Tuesday, January 1, 2019


Welcome to 
This is 2019's first installment of 'The Battle For Los Angeles', subcategory 'The Battle For Dogtown'. I trust you remember that "Dogtown" is that part of Greater Los Angeles comprised of Venice and Santa Monica south of Wilshire Blvd.
But before we get on with the Battle, 
I want to wish each and every one of you a...
MARGARITA DAY - A tradition since 1986 (except for 1994).
Go get you one or two to start the New Year out right!
My brother, Nappy, and I drank these 2 Margaritas in Prescott, Arizona, a great many New Year's Days ago.
I hope y'all had a nice Christmas. Mine was fine. As always, I made my traditional wish that Tiny Tim will someday score a second Top 40 hit song. 2018's tiny Christmas Day wish was deposited in the Truckee River, which runs through the middle of Reno ("The Biggest Little Ghetto In The World").
OK, enough of that chit-chat, because... 
It's time once again for 'Battle Of The Bands' 'The Battle For Los Angeles' ("Dogtown" edition).
Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!...
Wackypedia sez:
Theory of a Deadman (abbreviated as Theory) is a Canadian rock band from Delta, British Columbia. Formed in 2001, the band also includes traits of other music styles, such as country and acoustic, as well as their post-grunge and alternative rock base. 
The name of the band comes from a song from their first album, whose lyrics describe a man preparing to commit suicide. That track was later renamed "The Last Song". 
Released in 2005, their song titled 'Santa Monica' climbed to #27 on Billboard's Mainstream Rock music chart. 
VIDEO NOTE: The song officially ends at 4:04, the next 3:30 is just silence and a black screen.
SANTA MONICA - Theory Of A Deadman

If Aerosmith and James Brown ("The Hardest Working Man In Show Business") had a baby, I think that baby would be The Zone. The Zone was a local "Dogtown" band from Venice / Santa Monica that played the L.A. club circuit in the 1990s. They wove a healthy dose of Funk rhythms into their Hard Rock sound:
"I ducked into a Blues jam out on Broadway and Fourth;
I didn't tip the waitress and I felt no remorse.
They called my name -- I grabbed my harp* and mic;
Got down, got loose, got funky, cut the air like a knife.
Did the Thing!!..."
~ 'Do The Thing' by The Zone
[*"harp" = "harmonica"]
You wouldn't know this unless you knew it, but the "Blues jam out on Broadway and Fourth" is a reference to a Santa Monica nightclub called Harvelle's (1432 4th Street, Santa Monica, California).

Very quickly, here's my best Harvelle's story:
Long before it became a "nightclub", Harvelle's was just a little neighborhood bar which did NOT feature live music such as mentioned in the song 'Do The Thing'. Occasionally, when I was in downtown Santa Monica, I'd pop into Harvelle's for a beer or two.
So, one day, somewhere between 1983 and 1985, I was in Harvelle's knocking back a cold one with the regulars, when some guy suddenly came running in the front door. He ran right through the bar and immediately exited out the back door which led into the alley behind Harvelle's. 
About 15 to 20 seconds later, a cop came running in the front door. He stopped and just stood there, confused, and not sure what to do. There were maybe 10 to 12 of us customers in Harvelle's at the time, and no one said a word, but every one of us just pointed toward the back door. And -*BOOM!*- the cop went charging through the back door into the alley and the chase was on again!! ...And we all just went back to our drinking.
I've never forgotten that Harvelle's incident because it seemed like something you'd see in an old episode of 'Baretta' or 'Starsky & Hutch'... or, better yet, 'Moonlighting'. Pretty funny.

The Battle Within The Battle
Question: "Will Theory Of A Deadman lose to The Zone?"
The Magic 8-Ball (12-6) sez:  "Signs Point To Yes"
The Amazing Sixwell (12-6) sez:  "Outlook Good"
Alright now, “you know the gig”... I welcome you (whether I know "you" or notto vote for your favorite of these songs in the comment section below. And feel free to tell us WHY you chose one song over the other.
After voting here, I suggest - actually I insist - you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there also. (If their ‘BOTB’ blog bits aren’t posted yet, pour yourself two shots of ‘Grand Marnier’ over ice – do it twice – and then return to their blogs to vice your voice ...vote your vice ...voice your vote.)
Voice Your Vote...
@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'ANGELS BARK' by clicking HERE.
@ 'THE DOGLADY'S DEN' by clicking HERE.
'AI LOVE MUSIC' by clicking HERE.
As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 7th and 21st of each month to post my own votes and announce the winners in the comment sections.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. No Margaritas for me today--at least no plans. My wife and I drank two bottles of delightful sparkly wine last night and were in bed by about 9:30. Alcohol two days in a row for us is not something that happens often, not even during the holidays unless we're with some of my family. And let's face it--I'm not much of a drinker.

    Had a great holiday week and looks like things will be winding down to a peaceful denouement as my wife approaches her return to work. It's been a fine year with maybe more ups and downs than most, but it's been fine nevertheless.

    As for the songs in your Battle, both are good, but one is favored by me--at 6 AM. I like the sound of The Zone and their song is rousing and fun. However I prefer that grungy sound of Theory. Ask me this evening and maybe my opinion would change, but my vote for Theory is written in stone--or at least the comment section of your blog.

    Hope this upcoming is the best ever for you and for me. And it will have to be damn good to be the best ever for me. Happy New Year!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. BOIDMAN ~

      I sincerely thank you for the good New Year wishes. And the same for you, too. Yeah, I hear ya about "the best". I think my best year on Earth has already passed. Not sure which one it was, but 1988 was certainly up there on the list. So was 1974 (especially that Summer), and the years of my childhood were pretty dern magical. In 1994, I found my Savior. That's obviously a biggie!

      But I have high hopes about 2019. I feel a good move out of "The Biggest Little Ghetto In The World" is coming sooner than later for me.

      I got two Margaritas down the hatch today, so that's certainly a good start for 2019.

      I'm glad you liked both songs. But, yeah, 6 AM is not exactly the right time to listen to The Zone. That's not an early morning band.

      Bless And Be Blessed In 2019!

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  2. Shoot, Stephen, if I'da known there was a blues club at 4th and Broadway in Santa Monica, I'da gone on one of my many trips there. Anyway, The Zone gets my vote. Happy New Year!

    1. A Happy 2019 to you, too, JOHN! I hope it's a real winner!

      I left L.A. (the first time) in October of 1992, and I'm pretty sure Harvelle's was still just a little neighborhood bar at that time. I don't know what years you were involved in job-related trips to Santa Monica, but if it was earlier than that, then Harvelle's probably wasn't showcasing Blues (or any kind of music) at the time you were in town.

      I moved back to L.A. for a year and a half in March, 1994, and I think Harvelle's was a nightclub at that time. So, the change must have taken place between late '92 and very early '94.

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  3. Hey Saint Mac! Happy New Year. Wish I could drink tequila; margaritas would go well with a pajama day. But, so does strawberry daiquiri's.

    This is not one of Theory's better songs. Took a few minutes for me to warm up to it. I can see me liking it better sitting in a bar with a glass of wine. Atmosphere, ya know? Today is probably a better day for listening to Hate My Life - although I don't hate my life today, lol. Can't start out the new year on such a negative vibe, right? I mean, day off, no where to go, hubby says he will cook dinner tonight. The more I think of it, the better I like this song (Santa Monica) for today.

    Same with The Zone. Somehow its not suiting my mood today. I should have listened to this last night when the world was supposed to be partying. I do like the racey riffs in the middle. The more I listen, the more I like the band too. The problem is The Zone is trying to ruin my pj day and get me up and moving. What a distraction!

    All that aside, I'm not sure The Zone has impressed me that much. I'll give my vote to Theory.

    Stay cool Mr Awesome. Enjoy this first day of the new year!

    1. WILD THING! ~
      How cool to have you stop in to vote and wish me a Happy New Beer-- er... I mean, "Year".

      >>... Stay cool Mr Awesome.

      My cool awesomeness didn't come easily. I actually had to sell my soul to the devil for it. (I'll let you know later whether or not that was a good deal.)

      Ha! No, seriously, thanks for the remarkable remark! I shall endeavor to live up to it.

      Ain't nuttin' wrong with daiquiris, Wild Thing. I had a memorable time drinking daiquiris once upon a decade ago on Catalina Island. They can get the job done.

      Thanks for visiting me today, and I hope your 2019 is Happy, Healthy, and so damned $Money$ that even Ebenezer Scrooge envies you!

      Some hours ago, I drank [Link> THIS MARGARITA in your honor. And as you can see by the cocktail napkin, I drank it at one of your favorite hotel / casinos, too!!

      Stay safe on the roads. Or... are you no longer drivin' the highways for work stuffs?

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  4. Happy New Year, Stephen!

    What a fun start to the new year. The last one in this decade. I had an exciting Christmas as my Holiday Captors stole me away for a few days, and because my phone dies the minute it's unplugged and I didn't take my computer - it was great to unplug. We even had a power outage. I spent NYE at home by myself, but enjoying being able to catch up on email and other online tasks. Yup, I live an exciting life. Don't be jealous!

    Another interesting battle that you have going here. Theory was just a little 'meh' for me, but I really got into the groove with The Zone so I'm going to have to cast my vote for them.

    May your 2019 be filled with lots of laughter.

    #BattleOfTheBands : World Changing Edition

    1. MMQE ~
      Howdy... and Happy... New Year, my friend!

      >>... The last one in this decade.

      Hmmm..... True that. It hadn't occurred to me.

      2018 wasn't too bad for me. Overall, pretty decent. But I gots high hopes for 2019. I hope it treats me terrifically! ...And YOU too!

      I hear ya about unplugging! Sometimes I'll leave the house to run errands an' such, and I DELIBERATELY leave my phone at home. I like to pretend it's 1975 again, where you call someone's house and if the phone rings and no one answers, you... just try again later.

      Although I appreciate some (*some*) of the conveniences of this modern computer age, by and large, I think we, as a society, have lost much more than we've gained. (It's poison! Poison, I tell you!!)

      Wow! You've got me thinking... I'd love a vacation where I took off on a road trip for about a week, with... NO phone. No computer access. Just me, my truck ("Chuck"), and a case of "road soda" for to quench my thirst!

      >>... I really got into the groove with The Zone

      The Zone could definitely groove that thang. I guess that's why they called themselves "The Zone". If they had been a Jazz group instead of a Rock band, they'd have probably called themselves "The Pocket".

      >>... May your 2019 be filled with lots of laughter.

      Hokey-Smoke! What a wonderful wish. (I'm stealing that from you beginning...)

      Mary, may your 2019 be filled with lots of laughter!


      ~ D-FensDogG @ Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  5. If it’s from B.C. I’ll usually, probably like it. I saw Albert Collins and the Icebreakers once at a little place on Water Street in Vancouver. I stayed up past my bedtime for that one.

    But the love child of James Brown and Steven Tyler (ha!--you hit the nail on the head with that description) woke me up from the Theory snoozfest. Zone gets the vote.

    Have a serendipitous New Year!

    Sig2 019

    1. SIG 2.0 ~
      I sed it before, I sez it again: You're very clever.

      I thank you greatly for coming by on New Year's Day with good wishes and a BOTB vote! It always brightens my Battles when you visit and say something what amuses me.

      I never SAW Albert Collins, but I once DRANK Tom Collins. And I was up past MY bedtime doing that, too!

      >>... Theory snoozfest

      Ha! Maybe they need to do a song about an insomniac who kills himself. They could call it 'Theory Of A Tired, Baggy-Eyed Deadman'.

      Sig, may your 2019 be filled with lots of laughter!

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  6. Happy New Year Mr. Stephen! I love the memory of you in the bar....just like something one sees on a tv show or a 70’s movie. I am still sick which sucks but despite that, I had a lovely Christmas. I give my vote to Theory because I prefer their sound over the noise of The Zone which reminded me of a cheap 1970’s cop movie. That was just noise to me so, even though the Zone sounds like Nickelback, they get my vote

    1. Howdy, BIRGIT!
      Thanks for coming by with 2019 greetings and a BOTB vote!

      Yeah, at the time it happened (the Harvelle's criminal / cop incident, I mean), I was immediately struck by the humor of the situation and how it seemed we were suddenly transported into some TV cop show scene.

      I've had a few other incidents in my life where, in the moment, I was consciously thinking that what was happening was just TOO MUCH like a movie scene. I could almost hear that "Do-Do-Do-Do! Do-Do-Do-Do!" Twilight Zone music playing.

      I'm sorry to hear you're still sick. Obviously, you aren't drinking enough! Doctor Stephen sez: Drink two Mojitos, after two Margaritas, and call me in the morning."

      Birgit, may your 2019 be filled with lots of laughter!

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  7. Theory's Santa Monica meanders around morbidly and finally (thankfully) they stop singing at about four minutes. The last 3:30 are the best part of the song. Silence.

    The Zone is a tight, funky band. Honestly, in your heart of hearts wouldn't you rather listen to a good tight band that plays rockin' upbeat funk than a bunch of debbie downers singing random notes? You people KNOW you would.

    Now, do you have the courage to not vote a “PC” vote? Voting for Theory is almost like telling people you are an independent: that sounds good, but then what do you stand for?

    Theory’s “Santa Monica.” ”What is it good for? Absolutely Nothin'... say it AGAIN!"

    The Zone is clearly what every one of your readers would prefer to hear, regardless of their vote. Any other results? Russian tampering. Just like HILLARY did.

    1. A rockin' New Year to ya, SIXGUNBOY ~

      You know, if a person were to read your comment too quickly, they might come away with the impression that you don't much care for Santa Monica. (The song, not the city.)

      In fact, if a person were to read your comment too slowly, they might come away with that same impression.

      And if they were to read your comment at the "just right" speed, that impression might still remain.

      Ha!-Ha! So... correct me if I'm wrong, but... it seems you may be voting for... The Zone? Is that pretty close to accurate?

      Seriously, I dig your enthusiasm. I suspect you're a lot like me in that, the majority of the time, when you like something, you like it A LOT! And when you dislike it, it's more like hatred than "dislike". There is some middle ground with me often enough, but I think 2/3rds of the time, I'm either on one far end of the spectrum or else on the other far end of it.

      >>... ”What is it good for? Absolutely Nothin'... say it AGAIN!"

      Sounds like something out of a... 'WAR' Zone.

      BTW, for awhile, in 1970, when Edwin Starr released that song, 'War', it was my favorite of all time. I had the 45 single and played the helk out of it in my bedroom. I'm sure my Ma must have gotten tired of hearing it.

      'War' replaced 'American Woman' as my #1 song. Or maybe it was the other way around.

      McBrother, with all sincerity, I wish you a fantabulous New Year, and may your 2019 be filled with lots of laughter! (Watch a lot of 'Frasier', if that's what it takes.)

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  8. Stephen,

    Thanks for the introduction of these bands. I enjoyed both groups. I'm not sure if the hour of day (it's 5:35am) has anything to do with it or maybe it's the mood I'm in but I preferred Theory Of A Deadman with their more laid back vibes. I don't drink as you know. Never developed a taste or love for alcholic beverages. I count that as a good thing seeing how it can become habit forming and the high calories per drink is crazy. Anywho, the strongest thing for me is black coffee. lol Good first battle of the year!

    I hope the Lord gives you good health, happiness, and prosperity throughout 2019, my friend!

    ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆
    ╔╗╔╦══╦═╦═╦╗╔╗ ★ ★ ★
    ║╚╝║══║═║═║╚╝║ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆
    ║╔╗║╔╗║╔╣╔╩╗╔╝ ★ NEW YEAR ☆
    ╚╝╚╩╝╚╩╝╚╝═╚╝ ♥¥☆★☆★☆¥♥ ★☆ ♥♥♥

    1. Howdy, CATHY!
      The Lord God has been very, very good to me, and I hope He blesses you also with a New Year of Happiness and Health and the outpouring of His Grace which meets every need!

      Agreed, The Zone is not morning music, as I also mentioned to Lee above in response to his 6:00 am vote. Maybe some future Battles should contain labels at the top of the page saying something like...

      "Peoples, this BOTB installment includes Hard Rock [*or Punk Rock, or Heavy Metal, or Hard Bop Jazz, or ____*], so please choose an appropriate time to evaluate this contest."

      For example, I dig the songs 'Highway Star' by Deep Purple, 'Won't Get Fooled Again' by The Who, and 'Lights Out' by UFO, but I certainly would not be ready to hear them first thing in the morning.

      I'm with you on the black coffee. In fact, 'Black Coffee' is a song I might use someday in BOTB.

      Have a lovely day, week, month, and year, my friend!

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  9. And Stephen,
    Happy Margarita Day! Also known as the day Mike W woke up a sleeping residence challenged man sleeping in front of Top's with a plastic bugle. Good battle agin. My vote goes to the Zone and Do the Thing..not to be confused with the ting on the ting. Did you consider Santa Monica by Everclear? Not that we ever made any good decisions after Everclear. I'm just sayin'. I remember Harvelle's well. I also remember seeing the Zone or an iteration perform live, not sure where though. Alas, I only experienced one Margarita day as I quit Margaritas in July of 86. Happy New Year my friend.

    Much JW,

    1. ...And POOH, that's not all!...
      I thank you for your visit and I wish you the best of everything in 2019. If that's too ambitious of a wish, then how about... "the next best thing"? :-)

      If I were the leader of a band, I would definitely write a song titled 'Ting On The Ting'. Ha!

      As a matter of fact, I did indeed consider Everclear's 'Santa Monica' for this Battle. I decided against using it, however, because I already have plans to use a different Everclear song in BOTB in the not too distant future. And you know as well as I do that one shouldn't overdo Everclear.


      ~ D-FensDogG @ Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  10. First off, let me just say that I saw this comic the other day and thought you'd get a kick out of it. I'm posting it here because I forgot to text it to you.

    Magic 8-ball, am I stupid?

    Also, I would have paid good money to have been in that bar when that happened. And as a nosy person, it would have taken everything in my power not to Kilroy was here over the dumpster out back immediately after, just to see if he made the catch.

    As for the battle, this is a good one, and as I think I mentioned before, I have fond memories of TOAD just because I heard their music a lot around the time I was in high school. I wouldn't sit and listen to their music now, but it does bring back nostalgic memories. However, that ain't what this battle is about, and since it's about what I like better, I like The Zone. Give my bote to them.

    1. JULIO ~
      Ha! That Magic 8-Ball cartoon scores a 10 (aka "a strike").

      >>... "as a nosy person, it would have taken everything in my power not to Kilroy was here over the dumpster out back immediately after, just to see if he made the catch."

      I'm impressed that you know about "Kilroy was here". That graffiti was popular back in... well, way back. Off the top of my head, I wanna say it was a WWII era thing.

      But, no, none of us left the bar. The First Rule O' Da Saloon is that you never, ever walk away from your drink. Well, I mean, not unless you have a little card like [Link> THIS ONE to place over the top of your glass.

      I have done as you asked and given your bote to The Zone. Now maybe you could do something for me? Could you help me find a lovely woman named [Link> PAM whom I could settle down with and share my cowboy hat collection with until death do us part?

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  11. Happy New Year, Stephen T.!

    My theory is that it’s not possible to be in the Zone if you’re dead. That being said, I’m glad I’d had coffee before I listened to the departed. Just a bit too morose. On the other hand, the Zone was a perfect fit for your Harvelle’s story! Did you secretly want them to win? It’s the Zone for me! Hopefully, they’re just rowdy enough to run these dreary clouds out of town 😉
    Hey, speaking of ‘out of town’, I like the optimism I hear in your plans for the sooner than later future!
    Happy times to you!

  12. hOWDY, dIEDRE!
    I thank you for coming by with $0.02 for my BOTB's kitty. Kitty thanks you, too!

    >>... My theory is that it’s not possible to be in the Zone if you’re dead.

    I think Rod Serling would disagree with you. But then what would HE know?! Rod's dead and YOU are very much alive. I choose life over death.

    It was mere coincidence that I happened to have a Harvelle's story to go along with The Zone's reference to Harvelle's. Had The Zone referenced 'Redneck Billy Bob's Three Sheets To The Wind Saloon' instead of Harvelle's, I wouldn't have had a story to go along with it. (Of course, I could have always concocted a fictional story and passed it off as true. I mean, if Mark Twain could get away with that stuffs then why can't I?)

    It's pretty dern rare that one finds me speaking optimistically about the near future. (The distant future I am always optimistic about, because I have read The Book and know about the happy ending.) The near future is usually cause for concern, but I feel that *Something* or *Someone* is telling me that my personal near future is going to be a nice upgrade from the present. I'll sure be grateful if that turns out to be correct.

    And speaking of near futures, dIEDRE, I hope yours is wonderful, too! And thanks again for visiting me!

    ~ D-FensDogG @ Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  13. Happy New Year to you, LELLY, my friend!

    Muchos gracias (as they say in Margaritaville) for stopping by with sage advice about Maggies and with a vote to contribute to this party!

    One usually thinks of Margaritas as refreshing Summer drinks (and indeed they are), but Winter likes 'em, too!

    Brother, I hope your 2019 is as good as I hope my own 2019 is. Rock and Party On (with or without Maggies and their wicked ways)!!

    ~ D-FensDogG @ Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  14. Happy New Year, Stephen! I prefer champagne for the occasion, but love Margaritas in the summer, or anytime, in California. I can vividly picture the scene from your Harvelle's story. That's hilarious! ☺ On to the battle: 'Santa Monica' gets lots of airplay on Canadian radio and I've always liked it. 'Do The Thing' is new to me. It has a fun vibe and sounds like it should be part of a movie soundtrack. Still, I find the mellow vocals and arrangement of the first one more appealing. Voting for the 'home team', Theory of a Deadman, today. Cheers!

    1. Hola, DEBBIE! And a great 2019 to you as well! May it be Healthy, Happy, and overflowing with Mojitos.

      'Margarita Day' is a tradition that my Pa started back in 1986. For some inexplicable reason, I forgot to drink a Margarita on New Year's Day in 1994. That is the ONLY year in which I forgot to uphold the tradition. So that's how I came up with the slogan "Margarita Day - a tradition since 1986, except for 1994", which tickles my oddball sense o' humor.

      And speaking of funny, yeah, that Harvelle's story IS pretty funny. And true, too! All the drinkers were just so casual about the whole thing. Pointed fingers but no wasted words.

      As a self-proclaimed "Rock Chick", your vote really surprised me. I thought for sure you'd go for the funky hard rockers. But BOTB always has been full of surprises and likely always will be.

      Thanks for stopping by with $0.02 for the collection plate, and I hope you and yourn have a tremendous 2019.

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  15. Surprised you, eh? ☺ The timbre of Tyler Connolly's voice is what attracts the most. Reminds me of Chad Kroeger's (Nickelback). Of course, many people don't like that band, either. Hahaha!

    1. I seem to recall reading that the drummer for Nickelback provided the drumming for Theory's 'Santa Monica'. Perhaps Theory and Nickelback are really the same band, in the same way that Tony Clifton and Latka Gravas were the same person.

      And once upon a time, wasn't Ahnold Schwarzenegger the lead singer for a band called Nickuhlbach?

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor Of Alcohology &
      King Of Inebriation Nation

  16. .. The cop did a double take, triple take, almost slipped on a banana peel as he jammed Kuzucko against a brick wall. "You wanna get jammed, Kuzucko! You wanna get jammed! I'll jam you Kuzucko! Or tell me who sold the stuff and get off light with a 5 year bid in Pelican Bay--
    Kuzucko-"Okaymanokayman, he go by the name of Junkyard Willie, hangs out in the fourth aisle (lapels grabbed hard)-cookie aisle!cookieailseman! On Safeway on 4th Street, that's all I know man that's all I know

    Another vote for The Zone. They sound like a rough Red Hot Chili Peppers or the Red Hot Chili Peppers sound like them. In contrast, Theory Of A Dead Man sound like the Lukewarm Chili Peppers.


      Ooh, the Safeway on 4th Street! Man, that's deep in the 'hood where even angels fear to tread. Hell, I wouldn't venture there, not even for Girl Scout Cookies.

      G DogG, I figured you'd get into the spirit of my story, knowing what a fan you are of 'Baretta'. Or is it 'Mannix'? Or 'Banacek'? 'Kojak'? 'Cannon'? No, wait, I remember now. It's 'BANNIGAN'!

      Speaking of crappy cop shows, here is Yours Truly (in the working man's blue-collar shirt) on 'CHiPs' - truly one of the worst cop shows ever. Perhaps only 'T.J. Hooker' was worse.

      Thanks for coming by with a vote and an always entertaining stream o' consciousness comment. DogG, may your 2019 be everything you want it to be, including those secret midnight rendezvous with Kylie that you often fantasize about.

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

    2. S Man on the screen!

      The Landers Sisters in "Jugs and Suds" who solved crimes by posing as stewardesses, waitresses, ranch hands, and librarians.

      If grade school kids ran Time magazine with man of the year.. Fonzie a half-hearted choice, vacillating. Did you see last night?? Baretta stuck a guy's head in the toilet!! Instant legend.

      The Rockford Files was pretty cool/pretty chill.

      Awesome link, watched it twice, may be the best show I've seen. (So smart no wonder it didn't last on the tee-vee). With Adam West playing "Adam West" and nobody says, "You're Adam West." And of course, the confusion over the "cliche' - nuance! of cop shows... and a Shakespeare statue with palm trees in the background.

      I never saw a whole episode of Barnaby Jones except the one with Miss Roister in a cameo when she took off her glasses and unfurled her hair. "Little boy, how'd you like me to teach you to be a man. You can tell me":
      "His name's Edwin. He hit the lottery in those plastic wrapped football cards that were three packs of cards in one package. He never ate the gum... that doesn't have anything to do with anything. (Whispers) Edwin had 4 Billy "White Shoes" Johnson cards. $20 street value. Gave 3 to the lunch lady who then gave him free lunches for a semester - with chocolate milk! Meanwhile I'm lugging around a Bonanza lunch box each day with a dime to get regular milk.
      Miss Roister was so popular she demanded more money. "This show is more important than you are sugar tits. Oh really? We've got Joyce DeWitt and Susan Anton on speed dial!"

      Charlie's Angels. Three ladies at each scene of the crime. Charlie was never there, man. Charlie was never at the scene of the crime. And his instructions were oblique - he never told them what to do! Charlie. Wasn't. There!

      That's you in the photo! Just before you two's in the pilot of Bad Cop, Bad Cop. McCarthy says almost mumbles realistically, "Danto will shine the light on you and punch you 5 times in the face. I'll give you a cigarette and only punch you 4 times in the face."
      With the fat black captain: "You're not out of control enough McCarthy - you should have punched him 6 times. The mayor supports me fully on this case. The case is complex. You can crash a few cars and beat people up without reading Miranda rights to solve it. You can kill guys and we'll never move you to a desk to do paperwork. I agree with you, you don't need a vacation! You've got up to 6 months or more to solve this case!"

    3. McBruhthuh DogG ~

      'Lookwell' is, IMO, the greatest pilot that was never actually made into a TV series. Damn, that stuffs was SO FUNNY! And Adam West (with the self-deprecating humor) was so perfect in it! He even made the comment that 'Bannigan' almost went into a fourth season. Is it mere coincidence that 'Batman' also nearly went into a fourth season? I don't... THINK SO!

      >>... The Landers Sisters in "Jugs and Suds" who solved crimes by posing as stewardesses, waitresses, ranch hands, and librarians.

      THAT is phuqin' hilarious!!!

      In one episode, I think they even posed as nightclub dancers, but it was only just a dream sequence. It didn't really happen.

      Yeah, fo' sho', 'The Rockford Files' was definitely cool. And also had one of the all-time best theme songs. (Well, in TV shows, instrumental themes also count as "songs".)

      >>... Edwin had 4 Billy "White Shoes" Johnson cards. $20 street value. Gave 3 to the lunch lady who then gave him free lunches for a semester - with chocolate milk!

      Edwin was a smart kid. He knew how to turn a deficit into an asset, and probably went on to be the CEO of some movie production company. Either that or the major supplier for the homeboys in the state pen. What's the difference, really?

      I'm proud to say I never once, in my whole life, watched a full episode of 'Charlie's Prostitutes'. However, I openly acknowledge that the poster of Farrah Fawcett-Majors (you know the one I mean - red swimsuit, and the turkey's done) is one of the most significant images from the 1970s. Anyone who can't conjure up that image in their mind, based on my simple description, obviously don't know doo-doo about the 1970s!

      Oh, yeah, Bruhthuh DogG, I remember when I was doing 'Bad Cop, Bad Cop'. Man, those were really my 'Good Ol' Days'!

      I think my favorite episode was the one where the Captain said to me: "McCarthy, I swear, if next time, you don't punch the suspect 6 times in the face during the interrogation, I am taking you OFF the case!"

      Of course, the director later turned that wonderful scene into a damned "dream sequence", so it hardly even really counted. Damned directors! I still hate their guts!!

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

  17. Al Bondigas here. The name Harvell's rings a bell. Did that used to be Tampico Tilly's before? Man, there were so many establishments that we genteel folk used to patronize, they all kind of blend together on that side of Santa Monica. Anyway, I liked both songs well enough. but I guess I gotta make a rulin' here. The voice of that lead singer from the Zone really had it together and tight man. What ever happened to them? I thought they'd go on to bigger and better things. Anyway, rulin' fer the Zone. That's it!! That's muh rulin'.

    1. JUDGE AL ~
      You look a lot like a Democrat in that avatar photo! What's up with that?!

      No, there ain't no connection between Harvelle's and Tampico Tilly's... except for "Santa Monica". I remember Tampico Tilly's - I can actually see their sign in my mind - but I can't recall where it was. I want to say Pico Boulevard, but that could be very wrong.

      But, no, Harvelle's was always Harvelle's. In fact, I'd bet Pa had done some drinkin' in Harvelle's before we were even born. Or at least, not long after.

      Do you remember a small bar kind of hidden away just one door south of J.C. Penney's on the Third Street Promenade? Pa told me that one time he found himself sitting next to and drinking with Lee Marvin in that bar.

      What happened to The Zone? They disappeared because they didn't know the right people. 80% of it is "Who You Know" (or, for females, "Who You're Willing To Do"). 15% of it is "Lucky Breaks". The measly final 5% is talent.

      Apparently The Zone didn't know the right people and didn't get a lucky break. Because the talent part of it is utterly obvious!!

      Thanks for coming by with your 2-cent gavel.

      Incidentally, tonight, while watching 'The Twilight Zone', I made one of the greatest busts of my entire Busting career. I'll spill the beans on it later, Bro.

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

  18. My brother!

    Welcome to 2019 and big kudos (or should that be kudo...singular?) on your Battle and your bands! Both groups appeal to me, so I needed an extra listen.

    Someone in your comments mentioned that day thought Theory sounded a bit grungy and I can agree...for some reason it's really much more pleasing to me this evening, in spite of the fact that I like both groups...grunge must be the bait on the hook. Who saw that coming? Quick, someone give me a Beatles 45...cleanse me.

    My bote-vote goes to Theory!

    Best wishes, blessings for 2019, and yada yada yada! I feel a good year coming on...

    1. Greetings, DOC MacSIS!
      I'm gratified to hear that the Battle forced you to listen a second time. I always like it when one takes their BOTB bote seriously enough to listen and listen again. I also do that whenever I'm not completely sure. However, granted, there are times when one listen is... more than enough. (It usually takes me no-time flat to recognize when something is way outside my musical wheelhouse.)

      I can't give you a Beatles 45. Would something by The Monkees suffice?

      And I too wish you a (as Van-The-Man would sing...) "fantabulous" 2019. Honestly, I no longer expect any years to be good for the country in our lifetime. But our personal lives can still have some good years overall, I believe.

      Grunge on, Sister!

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

  19. Hi Stephen, Another entertaining battle, but the real bonus was seeing you in CHIPS! Though The Zone’s song would play out nicely in your bar chase scene, I like the more subdued Theory. All the best in the New Year, my friend!


    1. GEM JULIE ~
      I thank you, M'Dear, for taking time to come by, listen, and add your input! And I surely hope your New Year is healthier and happier. (I do remember you in prayer.)

      I'm almost embarrassed to admit I was in 'CHiPs'. But every job meant another wild night out on the town with my buddies. So, I took what I could get. (I even did 'Hill Street Blues' and 'Happy Days' - *CRINGE!* - but I like to think, and hope, I would have turned down 'T.J. Hooker' had it ever been offered me. Ha!-Ha!)

      Sorry I'm so late is responding to your comment and vote, but I was out of town, house-hunting, for the last two days. I'm already a day late with my BOTB Results post, and I'm not even sure I'll get it published tonight, either. DOH!! That's just not like me to be anything less than "punctual".

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

  20. I will go with the Zone on this one, I liked the song better

    1. Right in under the wire - 11th hour and 59 seconds. Thanks, MIKE! I hope 2019 is as good to you as I hope it is to me.

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation


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