Welcome back, my friends, to the "Battle" that never ends.
We're so glad you could attend. Come inside! Come inside!
This is 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' ('BOTB') where you listen to different recordings and vote for the one you like best. A new Battle gets posted on the 1st of each month and on the 7th, I place my own vote, tally 'em all up and announce the winner.
Friend? Foe? Stranger? No matter, ALL are welcome. So pull up a chair, pour yourself 24 oz. of DOG BITE High Gravity Lager (or the poison of your choice) and turn it up to Eleven!
[NOTE: Links to the first year of 'BOTB' (#1 - #24) can be found at the very bottom of this page.]

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


Well, hoot 'n' holler!
Got change for a dollar? 
If not, I'll ask Rockefeller.
My 9th, 9th, 9th, 9th, 9th, 9th, 9th, 9th, 9th BATTLE OF THE BANDS' Battle Of The Booze contest took place HERE. It may have been Chihuahua-like, but it warn't no dog!
We talked about horse racing; 99-cent Margaritas; me ol' pal, General Poohregard; my dearly missed friend, Martin Brumer; and we also yakked about movies & music. And I thanks each 'n' every one o' youse who came by to listen and vote. It was a nice turnout!
After adding in my own vote for Tom Waits & Crystal Gayle (I'm sure my vote came as no surprise to anyone), the BOTB outcome was very much like what I had anticipated:
Tom Waits & Bette Midler = 4 votes
Tom Waits & Crystal Gayle = 9 votes
Waits & Gayle will advance to the post-season playoffs round. And on May 15th I expect to return here again for a very high-energy old school-like Rock 'n' Roll contest in the "Rockabilly" style. I hopes all y'all will return here, too! 
Until then, may you all...
Bless & Be Blessed 
and Cheech & Chong!
~ Stephen T. McCarthy 
(Or a reasonably unreasonable facsimile thereof. Doeth thou understandeth?)


  1. Not a surprising outcome, but at least it wasn't a blowout! Mine was a disaster. 🤯

    1. HiYa, DEBBIE! ~

      Actually, to my way of thinking, any Battle that ends with a five-vote or greater differential between the winner and loser is officially a blowout. So, unfortunately, I do consider this Battle to have been a blowout. But I actually expected it, and... I've had worse! :^D

      I think my next contest on May 15th may be a pretty tight race.

      Now, I'm off to check up on your self-proclaimed "disaster".

      ~ D-FensDogG

  2. Good battle, Stephen T! I love it when the side I go for wins ;-)
    Now that you mention it, you were quite chatty this go around. I was real sorry to hear about your buddy Martin. Nonetheless, we all (I'm sure) enjoy your stories of life and friendships - Oh! and music and drinking ;-)
    Rockabilly, huh? I'm definitely coming back for that. Not sure I can scrape a post together for me, though. Happy springtime!

    1. dEAR dIEDRE ~

      >>... "you were quite chatty this go around."

      No, no. I was yakky, not chatty. Real Men don't chat, they yak.

      >>... "your stories of life and friendships - Oh! and music and drinking"

      Wait 'til we get to my July 1st Battle. I got a goot story for *that* one!

      I know quite a lot of music, but I know even mo' 'bout drinkin'.

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. Aw, no harm intended. "Chatty" just flowed better than "conversed" - or even "Yak", like what the cat does behind the sofa ;-)

    3. Ha! It must be a male cat. ;^)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  3. Well, that's the outcome I wanted. Crystal is a lot better looking than Bette and I like her better too.

    Your outcome ratio was very similar to my own.


    1. LEE ~

      This certainly wasn't a competitive Battle, but I figured it wouldn't be, so it doesn't leave me disappointed. I liked the concept behind this Battle too much to pass on it, even though I was pert-dern sure how it would turn out. (My Brother's vote, however, came as a real shocker to me. So that was interesting.)

      ~ D-FensDogG


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