Saturday, July 21, 2018


STMcC’s Vote On '2018, July 15th: Battle Of The Bands (BOTB) And The Final Tally:
The latest installment of BOTB, featuring Danny Gatton's 1993 recording of 'Harlem Nocturne' against 'Hollywood Nocturne' by the Brian Setzer Orchestra took place [link> HERE. Yes, it was the "Battle Of The 'H' Nocturnes".
I knew going in that Setzer's Film Noir-ish, Bossa Nova-like, Megaphone-inflected song was the underdog. There was no real doubt in my mind that Gatton would come away with the trophy. BUT(!)... I did expect a somewhat more competitive outcome than what we got. I had Gatton figured as, perhaps, a 3-vote victor. Rather, Gatton pretty much did a number on Setzer like he did on his guitar. Gatton's votes went "UP TO 11":
Danny Gatton = 11 votes
Brian Setzer = 5 votes
I dig BOTH of the 'Nocturnes' I used in this contest, and so I really didn't enjoy having to vote against either of them. However, in my personal "Book Of The All-Time Greatest Guitarists", Danny Gatton is at First & Second Place. I'm not sure who I'd have in Third Place -- possibly Paco de Lucia or Django Reinhardt. (Heck, maybe even Danny Caron because of that deep Spiritual element in his playing which can't be taught.) 
But at any rate, there isn't anything I can say about Gatton's God-given talent that hasn't already been said by someone somewhere. His masterful dexterity, his incredible sense of timing, the variety of tones he gets, and his unique improvisational side streets that magically merge themselves back into the main thematic boulevard leave me amazed no matter how many times I hear the same recording. Yeah, Gatton got my vote.
As for The Battle Within The Battle: According to my count (which is always a 50-50 proposition), after a very rough 0-2 start, The Amazing Sixwell has reeled off an impressive six straight accurate predictions, making him 6-2 and giving him a one-point lead over The Magic 8-Ball (5-3).
My sincere thanks to each and every one of you who contributed your $0.02 and made my comment section a fun place to be, as usual. (Don't tell anyone, but I think the comment section exchanges are my very favorite part of BOTB.)
Hey, Y'ALL, I'll be back here again on August 1st with a whole new episode of Battle Of The Bands, and I hope you'll be here, too, so I won't feel foolish and lonely. 
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
POSTSCRIPT: If you know any music lovers whom you think might enjoy participating in BOTB, invite them to do so. We could use a couple new BOTBers, as our ranks have thinned out a bit in recent times.


  1. Stephen dahlin'

    I thought for sure Gatton was going to run away with this one, and he dang near did!

    Another epic battle for the books. Looking forward to what you've got cooked up for the First.

    Jingle Jangle Jungle
    and only Jingle Jangle Jungle... because why reinvent the wheel? :)

    1. MMQE ~
      I'm thinking I'll go psychedelic again on August 1st. One last time (at least for awhile) in Hippiedom, where angels fear to tread.

      I've got spurs that jingle, jangle, jungle... (Hmmm.... That doesn't seem quite right.)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  2. I'm not surprised by the outcome, but I could have easily voted for Setzer and maybe I should have to have given him a closer edge. Naw, I don't guess it should work that way. I did like the eclectic nature of the Setzer piece.

    I plan to be at BOTB on the 1st so you won't be lonely. Not sure what to say about the foolish part. I've gotten used to feeling that way.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. LEE, I'm always pretty satisfied every time I escape BOTB without a shutout. So, although this wasn't as tight a Battle as I expected, I'm still quite alright with it.

      I am, however, thinking that I may add Gatton to that list of artists I won't be using in BOTB again. Although he hasn't always won (his record is 2-1-1), he was so magnificently talented that it's almost unfair to the other competitors.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends


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