Yes, it's time once again for 'Battle Of The Bands' ('BOTB').
But first things first! I am extremely happy to announce the return of Doc Cherdo to BOTB. She said, "Ah'll be bach", and I believed her. And here she is! So, although you're out of the habit by now, please MAKE CERTAIN you go to 'Cherdo On The Flipside' to welcome her bach and to vote on her first Battle since April.
Alright, let's get on it. Get your PSYCHEDELIC tye-dyed T-shirt on!...
The song begins with the line "When the Moon is in the seventh house". And by coincidence, it also happened to be the seventh most popular song of the (Psychedelic) '60s, according to the always-reliable Billboard music charts. 'AQUARIUS' was a monster of a hit for The
To recap: The 4th BOTB installment I ever did (September 15, 2013) utilized the song 'Easy To Be Hard' from the 1969 Broadway musical 'Hair'. I put the original Broadway recording, featuring Lynn Kellogg, up against Cheryl Barnes' version from the Hollywood movie, and Hollywood won 6-5.
[*SigToo wrote of Cheryl Barnes: "Her strong set of pipes shattered my Charles Emerson Winchester commemorative cognac glass to bits." Yeah, I hate it when that happens!]
This past June, I again used a song from 'Hair' - 'Good Morning, Starshine' - and pit the original Broadway recording against the Hollywood movie soundtrack cover, and Broadway's Lynn Kellogg beat Hollywood's Beverly D'Angelo 10-6.
As everyone knows, this means a rubber match HAD to be put together to determine once and for all who reigns supreme, Broadway or Hollyweird. And what better song to use for the third and final Battle than 'AQUARIUS', the most famous of all the HAIR-Y songs?
As an ear-candy novelty o' the times, I genuinely like 'Aquarius', but as global prophecy...
When the Moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind's true liberation

For prophecy, better stick with The Bible.
The lead vocalist in the original Broadway recording is Ronnie Dyson and the vocalist in the Hollywood cover is Renn Woods. Male versus female; 1968 versus 1979; Broadway versus Hollywood -- YOU decide!
AQUARIUS -- Original Broadway Recording
AQUARIUS -- Hollywood Movie Recording
The Battle Within The Battle
Question: "Will Broadway 'Hair' Lose To Hollywood 'Hair'?"
The Magic 8-Ball (7-4) sez: "It Is Certain"
The Amazing Sixwell (8-3) sez: "The Amazing Sixwell HATES hippies! Smelly commie bastards and chicks with armpit hair." and "Yes - definitely."
Alright now, “you know the gig”... I welcome you (whether I know "you" or not) to vote for your favorite of these songs in the comment section below. And feel free to tell us WHY you chose one song over the other.
After voting here, I suggest - actually I insist - you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there also. (If their ‘BOTB’ blog bits aren’t posted yet, pour yourself two shots of ‘Grand Marnier’ over ice – do it twice – and then return to their blogs to vice your voice ...vote your vice ...voice your vote.)
Voice Your Vote...
@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'THE DOGLADY'S DEN' by clicking HERE.
As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 7th and 21st of each month to post my own votes and announce the winners in the comment sections.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
What, you don't think Aquarius has a strong message? Mars is in retrograde right now, which is why you're probably thinking that.
ReplyDeleteI learned the above from my wife. See, all of the girls at her salon believe that crap, and so when my wife says something like, "Ugh, I had a terrible day yesterday," this is invariably met by a girl saying, with a completely serious face, "Oh yes, that makes complete sense, because Mars is in retrograde right now, so we've ALL been feeling it around here."
Look at the posted date of the article. Can you imagine believing that you were going to have 2 months of pure hell just because of the way a planet moved?
What a miserable way to live your life.
Anyhow, I've never been a big fan of Broadway musicals. I'm just not keen on that overly-enthusiast big chorus sound. And you know I like the movie Hair, and I like my own hair, and I agree with The Amazing Sixwell, but only about that first thing, so I'm going to have to vote for Hair: The Movie.
BRYAN, "what sign are you? Because my mood ring just, like, totally changed colors."
DeleteI love how Claire Comstock-Gay writes...
"I don’t want you to freak out,...
...and then proceeds to tell me something that, like, totally freaks me out!
...but Mars — the planet of energy, action, and desire — goes retrograde today, and won’t go direct again until August 27."
And then she continues with more "good" news:
"Maybe you’ve heard that Mars retrograde is a time when your plans will go a little haywire, or that it’s a time of unsatisfying sex, or that you won’t be able to get anything done."
"Unsatisfying sex"? Hell, I'd happily settle for that. There's no sex more unsatisfying than... no sex. (My astrologer said I'd have lives like this.)
They're telling us that we can put a man on the Moon but we can't stop Mars from going into retrograde and ruining the lives of billions of people? C'mon! Whatever happened to that "Can-Do!" spirit that America used to have?
I think we all need to mix a little LSD into our next glass of Tang (what the astronauts drank on their way to the Moon) and put our heads together on this problem.
In the meantime, thanks for your bote, Beer Boy! And -- pssst! -- "Venus and Mars are alright tonight". Meaning: It's a good time to pound beers and watch some 'Get Smart' on the boob tube. Or... to work on that tye-dyed T-shirts project you've been waiting to start until the planets were properly aligned.
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
The Age of Aquarius has passed into the realm of anachronism. Hair seemed so much more amazing in it's day. It broke ground for so many musicals to come (Rent anyone?). It had some good songs as well as really dumb songs. I have the soundtrack on CD, but it's been years since I've listened to it. It's mostly a historical keepsake for me.
ReplyDeleteFor this song my vote goes to 5th Dimension or if I can't vote for them then I'll vote for The Cowsills or The Partridge Family (did any of them record this song?).
Okay, so I have to vote for one that you've put up. Hmm--the movie version has so much more going on that it goes beyond sounding like a high school production to a movie production. I guess that makes sense.
My vote goes to the movie version.
Interesting how much in sync we are again. We've both used Battles that are follow-up to previous Battles. Probably means nothing, but maybe there's something in the air.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
DeleteI was young but I remember that era well, and I dressed like a little Hippie up through about 7th grade. Then one day, when the toughest guy in junior high school pledged allegiance to my red, white & blue "outfit", I told my Ma I didn't want to dress like the American flag anymore.
Agreed. The 'HAIR' soundtrack contained some good songs as well as some pathetic songs. For a few years, I sure played the hell out of that Broadway soundtrack album, though. And it seemed like EVERYBODY under the age of 40 owned a copy of it. I saw that red & green album cover in everyone's album collection back then.
You fooled me this time. I had you figured as a vote for the original Broadway version.
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
Goodness, Stephen!
ReplyDeleteI had to play these multiple times before I could vote. Not because I thought they were wonderful and couldn't decide - but because I'd get a minute in and mentally check out.
That being said, I have to agree with Lee. 5th Dimension did the better version. But alas, they are not a contender.
I'm going to cast my vote for the more polished version - the Hollyweird version.
My ex was an Aquarius - and he was always complaining about Mars being in retrograde. And heaven help us all should there be a new moon or full moon - on those days, I had to make sure he stayed home or he'd risk going to jail over something stupid.
Jingle Jangle Jungle
>>... I'd get a minute in and mentally check out.
DeleteMMQE, I'd heard that dropping Acid when Mars is in retrograde can negatively impact a person's mental focus. So it's actually true then, eh? ;o)
Have you tried wearing a crystal? My astrologer says that can help to counteract negative planetary alignments 'n' crap like that.
>>... a new moon or full moon... I had to make sure he stayed home or he'd risk going to jail over something stupid.
Did he turn into a werewolf during full Moons? I used to have that problem myself, until I discovered 'Werewolf-B-Gone'. It's expensive but worth it. It's made by the same company that makes 'Vampire Vanishing Cream'. I never leave home without them.
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
I'll vote for the Broadway version!
ReplyDeleteMIKE, I'll accept your vote for the Broadway version. And I've dodged another shutout for another two weeks.
Delete~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
You said be honest. I'll vote for the Hollywood version which has less mystical fingers - put both hands up and wiggle your fingers in the air that's what both songs sound like and the Hollywood version less so. I don't like any music between the late 60's and early 70's.. pretending to be thinking to double check. No, no exceptions. You know that goddamn Church Committee was out to get Nixon. Then when they found out JFK was worse they pretty much shut up. Sure (sarcasm) Nixon was why people lost faith in government. Those damn Kennedy bastards. Anyway, I liked weed as the most "psycadelia" no I don't know how to spell it and not going to look it up. Cocaine and booze I understand and respect. Psycadeliacs rubbing buttercup flowers under their chins, I'll never understand don't even try.
DeleteHonesty is always welcome here. And 'Lesser Of Two Evils' votes are welcome as well. I'd rather have a 'Lesser Of Two Evils' vote than no vote at all.
>>... I don't like any music between the late 60's and early 70's.
Ahh, that short-lived PSPS epoch. I didn't even realize any music was released in that minuscule era. And what a lousy name for a period of time, eh? I mean, they could put a man on a lunar landscape-like Hollywood set but they couldn't come up with a better name for that epoch than "Post-Sixties Pre-Seventies"? At the very least, they could have shortened it and made it sound kind of cool, such as, "Posix-PreSev". ;o) (I just jest.)
Yeah, other than the "Chocolate Waybac Machine", I've never indulged in anything more psychedelic than a tie-dyed T-shirt. And let no one fool ya -- that is indeed the correct spelling of "Waybac Machine", as established in the 4th episode of 'Peabody & Sherman', when that brainy dog and his boy went back to see Wyatt Earp in 1875.*
*A good researcher always quotes his sources.
~ Stephen
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
"I don't like any music between the late 60's and early 70's.."
DeleteI stand by that statement, McBro. I'll even go so far to state it's an undebatable fact. Between December 31, 1969 and January 1, 1970 at exactly midnight no good songs were released. If there were songs released, Simon and Garfunkel may have some good ones. The Beatles, during their rascal era, some chaff with the wheat, have some good ones. One hit wonders Large Mouth Bass And The Easily Catchable Sunfish may have released a top 20 then. As best as I recollect, however, no good songs were released at midnight 12/31/69 - 1/1/70.
Anybody who says different doesn't remember what house they were at New Year's Eve 1970, doesn't remember how they got there or how they left, doesn't remember what day or month it was - and their word is wholly unreliable.
DeleteI stand with you! Indeed, there were no good songs released between December 31, 1969 and January 1, 1970.
It's a common misperception that the great underground hit 'My Baby Busted My Heart But I'm Cryin' 'Cause I Sliced An Onion' by Yoey O'Dogherty And His Corn Liquor Boys was released in the Post-Sixties Pre-Seventies era but, in fact, that song was released on January 1, 1970 at 1:01 in the morning. So, regardless of what so many think, that recording does not qualify.
And the same goes for Mildred Rogers' hit 'You Can't Do The Foxtrot In A Roller-Skating Rink'. That song was actually released even earlier (December 31, 1969 at 11:57 PM).
You, sir, definitely know your Pop music history like few others do. Kudos to ya!
~ Stephen T.
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
My brudder, thank you for announcing my return to the fold. Dat was loverly and I appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteSomeone from my graduating class needs to locate Terry B, so we can laugh about our modern dance (required) routine in PE (also, required) to "Aquarius." Needless to say, it did not launch our dance career and whatever planet was in retrograde - it must have tilted a wee bit in response.
Off topic: "East to be Hard" is a favorite song of mine. Who knew?
Back to the Battle...if I had my druthers, I'd have Ronnie Dyson sing on the movie version; love that powerful voice. But the Hollywood version is tighter, as one might expect. The intro (pre-vocalist) is better to my untrained, judgemental ear. The lead vocalist is good and the chorus is BETTER that the Broadway version, to moi.
How can people be so heartless? (Cheryl Barnes voice only...). My vote is for the movie version! Actually, I like that movie, except for the fact that I want to fix Beverly D'Angelo's teeth.
Spoiler Alert: this is my all time favorite "Aquarius." <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehcQ-o3_ME4>linked here</a>
Drats...link here: you have to old school copy and paste, bruh.
DeleteSee what happens when I drive up to 1876 for a couple days? I fall 142 years behind in the comment section!
I'd drink to 'Aquarius', but you'd never find me dancing to it. (Unless I'd drunk enough to it first.)
Funny, I never noticed Beverly D'Angelo's teeth in that movie.
I had no idea that Mark Baum was the 40-year-old virgin. In fact, I didn't know Mark Baum was ANYONE before he was Mark Baum.
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
To look at your sidebar, this battle is over and the Hollywood version won. Nevertheless, for sentimental reasons, I'm going with the Broadway version, just to be difficult...
ReplyDeleteJOHN, anytime The Magic 8-Ball says, "It Is Certain" and The Amazing Sixwell agrees, saying, "Yes - definitely", then I just go ahead and list the winner in the Sidebar before the Battle has even played out. There's no point in having great psychics working for me if I'm not going to bother using them to get a jump on things, right?
Delete~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
I love this song and both do so well but I am going for the gal this time. Her voice is so strong and I love the musical styling and the groove of it.
ReplyDeleteBIRGIT, thank you! It's nice to have someone voting who actually likes the song.
Delete~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
I'm very glad to finally have this hairy match outta the way. I never liked Hair, I never owned Hair, didn't listen to Hair, didn't WANT to listen to Hair, and didn't want to associate with anyone who liked or wanted to listen to Hair. I have settled down in my old age and WILL now associate with those like Hair. Hence my participation here. Perhaps this battle will put an end to this Hair nonsense.
ReplyDeleteAs an aside, the entire concept of writing a song about astrology makes my stomach turn. Anyone ascribing enough credence to that sort of thing to even remotely suggest that ONE PERSON might take it seriously, let alone write a song about it that assumes a generation would be influenced by what someONE says that “the stars” tell us… Nuts. Well, these are the people that have been running the country for the last 20 years. No wonder we have been so royally screwed.
Of the two aural enemas, the Holloweird one is the lesser of two weevils. Now, hopefully this is the end of it!
SIXGUN McITCHYFINGER, you sound so much like The Amazing Sixwell in your condemnation of the song and, well, everything late '60s and Psychedelic, that I can't help wondering if you two might not be related. Brothers, perhaps? Could Sixwell be your long lost cousin -- the one with the Russian relatives by marriage? Perhaps even your "better half"? ("Not that there's anything wrong with that.") I mean, heck, you both even have "Six" in your names! It's enough to make a bloke go "Hmmm....".
DeleteHow does that saying go? "The better part of valor is not counting your lucky stars before they hatch" or "A bird in the bush is worth two bad pennies in your hand for your thoughts" or "Never look a large wooden gift badger in the mouth"?
Well, anyway, however that saying goes, you ignored it at your own peril. Therefore, you have yourself and ONLY YOU to thank for the fact that there now WILL BE another 'Hair' BOTB installment.
No, it won't be Broadway versus Hollywood and, no, it won't be this year. But you gave me the idea and the inspiration to put Oliver's 'Good Morning, Starshine' against The 5th Dimension's 'Aquarius'.
Well done! I thank you, sir. And I will even PUBLICLY thank you and credit you for the idea on the day in 2019 when I present this particular match-up.
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
I saw your comment at Doc Cherdo's Battle regarding your surprise that I didn't seem to recognize Ed Sheeran despite your having recommended I listen to one of his songs as background for that Geiger Grade skateboarding video.
Actually, I HAD watched that video while listening to the song you'd recommended. (I think it was called 'Castle On A Hill', or something like that.)
I felt the song worked pretty well with the skateboarder. Not as well as those three I'd posted (Petty, Steppenwolf, Deep Purple), but pretty well regardless.
I believe my problem is with the name "Ed Sheeran". That is just SUCH a generic sounding name. Ed Sheeran sounds like he should have been a stand-up comedian in the late '70s or early '80s who was on Johnny Carson's 'Tonight Show' one time and then did some dumb ('Roseanne'-like) sitcom series on TV for two and a half years before it got canceled.
"Ed Sheeran" is just NOT a name that is ever going to stick with me. It's only three-quarters of a notch above "John Doe" or "Sam Smith".
But know that I HAD listened to that song while watching that sidewalk surfer do his thang down Geiger Grade. (A highway that I myself drove down just about seven hours ago.)
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
Second reply first:
DeleteI agree that Ed Sheeran's song is not as good as those you had already come up with to accompany the skateboarder. But I spent a couple of hours watching that video and pairing it with a bunch more songs to see how they went, and I thought "Castle on the Hill" was the best of the "runners-up" that I tried. You definitely already hit the goodies. And I'll agree that Ed's name is pretty generic, like maybe the guy that installed my dad's carpet in 1978, or delivered milk to our door when I was four years old in 1959. And besides all this stuffs... I was just teasing you over at Doc Cherdo's blog!
First reply second:
I am totally insulted that you'd compare me to "The Amazing Sixwell." The only thing amazing about that guy is the prodigious number of clinker predictions he makes. I mean, the damned 8-Ball is beating him, isn't it? A fluid-filled orb that randomly selects stuff is AHEAD, or at least almost? His cluster of predictions has more lemons in it than a citrus tree. Sixwell is a chump and I'm ashamed to have the word "Six" in my name too. In fact, I SHOULD remove it since, as you know, "I am not a number, I am a free man!"
In fact, I don't think there really IS an "Amazing Sixwell." I think it is just your imaginary friend, like Harvey... or perhaps an alter-ego... a manifestation of your multiple personality disorder.
And finally: Curses! Hoist with my own petard yet again!
Yeah, 'Castle On A Hill' wasn't bad at all. Pretty good, in fact. And so was the 'Ride Of The Valkyries' (I tried that one, too, as you'd suggested.) But there's just something about that driving, rhythmic pounding of those Classic Rock tunes. I can almost even feel the gravel-shake of the skateboard as I listen to those while watching that bloke go down Geiger Grade sans breaks. (On Sunday, when I drove up Geiger Grade, I found the exact spot where the skateboarder started from. It was five miles to the North of Virginia City.)
Actually, Sixwell is ahead of The Magic 8-Ball, and methinks you don't give him enough respect. 8-3 is an impressive record, and he's going to be 9-3 when THIS Battle closes in a couple days.
An NFL team with an 8-3 record would be well on its way to a high seed position in the Playoffs and probably a Super Bowl contender. (Of course, no one watches the NFL anymore - at least true American patriots don't - so maybe it's time to put all NFL analogies to rest.)
Indeed, you are NOT a number; you are a free man. But even if you were a number, it would surely be a number bigger than six. At least eleventy, I would guess.
I assure you that there is abbalouly an Amazing Sixwell, and no, he isn't me. I don't think I could guess these BOTB outcomes as well as Sixwell does.
And you'd better not let G Dogg catch you bad-mouthing The Amazing Sixwell. Thems be fightin' woids.
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
Hey Stephen,
ReplyDeleteHappy Monday! Hope you had a good weekend and your week is off to a great start...
You mentioned "Easy to Be Hard" and I immediately went to Three Dog Night mode because I was just grooving on some 3Dog recently.
I really like your battle song. Of course I'm attached to the Fifth Dimension's version and I think that's absolutely the best one.
But I did have to listen to both your versions a few times before making a decision.
Both of them had interesting lead-in intros and I enjoyed both.
I think I like the Hollywood version over the Broadway version. I like Renn Woods powerful styling in this version. I do for sure like Ronnie Dyson's voice as well and honestly could just as easily vote for his. (On an aside: how sad that Ronnie died at such a young age. He had heart failure at age 40! That was back in 1990, per Wiki).
Hey I didn't do a battle for the 15th...I think I'm battled-out for a minute with the Dog v Cat tournament (speaking of, did you go check out the Results post to see who won? It's here if you get a minute --if I can figure out how to hyperlink text in a comment...).
Not only did I pass up doing a 15th battle, I'm thinking I'm not going to be able to put together a 4M post for today either, much as I thought I was going to be able to accomplish. Crazy month, September. But I'll for sure go around and visit all the BOTBers this week...I'm not a complete flunkee...
So, in the end, now having listened to each version three times, put me down for Hollywood.
And you don't even want me to get into how I feel about astrology and crystals and gemstones....
Signed, your Virgo pal,
Michele at Angels Bark
DeleteThank you! I spent most of Monday in Virginia City, so indeed it was a good start to my week.
3 Dog Night definitely seems like it SHOULD be a group you would like, what with the dogs an' all.
I don't think there are a lot of people who wouldn't agree that The 5th Dimension "owns" this song. And that, of course, is the reason it couldn't be used in BOTB against another version. That would literally be begging for a shutout. Heck, as it is -- putting Broadway against Hollywood -- I KNEW without a doubt that this would end in a blowout. And I was hoping it wouldn't be even worse than that (i.e., Shoutoutville). Looks like I got away with another one.
I don't know how ANY OF YOU manage to do those 4M posts. I mean, those aren't just two Battles per month, like BOTB is, but are every single week! Me, I would burn out on that so fast. As much as I love music, committing to a music post every Monday would probably start to feel like a "job" to me. I really don't know how y'all keep your enthusiasm up for it, but ya do. Heck, I remember when I even got burned out for several months just doing two Battles in four weeks.
Thanks for taking your vote so seriously and listening multiple times to the songs.
I thought I had visited the Dogs Vs. Cats Tournament Results post, but maybe not. I know I saw the results show up in my Dashboard and knew that Chapin's Cats won. I'll try to get over there tomorrow - my last day off before the grueling work grind starts up again.
Signed, your King Of The Jungle pal. (Yep... Leo.)
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
Ah-ha! THAT'S why I like you so much! Now I get it. You're a Leo. There was a time in my life that almost all the men I dated for some stupid reason ended up being in the Leo sign. What the heck was THAT about??! Considering that most of those ended in disaster, I swore off Leos...(and Italians, and, and, and...)
DeleteBut you Leos are A TON of fun! ;)
"I am LEO. Hear me ROAR!"
DeleteHa! MICHELE, I've never really gotten into the whole Astrological sign thing (but I won't make any important decisions without first consulting my mood ring ;o)
I DO fit the general description of a Leo, and I think the reason you liked Leos is because they are "real men". (I mean, as far as lions can be men goes.)
Uh,... yeah, an Italian Leo -- that's like a double dose, I would imagine. That might be just TOO MUCH Testosterone. I'm a Leo mutt, leaning toward the Irish, some German, and even a pinch or two of American Indian.
You know what I find interesting? That Jung / Briggs-Myers personality test. Some years ago, my buddy Sixgun McItchyfinger (aka Sheboyganboy) turned me onto it and I thought it nailed me pretty well. It said I'm an INTJ.
If you're interested and you have time someday, take the test and tell me how you come out:
If you take the test and at the end it tells you, "You're a Virgo", then you definitely did it wrong.
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
ReplyDeleteI have never been a fan of Broadway mewsicals but I think I recall more vividly the Hollyweird version of "Aquarius" so naturally my ears gravitate toward it. Give my vote to Hair Mewvie version. Now, I'm get a psychedelic vibe minus the drugs. Heck, I've never been high unless you count the time I was in the hospital when they gave me a mega strong (10x powerful than Morphine) drug that made the floor move beneath my bed and my blood pressure dipped dramatically all within a minutes of getting it. I looked at the nurse the best I could because my eyes kept crossing and I point blankly said, "Do NOT give me anything like that ever again!" I didn't want any more to do what that crazy sensation. I'd rather have the pain instead of being out of my sense. Good battle!
Howdy, CATHY ~
DeleteThanks for stopping by with your $0.02 for the kitty.
I'm guessing that the version of this song you best remember is the legitimate hit version (and a monster of a hit it was!) by The 5th Dimension. I'm going to include a video for that one in my Results post, so stop by and check it out, if you can.
In my 20s and 30s, I had enough of a challenge dealing with Jack, Jim, and Jose. I didn't need to add to my troubles with any other mind-altering chemicals.
I looked like a little Hippie in the early 1970s. Few would believe that a kid who looked as psychedelic as I did could turn out to be as conservative as I am. (But don't confuse "conservative" with "boring" and "humorless"!)
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
And Stephen,
ReplyDeleteThat's not all....another good battle PA! I do remember the song from the summer of love....by myself! At first I thought I would go for the original but the movie version had a bit more life to it. So I'm gonna vote for that version.
There, now do somethin!
DeleteAct now and you will also receive - absolutely free - the Ginsu Gin collection! These ultra-potent flavored Gins will cut through sobriety like a... well... like a Ginsu knife!
Pooh, I'll meet ya in "The Back Room". The drinks are on... your Da.
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
From the beginning I was pretty sure I would be voting for the Broadway version, but I admit to having to listen to both more than once to be sure.
ReplyDeleteI’ve seen Hair on Broadway, but that was a long time ago. The movie is somewhat easier to relate to because I’ve seen in numerous times and as recently as within the last year, but you know it’s supposed to be a pretty gritty story, a coming of age and loss of innocence tale. There is really a lot more to it than the overall protest saga it has come to be known as. To my ears the Broadway version conveys that, while the Hollywood version is just another slick production that gives everyone peace of mind and a confirmation that the whole Hippie thing was just a passing fad. While history has convinced the world that the whole Hippie thing WAS just a passing fad, that time period is still pretty real to the friends and families of all those lives lost in Southeast Asia. You can count me as one of them.
So, after all of that my vote goes to the Original Broadway version. A darker story by far, but closer to the intent at the time.
DeleteShocking to see you here!
OK, who are you really, and what have you done with FAE?
I know you only went to see 'Hair' on Broadway for the full frontal male nudity. Yeah, I know you.
I never saw the play version of 'Hair' but I did read about it at Wackypedia, and if what Wacky sez is correct (which very often is NOT the case), then it sounded terrible. It seemed like it was written by a couple of druggies who had zero (not three-five-zero-zero, but just ZERO) understanding of plots and story structures.
The movie, on the other hand, is really pretty terrific, with one of the all-time great plot twists at the end. (I know you've seen it, but I'm just sayin'.)
Another vote for Broadway from a Hippie chick livin' in the past. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)
OK, but seriously, thanks for taking the time to come by, listen, and bote. You dun goot! Here's hoping I hear from you more often come BOTB time:
*Clink!* "Cheers!"
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
OK, let;s talk about this for a little bit. Yeah, yeah on the nudity bit. I never felt sure why that was a part of the Broadway production expect to make a big enough statement to get noticed. At the time the play was first produced it was shut down numerous times by the local authorities due to the nudity. It certainly did draw a lot of attention to the production and of course, made it very ‘popular’. I really think that was the whole point, because I couldn’t see any other.
DeleteI would have to agree with you about the authors not having a sense of plots and story structures. I don’t believe they were seriously trying to produce a play, but rather tell a story based on the fear, dread and anxiety being expressed by a generation who didn’t want to go and die in somebody else’s war. There was so much anger at that time, but I believe in reality that anger was a cover-up for the fear being felt by a generation of people who wanted to live not die for their nation and beliefs. Of course, I concede that like all things idealistic it became taken over by a darker side that turned the motto of the time ‘hell no we won’t go’ into a more satanic anthem of ‘hell no we won’t go and if you try to make us we’ll kill you’. To which my brain simply said HUH, this is a ‘peace movement’...NOT.
Anyway, enough of that nonsense. I don’t want to spend a lot of time justifying the antics of the “Hippie Movement’, but, the original Hair was, in my mind, move a cry for some sanity and rational thinking in a world seemingly gone mad. (Imagine that today).
I also agree with you that the Hollywood version was a neat little package of a story, with plot and a whole lot of ethos and pathos and the like thrown in for balance, not to mention the music. The plot twist at the end only embodies the original message in the original. While George Berger wasn’t willing to go and fight and risk dying for a nation and arguement that wasn’t his, he more or less willing DID go and die for a friend.
And that my friend is what all the silly songs are about. What all of the other goofing and political drama of the ‘Hippie Movement’ was about...WHAT IS WORTH DYING FOR. Now don’t think for a minute that I’m still naive enough to think that’s what the people who took it over were going for (think the imposters like Tom Hayden-one of Hanoi Jane’s husbands or Jerry Rubin a skank I met in the student union at the UofI or other to come after them,) but it was the embodiment of the real HIppie Movement however short lived it was.
Maybe you’re right and I’m living in the past, but I think I have faced the harsh reality of a world truly gone mad and in the firm grasp of the Master of Mahem’s grip, but I also haven’t forgotten the idealistic moment that spurred a few onto ask the world to ‘give peace a chance’ and no that was not John Lennon, although he managed to plagiarize the statement in his usual manner of grabbing a fist full of dollars and promoting his own socialistic agenda.
OK - stepping off the soap box. I know who I am, even if I don’t often say it out loud. I’m not a very trusting person and I also know what and who this world is and exactly where it is going. Every so often I like to look back on those few brief seconds when Camelot really did exist, and I don’t mean the era or administration of JFK,s who IMO was just another (and maybe one of the biggest) slight of hand candidates to come down the pike.
OK, BUT SERIOUSLY...do we really have to come back to Hair again.
DeleteYou have certainly made up for your recent absences with this round of BOTB. Thanks for the A-list comments!
I remember the late '60s pretty well, and I dressed like the member of some Hippie tribe, but I was not conscious of all the social ramifications of everything until later.
And I agree that the full frontal nudity of Broadway's 'Hair' was probably more of a PUBIC-ity stunt than anything else. And it worked.
The untold history of this era is pretty interesting when one starts looking at the financing of the "Hippie Peace Movement". One finds the usual capitalist "suits" behind it all. Namely, supposedly mainstream conservative financiers representing foundations established by banking families, etc. The same sorts of people who financed the Bullshitvik Revolution. Funny how nothing is ever as it appears to be, eh?
I can still vividly recall being in junior high school and being afraid that in a few years I'd be out of school and drafted into the (illegal) Vietnam "Police Action". A little kid shouldn't have to grow up with that fear hanging over his head.
Of course, knowing what I do now, I'd be the first person burning his draft notice on the steps of city hall. I'm almost sorry I didn't get a chance to do that in this lifetime. That scene in Hollywood's 'Hair' when George Berger leads them in the draft card burning ceremony -- it amuses me to find myself in full support of them, when back in, say, '75 or so, I'd have thought that jail for them would have been fitting. I've changed a lot [Link> through the many books I've read.
Believe me, I do not wish to revisit 'HAIR' in BOTB, but Sixgun McItchyfinger has made it unavoidable. You can thank HIM for that!
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
Al Bondigas here. I remember us playing the crap out of that album. I never liked hippies, I always found them to be phony, full of shit followers. Man, I hate followers. I did dig a lot of the music from that era though. These freaks are running our government now and are the most corrupt in history. Anyway, rulin’ fer Hollywood, but you already knew that, right? That’s it!! That’s muh rulin’!!
ReplyDeleteThanks fer yer rulin', JUDGE AL! I figured you'd vote for Hollyweird, unless you went down Broadway simply for "old time's sake".
DeleteHey, if not for Leftists, how would The Bible come true? You know that the fulfillment of prophecy requires that the Left do its part. So, every day... thank a Hippie!
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
First comment reply first:
ReplyDeleteYou're right about the classic rock having "that" element that works well with the skateboarder. And IN THAT VEIN: I have watched many more music videos to match with him, and have hit with some success. Some of these are pretty darned good. Here are some to try (or at least close your eyes and imagine):
1) George Thorogood, "Who Do You Love" and "Bad To The Bone."
2) Bob Seger, "Hollywood Nights"
3) LOTS of ZZ Top: "La Grange," "Sharp Dressed Man," "Tush," "Gimmie All Your Lovin'"
And two more things to note. I don't understand YouTube view counts. I myself have watched that skateboarder FIFTY times by now, and that counter isn't budging. What give, youtube???
Something I noticed only after the LAST time I watched: at 6:54, did you notice that a cop car passes him on the way up the hill?!?!?! I think that's why he looks around and says something to the car following right after that, then they BOOK IT OUTTA THERE shortly thereafter.
Second reply second: there is no second reply.
McItchyfinger ~
You may have gotten into that skateboarding video even more than I have. I'll have to check out some of those you've mentioned over my next few days off from work. And I want to try the song 'Space Truckin'', too.
Hokey-Smoke! You're absolutely right -- that WAS a cop car at 6:54! I had not noticed that before. Good catch!
It was probably the fact that the cop had just passed the last turnout for awhile that saved the skateboarder from the cop turning around and going after him.
Oddly, I don't think I have EVER seen a cop car going up or down Geiger Grade like that. There are a couple of spots where I'm careful because they're ideal for cops with radar, but I've never seen a patrol car actually patrolling any stretch of that road. What were the odds he'd encounter one the one time he decides to descend the Grade on a skateboard?
FUN FACT: In the Virginia City cemetery, I've found a gravesite for someone with the surname of Geiger. Now I gotta look that up and see if it might be the guy who established that road in the 1800s. That would be neat.
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
No need to publish, STMC, but, did you see this blast from the past?
I for one am stunned, I tell you...
Howdy, CW ~
DeleteHa! Do I detect a note of sarcasm in that last sentence? ;oD
I do appreciate the heads up, but actually, I had become aware of that around the same time that article was published. Get this!...
The Short Little Rebel commented on one of my blog posts and threatened to sue me! What she was going to sue me over was not made clear. I guess just for telling the truth.
If you're interested and have the time, check out the comment section [Link> HERE. I think that'll blow your mind!
I was yakking with S.S. (what a combination of initials, eh?) and yakking with Colonel Riggins' wife all in the same comment section! Hokey-Smoke!! (Somehow, I was hoping my 15-minutes of fame would amount to more.)
And, BTW, the stalker I mentioned in that comment section is STILL stalking me! What is it about me that draws psycho women like sh*t draws flies?! :o)
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
>>Male versus female; 1968 versus 1979
ReplyDeleteHmmm...male vs. female
Bobby Riggs vs Billy Jean King
Ronnie vs Renn
Serena Williams vs. Naomi Osaka
Choosing between the sexes is always difficult in these venues.
Renn’s Hollywood version has that Shaft/SuperFly/70’s porn-sounding backbeat…or front beat. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Ronnie Dyson’s Broadway version? “Manly yes, but I like it too”. I’ll go with that one.
(I forgot about that cognac glass. My Hotlips Hoolihan, Double-Handled, Sippy Cup Set is a poor substitute.)
Delete>>... Serena Williams vs. Naomi Osaka
Ha! They shouldn't let the men play against the women because... they get so upset and throw a fit when they're losing.
>>... “Manly yes, but I like it too”.
Ahhh... it's been so long since I've heard that. Irish Spring soap, was it? I'll have to Google that now, as soon as I hit "Publish" on this comment.
The good thing about the Margaret Houlihan cups is that they're big and hold a lot.
Thanks for stopping by with your two sips worth, Sigster!
~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
If you are interested in seeing the final vote tally for this 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' installment and my closing thoughts on it, you can put the following URL into your browser:
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'