Sunday, October 14, 2018


Laurel Vs. Hardy, Beer Vs. Wine, TV Vs. Radio, Pitcher Vs. Batter, Paper Vs. Plastic, Reality Vs. Fantasy, Yeshua Vs. Beelzebub, Conservative Vs. Liberal, You Vs. Me, House Vs. Senate, Offense Vs. Defense, Kramer Vs. Kramer, Spy Vs. Spy, Fischer Vs. Spassky, W.C. Fields Vs. Sobriety, Harold Gimpy, Jr. Vs. Sheldon J. Pismire, Rock Vs. Paper Vs. Scissors, Islam Vs. Everything, Singer Vs. Singer, Band Vs. Band...
Yes, it's time once again for 'Battle Of The Bands' ('BOTB').
No, your eyes are not deceiving you and, no, you are not confused about today's date. This is indeed the 14th of October. But because I will have no computer access until late tomorrow, I'm forced to post my Battle a day too early. If you're a traditionalist (as I am), feel free to pretend you didn't see this here and return tomorrow. Or else vote early... and often.
Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!...
Yes, it's true, I said in the past that I was going to stop using Satchmo, Nat King Cole, and Frank Sinatra in Battles because certain names seem nearly impossible to beat. But when did y'all start paying any attention and putting any credence into anything I say?
For the past six to seven months, I've been on a personal quest to determine what, for me, is the ultimate music album to listen to first thing in the morning when I'm waking up with my cups o' coffee. The album has to be pleasant to hear in the early morning hours; it must have some life to it but not be too loud and jarring.  Hard Rock is out. Big Band is out. IMO, there are only certain types of music that fit all the requirements. Over time, I narrowed it down to about a dozen serious contenders, and then I whittled it down further until I believe I finally determined my winner -- 'The Ultimate Early Morning With Coffee Music Album'. (More about this in a future blog bit... maybe... if you're interested.)
I mentioned this only because it was during my quest to find the winner of that music album contest that I came to love today's BOTB song.
Wackypedia sez:
"Wave" (also known as "Vou Te Contar" in Portuguese) is a bossa nova song written by Antônio Carlos Jobim. Recorded as an instrumental on his 1967 album of the same name, its English lyrics were written by Jobim himself later that year. According to The Jazz Discography by Tom Lord, the song has been recorded nearly 500 times.
I'm giving you the original instrumental version and two vocal covers to choose from...
Antonio Carlos Jobim  (1967)

Sergio Mendes & Brasil '66  (1967)

Frank Sinatra  (1970)

The Battle Within The Battle
Question: "Will Antonio Carlos Jobim and Sergio Mendes Lose To Frank Sinatra?"
The Magic 8-Ball (8-5) sez:  "Outlook Not So Good"
The Amazing Sixwell (9-4) sez:  "My Reply Is No."
Alright now, “you know the gig”... I welcome you (whether I know "you" or notto vote for your favorite of these songs in the comment section below. And feel free to tell us WHY you chose one song over the other.
After voting here, I suggest - actually I insist - you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there also. (If their ‘BOTB’ blog bits aren’t posted yet, pour yourself two shots of ‘Grand Marnier’ over ice – do it twice – and then return to their blogs to vice your voice your vice ...voice your vote.)
Voice Your Vote...
@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'ANGELS BARK' by clicking HERE.
@ 'THE DOGLADY'S DEN' by clicking HERE.
As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 7th and 21st of each month to post my own votes and announce the winners in the comment sections.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. You are a day early! I do like the instrumental version but Am aware of the song sung by many artists. I was never a fan of the singing styling of the first one. It reminds me of the Manhattan Transfer and they are not my favourites so, by default, this goes to Frankie. I can’t believe his voice can go so low which impressed me.

    1. BIRGIT ~
      Thanks for taking time to come by, listen, and bote.

      It's odd that, in fact, I DO like the Manhattan Transfer and yet I've never owned so much as a single album by them. I really ought to look into getting a 'Best Of' compilation or Career Retrospective disc.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  2. I was in Orange County a few years ago for my birthday, and bought myself Jobim's "Wave" album. Like everything else Jobim ever did, I loved it, all of it, even the song "Dialogo," which I subtitled "Dueling Trombones," because that's what it sounds like. Were I to judge this battle strictly on the basis of what I already know, that version would win, hands down, period, sorry, Jobim's version is caller #15, try again next hour.

    Which is why I made the decision that I wouldn't vote for his version in this battle. Besides, I knew the other two would have vocals, so rightfully they should be this battle.

    Sergio Mendes and Brasil '66 are always good, especially with the beautiful vocalist and Chicago native Lani Hall, a/k/a Mrs. Herb Alpert. I listened to their cover, and loved it.

    That would have been the end of it, because what I had heard of Frank Sinatra's excursion into the world of bossa nova was a big "swing and a miss" for him. Even my Uncle Jack, who's the biggest Sinatra fan at least in my family, was less than pleased with his interpretation of the work of Tom Jobim. Before I voted for Sergio Mendes, I thought I owed it to Old Blue Eyes to give his platter a spin.

    And, you know what? I loved it. The song was perfect for him, well suited to his vocal range and most comfortable tempo. I also knew that this was a song taken from the sessions he did with Jobim and that Tom was playing piano on this one.

    So, I'm casting my vote for Frank Sinatra in this battle, with the understanding that both Tom and Sergio and Company did a remarkable job on this one.

    1. JOHN ~
      I'm hoping to be in Orange County toward the end of November, on a vacation (first real one in so long that I can't even remember what the last one was). I lived in Orange County through the 4th grade. In the Summer before I started 5th grade (1970), we moved to "Dogtown" (Santa Monica). I hope it doesn't snow while I'm in "The O.C.".

      Got you down for "The Chairman Of The Board". That's one of the best things about BOTB - it never runs out of surprises!

      ~ Stephen
      'Loyal American Underground'

  3. Great song and I have no problem starting a day early. Now I can sleep later (yeah, right!).

    This one is so easy for me. Both vocal versions are great, but if we're talking morning coffee or any time for that matter I'm going to give my preference to Jobim. Great music to get into the day with.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. LEE ~
      It seems a number of people felt I was asking them to vote for which version they'd be most inclined to hear while sipping hot coffee in the morning hours. I can see why they've interpreted it that way. I guess I should have been more explicit in what I was saying, so I accept full responsibility. But I was merely remarking on how I came to really focus on 'Wave'. I'd heard it many times, but it had never really burned itself into my brain until I started my 'Coffee And Morning Music' experiments.

      You, however, voted straight up, and your preference would have been the same with or without morning coffee. Good deal!

      This is turning into a very good Battle, and yet it's not going the way I anticipated it would. In other words... "it's BOTB".

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  4. I saw this post last night after yakking with some crazy guy on a mountain. As things would have it, I had to drop my dog off at the vet at 7 this morning for a dental procedure, so I'm up extra early today. I put this to the test - which is the most pleasing while I'm still waking up?

    Sergio Mendes isn't bad, but the constant use of the shaker is a little abrasive and kind of grating after a couple minutes in. It's making me grumpy. And I love ol' Blue Eyes, cheesy as he may be, and his voice is really soothing... too soothing, perhaps. It's lulling me right back to sleep.

    Normally, I'd vote for Frankie for what I like best. But for my money, Antonio Carlos is morning perfection - nice and soothing, but not so soothing that I feel like I'm going to slump over in my chair. He pairs perfectly with a nice cup of morning coffee. Give my vote to him.

    1. 6-B ~
      That crazy guy on a mountain whom you were having a yakversation with... I have it from the most reliable source that this morning his calves are really hurtin'. As Sheriff Andy Taylor once said: "Little old men ought never to climb mountains."

      I find the whole 'MORNING MUSIC WITH COFFEE' question to be really intriguing. Because everyone is wired a little differently, and there are so many facets to consider: How quickly does one want to wake up, and what does it take to get the job done? What sorts of instruments and vocals are each set of ears tuned to in the morning hours? Is it really that much different from, say, the Noontime hour, or late afternoon or early or late evening?

      I can't even imagine listening to 'Smoke On The Water' first thing in the morning, and yet undoubtedly some folks would say that the music I like with coffee would put them back to sleep. It's all so interesting and I think it needs to be studied in depth by some highly esteemed Sleep Center. (Is there really such a thing? If so, I want to spend the rest of my life there.)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  5. Howdy Reno!
    I've always liked this song. Now that I've heard it without the lyrics I love it! No offense intended to Mendes or Sinatra, but I'm not much of a talker before I've had my "cups o' coffee" Jobin - with coffee - creates a perfect blend of caffeinated optimism ;-)
    I honestly don't know what to think about a giraffe in the ocean, but then, I don't think about much of anything before morning coffee.
    Cheers to you on Monday!

    1. dIEDRE ~
      Thanks so much for adding your $00.02 to the pot of public opinion here!

      "Caffeinated Optimism" -- HA! You're so clever with words! I love that expression. In fact, I'm not sure there's even such a thing as "Decaffeinated Optimism".

      Give me caffeine or give me sleep! (Wasn't it Patrick Henry what said that?)

      Yeah, that's an odd album cover, isn't it? I don't actually own that album, so I can't say how the giraffe ties into things, if it does. All I know for certain is that giraffes are selfish. That's according to Barney Fife, anyway.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    2. Sixgun McItchyfingerOctober 17, 2018 at 10:02 PM

    3. I went, I listened, I heard nuttin'.

      Hokey-Smoke, SIXGUN! The volume on that video must be at -03. Nuttin' but silence on this work computer. But I'll try again from home tonight on my "real" computer and see if I hear the word "giraffe"... or any word at all.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    4. Sixgun McItchyfingerOctober 18, 2018 at 8:40 PM

      Yeah, the audio is terrible and I almost didn't post it because of it.

      B&R have two bits about giraffes and this was one of them. I thought more people should be exposed to B&R so I gave it a chance.

      Unfortunately, I did not have a chance to listen to it at home last night. These 3 consecutive days when I work 12-hour shifts (Wed-Fri) leave me no time for anything but meditating and sleeping (and sometimes those are synonymous). By the time I get home it's shower, meditate, maybe a short workout, and to bed.

      But no work for me tomorrow, so I'll give 'er a shot tonight.

      And you know I agree with you 101% that what the world needs now is Bob and Ray!

      Also, I've been meaning to tell you for the longest time that I listened to those songs you recommended as musical soundtracks for Geiger Grade Skateboarding and you hit some winners!

      I especially liked Thorogood's 'WHO DO YOU LOVE?' and Seger's 'HOLLYWOOD NIGHTS'. Going into it, I didn't think the latter one would work, since Geiger Grade is a long way from Hollywood, but the rhythm and pace of it actually worked pretty well.

      Now I have a new one for you to try. This song was also included on my 'ON THE ROAD AGAIN: Pedal To The Metal' compact disc, so you know from the get-go that it's a natural 'driving song'. Try the Geiger Grade Skateboarding video while listening to 'LUST FOR LIFE' by Iggy Pop and see what ya think of that combo, Brother.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

    6. Sixgun McItchyfingerOctober 19, 2018 at 10:55 AM

      HA! Still scratching that Geiger Grade itch, huh? Yeah, me too. I am glad you liked Thorogood and Seger with it, and I liked Iggy Pop with it! Got the right tempo and beat.

      You hate much of the music I like, but you should try combining the GG vid with
      one of my absolute favorites: Angels and Airwaves.
      "Saturday Love" and/or "Dry Your Eyes"
      (I also like "Love Like Rockets" and "Epic Holiday"

      And from Blink 182:
      "After Midnight"

      No... really. I think it is good with it. Give it a shot and at least get into the songs through the hook.

    7. >>... You hate much of the music I like

      Methinks you got that backwards.

      I am off from work beginning tomorrow for 4 days, and I'll check 'er out.

      I'm just very grateful you didn't try to force those poseur #FakeMusicians, 'Green Day', on me!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  6. Good day, Stephen! Is this a three-way contest, or is the original just for reference? Still a little jet-lagged, here. :P Doesn't matter though, because I'm totally mellowing out to Frank Sinatra's dulcet tones. One vote for Ol' Blue Eyes!

    1. Hey, welcome back, DEBBIE!

      Yes, it's a 3-Way. I don't do the "for reference" thang. I think it just confuses some voters. I don't think I've ever seen a song posted on BOTB "just for reference" that at least one person (sometimes more) didn't mistakenly vote for it.

      Frankie Babeee for the win!

      Dulcet - that's a great word. It kind of massages the tongue and then rolls right off it.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  7. Hi Stephen,
    I'll be interested in your perfect music to wake up to album. So in going with that theme, I used that as my guide to determine my vote. Which version would I want to listen to first thing in the morning when I want to wake up slowly, calmly and peacefully.
    I Knocked Sergio out straight away. So that left me with Jobim's original and Frank Sinatra.
    I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed both. But I gotta go with the instrumental. It washed over me and I can see it allowing my brain to wake up naturally instead of having to be bombarded with words first thing in the morning.
    And truth be told, as soon as I saw Jobim's album cover, I figured I'd be voting for him! Seriously though, I am on a major giraffe kick right now, having purchased three of them last week, one of them being as tall as me! Now I'm trying to track down a framed print of a funky giraffe that I saw online the other day but the store, although they system says they have four in stock, they are lying! :)
    So that little giraffe on the cover inched me toward Jobim right out of the gate...

    Nice music here today Stephen. Thanks!

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Howdy, MICHELE ~
      I'm actually still working on finding, for me, the perfect 'Morning Music With Coffee Album'. However, I've got my Top Two choices figured out, I believe, and there are only a few more I need to try before proclaiming these to be the definitive winners. I'm close to the end of this experiment, and I think maybe I'll announce the final conclusion (a Top Three) in a future BOTB post.

      >>... "I gotta go with the instrumental. It washed over me and I can see it allowing my brain to wake up naturally instead of having to be bombarded with words first thing in the morning."

      Yeah, see that's yet ANOTHER factor to consider and add to the list I was working on in my response to Beer Boy Bryan above. For some, Instrumental versus Vocals is another thing to think about, another ingredient that may make a difference in the "soup".

      I really do find this to be an interesting topic.
      That's a First-World problem!

      I can't think of a person collecting giraffes without also thinking of a certain scene in the Michael Douglas movie [Link> 'FALLING DOWN'. Have you ever seen that one? It's one of my favorites. Lois Smith is the name of the actress who played Michael Douglas' mother in the movie. She collected small glass figurines and the giraffe was one of her favorites.

      FUN FACT: Lois Smith appeared in two of my all-time Top 25 favorite movies. She had a scene with James Dean in 'East Of Eden' (1955). I developed a little crush on her after discovering her in that film when I was maybe 18 years old or so.

      Thanks for your vote, Michele, and I'll be getting over to your Battle with my $00.02 before long.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    2. I love that movie Stephen. Michael Douglas is really good in it. The viewer can feel the intensity and the tension rise right from the start of the film. It's been a while since I've seen the movie and I don't at all remember Lois Smith or the glass figurines. I'll have to give it a re-watch...

    3. MICHELE ~
      When people used to ask me why I left Los Angeles, I'd tell them, "Watch 'Falling Down'." That was the L.A. I left in late 1992. But from my birth up until 1986 or so, L.A. was "the pLAce". (That was an old advertisement from the Chamber of Commerce or some other organization.)

      Few probably ever make the connection that the avatar I use -- the "D-FENS" California license plate -- is actually Michael Douglas' license plate in 'Falling Down'.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  8. Good evening Stephen!

    I was going to stop by first thing this morning before I went to bed, but I was just too tired. Now, I'm a bit glad that I didn't - especially with you doing music that you wake up to. Man that would have been a major clusterf---

    As you know, I barely like people anymore. My mornings are a time for zero intrusion. I like my morning/afternoon crappuccino and nobody had better cross me before then, uh, I mean... ever!

    I'm going to vote for what I would prefer to wake up to - musically, that is (get your mind out of the gutter, McCarthy!)

    I'm going to go with the pure instrumental, as part of me wants to just tell people to shut their pie-holes in the morning. (no offense intended to said persons)

    Yes, it has been determined that for everyone's safety that I remain single - at least in the mornings.

    Hope you get your internet back soon!


    1. Good morning, MMQE!

      >>... "Man that would have been a major clusterf---"


      >>... "As you know, I barely like people anymore.

      Seriously? You mean there WAS a time when you really liked people? Sheesh! That makes you better'n me. Heck, long ago, I started a club for misanthropes but I was forced to disband it when people started joining it!

      I don't really wake up grumpy, but I am decidedly NOT a morning person. Yeah, I can talk a little in the morning without ripping someone's head off, but until I've had my fourth cuppa joe, and before it's 12:00 Noon, I'm really not sharp. Then I really come to life between Noon O'Clock and 12:30. After that, I start down that slope toward sleep again. In other words, I make all my business decisions in that 30-minute window of time.

      I really should go back to Mojito mode. I think I was a better person when I was a drunken drunk.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  9. Stephen,

    I did not come by on Sunday. I prefer to stay away from the Internet the entire weekend but especially on Sundays if I can. In the mornings before I have my first cup of coffee I can only listen to certain mewsic styles but I have to be honest with you all instrumental arrangement is nice but it's a bit of snoozer. I need to wake up, not go back to sleep! Pass that coffee, while I move to the next artist. Adding vocals to the mewsic arrangement is definitely the way to go. Sergio Mendes & Brasil...again a nice song but too mellow to get the pot percolating which leaves me with Frank Sinatra. His vocals give the mewsic arrangement more texture and while it's still too tame to get the flame going in the burner, it's still my favorite song rendition. Give my vote to Ol' Blue Eyes please!

    1. HiYa, CATHY! It's that you?

      Funny that you find Sergio too mellow, because some others think it's too... uhm,... too Too!

      This is really an interesting Q (What's the best music to wake up to with coffee?), because there are so many different opinions on it.

      Once I'm awake, I'm not falling back to sleep, regardless of whether or not the music has vocals or is an instrumental ballad. So, I can listen to any of these 3 versions in the morning and enjoy them. The real question for me is: "Preference between the three?" I think all are good, but only ONE can be best.

      My buddy Julio and I are currently in the middle of determining "Which 1967 George Kennedy movie is better, 'The Dirty Dozen' or 'Cool Hand Luke'?" And as I just texted him, going on little quests like that (and like trying to determine "What's the best music album to listen to when waking up in the morning with coffee?") are the little things that keep life interesting for me.

      Sergio & Brasil '66 seem to be out of the running early, but between Jobim and Sinatra, this is shaping up to be a pretty good Battle.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

    2. Stephen,

      I meant to come by again last week to address your reply but things got a bit hectic. I know when isn't life ever not hectic?

      I hope you and your friend, Julio settled which of the two George Kennedy movies is the best. We've seen 'The Dirty Dozen' but I don't remember. Wasn't Kennedy in 'The Eiger Sanction' with Clint Eastwood? That was a good film.

      Oh boy, I wish once I'm awake then I'm awake but there are some days that I HAVE to take a little nap. However, honestly I find easier going to classic mewsic genre a bit better for my listening pleasure when I first get up. Metal mewsic is definitely out of the running and you can just forget rap (is that even mewsic?)!

    3. Good Shmornin', CATHY! ~

      Beer Boy Bryan and I concurred that 'The Dirty Dozen' is the better 1967 George Kennedy movie, although we both do like 'Cool Hand Luke', too.

      'The Dirty Dozen' is one of only about 6 war movies I really like, and I would certainly put it at #1 on that list.

      When 'The Eiger Sanction' was playing in the theatres in 1975, I saw it several times, because a good friend of mine at that time really dug it. I haven't seen it since then, and doubt I'd care for it much today. 'Action' is not one of my preferred movie genres. (Plus, Clint Eastwood rubs me the wrong way in general.)

      But according to IMDB, George Kennedy DID appear in 'The Eiger Sanction', although I no longer remember that.

      And that info is undoubtedly true, but one must always be at least a little skeptical of anything they find at IMDB, because it's owned by Winky Bezos, the evil-doing billionaire owner of

      As an example: IMDB lists me as being a Capricorn who was born in New York in the 1920s and having died in the late 1980s.

      True Fact: I'm a Leo who was born in Los Angeles in the 1950s, and I'm still making trouble and enemies above ground, thank you very much.

      As much as he'd probably like to, Winky Bezos can't kill me unless God gives His OK, and I'm pretty sure God will not. And where I'm going when I die (by the Grace of God and Sacrifice of Christ), unless he changes his ways in the next 10 or 11 years, it's not too likely I'll see Winky Bezos there.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  10. Frank gets my vote on this one. I need something you can turn up to 11 to get me going.

    1. MIKE, have you ever heard Frank Sinatra's version of 'STONEHENGE'? It rocks hard, dude!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  11. And Stephen,

    Another good battle, each song invokes a different mood and feel. I like the Sergio Mendes the least. Sinatra is a bit smoother in my humble opinion. BUT we're talking about enjoying a cup o' fee now aren't we? Then my vote goes to Antonio Carlos Jobim. Which reminds me of Antonio's restaurant and some adventures that began or ended there. And of course there was Carlos and Pepe's a more corporate flavored Mexican restaurant but I actually like their chips and salsa and Nachos. But it don't have nothin on Antonio's enchiladas! That is all!

    1. ...BUT WAIT! THAT'S NOT ALL!...
      Sergio Mendes told me that he likes you the least, too. So I guess you guys are even.

      >>... Sinatra is a bit smoother in my humble opinion.

      I'm sorry but this is a No Humility Zone. Zero tolerance for humility! If you're going to have an opinion, then have a BOLD opinion. Even a boldly ITALICIZED opinion!

      I was just thinking about Antonio's last Saturday. I want my Enchiladas Oaxaca and I want 'em NOW!

      Damn, I can't even remember where Carlos & Pepe's was. Was that on Pico Blvd? All I remember for sure is that you should never ask for extra chips at Pancho's.

      Gimme 6 El Coyote Margaritas to go, please! I'll drink 'em on my way to Antonio's.

      Thanks for your bote, General Poohregard!

      ("Woman made a fool outta you!"
      Route 66 and Lynyrd Skynyrd lives!!)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

    2. LOL she sure did and drove me to not drinkin' I think I got it wrong. Carlos & Pepe's was at 20th and Wilshire kitty corner or is it caddy corner to the GAP but east a bit. What about my eths?

    3. What about your eths??
      What about MY ELBOW?!

      Man, I've been gone from home a long time, Brother. Because I can't even mentally picture what 20th and Wilshire looked like now, let alone remember what Carlos & Pepe's looked like. (I still recall Kelbos, though. And Pinocchio's "alright Italian food".)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  12. I could seem me waking up to Jobim's version. Doesn't jar my nerves, but makes me want to stretch. Once the stretching happens, my feet are moving towards the edge of the bed. Sergio made me want to put a pillow back over my heard and snuggle in. Frankly, Sinatra did too. Well, I suppose those two versions WOULD get me moving in the morning - to get up and shut off the noise. Words in the morning with music can be annoying. Hmm, I could wake up to heavy metal though.

    So I guess I just like Jobim's all musical version for any occasion, but especially for getting moving in the morning.

    Morning music is hard to find. Cool that you have narrowed the choice down to 20 or so, lol.

    1. WILD THING ~
      Thanks for driving over to deliver your two cents!!

      Ha! Actually, I DO have my Top Two choices figured out. But in horse racing, the first three to cross the finish line (Win, Place & Show) are "in the money". So, I still need to find out which horse "Shows". And there are some serious considerations that will go into this most important decision of my life!

      This weekend, I will try a couple more "Albums With Joe" and see if I can narrow it down still further. But quests of this nature are not to be entered into lightly nor conclusions announced too hastily.

      I'll get back to ya on it, Wild Thing.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  13. How do you duty! Sorry I'm getting here Lake, but boy have I been productive this week. Who knew? All you have to do is actually do the things on your to-do list to get done. This is an amazing revelation!

    As suree as my name is Cherdo, this song has been one that I've heard but never knew the name was destined to cross my BOTB path! Apparently, there are things that I don't Google, like the name of this tune. That's two amazing revelations...

    I've always liked dear old Sergio and the Gang, but today I'm giving my one and only vote to J O B I M. 1) Because his name has the word J O B in it and I want everyone (who wants one) to have a job. 2) As someone who decided they didn't want their job (Praise our merciful Lord), this is a very relaxing I can play while hanging at mi casa...I'm all about mi casa lately...

    Thanks, brudder! Nice one.

    1. DOC MacSIS ~

      I want everyone to have a job, too... whether they want one or not! They need to get out of their mother's basement and go to work! And start speaking English, and stop dying their hair pink and green, and stop wasting money on tattoos, and...

      ...Oh, wait. I thought this was my other blog, 'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends', for a moment there.

      You servin' Margaritas at you casa?

      Thanks for stopping by with a bote for Antonio. (Next time bring a pitcher of Margaritas, eh?)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

    2. As God has given me the ability to follow a recipe, I'll make you a Margarita.

    3. There are "RECIPES" for Margaritas?!?! I thought bartenders just made them appear by magic. This is kind of disappointing news. So much for "the wonder of life".

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  14. McBrother Salsa Man (Being from the East Coat originally, upon first coming across it pronounced it sAAlsa.

    I like all three songs. 2nd runner up Antonio Carlos Jobim.
    Jobim, "Second place!"
    Well, that means third place. Too much sugar, not a song for diabetics - I don't really care let 'em go into a coma the song is too sweet.
    Upon playing the songs first time around, I had Frank in the lead - he just anchored it. The first runner up is Frank Sinatra!
    Oh my god, oh my god, shaking and holding a bouquet, Sergio Mendes & Brasil. The best. 8-track, cassette, vinyl... doesn't matter, Sergio Mendes & Brasil amazing song. Aces. Encapsulates the era, of timeless.

    1. Hokey-Smoke, MR. G DOGG! Finally! Finally!! Finally!!! Sergio Mendes & Brasil '66 get a vote.

      SMH... Believe it or not, I put this Battle together thinking that it would probably come down to a photo finish between Frankie Baby and Sergio Baby, with Antonio Baby bringing up the rear.

      Instead, Antonio Baby appears to be in the lead and 13 votes were cast before Sergio Baby even scored one - the 14th.

      Thanks for coming by, Buddy, and for (FINALLY!) putting S.M. & B'66 on the scoreboard.

      I will say, though, that it's probably the unpredictability of BOTB that has kept it interesting for all these years. If I could ALWAYS foresee the outcomes rather accurately, I would have become bored with it by now.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  15. Sixgun McItchyfingerOctober 18, 2018 at 8:38 PM

    "vote early... and often.'

    Having been automatically registered by the DMV several times, I now offer you several votes. (Many of my relatives are now making their way north to also register to vote. They are going to vote for a South American option in this contest.

    Vote #1: 50% - Antonio, 50% - Sergio, 0% ELVIS

    Vote #2: 100% Sergio.

    Sinatra is ok. I like him, although he is way overdone and overused.
    Jobim is excellent, but… I really like B-66.

    I always really liked Brasil 66, even while in HS when NOBODY else liked them. I don’t drink coffee at all, so the whole morning cuppa thang does not compute. Maybe I should stop and take the time to smell the coffee. I like SMELLING coffee a lot… I just don’t like drinking it. Gimme a Monster drink instead. Too bad it doesn’t have an odor.

    I had a girlfriend in HS whose dad played military marching music in the mornings, blasting it out very loudly so it echoed around their house. He was nuts. The only people who should have to endure that are soldiers, and I doubt that even soldiers even ever listen to military marches any more. They probably play some damned hip hop first thing in the morning, and then listen to seminars by feminists on why women should be on the front lines in foxholes (“know what I mean? Nudge, nudge?”) with men.

    Maybe I should vote again. After all, I’m registered, and I’m not even dead. Nah. I’ve blathered on so much now that my fingers are tired. And your readers’ eyes are probably tired. That means your blog is a site for sore eyes.

    1. Ha! Terrific comment, SHEBOYGANBROTHER!

      Just think, if you were dead and buried in Chicago, you'd have been entitled to at least A DOZEN MORE DIRTY VOTES!

      Which is better, 'The Magnificent Seven' or 'The Dirty Dozen'? Yeah, yeah, I already know what you sez.

      Things that smell better'n they taste:

      CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES (hot outta the oven)

      I still like the first and third, though. But their aromas always lead to a letdown.

      Personally, I think all wars should be fought EXCLUSIVELY by women. Draft 'em and put 'em on the front lines. (Of course, the Feminists would suddenly do an "about-face" if we made this a new law.) Why? Why make the women fight the wars? Because of what Eve did. Had Eve not bitten into that apple and then nagged Adam into doing it also, there wouldn't even BE any wars. It's a woman's fault that there are wars on this planet, so let the womens fight 'em.

      Ha! Again, I seem to be writing a comment better suited for 'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends' than for 'STMcC Presents Battle Of The Bands'.

      After 13 votes were recorded for everyone but Sergio & '66, G DogG came along and threw them a bone, and then the very next vote (your'n) goes to Sergio & '66 also. Funny how voting patterns develop in BOTB.

      ~ Stephen
      'Loyal American Underground'

    2. If I may interject, with my WASP "old white man privilege." Sports teach people teamwork. I even played soccer. I'm not proud of it. I was 1-2 years younger than the rest of the team, and, having listened to the coach, when the offense was on the move, kicked the ball out of bounds. An Italian (oh they were all over the place in Western New York) snapped at me because there was only 1 minute left in the game and we were behind like I was running the clock out. Never liked soccer (sans, as I noted before, my friend's fine ass mom driving us back from the games).. Baseball, did well, I found rather solitary. In my dad's back yard was the side of the garage in brick I drew in chalk a small square and pitched a tennis ball against it then catched it in rather fast speed. (I found it more pure than four orange posts with a spongy net and a target in the middle that bounced it back not fast enough. On the 1% chance you don't know what I'm talkin 'bout Willis

      Anyway I'm throwing the ball against the wall. Get this, my dad and his friend from triple A or farm team step out the back door to tell me I should focus on accuracy instead of speed. I didn''t say anything nor wholly look at them. My vibe sent the back inside. (Mind, "I'm throwing it in the square every time!"). I played shortstop the whole season. Then the all-star game. In the middle of the game I got moved to pitcher because the coach saw me and a guy throwing back and forth behind the dugout. I threw in a small square fast.
      Football and basketball seem more collaborative on offense.
      I worked at a bar at 19 or so, dancing, big screen with MTV videos, pitchers of beer. A group of female volleyball players walked in, and the bartender, who I respected, said they were dykey.
      I have 30 seconds left on the moniter in my debate point. .0001 percent of women play volleyball. The rest don't understand team work. Title 9 has been in effect since Nixon and all it got us is dicky women who play soccer and volleyball that no one pays to see.
      "10 seconds."
      Unless lipstick lesbians make out with each other I foxholes - they should not be on the frontlines!
      "We asked you to hold your applause. Please audience you're taking up time."



      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends


    4. Sorry, McBrother G DogG, but there's just no way I can remember and re-type all of that which Google just "disappeared" without cause.

      You win by default.
      (Not that I was actually disagreeing with anything you said, anyhow.)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Loyal American Underground'

    5. Although there is [Link> THIS and [Link> THIS.

      But that doesn't change "phuq Google!"

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Loyal American Underground'

    6. Well, you would struck me out honestly Stephen M. My mom
      "You're not supposed to mention your mom, it's not alpha."
      Surely would rather me play the piano. Not gonna do it, and shall type with two fingers for life.
      In a speech class, were told to tell the proudest moments of our life. My grandpa (mom's side) came from what's now known as Silicon Valley to visit in New York. He literally didn't know what baseball was. Played catch with him and is so foreign to him it was foreign to me. So the pitcher brushed me back twice. Next pitch - this is true what they say - came down the middle of the plate and looked like a beach ball. Bang, Say goodnight. There were no fences, wide open field, from that far away I could see the center fielder's face and he did a 180 to chase the ball. I'm rounding third base and in the stands is my grandpa on his feet in joy.
      At Thanksgiving, my mom said, "All the other pitchers, wen they get stressed, stomp around the mound. Aaron just holds the glove to his heart and takes a deep breath. Introvert isn't necessarily as a batter I want to face Stephen "The Rhino" on the mound 2 and 1.
      "You're not supposed to talk about your mom."
      I can. Whoever in quotes is talking about my mom is about to get rocked upside the melon.
      Well, google+ announced the whole thing will go away August 2019. Every google+ page will go away. I've thought about cutting and pasting posts to another medium. Nah. There's a fine line between - no it's synonymous procrastinator and perfectionist: I can't put it out there yet it's not perfect.

      Yolanda! That's not a white girl name. You were smitten with a Mexican or back girl. Your m... I don't talk about anybody's mom lest I get my block knocked off in the head, cheek, jaw, not the ear I'd be lucky to be not deaf. I can't believe you used the F word in your review comments.

    7. >>...Well, google+ announced the whole thing will go away August 2019. Every google+ page will go away.

      Pardon me for interrupting.

      While it is true that Google+ is going away in August 2019. Blogger is sticking around. Your blog posts will be just fine. (I have a trusted source that tells me so)

      ... Carry on!



      No, I don't use the "F-word". But I did invent the "Ph-word" in order to get it past automated website censors. Works every time. (I think I came up with that in a discussion with a Liberal gentleman in a comment section during the last presidential primary campaign season.) "Necessity is the mother of invention"... or is it "Frank Zappa Is The Mother Of Inventions"? Well, sumpin' like that.

      Don't be brushin' back the G DogG, pitchers! You be payin' for it.
      (Reminds me of Steve Garvey - if you remember him. Never saw a pitcher put him in the dirt that he didn't get up and promptly bang it for extra bases. It was like clockwork. Knock down Garvey, and it was like pumping up your ERA.)

      Nappy on the mound was the opposite of you. He'd huff and puff and stomp. I remember one time he was getting rocked pretty good and, while standing on the mound, he started yelling at the manager in the dugout: "Take me OUT! Take me OUT!!"

      Ha!-Ha! I still laugh out loud every time I think of that (like just now).

      Yeah, Google is like Honey Badger: "It don't care. It don't give a shit!"

      All that work and time that people put into their Google+ pages? Honey Google don't care! Honey Google don't give a shit! (Kinda like how Honey Amazon treated me in 2008.)

      >>... Yolanda! That's not a white girl name.

      Nope. And neither is Gonzalez.

      Jean Gonzalez was two grades ahead of me when I got to high school, but Honey Stephen didn't care. I still recall Day 1 of my Public Speaking class. I walked in, saw Jean sitting at a certain desk, and I made a beeline to the desk right next to hers. If necessary, I'd-a fought any other guy for that desk!

      [Link> Jean Gonzalez

      [Link> THIS was the ONLY reason I went to all the Noontime Pep Rallies in the Greek Theatre every Friday during my first year of high school.

      One of our Public Speaking class projects had us having to go up to the front of the class and give some sort of performance. Jean lip-synced and gently swayed to [Link> THIS. I always hated that song... until the day Jean did it... and I had impure thoughts.

      Yeah, DogG, I always had a thang for the Mexican womens (not the blondes). Still do. But now I'm too old to be dangerous. :oD

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Loyal American Underground'

    9. MMQE ~

      You have a trusted source at Google? AT GOOGLE?! Isn't that a bit like saying, "I have a trusted source at KAOS."?

      What's the name of your trusted source? Siegfried? Starker?

      Ha! Nah, I believe ya.

      Truthfully, I never really got to "know" Google+ until fairly recently, and that system is a mess and a half! It's no wonder it never really took off. It's not even aesthetically pleasing to the eye. I suspect it was the training ground for Google's new-hire I.T. bozos.

      I hate to see G DogG lose his stuffs there, but G+ was definitely not destined to go down as one of evil Google's better marketing ideas.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

    10. Man, O' Manischewitz!

      My whole part of this comment section BEEN HIJACKED!! What yo yakkin' bout, WIllises?

      Howsomever, I can agree with:
      And with
      2) Link> Jean Gonzalez
      [Link> THIS

      "Allah's unholy trousers!" What a hottie!! No WONDER you like livin' in the past, Bro.

      That "take me OUT" story bout Nappy is hilarious.

      I gots to say: James Joyce got NUTHIN on G Dogg! There is a NEW MASTER of Stream o' consciousness yakking, and his name is G DOGG!!!

    11. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Really. Hijack at will. This is great shizzle!

    12. Also, you really should Netflix (or whatever) the South Park episode entitled "More Crap." Given your thoughts on Bono and U2, you'll enjoy it as much as I did. I've seen the episode before but just saw it again, and decided to take this blog where it REALLY belongs: U2 HATRED!


      See what happens? If you leave your 40 acres (and a mule) lying fallow too long, the squatters will move in. And then it's easier just to join them than try to evict 'em.

      Ha! U2 HATRED! Right you are, Man O' War. In fact, just a few days ago, I was at a YT video comment section where some bloke called Queen "the most overrated band of all time". I corrected him and told him that title belongs to U2, and it wasn't long before someone came along and upvoted my comment.

      I have not seen the "More Crap" episode of South Park, but you can be sure I'm-a look for it at YT or Dailymotion. (I don't do NetFlix. Canceled my account and made sure to tell them why. That is, I'd had enough of their SJW virtue-signaling. You know how I am, McBrother.)

      Anyone who criticizes Bono and U2 is a friend of mine. And 'Edge' -- sheesh! Anyone who's going to promote himself publicly by using a single edgy word as a name, ought to at least learn how to play a third chord first!

      Oh, yeah, Jean Gonzalez -- she was outta my league, but... 'I Could Dream, Couldn't I?' To this day, Jean is still my favorite name for a woman (even if it's really an "Emily" I was looking for).

      McBrother, it's true what they say -- SoCal had the best lookin' womens in the country. Why? I dunno, but I can speculate, can't I? The sunshine, the sea breeze, the SoCal DNA. (Huh? SoCal DNA? Well, yeah. All the pretty people moved to L.A. to become actors and actresses, and as they did The Nasty, they kept reproducing pretty people. This ain't rocket science. It may be pseudoscience, but it ain't rocket science.)

      Or to put it another way:
      In 1975 -- The Year Of Jean Gonzalez -- Heather Thomas, the gal of 101 bad Hollywood productions, including the laughable 'T.J. Hooker' [], was voted to be just 1 of 6 Homecoming Princesses. She wasn't even the Homecoming Queen! And Jean Gonzalez wasn't even a Homecoming Princess! Too many pretty people!

      "Allah's unholy trousers!" -- HA! I want a royalty check for that! :o) Actually, I'd probably have to surrender half of my royalty checks to Sean Connery, who was 'The Man Who Would Be King'.

      >>... James Joyce got NUTHIN on G Dogg! There is a NEW MASTER of Stream o' consciousness yakking

      You, sir, are correct! G DogG is like an unleashed super-bloodhound hot on the trail of Kibble 'N' Bits! He will go down any alley, cross any stream or river, climb any mountain and traverse any meadow that his nose leads him to! It takes a lot of free-flowin' creativity to keep up with McBloodhound!

      Back in my pre-bloggin' days at Amazon.scum (aka, McBloodhound and I went on some pretty wild romps. People would come to my page just to see where G DogG and I would wind up after I established a starting point. I wish I'd had the foresight to copy and save those commentsations. (We found a godzillion ways to work Tony Barreta / Robert Blake into whatever we were yakkin' about.) But I never saw Amazon's banning of me and the deletion of all my comments a-comin'. (I sure coulda used the help of a Magic 8-Ball or Amazing Sixwell back then.) As you know, in a single moment, years and years of my writing and time invested in the Amazon site was deleted. And they refused to ever even tell me what transgression I'd committed. (Which, of course, is because my only crime was telling verifiable truths that didn't fit in with Winky Bezos' Stalinesque worldview. In other words, I was "Red-Pilling" people, so I needed to be executed at But, make no mistake about it: [Link> "I'm not angry anymore".

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

    14. McBro,
      "Ph-," I see what you mean now, the times require imagination and creative spelling.

      Jean Gonzalez looks angelic so your impure thoughts seem incongruous... or, quite congruous you devil you. Kudos.

    15. G DogG ~
      I only write "phuq" when I'm being both formal and garrulous, and trying to show off a little bit. In most casual settings, I go with the slang version: phq.

      ~ Stephen
      'Loyal American Underground'

  16. Al Bondigas here. When I heard the Antonio Carlos Jobim version I thought ok this ones easily in the bag for them. Then I heard Sergio Mendes and Brasil 66 and thought whoa, hold up, this may be even better. When it was time for the overrated Sinatra to try and sway me I figured I'd be wasting a few minutes of time I would never get back, but surprisingly, he did a pretty darn good job. Anyway, for the rulin' I'm goin with Sergio Mendes and his peeps. That's it!! That's muh rulin'. Both those first two are the type of songs you might hear throughout the day on KAHM Prescott. We'll play that station for old times sake when you come out in November. Good songs and good battle.

    1. JUDGE AL ~
      "Ya see?" Even for you, BOTB can be full o' surprises.

      Thanks for keeping that mind open and coming by with two pennies for the kitty.

      I love KAHM. It's funny that when I was, say, 18 or 19, I'd have called KAHM "elevator music" and refused to listen to it. But as an old geezer living in Phoenix, it suddenly sounded nice and... kahming.

      I listened exclusively to KAHM and KOY while working as a legal documents delivery driver in Phoenix. They helped to keep my "birds" down.

      After getting skunked for 13 votes, suddenly Sergio & Brasil '66 have reeled off three straight votes. Funny how BOTB boting patterns form.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  17. Perhaps another landmark will jog your memory: It was between the Gas Light (Open 6AM) and 20th Street. But then again, if you were there at 6AM you probably WON'T remember.

    1. Well, I do remember the 'Gas Light', but I don't remember ever being in there. (Was I?) I was more of a 'Bob Henry's Round Table' kinda guy.

      Lot's of ultra-bad reviews for the 'Gas Light' on Yelp.

      Poohregard, does you remember [Link> BILL'S?

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Loyal American Underground'

  18. I don't remember Pickle Bill's heard it mentioned often in the If you're from Santa Monica Face Book Page. The shape of the building reminds me of a place we got coffee before Pinoccio's when my buzz was relit after a few morning drinks.

    1. Hmmm.... I'm surprised you don't remember Pickle Bill's. It was on Pico Blvd., South side of the street, just a couple blocks West of Walgreen's (assuming Walgreen's is still there).

      Well, your folks had more money than mine, so I guess y'all didn't HAVE TO eat at Pickle Bill's. You may have lived in 'The House At Pooh Corner', but you belonged North of Wilshire with Cranium. You rich punks!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

    2. I don't know no Iris...To be fair, I didn't move to SM until 73 or 74 and it could have been closed by then. I've been north of Wilshire and it ain't that pretty at all.

    3. Nah, Pickle Bill's was there in '73 / '74. I'm sure you saw it a godzillion times, but yer memory's shot from all the shots you did. You can't drink 151 and SoCo like a fish drinks water and think it ain't gonna jack you up, Jack.

      North of Wilshire ain't "Dogtown". We lived in "Dogtown", Brother, and I wouldn't swap that for one of them manicured lawns North of Wilshire. Them peoples had to DRIVE to Foster's Freeze! We could just walk there.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends


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