Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Winners Vs. Rioters, Male Vs. Female, War Vs. Peace, Light Vs. Dark, Good Vs. Evil, Man Vs. Machine, Love Vs. Hate, Dog Vs. Cat, Sun Vs. Moon, Brain Vs. Brawn, Oscar Vs. Grammy, Angel Vs. Demon, Laurel Vs. Hardy, Beer Vs. Wine, TV Vs. Radio, Pitcher Vs. Batter, Paper Vs. Plastic, Reality Vs. Fantasy, Yeshua Vs. Beelzebub, Conservative Vs. Liberal, You Vs. Me, House Vs. Senate, Offense Vs. Defense, Kramer Vs. Kramer, Spy Vs. Spy, Fischer Vs. Spassky, W.C. Fields Vs. Sobriety, Harold Gimpy, Jr. Vs. Sheldon J. Pismire, Rock Vs. Paper Vs. Scissors, Islam Vs. Everything, Singer Vs. Singer, Band Vs. Band...
Shoop-Shooby -
Shooby-Duh-Dooby-Doop-Dooby-Dooby-Doo-Wah -
Yes, it's time once again for 'Battle Of The Bands' ('BOTB').
Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!...
Quite some time ago, I was in a grocery store and perusing the Frozen Dinners section (you thought I'd say the Beer section, didn'tja?) when I noticed the song coming over the store's sound system was 'SETTING ME UP'. I recognized the song instantly because it's a track on what I consider to be probably one of the Top Ten debut albums ever:
"DIRE  STRAITS" : 1978
I'll never forget the first time I heard the song 'Sultans Of Swing' -- it was before the album or song had even been released and I thought it was Bob Dylan.
Anyway, back to the grocery store: Although I knew the song, I did not know the artist. It was a cover version of 'Setting Me Up'. But I thought to myself, "Self, I have a thought: This cover version might work in a BOTB installment."

So when I got home, I went to YouTube to listen to covers and to see if I could determine who I'd been hearing in the grocery store. Well, I determined that the band I was shopping to was Highway 101. However, in my search, I also stumbled upon a cover by Jeannie C. Riley, a firecracker of a woman famous for the 1968 #1 hit 'Harper Valley P.T.A.'.

I thought Jeannie's version was way better'n the Highway 101 version. In fact, I thought it was so good that Jeannie would probably give the phenomenal guitarist Mark Knopfler, of Dire Straits, some competition on his own song. And that brings us here and now. (Funny how some of these BOTB match-ups get born, huh?)
SETTING ME UP -- Mark Knopfler
**The person who uploaded the video at YouTube has the embedding feature turned off. So just click the title above or the URL-Link below and the video should open in a separate window**
SETTING ME UP -- Jeannie C. Riley

Question: Will Jeannie beat Mark in this Battle?
Magic 8 Ball: "My Sources Say No" 

(In case you're wondering, the Magic 8 Ball hasn't missed yet.)

Alright now, “you know the gig”... I welcome you (whoever you are) to vote for your favorite of these songs in the comment section below. And feel free to tell us WHY you chose one song over the other. 

After voting here, I suggest - actually I insist - you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there also. (If their ‘BOTB’ blog bits aren’t posted yet, pour yourself two shots of ‘Grand Marnier’ over ice – do it twice – and then return to their blogs to vice your voice ...vote your vice ...voice your vote.)

Voice Your Vote...

@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘YOUR DAILY DOSE’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'THE DOGLADY'S DEN' by clicking HERE.
@ 'ANGELS BARK' by clicking HERE.
@ 'J.A. SCOTT' by clicking HERE.

As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 7th and 21st of each month to post my own votes and announce the winners in the comment sections.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. Wow! This was a real surprise! I lean towards the Jeannie C. Riley song. I listened to "Harper Valley P.T.A." and I can see why it made a splash years ago.

    1. EPT ~
      Thanks for coming by and voting! And I'm glad you enjoyed it.

      I have always liked 'HARPER VALLEY P.T.A.' Hate to say it but... I'm old enough to well remember when it was being played constantly on AM radio.

      I also remember mini-skirts, "love beads", and "Sock it to me", OH MY!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Loyal American Underground'

  2. I also remember that first time I heard "Sultans of Swing" and thought it was Bob Dylan. The song really blew me away, but it took awhile before I learned who did it--darned radio stations that play stuff and don't tell who it is.

    The local Ralph's Market where I shop usually has some interesting music playing which often evokes memories. That in contrast to most of the other markets around me that usually have some kind of Mexican music playing and it's not my favorite style or usually stuff I recognize. I've had at least one BOTB inspired by a Ralph's visit.

    As far as my pick between these versions, I hate to buck the knowledgeable 8 Ball, but I'm going with Jeanie C Riley on this pairing. I thought Mark's version was somewhat lackluster compared to Riley's spirited take.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Dude, you skeered me. I was sure you'd vote for Knopfler because of the fiddle. Thankfully, Debbie don't like twang!

      I first heard 'SULTANS OF SWING' at the Preview House. They were testing public reaction to it. I wonder if the Preview House still exists. I think it was on either Sunset or Hollywood Blvd.

      Ralph's market, eh? Out of curiosity, what area do you live in, LEE? Give me two major cross streets and I'll know it.

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. My first time hearing "Sultans of Swing" I was driving on I-64 at around 9 PM on a Sunday night just outside Charlottesville, VA on my way to Richmond after driving all day from my parents' house in Maryville, TN--one of the few odd things in my life I remember with great specificity. The song made that big of an impact on me.

      Never heard of the Preview House, but I don't get out much.

      The Ralph's that I shop at is in Downey at the intersection of Lakewood Blvd and Gallatin Rd. right next to the 5 freeway. They closed the one that used to be near me in Pico Rivera and replaced it with a Mexican supermarket, but the one where I shop now is only about 2 miles so that's not all that far. Actually it's probably about the same distance as the one that closed. The back of our house overlooks Rosemead which is the same street as Lakewood but it changes name when it gets to Pico Rivera. Don't know why but I don't particularly care either.

      Arlee Bird
      Tossing It Out

    3. Oh, and so far as the fiddle issue, it was okay, but not enough to sway me from voting for the spunky Jeannie C Riley. I always liked her music. My mother had her Harper Valley PTA album and I used to listen to that one plenty.

      You're right though, a fiddle often does enter heavily into my voting decision.

      Arlee Bird
      Tossing It Out

  3. Oh I really like Jeannie C. Riley's version! The Mark Knopfler was just okay, in my book. I felt engaged in Jeannie's version and it was more lively, which I needed this morning. So please give my vote to Jeannie C. Riley.

    I LOVE Harper Valley PTA. Now that song takes me back...

    Hope you're having a good week Stephen. I'll be interested to see how your 8-Ball prediction works out...

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Howdy, MICHELE ~
      So far, the Magic 8-Ball is getting beaten up. But we know how drastically the voting can swing on these BOTB contests.

      Yeah, 'HARPER VALLEY P.T.A.' was a fun song, huh? It seemed like just about everyone liked that one.

      Hey... we're old.
      How did this happen?
      Ha! :o)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  4. Jeannie C. Riley; there's a name from the past! Her version had a lot of energy, but too much country twang for my taste. I'm going against the grain here and voting for Mark Knopfler. At least now, you know it won't be a shutout. ☺ Cheers!

    1. Thanks, DEBBIE. I was startin' to sweat!! Not because Knopfler started out 3 to Nuttin'. I've seen plenty of BOTB artists start out 3 to Nuttin' only to come back and win the Battle.

      I was sweatin' because LEE voted for Jeannie. I figured that Lee was a "sure thang, can't miss" vote for Knopfler, due to the fiddle playing, which almost always sways his vote.

      But when I saw that even the fiddle couldn't get Knopfler a vote from Lee, I knew this Battle was in deep doo-doo and Shutout-bound.

      So, thanks again, DEBBIE. All I can say is... PHEW! Dodged another one.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  5. Hey There BossDawg...
    Did you happen to drop that Magic 8 ball on the hard cement? Because it seems to be giving you some bad advice today.

    I, too, enjoyed Jeannie's version. Of course, now I can't get Harper Valley PTA out of my head, either!

    The fiddle in Knopfler's version made me want to shout YEEHAW!

    Speaking of grocery stores... are we getting older or are they just playing better music for us these days?

    Catch up with you later!


    1. MARY ~
      It's the darndest thing: One night last week, I got really drunk, fell off my bicycle and hit my head on the pavement. Ever since then, the Magic 8-Ball hasn't worked right.

      The moment I knew that I was officially "old" was the moment I noticed (unfortunately, some years ago now) that the Safeway grocery store I was shopping in was playing Blue Oyster Cult's 'DON'T FEAR THE REAPER'.

      When the music I rebelled to had become the music I shopped to, I knew I was too old to rebel any longer.

      In that Safeway store, I found a clerk and asked, "On what aisle number do you guys keep the cowbell? I need more cowbell."

      ~ D-FensDogG

  6. Mark Knopfler gets my vote - you can't ignore the great guitar and Jeannie is just a bit too much country for me. I do not like most female country singers. . .and because I love that Dire Straits song Money for Nothing!

    1. Hey, thanks for stopping by with a vote, D.G. Glad to see ya here again.

      Mark gets his second vote, and dang did he need it! I'm grateful for you anti-Twang folks who're (barely) keeping Knopfler in the race... on HIS OWN song!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  7. I always thought Chet Atkins would bestow the coveted "CGP" on Mark Knopfler, but I guess he passed on before he could do it. Mark's a great player and he shows it in this video. Jeannie C. Riley is still in fine form; her voice might be a little lower than in her "Harper Valley PTA" days but the fire and sass are still there. Both did a creditable job with this song, but having been a guitar player before the stroke, I'll go with Mark Knopfler on this one.

    1. JOHN ~
      Well, Danny Gatton got no CGP designation either, and he's the best I've ever heard / seen. So Knopfler is still in great company being CGP-less.

      And thanks to your vote, Mark is also starting to come back and make this Battle more respectable.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  8. All my impulses want to go against the magic 8-Ball, just because it felt like a challenge. I love a good challenge. And one I'm willing to accept. But am I able to do so?
    Yes, I do like the version from Jeannie. But strong enough to choose her for my vote? No. It turns out I do like Mark just a tad more. It was a great version that had me dancing in my seat. How can I vote against that?

    1. JEFFY ~
      The Magic 8-Ball was just daring you to contradict it but you... chickened-out.

      Just as well. The 8-Ball can get pretty riled up when he perceives a 7-Ball is trying to overcome him.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Loyal American Underground'

  9. Jeannie Riley’s voice did remind me of Harper Valley PTA which reminded me of Barbara Eden which would have influenced my vote since I like Jeannies and Tinkerbelles so much. But I have no choice but to vote for the version by the Dire Straits guy since I have Knoeffler receptors in my brain. Nothing I can do about it. I developed these after hearing a live version of “Wag the Dog” on the YouTube a few years ago and was reminded how uniquely cool his voice is. His version of ‘Setting Me Up’ is just twangy enough too. Just the right mix of Knoeffler cool and twang. Very twangcool. Twank you very much.

    Astute musical observations aside, I still appreciate your well use of grammer and gud spelling and puktuashon. I remember asking you if your mom was an English teacher because there’s never a word out place in your posts. Some of us morans can still appreciate that.

    I just happened to catch the final episode of M*A*S*H on Veterans Day. When the crew took turns telling what they were going to do after the war ended, they kept cutting to you with a small group reacting to what was said. “There he is. There he is again!” A sure win for me in the “ M*A*S*H Find STM Drinking Game”

    Sig Toowang

    1. Twang Chung Too ~

      >>... I still appreciate your well use of grammer and gud spelling and puktuashon. I remember asking you if your mom was an English teacher because there’s never a word out place in your posts. Some of us morans can still appreciate that.

      Its "maroons", ya idjit!

      Just between you and me i dont rilly rite these posts. i have a smart saint bernieard dog i call "Sanders" who rites em for me while i drink marteenis.

      As oftin as you catch me on that show you otter be drunk most of the time. ever see me drinking in the officers club? If so pull up a chair and have one with me. You buy.

      ~ Stephin

  10. Stephen, this is a new-to-me song, so I appreciate the introduction. I loved Jeannie C. Riley as a girl. I even saw her one time in person as a child in a local radio station in Virginia, I believe, or at least for some reason I've always thought it was her. These days, I cant's swear that it was her or no. Oh well, I just keep on believing it was her because you know it's nice to hold onto fond memories as such. Now, where was I? Oh yes, the battle. Both artists were great and as much as I like Jeannie I'm gonna give my vote to Mark Knopfier. I just like male voices better, I guess. :) Thanks for hosting the fun and for stopping by earlier!

    1. CAThy ~
      Thanks for your vote. Jeannie was born in Texas, so she was a Southern gal, and I'll bet that WAS her in the local radio station in Virginia.

      Fun Fact: In the 1970s, Jeannie became a Born-Again Christian and started recording Gospel songs.

      Now... if only you had voted for her, eh? ;o)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  11. And Stephen,

    You protly know this already but my vote is for Mark Knopfler. Jeannie C. Riley was interesting but Mark gets my vote for the guitar work. The live version is good but I prefer the album as a lot of good memories are tied to that album as well, probably before I met your sorry ass. Sultans of Swing was such a new sound at the time. A new sound for me anyway anyhow. This was an easy one, finally!

    1. ...AND POOH, THAT'S NOT ALL...

      Yep, I kinda had you figgered as a vote for Knopfler. I know how you like your mad dogs and Englishmen.

      Er... well, Mad Dog 20/20 and Olde English 800, anyway.

      Let's go by Stop And Stab, you can buy me a Buzz Bomb of Mickey's and I'll reciprocate by straightening out your life for ya.

      You, sir, were the Sultan of Swig!

      ~ And Stephen

    2. Sultan of Swig! I like that, about 30 years too late to be as funny as it might have been.

    3. Sure, I'm old and fat
      But still where it's at.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  12. Holy 1980's hair and make-up Batman! Jeannie can belt it but it's too country and I can't get away from the great guitar playing by Mark . He gets my vote hands down and I hope your magic 8 ball doesn't fail you

    1. BIRGIT ~
      But -- HOLY CONFUSION! -- I thought you were a huge fan of the '80s.

      Alright, got you down for the 'Geriatric Hair & No Make-Up' guy.

      Looks like the Magic 8-Ball is regaining itz credibility.

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. I do love the 80's but I also love classic rock and psychedelic rock, blues and the Sitar:)

    3. Oooh! The sitar! The day someone forms a band solely comprised of sitars and bagpipes, I will think I'd died and gone to Heaven. ...Er-- I mean, that "Other" place.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  13. I vote fer the one you got me figgered on votin' fer. YOU know who that is!

    The Magic Six-Ball says: "The Magic Eight Ball is Right." Funny... I never knew that the balls relied on each other that way. Kinda like the sports book at the Vegas casinos.

  14. Well, the Magic Six Ball is only Prescient-Elect... fer now!

  15. I'm not ready to vote yet. I did listen to both of these yesterday.

    Quick question for ya. Do I gots to vote on the live version by Knopfler? I considered listening to the studio version if I could factor it into my voting consideration. But if I can't (and you do make the rules) than I'll vote on this as it is.

    On my own battle... I think I've confused everyone with all the different ways they can vote over at my battle. I'm not even sure how to tally it now... hahaha.

    1. GIRL WONDER ~
      :-D Yeah, I think you went one level too far. In fact, that last one even threw me: I wasn't sure if I had to vote for the Annies as a group or the Franks as a group, or if I was meant to vote for ONE Annie or ONE Frank. I went with the latter option.

      My original thought was to use the Dire Straits original studio recording against Jeannie. But then when I found a number of live recordings of Knopfler doing it, I decided to keep it all on a level playing field by making it Live version vs. Live version.

      So, yep, these are yer two choices.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  16. I'm taking a blog break so please remove my name from the BOTB list for now.


  17. Well, howdy doodie, this has turned out to be an interesting choice o' tune-a-fied videography...well played, Bruh-dog; well played.

    Dire Straits was my JAM back in the day. Between Sultans of Swing and Money for Nothing, I have full Knopfler tenure...I wore my 45s down to about a 20 (ha ha).

    Dang it...you forced me to go all JEANNIE on this one. What will Mark K say? He will be sooooo disappointed in me.


    Shucks, he'll have to bear it. Voting for JCR. Thanks, brudder!

    1. DOC CHERDO ~
      I really, really dug the first two Dire Straits albums. I even still have those now on compact disc. But after the second, their style changed in a direction I didn't care for.

      I definitely LOVED the song 'MONEY FOR NOTHING' and wish I had a buck for every time I've quoted from it. (For me, that's one of those core MTV songs / videos I saw countless times.) But I really didn't like anything else I heard from them after the 2nd album, not even the hits.

      But Dire Straits is still in my collection, which is more than I can say for about 85% of what I used to listen to in my teen years.

      ~ Brudder DogG

  18. Tough battle McCarthy. After I listened on Day One to each of them once I was leaning Jeannie, but I had a feeling that it all might be tied in to the production quality of the two videos. Ya got apples and oranges here brudder. Less fair than live vs studio I think. Because if I'd only listened once, I'd have given Jeannie my vote and moved on. It was only that niggling feeling that I was judging one with an unfair advantage that kept me coming back.

    So, each has gotten another listen once each day. That disadvantage is more obvious with each spin. It's become very clear to me that Mark does this one better. If it had all the production value to it that Jeannie's recording received... well this would have been much easier.

    1. Dang, GIRL WONDER!
      Going into this Battle there were just two things I was absolutely, 100% sure of: Lee would vote for Knopfler, and you would vote for Jeannie.

      Lee voted Jeannie and you voted Knopfler.

      Did some mad scientist named Frankenfurter switch your brains?

      This is truly one of my biggest BOTB surprises ever.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  19. I bet you thought I wasn't gonna vote. Well, I almost forgot and since you only commented on one out of three of my last posts, I actually considered it, but then I said to myself; Self, you're not that kinda goil (I'll only scratch your back if you scratch mine.) I value friendship and loyalty far too much to stoop to THAT level.

    Anyway...I listened to both versions on the 15th (on my phone) and thought I'll come back later. I'm trying to get out of town and almost forgot to come back later, BUT here I is.

    You know I don't mind some twang, as a matter of fact, I really like 'older, genuine' country, but Jeannie C. Riley, not so much. Add to that this painful video ( I know, I know, that's not supposed to count). Seriously, what was with that marching kind of step she had going on there, it was making me nervous and I found it incredibly annoying.

    So...give Mark my vote times as many times as you'll let me vote. I've always liked that 'Dire Straits' sound and even with the poor quality recording, he doesn't fail to come through on this one.

      Since you're originally from Chicago, I'll let you vote 4 times. If you were dead, you'd get 8 votes.

      You say I only commented on one of your last 3 posts. BUT... why stop there? I commented on 2 of your last 4.

      Here's the thing: I always read every one of your posts, and I always comment unless it's about Leonard Cohen (whom I know next to nuttin' about), or unless it's about writing (IWSG-ish stuffs). I'm not an active writer, so unless something brilliant occurs to me to say, I have nuttin' to add to a "writerly" blog bit.

      On top of that, even before you met me I had grown sick to death of blogs dedicated to "writing about writing". Don't want to hear about loving one's characters, don't want to hear about killing off one's characters, don't want to hear about WIPs, don't want to hear about the newest submission contest, etc., etc., etc.

      Before you met me, I was constantly telling bloggers to quit writing about writing and just freakin' WRITE! I have since given up on that unwinnable battle.

      Writers gonna write... about writing.

      But thanks for your vote. And you were the only person to comment on Jeannie's "footwork". That's funny because I actually like every single thing about her performance... EXCEPT the footwork. I immediately noticed that also the first time I saw the video and it distracted me, too.

      It just seems very unnatural, as if she doesn't know what to do with her feet while she's singing. I'm sure that's not really the case because she sang for decades in front of both Country audiences and church folk. (She was a Born-Again Christian Gospel singer who, for awhile, even stopped performing 'HARPER VALLEY P.T.A.' because of her newfound religious convictions.)

      I'm sure her stage moves felt natural to her, but it is kind of weird to watch. Good catch, FAE!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  20. Hey Stephen T! My vote goes to Mark Knopfler! Just liked his version much better than ol' Jeannie C's!

      Another surprise. I had you figgered as a Jeannie voter.

      Oh well. At least the vote that really counted, you went in the direction I hoped you would. :o)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  21. Al Bondigas here. To be honest with you, this really isn't my kind of song. But, I guess I give a slight edge to Jeannie C. Riley. It certainly was great musicianship by Mark Knopfler and his band members, but I rule for Jeannie and her sexy voice. That's it!! That's my rulin'.

    1. Finally, I actually guessed one right. I figgered you'd be rulin' for Jeannie, seeing as how yer such a "Confident Heterosexual" kind of judge.

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. Well, I have been workin out.

    3. Ain't no "baby fat" on YOU!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  22. Jeannie C. Riley gets my vote, better recording cleaner sound than Mark, Granted Mark is great on guitar, the guitar on the second one rises to the task and the horns came through

  23. I hope I'm not too late! Eep. It's been one of those days, man. And weeks. And years. You know how it goes. So I'm gonna do two things today that might break the rules, but it's completely up to you whether you accept them or not.

    1) I'm gonna cast this anyway, and if it hasn't made the Mark because of the cutoff, I understand. This will just be in "spirit", then.

    I know the quality of Mark's recording isn't stellar, but his musicianship is awesome. Jeannie's got a killer voice, but Mark's music got me moving around in my chair. I easily cast a vote for him.

    2) If I may assume (and you know what they say about assuming), I have 0% doubt in my mind that Other B would pick Mark as well for those exact same reasons. I don't see him liking someone like Jeannie (just like I probably wouldn't listen to her outside of this contest). So if I might ASSuME, I am 100% certain Other B would vote for Mark, were he able.

    Again, if that's all in "spirit", that's completely okay. Just didn't want to miss this awesome battle.


  24. STMcC’s Vote On '2016, Nov. 15th: Battle Of The Bands'
    (Or, 'Mark Knopfler Vs. Jeannie C. Riley')
    And The Final Tally:

    Well, this was a pretty nice turnout and I thank y'all for taking the time to come by, listen, and vote.

    I must say, of all the BOTB installments I've put together (this was the 79th one) this had some of the most surprising votes of all.

    Some of your votes I guessed correctly:

    Yes, 6-B, your vote counted, and I included Other B's vote too because I also had 0% doubt he'd vote for Knopfler. I knew both your votes were in the bag for Mark.

    Nappy, Pooh, Sheboyganboy 6 -- I had your votes easily predicted also.

    But some votes that shocked the hell outta me because I was CERTAIN these folks would vote other than how they did were:

    Lee, Robin, Becky, and Mike.
    I'd have bet $10.00 on each of those votes for a total loss of $40.00. Sheesh!

    My own vote went to JEANNIE C. RILEY. Mark Knopfler's playing exhibited the dexterity of a virtuoso guitarist -- which he is. But his semi-mumbled vocals seemed so devoid of any real feeling -- let alone the fiery passion the lyrics call for -- that I feel he might as well have performed the song as an instrumental.

    While maybe not quite as musically impressive as Mark's backing band, Jeannie's group was tight (no musical slouches there). However, she really wins my vote on the basis of her strong, passionate vocal performance which I really enjoyed.

    This Battle took a dramatic turn. With 5 votes in, Jeannie had a 4-vote lead. It didn't last though, and the final tally was...

    Mark Knopfler = 14 votes
    Jeannie C. Riley = 8 votes

    And, yes, the Magic 8 Ball still has an unblemished record in predicting BOTB contests.

    Thanks again for being here, Everyone! And I sure hope you'll return for my DECEMBER 1st BOTB installment.

    The next one will be Christmas-themed, and it is going to have a very unique angle to it (what I call "A TWISTED BOTB"). I came up with this BOTB idea two and a half or three months ago, while driving to a restaurant, and I've been EAGERLY WAITING for December 1st so I could spring it on you. Conceptually, this is going to be one of my all-time favorite BOTB ideas. So, please try not to miss it.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

  25. Not only did you guess wrong on how I would vote, but you and I voted the same. Must be the Trump Effect.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Yes, I believe that President Trump can unify us. (:o)}

      ~ D-FensDogG

  26. I bet you knew I'd choose Mark Knopfler, Stephen. ☺ Your Dec. 1st battle sounds intriguing! Wouldn't miss it.

    1. DEBBIE ~
      Yep, I'd have guessed you as a Knopfler voter.

      Thanks! I appreciate your BOTB loyalty.

      I believe that even if people don't particularly like my Dec. 1st songs, they will still enjoy the concept behind the contest.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  27. Hi Stephen, Just dropped by to say I'm sorry that I missed the battle, but I'm glad you had such a nice turnout. I remember Barbra Eden starred in The Harper Valley PTA TV movie. Before I Dream ofJeannie she guest starred as a manicurist on the Andy Griffith Show. Of course you probably knew that, as you are also a trivia savant. Happy Thanksgiving!


    1. No problem, GEM JULIE! But thanks for stopping by to say hello.

      Yeah, that 'THE MANICURIST' episode might be in my TAGS Top Ten. Last weekend we watched 'FLOYD, THE GAY DECEIVER' and that one is probably in my Top 5ive.

      The quality of my life would be greatly diminished if there had never been TAGS.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  28. Ironically enough, my own vote surprised me.


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