Thursday, March 21, 2019


STMcC’s Vote On '2019, March 15th: Battle Of The Bands' (BOTB) - Or, The Beach Boys Versus Creedence Clearwater Revival - And The Final Tally:
Virginia City, NV., cemetery photo by STMcC
Before I can even address the last 'Battle Of The Bands' Results...
It is my sad duty, my heartbreaking responsibility, my crappy job, to make y'all aware of the following:
On occasional weekends, just to earn a little extra pocket money, The Magic 8-Ball would work as an ordinary 8-Ball at New York pool halls. On March 16th, at 6:66 PM, The Magic 8-Ball was working at Carlo & Rossi's Billiard Parlor on 5th Avenue. Bruno Bancini and Rocco Martini were engaged in a friendly game of pool ("friendly" = less than $500. wagered), when Rocco attempted a complicated 3-cushion bank shot meant to deposit the The Magic 8-Ball in a corner pocket. Rocco struck the cue ball too hard, which struck The Magic 8-Ball too hard and knocked it off the table, propelling it through the open door of Carlo & Rossi's Billiard Parlor.
The The Magic 8-Ball flew out onto 5th Avenue just as the Number 86 bus to Newark, New Jersey, driven by "Fats" Brown, was passing Carlo & Rossi's establishment. The bus driver, Mr. Brown, getting just a quick glimpse of the round, black object seemingly thrown from the pool hall, thought it was a bomb that had been tossed by some wiseguy, and he swerved to avoid it.
Unfortunately, the Number 86 bus to Newark, New Jersey, jumped the curb and ended up on the sidewalk. And just as the rear tires of the bus were running over and crushing to death The Magic 8-Ball, the front end of the bus struck and killed a pedestrian who was carrying a grocery bag of bread, peanut butter, watercress and milk. By an amazing coincidence, the pedestrian who was heading home to make a peanut butter and watercress sandwich for lunch was The Amazing Sixwell
Yes, I'm sorry to have to report that, in the same freak accident, our two favorite psychics, The Magic 8-Ball and The Amazing Sixwell, were hit and killed by the same bus. I guess neither one of them saw that coming. 
Well, in our last Battle, which took place HEREThe Magic 8-Ball (15-9) and The Amazing Sixwell (17-7) both predicted the outcome correctly. By necessity (unless there's a doctor in the house who can raise the dead), this brings to an end BOTB's Battle Within The Battle, with The Amazing Sixwell winning the contest by 2.
Virginia City, NV., cemetery photo by STMcC
Well, doggone it, all good things must come to an end, but Battle Of The Bands just keeps rollin' along.
I thank all y'all for taking time to come by, listen and vote (bote) in my last Battle. The song was Lead Belly's 'Cotton Fields' and the contestants were The Beach Boys & Creedence Clearwater Revival.
When I was a teenager, I owned CCR's album 'Willy And The Poor Boys', and that's where I first heard 'Cotton Fields'. I always enjoyed it, and still do to this day. But many years later, I discovered The Beach Boys' version, with their marvelously intricate and beautiful, trademark harmonizing (ain't nobody ever done it better!), and I came to like their rendition even better. (Plus, after several years - even though I always liked them - everything CCR did started sounding the same to me.)
Nevertheless, this BOTB installment was Blowout City:
The Beach Boys = 4 votes
Creedence Clearwater Revival = 14 votes
We bid a sad farewell to The Magic 8-Ball 
and to The Amazing Sixwell 
They won't be here for my next Battle Of The Bands contest on April 1st - April Fools' Day - but I hope YOU will be here! Be here or... bring a note from your doctor undertaker!
~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. I guess that SOME things must come to an end, and I'm glad it isn't BOTBs. That story was hilarious, and masterfully done!

    Have you ever thought of taking up writing? You might has a future. Sadly, there really isn't anybody left able to predict it, though.

    1. SIXGUNBOY ~

      Ha!-Ha! Yip!

      Where have all the psychics gone?
      Long time pa-aaa-ssing.
      Where have all the psychics gone?
      Long time ago...

      No, I don't think I've ever thought of taking up writing. Maybe I'll do that when the Mid-Life Crisis kicks in. I mean, right after I get my red sports car, of course.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  2. Stephen,

    I went with CCR and am glad they won. The Beach Boys are good for what they do but honestly I prefer the roughier edge of CCR. The BBs are too squeaky clean sounding to suit my ears and that's coming from someone a pop rock lover. Great, fun result post. So sorry the Magic 8 and Sixwell met such a horrible fate. That sounds about the kind of luck I'd have - getting ran over by a bus that is. :) Have a great weekend and I'll see on the first if not before then, my friend.

    1. >>... The BBs are too squeaky clean sounding to suit my ears and that's coming from someone a pop rock lover.

      CATHY ~
      I believe there is a great misconception out there about The Beach Boys, and it's primarily due to the fact that radio only played their earlier hits like 'Fun, Fun, Fun', 'California Girls', etc.

      Now, I love those songs. But I also love The Beach Boys' later-period more hard-rocking side. In fact, the first Beach Boys album I ever bought (1975, I believe), I purchased as much for 'Sail On, Sailor' as for 'Good Vibrations'.

      When people think of The Beach Boys today, most think of that "squeaky clean" image from the very early '60s, with them in the matching striped shirts, etc.

      Below, I'm posting some links to some other Beach Boys songs that I'll bet you've never heard before, and which illustrate the fact that The Boys were a multi-faceted group which utilized a lot of different musical approaches over the course of their recording career. I doubt you will find these songs too "squeaky clean":

      [Link> Wild Honey

      [Link> Honkin' Down The Highway

      [Link> Susie Cincinnati

      "The pen is mightier than the sword
      But no match for a gun."

      [Link> Student Demonstration Time

      And I saved my favorite for last. When the electric guitar and horns kick in, I'm ready to kick butt, too! There may not be any songs by anyone that fire me up more than 'Long Promised Road' does. This is my personal *fight song*.

      [Link> Long Promised Road

      See ya on April 1st, m'dear.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  3. I love CCR and wasn't surprised by this outcome. ☺RIP Magic 8 Ball and Amazing Sixwell! It's been fun.

    1. Howdy, DEBBIE ~

      I think 6 and 8 will be missed.

      Maybe I can find Carnac the Magnificent.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'

  4. Glad CCR won but sorry to hear about the 8 Ball and Sixwell..aka The prisoner. Maybe he got picked up by the big white bubble and was brought back to the Village.

    1. BIRGIT ~

      I really liked 'The Prisoner' - right up until that final, LSD-infused episode. What the hell?!

      But I always thought the Big White Bubble ocean guard was kind of dumb. I mean, they really couldn't come up with something a bit more intimidating and dramatic than a white 'Hippity Hop' ball floating in the water?

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'

  5. I don't think we'll hear the last from the 8 ball and Sixwell. Since you're writing the blog story you can certainly resurrect them. The story made me laugh though.

    I agree that CCR start sounding the same on all their songs, but I guess that's what we expect. For that matter I guess that's why I like the Beach Boys--their sound. I do agree that the Beach Boys stretched beyond their original sound to come up with more intricate stuff.

    But it was a noble Battle nevertheless.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. LEE ~
      That is a true fact what happened to 6 & 8. No fiction, no embellishing. (Well, it's at least as true as these mass shootings we keep hearing about. ;o)

      I thought this Battle was going to be reasonably close, which goes to show how much I still have left to learn about BOTB.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  6. I'm still playing this game occasionally.

    1. McBruhthuh Sixgunboy ~

      I love the fact that you embraced my idea even more'n I did! Ha! It *WAS* a genius idea though! {*Send your gratitude for time spent in a monetary form to... er-- well, I think I'm about to say too much.*}

      I seen that the first song was 'Come Sail Away' (which I may be wrong about, and protly am, but I think you suggested that tune once before) and I immediately started to gag! My gagging noises sounded oddly like "Great Musical Divide!!!"

      Yeah, my good friend, I can't even entertain that idea. Styx Sucks even more'n Disco Sucks! Hate 'em, hate 'em, hate 'em.

      From 1975-1977, my favorite band was Styx.
      From 1978 to 1984, my favorite musician was Bruce Springsteen.

      In 2019, I hate 'em, Hate 'Em, HATE 'EM - *BOTH*!! (Uhp! I was an idiot!!)

      I was going to check out the other songs you recommended for 'Skateboarding Down Geiger Grade' (still one of my all-time favorite YouTube videos!!), but then I put on my CD 'Me, Lynth And The Beach Report', and I simply wouldn't stop that disc for ANY other music (including Glenn Miller).

      So... it will need to wait. But I give you my iron-clad 'True Christian' guarantee that I will definitely check out all those other tunes you recommended with the Geiger Grade video and see what I think.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'

      And... {*Private Wink-Wink, Nod-Nod Message to you*} ...I sincerely thank you for all your "extracurricular" time-investment in my BOTB installments! I truly enjoyed it, my Brother in Christ! The Amazing Sixwell may have been run-through by the headlight on a New Jersey-bound bus, but YOU will live forever in my heart, Brother! THANKS!... for EVERYTHING. *JW!-JW!*

    2. Ha ha!

      I KNOW your favorite band was Styx at one time. What I FORGET is the Mr. Intense Depth of your shifts. Styx was also MY fav band at one time, too. It no longer is... but I can still stand to listen to 'em! I don't "hate 'em hate 'em hate 'em!" Springsteen was my favorite also for a long time, and I now I really dislike him, though I can still listen to one of the old songs and possibly enjoy it in it’s proper place.

      So, I actually (very stupidly... seems like most of my interactions lately involve "stepping in it" to a degree) DELIBERATELY put in the Styx to soften the RUSH that was to come later. I know you hate Rush and almost all prog rock, which - OF COURSE - is a fav of mine. So because of Rush I stuck in Styx! “Uhp, I’m an idiot!” My advice at this point: skip it. Don't listen! This only one that I really really liked was number four: Rush "Spirit of the Radio." The 5th cut is a cute little Goo Goo Dolls number that you won't like either.

      Heck, I left off most of the stuff I tried this time: Foo Fighters, Breaking Benjamin, Fountains of Wayne, Van Halen, BTO. My favorites were Rush this time around but I didn't want to foist just those on you!

      aHEM..... That was not a particularly private message you posted "privately" to me Brother!

      I have always enjoyed your posts, and in particular the BOTB posts that have been such fun for so many for a few years now! I'll continue to do so, of course. JW! JW! RIGHT BACK AT YA!

      Such passings as Sixwell's are so sudden and shocking. One can never prepare for these things, one can only do our best to move forward. I will say, however, that I won't miss that damned 8-Ball! SLIME-ball was more like it. I’ll bet that the story was written by Eight’s press agent, and that the 8Ball wasn’t struck too hard by Rocco. I’ll bet he’d been PAID by Bruno Bancini to throw the match against Rocco, and simply overplayed his hand… if he’d had hands.

      Anyway, it is late and I’m hungry, so I’m gonna go eat my PB and watercress sandwich. Yak later, Bro.


      >>... What I FORGET is the Mr. Intense Depth of your shifts.

      Wot? Me, intense? Never!

      Hokey-Smoke! I hadn't even yet looked to see what the other songs were. I just saw the first one ('Go Sail Away', and don't come back) and thought I needed some 'M,L&TBR' instead. Had no idea you also included Rush.

      Gee, why didn't you also include a U2 song and go for the "Hat Trick of Hatred"? [:oD}

      I was listening to Springsteen's second album a few days back and was reminded of why I liked him so much at one time: 'The E Street Shuffle' and 'Kitty's Back' still sound great, and 'New York City Serenade' is remarkable - my favorite Springsteen song. I think of the potential lost and SMH.

      Your mention of Van Halen immediately made me think of 'Runnin' With The Devil'. I'll have to try that one, because in my head, it works!

      I assumed no one would read that private message to you, because it's a crime to read someone else's mail.

      You make a good point about The Magic 8-Ball. I never really did trust him much, and throwing a billiard game for a cut of the $499. wager doesn't sound outside the realm of possibility to me.

      I hope you enjoyed that Peanut Butter & Watercress sandwich! My mouth waters at just the thought of it.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'

    4. MR. SIXGUNBOY ~

      'FOOLING YOURSELF' actually worked kind of well. I was surprised. All that synthesizer stuffs started sounding WAY TOO PRISSY for a balls-to-the-wall video like that. But, I must admit, in some moments, it was pretty damned good! A mixed bag, but the "good" was close to "great"! That might be in the Top Ten, despite the flaws. Kudos, Number 6. It surprised me!

      'FLY BY NIGHT' -- Musically it worked well. But... Geddy Lee's ultra-female-falsetto ruined it. Had it been an instrumental, with 'FagBoy Falsetto Lee' (aka "Donald Duck singing on helium") excluded from the recording, it might have been top-notch.

      'THE SPIRIT OF THE RADIO' -- Ditto for every single thing I said about 'Fly By Night'.

      THE GOO GOO DOLLS -- Hmmm.... Not too bad, really. Better'n I would have expected from a band obviously filled with "Confident Homosexuals". (I mean, that band name! Seriously?!!)

      Alright, now let's do it the way a "Real Man" (which that skateboarder OBVIOUSLY WAS) would do it:

      Video: [Link> Skateboarding Down 'Geiger Grade'
      Soundtrack: [Link> 'Runnin' With The Devil'

      6, I love the fact that you've kept this idea of mine alive!! And, I'm heartened to find that many good possibilities are still yet to be discovered!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Loyal American Underground'

    5. HA! I LOVE IT!

      Actually, I started this last experiment with Van Halen's "Eruption/You Really Got Me"

      I LOVE that shizzle. What a heavy metal punch in the face VH was when they ERUPTED on the scene!! The virtuosity is something else, too. Eruption has almost classical counterpoint in it near the end, just before "You Really Got Me."

      This idea of yours is the most fun game anybody has come up with in years. I don't do it as often as before, but what will happen is that I'll hear a song and think "hmmm... I'll bet THAT would work pretty well with Geiger Grade!" By the time I build up two or three to test then I'll pull it up and try it again... then spend at least an hour trying other stuffs also.

      I'm pleased that you actually kinda praised a couple of those combos. I will also readily admit that Geddy Lee's voice is BY FAR the worst thing about Rush. In terms of talent, I think Rush is about the most talented rock band EVER, pound for pound. Just three guys, all unsurpassed at their instruments. The worst one is Alex Lifeson, and he is truly excellent. (And even better, as I understand it, they are also Objectivists.)

      The Goo Goo Dolls are the second worst named band of all time, after the Babys. Neither band were "light-steppers," but they had a poofter band name. Frankly, the GGD's lead guy was such a hearthrob I'm sure he had more womens than Wilt Chamberlain.

      I think that what makes the game work is that Geiger Grade video. It is truly remarkable. Maybe what he did is "easy" and any decent boarder could do it... but it looks hard and very exciting.

      Your idea will live on. I am sure that sometime in the next month I will pull it up again and keep searching for that perfect - as yet unidentified - match of song and video.

    6. SBB-6 ~

      I don't remember if I ever stated how I came up with this idea (game), but... one day I was driving TO Virginia City, so I was going UP Geiger Grade. And in my CD player was the CD Bryan had burned for me which included my all-time favorite "Driving Songs". It was a Deep Purple song that was playing at the time. 'Highway Star', I believe, although it could have also been 'Space Truckin''. And I got to thinking how there should be a video of someone going down Geiger Grade - with the camera mounted on the hood of the car, and the soundtrack being 'Highway Star' (or 'Space Truckin'').

      When I got home from Virginia City a day or two later, I went to YT to see if anyone had ever posted a video shot while going down Geiger Grade. I found this skateboarder dude and the rest is history.

      FUN FACT: It was also while driving up G.G. on that same occasion that I got the idea to put 'Radar Love' against 'Runnin' Down A Dream' in a BOTB contest. As you could easily have guessed, both of those songs are also on that CD of favorite "Driving Songs", and I also heard both of them while going up the Grade to V.C.

      >>... Rush is about the most talented rock band EVER, pound for pound.

      Well, you know we're gonna have to file that under A.T.D. But I agree with you about the Goo Goo Dolls and The Babys. They're not the absolute worst, but they're definitely on the Top Ten list. (Even worse than those - *GULP!* - are 'Natalie Portman's Shaved Head', 'Spock's Beard', even 'Greta Van Fleet' has got to be on that list. But #1 worst of all-time goes to - *Drumroll!* - 'The Butthole Surfers'. Talk about morons!!)

      Someday, I need to start compiling a list of what I believe are the Top Ten songs to listen to while watching that Geiger Grade Skateboarding video. I think the aforementioned Deep Purple songs would need to be on it, and 'Runnin' Down A Dream' and 'Runnin' With The Devil', too.

      I think the best part of the video is what you pointed out before, where the skateboarder goes into that sweeping turn right after the Highway Patrol car goes past in the opposite direction. But driving down Geiger Grade in my own truck, my favorite part has always been what I call "The Eternal Right Turn" (starting at about 2:10). When you're making that turn, you've got your steering wheel cranked to the right SO-OOO LONG that it seems you'll never straighten out again. I always think the front end of my truck will eventually crash into the back end of my truck. My cab may end up in my bed!!! Ha!-Ha! It *always* makes me laugh-out-loud at some point!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'

    7. Leave it to you to A.T.D. about something unassailable!

      >>_>>... Rush is about the most talented rock band EVER, pound for pound.

      Well, you know we're gonna have to file that under A.T.D. <<

      I qualified that statement with the word "about." That means that they are on the short list of most concentrated musical talent of rock bands. It does not mean that you have to LIKE them or that there might not be another band or three ahead of 'em... the statement just acknowledges their ability at their craft. You disagreeing means that you question their talent. UHP!

      If not them, who ELSE would make the short list?

      I'd throw The Who on there (tremendous bassist, 1960s-set-the-bar drummer, great guitarist.) You can't exclude Cream (Clapton, Ginger Baker, Jack Bruce.) Maybe include Led Zeppelin. Certainly add the Jimi Hendrix Experience. But name some other bands that ALL of their members are at or near the top of their craft.

      Lee is a TOP bassist and Neil Peart is perhaps THE top drummer in rock. He retired two years ago, but he won the best drummer award for YEARS in a row. Alex Lifeson is a tremendous guitarist.

      The Beach Boys? HA! NO way.

    8. SIXGUN ~

      You crack me up! You seem to still be laboring under the delusion that 'The Great Musical Divide' is either not a real "thing", or only temporary, and that it doesn't include just about everything music-related. It's like you think I disagree just to be hard-headed, obstinate, and disagreeable for the mere sake of disagreeing.

      [link> "WRONG!" on all counts.

      Yes, even with your qualifying word "about" (I didn't miss it the first time), I still disagree.

      The Beach Boys?
      No, of course not. They were the greatest vocal group, hands down. And Brian Wilson did more to advance Rock music instrumentally-speaking than anyone who came before or after him. But the Boys weren't exceptional musicians, and most of Brian's greatest musical compositions and achievements had The Wrecking Crew supporting them.

      Maybe on the list, but still somewhat overrated.

      The Jimi Hendrix Experience?
      Not a chance. Sure, Hendrix was one of Rock's all-time most innovative guitarists. He was also sloppy as hell, and no drummer ever OVERPLAYED worse than Mitch Mitchell did! He was so busy behind the drum kit that sometimes it seemed like he wasn't even playing the same song the other blokes were. Jimi couldn't sing worth beans, and Mitch couldn't stop the constant banging. Between the two of them, I find The Jimi Hendrix Experience almost utterly unlistenable.

      The Who?
      Pete Townshend was not bad, but he was louder than he was good (and pretty sloppy, too - as so many live recordings show). Keith Moon also overplayed quite a bit, but... he was still GREAT! He's about the only "overplaying" drummer I really dig. In Rock - based on style - he'd probably be my drummer of choice if I were starting a band.

      All this stuffs about how great Neil Peart and Rush were is urban legend. As many folks (including other drummers) have pointed out, Peart had little "groove" or "swing". His playing sounded stiff, and I have yet to find a solo he played that really thrills me. Sure, he was "technically" very good, but there's more to it than that.

      >>... If not them, who ELSE would make the short list?

      Steely Dan (any line-up),
      Booker T & The MGs,
      The Band,
      Emerson, Lake & Palmer,
      Santana (just about any line-up),
      And probably... Manfred Mann's Earth Band,
      and Brian Auger's Oblivion Express.
      Some might say Yes. (Me? Eh... maybe, but likewise overrated.)

      I'd also go with [Link> Danny Gatton's band, although they didn't strictly play Rock, so maybe you would disqualify them.

      So, there's 9 or so contenders, right off the top of my head.

      Unless I'm being forgetful, I think there are only 3-music related things that somehow rise above 'The Great Musical Divide': 1: Tom Petty. 2: Louis Prima. 3: Songs that go with The Skateboarder on Geiger Grade.

      And speaking of that 3rd one, here's something I think we can agree on...

      The morning before last, I woke up after about 4 hours of sleep with this tune playing in my head. I INSTANTLY knew that it would work great with the Geiger Grade video. So, here you go, a chance to give it a ride and see what you think:

      [Link> GEIGER GRADE

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Loyal American Underground'

      Have you ever seen [Link> THIS Danny Gatton video?

    9. Last things first: had not seen that Gatton video. It is great, as always.

      Next: Frankenstein works well. I own that album and I should have thought of it first.

      The rest of your comment:
      Wrong! Totally wrong. Even trying to use Waylon (who stinks) was wrong… that video won’t play in the USA! You relish being on the wrong side of things!

      The only times you come close to being correct are mentioning Yes and ELP. The rest? BAH. You are LITERALLY the ONLY guy I know that would say that The JH Experience weren’t top talent! HAHAHAHA!

      If you check popular opinion - polls, websites, reviews - you will find that people agree with ME, not you. This won't matter to you of course - and frankly it doesn't matter to me, either - but it DOES show that I am with the majority in my views. All the groups I mentioned make the several "most talented" lists I found online, and FEW or NONE of yours do.

      FYI: the sun rises in the east.
      It is your blog; you have the last word.

    10. SIXGUNBOY ~


      >>... Even trying to use Waylon (who stinks) was wrong

      It's a good thing I know yer just tryin' to yank my chain, 'cause them thar's fightin' words!

      >>... If you check popular opinion - polls, websites, reviews - you will find that people agree with ME, not you.

      Ha! I see what you did there!

      OK, you win...

      Garth Brooks is the greatest musical artist in history. And Mariah Carey, Boyz II Men, Madonna, Britney Spears, Katy Perry, Lady GagGag, Eminem, Snoop Dogg, Justin Timberlake and Taylor Swift are the greatest musical acts of the last 30 or so years.

      You made your bed, now... well, you know.

      ~ STMcC

  7. McStephen

    I'm listening to taps playing in the background and I wanted to issue my sincerest of condolences for the loss of Masters 6 and 8. I had heard through the grapevine there was an incident involving a bus & pedestrian (my brother works for NYC Mass Transit) but did not know of the relevance until now. It's truly a sad story. I most likely will not make an appearance at their services as it would be awkward should anyone discover any kind of personal connection to the incident. I wouldn't want any rumors to start.

    I'm truly surprised that those boys from the beach received as many votes as they did for this battle. But I can't fault them for trying to step outside their comfort zone and try something new.


    1. MMQE ~

      How odd, how coincidental, how fictional, that your brother works for NYC Mass Transit and that you'd heard of the bus versus pseudo-bomb & pedestrian that killed our friends The Magic 8-Ball & The Amazing Sixwell.

      >>... "I most likely will not make an appearance at their services as it would be awkward should anyone discover any kind of personal connection to the incident. I wouldn't want any rumors to start."

      Yes, I understand. And I concur with your decision. I mean, how would it look if word ever got out that you were married to The Amazing Sixwell but carrying on an adulterous affair with The Magic 8-Ball, and you attended BOTH of their funerals? (I think I hear Lieutenant Columbo's ol' beater pulling up in the driveway.)

      Well... I've said too much.

      >>... "I'm truly surprised that those boys from the beach received as many votes as they did for this battle. But I can't fault them for trying to step outside their comfort zone and try something new."

      Well, truth (*TRUTH!*) be known, if it were not for Bob Dylan's influence (lyrics) and the (musical) influence of Brian Wilson, of The Beach Boys, The Beatles never would have developed beyond their 'I Want To Hold Your Hand' phase. The Beatles (English frauds of the E-Ticket degree) were plagiarizing both Dylan's and Brian's ideas, and without them, they'd have never moved beyond their 'Fab Four' era.

      Without question, Bob (Dylan) & Brian (Wilson) were the single biggest influences on 1960s Rock / Pop music, and The Beatles were just English Thieves. The Beatles were 'genius poseurs'. Heck, even The Beatles' own producer, George Martin, said:

      [Link> "If there is one person that I have to select as a living genius of pop music, I would choose Brian Wilson."

      Please note that The Beatles' own producer did NOT say Paul McCartney or John Lennon were the "one living genius of pop music". He said Brian Wilson, the leader of The Beach Boys, and The Beatles' biggest competitors at the time, was the "one... living genius of pop music".

      Bob & Brian influenced EVERYONE in the 1960s. Therefore, I might have to disagree, in a friendly way, when someone says that The Beach Boys were stepping outside of their "comfort zone and trying something new" when they recorded 'Cotton Fields' (even before CCR did), because, in truth, The Beach Boys forced almost EVERY musical artist in the 1960s to step outside of THEIR comfort zone and try something new. If they didn't, they were going to be overwhelmed by the musical advancements in Pop music that Brian Wilson was almost single-handedly creating at that time.

      Bob & Brian - Without a doubt, they were the biggest influences on 1960s Rock music, and without them, The Beatles would have been forgotten to history, singing lyrics like, "She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah!"

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'

    2. I suppose I no longer need a back brace, as I now stand corrected. :)

      Your comments about stepping outside the comfort zone makes me think of This Link

      Working on those upcoming AtoZ posts... out of 52 posts, I have only 5 left to do. I just might get them all done before the start of April. What an accomplishment!


    3. MMQE ~

      >>... I suppose I no longer need a back brace, as I now stand corrected. :)

      GOL! That's hilarious!! Did you come up with that one? Or did you steal it from someone (like The Beatles would have)? [;-)}

      That old Bon Scott video is also hilarious! I'd seen it once before, but I think it was *YOU* what turned me onto it. And that video immediately makes me think of that scene in 'This Is SPINAL TAP', where the boys are sitting around watching themselves as younger Flower Power "rockers" on some 'Where Are They Now'? TV program. Art imitates life (and vice versa).

      (If you're not a Spinal Tap fan, please don't tell me that. It would be very detrimental to our friendship.)

      I hope your A2Z posts are going to include some irritating earworms. I feel you owe me that, after getting my hopes up the way you did.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'


All submitted comments that do not transgress "Ye Olde Comment Policy" will be posted and responded to as soon as possible. Thanks for taking the time to comment.