Thursday, November 15, 2018


Agent 86 of Control Vs. Siegfried of KAOS, Batman Vs. Catwoman, War Vs. Peace, Light Vs. Dark, Good Vs. Evil, Man Vs. Machine, Love Vs. Hate, Dog Vs. Cat, Sun Vs. Moon, Brain Vs. Brawn, Oscar Vs. Grammy, Angel Vs. Demon, Laurel Vs. Hardy, Beer Vs. Wine, TV Vs. Radio, Pitcher Vs. Batter, Paper Vs. Plastic, Reality Vs. Fantasy, Yeshua Vs. Beelzebub, Conservative Vs. Liberal, You Vs. Me, House Vs. Senate, Offense Vs. Defense, Kramer Vs. Kramer, Spy Vs. Spy, Fischer Vs. Spassky, W.C. Fields Vs. Sobriety, Harold Gimpy, Jr. Vs. Sheldon J. Pismire, Rock Vs. Paper Vs. Scissors, Islam Vs. Everything, Singer Vs. Singer, Band Vs. Band...
Shoop-Shooby -
Shooby-Duh-Dooby-Doop-Dooby-Dooby-Doo-Wah -
Yes, it's time once again for 'Battle Of The Bands' ('BOTB').
Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!...
DOH! I'm not sure how well I'll be able to pull this off. On the 18th - just a few days from now - I fly to Phoenix for business and Thanksgiving with Nappy & Bonehead. Then I'll hit the Arizona highways for my first real vacation in 9 years! 
I'm afraid that until December 2nd, my ability to respond to comments will be greatly diminished, if not entirely negated. Please bear with me and know my lack o' response is not borne from a lack o' love.
Early on, I got a well-balanced exposure to music from my parents. Although Pa's favorite singers were Nat King Cole and Dinah Washington, what he most often played around the house was silly stuffs like Roger Miller and Louis Prima, and mostly Country music radio stations in his car. (My writing style was largely influenced by Roger Miller, as well as Bob Dylan and Mark Twain.)
It was my Ma who exposed me to the more "soulful" stuffs, like R&B, B.B. King & Cannonball Adderley
I've decided to use in this Battle a song that my Ma loved. Bobby Hebb wrote 'Sunny' and had a #2 hit with it in 1966. I was playing Cowboys & Indians in our Orange County, California, driveway at the time. 
Do any of you remember [link> 'Personics' from the late 1980s? It was a machine in record stores that allowed you to create your own custom-made cassette tapes. That tape in the photo above ('An Old Timer's All Timers') is the one that my Ma asked me to have made for her. As you can see, the very first song she requested on it was Bobby Hebb's 'Sunny'.
Alright, today's first competitor is the legendary Ella Fitzgerald:

I don't know anything about the group Ann Street Soul. I just found them at YouTube and was pleased to see young guys digging the good ol' stuffs:

The Battle Within The Battle
Question: "Will Ann Street Soul lose to Ella Fitzgerald?"
The Magic 8-Ball (10-5) sez:  "It Is Decidedly So"
The Amazing Sixwell (10-5) sez:  "My Sources Say No"
Alright now, “you know the gig”... I welcome you (whether I know "you" or notto vote for your favorite of these songs in the comment section below. And feel free to tell us WHY you chose one song over the other.
After voting here, I suggest - actually I insist - you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there also. (If their ‘BOTB’ blog bits aren’t posted yet, pour yourself two shots of ‘Grand Marnier’ over ice – do it twice – and then return to their blogs to vice your voice your vice ...voice your vote.)
Voice Your Vote...
@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'ANGELS BARK' by clicking HERE.
@ 'THE DOGLADY'S DEN' by clicking HERE.
As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 7th and 21st of each month to post my own votes and announce the winners in the comment sections.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. A vacation getaway sounds great. I'll be spending the upcoming week alone as my wife goes to be with her daughter and family. I'm not invited, but that makes for a vacation at home for me. I envy your road trip fun coming up, but I'll be having my own trip probably next summer like I usually do.

    I'd never heard of the Personics mix tapes, but it's kind of a cool idea. I always enjoyed making my own tapes, but back then you had to have access to the music to do that.

    Love the song "Sunny"! That summer of 1966 was a great time of music for me. My family had just arrived in Tennessee that summer to kind of feel things out before actually moving to stay. "Sunny" was often heard on local Knoxville Top 40 AM station WNOX. There were some outstanding songs that summer.

    Ella's version is quite the production and quite good. But as you indicate, there is something refreshing about hearing these new musicians come up with an excellent rendering of this standard. From that James Bondesque opening to the smooth lope of the song throughout, this version has a lot going for it. For my taste Ella's version is a bit overproduced. I prefer the newer generation recorded live in what looks like one of their houses.

    Give my vote to Ann Street Soul.

    Have a great trip!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Thanks, LEE. Compared to a number of vacations I've had in my ancient past, this one will seem pretty tame but I'm overdue to get away from it all.

      >>... my wife goes to be with her daughter and family. I'm not invited

      Is it because you're a Nazi, a fascist, and a xenophobic homophobe with too much White privilege?

      The Personics system didn't last long, but I made quite a few tapes while it lasted. I think the only one I still have is that one I made for my Mom, pictured above.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...


    2. Is it because you're a Nazi, a fascist, and a xenophobic homophobe with too much White privilege?...

      That might be part of it or at the root of it all. In all fairness, I do share some of the blame for where we are now. I've had too many expectations that her daughter should apologize for previous actions and when she never does then I act rude and belligerent towards her because I'm indignant. I need to give up my expectations and just be with them in a spirit of compliance and as much enjoyment as I can muster--that is if we ever get that chance again which after our most recent confrontation may never happen.

      My wife and I are discussing divorce at the end of this school year when she begins her retirement. She has dreams that I don't share. We're keeping friendly about the whole thing right now and maybe it won't happen. I have some mixed feelings about it for now. For one thing, as I close in on my 70th year (in 2021), divorce doesn't seem like something I want to deal with and after over 20 years I hate for us to split because I care a great deal for her and visa versa.

      No cause for alarm yet. We've got some months ahead. I'll be doing some research and life organizing and come to some kind of decision after the first of the year.

      Relationships can be difficult when families get blended. I must say though for these twenty-some years things have been pretty nice for us.


    3. Oh, WOW! Well, I sure hope it doesn't come to a divorce. Especially after 20 years. You should be able to enjoy your "Golden Years" together. (Humph! "Golden Years" - who came up with *that* expression?! It's more like Senior Moments amidst a slow-motion roll down the side of a cliff!)

      The times, they are a-changin'. Nothing is "normal" anymore. Even if I didn't know what "The Good Book" says, I'd still be able to discern that some negative force has been let loose in "this world".

      41 years ago, I was a senior in high school. If someone told me then that just 41 years later the USA would be the way it is today, I'd have laughed at them for seeming ridiculous. And yet, here we are!

      Well, Lee, I will pray that you and your wife can work things out and avoid a divorce.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

    4. Thank you for your prayers. That can work, but if going our separate ways is ordained then so be it.

      That negative force is definitely looming over us all. Seems like there is a division where even though we are all part of the same country, half talks past the other half who don't seem to be listening anyway. The world is going nuts and CA is at the heart of it all. I think I'd like to spend my remaining years in another part of the country and be closer to my natural children who accept me more than my stepdaughter does.

      If my wife is happy spending her twilight years taking care of her daughter's kids then she can do that. I've raised my own kids and I don't necessarily want to be used and tied down to a child-rearing position.

      Yeah, who would ever have thought 50 years ago that we'd be talking about same-sex marriage, transgender as a norm, or immigrant invasions or the myriad of other crazy stuff that we talk about?


    5. Ahh, I see. Yeah, who wants to spend those so-called Golden Years helping to raise a step-child's children? Heck, I didn't even fancy the idea of raising any children of my own... and so I didn't go that route at all.

      [Link> The world is being deliberately turned upside down, just like the Old Testament (and George Orwell) said it would.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  2. Glad to know you'll be taking a real vacation, Stephen. Enjoy! ☺

    Ella Fitzgerald is a true legend, but I have to give my vote to Ann Street Soul. They rocked it and my toes were tappin'.

    1. DEBBIE ~
      My vacation will hardly be worthy of the word, compared to the one you just took. Still, it'll be nice to see something different for a change.

      Yeah, I agree, that Ann Street Soul band was "in the pocket". They sounded very professional for a group of such young guys.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  3. Jazz or pop jazz, people can call it what they will, is an acquired taste. Listened to each song twice and didn't wholly acquire it. (Favorite genre = New Wave which sounds like video games at Chuck E Cheese = an amazing sound). Least favorite is jazz. Herb Albert is as far as I go.

    A vote for Ella Fitzgerald as her song is - while her voice is all over the place - the song is less all over the place. It's a good song.

    Sunny is way all over the place, too may instruments. Even when one does one instrument there are way too many notes all over the place I need aspirin.

    Don't mean to be negative.. New Wave, Electro, Miami Bass songs. Each song is different but at least it's the same song within each.

    1. McBruhthuh G Dogg ~
      I appreciate you taking the time to vote, even though this wasn't your mug o' beer.

      I'm actually more of a Jazz fan than I am a fan of any other genre. But I try to mix it up pretty well at BOTB, so it doesn't all start to seem the same. I've never used a Rap song or Classical, but I've utilized Blues, Jazz, Gospel, Standards, and every type of Rock, except Punk, I think.

      Just curious: Have you ever listened to the soundtrack music for the movie 'Koyaanisqatsi'? I guess that's closer to 'Electronica' than to anything else. I was just wondering if that's something that might appeal to you, because I think of New Wave and Electronica as being related. Second Cousins maybe.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

    2. McBro.. did just now check the Philip Glass 1 hour+ soundtrack. Hold on, let me rewind. Nothing brings back the past more than something that hasn't been replayed through the years thus stands out flashback blast from the past Personics. Used it once to compile Depeche Mode songs... could've just walked 10 feet and gotten their company greatest hits cassette.. but blinded by the cool technology. Glass sounds like New Wave in the sense that a group could take one of his songs, or even a sample, add a drumbeat and have a catchy pop song. 1982.. who made who. Dammit Stephen I'm a pop fan not an artist nor even art critic! The closest thing to glass I can think of (Dammit Stephen I'm a pop fan not a thinker!) is Laurie Anderson and the Eurythmics the latter did a soundtrack for 1984.. not the whole year rather the neo-Orwell movie checked IMDB "Writers: George Orwell (novel), Michael Radford"... I had mentioned (pluperfect speak, a long time ago) how everything in 1984 was so clean, organized, clinical. Like that's the future. "You need to read it again because everything is dark and dingy (paraphrasing, can't remember exact words). New Wave may be akin to jazz if a sax player played the exact same notes each riff... I think jazz players do repetition (I'm not a thinker!) yet they don't do the exact same repetition each time/typical New Wave song is the same few notes and Greek chorus (more German really.. or British and U.S. Anglophile.. not a whole lot of difference) repeated repeatedly for 3-4 minutes Kudos/thanks for the tip of the Glass. Cheers.

    3. GEE, DOGG!

      >>... Used it once to compile Depeche Mode songs... could've just walked 10 feet and gotten their company greatest hits cassette.. but blinded by the cool technology.

      Ha! Blinded by science!

      Personics filled a void in that era before music came online and downloadable files, etc. One could compile a tape of their own chosen songs without having to buy all those albums or 45s, or even a blank tape. It came right in under the cusp of that new "digital" era, so it didn't last long. Too bad they didn't think of it sooner, as Personics could have been as big as 8-track tapes once were.

      Damn-it, DogG! You may not be an artist, or an art critic, or a thinker, but... I thank you for saying what needed to be say-ed.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  4. First time: I'm stumped...I gotta think about this...I'll be back...

    1. Doc MacSis, I appreciate the seriousness with which you approach your BOTB boting.

      See ya when ya get back. If I'm not here, I'll leave the light on for you.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

    2. Okay, my head is clear, ha ha. Usually, I would slap down a vote (or bote) for Ella so fast your scat-do-bop-doo-wee-bop head would spin. 'Cause Ella; dats why.

      But whoo-wee, Ann Street Soul definitely has got it goin' on. Where did you find that gem?

      I'm sorry, Ella. Glad to meet ya, Ann Street Soul.

      Great battle, STMcC-brudder!

    3. Thanks, DOC MacSIS!

      It's funny how some of these BOTBs develop. Originally, I was planning to use the Marvin Gaye version of 'SUNNY' in this Battle. But while I was listening to Marvin, I was reading some of the comments below the YouTube video, and some guy recommended listening to the Ann Street Soul version. So, I did.

      And the next thing I knew, Marvin Gaye was out and Ann Street Soul was in.

      Some of these Battles almost seem to take on a life of their own. So many times I've started out with a certain BOTB match-up idea only to see it completely transform itself into something very different by the time the thing gets posted.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  5. Ella may be the greatest jazz singer of all time, and I have to give her credit for trying this one, but let's face it, she should have stuck with standards. I thought she was wrapping up when I heard her go into the third verse, which was at about the 2.5 minute mark, then it just kept going, with her scat singing being gradually drowned out by the orchestra. Overall, it was too fast; why do the older singers think they have to speed things up so much when they're doing more modern music?

    Ann Street Soul was excellent. Loved the way it started with the James Bond theme, the singer was expressive and seemed to really understand how this one should be sung, I love the extended solo break in the middle, with each horn player, the guitarist and the keyboard player taking a superb yet understated solo, and the modulation at the end (changing keys) was a nice surprise. Ann Street Soul gets my vote.

    1. JOHN ~
      I'm pleased you liked Ann Street Soul so much, and I'm not surprised that you did. They handle themselves like veteran musicians, despite their youth. I really dug what they were doing the first time I heard it, and I thought they could give Ella a serious run for her money. (So far, they're doing even better'n that. They're running away with this Battle!)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  6. Hi Stephen,
    I so envy you getting to grab yourself a vacay! I'm like you, only a little worse and it's horrible: I haven't taken an actual real bonafide vacation since 2000. What the shit?! (I don't count hopping on a plane to go visit family a vacation; I'm talking about a REAL exotic vacation to unexplored areas around the globe). One of these days I just have to do for me. So good for you for taking to the time. You have yourself a primo blast!

    As for your battle: I have always LOVED Bobby Ebb's "Sunny". It was great to hear it again. I like Ella's version: she did a great job with it, but your other contender wow'd me. I've never heard of them but they are a very impressive group of musicians. I liked the kickoff with the trombone. The singer has a wonderful voice for this song and I really dug how they showcased each members talents with the instruments. I'm big on the brass sound and I really enjoyed sound of the guitar too. I'm no expert on music but I thought it was top-notch all the way around.
    So my vote goes to Ann Street Soul (I'd like to learn how they came up with their name)...

    I'm going on a brief hiatus through the end of the year. I hope to be back to battling with the Jan 15th battle.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a great vacation. Keep in touch. Feel free to drop in with an email now and then...
    talk soon

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. MICHELE ~

      >>... I don't count hopping on a plane to go visit family a vacation; I'm talking about a REAL exotic vacation to unexplored areas around the globe

      Hmmm..... In that case, I don't guess I've EVER been on a vacation. (Would an overnight stay in a jail cell down Mexico way count as an "exotic" and "unexplored area around the globe"?)

      Michele, I hope you, too, have a nice Thanksgiving, and we'll be looking forward to your January 15th return to BOTB!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  7. I'm Here, I'm Here! Don't slam the door shut just yet!

    I swear I keep losing blocks of time in my life. Forcing myself to buckle down and visit the BOTBers before I completely forget and get bogged down with other stuffs in my life.

    I love it when I see a name of a song from a million years ago and I think of what I believe the song sounds like.. click play.. and lo and behold, it matches!

    Summer of 1966 had me preparing for the second surgery of my life. Winter of 1965-1966 I had my first surgery. I was only 6 months old them. Was 18 months old for the second surgery. No - it wasn't gender reassignment! I had to have my tear ducts opened. One eye per surgery.

    It sounds as if you and I cut our teeth on the same musical sounds in our homes. But it was in the mid 70s and later that rock n roll were not permitted. My parents had become quite religious and they didn't want us to be influenced by 'those terrible songs'. I'm positive that my parents are both rolling over in their graves today.

    A vacation sounds like the perfect thing to do when you are at a juncture in your life. What a great way to 'cleanse the palate' from the path behind you.

    Oh right. I came here to vote, not to ramble on. I better get on with that task.

    Ella is quite the powerhouse when it comes to her voice, but there is something magical about those Ann Street boys. It just felt 'right'

    So yeah.... my vote goes to Ann Street Soul.

    Enjoy your time away from the keyboard and we'll do our best to stay out of trouble while you are gone.

    #BattleOfTheBands : The Caffeine Battle

    1. MMQE ~
      I wouldn't slam the door on you. At least not without first leaving the light on for ya.

      >>... I swear I keep losing blocks of time in my life.

      Got Alien Abductions?

      >>... I had to have my tear ducts opened. One eye per surgery.

      You got tired of seeming like an unemotional Spockette?

      Yeah, cleansing my palate. That's a great way to think of it. And I really do feel like this is the start of a whole new era for me. I'm gonna be starting fresh, with a new home in a new city and a new job. Feels good.

      >>... Enjoy your time away from the keyboard and we'll do our best to stay out of trouble while you are gone.

      I'm leaving you in charge. You are the official Sergeant at Arms while I'm away. (Don't hesitate to crack that whip and curse like a sailor. This is a rowdy bunch much in need of some serious discipline.)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

    2. >>... I'm leaving you in charge. You are the official Sergeant at Arms while I'm away.

      I'm in charge?!? Hot Diggity!

      >>... (Don't hesitate to crack that whip and curse like a sailor. This is a rowdy bunch much in need of some serious discipline.)

      YES! I've been waiting for the right opportunity to break out the black latex catsuit and Stilettos.

      I've got some 'extra' reinforcements for those who get out of line while you are away.


    3. I like the enthusiasm with which you've accepted this assignment. I can already tell that I'll find everything in order (if maybe a bit black and blue) when I return.

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  8. Stephen,

    I didn't know you could go to a record store and custom record your favorite tracks like that. Heck, we did that our friends' place all the time growing up and it didn't cost us anything other than the expensive of the cassette. lol

    I thought I'd pick Ella but Ann Street Soul bowled me over with their vintage style. I wish more youngsters copied the oldies. ASA did a furtastic job on their cover! Great battle!

    1. CATHY ~
      I wish I now had a dollar for every mix tape I've made in my lifetime for friends and for myself. Yup! We did a lot of that, and I still have a fair number of them.

      What was cool about Personics was that you had access to songs for mix tapes that you didn't actually own on LP or 45 singles. Personics wasn't around long, but I remember using the one in my local Wherehouse Records store in Venice for a couple years before the machine just up and disappeared.

      Ann Street Soul is clobbering the Jazz legend in this Battle. I thought they might win, but I didn't think they'd win in a blowout. BOTB - the surprises never end.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  9. Hi Stephen, This is such a great song that I haven’t heard in a long time, Both versions were very well done, but Ella won me over with her extraordinary range and style. Have a wonderful much needed vacation and a very happy Thanksgiving!


    1. GEM JULIE ~
      I thank you so much for stopping by and for bringing with you a vote for Ella. Wow, is she ever starved for votes!

      I didn't really fully appreciate Ella's incredible voice until BOTB came along. It was through Ella's inclusion in various Battles that I finally began to realize just how great she truly was.

      Thanks for the good wishes! I haven't been able to celebrate a holiday with my Brother and Sister for 4 years, so I'm really looking forward to this Thanksgiving. And I sincerely hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving too!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  10. Another velly interestink battle, McBro. THE powerhouse of scat singing - a top-five all-time female jazz great - up against an unheard of jazzy/funky garage band, playing a 60's pop tune. And the Ann Streeters are kicking ASS and taking name. Poor old grandma Ella! I love Ella but I, too, have to kick her while she be down. Vote Ann.

    "Thud," "ouch!" The ASS (that's Ann Street Soul to you) will triumph unless the Ella's peeps find a ballot box stuffed with hanging chads in a rented Lincoln AFTER the polling places have closed.

    1. Brother Sixgun ~
      Don't count those chickens for ASS too soon. I've just gotten word that 80,000 new votes for Ella have just been discovered in a Florida warehouse. And I have promised The Powers That Be that I'll keep counting the votes until Ella wins.

      Seriously, aren't ya glad that my BOTB contests are honest? They much better reflect the will of the people than our national elections do.

      But, if Ella loses (which seems inevitable at this point), I am going to cry and scream for the next 4 years that the only reason ASS won is because we don't have an Electoral College here. I think I may even go out and vandalize a bunch of random businesses and wear a mask over my face while hitting ASS votes with my bike lock!

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  11. Howdy, Reno (till you're not)!
    Enjoy your holiday with family, AND your upcoming travel adventure ;-)
    My heart will always belong to Ella, but Holy Horns! Those Ann Street boys blew my socks off - and that fantastic finale!
    Happy Trails ;-)

    1. Howdy, dIEDRE ~
      Thanks for stopping by. I always appreciate your visits.

      Not exactly sure how you're voting here but I *think* it's for Ella. Feel free to correct me if'n I'm wrong (again).

      I'm looking forward to getting into that Arizona warmth. It's been dang cold here in "The Biggest Little Ghetto In The World".

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

    2. Psst, Reno. I love Ella, but the boys were the best. Sorry about the confusion.

    3. Thanks, dIEDRE.
      Uhp! I'm an idiot!
      But i'm straightened up and flyin' right now.

      - D-FensDogG

  12. I love the Ann Street Boys and they totally get my vote. His voice has more control but the horns and other instruments played blew me away. I like Ella but I found it too hippy chic. It reminds me of watching her on a 1970s variety show.

    1. BIRGIT, thanks for your $0.02, my friend! I appreciate your continued support.

      - D-FensDogG

  13. Props to the youngbloods for a fabulous arrangement. Keeping it alive. Ella for the win! Synchronistic side note. I was going through a box of old cassette tapes last night and found a Personics tape I made for my ex. That's bizarre that you bring it up. I loved those systems back then.

    1. LELLY -
      Muchos gracias for taking time to come by, listen, and vote! (Ella needs all the help she can get in this one.)

      As for the Personics "coincidence"... color me psychic (except when it comes to the lottery numbers).

      - D-FensDogG

  14. Al Bondigas here. Sorry to show up so late to the dance, but, well you know. Both versions were excellent, but ahm rulin’ fer ASS over Ella, but not by all that much. I really wanted to help you out here, but, well you know. Rulin’ fer Ann Street Soul. That’s it!! That’s muh rulin’!!!

    1. JUDGE AL ~
      I forgive you for bein' gree-- er... I mean, for showin' up late for the dance. You just ain't quite yourself since someone's been sleepin' in your bed. (Goldilocks sez: "This bed is just right.")

      I kinda had you figured as an ASS over Ella kinda guy.

      I'm gonna hit the lottery on Wednesday. At first, I thought perhaps I'd share my winnings with you, but then on second thought... well, you know.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Loyal American Underground'

  15. I'm also sorry for showing up late, and I'll keep this brief and to the point since you're busy in Maybix, Willoughzona. I love Ella, and I was expecting to vote for her instantly, but Ann Street Soul has... well, a surprising level of soul. If you had that playing in the background, and hadn't told me, I never would have guessed that was a new cover made by people my age. My age group is usually awful at covers. So give my bote to them. And a high five.

  16. Got to go with the legend, Ella has my vote!


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