for the happy Easter wish! It was a nice quiet day of reflection for me.

      That Sam Levine recording is indeed a toe-tapper. I've heard a lot of Dixieland arrangements of this song, but Sam's is something special, in my op.

      I hope you are doing well. And know that you can return to BOTB any time you're ready. Thanks yet again for the surprise visit. Nice hearing from ya!!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  3. Ah now this is a truly fun one for me. Having spent my entire childhood studying trumpet and playing this tune I have a special affection for it. One of these days I will do one of my Bizarro Latin reggae treatments of it. I would has suggested a menage e cinq, adding in offerings from Al Hirt and Louis Armstrong. My two idols before discovered Jimi Hendrix. Well I love 4-part Harmony vocalizing and can certainly appreciate a good Dixieland band, I'm going with Louis Prima. It's just too much fun. And thanks for the Malibooz at the end. I
    have a new tune called Malibluz. You've inspired me to go finish it. On a side note my granddaughter was born this week. Wren Rosen. My son's a drummer, I already have a bass for her in the closet. The future of the Rosen Trio has been set in motion. Look for us in the botb about 12 or 13 years from now. Maybe sooner if I get her busy in a few years.

    1. LELLY ~
      I would LOVE to hear a "Bizzaro Latin Reggae Treatment" of this song! Get that done -- and the 'Malibluz' recording too -- and then link me to the uploads. Sounds like some fun listening to me!

      What's this about you being "Grandpa Lelly"? You are WAY TOO YOUNG to be a grandpop because... heck, I'm "about your age", and I know I AM WAY TOO YOUNG TO BE A GRANDDAD!


      Thanks for the cold, hard, slap of the Reality Hand! (I coulda done widout it.)

      Can I manage The Rosen Trio when it's ready to Rock 'N' Roll? I should have some contacts by then.

      The vote is much appreciated, ol' buddy. Thanks!!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  4. Happy Foolish Easter, Mr McCarthy!

    My vote is for Tiny Tim. What do you mean he isn't part of this battle? Dammit. I want to vote for him anyway.

    Okay, in all seriousness now, I think I'm going to vote for Louis Prima. You just can't get much better'n him. He's got the right sound for the song and I wanted to join the Mardi Gras party plenty of Jack and Captain flowing!)and have a good time.

    Jingle Jangle Jungle
    #AtoZChallenge Unofficial participant

    1. MMQE ~
      Tiny Tim appreciates your vote. (He'll always take all he can get. Guys who play ukulele can't be too picky.)

      You bring Jack and The Captain, I'll bring Jim and Jose, and we'll let King Louie do the singin' 'n' playin'!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  5. Stephen,

    The Golden Quartet did a fabulous job singing this old hymnal. I like Louis Prima as King Louie but his rendition of When The Saints Go Marching In was a bit too Mardi Gras feeling to suit my ear. Sam Levine gets my vote all the way. I loved the mewsic arrangement. I kept expecting someone to break out in song but never did. I wonder how that would've turned out. Oh well... I definitely liked Levine. Excellent battle!

    1. CATHY ~
      I thank you for coming by to listen, consider, and bote!

      And I agree with you that the Sam Levine arrangement was pretty dern spectacular. I love the Dixieland sound to begin with, but Sam gave it something extra. I can't even quite pinpoint what it was that made his recording make me go "WOW!!", but it did.

      We got ourselves a real "Battle" with this Battle!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  6. THE GOLDEN GATE QUARTET hands down. They're just the right kind of mellow. A+. They don't need to be bolstered by my critiquing the other groups. Again THE GOLDEN GATE QUARTET hands down.

    1. G DogG ~
      Thanks, McBrother! This is GR-R-REAT! With 6 votes in, each competitor has 2. Luvin' it!

      And, hey, I'm glad you enjoyed the GGQ so much! You are quite right: when one outshines the others, no need to discuss it further.

      I get the idea that you found this Battle... "TOO easy". Ha! Message received -- The Eagle Has Landed. (Well, THIS Eagle, anyway. Not that "other" Eagle, as you, me, and Dave McGowan know.)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

    2. Other guys have an "Eagle has landed" story? Or have you spread my Eagle story around so it has reached a wider audience?

    3. Actually, Sheboyganboy, it's a reference to this:

      [Link> Wagging The Moondoggie - Part 1

      A very entertaining read that will also dispel the notion that American's walked on the Moon and then returned to yak about it. (Some poor saps are still drinking that Loony Lunar Kool-Aid, as hard as that may be to believe.)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  7. I have listened to all 3 and I prefer the Golden Gate for their rendering which was easy to listen to, fun but not crazy. I like the other 2 although the second one was a bit irritating when the lead vocal sang and so did the back up singers at the same didn’t flow nicely. The last one is fun especially the beginning where I thought it might be that slow throughout..but it wasn’t. I just like the vocals with the first...Happy Easter!

  8. Criswell is hilarious and must have been great fr8ends wit( Ed Wood. I could easily see some celebrity/news person becoming president because people are stupid. Love The Prisoner with Patrick McGoohan

    1. BIRGIT ~
      Louie, Sam, The Golden Gate Quartet, The Amazing Sixwell, and I thank you!

      When I first saw 'THE PRISONER' (circa 1994), I got sucked in faster'n you can say "Who's Number One?" But that final episode really disappointed me. I kept thinking: I watched ALL THESE EPISODES to get to THAT conclusion?! I was ripped off! I want my time back!!

      I really thought it was going "somewhere". I didn't know it would all end with some kind of late '60s LSD trip. But it was really interesting up until "The Trip" at the end.

      As always, your loyal participation in BOTB is truly and greatly appreciated! (I always make sure I select videos that will work in Canada because I know you'll be coming over to my house to play.)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  9. Participation is VERY light so far. I sure hope it picks up or you are gonna go back to once a month postings. Still haven't heard from Beer Boys, Albondigas, Mike Spain, Cherdo and a couple of others so that will help. This would be a good time for the ever-lurking "SIG-well" to pop in with a vote. A vote for Prima, I would hope.

    That's because, although they are ALL good, Prima's is the one that brings the most joy and is the most accessible now in 2018. Golden Gate Quartet is wonderful in a very traditional style of a time long ago. The Levine rendition is Dixieland at its finest... but Dixieland just isn't what anyone listens to now unless in New Orleans, or sitting in "New Orleans Square" at Disneyland while sipping a mint julep (or hunting for VERY tiny initials on a window.)

    The JOY one would feel about the Saints actually marching in: Prima captures it.

      Your vote surprises me. I sho-nuff dint see dis one a-comin'. :^)

      Yip, this would be a fine time for the ever-lurkin' SIG-well to make an appearance. ("Sigwell" -- Ha!-Ha! You clever boy, Sixgun!)

      Ain't no question about it, King Louie has captured the market on "Joy" here. All he needs is Baloo the Bear to duet with and there'd be no stoppin' 'em.

      I thanks ya for your $0.04, Sheboyganboy!!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  10. And Stephen,

    I been had thought I been had voted but don't nary a see my remarks up in lights on your blog. I thought they were all good but my vote goes with Louis Prima it was livelier than the others in my humble opinion. Happy day after Easter.
    Now do something!

    1. Who you callin' "punk", Punk?!

      I thank you for haulin' yer John Wayne butt over here and submittin' yer $0.02, Brother.

      Say, ain't you the fella who tried to play catch-up by drinking a pint of Bacardi 151, only to pass us by even before we all got to the theatre that was playing 'Monty Python And The Holy Grail'?

      Yeah, I thought I recog-O-nized ya!

      Happy 10:42 PM on The Day After Easter, Pooh! (A traditional wish worth remembering.)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  11. Howdy Reno!

    You and Louis Prima seem to have had the same thing for breakfast - but you're more entertaining ;-)
    I enjoyed the nostalgic, churchy sound of the Golden Gate Quartet. They give the song the emotion I think the writer had in mind.
    However, the joyful jazz of Sam Levine made me want to jump on the next river boat and join the celebration!

    1. HiYa, dIEDRE ~

      Thanks for stopping by, my friend! And thanks for the kind words. (Yeah, Louis and I always have breakfast together -- Ramona's Chile Relleno Burrito with a side order of jalapeno peppers. It's a real eye-opener! ...and goes great with a Bloody Mary.)

      I appreciate the vote for Sam Levine. That puts him right back in the race. I'm not sure where we stand now, vote-wise, but this is definitely a very competitive contest!

      Thanks again, d!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  12. Al Bondigas here. Well, I done did had to hear each one 2 to 3 times each before deciding on muh rulin’. At first I thought I was gonna rule fer Sam Levine and his Dixie peeps, then I done did got swayed by The Golden Gate quartet. Then I thought I’d go back n side wit the Dixie guys again. Then after being swayed towards the quartet agin, I realized I was gittin dizzy and fixin to pass out from all the swayin, so I threw my gavel down and made a rulin fer The Golden Gate Quartet. That’s it!! That’s muh rulin’.

    1. Erhm!... Uhm!... My, my! That sho wuz a lotta swayin' there! It's long been rumored that the good judge keeps a small bottle of Sailor Jerry tucked in his robes. Strictly for medicinal purposes, mind you. And I'm suddenly inclined to perhaps give some credence to the rumor.

      Sounds like King Louie wasn't much of a factor in this contest. But then you always were a Baloo kinda guy... er-- Baloo kinda judge.

      The District Attorney's a Republican. ...You can rule against King Louie, but don't be rulin' against Santy Claus!

      Thanks, Bro!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

    2. "Put them here on my desk. ...Put them here. ...Put them--..."

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  13. I like the addition of the Amazing Sixwell. Anyone who went to college with Rocky and Bullwinkle has to be good people. Q: If he's wrong, does he get scrooched?

    I really would feel bad for getting you that Magic 8-Ball, if it wasn't so unintentionally hilarious. Wait, maybe THAT'S the actual gift...

    Anyhow, it's a shame you didn't include the classic Homer Simpson version, because he would have smoked these clowns.
    "When the saints go over there..."

    With that said, I guess these were all pretty good. I lean more towards Golden Gate, while my cohort leans more towards Louis Prima. We both prefer our choices over Sam, which we would place not last, but simply third.

    +1 for Golden Gate and +1 Louis Prima.


      "Scrooched Sixwell" -- Ha! -- I like that idea!

      At this point in the Battle, Sixwell and 8-Ball are dead even. Hopefully we aren't going to wind up with a tie.

      I had never heard Homer's version before. I didn't realize he was so sentimental. I mean, over music. Donuts, yes, but music? I din't know...

      I thank you and Other B for taking the time and trouble to submit the four cents!

      For participating, you have both won a copy of...


      This is the Deluxe Edition which includes black and white line drawings by one of the premiere illustrators in Tijuana, Mexico! CONGRATULATIONS to you BOTH!!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  14. I’m late to the party and most of you know why. So grateful to be here at all. No commentary from me just a little ole vote, make mine for Prima, please.

    1. Thanks for the vote, Nitro, m'dear!

      Now get you some sleep.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends


    If you are interested in seeing the final vote tally for this 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' installment and my closing thoughts on it, you can put the following URL into your browser:

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'


All submitted comments that do not transgress "Ye Olde Comment Policy" will be posted and responded to as soon as possible. Thanks for taking the time to comment.