Thursday, December 1, 2022


Yes, it's Christmastime
and, yes, it's also time for.....
Battle Of The Bands (BOTB).
Shoop-Shooby –
Shooby-duh-Dooby-Doop-Dooby-Dooby-Doo-Wah –


In doing a little personal research attempting to decide what Holiday song to use this year, I was doggone shocked to discover that in over 8 years of BOTB, I have never once used Johnny Mathis in a contest. So, I'm going to fix that right now.
Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!
Below are two really excellent versions of the classic 'O HOLY NIGHT' for you to 
*close your eyes and listen* to, and then vote on. And when you're done voting here, please visit the other BOTB participants and cast a vote in their Battles as well.
And by all means, get you a Merry Christmas & Happy Holiday!
I'll return on or about December 8th to add my vote and announce the winner.
Johnny Mathis - O Holy Night
Josh Groban - O Holy Night [with lyrics]

My Friends, Bless And Be Blessed!!
~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. Howdy, Stephen T.!
    Good song, great challenge. Honestly, besides (maybe) Barney Fife, has anyone ever done a bad Christmas song ?;-) I kind of feel like a traitor, but I'm voting for Josh Groban.
    Wishing you the happiest holiday season!

    1. dIEDRE ~

      HA! "Barney Fife" & "singing" are words that should never appear together in the same sentence. (It made for some pretty funny stuffs in TAGS, though!)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  2. This has long been one of my favorite Christmas songs. Has this song never been used in any previous Battle? Seems like it might have been, but I cannot recall after so many years of BOTB.

    These are both top notch versions so it makes it a tough choice. I'm going to have to go with the more unique voice of Mathis. He makes it sound like a song sung by an angel.

    Mathis for me.

    Merry Christmas and all that goes with that sentiment!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Hi, LEE ~

      Yes, I know that FAE used 'O Holy Night' once years ago. Because I was about to use it myself, but when I learned that she planned to, I went with something else instead.

      This is one of my real big favorite Christmas songs, also. When I really concentrate on Johnny's voice (usually with my eyes closed), I think of sacred Old Testament annointing oil gently floating on a pool of Holy water. Those last two notes sound like eternal purity to me.

      I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, my friend.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  3. Oh man, hands down, Josh Grobin. He has a much stronger and more resonate voice. I never cared for Mathis anyway. I felt he sang a bit nasally and he doesn't have the range Grobin has.

    1. BIRGIT ~

      Thanks as always for taking time to come by here to listen and contribute your input to the BOTB kitty!

      I hope you're well and have a terrific Christmas holiday, m'dear!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  4. This is a beautiful hymn and both Johnny and Josh do a beautiful and respectful job of it. I was surprised to find that I liked Josh's version a little better, so I'm going with him this round.

    1. JOHN ~

      It looks like Josh is cleaning house in this Battle.

      Maybe Johnny should have hired Julie Newmar to crack a whip while he sang. It might have been worth a few more votes to him.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  5. It won't surprise you that I am going to vote for Grosh Jobin. What will surprise you is hearing how close it was. VERY close. I almost voted for Mathis, and he is not a favorite. But at this point in civilization (may I still call it that?) he is an essential part of Christmas and I enjoy hearing him this time of year. The best voice of all time sang it this way:
    Listen to the high notes! Ahh, perfection.

    BTW, didn't you once pit Mathis against Karen Carpenter or Willie Nelson? Maybe we just joked about it as being a BotB that I would not enjoy much.
    Sixgun McItchyfinger


      I actually thought about starting out this Battle with Josh Groban up by one vote over Mathis, just because I knew your vote for Groban was a sure thing. I'm glad to learn that it was actually a whole lot closer for you than I could have possibly imagined.

      Yes, to me, Johnny Mathis is an absolutely ESSENTIAL part of Christmas. His 1958 album 'MERRY CHRISTMAS' with the Percy Faith Orchestra, purchased by my Ma a year before I was born, has been played multiple times during every Christmas season of my entire life. It wouldn't be Christmas without it.

      Ha!-Ha! No, I never did a 3-Way Battle using Mathis, Karen Carpenter & Willie Nelson, but I've joked about threatening to do so just to send you into a rage. :^D I think that once I may have even very briefly looked into the possibility of such a Battle but couldn't find a song that all three had recorded.

      I listened to your preferred version of 'O Holy Night' twice. For sure, that dude has a fabulous voice, there's no denying that fact. But speaking just for me, the reason I have never really been able to embrace that sort of operatic vocal style is that much (most) of the time, the presentations strike me as being a great deal more focused on showing off the singer's pipes, rather than focusing on trying to vocally express the actual sentiment or feeling that the lyrics are intended to convey. For example, despite his powerful voice and precision, I wasn't really convinced that the singer was truly feeling the message he was singing. I didn't hear awe and reverence in his voice; I found it too "showy", or "bigger" than the message.

      To illustrate this in a slightly different way, I will ALWAYS take Ella Fitzgerald over Whitney Houston; I will ALWAYS take Karen Carpenter over Mariah Carey.

      Your BOTB participation was, is, and will always be appreciated, my friend! Thank you!!

      Have a Happy Christmas & a Merry New Year, Sixgun.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  6. I just realized that in your previous blog bit announcing the winner, you started by saying that you were 'in the ho-owww-se'. Have you been hanging out with Simon Peter? ;)

    This was surprisingly close for me, and I kind of figured that Josh would blow away Johnny in the vocal department, but Johnny really held his own. But ultimately, it comes down to two things.

    1) The absolute powerhouse-blessed-by-God voice.
    2) I just *love* spoonerisms (thanks Sixgun).

    So give my bote to Grosh Jobin.

    ~Jief Chulio


      Guchos Mracias for checking in with a BOTB bote! Grosh appreciates your appreciation.

      As a matter of fact, I was indeed recently hanging out with Simon Peter in the studio where he is currently recording his newest Hip-Hop album, tentatively titled 'Home In Jerusalem For The Holidays'. I hear Mariah Carey is going to make some racket on it as a guest artist.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  7. Mr Stephen are you reading my mind? Just the other day I was listening to the Christmas music station when this song came on. One of my most favorite songs I should say. I thought it would make a great battle - but English vs Latin. If it weren't late in the day and the fact I had already scheduled my December battle I may have done it.

    I'm voting for Mr Groban. No offense to Mr Mathis, who does a good job, but Mr Groban comes across much smoother.


    1. MMQE ~

      Not only am I not able to read the minds of others, I'm rarely even able to read my own mind (and it's rather Seussian simplistic to begin with).

      I was pleased as spiked punch to see that John came by and saved your Battle from a shutout. I've always thought of Birgit, Mike (wherever he's gone off to), and John as BOTB's 'Shutout Busters'. They often tend to go the opposite direction of the crowd in BOTB blowouts. I'm not sure if it's just sympathy for the BOTBer on their part, or if they really are that weird.
      (HA!! ;^D)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  8. Yo S-Man,

    Both fantastic songs with different styles.. and I gotta vote for Mathis as he seems to feel it more, is both getting his chops and phrasing from higher in the sky and reciprocating higher. And sounds like his homie, his bro God gave him the word to kick it freestyle where Groban seems more reverential, traditional, to an awesome God for whom he feels he must color within the lines.

    For some reason I gravitate to Sinatra Christmas songs each year... and of course his fellow dapper snapper Richard Cheese with his golden pipes phrasing informed by life, loss, love (inspired, granted, not by Ava Gardner but a redheaded showgirl Tiffany who slashed his tires between thrice trying to frame him for stealing $5 chips before remarrying him yet again), Cheese, when he gets his mitts on a classic... like catnip...

    Hope you're having a great holiday season and have a Merry Christmas.

    Peace and cheers,

    G Dzogg


      As always, I appreciate your BOTB participation and your one-of-a-kind analysis which leaves me speechless, breathless, and entertained!

      I agree with your assessment about Mathis seemingly channeling Divine awe and praise from on High.

      >>... an awesome God for whom he feels he must color within the lines.

      Ha!-Ha! That line really tickled me. I suppose because, not only have I usually been an outside-the-lines kind of guy, but I'm the kind of guy who usually can't even SEE where the lines are!

      I should probably give Frankie a listen. I'm only marginally familiar with his more well known Christmas ditties. I'll check him out mo' better THIS Christmas season. I will.

      Dick Cheese with his Las Vegas in Christmas-- er... I mean, with his Christmas in Las Vegas (if Christmas is supposed to be colorful then Vegas wins!) reminded me of what I've been saying for years now:

      [Link> It's just not Christmas for me until I hear Tiny Tim cough his way through 'Amazing Grace'!!

      Thanks for yer bote, Dogg! You seem to have started something that's gotten Mathis back into this Christmas brouhaha!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  9. Stephen,

    You certainly put together two superior artists in this battle. I really like Josh Groban a lot but I slightly prefer Johnny Mathis. Both artists have beautiful voices but Johnny's voice comes across as pure silky goodness to my ears. Plus, he has more of a traditional essences to it. Thanks for dropping by last week to cast your bote in my BOTB, my friend. Have a magical day!

    1. Hello, CAThy!

      I'm pleased as spiked punch that you came by to drop yer two cents into the BOTB kitty. Kitty appreciates it!

      "Silky goodness" strikes me as a top-notchly accurate way to describe the voice of Johnny Mathis. Now if only that "silky goodness" could be transformed into evening wear for high-class ladies, eh? ;^D

      Johnny was getting his head caved in by Grosh Joban for quite awhile here, but all of the sudden we've got us a real "Battle". Thanks again for contributing, my friend. And I hope your Christmas season is filled with... silky goodness!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  10. And Stephen,

    Good battle. Reminds me of hot buttered rums, bloody shins, and the Hangover Waltz. Quite possible in that order. Liked Josh's orchestration, ya I said it! But I've gotta go with Johnny Mathis' timeless version as it there are so many memories hanging on that version. Hope you and Judge Al are well and enjoying the season. But not as much as we used to, that would be dangerous at our age!
    Be well, be kind, be grateful.

    1. ...AND, POOH, THAT'S NOT ALL!!...

      >>... Reminds me of hot buttered rums, bloody shins, and the Hangover Waltz. Quite possible in that order.

      Well, after all, that WAS the natural order of the thing.

      It sill amazes me how civilized the Bay Street House could be while my parents were there on Christmas Eves. I didn't know we even had that in us! But, of course, the minute they said "Goodnight" and left for their own home... "Ding-Dong, the witch is dead, the witch is dead! Ding-Dong, the witch is dead!..."

      Muchos dineros-- uhm... I mean, MUCHOS GRACIAS for visiting my blog at this "most wonderful time of the year" to cast a BOTB bote in my Holiday Fisticuffs Exhibition! This has turned into a neck-and-neck fight to the Finish line.

      Not too many Pepsi Lights this season now, you hear me? I don't wanna have to bail you out of a Mexican jail again, mi hermano.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  11. Al Bondigas here. This may be the closest battle you've ever had, according to my ears. I love the Johnny Mathis version that we grew up with, and it really aint Christmas until I've heard Johnny's blessed voice doing that song. I heard the Josh Groban version a couple of years ago and it really knocked my socks off, ( I figure that's how I developed that nasty athlete foot problem I suffered with that Christmas season ). Anyway, Groban's rendition is so powerful that it gives me goose bumps. As much as I love Johnny Mathis' version, I gots to go with Groban. Great battle bro, and almost as great as our ping pong battles. Rulin' fer Groban. That's it, that's muh rulin'!!

    1. WELL! I NEVER...!!

      >>... Anyway, Groban's rendition is so powerful that it gives me goose bumps

      Judge Athletes Foot, real men don't get goose bumps! They get athlete's feet but NOT goose bumps.

      Please turn in your Man Card at the nearest Uncle Scam Man Card Reclamation Center.

      Yip! Yer bote surprised me this time. (I think it's the lighting... like Andy said.) Just when you think you know a fella...

      Thanks for your continued BOTB support. It's goot karma yer earning. Keep it up because... well... BECAUSE.

      ~ Stephen-Boy
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation


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