Monday, February 1, 2016


There are some things that just naturally work well together. (Don't worry, I'm not going to go there!) Some of those elements that come immediately to my mind (aside from that!) are...

Simon & Garfunkel; Laurel & Hardy; Rocky & Bullwinkle; Andy & Barney; Peanut Butter & Jelly; Roy Rogers & Trigger (Roy probably loved Dale Evans a little bit, also); Rock & Roll; Rhythm & Blues; Cheech Y Chong ("We're just here together and, uh - I mean, like, we're not TOGETHER, you know, like, THAT way!" ~Cheech Marin); Tom Sawyer & Huck Finn; Lewis & Clark; Fish & Chips; Chips & Dip; Peas & Carrots; Gin & Tonic; Romeo & Juliet; Jane & Tarzan; Lady & The Tramp; Me & Bobby McGee; Me & Mrs. Jones; Me & Julio Down By The Schoolyard; Batman & Robin & Catwoman (there's something to be said for an A-list comic book ménage à trois!); Cats & Dogs; Nick & Nora Charles; Bob & Ray (genius radio comedians well ahead of their time); Yo-Ho-Ho & A Bottle Of Rum; Baseball & Beer; Peanuts & Beer; Pizza & Beer; Beer & Beer; and The Beer Boys: Bryan & Brandon of the website 'A Beer For The Shower'.

I believe another good match is the bi-monthly 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' ('BOTB') blogfest and the new kid on the block - the 'LOST & FOUND VALENTINE'S' blogfest. Heck, even their respective logos look good together:

When Arlee Bird asked me if I wanted to participate in 'Lost & Found Valentine's' blogfest, I immediately said, "Hell no!" 

Naw. Actually, I said, "Sure. Why not?" I mean, all I needed to do was use a BOTB song related to the theme of the blogfest (Lost Love, Found Love, or Lost & Found Love). How difficult could it be? (Although I opted for "Love Found & Lost".)

And as a matter of fact, I already had an entry on my list of "Songs To BOTB Someday" that is one of my favorites of all time, and it had been patiently relaxing on my list for over two years, just waiting for the perfect moment to make its BOTB grand entrance.

But there is no "i" in "Romance", therefore "i" have decided to use a love song that is NOT about romantic love. At least, my personal history dictates that this song is about familial love rather than romantic love, although most of the world "shirley" interprets it differently.

When I was a boy, we had a portable music-playing machine - something my Maternal Grandpa probably picked up at a garage sale and gave to my Ma. It was either an 8-track player or small, portable reel-to-reel tape player. We only had a couple of tapes we could play on it, but one of those tapes contained the beautifully haunting song 'THE SHADOW OF YOUR SMILE', which was a huge favorite for my Ma. And over time, that haunting melody permeated my soul. 

Today, 'The Shadow Of Your Smile' must be one of my Top 30 favorite songs ever composed. 

"The shadow of your smile, when you are gone..."

Naturally, it instantly reminds me of my Mom, Shirley, who has been "gone" since July 9, 2005 at 8:21 PM - the moment when she went Home to God. I think of her often, even though I KNOW I'll see her again someday (my Pa, too), and sooner than later.

Alright, let’s get on it...


Wackypedia sez:
"The Shadow of Your Smile", also known as "Love Theme from The Sandpiper" ... was written by Johnny Mandel with the lyrics written by Paul Francis Webster. The song was introduced in the 1965 film 'The Sandpiper', with a trumpet solo by Jack Sheldon [remember that name, you'll need it later] and later became a minor hit for Tony Bennett (Johnny Mandel arranged and conducted his version as well). It won the Grammy Award for the 'Song Of The Year' and the Academy Award for 'Best Original Song'. In 2004 the song finished at #77 in 'AFI's 100 Years... 100 Songs' poll of the top tunes in American cinema.

Let The Battle Begin...


Astrud Gilberto is a Bossa-Nova singer best known for the best known version of the song 'The Girl From Ipanema' (it went to #5 on the Billboard chart in 1964).

'THE SHADOW OF YOUR SMILE' -- Astrud Gilberto


Alright now, “you know the gig”... I welcome you (whoever you are) to vote for your favorite of these songs in the comment section below. And feel free to tell us WHY you chose one song over the other. 

After voting here, I suggest - actually I insist - you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there also. (If their ‘BOTB’ blog bits aren’t posted yet, pour yourself two shots of ‘Grand Marnier’ over ice – do it twice – and then return to their blogs to vice your voice your vice ...voice your vote.)

Voice Your Vote @ ‘FAR AWAY SERIES’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘YOUR DAILY DOSE’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'THE DOGLADY'S DEN' by clicking HERE.
@ 'ANGELS BARK' by clicking HERE.
@ 'J.A. SCOTT' by clicking HERE.
@ 'NOVELBREWS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'QUIET LAUGHTER' by clicking HERE
@ 'REINVINTAGED' by clicking HERE.
@ 'HOLLI'S HOOTS & HOLLERS' by clicking HERE

As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 7th and 21st of each month to post my own votes and announce the winners in the comment sections.

I urge you to visit other participants in the 'LOST  &  FOUND  VALENTINE'S' blogfest by clicking HERE, which will lead you to Arlee Bird's blog with the official blogfest 
Linky-Link... I thinky-think.

~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. I'm going to go with the second one for the battle. It's just a little peppier.

    1. CRYSTAL ~
      Sorry I'm so late getting here. My work schedule has me working 12.5 hour days every Monday through Wednesday (37.5 hours in 3 days), which leaves me no time for anything until Thursdays, when I begin my 4-days "off" from work.

      Thanks for your vote!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Loyal American Underground'

  2. There are a few special songs when it comes to reminders of my Mom and Dad. Ironically, 'their song' was Tony Bennett's, "Because of You." So, I hear Tony and think of them. Give my vote to Tony Bennett.

    1. DIXIE POLKA ~
      Sorry I'm so late getting here. My employment schedule has me working 12.5 hour days every Monday through Wednesday (37.5 hours in 3 days), which leaves me no time for anything until Thursdays, when I begin my 4-days "off" from work.

      That's as good a reason as any. When I post my results, I will 'splain how Tony Bennett had a connection to my Ma and Pa, also.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  3. I'm so glad you joined in the L&F hop, Stephen—and great picks for both the hop and a battle! I don't think I'd heard either before, but they're both gorgeous. It feels wrong to vote against Tony, but the Bossa Nova version won me over :)

    Excellent battle!
    Guilie @ Quiet Laughter

    1. Thanks for your comment and vote, GUILIE!

      Sorry I'm so late getting here. My employment schedule has me working 12.5 hour days every Monday through Wednesday (37.5 hours in 3 days), which leaves me no time for anything until Thursdays, when I begin my 4-days "off" from work.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  4. This is truly a great song I would agree. I had always put it in context of romantic love, but I can easily see how it would fit into the context of love of family or even friends. It is a song about memories after all and that can include anyone whom we have loved in our lives.

    I don't recall ever having heard the intro in the Bennett version, but I like that touch. The way Bennett performs this is so wistful and beautiful. I really like the way he does this.

    However I'm mighty partial to the bossa nova touch and Astrid's vocals. This is the version I am most familiar with, though I seem to recall hearing it most often done by a singer I can't seem to remember at the moment. I like the diversity of instrumentation and the arrangement on the Gilberto version. This is the version I'll vote for though a vote either way would be a good one.

    Excellent match up for an outstanding piece of music.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Thanks, LEE.
      No doubt the song was intended as a "Romantic" ballad (obvious by the love story movie it was composed for) but, yes, I think it can work in other "lovely" ways as well.

      In fact, it DOES work, as a reminder of my love for my Ma, whom I will see again some glorious day.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  5. Tony Bennett wins this one hands down, well, in my opinion!

    1. Thanks for your time and input, YOLANDA.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  6. This is a sweet song. Very tender.

    Since I was more familiar with Tony Bennett going in, I thought he'd get my vote. BUT, I really liked Astrud Gilberto. So, she slyly came in stole Tony's vote when he wasn't looking. How does that happen????

    1. GIRL WONDER ~
      BOTB is often so full of surprises, ain't it? That's one of the things I like so much about it.

      In Cherdo's Battle, I myself was very surprised to find myself voting AGAINST The Monkees and for a group I'd never even heard of before.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  7. Both songs have merit. I could listen to either. Today, I'm in the mood for Astrud. She has a great and soothing voice.

  8. I like this song. I’ve liked it for a long time, but over the past eleven years it’s reminded me of a man who had a crooked little half smile playing around his face most of the time. I guess you could easily call him a lost love in my life. Today when I listened to both versions here I could see that smile of his and remember it with the bittersweet longing for someone who is gone from this life.

    OK, now that I’m feeling all melancholy…time to vote. I never have cared for Tony much. I know he’s considered an ‘old standard’ and all that jazz, but his voice just doesn’t do it for me. His versions here seems too slow and halting. Probably that’s to give added emotion, but to me it kind of breaks the song into small compartments and I just don’t like it.

    But, with Astrud’s version, even though that bossa nova undertone should make it seem a tad bit more peppy, I feel the lost and found love longing. I can see why this song, especially through this version, reminds you of your mother.

    THEREFORE, give my vote to the girl from…ah I mean…Astrud, hands down.

    1. Very nice comment, FAE. Thanks for taking the time to inform and analyze.

      I can think of few songs that better express the longing for a beloved person than this one does (assuming the person gone did smile once in awhile).

      I keep a picture in my wallet that shows my Ma with one of the best smiles she ever smiled. Her first grandchild had recently been born and you could easily see the happiness on her face.

      I gave yer vote to the girl from Ipanema, not to the boy from Astoria.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  9. Music is probably the most powerful for evoking memories. This is a beautiful song to serve as memories of your mom.
    Although I liked Tony Bennett's version, I really like Astrud Gilberto's version. I liked the instrumentation and it was more upbeat. Please give my vote to Astrud.
    Great song and a great battle Stephen. Thanks for turning me on to this lovely song!

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Thanks, MICHELE!
      I agree. And I think music is unquestionably the most Spiritual of all the art forms.

      Today, I kick myself for wasting time acting and writing when I could have chosen music... where I belonged.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  10. Stephen, This is a haunting song. I remember hearing this in an old movie, I think, but I don't know which it could be now. Anyhow, my vote definitely goes to Astrud and I thought for sure I'd go with Bennett. Imagine my surprise?! Nice battle and match up!

    1. CATHY, I'd bet a pretty penny (and a raggedy one, too) that the movie where you first heard this song was 'THE SANDPIPER' (1965) starring Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor. It was, after all, composed FOR that movie, and as far as I know, it was not used in any later movies... as far as I know.

      BOTB is full o' surprises. That's part of what has kept it so interesting for over 2 years now.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  11. Bittersweet. I believe we see our loved ones again too.

    I will go with Tony Bennet.

    1. ELIZABETH ~
      Yeah, "bittersweet" is the best one-word description of this song.

      And we DEFINITELY see our loved ones again. Sometimes even before we ourselves pass away.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  12. She had a really nice voice, but it was difficult to make out her words. Tony gets my vote.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and voting, ALEX.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  13. I really like the way Tony Bennett does this, with the beginning piece (the lead-in), but I think Astrud Gilberto captured the mood of the song. Plus, Astrud Gilberto...

    I see I've reprised one of your more recent battles this week, but I didn't pit Tito against Brubeck.

    A big part of the reason I love the music I do is because my parents loved it and I heard it so much. It was something we could all appreciate. I can sympathize with you on missing your parents.

    1. JOHN ~
      "Plus, Astrud Gilberto...

      HA!-HA! Say no more, say no more! We're already on the same page.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  14. I have to admit that i know this song well and I always loved the dreamy quality that Astrud gives plus I like the musical styling so she gets my vote. A nice way to remember your mom

    1. Thanks, BIRGIT!
      Glad you know and love it.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  15. I wasn't impressed with Tony, but I sure liked Astrud. Very smooth and emotional. She gets my vote.
    This is a nice song to remember your Ma to. The best kind of love "found and lost".

    I never thought peas and carrots went together well either, but a bottle of Rum goes with EVERYTHING, lol.

    1. OH DONNA! ~
      Thanks! I have a few songs that really remind me of my great Ma, but this one's right up there toward the top.

      Yeah, Peas & Carrots! GAH! Only a demon could have invented that combo. I actually like both of them separately, but NOT mixed together, and never, Never, NEVER out of a can!

      "Rum isn't booze. Rum is survival."
      (An old friend used to say that, and I've never found cause to dispute with him.) And you're right, Rum goes with everything...

      "Do I look fat in this outfit?"
      "Not as long as you're holding that bottle of Rum."

      ~ D-FensDogG

  16. Hi-ya, stranger. I hope all is well with you.

    Okay, you happened to pick one of my favorite songs for this battle. Even before listening to your two versions, I was pretty sure I'd prefer Tony Bennett's version, because that's the one I've always loved, but I listened to both to give the second version a fair shake. I liked #2 okay, but it strikes me as insipidly thin and less evocative of the emotion I associate with this tune. While the peppier upbeat tempo is kinda nice, it seems to make light of what I see as the deeper meaning and emotion of the song. So, yep, I prefer Tony Bennett's more haunting version.

    1. Howdy, SUSKI ~
      Sorry I'm so late getting here. My employment schedule has me working 12.5 hour days every Monday through Wednesday (37.5 hours in 3 days), which leaves me no time for anything until Thursdays, when I begin my 4-days "off" from work.

      I hear what yer saying and can dig yer analysis of the two versions of this song. Thanks for listening and taking the time to comment and vote.

      I'll get over to yer blogfest blog bit soon.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  17. I like the arrangement of the Tony Bennett version much better. I thought I heard a harp. I like harps.

    I like the arrangement of the Tony Bennett version much better. I thought I heard a harp. I like harps.

    I like the arrangement of the Tony Bennett version much better. I thought I heard a harp. I like harps.

    Sorry. Must be Ground Hog Day. (Punxatauny Phil is only 39 % correct through the years, so I guess he’s really an inverse indicator)

    My mom always said that she thought the best singers were men. I think I’d agree with that after hearing both versions. Astrud has a nice voice for a girl with such a weird name, but at one point she sort of sounded like Penelope Cruz…hauntingly annoying.

    Additionally, I think my blood pressure dropped a few “point” when listening to Bennett’s version.

    Bennett gets my vote, but I’ll be humming “The Girl from Ipanema” when I abruptly wake from a sound sleep at 3 a.m. Thanks a lot, Stephen. Nice battle. Should be as close as Hillary / Sanders Iowa vote.


    1. TO: SIG2 ~
      Email comin' soon - I PROMISE! The problem is that I'm such a beloved personality that I have a hard time keeping up with all my fans and those who worship me. (It's tougher than most people could imagine being so wonderful and god-like. Sometimes I wish I was just a normal Joe and Joan like everyone else!)

      Oh, sorry. ...For a moment there I forgot who I really was and thought I was Donald Trump (with slightly better hair).

      Yakking of polistinks... Who do you think will win the next presidential election? The Dumb-O-Crat nominee (who won't be Hellary) or the Repugnantcan nominee (who won't be Trump-et)?

      I agree with yer Ma: The best singers are men.

      E'ing soon. That story you told about the painting was flippin' WILD! ...Unless yer jus' yankin'- ah say- unless yer jus' yankin' muh leg, boy!

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. I may just vote for you. Of course I think we both know that it doesn't really matter who gets voted in. Same end result, just different timelines.

      My money is on that Cuban-Canadian dude.

      Painting story? All true. I'll get to part deux next time around.

      The battle is rounding out well.

      Sig from Ipanema

    3. Yep, I think yer money is the smart money, 'cause the Establishment likes that boy.

      And yep, only the timelines change. Occasionally not even them (Repugnantcan G.W. Bush was able to hurry things along that usually it requires a Dumb-O-Crat to do).

      It's interesting to see how on the political websites, some of the mASSES are starting to wake up and realize that the likes of Rush Limboob and Glenda Beck never really were for We The People and conservative principles such as smaller government, etc.

      They're waking up too little, too late, however, to save themselves.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  18. I don't want to harp on it, but Astrud wins this going away for me. I've never been much of a Tony Bennett fan. I always thought he was the worst of the pop/jazz standards singers of that era - all gone now but him.

    But Astrud's version is haunting and lovely. I remember it from the time and loved it like you did. I was ten. You were... eight?? Seven?

    I'm also interested in where you are going on the Jack Sheldon angle. I remember that guy. He was funny!

    1. JACK SHELDON!... How'd you know that?! But you're right: he was funny! - damned funny!! (I write of him as if he's in the past, although he may still be alive for all I know.)

      I saw him in concert at THE FOUR QUEENS Casino in Las Vegas, circa 1990. Other than Waylon Jennings, he was the funniest musician I ever had the pleasure to watch on stage.

      Mo' later...

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Loyal American Underground'

  19. I liked Tony Bennett's version better, the arrangement was more appealing to me

    1. Thanks, MIKE!
      Just today I was yakkin' on the phone with FAE and told her how much I loved yer BOTB (and how glad I was that Karen was kickin' arse!)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  20. In this rare instance my cohort and I disagree. He's all about Astrud, and as for me, while Tony Bennett is not my favorite of, well, anything, I do like the slower pace of his version more. I feel like it fits the song better, but maybe that's just me.

    So hey, I'm helping fight off a potential blowout by voting for Tony! ...And my cohort is just adding to it by voting Astrud.

    You're welcome (for not much of anything). Like the good American public, we're pretty much voting just for the sake of saying we did and adding to the pile.


    1. 6-B ~
      Beforehand, I tried to figger how you and Beer Boy Brandon would vote on this one, and I NAILED IT!...

      I decided that THIS TIME you two would vote opposite each other.

      The only thing I got wrong was that I thought you would vote for Astrud and Brandon would vote for Tony.

      Well, one out of three ain't... well... it ain't too good. But you know what? In Baseball, one out of three is batting .333, and there ain't a major league team in Baseball who wouldn't pay a guy many millions of dollars if he could bat .333 every year. (He'd be the lead-off hitter on nearly every single team in MLB!)

      So, I ain't the least bit ashamed by my (miserable) prognosticating in this Battle.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  21. Alrigthy Stephen,

    Hmmm both are good. However, I feel Tony Bennett's is better. Now I suppose you're gonna ask me "Why's that brother Pooh?" And I suppose I gots to answer something like I remember the Girl from Ipanema Girl Astrud and her version seems a bit stuck in time, that mid sixties time. Whereas, Tony's version seems a bit more timeless. Now there you heard im' NOW DO SOMETHIN'


    1. ...AND POOH,
      that's not all!!!

      Thanks for your vote!
      And I know it's true because... "I heard it here first on Roller Derby!"

      Of course you do know, I s'pose, that all "Confident Heterosexual" males vote for Astrud.

      Should you decide to accept... the suggestion that you change your vote,... you have two days before this blog bit self-destructs.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  22. Voting for Tony.
    Astrud's version has an instrument interfering with her voice and it's annoying.

      Sorry I'm late. My employment schedule has me working 12.5 hour days every Monday through Wednesday (37.5 hours in 3 days), which leaves me no time for anything until Thursdays, when I begin my 4-days "off" from work.

      But I will be visiting your blogfest blog bit soon.

      And thanks for the vote!
      What initially looked like an Astrud Gilberto blow-out is suddenly looking like a possible Tony Bennett win!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  23. Stephen - Just when I was thinking I was going to make a meaningful contribution, I saw that Pooh beat me to it. I agree that Tony's version is timeless, while Astrud is straight out of the sixties. I still enjoyed both songs, but Tony wins this round. Stephen, thanks for the reintroduction of this romantic ballad.

    P.S.Sorry you have to work such long hours


  24. Al Bondigas here. It's a slam dunk for Astrud Gilberto. Not even close. I think Tony Bennett may be the only performer more boring than stick figure Sinatra. That's right Sheboygan, I said it!! For the life of me, I don't know how Tony Bennett ever made it. I almost fast forwarded the song so I could be done with it. Did I mention that I don't care for Tony Bennett? Anyway, that's it. That's my rulin'.

  25. I swear, I'd listen to these two songs three times this week thinking that I would have some incredible insight and comment to describe why I like one so much more than the other. I had committed my brain cells to tapping the deep dark recess of my cranium. But when all is said and done the fact of the matter is I just like the Tony Bennett version better. Sometimes, you just used to a certain style for a certain song. Call me conservative. This song needs a Tony Bennett and so he gets my vote. Hip hip hooray!

    Astrid, no hard feelings.

    Sorry I'm so late, but man, its been a week!

  26. Both versions were really good, and I liked Astrud's voice, but I'm casting my vote for Tony Bennett because his version was more mournful sounding, and I thought that more closely played into the theme of the song. Both WERE good, though!

  27. Part 1 Of 2:

    STMcC’s Vote On '2016, Feb. 1st: Battle Of The Bands' (Or, 'Tony Bennett Vs. Astrud Gilberto') And The Final Tally:

    Happy Super Bowl Day, Y'all! GO BRONCOS!!!

    My thanks to everyone who took the time to listen and vote in this Battle. Because of the combination of BOTB and the 'LOST & FOUND LOVE' blogfest, this one set a new record for me: 28 voters.

    I know that's nuttin' for a blogger like Arlee Bird, but for me, that's fine participation. So, thanks all y'all!

    As I said in the text of this Battle, this is one of my very favorite songs ever. I love the melancholy mood of it and the lovely, haunting melody.

    I knew from the get-go that I'd be using ASTRUD GILBERTO because her version of this song is far and away my favorite. I own it on CD and to my mind, it is THE DEFINITIVE recording of the song.

    My BOTB Spidey-Sense told me I should make this one a male versus female contest. For awhile I wasn't sure who I'd use against Astrud, but I'd narrowed it down to Vic Damone or Andy Williams. Both of them do excellent versions of this classic. (Better than Tony Bennett, IMO.)

    But when I went to Wackypedia to copy some background info, I discovered that TONY BENNETT had recorded the song also, and his version had been a minor hit for him.

    Well, that was perfect, because my Ma (for whom this Battle was a tribute) had once seen Tony live on stage.

    Long, long ago, my Ma worked as the secretary to a man named Danny Goodman who was in charge of all concessions (food, souvenirs, etc.) for the Los Angeles Dodgers. Danny had amazing contacts throughout the Entertainment Industry, and for my Ma's one-year marriage anniversary, he gave her as a gift, two tickets to see Tony Bennett in Las Vegas (playing at The SANDS Hotel & Casino, I believe).

    Continued Below...

    1. Part 2 Of 2:

      So, my parents went and had a good time but they felt Tony's singing wasn't very good, and my Ma worried about what she should tell Danny Goodman when he asked how the show was. Should she tell the truth and perhaps be perceived as ungrateful? Or should she lie and say Tony was really good?

      When the time came, my Ma opted for the "honest" choice, and as tactfully and delicately as she could, she told Danny when he asked, that she felt Tony's voice seemed a little bit off.

      Danny was surprised to hear that and went away. Unbeknownst to my Ma, Danny went and telephoned Tony Bennett's manager, and the next time he came into the front office, he told my Ma that she had been RIGHT! According to Bennett's manager, Tony was suffering from a pretty bad cold the night my Ma & Pa saw him sing.

      And my Ma told me that she always got the sense that Danny really respected her for telling the truth, rather than glossing over it with a lie. (He probably also came to realize she had a pretty good ear.)

      So, anyway, even though I have never liked Tony Bennett's singing (if you ask me, he's ALWAYS "OFF!", even when he's on), and I've never been able to understand his popularity, it was a no-brainer in this tribute to the love I have for my Ma to use TONY Vs. ASTRUD.

      Now, ASTRUD I LOVE! She is one of my 3 favorite female singers of all time. The other two being KAREN CARPENTER and MAHALIA JACKSON.

      No singers I've ever heard have a greater (Link:->) "SAUDADE" quality to their voices than Karen Carpenter, Astrud Gilberto, and Bobby Darin (when he's singing ballads). Many years before I learned there was a word for this feeling (SAUDADE), I invented one for it: "GOLDENSHADOW".

      Anyway, this turned out to be a dang good Battle. Astrud was running away with it and at one point had a 7 vote lead. But Tony came roaring back in the last couple days of the Battle. He wasn't able to stage a successful comeback, but he sure blew out the blowout.

      Tony Bennett = 13 votes
      Astrud Gilberto = 15 votes

      Thanks again for playing, Everyone, and I hope to see you here again on FEBRUARY 15th for my next BOTB installment.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Loyal American Underground'

  28. I am really surprised at how close this was. Good battle for you, but the closeness casts aspersions on society in general. I blame it on Obama. And Bush.

    1. SBB-6 ~
      I feel you are correct. It's undoubtedly Bush's fault... and Obama's. ...I suspect Hellary Clinton must have had sumpin' to do with it also.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  29. Very close battle... I miss those at my place! Maybe it's my turn for a series of blowouts?!? I'm getting good at it.

    Okay, I voted for Bennett; I told you why. With that, I'll say, 'Adieu"...


    1. DIXIE POLKA ~
      Yep, blowouts aren't usually a whole lotta fun (unless it's Pete Seeger or Whitney Houston getting blownout).

      It's not easy to foretell them sometimes, however, which keeps BOTB a bit mysterious and interesting, I think.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  30. Great outcome though I would have thought Astrud to be more ahead than she was. But Tony has star power as well as a lot of fans so he should be expected to do well.

    Glad the double-whammy blog event helped your voting numbers. It usually works well for me which is why I keep doubling up on posts.

    My numbers will post at 2 AM PST on Monday morning.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. LEE ~
      Yes, I too was surprised that Tony did as well as he did. I kinda figured this would be a somewhat lopsided outcome. And it WAS pretty lopsided for awhile until Tony woke up and started fighting back.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  31. Great battle. I'm surprised she didn't win it by a larger margin. I guess that's what makes it a great battle:)

    1. Thanks, GIRL WONDER.
      Yeah, I expected an Astrud Gilberto win, but I didn't imagine that it would be only a 2-vote margin of victory. That was pretty cool.

      I like close Battles, even if I personally feel that one of the competitors is far, far superior to the other.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Loyal American Underground'

  32. Thanks for the back story. It was cute. Glad to see I've been selecting winners this time around. Oddly enough, visits to my battle were way, way down. Probably one of the lowest since I started BOTB.

    1. JEFFREY ~
      That's odd. I can't imagine why your votes should have been way down. You been offending peoples? (Oh, no, wait. That would be me :o)

      ~ D-FensDogG


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