Saturday, July 31, 2021



Republican Vs. Democrat, Male Vs. Female, War Vs. Peace, Light Vs. Dark, Good Vs. Evil, Man Vs. Machine, Love Vs. Hate, Dog Vs. Cat, Sun Vs. Moon, Brain Vs. Brawn, Oscar Vs. Grammy, Angel Vs. Demon, Laurel Vs. Hardy, Beer Vs. Wine, TV Vs. Radio, Pitcher Vs. Batter, Paper Vs. Plastic, Reality Vs. Fantasy, Yeshua Vs. Beelzebub, Conservative Vs. Liberal, You Vs. Me, House Vs. Senate, Offense Vs. Defense, Kramer Vs. Kramer, Spy Vs. Spy, Fischer Vs. Spassky, W.C. Fields Vs. Sobriety, Harold Gimpy, Jr. Vs. Sheldon J. Pismire, Rock Vs. Paper Vs. Scissors, Islam Vs. Everything, Singer Vs. Singer, Band Vs. Band...





Yes, it's time once again for Battle Of The Bands (BOTB).


Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!...


My bloggin' buddy-ette, [link> Birgit, recently posted a 'Thursday Movie Pick' blog bit about Summer Breaks. In my comment, I mentioned the movie 'A Summer Place', and *THAT* was the inspiration for today's BOTB contest. So, my thanks to Birgit for being the spark that ignited the kindling that burned into a BOTB conflagration. (Betcha didn't think I knew that word, didja?!)


August being the last month of Summer, I decided to use in this round of BOTB the Theme From 'A Summer Place' - one of the most beautiful melodies I've ever heard. Theme From 'A Summer Place' happens to be the theme music from the movie 'A Summer Place', which is merely an odd coincidence. The 1959 movie starred Sandra Dee, Troy Donahue, George Bailey's mother, and other performers whom movie-lovers have seen many times.


Theme From 'A Summer Place' was a MONSTER hit for Percy Faith & His Orchestra in 1960 (17 weeks in the Top 40, and NINE weeks at #1!!) If you were alive in 1960, you heard Percy's recording at least a million and 14.4 times before Jan. 1, 1961. No way in hell would I have put a cover version up against that!!!


Because this is literally one of the most moving, gorgeous, and bittersweet melodies ever composed, it's been recorded almost countless times, and therefore it took me quite awhile to decide which artists to use. The Art Of The Match-Up is the art of BOTB; take it lightly and you will find yourself in Shutout-land.


Although my favorite renditions of this Theme are instrumental recordings (a la the original by Percy Faith), I decided to use vocal versions for this Battle, and to use a female vocal group, The Lennon Sisters, against a solo male singer, Andy Williams:


Wackypedia sez:

For thirteen years, from 1955 to 1968, [The Lennon Sisters] appeared regularly on The Lawrence Welk Show before having their own television variety show called Jimmy Durante Presents the Lennon Sisters with Jimmy Durante. After their show was cancelled, they partnered with Andy Williams to create a successful Las Vegas residency, which lasted a decade.


The Lennon Sisters versus their old Las Vegas entertainment partner Andy Williams -- you see what I'm doing here?


In my BOTB Results post, I am going to have more to say about The Lennon Sisters - or, more specifically, about Dianne "Dee Dee" Lennon (whom I have met in "real life") - so please return for that on August 8th.


The Lennon Sisters



Andy Williams



After you've voted for your favorite of these two recordings here, please be sure to vote in the BOTB contests at the blogs of the other BOTB participants (see the list of Participants in the sidebar to the right... to the right... over THERE --->)


Stephen T. McCarthy



  1. Dagnabbit, McCarthy!

    I saw the that you would be battling A Summer Place and got all excited. It's one of the few instrumentals that I can get lost in. And here you go and toss in lyrics!

    So then, before even listening, I ass*umed that I would be voting for the Lennon Sisters because in my head I had envisioned female vocalists being comparable to the string instruments in this beautiful piece.

    Then I listened. They did not disappoint!

    But then I had to go and 'be fair' in my voting and listen to Mr Andy Williams. The man with the oh so smooth voice. And now I'm in a bit of a quandry as to which of these two I'm going to give my vote to.

    (taking a breather to regroup/refresh my thoughts here)

    Okay. I've given a second go around to both of these now. It's been decided. I'm giving my vote to:

    Mr Andy Williams. His vocals were like a cool summer breeze and I felt as though that was the Summer Place I needed to be.

    Good battle (although, I'd still give my ultimate vote to Percy and the gang if it were an option!)


    1. MMQE ~

      I'm a wee bit o' late in responding to comments here but, make no mistake about it, I'm STILL... 'Hot Fun In The Summertime'!

      I agree with you more'n you'd probably 'spect: Honestly, this Battle is SO CLOSE for me that even I have not yet decided whom, who, or which I will be voting for! That almost NEVER happens. 99.97% of the time I already know who, whom, and which artist will be getting my BOTB bote long before I actually post the Battle.

      I also agree that the vocals really throws a monkey wrench into the works. (And, no, I do NOT mean the "Monkey Wrench" sexual position, but a *real* monkey wrench... like... you know... a *REAL* Monkee's wrench? ...Look, if you can't keep up with me, then you ain't drinkin' enuf. My recommendation? Try Magic Mushrooms.)

      Seriously, I went through all kinds of contortions and pretzel logic trying to figure out which way to run with this contest. I really wanted to go strictly Instrumental because, IMO, the melody makes the lyrics not only superfluous but even obstructionary. You know, like, a road block set up in the middle of The Road to Paradise?

      But what I found was that the vast majority of the Instrumental recordings either try to recreate or rekindle the original Percy Faith Orchestra sound, or take a kind of Surf Guitar approach with lots of reverb and overly flashy accents and virtuosity. This melody is all about the "feeling", and Percy nailed it the first time. In all honesty, there probably shouldn't be *ANY* covers of this tune. Covering it should probably be a crime.

      The vocal approach provided more stylistic options.

      In retrospect, with 6 votes now in, I realize I goofed on this song for the second time in my BOTB history. At one point, I was convinced to go with four gals (The Lennon Sisters) versus four guys (The Four Lads). THAT would have been a good match-up and probably dern close in the voting tally. Maybe even a tie.

      But in the 11th.76th hour, I decided to run with the 'Partners in Vegas' wrinkle (Lennons Vs. Andy), and that has proven to be a bad decision. God bless Birgit, "The Shutout Killer Queen"!

      Anyone who has NEVER participated in BOTB has no-flippin'-idea how maddening it can be! There really is an "Art" to it, and even some of us (myself very much included) who have been at it for years and years can turn that "Art" into a "Fart".

      ~ D-FensDogG

  2. I recall your earlier battle using this song with Percy Faith and Chet Atkins. As I recall that was shortly before The Amazing Sixwell was hit by a bus, or whatever. Frankly, I don’t think he met his demise any more than did Jeffery Epstein. They are both being held incommunicado by the FBI. Epstein so that the FBI agents can have help doing their own sex traffic racket, and Sixwell to help predict (under pain of torture) the future so that they can avoid prosecution. But I digress.

    This is a lovely melody, and I prefer the instrumental as you do. The song lyrics strike me as a bit feminine, but in spite of that I prefer a male voice on it. And I always have been a fan of Andy Williams. I think I was six or seven when “Moon River” came out, and it was a favorite song for me back then… along with Old MacDonald and The Wheels on the Bus.

    His version sounds more like the original instrumental than does the Lennon Sisters’ version. The pace seems closer to accurate. This song needs a steady and SLOW pace. It needs to take its time, just as summer does. You know summer will end… but for now you are just laying on a warm sandy beach, watching the waves and the girls and the sunset. The melancholy comes from knowing it is temporary. That is my take on the emotion evoked by That Summer Place… in spite of the lyrics saying otherwise.

    Frankly was never a huge fan of the Lennon Sisters. They are talented, they’re fine; they are nice. Just never did much for me. So my vote goes to Andy.

    Sixgun McItchyfinger


      (KO, so I'm a dit byslexic. Mue se!)

      >>... As I recall that was shortly before The Amazing Sixwell was hit by a bus, or whatever. Frankly, I don’t think he met his demise any more than did Jeffery Epstein. They are both being held incommunicado by the FBI. Epstein so that the FBI agents can have help doing their own sex traffic racket, and Sixwell to help predict (under pain of torture) the future so that they can avoid prosecution. But I digress.

      And the Academy Award for 'Funniest Comment' goes to... YOU.

      Methinxs you've lost faith in the 21st Century American system.
      Nevertheless, Uncle Scam (still) wants YOU! ( take the jab)
      The World Government is here to help you! The World Government loves you and has only your best interests all the way down to the depths of its sole.

      Really, a GREAT comment.

      Speaking just for me, the lyrics don't AT ALL convey to me what the melody does. I saw the movie 'A Summer Place' once, circa 1989, and I don't recall much about it (i.e., it didn't make much of an impression on me). And I can't even remember if a vocal version of The Theme was used in the movie, or if it was only an instrumental recording. Maybe both? Regardless, Percy Faith's recording (still the highest / longest charting #1 Instrumental in Billboard's history, I believe) was simultaneously NOT of "this world" AND "too much" of this world. It's very, Very, VERY difficult to explain to a person who doesn't feel it in their soul.

      As I know YOU know, based on your text to me, the melody of Theme To 'A Summer Place' (especially as recorded by Percy Faith's Orchestra) evokes strange, contradictory emotions or feelings. I've known this specific contradictory feeling for most, if not all, of my life. Some would call it "bittersweet', and that actually works. But for the longest time, to me "bittersweet" was more of a "thing" than a "feeling" (i.e., "Me going 3 for 4 and driving in 5 runs, but our team ultimately losing the game, was bittersweet to me").

      Many years ago, I invented a word for this feeling that I mistakenly thought no one in the world felt, other than myself. The word was "Goldenshadow".


      I still use this word frequently.

      Years later, I discovered that this was a fairly universal feeling and that there HAD already been invented a word for it:

      Truly, with Theme From 'A Summer Place', Percy Faith's Orchestra captured the Goldenshadow (or Saudade) mood. In fact, *THAT* recording would HAVE TO BE in the Top 10 list of Goldenshadow recordings of all time. Probably even Top 5. Maybe even "#1 for NINE straight weeks!!"

      Fantastic comment, McBrother! I loved it. Thank you!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  3. Well, Thank you for the shout out and the inspiration! I love this song especially from the great Percy Faith. I am giving my vote to the Lennon Sisters because they were in such perfect harmony and didn't seem to be trying too hard to achieve the sad but romantic song. Andy was good but i felt he dragged a bit and he tried too hard to achieve that sad part in the song. My vote goes to the gals!

    1. Hello, Shutout Killer Queen"!

      What would I do without you?!

      I think the vast majority of everyone would agree that Percy's recording is pretty much untoppable. (Hey, what can I say? I just don't like the letter "s". I think it's secretly a white supremacist letter. So I only use it when I mu*t. And thus "unstoppable" becomes "untoppable". It'll be in the Merriam-Webster's dictionary soon enough.)

      Birgit, thanks for coming by with a stake for the heart of what was otherwi*e apparently destined to become a *hutout.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  4. This is a tough one, because both performances were as close to perfect as I've heard. The Lennons had the four-part harmony (and it's a fact that voices from the same family match so well). Andy Williams just has that tremendous voice, and he handled the key change perfectly, where the Lennons didn't even try. In short, the Lennons get an A, Andy gets an A+. My vote goes to Andy.

    1. JOHN ~

      From the sounds of it (or rather, the look of it), it seems you enjoyed this Battle match-up better'n anyone else has thus far.

      I agree that this is a very close call. So close that I'm STILL not sure how I will cast my own vote on August 8th. (Either way, I'm sure I'll get it wrong, though.)

      I missed your Battle this round. How am I supposed to get my Jazz fix when you don't participate?!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  5. Yo S-Man, I got to give my vote to Andy Williams. He means it. In contrast, the ladies sound like they were paid to do it. No pun intended for sure. I played trombone in fourth grade (only - np more music) but I will be a monkey's uncle if I try to figure out the notes as to why it's a good song.

    You always said to be honest. Those songs are so sugary I'm getting diabetes. If Devo did a cover (like they did, for example, to take the pi$$ out of the Stones' "Satisfaction") I would vote for Devo. Or - If Olivia Newton John sung it in Grease with a pure sweater to make me want to take off, I would vote for that.

    G Dogg

    1. Thanks for coming by with two cents for muh kitty, G-DogG. (Who said cats and dogs can't get along? Who said it doesn't rain cats and dogs? Who said, "Doggone it, the cat has run away again!"?)

      Yes, honesty is the best policy. Unless you're being interrogated by the police. In which case DEAD SILENCE is the best policy!

      As I mentioned to Mary above, I agree that the lyrics in this song are kind of... just in the way. The melody is almost otherworldly and doesn't need any simplistic words to help it.

      In fact, speaking just from my own soul, this melody is not really necessarily about "romantic love" or even "Summer". It's about a place in the soul. It's a place in the soul that is enveloped by a happy melancholic mood.

      >>... "I will be a monkey's uncle if I try to figure out the notes as to why it's a good song."

      Actually, according to Charles Darwin, the monkey is YOUR uncle!

      When you have a chance, I suggest you listen to the "REAL" recording of this tune, sans lyrics, with your eyes closed, and see if it doesn't take you somewhere in your mind. Maybe to some long, lost memory of a wonderful time in your life that you know can never be recaptured. And if that doesn't happen for you, then good luck in hell, devil boy! (Kiddin'! Kiddin'! ;^)

      [Link> Theme From 'A Summer Place'

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

    2. "Actually, according to Charles Darwin, the monkey is YOUR uncle!"

      LOL! And I may have joined the new generations who have regressed to having curved down necks (ala the middle of "evolution") because of sitting in front of a computer screen (I do that) and walking around staring at a smartphone (Nope. homie don't play that).

      Let me reply to your joke with another one-liner. When you mentioned in the prior BOB whether you did or did not see Bela Legosi's grave. Bela Lugosi's grave you can't miss, it's cardboard and painted gray per his wishes to honor his service in Plan 9 From Outer Space.

      Brevity is the soul of wit.. and the above went on way too long.

      The instrumental version of the song. My oldest sister was born in 1960 the next one in 1962. The thought of my parents even potentially hearing a romantic song like Summer Place in the entire years that they "did it" grosses me out. Context and associations are everything in music to me. That's why Taylor Swift when a 10/10 in looks had the best songs.

      The song that takes me back is Hues Corporation's "Rock The Boat" which was a new style playing in the summer in a massive community center pool at the time of release. And get this: Grade school kids were allowed to meander around as far as they wanted. And get this: When kids meandered outside of the community center, if the red entrance stamp on your hand wasn't there, a friend could lick the stamp on the back of of his hand and roll it onto the back of your hand so you could get back into the community center turnstile and your parents would be none the wiser! Or, better yet, did they know their kids were doing that and didn't care. Which is good.


      >>... My oldest sister was born in 1960 the next one in 1962. The thought of my parents even potentially hearing a romantic song like Summer Place in the entire years that they "did it" grosses me out.

      Methinks you may be overly "Frasier Crane-ing" it. Perhaps Niles could straighten you out? (...Nah! That would just be doing "The Double Crane".)

      FUN (True) FACT: There was a time when 'Plan 9...' (always and STILL a 'Guilty Pleasure') was on my list of Top 25 Favorite Movies. But I've seen a LOT of movies since then, so now it's only at #666 on my list. (Still LOVE it and still watch it at least once a year!)

      My favorite 'Guilty Pleasure' movie today? It would have to be 'THE SPIRIT OF '76' (1990), starring David Cassidy, and including Tommy Chong and yer boys DEVO. A really GREAT BAD movie! Every American should be required to watch it every July 4th (and also required to get a covid-666 booster shot on the same date).

      >>... The song that takes me back is Hues Corporation's "Rock The Boat"

      Believe it or not, I own that very song on a compact disc! It's on my CD soundtrack album for the movie 'THE SPIRIT OF '76'. That's right, DogG, I own the DVD movie AND the CD soundtrack! And all these years you secretly thought I wasn't really cool! Mang, I've always been a 'Disco Inferno' 'Kung Fu Fighting' while doing 'The Hustle'! I can 'Rock The Boat' even while I'm sick with a 'Boogie Fever'!

      One of my very favorite YT videos ever created:


      ~ STMcDiscoKing

  6. Oh, this made for a lovely start to my day, Stephen T.! The Percy Faith version conjures memories of breaking in my first pair of pointe shoes, and raindrops in a shallow stream right before a cloudburst. The Lennon sisters did an excellent job, but when it came to crooners, Andy soared at our house ;-)
    A vote for Andy Williams!

    1. dIEDRE ~

      I'm pleased as spiked punch that you enjoyed this Battle so much, and I thank you for participating in it!

      It's funny that I've always said that I don't care for crooners. The only two I ever confessed to really liking were Johnny Mathis and Bobby Darin. I even own CDs by both of them!

      But then as the years have gone on, I've come to realize that I also really like Nat King Cole and Michael Buble, and now own CDs by them, also.

      And as I give it even more thought, Andy Williams can definitely be added to my list.

      I guess what I'm really saying is...
      I like crooners.

      This reminds me of the time that I staunchly denied enjoying the Movie Musical genre. I said, "The ONLY movie musicals I like are...", and then proceeded to name off about 13-15 movie musicals. Apparently, sometimes I don't even know what I genuinely dig until I start making a list. :^D

      I totally "get" what you're saying about the memories conjured up by Percy's recording of this song. To me, it's a mood that I call "Goldenshadow".

      This is a very, Very, VERY long blog bit, but if you're interested in learning more about the kind of feeling that recordings like Theme From 'A Summer Place' evoke in me, you could check this out:


      Have you a terrific day, dIEDRE!

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. Goldenshadow. Since you put it that way, I'm on my way - thanks!

  7. posted for,
    on behalf of,
    and in remembrance of...

    August 3, 2021 at 9:13 PM

    And Stephen,

    Back at the battles I see! Seein how I went to school with a Lennon Sisters sister who was in my class at St. Mark's. I'm voting for the Lennon Sisters. And the aforementioned sister was probably my first crush. I actually got her phone number and asked her out but she said her mom said no. First crush and first rejection. Now I know why I drank :). And to top it off a couple of her brothers and cousins were also going to my school and her cousin is now in the Band Venice with her younger brother Kip and older brother Dan. A very musical family.


    1. ...AND, POOH, THAT'S NOT ALL!...

      Mickey's Big Mouth made you put your comment on the wrong page, but I fixed it for ya.

      >>... I went to school with a Lennon Sisters sister

      Would that be... a nun?
      Might it even be... the Flying Nun?
      And might that be a nun flying on mary jane?
      (You Catholics were worse than the gang members I went to school with! ...And still are.)

      >>... I actually got her phone number and asked her out but she said her mom said no.

      And rightly so!
      Not because you weren't handsome enough.
      And not because you weren't Catholic enough.
      But because you didn't wear a "proper hat".

      >>... First crush and first rejection. Now I know why I drank :).

      Kinda like buying your first Orange Crush and then not being able to get the bottle cap off, eh?

      Thanks for stopping by with two cents for muh kitty. "MEOW!"

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

  8. Hey Stephen,

    The Lennon Sisters sound angelic and I really loved their version but Mary said it best, Andy Williams' vocals are like a summer breeze making him also my pick in this showdown. Give my vote to ANDY WILLIAMS!

    How cool, you met Dee Dee Lennon! DH met Andy Williams in the early 80s. He was in town crossing the street just behind the TVA towers where DH worked at the time and he called out "Hello" to Mr. Williams. He stopped to chat with him for a few minutes and DH said he was genuinely polite. I would've liked to have met him.

    I do remember the days of Lawrence Welk watching the Lennon Sisters. They graced my parents' old picture box beautifully and just like this recording, they sung like angels. I remember watching the Andy Williams show but it might have been in the 70s when he had the Donny and Marie Osmond on frequently. I can't say for sure I remember the Lennon Sisters on his program.

    I've always enjoyed the crooners. They have a special sound which I totally love and am always delighted when I hear a youngster mimicking that style.

    Great battle, my friend! And, thanks for stopping by to cast your vote in my August 1st battle. Have a great day!

    1. CAThy ~

      I'm gratified to know that you enjoyed this Battle so much.

      It seems that more times than not, when people met the Old School celebrities, the stars seemed pretty down to earth and willing to spend a little time mingling with us commoners.

      Andy has pretty well run away with this contest, but sometimes that's just the way the crooner crumbles... the opposition.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  9. Andy Williams gets my vote on this one

  10. I read your comment to Mary before preparing my bote today, and I've got to say, I feel so much better now. I'm late in getting this bote to you, not because I myself am late, but because I've been chewing on it the past few days and even now, I feel like I'm just forcing myself to make a gut reaction. For me, it's that close, too. The Lennon Sisters have this heavenly harmony that's just so charming and peaceful, while Andy Williams has that classic crooner sound that I'm a sucker for. Both of those songs feel like a trip back to a better time.

    Ultimately, and this will probably never happen again, this is most likely the first and only time I'm boting for any kind of "Lennon". Give my bote to the heavenly harmony, and tell ol' Andy it was nuttin' personal.


      "...heavenly harmony", eh?

      And The Alliteration Award goes to...

      >>... "Both of those songs feel like a trip back to a better time."

      Fun Fact: Theme From 'A Summer Place' is piped through a sound system up and down the main street 24/7/365 here in Willoughberry. (That's the secret to keeping it 50 years away from the nearest sh*thole. ;^)

      >>... "this is most likely the first and only time I'm boting for any kind of "Lennon"."

      I hear *that*
      There's a first (and often last) time for everything!

      >>... "tell ol' Andy it was nuttin' personal."

      I told him everything is Gomer 'n' Goober's fault. (Secretly, we really know it's his deputy but... shhh!.)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  11. Hi Stephen, I never realized that there were lyrics to "A Summer Place." Hearing the theme song reminded me of "Splendor In The Grass," and according to Google, both themes were performed by The Percy Faith Orchestra. Who knew this would turn out to be one of my most productive days in a long time?! Though I've never been a fan of Andy Williams, I think he did a very nice rendition of this song, so he gets my vote. Oh, the angst of young love. Thanks for a most entertaining and educational BOTB!


    1. HiYa, GEM JULIE! ~

      I thank you for stopping by to register your input in this Battle. (Would you like a receipt for the two cents? And will you please take our Customer Satisfaction survey at the end of this call? ...Oh, and something about pressing 1 for tea & crumpets.)

      Now, I KNOW I know 'Grazing In The Grass' by Friends Of Distinction. I even have that recording on my 2-CD set 'GROOVY 60s' (incidentally the same CD set on which I have a recording of Theme From 'A Summer Place' by Percy Faith & His Orchestra). But 'SPLENDOR In The Grass'? Hmmm.... I've certainly heard OF it, but I can't immediately recall how that one goes. As soon as I sign off on this comment, I'm-a go to YT and give 'er a listen.

      >>... Oh, the angst of young love.

      And the angst of old men in old love.
      Being on the younger side of Middle Age, I'm completely immune to all the insanity.
      ([;-D} Right, right!!)

      Thanks again for taking some time to stop and hear the roses!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  12. Al Bondigas here. Great battle, I love this song. Nobody could ever match Percy Faith's version, but both of the contestants were great. 'Theme From A Summer place by Percy Faith and his orchestra is one of my favorite instrumentals ever. Ok, on to the rulin'. As Birgit so astutely pointed out, the harmony performed by the Lennon sisters was excellent. It really brings me back to a special place, like maybe a summer place. Anyway, Andy Williams' version was great, but my rulin' goes to the Lennon Sisters. That's it. That's my rulin'.

    1. JUDGE AL ~

      You came to a rulin' on my BOTB even before I've come to muh own rulin'.

      I'm happy as Mickey's Big Mouth that you "apprceeated" this Battle.

      Let's get together tomorrow and celebrate the birth of a great savior, eh?

      No, you know it's not Jesus I'm referring to. I'm referring to the birth of a guy who knew how to apply a makeshift tourniquet in a time of literal life & death emergency.

      Yak Tomorrow, McBrother.
      (You owe me, Punk! I expect "Gorilla Milk" in payment.)

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation


    If you are interested in seeing the final vote tally for this 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' installment and my closing thoughts on it, you can put the following URL into your browser:

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'


All submitted comments that do not transgress "Ye Olde Comment Policy" will be posted and responded to as soon as possible. Thanks for taking the time to comment.