Tuesday, February 8, 2022




First and foremost, I wanna say THANK YOU to each and every one of you who visited my little corner of the blogosphere, listened and submitted a "bote" in my latest Battle Of The Bands contest. (And another warm welcome to our newest friend, CarolCooks2.)


The BOTB contestants were Dr. John ('Right Place, Wrong Time') and the Average White Band ('Pick Up The Pieces') and the Battle took place [link> HERE


The turnout was good, but the contest... not so much. I actually thought this would be a neck-and-neck race with the AWB coming out on top by maybe 2 or 3 votes. After all, 'Pick Up The Pieces' was a #1 Billboard hit, while 'Right Place, Wrong Time' topped out at #9. But sometimes the underdog beats the favorite, and that's why we play this game to begin with.


For me, this was a tough one to vote on because I seriously dig BOTH songs quite a bit; there's a little bit o' Funky R&B soul in this old White bloke. In 'Pick Up The Pieces', there's a point in that sax solo (about 2:36-2:41) where the Funk runs right up my spine and literally makes my White shoulders shiver!! (It's like sex, only better.)


Even so, after a good deal of deliberation, my own vote went to Dr. John. Really, just because his song has a bit more "grit". He was seriously gettin' on down with his bad, bearded self!



Dr. John = (cranked up to) 11 

Average White Band = 4 


[View: Looking East from the back porch of the Silver Dollar Saloon.]


Again, I thank all y'all for visiting the Silver Dollar Saloon in Virginia City with me, and I hope to see y'all back here again for my next BOTB installment on March 1st. Until then...


Bless And Be Blessed!! (It's a karmic thang instituted by God, Who's pert-dern smart!)


~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. That was indeed a surprising outcome. I do like Dr John but his voice does grate on me at times and I've heard "Right Place" so many times. It's a good song, but I just like that clean sharp funk of AWB.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. I thought this was going to be a very close contest, with pretty evenly matched songs, popularity-wise and stylistically, but... as I mentioned in a comment on your blog recently, I knew that I was due for a BOTB blowout soon. And I got it with my very next offering.

      Oh, well, my next one will be better.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy STUFFS'

  2. I wonder if in some cases being a #1 song can have a deleterious effect on votes for Some songs because subconsciously (Dr Freud here) people are tired of it. If "Play That Funky Music" was pitted against a Saturday Night Fever I may have voted for the song I was less tired of. That being said, I may vote which coincides with the more popular song.


    1. Professor G-DogG ~

      You may very well be onto something there. I do think that Don McLean's song 'AMERICAN PIE' having been played to death probably hurt it a bit in its Battle against David Essex's 'Rock On' in my James Dean series.

      In fact, if memory serves me, I think a couple of people may have even mentioned that they were simply tired of eating... I mean, HEARING 'American Pie'.

      BOTB really is a tricky thing, because there are all kinds of variables to consider when putting together a match-up. I still like the challenge, and having never had a shutout after 8+ years, I guess I have at least a modicum of understanding what constitutes a potentially interesting contest.

      Thanks for checking up on the outcome, Brother. And I enjoyed our Baretta / Starsky & Hutch rave-up in the comment section. It was reminiscent of the old BigBitch.com days.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy STUFFS'

  3. Just stopping by to say Hello to a favorite blog buddy!

  4. Yeah, I love the "grit," but the outcome was still surprising, considering most people's tastes are more "genteel." ☺

    1. DEBBIE ~
      Right, right.
      And 'Pick Up The Pieces' was a huge hit that even White people could (kind of) dance to. I'm still shaking my head about how lopsided this "Battle" turned out.

      Oh, well. At least I hope everyone enjoyed drinking with me at the Silver Dollar Saloon. (I deliberately avoided tequila, so I wouldn't owe people apologies after the night of drinking was finished. ;^)

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

  5. Stephen,

    I came over the other day to check to see if you had a mid-month battle going on when I found your results post. I left a comment but it's not showing up. You may wish to check your spam folder. Anywho, I was on the wrong side in this battle but I'm not too broken up about it since they are both excellent oldies. Thanks for dropping by to cast your bote in my Feb. 15th BOTB!

    1. CAThy! ~

      Sorry about the missing comment. It didn't show up as spam or anything else. I'll check with the 'Missing Comments Bureau' at my local law enforcement office and see if Detective Colunko can track it down.

      I have a lot of complaints about Blogger, but to its credit, it doesn't often lose submitted comments. I guess it was just picking on you the other day. If I were you, I'd take it personally. ;^D

      I'm glad you went with the AWB. They needed all the botes they could muster in this blowout.

      I'll be back with a new BOTB blowout on March 1st, my friend.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy STUFFS'


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